So my highest lvl is 15 with Trinity, not sure if I should keep going. Is healing really a thing in this game, do you notice it in fights even? I am a support guy but it's not very fun imo.
I don't have a Trinity yet, so I can't really comment. I'm busy building an Oberon which should be done by tomorrow, which is apparently both offensive and defensive. He has a healing skill, Renewal, that I'm curious to check out.
Support classes like Vauban and Nova are totally important in higher-level content, I've found - and the right combo can really make short work of a lot of things, though one-shot rail Moas do pose a problem no matter what.
So much of the frame is dependant on mods, so I'm not sure if your Trinity is running the right mods yet. I'd hold off on any judgements until you hit 30 with Trinity - I hated Vauban until I hit 30 and had the room to put in more powerful mods, and now I love him.
But if you're finding levelling the Trinity a pain, swap to something else for a while until you can run the Trinity with some friends or pugs to power-level.
So I started playing this just recently on Xbox One, but if the PC GAF clan is barely functional, I take it that there's no GAF clan for the Xbox One? But do anyone have a suggestion for another clan to join?
Lephantis is one of the easiest bosses to kill IMO.Why do Vauban Chassis always come up when I'm either in school or asleep? Why DE whyyyyy?!
Speaking as a person who primarily only plays with my partner - is it feasible to strive to build Limbo from the quest, or does it require a four-player team to grind out? I've heard there is a lot of quests involved.
Also: is Lephantis difficult to kill for a team of two who can usually handle up to T2-T3?
We're usually either Valkyr + Frost or Valkyr + Rhino.
One of the recent Bombcasts got me interested in at least trying this out...
Are there any good "getting started" guides?
I used this myself:
And this:
Beyond that, the game has a decent opening tutorial now that should get you up and running for the most part. If you have any questions, I can try to answer them here.
The biggest hump I've had to get over is the camera and the constant "up close" zoom (like Dead Space I guess). It's not terrible, but it's definitely hard to get used to.
Platinum is down 33% on consoles this week, so I decided to get some. I guess you should probably only spend it on inventory slots and potatoes though?
Also, rank up mission. I tried it not knowing what it was. Turns out, failing means you have to wait 24 hours to try again. Cool.
Controls are OK, but holy shit are things cluttered on a keyboard. I imagine a controller would be more fun, but I prefer the precise aiming of mouse. The biggest hump I've had to get over is the camera and the constant "up close" zoom (like Dead Space I guess). It's not terrible, but it's definitely hard to get used to.
Anyone who wants a friend to play with can add me. Nicoga3000
I think frame and weapon slots are most important. I've not spent any on potatoes yet, since I keep finding blueprints to build them. Rare, but they do drop.
You can at least increase the FOV in the options, which pulls the camera back a lot so you're not trying to see past your own head.
Yea i found out about the rank lockout the hard ways as well hahah.
Also i feel you get used to the keyboard buttons after a while (although that might be myself remembering shooter controls like Quake and UT again)
And i'll add you when i'm at home (i'm called 123Space).
So I decided to buy a gun (the 25k credit one) instead of the bow...I like it a LOT more.
Regarding weapon levels/ranks, what do they max out at? Should I bother leveling everything up?
If you kill something, the XP is split between yourself and the weapon used. When someone else gets the kill, it's evenly split across your frame and every weapon equipped. Which means if you want to level something even faster, you can remove some of your weapons to change the XP split from 25% to 33% or 50%.Alright thanks. Do I only get XP for it if I use it in a mission, or can I have it equipped and ignore it? Like, if I want to level my primary, can I run the whole mission using melee/secondary and still rank up my primary?
Meanwhile: Oberon is growing on me. Leveling a Soma and Tysis to match with him.
Discovered the joy of Oberon. When you get just the right cycle of killing things and orbs dropping, it's like nothing can bother you.
I have a few questions that hopefully I can get some help with!
- Is the GAF clan still active in any way?
- When running quests, should I be exploring for loot, or is it more efficient to just speed through the quest?
- On my starchart, there's a bunch of symbols on various quests. Circls, stars, weird ship looking things...What are all of those?
- Is there a good introduction to fusing mods/cards/whatever they are?
Thanks! I was being carried by some folks doing the Infestation stuff yesterday...I basically used my Volt lightning ability, shot a few bullets into the fray, and let them take care of the rest. Got some decent XP out of it I think?
Also managed to finish the first rank mission! It felt impossible with the bow, so I switched over to the 25k credit primary gun you can buy...Made it a lot easier.
I have a few questions that hopefully I can get some help with!
- Is the GAF clan still active in any way?
- When running quests, should I be exploring for loot, or is it more efficient to just speed through the quest?
- On my starchart, there's a bunch of symbols on various quests. Circls, stars, weird ship looking things...What are all of those?
- Is there a good introduction to fusing mods/cards/whatever they are?
Faction conflicts - where you side with either Corpus or Grineer and do that mission node 5 times for their respective battle pay, if the faction you sided with wins you get the battle pay and vice-versa. One thing to note about doing this, if you side with Corpus you sometimes are marked for assassination by the Grustag 3 (very nasty squad of three mini-bosses that drop a very good end-game side-arm), if you side with the Grineer you sometimes are marked for harvest by the Zanuka Hunter (drops a good side-arm as well if defeated, but if you're captured you're forced into a special escape mission)
Mods are super important. Serration boosts each type of damage on your primary weapon. There's other mods that add elemental damage too. You get a 'cracked' version of some staple mods but they're really lackluster. Fully leveled cracked Serration (+40%) is worth less than a rank 3 out of 10 regular Serration (+45%). I'm not sure I have any spares at the moment to give.What's the deal with weapon damage? My weapons are doing so shit compared to other players I feel like I'm missing something. My weapons are rank 30 and still do shit compared to others.
Yisss, got the last Oberon blueprint I needed.
What's the deal with weapon damage? My weapons are doing so shit compared to other players I feel like I'm missing something. My weapons are rank 30 and still do shit compared to others.
Mods are super important. Serration boosts each type of damage on your primary weapon. There's other mods that add elemental damage too. You get a 'cracked' version of some staple mods but they're really lackluster. Fully leveled cracked Serration (+40%) is worth less than a rank 3 out of 10 regular Serration (+45%). I'm not sure I have any spares at the moment to give.
The mods you load them up with, and the type (and order), can make a huge difference versus specific enemies. For things with shield, you want cold+elec = magnetic, for Infested you want heat, etc. I forget all the little combinations, but you can do things like heat + poison = toxic gas, etc.
This may be a dumb question, but have you been ranking up your mods, by combining those that are the same, or with Fusion Cores?
This may be a dumb question, but have you been ranking up your mods, by combining those that are the same, or with Fusion Cores?
Yeah I've been ranking them up. I can take a pic if you want.
I'd say, keep levelling your weapons until at least one of them hits 30 - that makes it easier to level new lower-level stuff, because at least then you can kill things.
I have a rank 30 Braton that I use when switching to a fresh frame, or fresh melee/secondary. Makes a big difference.
Nova is an incredible frame, a bit weak until you buff her HP and Shield, but her Molecular Priming ability makes short work of large groups of enemies easily. It really depends on how comfortable you feel spending money already, or if you want to wait a bit and see how you feel in a few weeks.
I don't have a Mag yet myself, so I can't really comment on that.