Another new player set of questions here...
- Should I work on unlocking all the locations or leveling up frames/weapons? Volt is 30 and I started on Nova Prime, but I also wonder if I shouldn't stick with Volt to get the other planets opened up?
- Regarding above, for leveling, are there generally accepted "good" missions to run early on to get some ranks on fresh equipment?
- This is silly, but is there a good quick reference for what elements to bring with for various planets/missions? Seems like it would get REALLY tedious having to respec guns every time you want to run a new mission.
- Mods! I'm guessing better mods start dropping on later planets?
Thanks guys.
Volt is great with a duration and strength build for his electric shield and can easily let you clear most of the star chart. Rhino is good if you need to solo some of the later planets since I've found there aren't too many players on some planets and you usually end up resorting to soloing. I would also level up Nova since she is a great damage dealing/cc frame to play with but a little more squishy than the other two. Although this is dependent on you leveling up the mods listed below to increase you defensive capabilities and damage output.
You want to unlock as much of the star chart as possible since you then get access to alerts, invasions and nightmare mode instead of having to beg in recruit for a taxi to them. With nightmare mode which give you access to nightmare mods stick with venus since the mod rewards are the same on all nightmare nodes,
For early safe leveling of equipment the Dark Sector Defense on Earth (Coba I think) is great since you can climb up the walls and get through the waves unscathed. But, the kings of equipment leveling are the interception rep farm maps Draco on Ceres and Cereberus on Pluto. You can level up a weapon/frame from 0 - 30 in 4 waves.
You have 3 mod layouts for each weapon/frame so you can quite easily mod weapons for all 3 factions in 1 go and then just switch load outs instantly. I have A for Grineer (Puncture weapon with Radiation and Viral) B for Corpus (Impact with Magnetic and Toxin) and C for Infested/Corrupted. Slash, Gas and Electric for Infested, Puncture, Blast and Corrosive for Corrupted. Just bring the correct load out for which ever faction you will be fighting against on a planet.
Yes later levels tend to give you better mods. Although you only really need to focus on getting a handful of mods. For frames these are: Redirection, Vitality, Intensify, Continuity, Stretch, Streamline, Flow. Weapons: Serration, Hornet Strike, Elemental Mods, Split Chamber, Speed Trigger, Lethal Torrent and Faction Damage Mods.
With these mods you'll be able to start the higher end content and begin farming the advanced mods (Nightmare/Corrupted mods) which allow you to mod for end game content (T4).