• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.


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Are you in a clan?

We should totally make a clan since we both play enough, haha.

Not currently.

And while that idea sounds really cool it seems you have to place a lot of effort to build it up and stuff (like research, doing the dojo layout, etc).

Still its really tempting lol.

Also sorry for jumping in one of your sessions like that without warning (and had that low level mk1-braton too) haha


Saint Nic
Not currently.

And while that idea sounds really cool it seems you have to place a lot of effort to build it up and stuff (like research, doing the dojo layout, etc).

Still its really tempting lol.

Also sorry for jumping in one of your sessions like that without warning (and had that low level mk1-braton too) haha

Pssh - the more the merrier!

And I just want to be in a clan for the benefits...If there's one out there that I can be part of without having to do the leg work, I'm down with that, too. But the GAF one appears to either be inactive or gone entirely?


Was really thinking of just selling MK1-Braton to make space but i caved and bought more space with the small amount of platinum i initially got (still kinda salty that i wasted near half of it on "idiot" tax aka refilling the revives :/). Will just max it then sell afterwords since i already made my bed.

IIRC a clan member with powers to recruit can send invites so just give your username in here and one of them should see it.

Username is MatthewX5000


I'm on pretty much everyday, and will gladly do a little housekeeping in the clan, if I get invite privileges. And always up for helping people if they need it, time and alerts willing.
Pssh - the more the merrier!

And I just want to be in a clan for the benefits...If there's one out there that I can be part of without having to do the leg work, I'm down with that, too. But the GAF one appears to either be inactive or gone entirely?

Yea but it seems i got disconnected or something after the mission ended lol.

Anyways was trying to get that damn kerbow egg but damn RNG God was not kind last night.


Update 15.11

Wyrmius, the most anticipated Warframe-themed; side-scrolling mini game of the year is here!

Use Wyrm’s signature laser rifle to blast through increasingly challenging enemies in this Sentinel-based space shooter.

To play, visit your Arsenal and Equip Wyrm. Visit ‘Appearance’ and select the ‘W’ loadout at the top of the screen. Could it be any simpler? Yes, yes it could be but it’s not.

Ember Changes:
Base Stamina increased to 150.
Base armour increased to 100 (125 for Ember Prime)
Movement Speed increase.
Fire Blast has had a mechanic added. In addition to placing a ring of fire on casting location, it will now also generate a growing wall of fire (like the Arson Eximus ability).

World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain 5 energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods).

World on Fire has had its casting time reduced.
Time to bust out the Wyrm and Ember again. Fire wall sounds useful. Way better than the small stun on Accelerant.


A nice upgrade from the MK1-Braton is just the Braton. But if you want to take it a step further, the Karak or the Boltor are also great choices.

Rhino is a very good frame for a beginner (I am still a beginner, but I just finished building Oberon and Valkyr today) and will take you where you want.

Hi Alien.

The regular Braton is the one i just leveled. Going for the Karak if i can ever find neurodes. After that it's time to farm for the Rhino. Game is a bit grindy but still having fun.



Saint Nic
Man, got in with a clan and ran some T1 Defense stuff. Got my Soma Prime and Vasto Prime from 1 -> 13/14 after a few runs. Definitely see where the fun of the "end game" stuff comes in.
Man, got in with a clan and ran some T1 Defense stuff. Got my Soma Prime and Vasto Prime from 1 -> 13/14 after a few runs. Definitely see where the fun of the "end game" stuff comes in.

Was on the other end of the spectrum where all i'm seeing most of the time is a fucking disco light of colors and shit's dying everywhere but still i'm shooting and chopping LOL.

Those dudes were fucking broken. :p

Money was good also (near 20k for just the first extraction)


Saint Nic
Another new player set of questions here...

  • Should I work on unlocking all the locations or leveling up frames/weapons? Volt is 30 and I started on Nova Prime, but I also wonder if I shouldn't stick with Volt to get the other planets opened up?
  • Regarding above, for leveling, are there generally accepted "good" missions to run early on to get some ranks on fresh equipment?
  • This is silly, but is there a good quick reference for what elements to bring with for various planets/missions? Seems like it would get REALLY tedious having to respec guns every time you want to run a new mission.
  • Mods! I'm guessing better mods start dropping on later planets?
Thanks guys. :)


Neo Member
Another new player set of questions here...

  • Should I work on unlocking all the locations or leveling up frames/weapons? Volt is 30 and I started on Nova Prime, but I also wonder if I shouldn't stick with Volt to get the other planets opened up?
  • Regarding above, for leveling, are there generally accepted "good" missions to run early on to get some ranks on fresh equipment?
  • This is silly, but is there a good quick reference for what elements to bring with for various planets/missions? Seems like it would get REALLY tedious having to respec guns every time you want to run a new mission.
  • Mods! I'm guessing better mods start dropping on later planets?
Thanks guys. :)

Volt is great with a duration and strength build for his electric shield and can easily let you clear most of the star chart. Rhino is good if you need to solo some of the later planets since I've found there aren't too many players on some planets and you usually end up resorting to soloing. I would also level up Nova since she is a great damage dealing/cc frame to play with but a little more squishy than the other two. Although this is dependent on you leveling up the mods listed below to increase you defensive capabilities and damage output.

You want to unlock as much of the star chart as possible since you then get access to alerts, invasions and nightmare mode instead of having to beg in recruit for a taxi to them. With nightmare mode which give you access to nightmare mods stick with venus since the mod rewards are the same on all nightmare nodes,

For early safe leveling of equipment the Dark Sector Defense on Earth (Coba I think) is great since you can climb up the walls and get through the waves unscathed. But, the kings of equipment leveling are the interception rep farm maps Draco on Ceres and Cereberus on Pluto. You can level up a weapon/frame from 0 - 30 in 4 waves.

You have 3 mod layouts for each weapon/frame so you can quite easily mod weapons for all 3 factions in 1 go and then just switch load outs instantly. I have A for Grineer (Puncture weapon with Radiation and Viral) B for Corpus (Impact with Magnetic and Toxin) and C for Infested/Corrupted. Slash, Gas and Electric for Infested, Puncture, Blast and Corrosive for Corrupted. Just bring the correct load out for which ever faction you will be fighting against on a planet.

Yes later levels tend to give you better mods. Although you only really need to focus on getting a handful of mods. For frames these are: Redirection, Vitality, Intensify, Continuity, Stretch, Streamline, Flow. Weapons: Serration, Hornet Strike, Elemental Mods, Split Chamber, Speed Trigger, Lethal Torrent and Faction Damage Mods.

With these mods you'll be able to start the higher end content and begin farming the advanced mods (Nightmare/Corrupted mods) which allow you to mod for end game content (T4).


Dropped 20 on the game last night since I'd put about 10 hours into the game and felt that to be a fair amount for right now. I bought those dual wield revolvers that look like signal shot pistols. They are tight and shred fools up, though the reload speed is really slow which I'm hoping to get some cards to fix that. With the credits I got I bought a Warframe blueprint I think it was the gas one, in the blue print the components are all the pieces to that frame. My question is where do I find the helmet, chassis and all that jazz?
Volt is great with a duration and strength build for his electric shield and can easily let you clear most of the star chart. Rhino is good if you need to solo some of the later planets since I've found there aren't too many players on some planets and you usually end up resorting to soloing. I would also level up Nova since she is a great damage dealing/cc frame to play with but a little more squishy than the other two.

Yea this was happening a lot before i started to add people/get assistance, even now on Venus there are plenty missions that have 0 squads unless its some special stuff going on there or the boss battle.

Due to the missions i did yesterday i got enough funds to start cooking the components for Rhino so its nice to know he could be great help in soloing some of those early planets (especially since i still consider myself a beginner).

Your info on the loadouts for the faction types was also appreciated since i heard about which damage attribute affected each faction but not the elemental versions. I will use the loadouts/config options more like that going forward.

Is there a way to know who drops what stuff in game or do I have to go to a faq?

Faq or another player telling you i would guess.

Or just go with the flow and see what a boss drops, then farm them to get everything else :p


I'm not sure I'd expect low MR users to be able to contribute to a rep farm team on Draco/Cerberus interceptions. Those usually require specific builds for nuking the entire map.

Kappa on Sedna is pretty popular for casual equipment leveling. Kiste on Ceres being a bit harder but worth more exp. Both of these are mobile defense missions rather than interceptions, which encourages the team to stay together and can revive each other sooner.


Neo Member
I'm not sure I'd expect low MR users to be able to contribute to a rep farm team on Draco/Cerberus interceptions. Those usually require specific builds for nuking the entire map.

Kappa on Sedna is pretty popular for casual equipment leveling. Kiste on Ceres being a bit harder but worth more exp. Both of these are mobile defense missions rather than interceptions, which encourages the team to stay together and can revive each other sooner.

Sorry, my post wasn't clear. I listed Coba as an early node to level equipment on for low MR players. Akkad is also good since it has several safe spots.

I only mentioned the rep farm maps for future reference. Although, having said that you only really need 2 frames to farm Cerberus. An EV Build Trinity and Mirage modded for for range and damage. Her prism ability will annihilate the entire map, I find the rock formation in the center of the map the best location to spam 4. So, if you can find players willing to carry you, it could be possible to do for a low MR player. Otherwise, like you said, it's not for low MR.


Yea this was happening a lot before i started to add people/get assistance, even now on Venus there are plenty missions that have 0 squads unless its some special stuff going on there or the boss battle.

Due to the missions i did yesterday i got enough funds to start cooking the components for Rhino so its nice to know he could be great help in soloing some of those early planets (especially since i still consider myself a beginner).

Your info on the loadouts for the faction types was also appreciated since i heard about which damage attribute affected each faction but not the elemental versions. I will use the loadouts/config options more like that going forward.

Faq or another player telling you i would guess.

Or just go with the flow and see what a boss drops, then farm them to get everything else :p
So can I kill the bosses multiple times in one day or is there a daily limit or anything?
So can I kill the bosses multiple times in one day or is there a daily limit or anything?

Nope just go to your'e hearts content or until you get tired of the RNG God giving you the middle finger. :p

No limit, although you might reach the limits of your patience if you get a bad run with RNG drops.


Though to be fair the RNG God hasn't been bad with those boss dropped warframe components (although it helps that its a guaranteed drop, just which one of them you are gonna get) but that fucking Egg on the other hand...


Neo Member
LOL. That Kubrow egg is super rare. I've heard that E.Prime on Earth is supposed to have the best chance of dropping it. Never really bothered to farm for it, love my Carrier way too much.

I remember farming for Nova back when I first started and didn't know much about the game. I would take me 10 - 20 mins to beat the boss and I must have run it about 35 times before I got all the parts for Nova.

In case you guys don't know about it http://warframe-builder.com is a great site to find info on Warframe and Weapon builds and compare weapons.
LOL. That Kubrow egg is super rare. I've heard that E.Prime on Earth is supposed to have the best chance of dropping it. Never really bothered to farm for it, love my Carrier way too much.

Yea the quest mission itself is marked to E-Prime but even then its up to RNG God. :(

will keep trying and also carriers are a bit expensive for me right now (more likely later on).

Also in that response to farming bosses i forgot about Stalker since he's a deterrent (watch out for that email lol) but the chances of him spawning are really pretty low apparently and he spawns in other places/missions. When he does appear good luck.


So I started this last Saturday and for now I am having a lot of fun.
Build my Boltor yesterday and today my last part for the Rhino Warframe will be finished. Interested to see how I like him. For now I played with Excalibur as my starter frame. I think I will try to finish the Archwing quest line and fill up some of the missing quest left on Earth and Mercury.


Saint Nic
Omnomnom good night last night.

First off, I gotta say that playing with a group of people (or even just being on a Teamspeak server bullshitting with other players) makes this game even more fun. The social side of this game is fantastic. It's also nice because some of the people in my clan have been playing Warframe for a LONG time, so they're really helpful in terms of mechanics or how to move forward and make progress. Also nice to have a group to help run hard missions quick.

Volt, Braton, Mk-1 Kunai, and Mk-1 Bo are max. I decided to just suck it up and get it done. Is there any reason to keep these things around? If I did sell them and decided to get them back one day, do they come back at max level? Or would I have to suffer through leveling them again? I may just spend some of my platinum on slots so I can keep everything...

Working on the Nova Prime pack stuff now...Soma Prime is a BEAST. I love this gun. The Vasto Prime is also pretty ridiculous. My current issue is how to level my frame efficiently. When working on progress, I just equip Volt again and storm through the missions...His ult is awesome, and the energy shield is an excellent "oh shit" button when opening a door full of enemies. Chain lightning is also clutch. However this means I'm NOT leveling Nova Prime. I probably need to farm the correct defense mission for my level.

I also will be done crafting my Archwing tomorrow! Got the final things necessary to craft the systems, so they'll be done today. After that, it's onto the final step! Also working on Ember and Valk crafting. I managed to get all the parts for Ember thanks to farming Saturn boss last night. However, I was doing a lot of 0 damage to him. Thankfully my teammates knew what they were doing.

This game is starting to eat my time up, and I like it. Probably going to use my plat to buy Wyrm this weekend so I have access to Wyrmius. :3
For the people close to getting their Rhino - level him to 30 and then put as much Power Range mods on as you can, then go to a low level area, run into a room and hit your Stomp.

You'll thank me later.
Omnomnom good night last night.

First off, I gotta say that playing with a group of people (or even just being on a Teamspeak server bullshitting with other players) makes this game even more fun. The social side of this game is fantastic. It's also nice because some of the people in my clan have been playing Warframe for a LONG time, so they're really helpful in terms of mechanics or how to move forward and make progress. Also nice to have a group to help run hard missions quick.

Volt, Braton, Mk-1 Kunai, and Mk-1 Bo are max. I decided to just suck it up and get it done. Is there any reason to keep these things around? If I did sell them and decided to get them back one day, do they come back at max level? Or would I have to suffer through leveling them again? I may just spend some of my platinum on slots so I can keep everything...

Working on the Nova Prime pack stuff now...Soma Prime is a BEAST. I love this gun. The Vasto Prime is also pretty ridiculous. My current issue is how to level my frame efficiently. When working on progress, I just equip Volt again and storm through the missions...His ult is awesome, and the energy shield is an excellent "oh shit" button when opening a door full of enemies. Chain lightning is also clutch. However this means I'm NOT leveling Nova Prime. I probably need to farm the correct defense mission for my level.

I also will be done crafting my Archwing tomorrow! Got the final things necessary to craft the systems, so they'll be done today. After that, it's onto the final step! Also working on Ember and Valk crafting. I managed to get all the parts for Ember thanks to farming Saturn boss last night. However, I was doing a lot of 0 damage to him. Thankfully my teammates knew what they were doing.

This game is starting to eat my time up, and I like it. Probably going to use my plat to buy Wyrm this weekend so I have access to Wyrmius. :3

So you finally got them, i forgot to ask the last time since you were busy. :p

Wasn't on much last night due to other stuff but i logged in for a bit to claim the stuff i built. Also something potentially interesting happened but i will have to follow up on it some more first.

Will try my luck with that egg again and get that damn MK1- Braton to full level so i can ditch it with no regrets while starting my new stuff (that's already built and ready). Might just run around with only the MK-1 so it can get more of the exp split.

For the people close to getting their Rhino - level him to 30 and then put as much Power Range mods on as you can, then go to a low level area, run into a room and hit your Stomp.

You'll thank me later.


Seems the Rhino club might be getting more members since a few here are building him apparently (even in the PS4 thread the last time i checked he was being recommended)


Neo Member
Omnomnom good night last night.

First off, I gotta say that playing with a group of people (or even just being on a Teamspeak server bullshitting with other players) makes this game even more fun. The social side of this game is fantastic. It's also nice because some of the people in my clan have been playing Warframe for a LONG time, so they're really helpful in terms of mechanics or how to move forward and make progress. Also nice to have a group to help run hard missions quick.

Volt, Braton, Mk-1 Kunai, and Mk-1 Bo are max. I decided to just suck it up and get it done. Is there any reason to keep these things around? If I did sell them and decided to get them back one day, do they come back at max level? Or would I have to suffer through leveling them again? I may just spend some of my platinum on slots so I can keep everything...

Working on the Nova Prime pack stuff now...Soma Prime is a BEAST. I love this gun. The Vasto Prime is also pretty ridiculous. My current issue is how to level my frame efficiently. When working on progress, I just equip Volt again and storm through the missions...His ult is awesome, and the energy shield is an excellent "oh shit" button when opening a door full of enemies. Chain lightning is also clutch. However this means I'm NOT leveling Nova Prime. I probably need to farm the correct defense mission for my level.

I also will be done crafting my Archwing tomorrow! Got the final things necessary to craft the systems, so they'll be done today. After that, it's onto the final step! Also working on Ember and Valk crafting. I managed to get all the parts for Ember thanks to farming Saturn boss last night. However, I was doing a lot of 0 damage to him. Thankfully my teammates knew what they were doing.

This game is starting to eat my time up, and I like it. Probably going to use my plat to buy Wyrm this weekend so I have access to Wyrmius. :3

Since you got Prime Access you can just sell those weapons since you won't be coming back to them again. I would build either Orthos, Bo, Atterax or Dual Ether. All of them are great low MR melee weapons. Any weapons you rebuy/rebuild will start at 0.

Platinum is best spent on slots for Frames/Weapons and cosmetics which are the only items you can't get in-game. If you really need them Orokin Reactor/Catalyst are ok.

The Saturn Boss has invincibility phases, you have to shoot him when he opens his armor to cool off after large attacks. You can tell when he is vunerable as he will vent blue gas, the first is the large tank on his shoulder, the second on his back and the final one on his chest.

Using Volt is fine, since Nova doesn't become viable before level 10. Once is she tho, drop a Molecular Prime (4) on a group of enemies, shoot an Antimatter Drop (2) and pump it full of ammo for a 4x damage boost, then watch the screen fill with explosions when it hits an enemy. Because your killing them with a Warframe skill Nova will get 100% exp for the kill and you will be able to level her very quickly.


Saint Nic
Since you got Prime Access you can just sell those weapons since you won't be coming back to them again. I would build either Orthos, Bo, Atterax or Dual Ether. All of them are great low MR melee weapons. Any weapons you rebuy/rebuild will start at 0.

Platinum is best spent on slots for Frames/Weapons and cosmetics which are the only items you can't get in-game. If you really need them Orokin Reactor/Catalyst are ok.

The Saturn Boss has invincibility phases, you have to shoot him when he opens his armor to cool off after large attacks. You can tell when he is vunerable as he will vent blue gas, the first is the large tank on his shoulder, the second on his back and the final one on his chest.

Using Volt is fine, since Nova doesn't become viable before level 10. Once is she tho, drop a Molecular Prime (4) on a group of enemies, shoot an Antimatter Drop (2) and pump it full of ammo for a 4x damage boost, then watch the screen fill with explosions when it hits an enemy. Because your killing them with a Warframe skill Nova will get 100% exp for the kill and you will be able to level her very quickly.

I need to add you as a friend if I haven't already. Thank you for all your info!

I was actually going to ask about how to use Nova's abilities. Sounds like she'll get legit soon (I think I got her to 8 yesterday running one of the defense missions).

I'll check into other melee options. I'm leveling Heat Sword at the moment, but mostly because that was built before Cronus finished up. I also noticed that there's an event going on for a new stance or something? Are things like that one time only, or will it pop up again? I'm still working through getting the star chart opened up entirely, so I don't know if I'll get there in time, haha.


Is there any point to keeping the Chronus? I read on reddit that it's become somewhat rare or something but it's just taking space.


Is there any point to keeping the Chronus? I read on reddit that it's become somewhat rare or something but it's just taking space.

Cronus only drops when you defeat Vor the first time if I remember right. So selling it would be parting with it forever. If you're a collector keep it, otherwise it's just not as good as the other one-handed swords.

Quick rundown on what elements to run against the three factions that I use;
-Corrosive (toxin+electricity) to melt through Grineer armor since their heavy units pack quite a bit of it
-Magnetic (cold+electricity) is great against the Corpus shields well
-For Infested it's a bit trickier now with their new units, they will swarm you like crazy in late levels. For them I usually use; corrosive (for their Ancient units it's a bonus +75% damage) and heat. Sometimes I will run radiation/viral (radiation helps turn enemies against one another and viral decreases max HP by 50%) with a high status proc weapon with a piercing mod to provide some sort of control over the crazy infested hordes.


I died on an extraction mission last night and watched a Warframe that looked liked it had a top hat long coat and flared bell bottoms it was super funky in the best way possible, hats off to the art direction in this game.


Saint Nic
So you finally got them, i forgot to ask the last time since you were busy. :p

Wasn't on much last night due to other stuff but i logged in for a bit to claim the stuff i built. Also something potentially interesting happened but i will have to follow up on it some more first.

Will try my luck with that egg again and get that damn MK1- Braton to full level so i can ditch it with no regrets while starting my new stuff (that's already built and ready). Might just run around with only the MK-1 so it can get more of the exp split.

Yeah, we farmed some T1 stuff and I finally got the stuff to drop that I needed.

And one of the guys in my clan just got his (second) egg. The upkeep on a Kubrow is such that I really don't think I want one right now. One of my clan mates said he figures about 25k credits a day. I guess that's not bad, but right now, I've only got ~150k credits, and crafting is my current priority.


The Void Trader is at the Kronia Relay in Saturn for people who have traded in Prime parts for Ducats. Here's what he's offering for 48 hours;

I like the Gorgon, but you get Ducats by trading in Prime components. So expect to run a lot of T4 Void Missions. You get, on average, about 50 Ducats (one prime component) per run.


Neo Member
Cronus only drops when you defeat Vor the first time if I remember right. So selling it would be parting with it forever. If you're a collector keep it, otherwise it's just not as good as the other one-handed swords.

Quick rundown on what elements to run against the three factions that I use;
-Corrosive (toxin+electricity) to melt through Grineer armor since their heavy units pack quite a bit of it
-Magnetic (cold+electricity) is great against the Corpus shields well
-For Infested it's a bit trickier now with their new units, they will swarm you like crazy in late levels. For them I usually use; corrosive (for their Ancient units it's a bonus +75% damage) and heat. Sometimes I will run radiation/viral (radiation helps turn enemies against one another and viral decreases max HP by 50%) with a high status proc weapon with a piercing mod to provide some sort of control over the crazy infested hordes.

That's some good info,thanks for sharing. If your using a high status chance weapon such as Amprex or Torid, you would mod with status procs in mind, However if your using weapons with low status chance, then I would make a few changes if you want to maximise the damage you do per shot.

For Grineer - go with Radation for +75% Damage against Elite Lancers, Eviscerators, Bombards, Napalms, Grineer bosses. Generally, these units are the ones which will give you the most trouble. And Viral for +75% Damage against all humanoid Grineer. This combo will give you +150% damage bonus vs +75% for corrosive alone.

For Corpus add Toxin to go alongside Magnetic since it bypasses shields and gives +50% damage to flesh.

For Infested - Slash, Corrosive and Blast will give you +150% damage against Mutalist and Ancient Infested.

The following wiki link will help give more in-depth information on which Elemental combo you need to use with each faction: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0

nicoga3000 - I'm current taking a break from Warframe for 6 months at least, so you can add me ingame id is M09482, although you won't see me for a good while.


Seems the Rhino club might be getting more members since a few here are building him apparently (even in the PS4 thread the last time i checked he was being recommended)

I read that Rhino is a good character for your second Warframe, but in my case it was more of an "accident". I went to the Jackal for the Nav Segments, wasn't aware that he drops the Rhino part blueprints. As it was a good and fast group we killed him a few more times and I had all three blueprints after four kills or so. After that it was just farming for the materials to build them.


I want to build the Rhino, but I never get the third part. I mean, I have like 6 helmets and 7 chassises, but no systems yet. Though having recently gotten all Nyx parts from some Invasion runs, I guess I'm not in that a hurry to get it.


Neo Member
I read that Rhino is a good character for your second Warframe, but in my case it was more of an "accident". I went to the Jackal for the Nav Segments, wasn't aware that he drops the Rhino part blueprints. As it was a good and fast group we killed him a few more times and I had all three blueprints after four kills or so. After that it was just farming for the materials to build them.

Rhino is considered a good beginner frame since his Iron skin ability adds an extra layer of protection. At rank 3 it gives you 1200 ferrite armor bonus, which allows shields to recharge, prevents knockdown and protects against status effects for only 50 energy. This gives low MR players a good safety net until they can get their defensive mods Redirection and Vitality up to rank 7+.

In addition to this he has Roar which boosts weapon and ability damage by up to 50% for you and all nearby frames. If that wasn't enough, he also has a great CC ability Stomp, which if it doesn't outright kill all enemies in a 25m radius will slow them down by 97% for 8 secs,
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