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anyone do the newest event? was thinking about reinstalling to do it but looking at the forms... does not seem like its worth the hassle/its a big hassle.

the mod pack seems alright if you are a fan of impact damage (or you wanna sell them after the event is over) and you get another vandal weapon but man the event itself can be a real drag.

It takes like 5 minutes or more to transfer the data and you have to be quick on killing it before it realizes the dupe as well. So make sure you have stuff to talk to your squad about in the meanwhile (lol) and enough damage to take it out when the time arises.

Also as you gather more points the Bursa and its protection crew increases in level so you have to deal with that as well. Luckily they made changes to the score calculation so you now can get a decent amount if its that high (before that change the maximum was 100 points for each run regardless of level).

If you can get a good squad going you should be able to get the 1500 quickly with those high level ones.
grrr guess i will reinstall it for this. I deleted it 2 weeks ago, and soon as they did they announced this event which had the mods ive been waiting for of course lol. Hope I can get it done competently.
grrr guess i will reinstall it for this. I deleted it 2 weeks ago, and soon as they did they announced this event which had the mods ive been waiting for of course lol. Hope I can get it done competently.

impact damage fan? cool

Might as well since the event will be over soon :p

Also use the lowest level offering since its apparently faster to transfer (but also faster to verify)

And read this to get up to speed quickly on the event

thanks for the tips, started redownloading now @.@ gonna try and knock this out in a night and get back to my backlog. Warframe seriously hindered my progress in it lol.

-edit- got it done. Not super hard, but also not super interesting lol. Oh well.
Forsooth! I am now an Overlord of the clan again.

I've placed transporters in the Dojo. One just outside each lab, one in the dueling room, and one just outside the obstacle course. Also added two trading posts on either side of the 2nd floor of the main hall.

Lastly, we're researching an orange pigment. If you feel up to it, kill some Arid Eviscerators for them pigments!
Still waiting on that PM :p

Also, I absolutely love the new Grineer tileset.

It has such an Unreal Tournament vibe to it.

too bad the event around it came to a screeching halt :/

its a nice teaser at least and fighting Tyl eventually (even though i dont want to due to this current event lol) could be fun


lotta black folks here
Anybody happen to be around tonight on PC that might be interested in helping me get to the Orcus Relay from Hydra on Pluto? Been sitting trying to find a group via matchmaking forever with no luck. IGN is cop3rnicus. Thanks.
Holy shit this Excalibur rework. Golden boy is completely new, refreshed, and incredible. Building for efficiency and a huge energy pool.

Probably the big change I'm most impressed with is the Radial Blind adjustment. He doesn't do some dopey pose that locks him into the animation for a long time, but now can get away without using Natural Talent.


Holy shit this Excalibur rework. Golden boy is completely new, refreshed, and incredible. Building for efficiency and a huge energy pool.

Probably the big change I'm most impressed with is the Radial Blind adjustment. He doesn't do some dopey pose that locks him into the animation for a long time, but now can get away without using Natural Talent.

Agreed, his rework is pretty much and was really needed. Managed to do a few trades and got enough plat to grab the proto-armor skin before it gets locked away again. Definitely will be going into exterminates more with him.
Holy shit this Excalibur rework. Golden boy is completely new, refreshed, and incredible. Building for efficiency and a huge energy pool.

Probably the big change I'm most impressed with is the Radial Blind adjustment. He doesn't do some dopey pose that locks him into the animation for a long time, but now can get away without using Natural Talent.

Or you can just do the "free" version of Radial Blind whenever you do a slide instead (assuming you talking about activating the ability itself).

I like the fact he will auto parry all attacks in front of him even without stamina while the exalted blade is drawn.

Decided to get his Proto Armor this time around but mostly waiting for Pre Corpus experiment Valkyr
Or you can just do the "free" version of Radial Blind whenever you do a slide instead (assuming you talking about activating the ability itself).

Well yes, but even talking about the ability itself when not using Exalted. It's still extremely cheap to cast, and I haven't tested this very much yet but it seems like the Exalted version has a significantly shorter duration than the cast one. But holy crap is it great to be able to spin attack into one enemy and stun everyone around you. Safe melee without going purely invulnerable!

It appears he also does buffed melee damage and swing speed for single hand swords and nikanas, so that's fucking awesome. I expect a lot more Excal in missions.
Well yes, but even talking about the ability itself when not using Exalted. It's still extremely cheap to cast, and I haven't tested this very much yet but it seems like the Exalted version has a significantly shorter duration than the cast one. But holy crap is it great to be able to spin attack into one enemy and stun everyone around you. Safe melee without going purely invulnerable!

It appears he also does buffed melee damage and swing speed for single hand swords and nikanas, so that's fucking awesome. I expect a lot more Excal in missions.

I wouldn't be surprised if that was actually the case since its seemingly positioned as a "get in quickly" move and if it took too long it would be really broken (hell even its current form kinda seems that way tbh).

Will need to check that last part as well since it is supposedly buffed by the current melee he has.

Now i'm extremely interested in what they do for the Frost rework.


Neo Member
Yeah, the Radial Blind effect of Exalted Blade's spin attack has a radius of 10m and I think duration of 5 secs, and unlike Radial Blind it doesn't open enemies up to Finishers.

Here's a little tip for you guys, if you have a weapon with a life strike mod equipped and equip the mod Reflection (reflects 96% parry damage back) on your warframe, Exalted Blade's auto-parry will proc life strike allowing you to heal from a distance.
Here's a little tip for you guys, if you have a weapon with a life strike mod equipped and equip the mod Reflection (reflects 96% parry damage back) on your warframe, Exalted Blade's auto-parry will proc life strike allowing you to heal from a distance.

Holy shit that's hilarious. Finally a reason to use Reflection!
I've had my PC for over 6 years now and I don't recall ever having to hard reset because of freezing.

I finally get a mod I've been farming on and off for a while now, and immediately after, BAM! WF locks my machine up and I lose the mod.

I've had my PC for over 6 years now and I don't recall ever having to hard reset because of freezing.

I finally get a mod I've been farming on and off for a while now, and immediately after, BAM! WF locks my machine up and I lose the mod.


Ouch, what mod was it?. :/

Also this game is somewhat buggy at times though lol


Thank goodness for that oxium drop buff whenever that happened. Picked up some argon from a T1D and got Chroma, Hydroid, Atomos, and Tonkor cooking in the foundry.

Is Kappa still okay for leveling random frames? Sechura/Seimeni is mostly credit farming, Void defense seems sketchy without lots of mod capacity, and I dunno how often I'll find my way into a rep farm without being Greedy Mag which doesn't help for frame exp.
Is Kappa still okay for leveling random frames? Sechura/Seimeni is mostly credit farming, Void defense seems sketchy without lots of mod capacity, and I dunno how often I'll find my way into a rep farm without being Greedy Mag which doesn't help for frame exp.

Kappa is still great for frames. Sechura is credits now that there is no tax in any of the missions. Leveling weapons and companions can be done rapidly on Draco, Ceres, just make sure to bring something leveled with you.
Kappa is still great for frames. Sechura is credits now that there is no tax in any of the missions. Leveling weapons and companions can be done rapidly on Draco, Ceres, just make sure to bring something leveled with you.

If you want to take full advantage of Draco youre gonna need a Mesa and a Greedy Pull Mag to supply her though so unless the squad has that covered frames will be a bit tricky to level there.
If you want to take full advantage of Draco your gonna need a Mesa and Greedy mag to supply her though

Sure, if you want the full experience, but I've had great luck just doing the mission without the D/C cap and neutralize A trick. It's something you can pull off with any squad, which is real handy if you don't have the exact requirements someone in Recruiting wants you to have.

Personally I've been using Saryn since her Molt buff that gets rid of procs. Regenerating Molt + Rage = energy for days
Sure, if you want the full experience, but I've had great luck just doing the mission without the D/C cap and neutralize A trick. It's something you can pull off with any squad, which is real handy if you don't have the exact requirements someone in Recruiting wants you to have.

Personally I've been using Saryn since her Molt buff that gets rid of procs. Regenerating Molt + Rage = energy for days

I guess but full experience means more xp, though it can be fucking boring as a gmag :p

And i really need to build Saryn due to the amount of praise i've heard from people and a bit of seeing shit for my self (seeing room of enemies melting all at once is pretty fucking awesome).

But i have decent queue of frames to level (and that doesn't even include any Primes yet :D)
Saryn's my main girl, I just wish they would rework Miasma to get some kind of benefit from duration, so that all her abilities would work well together. As it stands Miasma and Regenerating Molt are so strong that it doesn't make sense to do so. Matter of fact, I use the arcane that takes away an extra 15% from duration for maximum face melting.

But ever since that Excal change I've been going ham with him. Great stuff that Exalted Blade.


Neo Member
Thank goodness for that oxium drop buff whenever that happened. Picked up some argon from a T1D and got Chroma, Hydroid, Atomos, and Tonkor cooking in the foundry.

Is Kappa still okay for leveling random frames? Sechura/Seimeni is mostly credit farming, Void defense seems sketchy without lots of mod capacity, and I dunno how often I'll find my way into a rep farm without being Greedy Mag which doesn't help for frame exp.

I can share the method I use to level frames fairly easily with you. First thing is you will be playing solo because of the way XP is distributed depending on who kills an enemy and how.

Kills using your Warframe abilities give 100% XP to your Warframe.
Kills by you with weapons give 50% to your Warframe and 50% to the weapon used.
Kills by team mates give 25% to your Warframe and 75% shared between all weapons equipped.

So we can see that playing in a group is the least efficient way to level a Warframe unless you are able to get most of the kills.

The Weapons I like to use are the Torid, with 5 forma, built for Gas damage with a Ammo Mutation mod installed. All you have to do is cover the Defense Pod with grenades and sit back as the Infested wreck themselves. Although I never need to use it, I bring a high damage long range Secondary (Vakyor Marelok) built for Corrosive and Blast to deal with the Infested Ancients and Moa. Only use if absolutely necessary, as you want to get kills with our Torid.

The reason you want to get kills with your Torid is because you will be leveling up on Sechura which gives the highest XP per kill with a 30% bonus for kills and a further 25% bonus for kills with Rifles. In addition to this, Sechura maps tend to have many safe places where you can camp without taking any damage. I initiate the wave, go to one of the camp locations, kill all but 1 enemy, pick up loot and ammo, kill the last enemy and return to the camp location before the next wave.

I simply run 2 15 wave runs, which is normally enough to take a Rank 0 frame to rank 22. At that point the frame will be viable to use in normal gameplay.


I like the Torid. Can't remember how many forma are on it. I need to check where is good to camp now. Some spots kinda suck with the tar spitters.
I like the Torid. Can't remember how many forma are on it. I need to check where is good to camp now. Some spots kinda suck with the tar spitters.

I started to like the Torid because of that recent event with the Juggernaut as that thing did fucking work on him (even though he has a damage cap) :D


Neo Member
I like the Torid. Can't remember how many forma are on it. I need to check where is good to camp now. Some spots kinda suck with the tar spitters.


These are my personal camping spots. As long as the item you are standing on has a small hit box the tar spitters won't be able to affect you. For example, in the third pic if you stand on the platform you can be affected by the tar spit, but if you stand on the railing you will be fine.

These are my personal camping spots. As long as the item you are standing on has a small hit box the tar spitters won't be able to affect you. For example, in the third pic if you stand on the platform you can be affected by the tar spit, but if you stand on the railing you will be fine.


will check those out.

Also new Tactical is now up along with NEW EMOTES.

Shrug is GOAT imo
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