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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


So can we put something together to coordinate these antitoxin runs? I've got one ready, but getting people together to run it is a bit like pulling teeth.

I'll be posting "the list" later on tonight, so everyone will know what everyone else's score is at any given time. Beyond that we just have to work together to get as many people to 400 as possible.


GAF parliamentarian
Is this event on Ishtar, Venus bugged? Exterminate Infested, but nothing spawns throughout the whole map.
Thank you! That's a start. If we can get two others, we could figure out a time of day that people might be free and run it.

Edit: Scratch that. Would you be available tonight? Mol has his ready too.

Yeah, I should be around most of the night.

Is this event on Ishtar, Venus bugged? Exterminate Infested, but nothing spawns throughout the whole map.

Unfortunately, impossible to complete missions aren't super uncommon. Usually leaving the mission (completely - the whole team needs to quit so that you don't just rejoin into the same broken mission) and creating a new instance will fix it.

The most common form for me is having a door that's supposed to open not do so, making the mission impossible to complete, but there's also non-spawning assassination targets (for Alerts), Lotus just completely refusing to recognize a mission's completion, vanishing datamasses, etc. Beta gonna beta, but some of the bugs thankfully seem to be fixed or at least mitigated on the upcoming patches.


He touched the black heart of a mod
UGH. I'm only just getting into warframe, and I JUST beat the boss of Venus, I make it to extraction, I am reviewing my level statistics and I lose connection before anything can save.

I had a Rhino blueprint too :(

Also, has anyone started experiencing big framerate issues since the update? Or does that just come with the later levels? I never had issues with the first set. Maybe it's a connection thing, 'cause I think my router is going a little haywire.

Oh yeah, I've been using the Mag Warframe for 30+ missions, and I only just noticed that it has boobs.


Thank you! That's a start. If we can get two others, we could figure out a time of day that people might be free and run it.

Edit: Scratch that. Would you be available tonight? Mol has his ready too.

I got one too and would love to do a run. Will be available at 10:30PM PST...


Also, has anyone started experiencing big framerate issues since the update? Or does that just come with the later levels? I never had issues with the first set. Maybe it's a connection thing, 'cause I think my router is going a little haywire.

No, that's a thing. Especially with later levels and defense/survival missions still.
The frame rate is much, much better now, but it still needs work. I would never run a speed melee build still.

My wife played a bit, and she ran around 1-shotting Grineer with my Galatine. I think that is as far as she will get, but she had fun. I wish I had not waited so long before putting Fury on Galatine. Wow, what a difference in charge attack speed. I also really value Range on it, because the cleave AoE gets huge. I take out 5+ guys per swing in crowded areas all the time, and have even hit 8. I only need the corrupted charge mod, and my Galatine will be in perfect form.
This game does not want me to find Moonlight Jadeleaf. Got everything to make the antitoxin except I need three more samples of the stuff.

I've been trying to enjoy this Easter Egg hunt on Earth fro the anti-toxin, what with the new tileset and objective. I've done so many runs now, and used it as an excuse for several stealth runs to get all the frontier enemies into the codex to mix things up, but yeah, at this point it's settled into a grind, and a grind for a needle in a haystack no less. Its the same map, with the same enemies in roughly the same groupings except now, most of the time I don't find a single ingredient I can use. Just a fuckton of cones. As far as I can tell there doesn't even seem to be a way to tell if you missed something. So its a matter of looking for something which may not even be there and not even knowing if you accidentally passed it up.

Been trying to pace things and sticking to operations and alerts while making occasional visits to Earth, but I'm not sure I'm going to finish this one. Especially since I have no idea how many more runs I'll need to do.

The frame rate is much, much better now, but it still needs work.
Yeah, ran into a few slowdowns tonight that were reminiscent of things pre-patch, but it eventually fixed itself. Had a nice string of zero problems up to that point though.


Today was a good day



This game does not want me to find Moonlight Jadeleaf. Got everything to make the antitoxin except I need three more samples of the stuff.

...and that's why people shouldn't remove themselves from the chat.

Seriously, everyone. Whatever you think your reason is for not staying in the PSN chat... you're wrong. lol

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
This game does not want me to find Moonlight Jadeleaf. Got everything to make the antitoxin except I need three more samples of the stuff.

I've been trying to enjoy this Easter Egg hunt on Earth fro the anti-toxin, what with the new tileset and objective. I've done so many runs now, and used it as an excuse for several stealth runs to get all the frontier enemies into the codex to mix things up, but yeah, at this point it's settled into a grind, and a grind for a needle in a haystack no less. Its the same map, with the same enemies in roughly the same groupings except now, most of the time I don't find a single ingredient I can use. Just a fuckton of cones. As far as I can tell there doesn't even seem to be a way to tell if you missed something. So its a matter of looking for something which may not even be there and not even knowing if you accidentally passed it up.

Been trying to pace things and sticking to operations and alerts while making occasional visits to Earth, but I'm not sure I'm going to finish this one. Especially since I have no idea how many more runs I'll need to do.

Yeah, ran into a few slowdowns tonight that were reminiscent of things pre-patch, but it eventually fixed itself. Had a nice string of zero problems up to that point though.

Set game to private, scan the starter area... no jadeleaf? Abort and retry. The jadeleaf spawns by the water btw. Gonna take a few tries but it's better than running the entire mission.
Now only mainly play Nova and Volt, need Constitution, and a few other mods.

I also have a ton of stuff to donate. Can someone send me a Clan invite? I was out for a while, but I'm playing daily again.

PSN is princeakuma23

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
This game does not want me to find Moonlight Jadeleaf. Got everything to make the antitoxin except I need three more samples of the stuff.

But yeah, as Mol is saying, once someone finds a rare plant he can invite other people to scan it... on chat we're sharing plants all the time. The chat is good stuff dude!
Getting all of my antitoxin materials took roughly an hour and a half split between night and day. I have to wonder if folks aren't being thorough with their searches.


Hey guys, remember how I said the Grakata is shit?

I still don't like it much, but after hopping on for a bit recently I agree, there is certainly something done to the weapon to make it viable now. I'd still prefer another rifle over it any day, myself, but for proccing status fast and reliably, it gets the job done.

I'm dumb and haven't figured out how to edit a quote into a post, so bear with me here, but after reading what Karsticles just posted, I figured I might as well share some quick advice for antitoxin hunting.

There are sections in the larger trees that can be open. To be specific, look around where the roots are coming up from the ground. You can find alcoves of sorts. Often times, there will be a material or two in these alcoves.

ALWAYS BE SCANNING. You should have your scanner out more often than your weapons. Never not be scanning. Enemies shooting at you? Okay, stop scanning. Are they dead? Start scanning again. Don't stop can't stop won't stop scanning you got a fever and the only prescription is you know how this goes and I feel bad for writing this so let's move on.

Explore every nook and cranny like it's the body of your lover or something like that I don't know I'm going to just stop now.


A bit too slow and clumsy for me, but I could use those for building the garage. Bonus points for reload sound and animation.

I'm a big fan of the Gremlins. When they're Potato'd and have fire rate mods, they basically feel like Twin Vipers, but they hit much harder.

Bonus points for having an even split for puncture, impact and slash. I like that in a secondary weapon.


This reminds me, where's everybody getting their Volt parts? I've done a ton of survival and defense and haven't seen a single one.

Volt is the one frame that I would recommend buying. He's only 75 plat, and he comes with 40 plat worth of Reactor and slot, so he's really only 35.

That said, he isn't a great frame at high levels.


Volt is the one frame that I would recommend buying. He's only 75 plat, and he comes with 40 plat worth of Reactor and slot, so he's really only 35.

That said, he isn't a great frame at high levels.

It's too bad, Volt was originally one of the starter frames. It was Excal, Loki, and Volt. I still think that was a better line-up than it is now, myself.


See, and I hate my Latron, but I acknowledge it has virtues.

The Ignis is attractive because it has AoE damage, and Loki can really take advantage of that with stealth positioning. I will probably run different setups for Vauban and Loki. Someone earlier said that weapons are not especially effective or weak based on the frame they are with, but that is just ridiculous. A weapon like Galatine does especially well on characters who can minimize the negative effects of a long charge time, like Loki and Rhino. Using an electric weapon on Frost makes more sense than using one on Volt. Each character has particular equipment needs.

Personally, I would not use Galatine on most caster frames, save Frost. Ember doesn't want to be running around taking those long charge time swings. Nova can appreciate it for Blast procs off of her ultimate, though. Galatine is probably the best general option just because lag kills speed based weapons like Dual Ether, which can luckily make up for it with Spin attacks that are the best in the game.

I hated it at first but now I am really liking it a lot. I feel confident taking it to the front line at last which is great.

Thanks for the intel. Is Galatine really slow? I really need to spend some time reviewing melee weapons. Thanks to the weekend invasion I've got some spare cash. I've seen people using some kind of throwing weapon as well which looked cool. Ideally I would love to equip a bo staff but we'll see.


Volt is the one frame that I would recommend buying. He's only 75 plat, and he comes with 40 plat worth of Reactor and slot, so he's really only 35.

That said, he isn't a great frame at high levels.
Volt is an absolute beast against Corpus if you mod him properly. I use a comination of Blind Rage, Focus, Streamline, and Fleeting Expertise and that makes his Shock attack only cost 11 energy and his Overload something around 50. A single Shock can kill a group of 6-8 level 30 Corpus, and his Overload can almost kill an entire wave on Defense.
Set game to private, scan the starter area... no jadeleaf? Abort and retry. The jadeleaf spawns by the water btw. Gonna take a few tries but it's better than running the entire mission.

Seriously. You get 4x in no time doing it this way. Done in less than an hour.
Yeah, but thats not fun - thats a bizarre type of work. And I don't set aside time to play this to do busywork.

Once I'm not enjoying myself or find myself save-scumming for all practical purposes I just move on to other things. In this case that'd be this mission. Maybe I'll get a second wind at some point but right now I'm pretty sure I never want to do another one of these easter egg hunts again.

There is one where you choose a side between the two factions. They have different playoffs for helping them.
Thats what I did instead of looking for plants ;P And sorry Grineer, but I needed the cash, and the Corpus pay well :)


Yeah, but thats not fun - thats a bizarre type of work. And I don't set aside time to play this to do busywork.

Once I'm not enjoying myself or find myself save-scumming for all practical purposes I just move on to other things. In this case that'd be this mission. Maybe I'll get a second wind at some point but right now I'm pretty sure I never want to do another one of these easter egg hunts again.

Yeah I try to avoid aborting the missions now if I can. It's not so bad to just go ahead and slaughter the frontier grineer. At least now I'm swimming in neurodes and picked up a few fever strike mods for my trouble.
In 24 hours, I will have Ignis to try on Loki. While I like the Grakata, I think this will fit his style more.

I hated it at first but now I am really liking it a lot. I feel confident taking it to the front line at last which is great.

Thanks for the intel. Is Galatine really slow? I really need to spend some time reviewing melee weapons. Thanks to the weekend invasion I've got some spare cash. I've seen people using some kind of throwing weapon as well which looked cool. Ideally I would love to equip a bo staff but we'll see.
Galatine is super slow until you mod the heck out of it.

is a Sentinel worth the plat? if so, which is best for a Loki?
Only spend platinum on more warframe and weapon slots. Everything else can be gotten through drops. Sentinels aren't game changers IMO. They are marginally helpful. There's no need to splurge for one.
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