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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


How does Shade work? I made him, and he only cloaks me for a second when he does, and he cloaks inconsistently. What gives? The cloak mod is maxed, but the sentinel is at level 13 or so, if that matters. I watched a youtube video that made this look way better and more consistent...

He'll only cloak you when enemies are near. Like melee range near (at least in my experience). I usually just stick to carrier now because I'm lazy.
How does Shade work? I made him, and he only cloaks me for a second when he does, and he cloaks inconsistently. What gives? The cloak mod is maxed, but the sentinel is at level 13 or so, if that matters. I watched a youtube video that made this look way better and more consistent...

Shade cloaks you as long as you aren't attacking, and Shade (not you) has line of sight to see an enemy. The rank of the ghost mod determines how far away Shade can see enemies. The flickering in and out is Shade losing LOS.


How does Shade work? I made him, and he only cloaks me for a second when he does, and he cloaks inconsistently. What gives? The cloak mod is maxed, but the sentinel is at level 13 or so, if that matters. I watched a youtube video that made this look way better and more consistent...

He cloaks when you're near enemies, but only when you're not attacking. Using Warframe abilities doesn't break the cloak but using your weapons does. It's also important to have the Cloak mod in the the first slot on your Sentintel behind Guardian and Sanctuary.
He cloaks when you're near enemies, but only when you're not attacking. Using Warframe abilities doesn't break the cloak but using your weapons does. It's also important to have the Cloak mod in the the first slot on your Sentintel behind Guardian and Sanctuary.
I have Revenge in the first slot. Do you think that's messing him up?

Sye d'Burns

How does Shade work? I made him, and he only cloaks me for a second when he does, and he cloaks inconsistently. What gives? The cloak mod is maxed, but the sentinel is at level 13 or so, if that matters. I watched a youtube video that made this look way better and more consistent...

You're going to want the cloak ability as close to the first slot as possible (definitely want guardian to be first) and before your sentinels firing ability. Even then, it's not entirely consistent.

edit: Beaten like a Shade with Revenge in the first slot.


Activation priorities? How did I not know about this? Is this the same with warframes for any mods?

Just Sentinels. Sentinels will continuously go through their mod list from left to right, top to bottom. If condition for first mod is met, they cast that. If not they move to the second mod, then the third, and so on.
Just Sentinels. Sentinels will continuously go through their mod list from left to right, top to bottom. If condition for first mod is met, they cast that. If not they move to the second mod, then the third, and so on.

Phew, thought I'd be playing the game wrong lol. Better check on my carrier though.


Grimløck;99136769 said:
sagely advice towards the end. the game should be about having fun with friends and other GAFfers, first and foremost. that's why the clan was set up in the first place, wasn't it? it should never feel like a chore, even if the core game is all about grinding. while i understand the want to be first on the leaderboards, it shouldn't be the crux of why we're playing this game. hell, the cicero crisis still has a week left for members to finish their runs.

personally, i feel like you need to slow your roll, mol. the need to be heavy-handed is unwarranted; calling other members "idiots" publicly is tactless. we all play for fun on an individual level, but we also want to contribute to the clan as a whole. how about showing your members some respect?

While I typically avoid these conversations I think I could help settle things down by adding my two cents to the situation.

You see back when the NeoGAF clan was first formed the guy who spent a little bit of platinum and got the Dojo started never logged in after that. Now for why or whatever his reason's were are none of my business, but the flip side to this is he was only player with Officer privileges. So basically no one else was able to add rooms/decorations to the Clan Dojo (even though he had this fancy document laying out the design he wanted for it). Neither could no one else invite players to the clan. Well eventually a Gaffer by the name of Sykotik was promoted with Officer privileges

So for a few weeks you only had one guy doing all the building/decorating and clan inviting. The guy who was our clan leader told Sykotik to upgrade the clan capacity which mulitplied the requirement on research by a factor of ten making it extremely difficult getting research done. Which this inevitably lead to Sykotik getting burnt out and just stopped playing Warframe altogether. So I asked our Clan Leader who was never on to promote me so I could keep the clan running. Well basically after I got promoted to do the same stuff Sykotik was doing I was starting to get burnt out of having to keep check of the activity of clan members trying to keep active members in and inactive members out, my ass was starting to get burnt out. Around this time Molnizzle was promoted to help with the busy stuff. Which while it did help me out alot the problem was is we still had a clan leader who was never online and had the only privileges that a Warlord does (which we needed).

So once I finally got a hold of the guy I politely asked him to transfer leadership to someone who would fit the bill. Because I surely as hell didn't want to be Warlord. Well Molnizzle was the guy that became the clan leader and I decided to be second-in-command. Molnizzle was the guy who spent alot of damn time tearing down and rebuilding the Clan Dojo. Without his time and devotion our Clan Dojo would still be a little turd floating around the edge of the Origin System.

So the whole fiasco of actually getting the leadership of the clan transferred to a person who would actually be a active leader and getting the Clan Dojo in the up and running condition it is now was a pain in the ass to say the least.

Obviously Molnizzle and myself didn't have to contribute the time and effort that we did to keep the clan from stagnating, but we just wanted to. Its kind of like a guy who makes a replica of Helms Deep with abunch of Lego's is completely unnecessary, but if it gets trampled on he is going to be upset.

I don't know Gold_Loot and I never really played with the guy, so I can't speak for him. However I have played with Molnizzle alot. I don't remember exactly what was said in the text chat, but I do remember ShikiAoi stated staying near machine defending it. And Daggr kept getting a clipping problem and was falling through the geometry of the map. Molnizzle being upset is not completely without reason. I mean hell I did what I could to help contribute with Jadeleafs yesterday by trying to help Blaise_Hun and ShikiAoi. And its not too pleasing to think the time I devoted to help out was wasted.

The point here is Molnizzle being upset is not completely unjustifiable. He probably should have checked in with them to make sure they knew what to do, but the point is no one likes devoting time and effort only for it to be wasted. So lets all shut the hell up before we all get banned.
I don't even use sentinels. Didn't really see a need for them. Are they really that helpful??? Should I invest the resources to create them???

Sye d'Burns

I don't even use sentinels. Didn't really see a need for them. Are they really that helpful??? Should I invest the resources to create them???

Since you're used to running without a sentinel, get a carrier and let it pick up your loot for you. The Sweeper is just icing on the cake.


While I typically avoid these conversations I think I could help settle things down by adding my two cents to the situation.

You see back when the NeoGAF clan was first formed the guy who spent a little bit of platinum and got the Dojo started never logged in after that. Now for why or whatever his reason's were are none of my business, but the flip side to this is he was only player with Officer privileges. So basically no one else was able to add rooms/decorations to the Clan Dojo (even though he had this fancy document laying out the design he wanted for it). Neither could no one else invite players to the clan. Well eventually a Gaffer by the name of Sykotik was promoted with Officer privileges

So for a few weeks you only had one guy doing all the building/decorating and clan inviting. The guy who was our clan leader told Sykotik to upgrade the clan capacity which mulitplied the requirement on research by a factor of ten making it extremely difficult getting research done. Which this inevitably lead to Sykotik getting burnt out and just stopped playing Warframe altogether. So I asked our Clan Leader who was never on to promote me so I could keep the clan running. Well basically after I got promoted to do the same stuff Sykotik was doing I was starting to get burnt out of having to keep check of the activity of clan members trying to keep active members in and inactive members out, my ass was starting to get burnt out. Around this time Molnizzle was promoted to help with the busy stuff. Which while it did help me out alot the problem was is we still had a clan leader who was never online and had the only privileges that a Warlord does (which we needed).

So once I finally got a hold of the guy I politely asked him to transfer leadership to someone who would fit the bill. Because I surely as hell didn't want to be Warlord. Well Molnizzle was the guy that became the clan leader and I decided to be second-in-command. Molnizzle was the guy who spent alot of damn time tearing down and rebuilding the Clan Dojo. Without his time and devotion our Clan Dojo would still be a little turd floating around the edge of the Origin System.

So the whole fiasco of actually getting the leadership of the clan transferred to a person who would actually be a active leader and getting the Clan Dojo in the up and running condition it is now was a pain in the ass to say the least.

Obviously Molnizzle and myself didn't have to contribute the time and effort that we did to keep the clan from stagnating, but we just wanted to. Its kind of like a guy who makes a replica of Helms Deep with abunch of Lego's is completely unnecessary, but if it gets trampled on he is going to be upset.

I don't know Gold_Loot and I never really played with the guy, so I can't speak for him. However I have played with Molnizzle alot. I don't remember exactly what was said in the text chat, but I do remember ShikiAoi stated staying near machine defending it. And Daggr kept getting a clipping problem and was falling through the geometry of the map. Molnizzle being upset is not completely without reason. I mean hell I did what I could to help contribute with Jadeleafs yesterday by trying to help Blaise_Hun and ShikiAoi. And its not too pleasing to think the time I devoted to help out was wasted.

The point here is Molnizzle being upset is not completely unjustifiable. He probably should have checked in with them to make sure they knew what to do, but the point is no one likes devoting time and effort only for it to be wasted. So lets all shut the hell up before we all get banned.
I appreciate what mol (and other officers) have done with the clan. I know it's quite a responsibility and often-times a burden. I also understand his frustration that the time he's spent farming were ultimately for nothing; however, calling any member an "idiot" is indefensible. Furthermore, mandating that anyone who leaves PSN chat are booted from the clan is heavy-handed. I had an issue a few days ago where the database kept rebuilding and I could not access PSN chat and I had inadvertently left it. I had to ask hyp to reinvite me. The issue resolved itself, but sometimes shit happens.

Again, I want to reiterate the fact that I do appreciate the leaders of the clan. The amount of time and real money they invested into the game isn't light. At the end of the day, though, I feel like the game (and purpose of the clan) should be more about having fun together than just mindlessly competing objectives.

Sye d'Burns

So, I finally got that Ember Prime Helmet and I'm building my last warframe to complete the set (Yay!) Unfortunately, I can't seem to buy the twentieth slot (Boo!)

No R2 to buy option, nada. I guess I can hope to get the option to buy the slot when I try to collect the warframe.

I'd hate to have to sell one of my non-prime frames. What kind of complete set would that be?
So, I finally got that Ember Prime Helmet and I'm building my last warframe to complete the set (Yay!) Unfortunately, I can't seem to buy the twentieth slot (Boo!)

No R2 to buy option, nada. I guess I can hope to get the option to buy the slot when I try to collect the warframe.

I'd hate to have to sell one of my non-prime frames. What kind of complete set would that be?

Do you still have that extra Hells Chamber? I have that other one you wanted for trade.

Edit: sorry, Hammer Shot, not Chamber.


If someone is acting like an idiot then I'm totally cool with calling them out on it. thisisneogafdude.
"You have my Bow."

NeoGAF is for the hardcore gamer, considering all the rigmarole you have to go through to even sign up. I have no qualms with GAF clans being treated the same way.

Sye d'Burns

Do you still have that extra Hells Chamber? I have that other one you wanted for trade.

Edit: sorry, Hammer Shot, not Chamber.

I'm sorry. I ended up picking up a Blaze in trade earlier this evening. I figure I'm going to hold onto the shot for awhile. It's useful sometimes to have a base card when leveling.


Avatarized some more of that awesome chibi warframe fanart if anyone feels like using them.





Edit: Also woo at passing the mastery rank 8 test.


How does Shade work? I made him, and he only cloaks me for a second when he does, and he cloaks inconsistently. What gives? The cloak mod is maxed, but the sentinel is at level 13 or so, if that matters. I watched a youtube video that made this look way better and more consistent...

He gets better as he levels.
Every shot, guaranteed? How long does it last? The wiki needs more info...

It sounds like it could be good for Loki. I am also looking at the Vectis. I have still not found a primary that feels right for Loki.

If you kill something with a Boltor nail, they get ragdolled in the direction of the shot. If the body then hits a surface, it has a good chance to get nailed. Usually it looks a bit weird with the corpse not completely sticking to the wall, but the results are hilarious anyway. Try shooting an enemy on a higher platform for some ceiling-decorating fun.

Vectis is also great. It's easy to use with not too much zoom and hits hard. Void fog can have a nasty effect on aiming, though.


Any vermilion runs planned in the next few days? Sheer bad luck and timing's prevented me from getting a group together.
Does the Boltor really nail enemies to the wall?

The Boltor is every shot (as opposed to the bows, which only seem to be on full-charge shots), and will generally make quite a mess of things if you're autofiring away in a crowd. Aside from the amusement factor, it is actually sort of useful for preventing the "choke them with our dead" strategy the Infested like to employ.

Dual Hikou


Don't be afraid to dream bigger, my dear. QUAD Hikou.

(I know what you're thinking: you just hold more of them between your knuckles, not with your feet. That's for the Bayonetta-modeled Quadra Akvasto Prime.)


Grimløck;99176909 said:
I appreciate what mol (and other officers) have done with the clan. I know it's quite a responsibility and often-times a burden. I also understand his frustration that the time he's spent farming were ultimately for nothing; however, calling any member an "idiot" is indefensible. Furthermore, mandating that anyone who leaves PSN chat are booted from the clan is heavy-handed. I had an issue a few days ago where the database kept rebuilding and I could not access PSN chat and I had inadvertently left it. I had to ask hyp to reinvite me. The issue resolved itself, but sometimes shit happens.

Again, I want to reiterate the fact that I do appreciate the leaders of the clan. The amount of time and real money they invested into the game isn't light. At the end of the day, though, I feel like the game (and purpose of the clan) should be more about having fun together than just mindlessly competing objectives.

No my friend, f**king up a crucial mission because you didn't read the brief is indefensible. I would be totally fine being called out in that manner if that was me. In fact "idiot" seems fairly restrained.

Anyways I'm not gonna go too much into it since Kurod kindly hooked me up some antitoxin and I am in a position to do a Cicero run this evening or tomorrow. So I hope my own words don't come back to bite me he he!!

Anyone still running this? Can only really do this evening... or Sunday...

Any vermilion runs planned in the next few days? Sheer bad luck and timing's prevented me from getting a group together.

I'm ready to go this evening/tomorrow. Although I am really nervous now ha ha!! :)


How does Shade work? I made him, and he only cloaks me for a second when he does, and he cloaks inconsistently. What gives? The cloak mod is maxed, but the sentinel is at level 13 or so, if that matters. I watched a youtube video that made this look way better and more consistent...

Shade is really inconsistent from what I saw. From what mol said, it's best used with Frames that spam their abilities a lot as it seems to be the most consistent way to trigger his cloaking mechanism. For example, it's pretty neat when using a Trinity as it often casts stealth on you as soon as you start casting Blessing so enemies ignore you while you're vulnerable for the 2 seconds it takes to cast the ability.


Are blueprint drops RNG?

Fought the Jackal 3 times and got each Rhino blueprint I needed

course I have not even entered some of the systems for the mats I need yet :p


No my friend, f**king up a crucial mission because you didn't read the brief is indefensible. I would be totally fine being called out in that manner if that was me. In fact "idiot" seems fairly restrained.
I guess that's where you and I differ, my friend. Being called an idiot by some punk kid over a video game is laughable. I wouldn't take that shit.


Are blueprint drops RNG?

Fought the Jackal 3 times and got each Rhino blueprint I needed

course I have not even entered some of the systems for the mats I need yet :p

I farmed that thing last night, got all the parts, put two of them in the oven until I realised I didn't have enough plastids for the third :-(. What a waste of credits. Guess it's gonna have to be Oberon for now.

At least I finally got access to a reliable source of control modules. Wasting Raptor from literally the other side of the map with my Latron was pretty sweet.


Grimløck;99197036 said:
I guess that's where you and I differ, my friend. Being called an idiot by some punk kid over a video game is laughable. I wouldn't take that shit.

Maybe if Mol was "some punk kid" I wouldn't either but he's not. He's your clansmen and the leader of the clan. Also maybe some people aren't as highly strung as you are :). It's just a damn game. People screwed up, they got called out on it. That's it, man. No need to create a beef over it.
Are blueprint drops RNG?

Yes and no. Blueprints dropped by bosses are random, and it's not uncommon to have to fight a boss six to ten times to get the full set needed. Blueprints dropped by some mission types (like Banshee components) are "set" - ie, that part is the only part that drops from that type of mission - but not guaranteed to drop like boss ones are.


Grimløck;99197036 said:
I guess that's where you and I differ, my friend. Being called an idiot by some punk kid over a video game is laughable. I wouldn't take that shit.

First off, I didn't directly call anyone an idiot. My exact words were "...before you run off like idiots and fail." That's the harshest thing I said to anyone, and it was perfectly appropriate given the situation at hand. If you disagree that's fine, but just know that I do not share your viewpoint and will not be adjusting my own behavior to accommodate it.

Secondly, am I reading it right that you just called me "some punk kid?"
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