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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


It's cool, I was being kind of a dick too, especially with the chat thing. Sorry about that. Obviously that's not gonna be a real rule, that would be ridiculous. I was just frustrated after spending the entire day grinding out 4 Vermillions. That's literally all I did that day besides the potato invasion. Six straight hours of scanning flowers can really wear on you...
yeah man. i understand. holy shit @ 4 verms. even one is aggravating. okay, we're all good people. past is past. let's get back to the grind.


if anyone is looking for Split Chamber it dropped for me at the defense mission in Narcissus, Pluto after Wave 10.
I'm looking for Blind Rage and Fleeting Expertise if anyone wants to trade/sell.

Did 4 Vault runs today, getting Critical Delay and Spoiled Strike.
The other 2 times we had the wrong key, we were only 3 of us :/
It needed Decaying Key 2 times running, followed by Extinguished 2x, never expected that lack of randomness.

DE supposedly has confirmed that the hobble key currently doesn't ever come up on the vault door a while back, so as long as three people each have bleeding, decaying, and extinguished, you should be set for any lock the next time you run it.

While not a huge sample size, in the dozen or so vault runs I've done, I've never seen hobble come up myself, so it seems to be true.

Doctor X

Neo Member
Hello all!! I have been lurking on this thread forever, finally got my account activated. I have learned tons from you guys here. Been playing for about 60 hours now so I'm beginning to figure it out!! Would love to get in the GAF clan (already PM'd Mol per instructions a few pages back).
Dude please share how you beat him. I keep getting owned.

If you're running a relatively tanky frame - Rhino with Vigor, Valkyr with Steel Fiber and Vitality, or even a Mag Prime with Redirection - you can survive his Blade Dash thing and just keep him at range. Remember he uses a bow and kunai, so he has no real capacity to hit things moving at oblique angles.

Don't use buffs or debuffs unless they're instant duration - Shield Polarize works fine, Iron Skin is mostly useless - because he just auto-dispels anything with a duration. Don't use anything that requires standing still for very long. When he goes into the lotus position floating in the air, stop hitting him and get some distance - he's using Absorb, and if you keep wailing on him it will kill you.
If you're running a relatively tanky frame - Rhino with Vigor, Valkyr with Steel Fiber and Vitality, or even a Mag Prime with Redirection - you can survive his Blade Dash thing and just keep him at range. Remember he uses a bow and kunai, so he has no real capacity to hit things moving at oblique angles.

Don't use buffs or debuffs unless they're instant duration - Shield Polarize works fine, Iron Skin is mostly useless - because he just auto-dispels anything with a duration. Don't use anything that requires standing still for very long. When he goes into the lotus position floating in the air, stop hitting him and get some distance - he's using Absorb, and if you keep wailing on him it will kill you.

Those are all excellent tips. I've only recently become adept at killing him. (Though all I ever get is Dread or nothing from it.) I'd only add that when you see the lights flickering that indicate his coming, drop whatever you're doing and find as open an area as you can. Don't get clever and try to hide or climb on something. Just find an open area and keep swinging the camera around until he teleports in and you find him. Once you do, never stop moving and lay on that trigger.
Those are all excellent tips. I've only recently become adept at killing him. (Though all I ever get is Dread or nothing from it.) I'd only add that when you see the lights flickering that indicate his coming, drop whatever you're doing and find as open an area as you can. Don't get clever and try to hide or climb on something. Just find an open area and keep swinging the camera around until he teleports in and you find him. Once you do, never stop moving and lay on that trigger.

Yeah, my old advice would have included "if you've got a datamass, drop it so your teammates zero in on the waypoint" but I did that in an Alert mission earlier and my teammates completely ignored the epic Dread vs. Dread sniper battle I was having with the Stalker, literally just walking right through the exploding arrows to grab the datamass and leave.

Turns out you can't herd cats, I guess.
Yeah, my old advice would have included "if you've got a datamass, drop it so your teammates zero in on the waypoint" but I did that in an Alert mission earlier and my teammates completely ignored the epic Dread vs. Dread sniper battle I was having with the Stalker, literally just walking right through the exploding arrows to grab the datamass and leave.

Turns out you can't herd cats, I guess.

It never ceases to amaze me how unhelpful and selfish people are playing this game. I've battled it out twice with the Stalker with people around who just ignored it and watched or watched it happen. (Maybe they didn't understand what was going on, so I can give them the benefit of the doubt, but still irritating.) However, I've been in so many other games where people just sit somewhere and let you finish out the mission for them. I hate that! It's a team game! Work as a team, or just play it solo! (Mini rant over.)
It never ceases to amaze me how unhelpful and selfish people are playing this game. I've battled it out twice with the Stalker with people around who just ignored it and watched or watched it happen. (Maybe they didn't understand what was going on, so I can give them the benefit of the doubt, but still irritating.) However, I've been in so many other games where people just sit somewhere and let you finish out the mission for them. I hate that! It's a team game! Work as a team, or just play it solo! (Mini rant over.)

Sometimes people just honestly don't notice.

There are two stalker instances where I was playing with GAF members and no one came to my aid ( despite of clear verbal warning ahead of time that echoed through someone's TV.)
I'm a fan of my Stalker tactic of constantly jumping off the map whilst my teammates kill him.

"You can't kill me if I kill myself first, loser! Ha-ha!"

The more I think about it, the more I firmly believe the problem isn't so much that Galatine is overpowered as that the vast majority of melee weapons are horribly underpowered. I spend most of my time leveling weapons just to try them out and grind rank, so I'm actually not using Galatine most of the time...

But I'm not using what I've got equipped, either. In a world where Galatine didn't exist, I probably just wouldn't use melee weapons at all 95% of the time, because most of them are objectively bad compared to primary weapons and not at all worth the risk of closing range to use, unless you're playing an Ash/Loki or just desperately need to knock down a Capture target and don't have the means with your current Warframe.

So, yeah. Don't nerf Galatine, buff just about every other melee weapon instead.


I changed up the clan ranks a bit in an attempt to better recognize those who are doing their part to contribute towards the clan. We have five ranks now:

Warlord - me
General - Helscream
Officer - Bitmap Frogs and Das_Mookid
Sergeant - New rank for contributing members
Private - Combination of our old "Soldier" and "Initiate" ranks

Officer on up can invite new members to the clan and kick current members out of it. Helscream has the power to do anything I can do save for change the MOTD. The only privilege that Sergeants have over Privates is they can queue up new research projects in the Dojo. Obviously that's not terribly applicable to us since we already have all research completed, but it's more just for recognition anyway.

Current criteria for Sergeant is 400 in Cicero. ;-)
DE supposedly has confirmed that the hobble key currently doesn't ever come up on the vault door a while back, so as long as three people each have bleeding, decaying, and extinguished, you should be set for any lock the next time you run it.

While not a huge sample size, in the dozen or so vault runs I've done, I've never seen hobble come up myself, so it seems to be true.

Thanks for that, I'll tell my mate with Hobble Key that he has to make a different one :D
Mags who use crush on corpus def missions make me sad.
Explain for a non-Mag player?

Yeah. A Loki that doesn't use radial disarm on corpuse def also makes me cry.
I don't use it for two reasons: it is goddamn expensive for me, and my team does not seem to need it. Between Nova and Nyx doing their stuff, do we really need a disarm too? I usually blow it if things are falling apart and we have a man down or two. My range is bad on it, though.

I have had only one instance one guy idled the whole game. Still frustrating to see
I have idled a few games just because I rush to an exit, afk to do a chore or two while the mission wraps up, and then I return to see me in a new level. /shrug

Personally, I am fine with carrying a team so long as there are no double touch unlock doors. Fuck those for making me wait for slow ads teammates. I am trying to rush.

"You can't kill me if I kill myself first, loser! Ha-ha!"

The more I think about it, the more I firmly believe the problem isn't so much that Galatine is overpowered as that the vast majority of melee weapons are horribly underpowered. I spend most of my time leveling weapons just to try them out and grind rank, so I'm actually not using Galatine most of the time...

But I'm not using what I've got equipped, either. In a world where Galatine didn't exist, I probably just wouldn't use melee weapons at all 95% of the time, because most of them are objectively bad compared to primary weapons and not at all worth the risk of closing range to use, unless you're playing an Ash/Loki or just desperately need to knock down a Capture target and don't have the means with your current Warframe.

So, yeah. Don't nerf Galatine, buff just about every other melee weapon instead.

I changed up the clan ranks a bit in an attempt to better recognize those who are doing their part to contribute towards the clan. We have five ranks now:

Warlord - me
General - Helscream
Officer - Bitmap Frogs and Das_Mookid
Sergeant - New rank for contributing members
Private - Combination of our old "Soldier" and "Initiate" ranks

Officer on up can invite new members to the clan and kick current members out of it. Helscream has the power to do anything I can do save for change the MOTD. The only privilege that Sergeants have over Privates is they can queue up new research projects in the Dojo. Obviously that's not terribly applicable to us since we already have all research completed, but it's more just for recognition anyway.

Current criteria for Sergeant is 400 in Cicero. ;-)
If we have all research done, will we jump to a 300 member clan after Cicero?



Pretty efficient, but you're moving around a lot more than you need to while fighting Ruk. I use the two ends of that plaform to keep him walking toward me and slide past when he gets close, staying just outside the range of his flamethrower and sidestepping his missile attacks. It's not objectively any quicker to kill him that way, but it's much more deliberate and looks like a lot less work.

I also run an alternate Rhino build for farming with max Rush and Marathon.

Oh, hey, I'm a Sergeant! Thanks. FWIW, I'd be more directly involved if my PS4 worked properly.

I also bought the clan badge, at least partly because I don't know what else to spend platinum on at this point. Looks great.
Advice time:
I have everything I want for Loki in terms of mods, but I feel like I need one more slot than I have. Stuff I want to use:
All 4 powers (not negotiable)
Fleeting Expertise
Narrow Minded

I want that free invisibility, but I know high level missions carry expectations that I have a 50m radial disarm. I don't use the ability right now because right now I am not using Overextended or Stretch. Instead I have Redirection on because I like to be able to take a hit. Of course, with permanent invisibility, I should be able to drop Redirection.

I know Mol has given me some great Loki advice in the past, so I am hoping he can direct me once more.I know I can put Essence Loki Helm on and drop Streamline, but I don't have that helmet and it is fucking ugly. I am actually more inclined to put Swindle on, but that can't replace Stretch...I don't think. Either way, I don't have that helm either! DE never puts Loki helms up on alert...


Dude please share how you beat him. I keep getting owned.

If you have Rage and Quick Thinking equipped, you are more or less Stalker proof. Just stand there and shoot him in the face with whatever.

The first two mods I put on every new frame.


Advice time:
I have everything I want for Loki in terms of mods, but I feel like I need one more slot than I have. Stuff I want to use:
All 4 powers (not negotiable)
Fleeting Expertise
Narrow Minded

I want that free invisibility, but I know high level missions carry expectations that I have a 50m radial disarm. I don't use the ability right now because right now I am not using Overextended or Stretch. Instead I have Redirection on because I like to be able to take a hit. Of course, with permanent invisibility, I should be able to drop Redirection.

I know Mol has given me some great Loki advice in the past, so I am hoping he can direct me once more.I know I can put Essence Loki Helm on and drop Streamline, but I don't have that helmet and it is fucking ugly. I am actually more inclined to put Swindle on, but that can't replace Stretch...I don't think.

Sounds like you already know what you have to do, except that you don't want to drop Streamline, you want to drop Fleeting. A max Streamline and the Essence helmet give you 55% efficiency, which is only 20% from max and has no offsetting negative.

For duration, I run max Continuity and Narrow Minded at rank 7 (minus 48% range) and max Overextended to offset Narrow's range penalty. I've never timed it, but it feels like I'm invisible for 30-40 seconds at a time. Constitution is overkill and only 28% anyway.

So 4 mods (Streamline, Narrow, Continuity, Overextended) and one ugly helmet will give you all the efficiency, duration and range you could possibly need. Use the other two slots for whatever defense you want to set up. I use Rage & Quick Thinking.

Incidentally, Loki is the only frame that doesn't require a single forma to optimize. He's just an amazing frame. Wish I'd discovered him sooner. I even have a point left over to upgrade Narrow Minded to 8, but I feel like it's pretty good at 7. IMO, that ugly Essence helmet is as necessary for Loki as the Vanguard helmet is for Rhino. Keep an eye out for alerts or spend the plat.
Explain [shield polarize] for a non-Mag player?

Shield polarize drains enemy shields and converts those shields into aoe blast damage centered on the affected enemy. Each affected enemy produces this blast, resulting in overlapping damage like a molecular prime. Since the damage is dependant on enemy shield strength, it scales with enemy level. High level corpus have well over 1000 points of shields. It also casts faster than crush, costs half as much, and has almost twice the range. Refills your teammates shields too. It is in evey way superior to crush when facing corpus.

If we have all research done, will we jump to a 300 member clan after Cicero?

DE keeps adding new things to the research (new lab and dojo researchable warframes imminent) , and given how many clan members we have that are pretty inactive, I'm not sure this would be a good idea, just for the new research and dojo costs. Or am I mistaken, and the majority of those 80 people I always see in "offline" playing between 12-5am and contributing to the dojo?


Pretty efficient, but you're moving around a lot more than you need to while fighting Ruk. I use the two ends of that plaform to keep him walking toward me and slide past when he gets close, staying just outside the range of his flamethrower and sidestepping his missile attacks. It's not objectively any quicker to kill him that way, but it's much more deliberate and looks like a lot less work.


I'll give that a shot later today, thanks!

DE keeps adding new things to the research (new lab and dojo researchable warframes imminent) , and given how many clan members we have that are pretty inactive, I'm not sure this would be a good idea, just for the new research and dojo costs. Or am I mistaken, and the majority of those 80 people I always see in "offline" playing between 12-5am and contributing to the dojo?

I think you're right on the money. I'm not a fan of the way DE made it so that increasing the membership cap works against the active players, but I guess I understand why they did it. I think that our current strategy of keeping the member cap at 100 and periodically dropping the inactives is the way to go, at least for now.
Shield polarize drains enemy shields and converts those shields into aoe blast damage centered on the affected enemy. Each affected enemy produces this blast, resulting in overlapping damage like a molecular prime. Since the damage is dependant on enemy shield strength, it scales with enemy level. High level corpus have well over 1000 points of shields. It also casts faster than crush, costs half as much, and has almost twice the range. Refills your teammates shields too. It is in evey way superior to crush when facing corpus.
I get what it does, I just don't get why it is bad to use.

Sounds like you already know what you have to do, except that you don't want to drop Streamline, you want to drop Fleeting. A max Streamline and the Essence helmet give you 55% efficiency, which is only 20% from max and has no offsetting negative.

For duration, I run max Continuity and Narrow Minded at rank 7 (minus 48% range) and max Overextended to offset Narrow's range penalty. I've never timed it, but it feels like I'm invisible for 30-40 seconds at a time. Constitution is overkill and only 28% anyway.

So 4 mods (Streamline, Narrow, Continuity, Overextended) and one ugly helmet will give you all the efficiency, duration and range you could possibly need. Use the other two slots for whatever defense you want to set up. I use Rage & Quick Thinking.

Incidentally, Loki is the only frame that doesn't require a single forma to optimize. He's just an amazing frame. Wish I'd discovered him sooner. I even have a point left over to upgrade Narrow Minded to 8, but I feel like it's pretty good at 7. IMO, that ugly Essence helmet is as necessary for Loki as the Vanguard helmet is for Rhino. Keep an eye out for alerts or spend the plat.
I definitely want my 75% energy efficiency. 25 energy Radial Disarm is fantastic. I do not want to give that up for anything. 55% is a 45 energy cast, and that difference is huge.

I don't have Rage or Quick Thinking, unfortunately.
I get what it does, I just don't get why it is bad to use.

It's "bad" insofar as by choosing to use crush instead of shield polarize against corpus, the mag is choosing to use a quantitatively inferior ability. Crush is fine everywhere else, as shield polarize only refills the team's shields without shielded enemies around.
Sounds like you already know what you have to do, except that you don't want to drop Streamline, you want to drop Fleeting. A max Streamline and the Essence helmet give you 55% efficiency, which is only 20% from max and has no offsetting negative.

For duration, I run max Continuity and Narrow Minded at rank 7 (minus 48% range) and max Overextended to offset Narrow's range penalty. I've never timed it, but it feels like I'm invisible for 30-40 seconds at a time. Constitution is overkill and only 28% anyway.

So 4 mods (Streamline, Narrow, Continuity, Overextended) and one ugly helmet will give you all the efficiency, duration and range you could possibly need. Use the other two slots for whatever defense you want to set up. I use Rage & Quick Thinking.

Incidentally, Loki is the only frame that doesn't require a single forma to optimize. He's just an amazing frame. Wish I'd discovered him sooner. I even have a point left over to upgrade Narrow Minded to 8, but I feel like it's pretty good at 7. IMO, that ugly Essence helmet is as necessary for Loki as the Vanguard helmet is for Rhino. Keep an eye out for alerts or spend the plat.

Oh man, GOOOOOD looks on this advice. I used Loki from the very start of this game once I saw that he could go invisible. I will see about those mods when I ever come across them and check out that helm. I got platinum that I don't know what to spend on since I'm not really interested in the other war frames and the weapons I want are EXP locked.
All levels clear!

Why the help don't I get a reward of some kind?!

You did, sort of. Each of those missions cleared gave you some mastery exp. A fancy "I spread Tenno superdickery to every locale in the solar system and all I got was this stupid event badge" badge would be a nice touch though.


Does anyone know why I can't go on a second mission with the same party after playing one? We choose the level and when the countdown gets below ten it kicks me out. This never happened before the update.

Edit: Appearently my NAT type changes too when this happens. Just now I was in a party and I got the notification for having a strict NAT for every single person in that party. Had to restart my router.
You did, sort of. Each of those missions cleared gave you some mastery exp. A fancy "I spread Tenno superdickery to every locale in the solar system and all I got was this stupid event badge" badge would be a nice touch though.
Or a rare mod, or...anything.

That Pluto rescue mission took me like 10 tries. Goddamn captive dies from a gust of wind. Never again.


so i put an orokin on my nova and omg. she's a beast now. nova is a freakin blast to play too. i need to get some vault mods and will forma her once more after that most likely.


so i put an orokin on my nova and omg. she's a beast now. nova is a freakin blast to play too. i need to get some vault mods and will forma her once more after that most likely.

Nova is best for high level Defense/Survival. Especially If you strengthen her MP ability. Warmwhole and MP are the two only abilities that I use. I've two different builds (Basic and Corrupted) and so far don't feel the need to forma it because I'm using Rifle Aura with it. And since Nova abilities (Warmhole and MP) aren't affected by power duration, the winning combo would be maxed Focus, Streamline, Blind Rage, and Fleeting Expertise, giving Nova total of +35% power efficiency and +129% power strength. However, this will negatively affect Null Star which to me is pointless.
I changed up the clan ranks a bit in an attempt to better recognize those who are doing their part to contribute towards the clan. We have five ranks now:

Warlord - me
General - Helscream
Officer - Bitmap Frogs and Das_Mookid
Sergeant - New rank for contributing members
Private - Combination of our old "Soldier" and "Initiate" ranks

Current criteria for Sergeant is 400 in Cicero. ;-)

When Cicero is complete, looks like I'm climbing that corporate ladder!


Man, Neural Sensors are not dropping for me...

I assume you're farming Alad V? He drops two sensors about 60% of the time.

On the Loki discussion, if you absolutely have to have 75% efficiency, I guess I'd lose Streamline, level a fleeting up to 50% (rank 4), and run the Essence helmet. But I can't even wrap my head around that little bit of efficiency being worth a 50% hit to duration on Loki when his two core abilities (Decoy and Invisibility) rely so much on duration.

I just don't think Fleeting Expertise has any place in any Loki build, unless you're building him solely to spam Radial Disarm, in which case you might as well just be running a Frost or something.

I assume you're running Energy Siphon on him? With max energy Siphon and over 100% duration increase between Narrow and Continuity, it feels like I generate more energy during invisibility than it costs to use.


Oh man, GOOOOOD looks on this advice. I used Loki from the very start of this game once I saw that he could go invisible. I will see about those mods when I ever come across them and check out that helm. I got platinum that I don't know what to spend on since I'm not really interested in the other war frames and the weapons I want are EXP locked.

Thanks, but I wouln't really recommend buying the helmet, unless he's your only frame and he's the only frame you ever want to play.

You may not be interested in other frames now, but I'd bet that you will be later. You'll eventually want slots and potatoes for Nova and Rhino at a minimum and probably some others like Frost Prime, Mag Prime, Vauban, Oberon, Nekros and Trinity as well.

Just get your helmets from Alert Missions. I recommend following the Twitter feed for real time alerts: https://twitter.com/WFAlertsPS4


300 is the best I will be doing on the guild mission. Someone in my guild group dropped and I used my stuff. So no ranking for me.
I assume you're farming Alad V? He drops two sensors about 60% of the time.

On the Loki discussion, if you absolutely have to have 75% efficiency, I guess I'd lose Streamline, level a fleeting up to 50% (rank 4), and run the Essence helmet. But I can't even wrap my head around that little bit of efficiency being worth a 50% hit to duration on Loki when his two core abilities (Decoy and Invisibility) rely so much on duration.

I just don't think Fleeting Expertise has any place in any Loki build, unless you're building him solely to spam Radial Disarm, in which case you might as well just be running a Frost or something.

I assume you're running Energy Siphon on him? With max energy Siphon and over 100% duration increase between Narrow and Continuity, it feels like I generate more energy during invisibility than it costs to use.
I don't use Decoy too much. It dies too fast. I will pop it in corridors behind a door or before resurrecting someone, though. Decoy rarely lasts its entire duration.

Frost can't disable an entire screen worth of enemies. Loki can. I don't see the comparison. I did 15 defense waves solo with Loki thanks to Radial Disarm.

Invisibility is free. My only issue right now is that my Radial Disarm radius is 30m right now, and I want 50m. One more level in Overextend will bring it to 35, and Swindle will bring it to a little under 40m.

Also, it is dumb that the alternate Nekros helms do nothing. I am making him now. Yes. I know he sucks.

Edit: oh, and yes Alad V. I got 3 Orokin Cells from him before he dropped one Neural Sensor.


Also, it is dumb that the alternate Nekros helms do nothing. I am making him now. Yes. I know he sucks.

That's how all helmets will be going forward, DE wants them to be purely cosmetic. They just haven't figured out what to do with all the old ones that already have stats on them.
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