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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Allright, I need to focus on farming the last remaining mods I am still missing:

Self Destruct
Fever Strike
Expel Grineer
Sure Footed
Shield Flux

Some of these are gonna be hard to get...

Sanctuary dropped in T3 capture twice last night in green lockers tucked away in the tower.

Good luck with the rest, I think I only have Expel Grineer out of all those.
Allright, I need to focus on farming the last remaining mods I am still missing:

Self Destruct
Fever Strike
Expel Grineer
Sure Footed
Shield Flux

Some of these are gonna be hard to get...

You can't farm for Shield Flux...at least not directly. You can only get that one through transmutation.


Sanctuary dropped in T3 capture twice last night in green lockers tucked away in the tower.

Good luck with the rest, I think I only have Expel Grineer out of all those.
I got my Sanctuary out of a Tower Capture container as well. Maybe we just need to go back to farming T2 and T3 Caps :D
Sanctuary dropped in T3 capture twice last night in green lockers tucked away in the tower.
I got my Sanctuary out of a Tower Capture container as well. Maybe we just need to go back to farming T2 and T3 Caps :D

Void tower containers are the only place Sanctuary drops. I think I've gotten three of them during void runs I've done with Bitmap. I've offered them to him each time, but he has so far resisted all temptation, and is determined to get one to drop himself. I can respect that.


Focus on unlocking nodes on the star chart - to see an alert the node must either be completed or at least accessible.

They actually changed that in 11.5; you now see every alert regardless of whether you've cleared the node or not. Ones you can't access will just say "Locked." They wanted to improve awareness of the alerts, good move IMO.


Void tower containers are the only place Sanctuary drops. I think I've gotten three of them during void runs I've done with Bitmap. I've offered them to him each time, but he has so far resisted all temptation, and is determined to get one to drop himself. I can respect that.
Yup, he's stubborn like that lol. Helscream's encountered the same brick wall there :D

They actually changed that in 11.5; you now see every alert regardless of whether you've cleared the node or not. Ones you can't access will just say "Locked." They wanted to improve awareness of the alerts, good move IMO.
Hense the reason why you see so many people asking for a "Taxi" :)


BTW did you guys see the insane buff they did to PARIS PRIME in update 12.0? It is way way better than Dread now.
I used Warframe builder to spec it out, and you can EASILY get almost 11,000 + guaranteed damage without a single forma used. I mean its godlike. For frames like Loki or Ash, you can add another 100% damage to that and one hit kill anything in the game.



BTW did you guys see the insane buff they did to PARIS PRIME in update 12.0?
I used Warframe builder to spec it out, and you can EASILY get almost 9,000 guaranteed damage without a single forma used. I mean its godlike. For frames like Loki or Ash, you can add another 100% damage to that and one hit kill anything in the game.

sounds like a reasonable buff consider the amount of arrows it takes to clear a room. obviously it helps if you proc thunderbolt but i can see why they did this. can't wait to put use my p.prime again!


Why is the framerate so shitty in this port ?

Part of it is a issue with performance optimization, but I think most of it has to do with netcode optimization.

BTW did you guys see the insane buff they did to PARIS PRIME in update 12.0? It is way way better than Dread now.
I used Warframe builder to spec it out, and you can EASILY get almost 9,000 guaranteed damage without a single forma used. I mean its godlike. For frames like Loki or Ash, you can add another 100% damage to that and one hit kill anything in the game.

Correction. Dread is still superior. Slash Proc>Puncture Proc.


Correction. Dread is still superior. Slash Proc>Puncture Proc.

Edit: Actually, Paris Prime seems to have a 200% Crit Multiplier, while the Dread has 150%... and both can be made to crit 100% of the time quite easily.

With two Forma, a PPrime can do 20,000 damage + another 100% when invisible LOL. I'm pretty sure this is a one hit kill on Stalker.


How do you get mutagen besides invasions which never have them?
Mutagen Samples drop in Orokin Derelict missions, which you then use to craft the Mutagen Mass which is required for the weapon blueprints you craft in the Infested Research lab in the Dojo.

Helscream, Paris Prime has 100% crit chance now....Dread does not. (see screenshot above)
HOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT, he's right. That's mental!


Grimløck;100004996 said:
did you get the receiver to drop from ODD? that shit eludes me.

Did you see they buffed the hell out Hek in the new update too? its like a sniper shotgun -- does more damage and less drop off!


Did you see they buffed the hell out Hek in the new update too? its like a sniper shotgun -- does more damage and less drop off!
got damn. they also buffed the tigris, which i love to mess around with. there's also the drakgoon and phage in the new updates. so many shotties to play with, so little time.


Never-mind, I do see that Dread now also has a 50% crit chance...So it is still godlike. But slash sucks on Grineer and Corpus, right?

Puncture is superior on Grineer yes, but the Dread is powerful because it deals slash damage AND has a high status chance.

Read this first.


When the slash effect goes off you deal 262.5% over 7 seconds of the damage that was dealt on contact. So if you crit for lets say 5k on a enemy. They will bleed for 1875 damage every second for 7 seconds. For a total of 13125 damage. Slash effects proves to be extremely powerful against high level enemies. The fact that it ignores armor and shields make it even more vicious.


Puncture is superior on Grineer yes, but the Dread is powerful because it deals slash damage AND has a high status chance.

Read this first.


When the slash effect goes off you deal 262.5% over 7 seconds of the damage that was dealt on contact. So if you crit for lets say 5k on a enemy. They will bleed for 1875 damage every second for 7 seconds. For a total of 13125 damage. Slash effects proves to be extremely powerful against high level enemies. The fact that it ignores armor and shields make it even more vicious.

Just for comparison, I built both the Dread and the Paris Prime as to how I'd run them, and these are the results:

Paris Prime


I gotta say, considering the end result with the mods used, Dread is still better. But then again, it should be because of what you usually have to go through to get it (Davros alert notwithstanding).


Grimløck;100004996 said:
did you get the receiver to drop from ODD? that shit eludes me.

yes, pre-11.5 though. i think DE fucked with the drop tables because i haven't seen the receiver drop since the update.


yes, pre-11.5 though. i think DE fucked with the drop tables because i haven't seen the receiver drop since the update.
The Receivers for both the Braton Prime and the Boar Prime are the hardest parts to get. Not to mention the complete switch-around that's going to occur with the Tower drop tables in U12. I wish you the best of luck...
Why is the framerate so shitty in this port ?

They addressed the void choppiness during today's livestream. Steve said something like "you should see at least double the framerate" once they've fixed the specific void laser issue (lasers were being processed all over the map no matter where you are). No idea about other optimizations. PS4 update will be sent to cert hopefully next week.

yes, pre-11.5 though. i think DE fucked with the drop tables because i haven't seen the receiver drop since the update.

I got the receiver yesterday from ODD, wave 10 or 15.


Grimløck;100005569 said:
got damn. they also buffed the tigris, which i love to mess around with. there's also the drakgoon and phage in the new updates. so many shotties to play with, so little time.


we need more shotty love in this thread. that *thud* sound is like rain during a california drought. NEED MOAR


why the fuck can i not change the appearance of the wraith twin vipers? this has gotta be a bug. unless they're trying to upsell the camo skin which looks like shit.


why the fuck can i not change the appearance of the wraith twin vipers? this has gotta be a bug. unless they're trying to upsell the camo skin which looks like shit.

Intentional, can't change the appearance of Wraith gear. The ones on PC are the same way. I was surprised you could even apply the skins to it.


why the fuck can i not change the appearance of the wraith twin vipers? this has gotta be a bug. unless they're trying to upsell the camo skin which looks like shit.
All Wraith weapons have the same type of camo, and it didn't surprise me when I saw that I couldn't change the look. It's definitely not a bug.

Edit: Beaten by Step-Dad Mol.


I'd love to play more of this, but it constantly makes my PS4 crash from overheating. No other game or program, just Warframe. I have to wonder if it's something inherent to the game itself, because the PC version makes my fans spin up like a helicopter about to take off.


I'd love to play more of this, but it constantly makes my PS4 crash from overheating. No other game or program, just Warframe. I have to wonder if it's something inherent to the game itself, because the PC version makes my fans spin up like a helicopter about to take off.

That would probably point to an issue with your PS4...


Could be, but the fact that the PS4 runs everything else without any issues makes me suspect Warframe first.

The only time I've ever had crashes on Warframe are when it's due to Warframe's bad coding. I've never had my console fans spin up to any noticeable levels when playing the game either.


The only time I've ever had crashes on Warframe are when it's due to Warframe's bad coding. I've never had my console fans spin up to any noticeable levels when playing the game either.

I don't hear the fans at all when Warframe plays, which is probably the problem. I'll give Sony a call, but I really have trouble believing Warframe is the most demanding game on the system.


Grimløck;100031645 said:
Reactor? I'm sure there're better candidates to use your sole potato on.
A Frame that isn't Potato'd is a Frame not worth having.

You should really only be spending your Platinum on Reactors and Catalysts anyway.


A Frame that isn't Potato'd is a Frame not worth having.

You should really only be spending your Platinum on Reactors and Catalysts anyway.
I don't know. I can hold my own with stock frames. Vauban and Frost immediately come to mind. Sure, you should potato them if you plan on using them for more than mastery rank fodder. But if you only have one reactor, you should spend it on a frame you enjoy playing as. If he finds Nekros enjoyable, then by all means go ahead.


Are the twin wraiths as bad as they initially seem?

Did the patch make soma better than synapse?

just the colors :p. they're pretty awesome once you start modding them. I'm able to do some nice damage against mid-level corpus with multishot and increased fire rate.


can someone add me to the neogaf clan? my PSN ID is roastedham

also could use some help as a noob. I dont think im very far considering how many planets im on and the progression in this game isnt tradtitonal whatsoever


Are the twin wraiths as bad as they initially seem?

Did the patch make soma better than synapse?

To answer your first question: No. The Wraith Twin Vipers are a perfectly capable pair of sidearms. They definitely benefit from increased clip size and Pistol Ammo Mutation though.

As for the changes that were/are being made to the Synapse, I couldn't find any specific notes in the patch notes for either U11.5 or the upcoming U12. Mol's mentioned the changes before, so he'll probably go into specifics when he reads this.
A Frame that isn't Potato'd is a Frame not worth having.

You should really only be spending your Platinum on Reactors and Catalysts anyway.

Grimløck;100032527 said:
I don't know. I can hold my own with stock frames. Vauban and Frost immediately come to mind. Sure, you should potato them if you plan on using them for more than mastery rank fodder. But if you only have one reactor, you should spend it on a frame you enjoy playing as. If he finds Nekros enjoyable, then by all means go ahead.
Well, I put a Reactor on Loki, and he is set. The problem is that I don't know if I like Nekros. He needs a lot of power to really get him going. He is kind of like Loki, and less like Rhino or Frost. Loki was kind of crappy before I modded the hell out of him, but now he is extraordinary.
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