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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4



To celebrate our surge of unity and brotherhood working towards the Cicero event, we're celebrating it with a set of competitions that will award mods, keys and other goodies to the winners!

Hereby this post announces THE FIRST EVENT!

Which will consist on a parkour competition to be celebrated in our dojo! Simply head up to our dojo and access the obstacle course. After you complete the course, screenshot your final time, like this:


For this purpose it's highly recommended that you change the behaviour of the share button so that it takes a screenshot with a short press instead of a long press. An screenshot like the one above will be the only acceptable proof for this event.

You have to submit your two best times that will be added together. The 3 gaffers with the smallest cumulative time will be our winners! This is a free for all run, no restriction when it comes to warframes or mods. If you only submit one time, for the purposes of scoring 3 minutes will be added since that's the maximum time allowance for finishing the obstacle course.

To avoid potential issues, identical times will be discarded (if you submit two screenshots showing as an example, 1:11:24, only one will count).

The winners will pick, in order, one mod from a list that will be sent to them through neogaf PM. Now we have no way to check your mods, so please be honorable and pick mods that you need, not mods that will sell well on the trade channel.

Some of the mods available as rewards:

Split Chamber
Barrel Diffusion
Hell's Chamber
Fired Up
Energy Syphon
Fleeting Expertise
Coolant Leak
Corrupt Charge
Hollow Point
Charged Chamber
Tactical Pump

Because Helscream is really good at parkour and has all mods under the sun, he is allowed to compete but if he qualifies his spot on the mod picking list will be bumped and instead he will be awarded one ammo drum mod. Unranked, of course.

Gentlemen, START YOUR ENGINES! Obstacle course scores will be accepted starting after the end of the Cicero event and until Wednesday 12th of February, 9:00 AM Spanish time.

Oh, and...

um guys, we won!


The Cicero Crisis has been completed, great work Tenno!

Congratulations on finishing your first PS4 event, we realize the urgency to keep content coming for PS4 and we’re working full steam to make that happen. We’re excited to release more content for PS4 and get Account Migration live in the upcoming weeks!

The sneak peek of the jungle is over; the tile set will be released with Update 12 for PS4.

- Score 10 points and you will receive an Event Badge.
- Score 50 points and you will receive a set of 4x Dual Stat Mods (Status chance + Toxic Damage).
- Score 100 points and you will earn a set of Wraith Twin Vipers

Rewards have been distributed, enjoy!
Trophies are still being smelted and will go live with the next Update for PS4.

Storm Clan:
1. 22025: NeoGAF
2. 13355: Carnage
3. 12940: LOCO
4. 11520: Redsky
5. 9800: Shogun
6. 5670: Valhalla Masters
7. 5620: SorrowBringers
8. 5140: Mimic
9. 5060: Dark Assasins
10. 4920: SHADOWS​


Grind so hard muthafuckus wanna find me,
That shit cray.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
News from the primetime stream:

Ps4 update 12 will be submitted to cert next week or the one after, which means a timeframe of 2 to 4 weeks until it becomes available to us.

We've also become clan NeoJAF apparently ;D


Word on the grapevine is that update 12 borked survival missions by reducing O2 drops pretty badly. Hope this is just a bug and gets fixed before the PS4 release.


This is what fucking happens when I don't check the forum for a day - we go forward 3-odd pages and all the exciting shit happens. Oh well, at least I got my Despair out of the alert runs last night.



Because Helscream is really good at parkour and has all mods under the sun, he is allowed to compete but if he qualifies his spot on the mod picking list will be bumped and instead he will be awarded one ammo drum mod. Unranked, of course.

Holy. Freaking. CRAP! Great work everyone!
I am thoroughly chuffed that we spanked the 2nd rank clan by almost double, but DAYUM Destroy All Monsters got 90k!


U12 codex entry for Ember/Ember Prime:

Three figures waited behind a simple table. Their attention on a single chair, bathed in light. An old woman's voice from the shadow: 'Send her in'. Across the room a security officer, stern and plain, opened the door. The outline of a young woman appeared at the door. She hesitated, but only for an instant, then crossed the room and sat.
There was a gasp as the light hit her face. Her right eye was bright and blinking, but her left was a greasy slit. Her skin had been burned moon white. Her mouth was a sagging gash without lips or expression. Her military beret was pulled snug over a scarred and hairless scalp.

The old voice: 'Your name is Kaleen.' Kaleen nooded. 'You were the principle investigator of the Zariman?' Kaleen's voice was a jagged whisper, a rigid face. 'Yes.'

Kallen coughed, straightened: 'The Zariman was lost making the fold from saturn to the outer gates. Mechanical failure. I notified families and filed a report with the inspectors. Nothing ever returns from the fold, so I closed the case.'

Bur you reopened the case, days later.'

I didn't believe it myself until I stepped abord the ship. It was completely intact, full enviromental, as if it had never left.'

'and the crew was gone.'

'Not exactly.' Kaleen hesitated. 'We though it was empty but we began to find...' Her face twitched at remembering pain, 'We began to find children hiding in the ship.'

'And that is when you violated procedure?'

Kaleen bowed her head, a tear welling in her sightless eye. 'They were children. They were afraid. They needed comfort.'

'So you broke quarantine and this is what happened to you.'

There was silence as Kaleen touched her face,'So what have you done with them?'

The old woman gestured for the officer to take Kaleen away. The meeting was over. When Kaleen reached the door she twisted out of his grib and shot back, 'Why would you do that? Why did you put children on military ship?'

'We didn't. That would violate procedure.'



Method #1: Semi-Cheese - Mag, Energy Siphon, Overextended, Stretch, Pull.

Method #2: Full Cheese - Any Warframe/weapon, get to the top platform in the center. It'll disappear but you won't fall. Take your time shooting the enemies from your invisible perch.

Method #3: Legit - lol idk

lol thanks. i tried to loki switch teleport to no avail. will try method 2.

so awesome. congrats all. props to mol and others who've donated multiple verms.


Grimløck;99923051 said:
i swear the drop table for ODD is whack. all i'm getting are freaking keys.
Yup, had issues with that last week. Saw one Ember Prime blueprint, and then it was all Tower Keys from there.
I feel like Nekro is showing me what everyone else plays when they turn this game on. I am not used to getting hit.

Also, Desecrate is godlike. I just got a Flow from it!


I feel like Nekro is showing me what everyone else plays when they turn this game on. I am not used to getting hit.

Also, Desecrate is godlike. I just got a Flow from it!
Got his parts tonight myself, because I saw how useful he is when we farmed for morphics.
I think I'm going to rush him and farm for some more morphics tomorrow. The 3 Stalker weapons pretty much ate up my stash.


Got his parts tonight myself, because I saw how useful he is when we farmed for morphics.
I think I'm going to rush him and farm for some more morphics tomorrow. The 3 Stalker weapons pretty much ate up my stash.

Send Titan Extractor to Mars. Something like a 25% chance to get 6 Morphics every 4 hours. I have over 100 Morphics in my stash now. o_O


Saw that the Latron Prime is getting a nice buff come update 12. Gonna have to forma that bad-boy up a few times :D
Shit, I could have just given you the first two if I'd known you needed them. I'm pretty sure I have 4 of each...
Way to kill my joy. :p

I don't need Streamline, it is just cool to have one drop. The stuff I need right now is Jagged Edge, Rage, and Focus. I am thinking about decking Nekros out with his four abilities and:

Quick Thinking

Seems like it could work. I am open to opinions, though.


Way to kill my joy. :p

I don't need Streamline, it is just cool to have one drop. The stuff I need right now is Jagged Edge, Rage, and Focus. I am thinking about decking Nekros out with his four abilities and:

Quick Thinking

Seems like it could work. I am open to opinions, though.

I dunno. Nekros is a Desecrate-bot, there's really no reason to use him besides that. I wouldn't want to use him without both Streamline and Fleeting.
I dunno. Nekros is a Desecrate-bot, there's really no reason to use him besides that. I wouldn't want to use him without both Streamline and Fleeting.
Fleeting kind of kills his ultimate, though. I know he is not the best, but I want to use him as a full character.

Also, Desecrate tends to pay for itself right now. No need to down energy costs for that.
Fleeting kind of kills his ultimate, though. I know he is not the best, but I want to use him as a full character.

Also, Desecrate tends to pay for itself right now. No need to down energy costs for that.

Eventually you want to rely on Terrify more than his ultimate for effective crowd control.

The problem with his ultimate (shadow of the dead) is that:
1) The cast time is long, so you need the coast to be clear.
2) The effectiveness of the ultimate is entirely dependent on whether or not you landed the killshot on previous enemies. This is a problem with end game play, as enemies become harder to kill or kills are taken away by frames with AoE attacks(ex: Nova.)

As for energy...you'll be spamming desecrate to no end in end game survival runs. As enemies become harder to kill, you'll get less fresh corpse available and that energy cost will get to you fast.


Saw that the Latron Prime is getting a nice buff come update 12. Gonna have to forma that bad-boy up a few times :D
It is an absolute monster now. I have it forma'd twice with a crit/corrosive build and do 20k damage on Grineer headshot criticals


the obstacle course is an exercise in frustration. "Why the fuck does he keep rolling?!" I've only managed to finish it in 58 seconds so far. Helscream, teach me your space ninja ways.


Send Titan Extractor to Mars. Something like a 25% chance to get 6 Morphics every 4 hours. I have over 100 Morphics in my stash now. o_O
I'm doing that ALL THE TIME with Mars and Saturn (for cells). Out of like 15 times so far I only had one 6-pack Morphics drop. :(
Does it matter which node I'm on when I press L3 to deploy?


Wow, the guy hits the nail on the head.

Archwizard said:
Generally I don't read these kinds of threads (they all tend to say the same thing, frankly), but in light of some recent announcements, I must say I agree with most of this letter.

Primarily in terms of communication.

They announced that a change would be coming to obtaining several Warframes, the addition of a Tenno Lab for dojos. Several players have voiced concerns about obtaining these seemingly lab-exclusive frames through clanless/solo play, but personally I'm more perturbed that they did so partway through an event that released a new resource type, while vaguely hinting that said resource would be used in the dojos- but saying nothing about its rarity once the event ends (which in essence could be a direct repeat of Mutagen Mass dilemma), in what quantities it would be required, or how long the Research system will delay obtainment of frames moved into its jurisdiction.

This isn't the first time I've felt their communication was incomplete or misleading. I'd run enough of Xini to not really be bothered by the removal of Mutagen Masses from the star chart, but even I was dismayed by the removal of Infested. As the OP stated, patch notes tend to be 75% accurate at best; "stealth nerfs" generally are euphemised (such as the case of Venom-stacking in 9.8) or go completely unrecorded (such as the more recent line-of-sight change to Pull, inability to cast abilities in the air or back to back, etc). Warframe and equipment feedback is frequently mentioned in the Community Hot Topics or asked about in Pre-stream Q&As, but the devs keep such plans very close to their chests and several Warframes go unchanged for months as a result.

Just as another example: before Nekros was released, a megathread was made announcing his abilities, and most of the feedback was negative towards "Search the Dead" (and positive towards its predecessor "Life Drain"). This was explictly noted by Megan in a following CHT with something along the lines of "It may not even make it to release"- only for players to be silently overruled by the devs and Desecrate to be released anyway completely unchanged, along with unannounced changes to two other abilities in the same arsenal that much of the playerbase didn't catch onto for weeks. I've actually talked to players who refused to slot several of these abilities as a silent protest to this violation of communicated feedback, and most of us Nekros supporters still await his review.

Similar examples can probably be found in each of the latest frames to go under the knife, most especially Valkyr- who actually received limited review very soon after her release, but it was unsatisfactory to her supporters due to complaints only being bandaged in the area of her survival, and not receiving any changes toward her damage, utility or general effectiveness in or outside of Hysteria. Communication has already failed with the recent statement that she would not be receiving any further changes upon Melee 2.0's release.

We understand wanting to avoid Molyneuxing the game by overhyping changes (barring the fact that they absolutely do- Armor 2.0, Damage 2.0, even Melee 2.0 and the HUD now), and wanting to actually surprise players with positive changes and lore updates (like the Harvester)- but in places where communication stagnates, either the playerbase falls to desperation, despondency, and grim acceptance that necessary change isn't coming, or we're simply shocked by how devastating and painful the unforeseen transition is (the stamina changes, for example).

Second thing I agree with in this letter: the stance against grinding.

My personal favorite event was the Survival Weekend. It was a bit short, but it did one thing that no other event thus far has done: Rewarded players for skill, not for staring at their computer screen for several hours and panicking that they won't get enough points before the event ends. It was able to be finished within one run, and players could repeatedly playtest it for as long as they wanted to after finishing. They didn't need a gimmick like scanning flowers (that often did not even show up) or competing to land the killing blow on a new enemy to keep them coming back- they just did because they found it legitimately interesting.

I was thinking about it the other night, and I was able to boil down all of Warframe into three categories: grinding, microtransactions, and mindless aversion of boredom. Before you get to "end game" territory, you're either grinding for XP for your current gear, grinding through missions to unlock the solar map, or grinding for parts of the next Frame to replace your current gear. End game itself is composed almost entirely of people running Defenses and Survivals. Why? Some want to get a load of resources or scans (grinding), some want to get a new record (grinding), some want keys to go to MORE defenses and survivals for gear they'll eventually keep for aesthetics and a small upgrade over the standard version (grinding)- but most just do it because they're bored. You're not motivated by a sense of adventure (partially because every mission is just a load of different-colored enemies constantly trying to kill you) or curiosity (due to the steep lack of lore, and most important figures either trying to kill you or already being dead) or exploration (primarily due to the very stringent lobby system and solar map discouraging travel, but also because every mission barring some Assassinations is composed of maps made via scrapbooking techniques which you'll see a dozen times per planet); you're generally motivated by your psychotic tendencies or your empty Foundry.

Simply put, there needs to be a new motivator.

Oh, and look at what U12 is bringing us:



EDIT: Apparently it's been fixed.

Hopefully, we'll get Hotfix 12.0.2 incorporated into the PS4 U12 update.


Recently started playing this again after a brief playtime on PC. Feels much better on PS4 controller.

Currently getting the hang of the general system mechanics and controls. It's pretty fun.
Eventually you want to rely on Terrify more than his ultimate for effective crowd control.

The problem with his ultimate (shadow of the dead) is that:
1) The cast time is long, so you need the coast to be clear.
2) The effectiveness of the ultimate is entirely dependent on whether or not you landed the killshot on previous enemies. This is a problem with end game play, as enemies become harder to kill or kills are taken away by frames with AoE attacks(ex: Nova.)

As for energy...you'll be spamming desecrate to no end in end game survival runs. As enemies become harder to kill, you'll get less fresh corpse available and that energy cost will get to you fast.
Thank you for this. A lot of folks say he is bad, but this is the first explanation I have received.

Grimløck;99945782 said:
the obstacle course is an exercise in frustration. "Why the fuck does he keep rolling?!" I've only managed to finish it in 58 seconds so far. Helscream, teach me your space ninja ways.
Why the fuck does he keep rolling, indeed.

This is a problem even in normal levels. I have rolled off the map so many times...
Grimløck;99945782 said:
the obstacle course is an exercise in frustration. "Why the fuck does he keep rolling?!" I've only managed to finish it in 58 seconds so far. Helscream, teach me your space ninja ways.

If you're currently sprinting, you will pretty much always roll on landing unless you slide-cancel out of it, which probably isn't what you want to do in this situation. If you aren't sprinting, you can generally avoid rolling by stopping your momentum in the air (ie, letting the stick go to a neutral position) before landing.

You can technically do a 'hard landing' while sprinting, but it requires your forward momentum to have almost completely stopped, so it's unlikely unless you're falling from a great height.


GAF parliamentarian
why doesnt the invite notice display which map the player inviting you is on
Why do the first two mods on an item cover the number of slots you have available?
Why does the option menu cover up the number of times you've forma'd an item?
Why does the 'press x to select a mission' prompt sometimes cover up the level range for a mission node?

Warframe's UI has many, many problems.


Hey, I'm relatively new to Warframe and was trying to get a couple friends into the game as well. I have a couple dumb but specific questions that I couldn't find answers to with a cursory google search:

Are Sentinels account wide? I.E. if I make a Dethcube can I use it with all my Warframes?

Are weapon ranks/levels warframe specific? I.E. Leveling up a specific shotgun on Excalibur level the same weapon up for Frost?

What is the most valuable/best use of Platinum? I bought a starter bundle on a Steam sale some time ago and have 500 Plat as part of it. After reading a bit I have seen that purely aesthetic items and higher level upgrade items for adding polarity? to stuff?
Hey, I'm relatively new to Warframe and was trying to get a couple friends into the game as well. I have a couple dumb but specific questions that I couldn't find answers to with a cursory google search:

Are Sentinels account wide? I.E. if I make a Dethcube can I use it with all my Warframes?

Yes. Yes.

Are weapon ranks/levels warframe specific? I.E. Leveling up a specific shotgun on Excalibur level the same weapon up for Frost?

No. Yes.

What is the most valuable/best use of Platinum? I bought a starter bundle on a Steam sale some time ago and have 500 Plat as part of it. After reading a bit I have seen that purely aesthetic items and higher level upgrade items for adding polarity? to stuff?

Warframe and weapon slots, or Orokin Reactors and Catalysts.
Are Sentinels account wide? I.E. if I make a Dethcube can I use it with all my Warframes?

Yes, Sentinels are 'free', even if you switch to an Unranked brand new Warframe you can keep using your current Sentinel.

Are weapon ranks/levels warframe specific? I.E. Leveling up a specific shotgun on Excalibur level the same weapon up for Frost?

No, weapons level completely independent of Warframes. A Rank 30 Shotgun will still be the same when you change from a Rank 30 Loki to an Unranked Excalibur.

What is the most valuable/best use of Platinum? I bought a starter bundle on a Steam sale some time ago and have 500 Plat as part of it. After reading a bit I have seen that purely aesthetic items and higher level upgrade items for adding polarity? to stuff?

Arguably, more slots for warframes and weapons, as everything else can be obtained without spending platinum aside from a few cosmetics. Maybe Orokin Reactors/Catalysts (or Warframes that, if bought with Platinum, come pre-installed with them) if you have trouble getting them because of not having much time to play or not being able to play during the hours they become available.

I wouldn't really recommend buying Forma with Platinum, they're easy enough to farm compared to Reactors/Catalysts which are basically obtainable only through timed events.


Grimløck;99945782 said:
the obstacle course is an exercise in frustration. "Why the fuck does he keep rolling?!" I've only managed to finish it in 58 seconds so far. Helscream, teach me your space ninja ways.


If you're currently sprinting, you will pretty much always roll on landing unless you slide-cancel out of it, which probably isn't what you want to do in this situation. If you aren't sprinting, you can generally avoid rolling by stopping your momentum in the air (ie, letting the stick go to a neutral position) before landing.

You can technically do a 'hard landing' while sprinting, but it requires your forward momentum to have almost completely stopped, so it's unlikely unless you're falling from a great height.

What he said.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Allright, I need to focus on farming the last remaining mods I am still missing:

Self Destruct
Fever Strike
Expel Grineer
Sure Footed
Shield Flux

Some of these are gonna be hard to get...


About to hit 30 on my first frame just in time for my Rhino to finish "baking" but am still sans any aura's

My Trinity would be kick ass with a Energy Syphon but I see that they all only drop with alerts.

Is it specific alerts? I only seem to get money or components for the alerts I have run so far


Allright, I need to focus on farming the last remaining mods I am still missing:

Self Destruct
Fever Strike
Expel Grineer
Sure Footed
Shield Flux

Some of these are gonna be hard to get...

Bit, I'll see If I have Expel Grineer. As far Blaze, I priced checked on Trade Channel and someone offered me the mod for 5p to 10p. I already have the mod but I can see who was offering me, If you say so.

About to hit 30 on my first frame just in time for my Rhino to finish "baking" but am still sans any aura's

My Trinity would be kick ass with a Energy Syphon but I see that they all only drop with alerts.

Is it specific alerts? I only seem to get money or components for the alerts I have run so far

I guess I've extra e-siphon aura. I'll see when I get online. Just PM me on PS4. Its same ID as here.
About to hit 30 on my first frame just in time for my Rhino to finish "baking" but am still sans any aura's

My Trinity would be kick ass with a Energy Syphon but I see that they all only drop with alerts.

Is it specific alerts? I only seem to get money or components for the alerts I have run so far

All alerts have a specific reward. You'll need to wait for an alert that has energy siphon as its reward.
Allright, I need to focus on farming the last remaining mods I am still missing:

Self Destruct
Fever Strike
Expel Grineer
Sure Footed
Shield Flux

Some of these are gonna be hard to get...

Mmmm I remember a got guardian in one of your runs got Fever strike in one of those derelics missions


does the game experience improve if you have a group of people to play with? I find the game very unengaging but I have yet to have a group of people to run around shooting with things. I also find myself concerned half of the time with what my team is doing. Maybe I am getting more frustrated with this game than I should be but who knows
does the game experience improve if you have a group of people to play with? I find the game very unengaging but I have yet to have a group of people to run around shooting with things. I also find myself concerned half of the time with what my team is doing. Maybe I am getting more frustrated with this game than I should be but who knows

the real hook about this game is grinding and make warframes and weapons to fit your playstyle, more grinding and trying to figure out where you can farm more material for more intensive grinding.
What's the best way to farm Auras? I really want that enemy radar or energy regen. I've only ever found one (sniper ammo lol) and I have no idea where I found it


What's the best way to farm Auras? I really want that enemy radar or energy regen. I've only ever found one (sniper ammo lol) and I have no idea where I found it

You don't farm them. They randomly pop up as rewards for Alert missions. You need to be online and run the Alert when it pops.
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