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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


I think the important question is whether I can be an invisible Loki/Ash and hang out in front of Penta spammers. ;)

I bumped into a bossy Penta random the other day in ODD. He apparently wanted me to use Vortex instead of Bastille despite the fact that Bastille is cheaper and sustainable through entire rounds regardless of enemy levels while Vortex has diminishing returns. I muted him, and we went past round 70, but I almost bailed just because of his bossiness.

It is stuff like this that can drive me away from a game. I like to learn and find better ways to do things. But when people become belligerent and bossy, it is a major turn off.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community

To celebrate our surge of unity and brotherhood working towards the Cicero event, we're celebrating it with a set of competitions that will award mods, keys and other goodies to the winners!

Hereby this post announces THE FIRST EVENT!

Which will consist on a parkour competition to be celebrated in our dojo! Simply head up to our dojo and access the obstacle course. After you complete the course, screenshot your final time, like this:


For this purpose it's highly recommended that you change the behaviour of the share button so that it takes a screenshot with a short press instead of a long press. An screenshot like the one above will be the only acceptable proof for this event.

You have to submit your two best times that will be added together. The 3 gaffers with the smallest cumulative time will be our winners! This is a free for all run, no restriction when it comes to warframes or mods. If you only submit one time, for the purposes of scoring 3 minutes will be added since that's the maximum time allowance for finishing the obstacle course.

To avoid potential issues, identical times will be discarded (if you submit two screenshots showing as an example, 1:11:24, only one will count).

The winners will pick, in order, one mod from a list that will be sent to them through neogaf PM. Now we have no way to check your mods, so please be honorable and pick mods that you need, not mods that will sell well on the trade channel.

Some of the mods available as rewards:

Split Chamber
Hell's Chamber
Fired Up
Energy Syphon
Fleeting Expertise

Because Helscream is really good at parkour and has all mods under the sun, he is allowed to compete but if he qualifies his spot on the mod picking list will be bumped and instead he will be awarded one ammo drum mod. Unranked, of course.

Gentlemen, START YOUR ENGINES! Obstacle course scores will be accepted starting after the end of the Cicero event and until Wednesday 12th of February, 9:00 AM Spanish time.
Crap, now I wish I had screenshotted that 1:34 run. I felt amazing about it until I saw that SS. Especially after watching Kurod fail for 3 minutes. ;)

How do I change how my Share button works?

Edit: also, can I disable auto-roll. I hate rolling off those damn pillars.


Vortex and Penta in ODD is like peanut butter and jelly. He may have been bossy but he was right.

Negative. I hate when people see something done a certain way, and they think it's the only way.

A skillfully placed Bastille traps enemies at 4 small points in ODD with a single cast, rather than two casts, and it costs 25% less energy to cast in the first place. No enemy got within sniffing distance of the objective for 70 rounds because there was always always always a net waiting for them...and a Penta shot. I've done it both ways, and I find Bastille to be less spectacular but far more efficient.


I don't get bows either. My default gun is outpacing Dread.

Anyway, I am wondering what element to have on Galatine for void missions. I initially popped Magnetism on it because there are shields on everything, but I wonder if instead I should use Corrosion. Basically, the super heavy Grineer units are taking me 3-4 charged strikes at levels 50+, but I still 1-shot everything else. This makes me think I should drop Magnetism and go with Corrosion. Thoughts?

I have corrosion on my Galatine and Blast + Corrosion on my Penta (which seems to one hit kill the Stalker), so I would say you cannot go wrong with Corrosion.

Grimløck;99812360 said:
same. ran a few thanks to clan members but kept getting dread.

I got lucky I guess... 3 runs with the clan got Dread, cancelled. First run with randoms, got Despair and completed the mission.

Sye d'Burns

Negative. I hate when people see something done a certain way, and they think it's the only way.

A skillfully placed Bastille traps enemies at 4 small points in ODD with a single cast, rather than two casts, and it costs 25% less energy to cast in the first place. No enemy got within sniffing distance of the objective for 70 rounds because there was always always always a net waiting for them...and a Penta shot. I've done it both ways, and I find Bastille to be less spectacular but far more efficient.


I wasn't speaking in absolutes.

Who said it was the only way?

I said it was a good combination. He was right to suggest it and wrong for being bossy.

If you have a beef with random #22654 take it out on him.

If you're happy with multiple focuses of fire and the reduced efficiency that entails, more power to you.

...and to random #22654, I say this: If you don't like the way the Vauban does it, build or buy your own. No need for bossiness.


Is that ok with you or should I acquiesce and say, "No, you're right. The answer is truly 'negative' and yours is the only way?"


Some of the mods available as rewards:

Split Chamber
Hell's Chamber
Fired Up
Energy Syphon
Fleeting Expertise

Well I can add to the pot I suppose. I have....

Coolant Leak(x5)
Corrupt Charge(x1)
Barrel Diffusion(x1)
Hollow Point(x1)
Pistol Ammo Mutation(x3)
Bane of Grineer(x1)
Charged Chamber(x2)
Arrow Ammo Mutation(x1)
Metal Auger(x2)
Shotgun Ammo Mutation(x7)
Sniper Ammo Mutation(x2)
Tactical Pump(x3)
Energy Siphon(x1)

Because Helscream is really good at parkour and has all mods under the sun, he is allowed to compete but if he qualifies his spot on the mod picking list will be bumped and instead he will be awarded one ammo drum mod. Unranked, of course.

I have a setup that can definitely get a time below 1 min...

Also, great idea for a competition. I wish the dojo kept track of best records.

Omg I would have had it if not for the goddamn roll. I got to the pillars in exactly 21 seconds.

Sye d'Burns

Sorry. I'm military, so it's casual vernacular for me...shorthand for "I disagree."

But for the same of simplicity, you could just acknowledge my absolute rightness. ;)

I'm former military. Don't worry, it fades with time. :p

I could but where would the fun be in that.


Oh God, the newly nerfed Snowglobe is still on a timer. Oh God, I can't. My sides....XD

Has to be on a timer or there'd be Snow Globes everywhere. Hopefully it's a long timer without duration mods, because I'd really like to do a power/efficiency build on Frost.
Sorry. I'm military, so it's casual vernacular for me...shorthand for "I disagree."

But for the same of simplicity, you could just acknowledge my absolute rightness. ;)

Pfft, you're former military. You should realize only First Sergeant's ever allowed to be right.


How did he shoot forward?
How did he make pillars?

How how how how?!
Energy restore consumable gear. Hot keyed for use and spammed. Part of the glitch is that they aren't consumed when used in the obstacle course.

This was the PC version so not sure if it would work on PS4.


What's that "killed 10 enemies" thing that popped up on the bottom? New update stuff?

Also, Lotus is finally animated! Anf the new UI is uuugly.

It's a new game mode that DE introduced in U12. Of course, it's bugged right off the bat, so enemies spawn under the ground or in unreachable places. More sleek™ coding at work here.


um guys, we won!


The Cicero Crisis has been completed, great work Tenno!

Congratulations on finishing your first PS4 event, we realize the urgency to keep content coming for PS4 and we’re working full steam to make that happen. We’re excited to release more content for PS4 and get Account Migration live in the upcoming weeks!

The sneak peek of the jungle is over; the tile set will be released with Update 12 for PS4.

- Score 10 points and you will receive an Event Badge.
- Score 50 points and you will receive a set of 4x Dual Stat Mods (Status chance + Toxic Damage).
- Score 100 points and you will earn a set of Wraith Twin Vipers

Rewards have been distributed, enjoy!
Trophies are still being smelted and will go live with the next Update for PS4.

Storm Clan:
1. 22025: NeoGAF
2. 13355: Carnage
3. 12940: LOCO
4. 11520: Redsky
5. 9800: Shogun
6. 5670: Valhalla Masters
7. 5620: SorrowBringers
8. 5140: Mimic
9. 5060: Dark Assasins
10. 4920: SHADOWS
Was hoping we'd place, but never expected first! Making top 5 on the moon clan list is crazy too. Congrats all, and thanks Mol for the extra org efforts!


Firstly, nice work guys and especailly Mol
for cracking the whip.

Second, I'm not even going to bother entering the speed run, these controllers are way too expensive.


Guys, since Bashee and Volt are going to be moved to the Dojo, i have a few questions.

1) Did Volt's price change on the PC since he became a research only frame?
2) How do we currently get Bashee? Can her parts be farmed? I have everything minus one piece (systems i believe). It seems to be very random.

Also, congrats on our victory guys! Do we get anything as a clan for winning the event? (PS. Holy shit, we scored higher than half of the Moon clans on the leader-board with 1000 people in them!)


Do we get anything as a clan for winning the event? (PS. Holy shit, we scored higher than half of the Moon clans on the leader-board with 1000 people in them!)

Gold trophy for the motherfucking Dojo!

As for Banshee and Volt, I would't sweat it. Those research prices were for the Moon Clan tier (1,000 members) and they've since been nerfed down from that to begin with. Our requirements should be roughly 10x smaller than that.

It'll definitely be easier/faster to just wait and buy those frames from the Dojo. Especially Banshee.
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