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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Grimløck;100902458 said:
how accurate is the codex in terms of tracking weapon mastery? i swear i've mastered some of them before selling them off, but the codex says i haven't.
It's 100% accurate for me.
With U12 on the horizon, has there been any thought to some dojo remodelling in prep for the new warframe lab? To keep things accessible (and future proof) I was thinking it would be a good idea to demolish the chem lab, replace it with one of the decorative garden junctions, then rebuild the lab on the left or right side. The new lab goes opposite that, and we leave the last door open for a future garden / hall junction to add more labs if DE implements them.

It would be nice if we were set to get the warframe lab constructed the same day the patch hits!


What is the best nightmare stage type to run? Assume I have all frames available and just want to farm mods asap.

Capture, Survival, Defense, and boss levels all seem like good choices. Extermination, Rescue, and Sabotage all seem bad since they require you to run a lot.

Nightmare defense takes too long at 15 waves. Survival is OK at 5-6 minutes.

What's wrong with running? Rhino, Iron Skin, run, stomp every now and then, run. Loki, invisibility with max duration, run and ignore everything.

I like to run Deceptions when they are available. One objective, as opposed to Spy/Sabotage or Capture, and nothing to babysit like Rescue. Deception also tends to repeat the same two map layouts, and they tend to be short, so it becomes a familiar run.

Duration is another form of efficiency on Defense missions, but on Survival you need to be on the move, ans duration won't help with that. Rage seems a bit much since he should be incapacitating everyone all the time.

Agree that Vortex > Bastille on survival, but not because you have to be "on the move". The most efficient way to play survival is to find the room with the best enemy spawns, set up camp, and have one runner (Rhino/Trinity) for life support spawns in other rooms. But then my ideal Survival group doesn't involve a Vauban at all. For Survival, you need a Nova for debuff, a Nekros to Desecrate life support (another reason to find a camp), and a couple of Rhinos for crowd control (Stomp), buff (Roar) and for solo life support runs. Vauban is a problem, because his only two serviceable abilities lift enemies off the ground, which makes them harder to Desecrate for whatever reason.

Rage/Quick Thinking is a combo I run on every frame, but I may be unique that way. It's the best form of defense for my play style, and nothing else I've tried is close, including a max Redirection.

Stretch seems unwanted. Bastille is perfect right now at default, and more range just means enemies get caught when you don't even know it. I tried max range Bastille as an experiment, and I had to try and figure out where enemies were! Lol! I like it as a little "no, fuck you" bomb on groups of enemies. I like lobbing it out ahead of me like a grenade to wipe out a group that is too spaced out for Vortex. More range makes it hard to utilize. Example: default Bastille perfectly covers all 4 corners of ODD. More range would just mean walking around more to get kills. None of Vauban's other abilities care about range, either. Unless you like Tesla sniping, but Tesla seems to be trashy like most DD abilities.

I like my Bastille to be bigger than default against high level enemies, which is what I set up for. Ancients being able to disrupt my team through a tiny Bastille is a recipe for things to go pear shaped quickly.

Why does Bastille take over Vortex at high levels?

See above. The short answer is that it's more reliable for crowd control.

Yeah, once we got near wave 50 the pod started to dip to the 80s because a hit here or there would get in before an enemy was sucked in by Vortex. I can see that as a problem.


Maybe I should go for efficiency/power instead of efficiency/duration.

He needs all 3 IMO, which makes it hard to maximize any of them.


Grimløck;100902458 said:
how accurate is the codex in terms of tracking weapon mastery? i swear i've mastered some of them before selling them off, but the codex says i haven't.

I had one gun not register rank 30, so now I always double check the codex before selling them.

It was the Viper I leveled to 30 before combining it into Twin Vipers, and I ended up having to build/level another one.
Well... I'm starting to think I might be done with Warframe.

As much as I've enjoyed it, and am on some level still enjoying it, the prospect of grinding for so many things has really got me down. I've leveled nearly every frame to 30, have maxed tons of weapons, formaed a few more weapons and frames, and pretty much feel like I've touched all aspects of the game. There are still a few things I'd really like to do, but the way they're gated... I just don't know.

I'd like to get Frost and Ember Prime, and I only need two parts for either (Supposedly not the rare parts), but the idea that I would farm survival missions to get keys at the 15 minute mark when there's no guarantee of getting the right keys, seems like a tremendous waste of time, just so I can then go into the void and hope I get the item I'm looking for. The same goes for so many of the prime weapons which I have several parts for, but not the last parts; oftentimes once again, parts that aren't even supposed to be the rare ones. The keyed access to the void just really has me down, and the time sink to reliably get keys just feels like a nightmare. (Not to mention I missed a Vauban Chassis alert last week, which really crushed me since it was the only thing I needed. I had even gone so far as to get twitter to send me notifications when alerts come on, but I just wasn't in a place to address it.)

For as much time as I've invested in this game, which is more than I've invested into most games, I'm just not sure what's left is worth all that time. And won't this always be the way? New Prime frames and new items, all with terrible drop rates and time consuming grinds?

I'd love to hear your thoughts guys. I'm feeling genuinely stuck, and am seriously considering bailing.
I am digging this game but I have no clue to what im really doing, I needs some help of anyone has a good link with someone who can help me out over YouTube I greatly appreciate it.
Hiya just wanted to know if the Neogaf clan was still open for application ? My Psn is Stealth_Cobra , just like my neogaf username . I'm currently rank 10 and I have every frame built and leveled to 30 and potatoed. Have about 30 maxed weapons and I have the vast majority of mods and helmets. Was in two clans before, the first one imploded and was pretty much disbanded whereas my last one , Pheonix , the Rank 2 Mountain clan , suffered a similar fate , with me waking up one day and noticing all the hardcore players that made clan what it was including the leaders had left , so I left too.. I play this game all the time , i've pretty much killed my social life and my joysticks. What i'm looking for in a clan is , of course , a badass dojo that's not a labyrinth of badly designed corridors, but mostly active players and people that enjoy talking about warframe . I found that in the mountain clans , there was always a core group talking , working together on void and od runs and trying to achieve 400 pts on cicero , while i had the feeling the remaining 90 percent never participated and were there solely to leech reaserch blueprints. I think a smaller clan, especially filled with banderas worshipping NeoGaf wierdos , is probably a better fit than a clan filled with randoms . I have a mic and i use it sparingly , mostly because i'm a french canadian and as such , i'ts always odd for me to chat about random stuff in english... But i'm pretty talkative in clan chat and i've been piling up void keys to try and get frost and ember prime , galatine and fang prime and overall gear up my prime arsenal. I'm currently a Ronin , so send me a clan invite , friend request or an invite to the dojo for a sightseeing tour...
I'd love to hear your thoughts guys. I'm feeling genuinely stuck, and am seriously considering bailing.
Grind is a dirty word, at least in my book. Once the rewards become the only reason to play and not the enjoyment to be found in the moment to moment gameplay loops than yeah, I'd say its time to move on. That's my policy anyway.

With the game being free to play and updated semi regularly, there's nothing to keep you from coming back later if you feel the mood strike you down the line.

This game almost lost me with that whole easter egg plant/anti-toxin hunt. Got 90% of the way to the Vermillion before I stopped and realized that it felt more like a second job than an enjoyable pastime. So I just ditched the event entirely and went into some defenses and exterminations for kicks. That's where I find my fun ;P


For as much time as I've invested in this game, which is more than I've invested into most games, I'm just not sure what's left is worth all that time. And won't this always be the way? New Prime frames and new items, all with terrible drop rates and time consuming grinds?

I'd love to hear your thoughts guys. I'm feeling genuinely stuck, and am seriously considering bailing.

i've slowed down considerably as well mostly due to an increased workload and haven't missed it much. however, what keeps me coming back is making my weapons and warframe builds as OP or specialized as possible :). other than that, there's not much left for me. i don't mind the "grind" as long as i'm able to keep the combat novel which usually involves forma'ing my favorite weapons, setting personal challenges (ie. reach 3 million credits or win the damage % war in each mission i engage in), or having small projects (right now I'm building the ultimate ninja in ash by forma'ing his slots to fit all of the maxed out stamina mods).

i guess i enjoy the idea of shaping the game to cater to my play style rather than it forcing me to play "how it was intended." it's really up to you to keep things fun, if it's only about being a collect-a-thon then i could see it losing its appeal fast.
Grind is a dirty word, at least in my book. Once the rewards become the only reason to play and not the enjoyment to be found in the moment to moment gameplay loops than yeah, I'd say its time to move on. That's my policy anyway.

The thing is, I have no policy for this. Traditionally, I play a game to completion and then move on to another. This game is the first of it's kind that I've enjoyed. Games drive me along with their gameplay and story. This is basically all gameplay, and it's a loop I feel I've mastered. Sure, higher level units have more health and are harder to damage, but the basic content is all the same. With no story, the only goals I have are hunting items. I'm feeling like you might be right, and the grind I'm describing is "dirty." This is probably signaling my time to stop.


I'd like to get Frost and Ember Prime, and I only need two parts for either (Supposedly not the rare parts), but the idea that I would farm survival missions to get keys at the 15 minute mark when there's no guarantee of getting the right keys, seems like a tremendous waste of time, just so I can then go into the void and hope I get the item I'm looking for. The same goes for so many of the prime weapons which I have several parts for, but not the last parts; oftentimes once again, parts that aren't even supposed to be the rare ones. The keyed access to the void just really has me down, and the time sink to reliably get keys just feels like a nightmare. (Not to mention I missed a Vauban Chassis alert last week, which really crushed me since it was the only thing I needed. I had even gone so far as to get twitter to send me notifications when alerts come on, but I just wasn't in a place to address it.)

I usually just sit in region chat and /w anyone who's running the key I'm looking for. Sometimes you wait for a while, but it's definitely faster than getting your own keys.


GAF parliamentarian
The thing is, I have no policy for this. Traditionally, I play a game to completion and then move on to another. This game is the first of it's kind that I've enjoyed. Games drive me along with their gameplay and story. This is basically all gameplay, and it's a loop I feel I've mastered. Sure, higher level units have more health and are harder to damage, but the basic content is all the same. With no story, the only goals I have are hunting items. I'm feeling like you might be right, and the grind I'm describing is "dirty." This is probably signaling my time to stop.
Yup, sounds like it's time to stop playing. I'm only level 6, and haven't put in nearly as much time as others, but I pay Warframe because it's fun. I often party max level frames instead if leveling, and I stick to the guns I like instead of worrying about mastery.

I like acrobatic, mobile characters in games and this one has them in spades. Now, I can only hope the melee system revamp fulfills my need for a new character action game too.


warframe gonna warframe

Is the Torid worth making? I love my Ogris, but I do not love accidentally killing myself now and then. I like it more than the Penta, too.


Is there an more room in the GAF clan? I was plaing with a few guys I became friendly with and joined their clan on a whhim, but the clan basically sucks (everybody just does their own thing; there aren't any clan events). The only reason I ended up staying this long is because of the BPs you can only get in a clan. I play basically every day, although I may be AFK sometimes (my wife just. Gave birth to our second son on Thursday). If there's any room, send me an invite!

EDIT: Oops; just realised I didn't add my PSN Id - it's oldyella.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community

Hi JustaCreation,
I've talked to my team and have gained some more knowledge into the frame rate problem for PS4. I do apologize as I made a mistake and steered you down the wrong path. The problem will not be with your router but it is with Warframe itself, we do have a known issue with the carrier sentinels ability and vaubans abilities causing frame rate issues on the PS4. Now to confirm, can you please unequipt your sentinel to see if this improves your frame rate?



You and your wimpy carriers are lagging my warframe.
It's not nerfed, it just doesn't crash the game anymore.

However this PM from a DE employee appears to suggest carrier's vacuum and vauban's abilities impact the game's framerate.
That makes some sense. GAF did an ODD with two Vaubans spamming vortex, and I had a carrier, and the map was so choppy folks chose to leave at wave 30 despite it being easy.

The frame rate also seems to have gotten worse as I swap from Loki and shade to Nekros and carrier.


That makes some sense. GAF did an ODD with two Vaubans spamming vortex, and I had a carrier, and the map was so choppy folks chose to leave at wave 30 despite it being easy.

The frame rate also seems to have gotten worse as I swap from Loki and shade to Nekros and carrier.

I was one of the Vaubans in that ODD run, at one point the frame rate must have been hitting single digits.
It's not nerfed, it just doesn't crash the game anymore.

However this PM from a DE employee appears to suggest carrier's vacuum and vauban's abilities impact the game's framerate.

Cool was wondering what they had done to fix it, glad to hear it's not been nerfed.


With U12 on the horizon, has there been any thought to some dojo remodelling in prep for the new warframe lab? To keep things accessible (and future proof) I was thinking it would be a good idea to demolish the chem lab, replace it with one of the decorative garden junctions, then rebuild the lab on the left or right side. The new lab goes opposite that, and we leave the last door open for a future garden / hall junction to add more labs if DE implements them.

It would be nice if we were set to get the warframe lab constructed the same day the patch hits!

I was planning on doing just that (or something similar) once it's been confirmed that U12 has been shipped off to cert. Though... I've been thinking about waiting until the actual patch day since there is a new garden room coming too. I guess I could just look it up now and see if it's even one I'd want to use.

Regardless, even if I do decide to wait for the new garden it'll be immediately rushed with platinum. The Warframe lab will definitely be up and running within hours of U12 launch.

Mol/Hel, just a heads up...I'm heading out of town for 7-8 (maybe more) days for work. I won't be on at all and will I'll be dropping from the group chat until I get back.

Keep kicking ass and I'll send a message to rejoin the chat when I get home.

okie dokie
Thanks for the advice from everyone. Sounds like, at the the very least, I need to walk away from the game for a while.

It's been a blast folks. This was the first f2p game I've enjoyed, first online only game I've really gotten into, and the first clan I've ever been a part of. It's certainly opened my eyes to new experiences, even if I ended up burning out. If I don't ever end up dropping back in, best of luck to WarframeGAF going forward! It's been a pleasure.


GAF parliamentarian
Thanks for the advice from everyone. Sounds like, at the the very least, I need to walk away from the game for a while.

It's been a blast folks. This was the first f2p game I've enjoyed, first online only game I've really gotten into, and the first clan I've ever been a part of. It's certainly opened my eyes to new experiences, even if I ended up burning out. If I don't ever end up dropping back in, best of luck to WarframeGAF going forward! It's been a pleasure.
Yup. Give it another go once the game matures and a bunch of fixes/revamps/content updates have been added.


Thanks for the advice from everyone. Sounds like, at the the very least, I need to walk away from the game for a while.

It's been a blast folks. This was the first f2p game I've enjoyed, first online only game I've really gotten into, and the first clan I've ever been a part of. It's certainly opened my eyes to new experiences, even if I ended up burning out. If I don't ever end up dropping back in, best of luck to WarframeGAF going forward! It's been a pleasure.

I'm honestly pretty burnt out at the moment too. I play for about 30 minutes a day now, basically just enough to claim my login reward, queue up another Forma in the Foundry, harvest my four Titan Extractors and maybe run an Invasion mission or two.

The cool thing about F2P games (never thought I'd say that) is that they're more akin to "services" rather than full retail titles so the devs always have a constant income stream. This benefits us gamers by making it worthwhile for the devs to continually support the game, even years after release. There's always new content in the pipeline. I might be burnt out for the time being but I'm also super stoked to try out the new Zephyr frame and all the new weapons and stuff coming in U12. I'll be back to my marathon sessions in no time, I'm sure.

I'd recommend my current approach to the game at least until U12. You might just get the spark back, and if you do then you'll have a decent haul of Forma and resources accumulated. You can't lose!


Why do I sometimes not get credits if I don't extract at the end of the mission?

I don't think you get any "bonus" stuff unless you're actually at the extraction point with the group. Good feature IMO. Encourages people not to be dicks and make the guys who actually played the mission have to wait for a minute to finish. :p
I don't think you get any "bonus" stuff unless you're actually at the extraction point with the group. Good feature IMO. Encourages people not to be dicks and make the guys who actually played the mission have to wait for a minute to finish. :p
Well, in ext and cap missions I am trying to find puzzle rooms while the others rush to extraction. :p

I get more bonuses for the guys at extraction, but nothing for me seems rough.

Edit: Wow, all of frost prime in one weekend. Is it worth making?


what's the maximum inactivity length before getting kicked from the clan?

12 days.

However, going forward I won't be kicking people unless we're at full capacity and actually need the space for new recruits who want to join.

Hey everybody could I get a Clan invite please? My IGN is Applecot.

Invite sent.

Just started the game, but I'd like to join the clan when there's an opening. My PSN is XxTheReaperxX.

(I was 14 when I made it, be gentle.)

Invite sent.

Hiya just wanted to know if the Neogaf clan was still open for application ? My Psn is Stealth_Cobra , blablabla...

Invite sent.

Is there an more room in the GAF clan? blablabla...

EDIT: Oops; just realised I didn't add my PSN Id - it's oldyella.

Invite sent.

I've been playing this game for the last two weeks and I didn't even know there was a NeoGaf clan. If there any spots left, i'll gladly help fill one.

PSN: Beck-san
Timezone: CST

This game is surprisingly addicting.

"User is already in a clan."

You're either already in a clan, or you have another pending clan invite. You can only have one pending invite at a time. Get that cleared up and I'll be able to send an invite your way.

To everyone else – welcome!
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