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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Trying to tell me to collect another serration or split chamber. Might as well just quit

It took me a while to get my second Split Chamber, but Serration? I must have gotten at least 12x of those by now. It's not too bad to acquire. Leveling it up, on the other hand...


Has anyone had issues with blueprints going missing? After I got the Vauban Chassis last night, I looked and couldn't find the Helmet blueprint that I got awhile back. I've also noticed this on a couple items in the past but I thought it was just my imagination. I wouldn't mind if it was something i could grind, but Vauban alerts don't come up very often.
I acelerated a 99% crafting item...why....




It's a little too easy to mistakenly press x thinking an item is done and then accelerating it and using up plat

Next time you're on Warframe, hit me up. I'll give you a spare Serration.

appreciate it. No need to waste your time though since it's just for a sent anyway.
So during these 3 days we got Vauban Chassis and Vauban Systems... I can sense it guys.

Didnt see the chasis alert but missed bot Mag Coild helmets buuuu

yeah, why?

I thought it was already crafted (it as at 99.5% so i didnt see the pixel) so I pressed X but the screen frozed as usual so I pressed X again but a wild pop up appeared on the frozen foundry and instant accept the acelerate option.


The following clan members have been promoted to Colonel:

  • SnakeEyes (PSN: Kurt-Niisan)
  • Grimløck (PSN: stray_dog_strut)
  • frizby (PSN: frizby)
  • Teasing_Pink (PSN: Teasing_Pink)

These individuals now have the power to both add new members to the clan and kick current members due to inactivity or behavior.

Additionally, the following clan member has been promoted to General:

  • Bitmap Frogs (PSN: BitmapFrogs)

Bitmap takes his place next to Helscream as our second General. General rank has literally every single clan privilege that Warlord has, with the exception of changing the MOTD. Only I can do that (not my choice, just how it works out). For all intents and purposes, these guys are just as much the "clan leader" of this group as I am.


P.S. I'm in the process of putting together a "Clan NeoGAF Master Post" that will outline all of the clan ranks and responsibilities, as well as make clear the few rules we'll have (basically, don't be a dick). You can expect it some time this week, along with a rudimentary website.

Navy Bean

Just fired this up and its pretty fun but also frustrating. Nothing is explained an I have no idea how to farm for stuff. (I've read the guide stuff but they really don't help all that much). And buying anything seems ridiculously expensive. Does it get better?


Just fired this up and its pretty fun but also frustrating. Nothing is explained an I have no idea how to farm for stuff. (I've read the guide stuff but they really don't help all that much). And buying anything seems ridiculously expensive. Does it get better?

Depends on what you mean by "better." Better at being fun and rewarding? Yes. Better at explaining stuff in-game? No.

You pretty much have to become a Wiki Warrior to play Warframe. Nothing will ever be explained to you in-game. Is it worth it? I'd say yes, hell yes, but YMMV.

For what it's worth, the game is technically still in development. Over the past year the public beta has grown from being relatively simplistic to the daunting monster we have today. The devs are aware that the "new player experience" is lacking, and are supposedly working to make it better over time. For the foreseeable future, however, the Wiki is your best friend.

Navy Bean

Thanks for the response. I did start reading the Wiki but it makes no sense until you play the game...lol. It's a Catch-22. One question, if I keep just grinding along and playing levels (which, thankfully, are fun to complete) will I be able to upgrade the warframe and gear without spending a ton of money? I don't mind spending some (say $20-30) if the game is fun but the real world cost of platinum is insane.


The following clan members have been promoted to Colonel:

  • SnakeEyes (PSN: Kurt-Niisan)
  • Grimløck (PSN: stray_dog_strut)

They now have the power to both add new members to the clan and kick current members due to inactivity or behavior.

Additionally, the following clan member has been promoted to General:

  • Bitmap Frogs (PSN: BitmapFrogs)

Bitmap takes his place next to Helscream as our second General. General rank has literally every single clan privilege that Warlord has, with the exception of changing the MOTD. Only I can do that (not my choice, just how it works out). For all intents and purposes, these guys are just as much the "clan leader" of this group as I am.


P.S. I'm in the process of putting together a "Clan NeoGAF Master Post" that will outline all of the clan ranks and responsibilities, as well as make clear the few rules we'll have (basically, don't be a dick). You can expect it some time this week, along with a rudimentary website.
Glad to be aboard. Hopefully I can relieve some of the responsibilities of the clan leaders.

Thanks for the response. I did start reading the Wiki but it makes no sense until you play the game...lol. It's a Catch-22. One question, if I keep just grinding along and playing levels (which, thankfully, are fun to complete) will I be able to upgrade the warframe and gear without spending a ton of money? I don't mind spending some (say $20-30) if the game is fun but the real world cost of platinum is insane.
You'll only ever have to spend platinum on weapon and frame slots. Everything else is obtainable in-game with a little grind and a lot of luck.

Navy Bean

You'll only ever have to spend platinum on weapon and frame slots. Everything else is obtainable in-game with a little grind and a lot of luck.[/QUOTE]

Cool. If any newbies (just finished Mercury) want to add me my PSN ID is Ferrolla33.


Thanks for the response. I did start reading the Wiki but it makes no sense until you play the game...lol. It's a Catch-22. One question, if I keep just grinding along and playing levels (which, thankfully, are fun to complete) will I be able to upgrade the warframe and gear without spending a ton of money? I don't mind spending some (say $20-30) if the game is fun but the real world cost of platinum is insane.

Warframe slots, weapon slots and perhaps a handful of potatoes (Orokin Catalysts and Reactors). Everything else can be acquired in game without much fuss. The weapons and Warframes you see being sold for platinum are only there for convenience. They should never be purchased if you're on a tight budget. If you're not on a tight budget then it's not a terrible investment to buy a Warframe when you first start out. You don't need to feel pressured to do that though, it's not required. Oh, and never spend plat on weapons.

It's really not that difficult to acquire any of the gear in this game once you make it over the initial hump. We have clan members here that still haven't spent a dime, or only spent about $10 total.

Navy Bean

Warframe slots, weapon slots and perhaps a handful of potatoes (Orokin Catalysts and Reactors). Everything else can be acquired in game without much fuss. The weapons and Warframes you see being sold for platinum are only there for convenience. They should never be purchased if you're on a tight budget. If you're not on a tight budget then it's not a terrible investment to buy a Warframe when you first start out. You don't need to feel pressured to do that though, it's not required. Oh, and never spend plat on weapons.

It's really not that difficult to acquire any of the gear in this game once you make it over the initial hump. We have clan members here that still haven't spent a dime, or only spent about $10 total.

Okay, for now I'm just re-running bosses and defense missions. Any other early game advice?
Farm Jackel(2nd boss) and get Rhino. Really good for solo play.

Edit: I'm seriously starting to get withdrawals with no Warframe in 2 days.

Really? I'm telling myself that I don't to fell burned out and a short break will make update 12 (except that UI) all the sweeter.
Wall running while shooting white balls. I can wall run fine, but by the time the ball appears I am practially past it.

I used Nova, but I think they patched it so wormhole won't work. I hear switch teleport on Loki still works...

Legit? Best bet is to use a spread weapon like the ignis and disable the 'hold' wall run control option.
I used Nova, but I think they patched it so wormhole won't work. I hear switch teleport on Loki still works...

Legit? Best bet is to use a spread weapon like the ignis and disable the 'hold' wall run control option.
I don't get how teleportation helps. The platform I need to go to isn't there until I shoot the ball.


Wall running while shooting white balls. I can wall run fine, but by the time the ball appears I am practially past it.

So I did this one not too long ago, and discovered that the Wormhole cheat doesn't work as it did before, so you can't simply breeze through it. However there is a way to navigate it using Nova that is easier than attempting the entire course as usual.

I attempted this with my Nova and Soma, but you can alternate it with another weapon that has a high Rate of Fire.

1) Complete the run from the start to the first platform as per normal. It's easy enough with one horizontal wallrun followed by a vertical wallrun.

2) Because the next platform is positioned below where you're currently standing, you can Wormhole to it without an issue.

3) From there run down the path and shoot the first orb that appears, and it should spawn a horizontal wallrun. Do not attempt the wallrun as normal, instead position yourself on the path so you can actually run up the horizontal wall instead of running along it. When you get to the top of the wall, walk along the top until you are just below the edge of the platform. From there you should be able to jump and grab onto the edge of the final platform and pull yourself up. If you pull yourself up and find that the test doesn't end, just fall off the platform and you'll respawn back on the final platform and that should then trigger test completion.
How the hell do you guys do the rank 8 test.

I cheated with Loki. The platforms only appear to be intangible, you can still spawn Decoys above them so that they fall down onto them, then Switch Teleport to them. It can take a bit of trial-and-error to get the positioning right, but there's no time limit, so as long as you have Energy Siphon on you can just keep sending decoys to their doom until one sticks the landing.

Just make sure your Switch Teleport has actually been leveled up or it might not be able to reach the Decoy.
So I did this one not too long ago, and discovered that the Wormhole cheat doesn't work as it did before, so you can't simply breeze through it. However there is a way to navigate it using Nova that is easier than attempting the entire course as usual.

I attempted this with my Nova and Soma, but you can alternate it with another weapon that has a high Rate of Fire.

1) Complete the run from the start to the first platform as per normal. It's easy enough with one horizontal wallrun followed by a vertical wallrun.

2) Because the next platform is positioned below where you're currently standing, you can Wormhole to it without an issue.

3) From there run down the path and shoot the first orb that appears, and it should spawn a horizontal wallrun. Do not attempt the wallrun as normal, instead position yourself on the path so you can actually run up the horizontal wall instead of running along it. When you get to the top of the wall, walk along the top until you are just below the edge of the platform. From there you should be able to jump and grab onto the edge of the final platform and pull yourself up. If you pull yourself up and find that the test doesn't end, just fall off the platform and you'll respawn back on the final platform and that should then trigger test completion.

I did this, except you can do with platform 1 what you suggest with 3.
Walk along the top of the"wall run", wormhole, walk along the top of the"wall run" done :)

Oh and the final platform was a little bit higher than the 1st and I couldn't grab the edge, so I positioned my Nova directly underneath the white surface, jumped up, and her head passing through was enough to register.


Devstream 23.5: Melee 2.0 Discussion.

Melee 2.0 get delayed to next month.
Some of the stuff they discussed (actually equipping melee weapons, new and specific mods, including some that increase/change combos) sound interesting, not to mention much needed. I find that unless I'm using my Galatine (which I really only use for charged crit strikes), I rarely or never use my melee. Weapons, instead just keeping them equipped for maatery points. There are some really interesting weapon designs; I hope Melee 2.0 helps showcase the variety of weapons that DE created.


So, I've been thinking.

Over the past week or so I've had to re-invite several members to the clan who had been kicked due to inactivity. 12 days really isn't that long, and with all the new games coming out soon it wouldn't surprise me if people started taking longer breaks away from Warframe.

How does everyone feel about raising the clan limit to 300? It'd be nice of we didn't have to worry about clearing out inactive members whenever we need to invite new ones. It would also allow people to freely move around to other games, knowing that they'll always still be in the GAF clan whenever they want to revisit Warframe.

There's obviously more on the line now that we'll have new research to knock out in U12. However, it's really not that bad (IMO). We'd be looking at about a 3x increase across the board, on average. Something that currently requires 6500 Salvage would require 19500 Salvage if we upgrade, something that currently costs 1 Forma will cost 3, etc. Now that we have more people who have been playing longer the increased cost won't be as difficult as it would have been a couple of months ago.

What do you guys think?


Gold Member
How the hell do you guys do the rank 8 test.

Primary Weapon: ignis.
Warframe: Slowest (I used Rhino)
Mods: stamina max and wall running

Go to Options -> change wall running

go offline, start a solo game, defense preferably since you have to trigger it to start, and practice wall running/shooting to familiarize yourself with new wall running option.

Do test. Pass.


So, I've been thinking.

Over the past week or so I've had to re-invite several members to the clan who had been kicked due to inactivity. 12 days really isn't that long, and with all the new games coming out soon it wouldn't surprise me if people started taking longer breaks away from Warframe.

How does everyone feel about raising the clan limit to 300? It'd be nice of we didn't have to worry about clearing out inactive members whenever we need to invite new ones. It would also allow people to freely move around to other games, knowing that they'll always still be in the GAF clan whenever they want to revisit Warframe.

There's obviously more on the line now that we'll have new research to knock out in U12. However, it's really not that bad (IMO). We'd be looking at about a 3x increase across the board, on average. Something that currently requires 6500 Salvage would require 19500 Salvage if we upgrade, something that currently costs 1 Forma will cost 3, etc. Now that we have more people who have been playing longer the increased cost won't be as difficult as it would have been a couple of months ago.

What do you guys think?
the added cost to dojo development isn't that much, and i'm sure we can tolerate it if need be. mutagen samples may be the only one that's a pain in the ass to get a large supply of, but since some invasions have mutagen masses as rewards i have a large surplus of mutagen samples. are we at the 100 person threshold for the clan, and do we have a large amount of people waiting to get in? like you said, with new games on the horizon, i think people may move on to newer games and there may be longer periods of inactivity on warframe; my train of thought, and only worry, however, is that because of the newer games, we'll just have a clan of 300 with a lot of inactive members rather than 100.

do we need to remake all the labs with added cost if we upgrade to 300? if not, how about we upgrade to 300 after update 12 and finish the new tenno lab?


I feel like 100 is a good size. I hardly ever see more than 10 to 15 people online, and the group of really active players can't be more than 50.

That said, I don't think autokicking people at 12 days is the right answer either. My preference would be that we only kick people when there's a new request, and only then would we look at last log ins for oldest and over 14 days. If there's a new request and nobody is over that threshold, the new member can wait until somebody is. Kicked members would wait to rejoin exactly the same way new members wait. If there are no new requests, nobody gets kicked regardless.

Basically, I think we've proven to be sustainable and successful (sicero) at our current size and that 300 is too big, especially with the game having new competition with every release.

As an aside, I think the in game chat probably works sufficiently well now and that we could probably migrate back to it. The group chat is great on PS4, but it's annoying on Vita and PS3, and you can't leave the chat and come back without an invite.
Oh, the platforms are still there even though they are invisible! Rank 8 get! :-D

So, I've been thinking.

Over the past week or so I've had to re-invite several members to the clan who had been kicked due to inactivity. 12 days really isn't that long, and with all the new games coming out soon it wouldn't surprise me if people started taking longer breaks away from Warframe.

How does everyone feel about raising the clan limit to 300? It'd be nice of we didn't have to worry about clearing out inactive members whenever we need to invite new ones. It would also allow people to freely move around to other games, knowing that they'll always still be in the GAF clan whenever they want to revisit Warframe.

There's obviously more on the line now that we'll have new research to knock out in U12. However, it's really not that bad (IMO). We'd be looking at about a 3x increase across the board, on average. Something that currently requires 6500 Salvage would require 19500 Salvage if we upgrade, something that currently costs 1 Forma will cost 3, etc. Now that we have more people who have been playing longer the increased cost won't be as difficult as it would have been a couple of months ago.

What do you guys think?
Well, one issue is that if we increase to 300, we would be competing against other 300 clans on stuff like the Cicero Crisis. Do we want that?


May I be invited to the clan? I've been playing this game a lot lately trying to get some rare mods and currently mastery rank 5. I have quite a few Void Keys to go through if anyone is interested since I'm too chicken-shit to try to solo them, with the exception of Exterminate since I can take my time.

My PSN is ZangBa

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
May I be invited to the clan? I've been playing this game a lot lately trying to get some rare mods and currently mastery rank 5. I have quite a few Void Keys to go through if anyone is interested since I'm too chicken-shit to try to solo them, with the exception of Exterminate since I can take my time.

My PSN is ZangBa

Invite sent.
May I be invited to the clan? I've been playing this game a lot lately trying to get some rare mods and currently mastery rank 5. I have quite a few Void Keys to go through if anyone is interested since I'm too chicken-shit to try to solo them, with the exception of Exterminate since I can take my time.

My PSN is ZangBa
Why is your name familiar...
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