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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

Just got my PS4 a few days ago and tried this game on a whim and I'm really enjoying it but hell it's got a steep learning curve in terms of understanding everything. I've looked through the wiki and skimmed through the first 7 or 8 pages of this thread trying to glean tips here and there and I'm starting to get the hang of it a bit I think.

Really wanted to get a new weapon but I think I'm likely best served just modding the crap out of my starter weapons and pushing my frame (Loki) and all my gear to 30 first. By then I should have mats and blueprints enough to start looking at decent upgrades.

Also going to just hoard my PS Plus plat until I have a few frames and then look at customizing the look of my favorites.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Just got my PS4 a few days ago and tried this game on a whim and I'm really enjoying it but hell it's got a steep learning curve in terms of understanding everything. I've looked through the wiki and skimmed through the first 7 or 8 pages of this thread trying to glean tips here and there and I'm starting to get the hang of it a bit I think.

Really wanted to get a new weapon but I think I'm likely best served just modding the crap out of my starter weapons and pushing my frame (Loki) and all my gear to 30 first. By then I should have mats and blueprints enough to start looking at decent upgrades.

Also going to just hoard my PS Plus plat until I have a few frames and then look at customizing the look of my favorites.

We have a clan going if you are interested. Some guys started recently as well.

The market has both platinum and credit products available, a quick upgrade is replacing your mark I braton with the regular braton, that will set you back 25k.
We have a clan going if you are interested. Some guys started recently as well.

The market has both platinum and credit products available, a quick upgrade is replacing your mark I braton with the regular braton, that will set you back 25k.

I'm definitely interested. I'm thinking this will probably be my primary PS4 game until Destiny. IGN: JestHatesYou

I was thinking about going with the regular Braton but would my Affinity on my Mk1-Braton make it more valuable? I've got it up to Rank 18 (but am only using 10 pts on mods atm).
I'm definitely interested. I'm thinking this will probably be my primary PS4 game until Destiny. IGN: JestHatesYou

I was thinking about going with the regular Braton but would my Affinity on my Mk1-Braton make it more valuable? I've got it up to Rank 18 (but am only using 10 pts on mods atm).
Every weapon you can get with credits is only worthwhile as a transitory weapon and a way to increase mastery.


Rank levels are independent on each weapon, so using the MK-1 has no external effect other than leveling up your mastery rank. Might as well just upgrade to regular because it is a step up over mk-1

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I'm definitely interested. I'm thinking this will probably be my primary PS4 game until Destiny. IGN: JestHatesYou

I was thinking about going with the regular Braton but would my Affinity on my Mk1-Braton make it more valuable? I've got it up to Rank 18 (but am only using 10 pts on mods atm).

You have been invited =)


After slogging my way trough Shadow Fall yesterday, today's the day I'm going to do my 2K run. If I understand correctly, grab data fragments, build shield key, call gafclan for help?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
After slogging my way trough Shadow Fall yesterday, today's the day I'm going to do my 2K run. If I understand correctly, grab data fragments, build shield key, call gafclan for help?

If you haven't done the power key, I would suggest doing that first to familiarise yourself with the event.


Ran a 2352 in the event with Bit, Mookid and somebody else (apologies) last night. It was pretty amazing to see a group work so seamlessly like that. Good stuff.

I'll definitely farm up a few more data bits so we can taxi other clan members to high scores and get that win.

Am I right that your overall score showing in your profile is the only thing that matters for rewards? I think I skipped a few steps.
Ran a 2352 in the event with Bit, Mookid and somebody else (apologies) last night. It was pretty amazing to see a group work so seamlessly like that. Good stuff.

I'll definitely farm up a few more data bits so we can taxi other clan members to high scores and get that win.

Am I right that your overall score showing in your profile is the only thing that matters for rewards? I think I skipped a few steps.

Somebody else? I feel used!
im sitting at a 1700 score and i cant get it higher with Pug's i tried a few times. So if there is a clan group going Saturday or Sunday i would be happy to join.
My recommended setup to approaching the Shield Cipher event:

1x Range& Efficiency focused Frost
1x high shield & Efficiency focused Mag
1x Efficiency focused Nova
1x Speed focused zephyr

Frost will need to spam snowglobes along the track to provide maximum protection to the core+enemy slowdown.

Mag will need to spam shield polarize + stay under the core to keep it moving.

Nova will need to spam M. Prime to take out large group of enemies, as fast as possible.

Zephyr’s maneuverability + projectile blocking ability give it easier time to hack consoles.

I’m not a fan of running trinity unless people are willing to go with a max efficiency setup. Even then, blessing still cost more than shield polarize to spam. Furthermore, assuming Nova is doing her job, Trinity won’t be seeing much energy orbs along the tracks for her to pick up.

Buy auto-hacks if needed.

Let's expand upon this, cause it seems like many people in the clan still aren't too sure about how the event works:

The shield cipher event is basically the warframe equivalent of TF2's payload.
Players are expected to push a core (cart) by standing under it and let it drain their shield. Along the way, enemies and mines will try to damage the core, while lock doors will hinder the progress

Builds should be focused on the following:
Frost - max 75% efficiency + largest snowglobe possible. Supplement with strength and duration mods if possible. Frost should not bother with attacking.

Nova - Max 75% efficiency + adequate range. Supplement with whatever. Nova will be doing most of the killing.

MAG - Max 75% efficiency + max redirection. Supplement with whatever. MAG should always be under the core, spamming shield polarize.

Zephyr - Max Duration + speed . Supplement with whatever. Designated door hacker/unlocker.

Basic common sense rules:

1) At any given them, there should always be at least 1 person under the core. That person is usually going to be a mag. Please do not leave the core so you can kill or revive for that matter.

2) Frost needs to be ahead of the core to cast snowglobe. The snowglobe MUST be big enough to cover a good portion of the core and your teammates.

3) When I say SPAM shield polarize, it means "cast it every other second". Remember, your mag may have high shields, but your teammates don't.

5) If you don't have a Nova, the optimal next choices are rhino, nyx (chaos), ember of loki (disarm).

6) Please do not cast absorb.

7) Please do not cast absorb.

8) Please do not cast absorb. You'll agro enemies, waste time standing in one place and most likely die afterward.


So I was trying to trade for a Akbronco Prime Blueprint earlier. The guy was asking for Ember Prime Chasis and Frost Prime Systems.

Well anyways when I made a deal with the guy to trade these two items for his Akbronco Prime Blueprint. He ending up giving me the blue AND the link.

Best Trade Ever.
are you guys gonna be accepting people who were kicked out due to inactivity or am i sentenced to eternal alone-ness in the void? I am not asking to join right now because i'm waiting on pc to ps4 account migration but once that comes i should be active minimum of 1 night a week most likely will be 3 days a week though i understand if you don't want to let me back in.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
are you guys gonna be accepting people who were kicked out due to inactivity or am i sentenced to eternal alone-ness in the void? I am not asking to join right now because i'm waiting on pc to ps4 account migration but once that comes i should be active minimum of 1 night a week most likely will be 3 days a week though i understand if you don't want to let me back in.

Yeah, don't worry... if you start playing again you are back in.

It's just that we are limited to 100 members and if someone doesn't play for 3 weeks or more, well =)
Yeah, don't worry... if you start playing again you are back in.

It's just that we are limited to 100 members and if someone doesn't play for 3 weeks or more, well =)

ok cool another thing i saw the February 6th update on the forums saying its working they just have to talk some stuff over first have there been any updates on the account migration stuff since then?


Anyone doing Tethra's Doom tonight?

I am around tonight looking to run both Tethra's so anyone that wants too just post so we can set something up

Thanks for helping out helscream, DBZ and kurt. 1787 is good enough for the rewards but i will look to join any future runs with people who need it to improve my score
Is anyone on now that wants to run the power cell mission? I have no idea how to invite anyone or anything but I have a tetra cipher but no one to try the missions with.


You will need to do the shield core one for a better score. That mission is the same except it has higher level enemies and each door needs to be hacked. That requires a full squad and certain frames to get things going smooth.
You will need to do the shield core one for a better score. That mission is the same except it has higher level enemies and each door needs to be hacked. That requires a full squad and certain frames to get things going smooth.

Oh okay, I dont have enough parts to make the key for that. I just wanted to make sure that I get the mods and the items from this event. I need all the mods I can get.
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