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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

You used Avalanche on the target? You use Ice Wave on him to inflict slow. If he is strong, run on top of him and snow globe to freeze and take your time. I have killed captures with very weak weapons by chaining this stuff. Ice Wave does serious damage with its chill, too.

If you put Overextended on him, Avalanche freezes for like 5 whole seconds before it pops. No way is the target getting away from that.

And why on earth wouldnt you copter around for more speed?!

I used avalanche because that's the ability you stated in your previous post.
Already tried ice wave, but it fails on tilesets with a lot of tight corners.

Will try snowglobe on the pluto set captures when I get home.

And why are you expecting people to carry the copter around all the time?

Heh. I'm all for having plenty of frames on hand, but I do tend to stick to one for a long duration before moving on - and its because of things described in this post - by spending quality time with a frame and experimenting, you learn the ins and outs of the various powers and how you can mix them up for each faction, mission type, and teammate combination. You learn which frames are slow and could use some extra stamina, which powers you'll use the most often and which are best when you need an oh-shit button or when you need to revive a teammate or when facing rocket/napalm heavies etc.

I forma'd my Volt twice before I really started to use his energy shield power, and when it clicked it clicked. I used it any time we had to stand our ground, and any weapon that fires through it becomes hitscan with infinite range - perfect combo for defending a strong-point with a shotgun or even sniping with it downrange in some long Corpus hallway.

Right now I'm all Frost, all the time, since I'm still getting a hang of everything.

You speak as if that can't be done with someone with more frames on hand.
Most of us are going to level all our frames to level 30 anyway.
Test result:
Level 30 frost with level 1 boltor on pluto capture set.
Ice wave with level 3 overextended, max intensify + streamline + fleeting what not.- required 2 ice wave + 1 avalanche to kill. or 3-4 ice wave without avalanche.

ice wave will not hit with corner turns.
Max overextended will guarantee hit at most times but the reduction in strength means you'll have to do more than 1 cast.

Again, problem is Frost's lower maneuverability makes it harder to chase the target and ignore hard hard hitting target. Especially if you're getting hit by energy draining corpus (level 5 redirection.)

Level 16 ember prime, 2 cast of world of fire with no problem. Although world of fire has to be used in clear environments.
Heh. I'm all for having plenty of frames on hand, but I do tend to stick to one for a long duration before moving on - and its because of things described in this post - by spending quality time with a frame and experimenting, you learn the ins and outs of the various powers and how you can mix them up for each faction, mission type, and teammate combination. You learn which frames are slow and could use some extra stamina, which powers you'll use the most often and which are best when you need an oh-shit button or when you need to revive a teammate or when facing rocket/napalm heavies etc.

I forma'd my Volt twice before I really started to use his energy shield power, and when it clicked it clicked. I used it any time we had to stand our ground, and any weapon that fires through it becomes hitscan with infinite range - perfect combo for defending a strong-point with a shotgun or even sniping with it downrange in some long Corpus hallway.

Right now I'm all Frost, all the time, since I'm still getting a hang of everything.

I used avalanche because that's the ability you stated in your previous post.
Already tried ice wave, but it fails on tilesets with a lot of tight corners.

Will try snowglobe on the pluto set captures when I get home.

And why are you expecting people to carry the copter around all the time?
I said I use Avalanche to clear rooms, not to kill the capture target. I like casting it as I'm moving around for XP bumps.

I expect people to tool their frames properly. I know Molvetica always says that there are no best weapons for each frame, but even after over 200 hours of play I sincerely disagree with him. Frost is a perfect example of a frame with some ideal weapons. He is extremely slow, and there is a weapon that mitigates much of this issue. It makes a lot of sense to pair Frost with something that alleviates one of his weaknesses to some degree. He isn't fast enough to run up and Galatine foes, and I don't find it worthwhile to melee down the single enemy that runs into his globe now and then with its charge time. I use Dual Zoren on him because I prefer their aesthetic to the Ichors, but Ichors are probably the better weapon overall.

Test result:
Level 30 frost with level 1 boltor on pluto capture set.
Ice wave with level 3 overextended, max intensify + streamline + fleeting what not.- required 2 ice wave + 1 avalanche to kill. or 3-4 ice wave without avalanche.

ice wave will not hit with corner turns.
Max overextended will guarantee hit at most times but the reduction in strength means you'll have to do more than 1 cast.

Again, problem is Frost's lower maneuverability makes it harder to chase the target and ignore hard hard hitting target. Especially if you're getting hit by energy draining corpus (level 5 redirection.)

Level 16 ember prime, 2 cast of world of fire with no problem. Although world of fire has to be used in clear environments.
I don't know why the frame level matters here, since you could tool Frost the same and get Ember's results to a large degree.

If you're coptering around, Frost keeps up with the target just fine. Drop a globe as you're coptering to lock out anyone pursuing you if you start to fall behind.

Anyway, these results seem fine to me. I wouldn't ever say that Frost is an ideal frame for a capture mission, but I don't think he's holding a team back, either. When I am coptering around levels, I am usually far ahead of my team. Most folks don't know how to move well in this game, though.

I don't get finding it hard to dodge things with Frost, personally. I've never noticed a difference between various frames and the rate at which they get hit by things while I'm moving around. The hit tracking in this game is not that good. I've definitely had to dance at the exit for 15 seconds with Frost before while getting shot at on a failed survival mission before, and it didn't feel any different from any other frame. /shrug

IMO, if you're running any kind of destination mission, the frame that is technically the best is the one that can move the fastest. Nothing else really matters if you are well geared. Everything will die easily. In that sense, Volt is the ideal frame for most of the game's missions. Frost is undoubtedly ideal for defense missions that aren't Infested, and is less-than-ideal at destination missions.

Anyway, thank you for the tests. They were fun to read.
The thing is, when I first started out, I didn't like to get taxied (personal preferences.)
So I cleared most of the star maps solo or with pubs and plan all my frames based around the contingency that I will have to run solo.

I'm not saying any frame will bring a team down, but rather "if you're playing solo, or with a bunch of incompetents, you have to consider what frame will yield the most utility."
You'll have less options if you have less frames.

I use the event's interception mission example earlier, because I helped out quite a few clan members to do the event. It bothered me as to why people were finding it hard to do the event with pubs (group of 4), even though I have easily done it solo or with just 2 people. And what I often observed is because people (member of pub, not specifying) either don't have the frame variety or refuse to play the adequate frame for the mission type.
The thing is, when I first started out, I didn't like to get taxied (personal preferences.)
So I cleared most of the star maps solo or with pubs and plan all my frames based around the contingency that I will have to run solo.

I'm not saying any frame will bring a team down, but rather "if you're playing solo, or with a bunch of incompetents, you have to consider what frame will yield the most utility."
You'll have less options if you have less frames.

I use the event's interception mission example earlier, because I helped out quite a few clan members to do the event. It bothered me as to why people were finding it hard to do the event with pubs (group of 4), even though I have easily done it solo or with just 2 people. And what I often observed is because people (member of pub, not specifying) either don't have the frame variety or refuse to play the adequate frame for the mission type.
I honestly don't know how you could solo the event interception mission. It doesn't seem possible to retain all of the locations alone. I'd love to know your strategy.

I totally understand your perspective. I have every frame in the game minus Trinity, Ash, and Excalibur. Having a variety of frames is great for many, many reasons. However, I respect folks who want to stick with one frame. I like to bring less-than-ideal frames with me on a lot of missions. After all, if we only used ideal frames, only about a third of them would be worth using!

Also, I have cleared the entire star map! A lot of those levels definitely suck to do alone, but I cleared every single map with Loki.


Also, I have cleared the entire star map! A lot of those levels definitely suck to do alone, but I cleared every single map with Loki.

Cool so now that you have cleared it what are you going to do now? I'm still on my quest to clear the star map. I get sided tracked getting items and stuff. And now i feel comfortable to forma my stuff more than once I have been doing that. Focusing more on maxing out my mods and trying to find the perfect weapon for me.

So far loving Soma I have Kunai for secondary but it feels cheap at times haven't found anything else that I like. For Melee I'm loving Galetine and Orthos still trying to find the Orthos prime blades. As far as frame I'm lovign Mag Prime/ Rhino/ Nova/ Ember (prime soon)

For those who have gotten a prime version do you just delete your non prime version if you have one? I now have the regular frost and ember and the Prime versions of each are cooking.

Also if you delete a Frame do you have to unequip its mods? Does it delete the mod with it?
You speak as if that can't be done with someone with more frames on hand.
Most of us are going to level all our frames to level 30 anyway.
Sorry if that's how it came across - that's not how I meant it.

Just that by spending long periods with a frame you pick up smaller, less obvious tricks and ways to adapt. My example was a twice forma'd Volt, which at least for me took a good while ;P

I tend to run one frame until I reach a point where I'm forma'd enough to be ready for anything - and sometimes that takes a while. For instance I'll probably forma my Frost twice before I feel truly comfortably with it for most purposes, given its starting polarities and powers.
I honestly don't know how you could solo the event interception mission. It doesn't seem possible to retain all of the locations alone. I'd love to know your strategy.

I totally understand your perspective. I have every frame in the game minus Trinity, Ash, and Excalibur. Having a variety of frames is great for many, many reasons. However, I respect folks who want to stick with one frame. I like to bring less-than-ideal frames with me on a lot of missions. After all, if we only used ideal frames, only about a third of them would be worth using!

Also, I have cleared the entire star map! A lot of those levels definitely suck to do alone, but I cleared every single map with Loki.

You don't need to hold all locations for interception, just the majority.
However, even then it's not too hard. The key is to get a weapon with a wide spread (phage, penta, ignis, etc) and a frame with a wide area ultimate (nova, ember, rhino.)

All you need to do is to stay at the midpoint between 2 cores that are close to one another. One cast of your frame's ultimate attack (w/ stretch) will get rid of most of the enemies at the 2 cores. You can then go in and clean up with the wide spread weapon. Once you're done capping there is actually a pause before the next wave of enemy spawn in for that core, so then you can go cap for the third. It's obvious that Nova is the super easy option if you want to solo.

If you're playing with pubs and don't feel like doing much work, just do trinity blessing spam and it's an easy alternative.

I'm guilty of sticking with a select 5-7 frames.
Just saying, it's better to have the option at your hand than not.
It wouldn't hurt to just build the frame and let it sit there if you prefer to focus one at a time.


Quick question on crafting a new Warframe from blueprints. Last night there was an infestation on Earth and I did the boss level 6 times and got all 3 blueprints for the Nyx (Helm, chassis, and system) warframe. I'm close to having all the parts for all three of them too. So once all 3 of those blueprints are complete is that all I need to do?
I'm guilty of sticking with a select 5-7 frames.
My frame arsenal:

Nyx - My current general purpose frame and personal favorite so far, but also very strong against Corpus due to Chaos disrupting all drone support. Usually run her with my void loadout (Grakata/Gremlins/Zoren) but going to replace the Gremlins with crit-build Akmagnus and the Grakata with a crit-build corrosive+cold Soma.

Saryn - Anti-Grineer and boss hunter due to her viral attacks. Usually run her with corrosive+cold+metal Auger Latron, radiation Furis and radiation Glaive.

Ember - Anti-Infested due to her flame attacks. Usually run her with gas Ignis, flame Vastos and flame Kamas.

Volt - Used to be my go to anti-corpus, but lately Nyx is dominating in that role so Volt is for fun and general purpose utility. Also use him on captures because of speed and chain lighting stuns. Usually rocks the magnetic Gorgon, magnetic Akmagnus and magnetic+flame Kestrel.

Frost - My newest frame, built for defense missions but running everything right now as I run him through the paces. Will probably end up running the Nyx weaponry in the void and faction specific loadouts for high level defense missions.

And the others warming up the bench:

Excalibur - Starter frame, now collecting dust until I go retro and buff it out.
Valkyr - Feels weak with her low shields, and just don't like the ultimate.
Trinity - Powerful but boring to play. I don't really vibe with pure defense.

Next up I want a Nekros, tuned for survival missions and probably a Zephyr since it just looks like fun. Its hilarious to see all the enemies ragdoll from those roaming funnels. And I'm a sucker for jetpacks so maybe I can scratch that flying itch.

Quick question on crafting a new Warframe from blueprints. Last night there was an infestation on Earth and I did the boss level 6 times and got all 3 blueprints for the Nyx (Helm, chassis, and system) warframe. I'm close to having all the parts for all three of them too. So once all 3 of those blueprints are complete is that all I need to do?
Yeah, once you have the three core components, you'll want to build those out overnight. Then jump back in the next day and build the frame itself (buy the blueprint off the marketplace with credits if you don't have it already). The warframe build itself will take three days to cook.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
So I have Frost Level 30, but also I have Frost Prime. Is there any point to keeping regular Frost?

Devs are not conclusive wether they will allow stat helmets on prime warframes in the future.

If they won't, non-prime warframes will be superior to primes.

Until they commit to a decision, I would not sell the regular non-primes, IMHO.


Probably a dumb question but what is the reasoning behind labeling this game as being in Beta? That doesn't really make sense to me since it's a free to play game. Once it's out of beta what will be different and when will beta be finished? Seems like an arbitrary label for this type of game. Especially when they are selling packs and bundles or what have you for real money.
Null... Trinity aint pure defense. Trinity is, in fact, probably second only to nova in the Offensive gameplay department.

Bless+link+explosive weaponry.
Bless+link+explosive weaponry.
Well that does sound painful, I'll give you that one :)

I do know about her trick to kill bosses too, but it bored me to tears to use it. Trinity is powerful, don't get me wrong, and I'm sure if I leveled her up and played her right our group could dominate - I just don't feel it. Its not my flavor of fun.

The main reason I've acquired the frames I have is because of how cool their ultimates look.
Cool so now that you have cleared it what are you going to do now? I'm still on my quest to clear the star map. I get sided tracked getting items and stuff. And now i feel comfortable to forma my stuff more than once I have been doing that. Focusing more on maxing out my mods and trying to find the perfect weapon for me.
Miscommunication there. I cleared the star map a while ago. I was just letting Dreamgazer know.

I only play off and on these days, usually when there is an update. There isn't much to do unless you want to grind RNG drops or mastery. Ick.

You don't need to hold all locations for interception, just the majority.
However, even then it's not too hard. The key is to get a weapon with a wide spread (phage, penta, ignis, etc) and a frame with a wide area ultimate (nova, ember, rhino.)

All you need to do is to stay at the midpoint between 2 cores that are close to one another. One cast of your frame's ultimate attack (w/ stretch) will get rid of most of the enemies at the 2 cores. You can then go in and clean up with the wide spread weapon. Once you're done capping there is actually a pause before the next wave of enemy spawn in for that core, so then you can go cap for the third. It's obvious that Nova is the super easy option if you want to solo.

If you're playing with pubs and don't feel like doing much work, just do trinity blessing spam and it's an easy alternative.

I'm guilty of sticking with a select 5-7 frames.
Just saying, it's better to have the option at your hand than not.
It wouldn't hurt to just build the frame and let it sit there if you prefer to focus one at a time.
Oooooooo! Trinity can have Blessing up permanently, right? This is 2/3 of my puzzle for AFK leveling solved.

I needed three things:
1) A powerful long-range Sentinel (Djinn + Deth Machine Gun)
2) A frame that can survive elites with snow globe (Trinity + Permanent Blessing)
3) A way to create inputs while I am AFK (???)

I still don't know how to make 3) happen. Hypothetical scenario:
1) Have a controller with turbo.
2) Assign Blessing to "X".
3) Place myself on an Interception level.
4) Turn on turbo.

Shouldn't I be able to let this go for a whole day while cycling the level and getting loot/XP while being an excellent contributor to my team? This could even work for Defense and Survival missions, in theory.

What is the Trinity build for endless Blessing?
What is the Trinity build for endless Blessing?

You would still have to pick up energy orbs.

Assuming a max duration build trinity with streamline + energy siphon:

Max Blessing duration = 28.2 seconds.
Blessing cast cost with streamline = 70.
Lv. 30 Trinity energy pool with no mod = 225.
Max Energy Siphon = 0.6 energy regen/s
Energy regen per blessing duration: 16.92

You can do 4 simultaneous blessing casts of 28.2 seconds for a total invincible duration of 1.88 minute.

Assuming a max duration build trinity with max streamline + 50% Fleeting + energy siphon:

Max Blessing duration = 23.2 seconds.
Blessing cast cost with streamline = 25.
Lv. 30 Trinity energy pool with no mod = 225.
Max Energy Siphon = 0.6 energy regen/s
Energy regen per blessing duration: 13.92

You can do 19 simultaneous blessing casts of 23.2 seconds for a total invincible duration of 7.35 minute.


As for preventing yourself from going idle -> take a rubber band and tie it around your 2 analog stick so they both pull inward. You'll essentially be turning in circles
You would still have to pick up energy orbs.

Assuming a max duration build trinity with streamline + energy siphon:

Max Blessing duration = 28.2 seconds.
Blessing cast cost with streamline = 70.
Lv. 30 Trinity energy pool with no mod = 225.
Max Energy Siphon = 0.6 energy regen/s
Energy regen per blessing duration: 16.92

You can do 4 simultaneous blessing casts of 28.2 seconds for a total invincible duration of 1.88 minute.

Assuming a max duration build trinity with max streamline + 50% Fleeting + energy siphon:

Max Blessing duration = 23.2 seconds.
Blessing cast cost with streamline = 25.
Lv. 30 Trinity energy pool with no mod = 225.
Max Energy Siphon = 0.6 energy regen/s
Energy regen per blessing duration: 13.92

You can do 19 simultaneous blessing casts of 23.2 seconds for a total invincible duration of 7.35 minute.
Did you factor the -50% duration from Fleeting Expertise into the second calculation? If so, that looks delicious and doable.
Did you factor the -50% duration from Fleeting Expertise into the second calculation? If so, that looks delicious and doable.



X*19 = -210.52 (after the 19 cast your energy will be lower than the 25 requirement.)


225+x =213.92
213.92+x =202.84

you get the drill.

It's doable but you'll be formaing trinity at least twice.
since the second trinity build will at least require a max narrow mind(16), const(13), continuity (9), blessing (13), Fleeting 50 (10), streamline (9)


So I have Frost Level 30, but also I have Frost Prime. Is there any point to keeping regular Frost?
Normally I'd say no, if you've gotten the normal Frame to lvl 30 (for the Mastery exp). However I was unaware of what Bitmap mentioned, about the devs possibly getting rid of the option to use Stat Helms on Prime Frames. It's up to you - I personally sell them to save buying Frame Slots (did it with my starting Excalibur Frame as well as my Ember, once I got Ember Prime).

That being said, *if* they introduce what Froggums mentioned then it's not like it's difficult to do a couple of Boss runs and get the normal versions of Frames back.


X*19 = -210.52 (after the 19 cast your energy will be lower than the 25 requirement.)


225+x =213.92
213.92+x =202.84

you get the drill.

It's doable but you'll be formaing trinity at least twice.
since the second trinity build will at least require a max narrow mind(16), const(13), continuity (9), blessing (13), Fleeting 50 (10), streamline (9)
Hot damn!

I wish PS3 fight sticks worked on the PS4. I could just hook that up and put it on turbo.

Grimløck;106724177 said:
I would never play a game I couldn't manipulate mathematically.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I would like to thank Helscream and Dreamgazer for all the time and effort they dedicated today helping clan members with the Tethra's doom shield run.

Also, if any clan member is reading this who still has not done the event, a friendly reminder there's 4-5 days left. It's a quick event, the rewards are awesome (event badge, 4 unique mods, a potato'd gorgon wraith, and another unique animated event badge).

On top of that, there's a clan competition and we can win for the clan another trophy to display in our dojo.
Hmm.. so I was able to do an Alert that offered an Orokin Catalyst Blueprint, so I did it, but I was way less effective than everyone else (been playing less than a week after all) but they carried me and we beat it.

Now I see that I'm able to do Tethra's Doom: Interception but.. yeah I'm still a very weak build I feel.. should I even bother or focus on unlocking more planets?

Edit: I only have a Loki frame atm, with the Braton, Lex, and Cronus. No Sentinel either.


Just get a group to carry you. The weaps you have are not enough

Unlocking planets is fine but it is more important to focus on leveling up mastery so you get the good weapons.
Hmm.. so I was able to do an Alert that offered an Orokin Catalyst Blueprint, so I did it, but I was way less effective than everyone else (been playing less than a week after all) but they carried me and we beat it.

Now I see that I'm able to do Tethra's Doom: Interception but.. yeah I'm still a very weak build I feel.. should I even bother or focus on unlocking more planets?

Edit: I only have a Loki frame atm, with the Braton, Lex, and Cronus. No Sentinel either.
Don't start with Loki! Go build Rhino or something!

Just get a group to carry you. The weaps you have are not enough

Unlocking planets is fine but it is more important to focus on leveling up mastery so you get the good weapons.
Beating levels ups mastery.


I understand, i am just saying especially when you get to the outer systems where there are less people to group with it isnt worth to bang your head reattempting to unlock nodes solo.
Just get a group to carry you. The weaps you have are not enough

Unlocking planets is fine but it is more important to focus on leveling up mastery so you get the good weapons.

Ah ok. Thanks for the info.

Though.. I did the Rank 1 Rifle test and passed the other day.. then last night I did the Pistol test and passed it but my Mastery didn't rank up and my bar stayed full. Did the test tonight and got the Pistol test again. Same thing. Both times activated my test cooldown.

Am I missing something or is that a bit wonky?

Don't start with Loki! Go build Rhino or something!

For the health buff or...? I know Loki is supposed to be a bit harder for new players but I've been doing all right. Using Decoy to get enemies into groups and Invis if I'm in trouble. I really feel like I need some kind of Bo-staff melee so I can cleave groups but I'm unsure which one I should get...


Sounds like a bug. If it happens again tomorrow, you should file a support ticket.

Rhino is good because iron skin covers your ass and any mistakes. If you do need to solo then Rhino is definitely the frame to use


Ah ok. Thanks for the info.

Though.. I did the Rank 1 Rifle test and passed the other day.. then last night I did the Pistol test and passed it but my Mastery didn't rank up and my bar stayed full. Did the test tonight and got the Pistol test again. Same thing. Both times activated my test cooldown.

Am I missing something or is that a bit wonky?
that is a little weird. i know you said you don't have a sentinel, so that rules out sentinels killing enemies, consequently failing your test. a stupid question: are you sure you're exclusively using your secondary weapon? that means no primary and no melee attacks. if you're sure, then something is definitely amiss.

For the health buff or...? I know Loki is supposed to be a bit harder for new players but I've been doing all right. Using Decoy to get enemies into groups and Invis if I'm in trouble. I really feel like I need some kind of Bo-staff melee so I can cleave groups but I'm unsure which one I should get...
loki is fine if you can manage his abilities, and it seems like you're doing okay with decoy and invisibility. once you reach mastery rank 3, you can buy the galatine, arguably the best melee weapon in the game. for your current rank, you may want to give the dual heat swords a spin.
Ok. Thanks again for the info. Appreciate it.

Edit: Ah ok. Galantine is what I'll look for. As for the test, I'm positive I'm only using my Pistol. I had already read on the wiki that using other weapons or having a Sentinel equipped will fail you. I've been having the occasional disconnect from the game's server, so that's probably what's happening I think.


Have a Q about a power I haven't seen that often, and wonder what it is? It seems to mindcontrol the enemies and makes them look like poor TV-static, but in colours, if that makes sense.. :p

Onto my Nyx at, love that chaos power.. Still totally prefer Rhino, because I just can't die with him..

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Have a Q about a power I haven't seen that often, and wonder what it is? It seems to mindcontrol the enemies and makes them look like poor TV-static, but in colours, if that makes sense.. :p

Onto my Nyx at, love that chaos power.. Still totally prefer Rhino, because I just can't die with him..

That'd be Nekros' Shadows of the Dead.

The entities you see are not mind controlled enemies, but rather the shadows of enemies the Nekros player has killed recently.
I think some of the frames is a little more "high maintenance", requiring some good mods or maybe even helmets to make them good, like Loki and Trinity need power duration and efficiency before they can really become "godly", but others, like Rhino, is more "low maintenance" and can be use to very high effective without many high tier mods.

didn't get to run with clan ppl but did catch a few pub run for the event. ended up getting 1889 on the score, think I'll run it again on Saturday night or Sunday when I'm back from work. if anyone's interested, look me up then~


Just got my Nova and I love her. However I just can't use her second power am I doing something wrong?

I have had the controls bug out on me before where a power won't work, so the same might be happening to you, I had to go into the option and reset to default controls and set them back up again.

If it is just on your Nova and not other frames, then I have no idea.
Played a bit with Mag, I dont get his powers at all. Crush takes to long and leaves me vulnerable, and pull seems stupid. Is SP the only useful power he has?


Played a bit with Mag, I dont get his powers at all. Crush takes to long and leaves me vulnerable, and pull seems stupid. Is SP the only useful power he has?

Extend her range. Pull is highly useful. You can pulll off shield holding guys Yank stuff off their feet, Bullet attractor is pretty awesome on tough things because you make them a big target , she's quite good.
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