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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

Holy shit with this clan alliance/territory acquisition stuff. Feels EVEish.

Gonna need to swear a blood oath between our teeny tiny clan and GAF ;P
Missed the first part of this but if they have bullet deflection.. wouldn't that potentially up the survivability of some of the lower health frames, in addition to making tankier ones ridiculously survivable?




Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Missed the first part of this but if they have bullet deflection.. wouldn't that potentially up the survivability of some of the lower health frames, in addition to making tankier ones ridiculously survivable?

It's archived, after this ends, hit their twitch profile and it should be there on archived broadcasts.


What sort of stuff was shown? Curious about melee 2.0.

off the top of my head:

-channelling uses warframe energy to buff your melee attacks (damage buff is default) other effects exist like life and stamina steal

-melee weapon can be used as primary weapon. Can do neat stuff like parry bullets now but it drains stamina for every bullet you block.

-hitting people with melee weapons actually puts people in a stagger animation


melee 2.0 stuff starts about 30 ish minutes in with all the stuff I can't remember
The melee uses a rhythm combo system now to do specific attack chains. So, for example, R1+R1+R1 would produce a different attack than R1+R1+pause+R1. Some chains have finishers, some will do knockdowns, etc.. Also parrying an enemies melee attack will stagger them and any staggered enemy is opened up for a kill animation (like the stealth kills). This means say one player can stagger an enemy and another player can finish them with a melee kill animation.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Courtesy of reddit at: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/227s2d/livestream_26_recap_and_discussion/

Update 13 launches next week; here's what's coming in THE SWORD ALONE
Shoutout to:
/u/Elaboration for Screencapping Hydroid
/u/wrightosaur for shouting out Zorencopter's status
/u/StickmanAdmin for his Stream Screenshot gallery
Follow the links and give them your upvotes!
If you have screenshots or more notes, leave a comment and I'll cite you here

On The Couch
From Right to Left:
Design Director | Assuming Direct Control: Scott!
Community Manager | Lotus Platinum Dating Service: Rebecca!
Statue | Eyes Forward: Excalibur!
Creative Director | "Ahoy Mateys!" Steve!
Parrot | Stream Mascot: Stream Parrot!
Animation Director | Oh Captain, my Captain! Geoff!
Studio Manager | "What's that, Stream Parrot?" Sheldon!
And of course the awesome Livestream crew, Megan, and everyone at DE!

Update 13
It's late! We know, let's show you why!

The Dojo
New Loading screens? Pulls random codex entries (no more "Loki is a good advanced frame!")
Map overhaul + new tiles (7 new garden rooms coming: Glass Panel Garden, Trophy Room, Lantern Garden, Observatory, OROKIN LAB)
Trophy Room center statue changes to match highest ranked player based on clan challenges
Observatory may have HUB functionality later down the line ("Update 38 in 2016!")
Orokin Lab: KUBROW! "How you clan or alliance will participate in the new BADLANDS mode." Solar Rail requirements CANNOT scale with small clans, must Alliance

Pablo and Dorian finished the design! Smoother interface for clan/Alliance management
Dotted lines on StarChart indicate Solar Rail points
Battle Pay between two clans, custom messages, alongside clan emblem (Occupant vs. Challenger)
Solar Rails can be repaired with dojo resources
Badlands missions have better rewards, "might be some missed factions"
Level of Solar Rail conflicts based on the planet's level
Solar Rail conflicts take time to deploy and resolve, NOT INSTANT. Time to prepare and plan defenses
PvE against a clan's Orokin Tower; NOT PVP. No attacking the clan members themselves
Occupant will win conflicts by default if no action is taken by attacking side ("no fire and forget")

Water Frame! "HYDROID"
Stream delay was because uploading DEV BUILD. Nothing is finalized!
"We should make our subreddit happy and..." -Rebecca
"People were drawing pirate hats on the subreddit" -Steve
Triton Alt Helmet: Squid/Pirate head!
New Sentinel Skins! (Carrier Skin, "Para") Parrot time!
Pirate theme gave it some depth
Playstyle: hybrid caster/tank, all-round (even stealth)
So many dangly bits!
Tempest Barrage - Long ranged cannon barrage, orbital artillery strike
Tidal Surge - Turn into a tidal wave, boost forward, pushes AI down and together with DoT. Crowd control
Undertow - Craziest power: turn into a puddle! Cannot be detected by AI as puddle. If enemy walks over puddle, you can absorb them into the puddle and do DoT!
Deep Dark Sea - Tentacles! RELEASE THE KRAKEN! Grab and fling AI once deployed from the ground

Melee 2.0!
Polishing animations and stances takes a lot of time! Delay reason
Stance Mods go into new melee weapon Stance Slots. "Default stance" (no stance mod) has no combos but can do everything else. Combos can be unlocked with Stances.
IRON PHOENIX STANCE: Fast stance. Shows combos!
Trainer mode? Potential practice range
With other weapon equipped, "quick strike" function still works
Equipping melee weapon: E for attack, zoom becomes block
Parrying changed: more mobility while blocking, less expensive to perform
End of combos have effects: sword light combo increases slash proc, sword heavy combo does radial blast, bo-staff combo finishing move
One-handed, Bo-Staff, fist, Fragor weapons animations
Stamina builds will help with melee performance (blocking)
All melee weapons will be useful! "Did Pluto with just the Skana" -Scott
Melee Channel: Fire button becomes "Channeling" to power up and create openings for finishers. Channeling while blocking. Mods to affect this; lifesteal while channel, status chance/fire rate increase, damage increase. Every hit with channeling is 5 Energy by default
New HUD elements for Melee 2.0: COMBO METER. 4-second window between pauses in hit-counter. Damage multiplier at combo of 5, 10, etc.
Even without the new stances or mods, there's still lots of depth to melee
"We can't wait to see what combos you guys can reach!" -Steve
Vs. Melee enemy types, just as badass
We tested this on both consoles; works great with controllers!
There's so much to learn once Melee 2.0 hits, take the time to learn it!
Throwing weapons: Hold to throw still there, but there will be combos as well (SO COOL)

New Shit!
KATANA Stance (Katana "Nirvana?")! Dangly bits to melee weapons!
NAMI-SKYLA Dual Cutlass/Dagger!
The ATTICA Automatic Tenno Crossbow!

Focus System coming Update 14

We hope you see our ambition with this Update, and can understand why it was delayed. Do not hate on the Marketing department or anyone else at DE; we were all disappointed to delay the Update, but we want to put quality first. Thank you for your understanding.

Compressing tech to improve load times in Dev Builds. All player patches and builds are pre-processed so you don't have to!
Anniversary stuff for the PS4?
Yes! U13 is "banging at the door" to get certified
We will address that after U13 is released
How will we obtain Hydroid?
Question forgotten for the question below
Vay Hek was missing from the Dev Build?
"Did you think it would be that easy?" You'll have to find him! The Hunt Begins U13!

New Stream Viewer Record: 11,077
Don't forget to vote for Warframe at the MMOBomb F2P Showdown Finals!
1000 Platinum Prize Winners
To redeem your prize, message Warframe on Twitch with your PSN ID or PC Account Name
24-Hour TO BE ANNOUNCED Alert Post-Livestream!
AMD bombing?

I tried it with just Stretch on an Interception mission and was unsatisfied. I felt like I needed big boom boom. Why not 75% efficiency, -30% damage, and +135% range?

I don't see why I need to hunt stragglers down. This is not Chaos. You can cast MPrime while MPrime is up.
Each AMD multiplies every damage it receives by 4...or was it 5?

So you release one. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another.

Seems to cap at about 400 thousand per ball after a while. AoE. Goes through walls. Pretty handy for defense missions. Aim at pod and time properly. Kind of the reason why nowadays i dont bother with mprime on defense.

As for hunting stragglers, i do a lot of ODD. Those damn crawler infected that walk slow as molasses towards the core? Yeaaaah, have fun tracking them down. If youre cool with it, yeah, range is the way to go.

Will do a lot of running to get the infested by the stairs, tho.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
The melee uses a rhythm combo system now to do specific attack chains. So, for example, R1+R1+R1 would produce a different attack than R1+R1+pause+R1. Some chains have finishers, some will do knockdowns, etc.. Also parrying an enemies melee attack will stagger them and any staggered enemy is opened up for a kill animation (like the stealth kills). This means say one player can stagger an enemy and another player can finish them with a melee kill animation.

I forgot... Jest, I added you to our PSN group chat.

We use that instead of the ingame chat, just so you know.
I forgot... Jest, I added you to our PSN group chat.

We use that instead of the ingame chat, just so you know.

lol I noticed! I was playing some other games while waiting for my Rank Test cooldown to end last night and was getting a ton of notifications. haha.

And my Rank Test is definitely bugged. 3 times beaten, 3 times with no credit. Checked the forums and it's apparently fairly widespread but no word on a fix yet. I guess I just have to hope when U13 hits it'll be fixed.
lol I noticed! I was playing some other games while waiting for my Rank Test cooldown to end last night and was getting a ton of notifications. haha.

And my Rank Test is definitely bugged. 3 times beaten, 3 times with no credit. Checked the forums and it's apparently fairly widespread but no word on a fix yet. I guess I just have to hope when U13 hits it'll be fixed.
The good news is that, in my experience, you can still accumulate mastery while waiting to complete a test.
I like what I saw from the stream, but the main question is whether or not the PS4 will get this update before 2025. Not to mention they really need to change the name of that warframe to something else. The name "hydroid" isn't doing it for me.
The good news is that, in my experience, you can still accumulate mastery while waiting to complete a test.

Yeah I read about that. Unfortunately though it stagnates my progress and leaves me to farm Mercury and Venus for XP since my builds and weapons aren't strong enough for some of the more difficult encounters. Specifically I'm stuck on a particular Earth encounter where you have to control towers to decode messages. I just don't have the abilities or weapons to be very effective there and haven't been lucky enough to have a group capable of beating it just yet.

I'm going to try to farm the few Earth levels I can beat and hopefully get the mats needed to make Rhino. That should help a bit I think.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Yeah I read about that. Unfortunately though it stagnates my progress and leaves me to farm Mercury and Venus for XP since my builds and weapons aren't strong enough for some of the more difficult encounters. Specifically I'm stuck on a particular Earth encounter where you have to control towers to decode messages. I just don't have the abilities or weapons to be very effective there and haven't been lucky enough to have a group capable of beating it just yet.

I'm going to try to farm the few Earth levels I can beat and hopefully get the mats needed to make Rhino. That should help a bit I think.

If you don't mind me asking, what's the rank test?
If you don't mind me asking, what's the rank test?

Pistol test. I use only my pistol the entire time. Always clear with time to spare. Don't have a Sentinel either. When I finish the test the voice says something along the lines of "That was an exemplary performance." Then I get back to the menu and still Rank 1.


Really getting into this game now, so im looking forward to the update. Ive put in about 20 hours and definately getting into the swing of things.

Only thing holding me back at the moment is I've never had redirection drop so my frame is getting very squishy, my clan mate has triple the sheilds I do. I can dish out more damage but ducking out when im taking health damage is getting tiresome.

Damn RNG, I assume.
So I just finished a Nightmare Alert for the Wildfire mod (clip capacity +5%, fire damage +15%, three pips, for rifles).

When did alerts start coming around in nightmare varieties?

Was also my first nightmare mission - no shields, defense vs infested, 10 waves, and I burned through a bunch of health regen and power regen items, but it was worth it. Tense, but with victory at the other end so it was all good.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Really getting into this game now, so im looking forward to the update. Ive put in about 20 hours and definately getting into the swing of things.

Only thing holding me back at the moment is I've never had redirection drop so my frame is getting very squishy, my clan mate has triple the sheilds I do. I can dish out more damage but ducking out when im taking health damage is getting tiresome.

Damn RNG, I assume.

There's a GAF clan if you're interested.
So I just finished a Nightmare Alert for the Wildfire mod (clip capacity +5%, fire damage +15%, three pips, for rifles).

When did alerts start coming around in nightmare varieties?

Was also my first nightmare mission - no shields, defense vs infested, 10 waves, and I burned through a bunch of health regen and power regen items, but it was worth it. Tense, but with victory at the other end so it was all good.
I didn't know folks made those items.

Really getting into this game now, so im looking forward to the update. Ive put in about 20 hours and definately getting into the swing of things.

Only thing holding me back at the moment is I've never had redirection drop so my frame is getting very squishy, my clan mate has triple the sheilds I do. I can dish out more damage but ducking out when im taking health damage is getting tiresome.

Damn RNG, I assume.
Literally anyone in the clan will give you Misdirection for free.


Got the glaive blueprint from an alert mission last night. Besides the fact it'll be forever before I gather the materials, is it any good or is it just a Dark Sector trophy weapon?
Got the glaive blueprint from an alert mission last night. Besides the fact it'll be forever before I gather the materials, is it any good or is it just a Dark Sector trophy weapon?
When you want to stab people in the face from a good distance and avoid a heavy's radial stomp or area effect attack, cut down enemies behind cover by tossing it parallel with one side of the cover before strafing to the side so that the glaive cuts into the enemy position when it returns to you, and you just want to look that much more ninja as you toss it ahead of your sprinting form to take down vent-fans and Corpus cameras and tear open nearby containers, then yes, without a doubt, the glaive performs, both in both form and function.

I've stopped using ammo mutations, instead I pack more power and pop ammo restores when needed.
I used to swear by ammo mutations in most of my builds (and the everlasting bullet-hose-ness you can get from ammo mutation + ammo drum), but nowadays I do the same as you and replace it with damage - in my case its usually a third element. I'm running a mix of Corrosive+Cold and Magnetic+Heat in my main weapons these days so I value that extra slot.

Carrier and ammo mutations for life
Its hard for me remember that there was a time when I didn't have a carrier sentinel. It was a game changer.


Its hard for me remember that there was a time when I didn't have a carrier sentinel. It was a game changer.

Yeah I remember having to switch for a while because the Sentinel mastery trophy bugged out on me, I had forgotten at the time how useful the carrier was.


Well thanks.

Anyone who would like to add me on psn, please feel free to do so but be wary, im still learning the ropes but have researched the game quite thoroughly. Its redirection that lets me down, not a single drop on 20hrs of playtime. Im afraid I really dont have anything of value to trade that I've not got equipped and need for my build so far, minus 10p which I'd be more than willing to part with for a base card plus any mods I'm not using. I just NEED that damn redirection!

I also am new to the trade but I do have a mic and a brain cell or two and can follow instructions, haha. Oh, and I am mastery level 2.



I have started a clan with people I know irl and would like to stay in it (for now), but anyone trading redirection then ill be online for a few hours from now.

Thanks to any that help.


I just NEED that damn redirection!

I'd happily give you it for free, unfortunately I'll be asleep in a few hours, if you don't manage to get it tonight then feel free to send me a friend request (PSN is same as my username here) and I'll trade you it tomorrow.


I'd happily give you it for free, unfortunately I'll be asleep in a few hours, if you don't manage to get it tonight then feel free to send me a friend request (PSN is same as my username here) and I'll trade you it tomorrow.

Genuinely thankyou for your kindness however I managed to pick it up just now.

I actually punched the air and shouted.

Thanks to you and all who would have offered to.
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