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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Out of Earth and into Mars, can finally grind for some salvage. Assassination mission for Earth seemed too easy, he just stood thereand the decoys are easy to discern considering the marker tracks the real one
I just started and I think I just lost all my gear....not like i really had any. It turned into a lvl 4 sentinal. I have no idea what im doing in the menus\equiping on this game. help!


We need to do like a GAF Defense/Survival mission. Both modes can net a shit ton of experience and alot of mods/fusion cores if everyone works together.


I tried to get a clan invite but it never came, joined some random one I found on the official forums and they've been pretty active. This game is pretty damn fun, incredibly underrated in my opinion. I can't believe I haven't tried this game on PC yet but I'm really glad it's on PS4.


So, I'm playing this on PS4... and is it only me that hates the controls?

I don't like them on PS4, or remote play. Why on earth is L1 (in remote play) crouch/roll? Who thought that was better than aiming? Played for awhile in remote play and my left index finger wants to fall off from doing the claw on the left of the d-pad to be able to move and aim at the same time.

:\ Vita is closer to controls I like, since melee is a button, not a shoulder button. I hate that it's R1 on PS4.

I want to love this game, but the controls annoy me. I don't know why we can't just map them the way we like it. It's primarily co-op, so it shouldn't matter.


I got my first tower key during one of those survival missions on Earth. Just a T1 key.

Also was working with some random guys to clear up a lot of the Earth stages. This one guy had a really useful attack where he made a huge wave of energy and electrocuted practically everything. Killed a lot of stuff that way. Makes my javelin attack seem weak in comparison. But I only just now started messing with fusion on mods and man that's awesome. Made a 120%+ on vitality mod.

I've been trying to get to the boss on Earth so I can start trying to get the blueprints for the Trinity warframe. I figured it'd be cool to have a support warframe. Can't believe they only give you two slots for warframes. =l
I got my first tower key during one of those survival missions on Earth. Just a T1 key.

Also was working with some random guys to clear up a lot of the Earth stages. This one guy had a really useful attack where he made a huge wave of energy and electrocuted practically everything. Killed a lot of stuff that way. Makes my javelin attack seem weak in comparison. But I only just now started messing with fusion on mods and man that's awesome. Made a 120%+ on vitality mod.

I've been trying to get to the boss on Earth so I can start trying to get the blueprints for the Trinity warframe. I figured it'd be cool to have a support warframe. Can't believe they only give you two slots for warframes. =l

I bought some plats (around 30$ for 500+ hours of gameplay) and spent it only on slots and potato for the frames as I own them all. If you enjoy the game, and get a 50 or 75% off coupon on login, think throwing a couple of bucks just to get more room for frames. having all of them is overkill, but there are some I would recommand like Nova, Rhino, Nekros, Vauban (you cant farm this one so it depends on your will to buy him out or be there when an alert for one of his part come up) maybe Frost/Frost Prime for defense, Nyx and Ash/Loki depends if you like going melee. That's about all you'll ever need and even there some are a bit stepping on each others roles. I guess 6 slots is really all you need to be ready for anything and about the same for weapons especially after the new dmg update. A couple of rifle/ or a shotgun and a bow, same for pistols/throwing knives and one slow, one fast melee. If you are not the collector type of player, this game can be really fun for free or for really cheap


Thanks for all the corrections guys :)

What level do I have to be to buy the Glaive? And whats it costs plat wise? Because it won't show me says level lock


I bought some plats (around 30$ for 500+ hours of gameplay) and spent it only on slots and potato for the frames as I own them all. If you enjoy the game, and get a 50 or 75% off coupon on login, think throwing a couple of bucks just to get more room for frames. having all of them is overkill, but there are some I would recommand like Nova, Rhino, Nekros, Vauban (you cant farm this one so it depends on your will to buy him out or be there when an alert for one of his part come up) maybe Frost/Frost Prime for defense, Nyx and Ash/Loki depends if you like going melee. That's about all you'll ever need and even there some are a bit stepping on each others roles. I guess 6 slots is really all you need to be ready for anything and about the same for weapons especially after the new dmg update. A couple of rifle/ or a shotgun and a bow, same for pistols/throwing knives and one slow, one fast melee. If you are not the collector type of player, this game can be really fun for free or for really cheap

You missed the fact that there isn't discounts on platinum for the PS4 version.


aka andydumi
You missed the fact that there isn't discounts on platinum for the PS4 version.

Not yet, but they said they are working on something.

I have a question on the daily bonuses. When does the timer reset? I logged in Monday morning, I had the 7 day bonus, then last night I was back to day 1. Is it on a weird non local timezone split? Nevermind, found it on the wiki. Gonna have to accommodate my logins around GMT.

Also, any good way to quickly compare weapons or filter the store? I was looking at buying some things and there's no way I figured out to sort. For example, some weapons are available so I can see the details, but there are no blueprints for them on the store. Then there are blueprints available for weapons that are not, so I can't see the weapon stat, just the construction requirements.


You'll enjoy that weapon once you can use it.

ATM I don't have enough platnium i think i have 55. I think ill end up buying the 30 dollar pack sometime soon and buy that weapon. I love my excalibur im almost done making Rhino he seems like a good choice. Can u buy the parts? and is it for cash or plat? I just need 1 neural sensor and 1 control module


What's the most efficient method for leveling new weapons/warframes? I assume you get lower affinity from lower-level stuff, right? I haven't really been paying attention, but I just hit 30 on both Excalibur and Dual Ether. I just need one more component to craft Rhino so I'm gonna hold off on spending plat on a 'frame, but I have a couple other melee weapons I could try. I just wanna level them up ASAP.


What's the most efficient method for leveling new weapons/warframes? I assume you get lower affinity from lower-level stuff, right? I haven't really been paying attention, but I just hit 30 on both Excalibur and Dual Ether. I just need one more component to craft Rhino so I'm gonna hold off on spending plat on a 'frame, but I have a couple other melee weapons I could try. I just wanna level them up ASAP.

Buy the Affinity Booster from the market.


Neo Member
ATM I don't have enough platnium i think i have 55. I think ill end up buying the 30 dollar pack sometime soon and buy that weapon. I love my excalibur im almost done making Rhino he seems like a good choice. Can u buy the parts? and is it for cash or plat? I just need 1 neural sensor and 1 control module

I bought the blueprint for the Galatine with credits didn't take too long to get materials for it.

Rhino is a beast, specially when you have some high ranked cards on. Excalibur is a good frame, probably went a little overboard with the formas on that frame though.

You can buy the materials with plat and they usually come in small bundles but I found just running a few bosses for stuff like the control modules easy enough plus if blueprints drop for stuff you already have you can sell them for credits too.


Oh one more question on the cards like sword slash (skill) how do you make something cost less energy? and whats the C50 or w/e mean on a skill card?


Buy the Affinity Booster from the market.

Thought about that, but 40 plat... that's two Orokin Catalysts. Hard to justify. =/

I was thinking of maybe doing the lowest level defense mission with Infested. That seems like a great way to level up the melee specifically. I was just wondering if there was some commonly known method that I was unaware of. Apparently I'm pretty dense when it comes to understanding this game. lol


Thought about that, but 40 plat... that's two Orokin Catalysts. Hard to justify. =/

I was thinking of maybe doing the lowest level defense mission with Infested. That seems like a great way to level up the melee specifically. I was just wondering if there was some commonly known method that I was unaware of. Apparently I'm pretty dense when it comes to understanding this game. lol

Defense is a good way to level.

Try finding three other players to make it easier on yourself. If you were on PC I could help but I don't have a PS4 yet.


Oh one more question on the cards like sword slash (skill) how do you make something cost less energy? and whats the C50 or w/e mean on a skill card?

Depends on which energy you mean. If you mean the mod cost, you can put them in the matching polarity slot, which cuts the cost in half - rounding up. You can add polarity slots by using Forma on a Rank 30 Warframe, which will reset it to Rank 1 after which. You could also use an Orokin Reactor to double the amount of energy capacity a Warframe has to 60.

If you mean the energy to actually cast the ability, then you want to get Warframe helmets, or mods, that have a positive Power Efficiency stat.

C50, etc. is Conclave points. Conclave is the PvP arena. To try to balance it, these arenas have set amounts of allowed conclave points per person. So if the Conclave allows 300, a C50 would take up 50 of that 300.


Neo Member
Beaten to the punch /\

Oh one more question on the cards like sword slash (skill) how do you make something cost less energy? and whats the C50 or w/e mean on a skill card?

If you mean the Mod Energy, warframes will have polarity slots for the main abilities by default which will half the cost of the Mod cards. Usually in the corners. Once a frame is a lvl 30 you have the chance to forma the frame which will default it back to lvl 0 but allows you to assign/reassign a mod slot with a polarity so that you can bring the cost of another card down.

If you mean cost to use in game there is a card called Streamline that reduces ability energy cost. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Streamline.

The C** number is the cards conclave rating, these stack with the other cards etc to give you an overall conclave rating. Used to the PVP duelling that can be found in each sector.


Oh one more question on the cards like sword slash (skill) how do you make something cost less energy? and whats the C50 or w/e mean on a skill card?
At the top right of mod cards there is a symbol called polarity. You'll notice that some mod slots have a symbol at the top right as well. If you match a card and a mod slot with the same polarity it will half the amount of points that the mod takes.

The C50 number means how many Conclave points the mod adds. The Conclave is the PvP mode that is separated by your overall conclave score. The higher level your mods and weapons are, the higher your conclave score.


I have to say, bugs/gitches aside, I am loving this game. I spent my pre-order platinum on Volt and Dethcube and do not regret it at all. Volt is sooo much fun. I 've got 2 of the 3 parts for Rhino and have crafted the Furis pistol and the Cronus(sp.) sword. Bought(credits) the Strun for some variety and the Braton for the damage upgrade.

Didn't realize you can use the Fusion mods to upgrade your mods directly. The way it is worded, I thought they were used when you fused other mods together. Now it is soo much easier to level up mods.

Anyways, goodtimes.


Thanks guys I meant the cost to actually cast it. I want to be able to use my skills more.

Also whats the fastest way to make money?


Thanks guys I meant the cost to actually cast it. I want to be able to use my skills more.

Also whats the fastest way to make money?

Fastest way would probably be Void missions. You find keys that are called Tower I, II or III Exterminate, Survival etc.

Apart from that, probably grinding certain bosses.


Thanks guys I meant the cost to actually cast it. I want to be able to use my skills more.

Also whats the fastest way to make money?

Streamline - increase power efficiency

Fleeting Expertise - Adds power efficiency, but lowers power duration

Flow - Increase max energy limit. All frames can have up to 300 energy, but some like Nova and Ember can hold up to 450 with a maxed Flow equipped

Energy Siphon - Adds energy regen for oyu and your whole team. This is an Aura mod that only drops in alert missions.

For money, your best bet is to clear out as much of the star map as you can, since this gives you access to more alert missions. Even short alert missions like captures will net you around 8k credits if it is a mid-high level run. There are some higher level alerts that give 15k, but they can be kind of tough.

Alternatively, the Orokin void missions give a good chunk of credits. Here is a useful table that will tell you how much for each mission type and the items that you may get for completing them


Cool thanks learning alot.

I also notice people keep asking me what clan im in and I'm like im not in a clan but it comes up I am? How do i check? I see a spot for a clan invite but thats it I never joined anything.

I also crafted a clan dojo key or something like that whats that about?


Alright, guys. We're in a bit of a dilemma right now.

I was planning on deconstructing a few rooms to be able to accelerate the growth of the Clan. What I wasn't aware of is, when we do upgrade a clan to the next tier (Storm), the cost of all constructions are going to increase by roughly 3.2 times. Some Forma requirements are going to double. Also, all Research costs are going to be increased by roughly the same amount.

I don't know if we (will) have enough people contributing to justify the large increased cost this upgrade brings.
there isnt a way to try out warframes before buying is there?

game seems way too expensive to unlock the warframes on PS4, the way I look at it the game is worth $50-60 to me and for that price I'd expect to unlock almost all warframes since they are like classes, yet have only 4 abilities

it seems like a great game, but apart from the lack of tutorials, it also seems quite ridiculously expensive


Cool thanks learning alot.

I also notice people keep asking me what clan im in and I'm like im not in a clan but it comes up I am? How do i check? I see a spot for a clan invite but thats it I never joined anything.

I also crafted a clan dojo key or something like that whats that about?

The Clan Dojo key is basically your clan's base. You invest resources and credits to build your dojo to be larger and have useful things like weapon labs (there are 3 different labs, each represent each of the factions, where you can obtain some very powerful weapons), duelling rooms, obstacle courses, etc. Your clan can also design an emblem that you can set as a badge on your arm (Here is an example of my clan's emblem.

If you want to check to see if you're in a clan, just try using your Clan Dojo Key and see what it does. I don't know how the UI layout is on PS4 so I couldn't tell you how to check since it may be different. The clan key is unlimited use.

Here is the wiki page with more info on the Clan Dojo


there isnt a way to try out warframes before buying is there?

game seems way too expensive to unlock the warframes on PS4, the way I look at it the game is worth $50-60 to me and for that price I'd expect to unlock almost all warframes since they are like classes, yet have only 4 abilities

it seems like a great game, but apart from the lack of tutorials, it also seems quite ridiculously expensive
I have every frame in the game and haven't bought any of them. You can craft them all my buying their blueprint in the marketplace, and then obtaining all the parts (helmet. chassis, and system) from the appropriate boss. The drops rates for Warframe parts are 10x better now than they used to be. You really only need to spend platinum on weapons slot, warframe slots, and orokin catalysts/reactors. I'd kind of suggest buy a color pack or two just because the stock colors are ghetto as hell.
I have every frame in the game and haven't bought any of them. You can craft them all my buying their blueprint in the marketplace, and then obtaining all the parts (helmet. chassis, and system) from the appropriate boss. The drops rates for Warframe parts are 10x better now than they used to be. You really only need to spend platinum on weapons slot, warframe slots, and orokin catalysts/reactors. I'd kind of suggest buy a color pack or two just because the stock colors are ghetto as hell.

what kind of time investment is required to unlock these warframes?

this game feels like a student project - a really GOOD student project but my last mission had people unable to access the final area and the mission before that I had to quit due to invisible walls blocking me

the 3D effect on the mod cards visuals is amazing, kudos to whoever thought of that


what kind of time investment is required to unlock these warframes?

this game feels like a student project - a really GOOD student project but my last mission had people unable to access the final area and the mission before that I had to quit due to invisible walls blocking me

the 3D effect on the mod cards visuals is amazing, kudos to whoever thought of that

The game has its share of bugs, but the devs are always making changes to things based on player feedback, and things get broken along the way. The PS4 version can't be patched as quickly as the PC version since the devs that to go through certification with Sony, but most of the itme when bugs like that are on PC they get patched up pretty quickly.

As far as time investments, it really depends on which frames you want and fit your style of play the most. Some frames are more defensive like Nyx, Frost, and Vauban. Some are most focused on speed and being elusive like Ash and Loki. Some are more offensive like Nova, Mag, or Saryn. Then you've got the tank, Rhino. Then, the support frame, Trinity. Excalibur is the most balanced frame, since he has the ability to act as any of these rolls, just not as effectively as the ones that specialize in one.

Back in February when I started playing, it took me about 3 months (100-150 hours of play time) before I had all the frames, but its not like that was my number 1 objective the entire time, as there were other things I would spend time on.


what kind of time investment is required to unlock these warframes?

Lots, but you shouldn't think of Warframe as a $60 action game. It's more analogous to games like Monster Hunter, Diablo III and even MMO's. You're not going to see very much of it in 20 hours. This is a game that you play for a looooong time.

Personally I love that it scratches the MMO/gear hunt itch as a TPS. Not many games like that. It's basically Diablo X Vanquish. Fucking awesome.

I agree with you about the student project bit though. The game is buggy. Was it like this on PC too?

The PS4 version can't be patched as quickly as the PC version since the devs that to go through certification with Sony, but most of the itme when bugs like that are on PC they get patched up pretty quickly..

Are we sure that's the case here? I mean, the game has its own internal update system built in to the client. Unless Sony is flying over and checking everything out before an update, it would seem that DE has a fair amount of autonomy with their updates. You see the same thing in games like FFIV, DCUO, etc.


Thanks guys the game is sweet and after Watch Dogs got pushed back I got hype about it and personally Its one of the most played games I have atm.

I'll try using the clan key when I get home and see what happens.


Are we sure that's the case here? I mean, the game has it's own internal update system built in to the client. Unless Sony is flying over and checking everything out before an update, it would seem that DE has a fair amount of autonomy with their updates. You see the same thing in games like FFIV, DCUO, etc.

Well the PC version is on Update 11 which added the Valkyr warframe and Damage 2.0, and last I read of the PS4 version they were only version 10.5.

At certain points, when the PC and PS4 versions are on the same update, there will be cross platofrm play between them, but when the PC gets a big update, cross platform play won't be possible again until the PS4 version catches up


Well the PC version is on Update 11 which added the Valkyr warframe and Damage 2.0, and last I read of the PS4 version they were only version 10.5.

At certain points, when the PC and PS4 versions are on the same update, there will be cross platofrm play between them, but when the PC gets a big update, cross platform play won't be possible again until the PS4 version catches up

Right, I meant the bit about passing cert. I don't think update 11 is being held back for PS4 because of Sony. I think they're just working out the kinks. From the sound of things, the PS4 port of Warframe was thrown together very quickly.


aka andydumi
Right, I meant the bit about passing cert. I don't think update 11 is being held back for PS4 because of Sony. I think they're just working out the kinks. From the sound of things, the PS4 port of Warframe was thrown together very quickly.

This gives me hope they will continue working on it and fixing bugs. I want to spend some money on it, but I want to make sure it is a supported game first and not just thrown out to die.


Is it currently not possible to sell items that you have multiples of? I can adjust the quantity with L1 and R2, but I can't figure out how to select "Ok" and sell them.
I just downloaded this game, and I am in love! Its a great game that all of my friends can play together. I dislike how every action takes some sort of money though. If you want to forge a weapon, credits. If you want to rush the forging process, platinum. If you want to fuse or transmute MODs, credits. If you want to revive yourself, platinum. I know creidts arent real money, and they are easy to come by. But all of those little things chip away at me from saving up for blue prints. Its a shame that these mechanics are like this. I know its a F2P game, but at a certian point they just have to let that stuff go.


I bought some plats (around 30$ for 500+ hours of gameplay) and spent it only on slots and potato for the frames as I own them all. If you enjoy the game, and get a 50 or 75% off coupon on login, think throwing a couple of bucks just to get more room for frames. having all of them is overkill, but there are some I would recommand like Nova, Rhino, Nekros, Vauban (you cant farm this one so it depends on your will to buy him out or be there when an alert for one of his part come up) maybe Frost/Frost Prime for defense, Nyx and Ash/Loki depends if you like going melee. That's about all you'll ever need and even there some are a bit stepping on each others roles. I guess 6 slots is really all you need to be ready for anything and about the same for weapons especially after the new dmg update. A couple of rifle/ or a shotgun and a bow, same for pistols/throwing knives and one slow, one fast melee. If you are not the collector type of player, this game can be really fun for free or for really cheap

Yeah this is pretty good advice. But yeah I don't plan to spend any money on this currently. I'm just trying to get what I can through the game itself, even though it's a bit of a pain sometimes. I actually have been collecting a lot of the materials I need for Trinity while doing the Earth missions. Would be cool if you could test drive all the waframes. lol.There's just so many. Loki and Volt are pretty cheap platinum-wise. 75. =l

I really need a better main gun though. I got the strun (shotgun) and it's pretty strong up close but man it only has 6 shots before doing a loooong reload.

Is it currently not possible to sell items that you have multiples of? I can adjust the quantity with L1 and R2, but I can't figure out how to select "Ok" and sell them.

Yeah I noticed this, too. =l It's like you can't go to the buttons.
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