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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


There are quite a few Dojo rooms in construction at the moment, but their creation is tentative.

I rearranged the layout to try to minimize cost, as well as take into account room size stopping certain things from being built. I also have to take into account Energy cost, so the current layout/priority isn't certain. Still, if you wish to help out, you can add materials to any of the rooms that are currently awaiting them.

If the room is canceled before construction, the materials will be refunded to you, but if the construction is complete and then deconstructed, they will be placed in the Clan Vault to be accessed for future room creation.

Also, if you have Forma you're willing to give and you're not in the clan, let me know. I can make space to try to expedite this whole process.


Wow, I think I just got mega lucky..

I just did the special Alert for Darvo and
in the middle of it Stalker attacks you

Now I'm sitting with a Dread blueprint in my inventory.. I was 100% sure I didn't see this in the reward screen but I'm sure I got it from this mission. What are the chances :p


Wow, I think I just got mega lucky..

I just did the special Alert for Darvo and
in the middle of it Stalker attacks you

Now I'm sitting with a Dread blueprint in my inventory.. I was 100% sure I didn't see this in the reward screen but I'm sure I got it from this mission. What are the chances :p

The Stalker has a random chance to appear during most missions after the player has killed the first boss. He has a chance to drop different blueprints, including the Dread, when he is killed.


Actually, in the alert mission for Darvo, the stalker is guaranteed to appear and fight you. I wasn't so lucky, no blueprint drops for me :(


Actually, in the alert mission for Darvo, the stalker is guaranteed to appear and fight you. I wasn't so lucky, no blueprint drops for me :(

Oh, wow. I had no idea! Shows how much I know!

Does anyone know if Warframe blueprints ever get used again? After I'm done building some Warframes, I just want to sell the blueprints to get rid of the clutter.


Wow, I think I just got mega lucky..

I just did the special Alert for Darvo and
in the middle of it Stalker attacks you

Now I'm sitting with a Dread blueprint in my inventory.. I was 100% sure I didn't see this in the reward screen but I'm sure I got it from this mission. What are the chances :p
It's not a random alert, it's a micro-event.
The Stalker always appears in this mission, it's part of the script. But I didn't think he'd drop blueprints.

Anyway, congratulatons! The Stalker weapons are some of the best in the game and quite hard to get. Especially pre-U11, when Serrated Blade and Ragdoll damage still were a thing. Dread was a better Paris, Despair were better Kunai, and Hate was a better Kama. They're not quite as broken now, but they're still pretty awesome even after U11.


It's not a random alert, it's a micro-event.
The Stalker always appears in this mission, it's part of the script. But I didn't think he'd drop blueprints.

Anyway, congratulatons! The Stalker weapons are some of the best in the game and quite hard to get. Especially pre-U11, when Serrated Blade and Ragdoll damage still were a thing. Dread was a better Paris, Despair were better Kunai, and Hate was a better Kama. They're not quite as broken now, but they're still pretty awesome even after U11.

Aye, I failed this once, I think he slashed through one of the consoles or something and the mission failed instantly, lol. After I did the alert a second time, I was ready for him. Even though he's scripted to appear here, I'm surprised he actually DID drop blueprints.

Again, I did not see them in the mission end screen and I assume blueprints always have a priority to appear first. Was just about the craft something else, when I noticed the bow in there - holy heck!


It's kind of surprising to me that the weapons and Warframes are reasonably attainable.

I started out with Excalibur. I now have Mag, Rhino and Frost Prime constructing. I can choose to build Volt, Trinity, Nova and Ember at any time. I also have 4 Primary, 5 secondary, and 4 Melee weapons. My play time is right around 50 hours. Not too bad, in my opinion, since a good 20 hours or more were spent wandering in a stupor, not understanding anything about anything.

Waiting is the hardest part.


It's kind of surprising to me that the weapons and Warframes are reasonably attainable.

I started out with Excalibur. I now have Mag, Rhino and Frost Prime constructing. I can choose to build Volt, Trinity, Nova and Ember at any time. I also have 4 Primary, 5 secondary, and 4 Melee weapons. My play time is right around 50 hours. Not too bad, in my opinion, since a good 20 hours or more were spent wandering in a stupor, not understanding anything about anything.

Waiting is the hardest part.

Agreed. I came in thinking the grind was awful but it's actually pretty easy. Only started Tuesday and I have 3 war frames constructing right now, and my Excalibur is lvl 30 and powerful as hell.

This is probably my favorite free to play game


Aye, I failed this once, I think he slashed through one of the consoles or something and the mission failed instantly, lol. After I did the alert a second time, I was ready for him. Even though he's scripted to appear here, I'm surprised he actually DID drop blueprints.

Again, I did not see them in the mission end screen and I assume blueprints always have a priority to appear first. Was just about the craft something else, when I noticed the bow in there - holy heck!
Yeah, Stalker BPs are drops, not mission rewards. They're orbs - look kinda similar to the usual red health orbs, but the color is a bit different.

It's kind of surprising to me that the weapons and Warframes are reasonably attainable.
Farming frames used to be very frustrating due to shitty drop rates, but it got a lot more manageable recently (in U10 I believe). The game is pretty reasonable overall. You usually never get the feeling that DE tries to nickel and dime its player base, and I appreciate that. If you're willing to farm (which is what the endgame basically is all about, anyway), and if you're patient, you can get pretty much everything "for free". What's kinda odd to me are the insane prices some people are willing to pay for certain mods now that there's trading (introduced in U11, so not on PS4 yet). A few rare mods apparently sell for 1000 platinum or more. Maxed out rare mods supposedly sell for several thousand platinum - a ton of real money.
Hey guys, I have money on my master account, but not the account I play Warframe on. Any idea how to by platinum without filling up the other account's wallet?


Man I dunno why but this game has been trippin for me the last couple of days I've played it. Characters and enemies lagging hard. Can't tell when I'm hitting something or where the enemy actually is. Takes like 5 seconds for an item to disappear and register as being picked up after I run over it.

And now I failed a mission and it went to black screen. Then bout 2 minutes later it asks if I want revived. Then that lady says "odds were against us but we did it. Mission complete. But nothing is happening and I can't abort because "missions is already failed".

I dunno what's up but it's frustrating. =(


Man I dunno why but this game has been trippin for me the last couple of days I've played it. Characters and enemies lagging hard. Can't tell when I'm hitting something or where the enemy actually is. Takes like 5 seconds for an item to disappear and register as being picked up after I run over it.

And now I failed a mission and it went to black screen. Then bout 2 minutes later it asks if I want revived. Then that lady says "odds were against us but we did it. Mission complete. But nothing is happening and I can't abort because "missions is already failed".

I dunno what's up but it's frustrating. =(

This sometimes happens when you're hosting a game people in your group don't back out of the party after the mission. As soon as everyone else disconnects, you'll exit the black screen and get your mission rewards. This is why it's common courtesy to automatically circle back to the main menu after every random mission. You could be fucking some guy over if you don't. Also, if you click "forfeit" when prompted you will still get credit for beating the mission, including all items etc. I'm not sure if reviving actually wastes one of your revives but I wouldn't risk it. Just "forfeit" and hope that everyone else drops from the group ASAP. I usually pick my laptop up and check this thread while I wait. I run into this bug just about every mission since I tend to always host al of my games.


If anyone wants to farm J3-Golem tonight for Volt parts, friend me. I'm gonna be going until I get all 3 blueprints. PSN: molnizzle

EDIT: Never mind, I got all three blueprints in exactly three runs. Damn!


Is there a twitter for PS4 alerts?

If anyone wants to farm J3-Golem tonight for Volt parts, friend me. I'm gonna be going until I get all 3 blueprints. PSN: molnizzle

EDIT: Never mind, I got all three blueprints in exactly three runs. Damn!

Damn blue prints have been churning out for me too. got Trinity, Volt and Rhino blueprints so easily.


Is there a twitter for PS4 alerts?

Damn blue prints have been churning out for me too. got Trinity, Volt and Rhino blueprints so easily.

I got all but the Systems for Trinity and I have just the Chassis for Rhino. I haven't even gone for Volt stuff yet.


There are quite a few Dojo rooms in construction at the moment, but their creation is tentative.

I rearranged the layout to try to minimize cost, as well as take into account room size stopping certain things from being built. I also have to take into account Energy cost, so the current layout/priority isn't certain. Still, if you wish to help out, you can add materials to any of the rooms that are currently awaiting them.

If the room is canceled before construction, the materials will be refunded to you, but if the construction is complete and then deconstructed, they will be placed in the Clan Vault to be accessed for future room creation.

Also, if you have Forma you're willing to give and you're not in the clan, let me know. I can make space to try to expedite this whole process.

Well I have been saving up Void keys to do runs with just GAF clan members. If we can get some runs in and aquire a forma blueprint all four players in the squad could get it. And we could farm the materials necessary to craft it as well. We can harvest the resources, but we need to do it as a squad most definitely.


I can't seem to join your game, Helscream. When I accept your invite it fails, when I try to join myself it says you're not currently in a game session. Such bug.


I can't seem to join your game, Helscream. When I accept your invite it fails, when I try to join myself it says you're not currently in a game session. Such bug.

So bug. Much frustrate. Wow.

Man keep getting everything but the Trinity systems part. =/

UPDATE: I got my Trinity Systems. Now I just need a control module and an Orokin Cell to complete the Trinity Warframe. =D


Trying to get in a clan... can someone invite me?

I was searching through these pages a bit and have a few of you on PSN friend list.. just im super noob when it comes to clan-type-stuff (ive been a single player type gamer forever... but im really really hooked on this game)
Just need more active, consistent friends from here to play with! thanks!

Excalibur Rank 25 (Silver Initiate 2)
MK1-Braton rank 27
Lato Rank 24
Dual Skana rank 20

Volt Rank 3

Working on getting materials and parts for Frost Nekros and Ember

EL Beefo

Farming for volt right now and it's driving me crazy. I'm pretty sure I have about five each of the helmet ad chassis blueprints, but no luck so far on the systems.
Well I give up. I now have 10 chassis blueprints and 9 helmets, not a single systems blueprint after 4+ hours of farming.

Giving up so easily! I spent over a week farming Trinity back when the bosses dropped the darn blueprint orbs themselves! Now y'all have this fancy smancy end-of-the-mission blueprint guarantee!

Need to offer some blood and do a little dance for the RNG God. Just keep at it, you'll get it eventually! Might even drop on the next run :p


Well I have been saving up Void keys to do runs with just GAF clan members. If we can get some runs in and aquire a forma blueprint all four players in the squad could get it. And we could farm the materials necessary to craft it as well. We can harvest the resources, but we need to do it as a squad most definitely.

I'm down. We just need to figure out a time. Meanwhile, I've constructed a couple Forma already.


How far along/what level is everyone at? My first Warframe is level 13 or 14 I think and I'm still working my way through Venus. I feel like I'm quite a bit behind... lol

Also, noobish question ... Should a buy a Sentential right now with plat or wait to build one (not sure when I can start building one). Are there any huge benefits to having one early in the game? If so, which is the best?


Also, noobish question ... Should a buy a Sentential right now with plat or wait to build one (not sure when I can start building one). Are there any huge benefits to having one early in the game? If so, which is the best?

Wait to build a sentinel. Believe me (and everyone else in this thread) when I say that you want to save your plat for Forma, Orokin Reactors, Orokin Catalysts and Warframe/weapon slots. Anything you can build you should build. Well, besides Forma and Orokin Reactors and Catalysts. I mean, you should build those too (when you can) but you'll probably end up buying quite a few of them with plat as well.

I wasted a bunch of plat in the early game before it became obvious that I should be saving it for the stuff I mentioned above. I bought a sentinel, a scarf, some color palettes for my 'frame and a few weapons. Huge mistake. The only thing I don't entirely regret paying for is a better weapon in the early game. Warframe's progression is kinda weird... you feel completely powerless and incapable of getting upgrades in the beginning (see my post history for proof) and then all of the sudden BAM!, it's like you're an unstoppable killing machine and are drowning in blueprints and components.

There's really no way to predict when this will happen to you as the mod drops are essentially random. It's simply a matter of time before you'll have the right combination of mods and start tearing shit up. It's not a terrible idea to get a decent weapon upgrade in the beginning to help you jump that hurdle. Personally I would recommend grabbing a pair of dual swords. I found it very handy to be able to melee multiple enemies at once without charging. I went with Dual Ether myself, still the best melee weapon I have! I definitely don't regret spending plat on that. I hear Glaive is good too. Considering that it's incredibly difficult to craft in the first place it might be a better investment than something like Dual Ether.

Everything else though, craft craft craft.

Join a T1 of any Void mission. They drop almost 6 per map if you open containers.

Do Forma blueprints drop from T1? I don't want to waste a key if we might need it for the clan.

I guess I could try to get into a pug group in the chat, maybe I'll try that for now.


Do Forma blueprints drop from T1? I don't want to waste a key if we might need it for the clan.

I guess I could try to get into a pug group in the chat, maybe I'll try that for now.

They sure do. Could be rare, but I have gotten them before. Survival has the highest frequency, just because you get something from the drop table every 5 minutes starting at 10 minutes in. The tier of the drop table increases if you can get to 15+ minutes, as well.

If you see anyone asking in the Region or Recruiting chat for people to do voids, join 'em up. You're guaranteed something if you succeed, such as a Prime warframe/weapon blueprint, and of course a really high chance at multiple Control Modules.

T1s are only level ~15-25 enemies. T2 are around 40+. Then T3 can range from 80 to 100+.

How far along/what level is everyone at? My first Warframe is level 13 or 14 I think and I'm still working my way through Venus. I feel like I'm quite a bit behind... lol

Also, noobish question ... Should a buy a Sentential right now with plat or wait to build one (not sure when I can start building one). Are there any huge benefits to having one early in the game? If so, which is the best?

I have a Rank 30 Excalibur.. been that way for two or three days. You may be behind, but some of us are playing a lot.. a lot a lot.

I would not recommend buying anything other than Orokin Reacters/Catalysts and Warframe/Weapon inventory slots - as you need them. Even Forma can be gotten relatively easily. Sentinels take time, but are also perfectly attainable.

It's beneficial to have one early, but not in any major sense. Each Sentinel behaves differently, so it's hard to say which is the best. I would read the wiki to see for yourself which one you'd like to have.
Finally got the PS4 (yay!) and played up to Captain Vor, who was unceremoniously killed behind a dumpster by my Mag and her pickup group. I've managed to scrounge enough credits for Braton and that feels like a nice upgrade, but the credit income seems pretty slow at least for now. Otherwise the game feels as fun as I expected. Hopefully I can convince some of my friends to grind with me.


Finally got the PS4 (yay!) and played up to Captain Vor, who was unceremoniously killed behind a dumpster by my Mag and her pickup group. I've managed to scrounge enough credits for Braton and that feels like a nice upgrade, but the credit income seems pretty slow at least for now. Otherwise the game feels as fun as I expected. Hopefully I can convince some of my friends to grind with me.

Did you download the plus pack? You get a 3 day credit booster.


Finally got the PS4 (yay!) and played up to Captain Vor, who was unceremoniously killed behind a dumpster by my Mag and her pickup group. I've managed to scrounge enough credits for Braton and that feels like a nice upgrade, but the credit income seems pretty slow at least for now. Otherwise the game feels as fun as I expected. Hopefully I can convince some of my friends to grind with me.

The Braton is actually a very good and reliable weapon in any situation, since it deals every damage type evenly.

You might actually want to get some +total ammo mods for it though, it's not the most ammo efficient of weapons :p
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