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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Well got to 30/48 for the event and the 1St mirage part is cooking. Have to start the kubrow stuff tonight. The ui is gonna take some getting used to but it a decent change. Those infested missions are kinda lagging though. Especially the destiny style loading screens.


Well got to 30/48 for the event and the 1St mirage part is cooking. Have to start the kubrow stuff tonight. The ui is gonna take some getting used to but it a decent change. Those infested missions are kinda lagging though. Especially the destiny style loading screens.

so, just keep running breeding grounds, right?

i got bored of it after 10 pts.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I dunno if it's bugged or they changed it from PC cuz it seems to add your score cumulatively and not count every round. But yeah it gets old fast, though the mission isn't long thankfully. Now to get doggy eggs and farm for argon crystals.
It encourages teaming up. The more you run it, the higher your "stench". Four people with a high stench = higher difficulty = higher score.

Ronin, I'll be on 12-4:30pm tomorrow (central) if you're looking go catch me on at some point. Probably gonna nab some warframe slots and stasis pods with the plat. :p

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I ran with the same person for like 15 mission but it only gave us 5pts every 5 runs. I dunno we had a few random ppl join some of the mission maybe that messed it up too. The runs def got harder and the hives added different effect though. Not showing your score per run(unless I missed it) make it hard to tell how much it changed from the pc event, if at all.


It took me a bit, but I ultimately wound up soloing the entire event. I really just wanted the mods but stayed more for cattle prod.

The main reason why soloing worked out better was that the framerate was overall better by myself. It was a studdering mess when I tried a few runs with 4 people.
Your score won't increase every run, it says it takes a few runs before the stench on your Warframe increases.
So expect to keep going and going some undetermined number of times to increase your score once.
Internet kicked, Eld. Sorry.

For those of you who weren't on, a HELL'S CHAMBER dropped on Earth on a level 5-7 mission before we could get an egg to drop for him.

So ridiculous. :lol

Mirage is ridiculous though. Does anyone have suggestions for mods that would maximize power strength and power duration? Also, can I forma the corner slots? Slight of hand is hilarious but also useless.

For those with Mirage, max out power strength. Eclipse with maxed strength = ~480% damage boost on guns in sunlight and ~80% damage reduction on damage taken when in shadows. Pair that with the clones from Hall of Mirrors firing doing more damage and also making you harder to hit and you have an absurd setup.
Maximizing Power Strength would require Intensify and Blind Rage, the latter from the Orokin Vault.

Maximizing Power Duration would require Continuity, Constitution and Narrow Minded, likewise the latter from the Vault.

However, Blind Rage has a negative effect of reducing Power Efficiency, and Narrow Minded reduces Power Range.

I have some of them as spares.

Ronin Ray

It encourages teaming up. The more you run it, the higher your "stench". Four people with a high stench = higher difficulty = higher score.

Ronin, I'll be on 12-4:30pm tomorrow (central) if you're looking go catch me on at some point. Probably gonna nab some warframe slots and stasis pods with the plat. :p

Shit I will be at work


With the current clan activity? lol

Well I should be on a bit this weekend, so I'll contribute and will make sure the 5-10 people I recruited do their part as well.

I'm incubating my Kubrow but have a feeling I'll be sticking with sentinels.

I also finished building the quest for Mirage and will get that going tonight.

It looks like all the research is cooking before I could even look to contribute, so thanks.
DAT new UI at work hehe.

Click the left stick (L3) to make the accept decline buttons choosable.

Sometimes after you press Options first.

Grimløck;126598232 said:
how long does the event last? i can't do more than ~10 runs at a time. shit is too dull.

That's about 6 more than I can manage, there are some players don't get it even with Lotus giving out instructions.

Ronin Ray

a week

and with half of our clan playing diablo instead of the event, I doubt we'll win anything

As they should be. A lot of guys in the clan have massive hours in this game and a nice break is welcome. I gave plat away to try to spur some interest maybe I will give away more but I really don't have a desire to push myself to play. I will run some tonight but I doubt it will be much. That Diablo pull is real.


So I've decided to get back into this after the new update, must say its pretty great, but I have a few questions, I only played it a little before the update:

Why are the locations flashing/highlighted with a blue border even though there are no quests there?

Is the only way to get a weapon blueprint such as paris to buy the blueprint in the market or do they drop randomly?


Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
I believe the flashing nodes are missions you haven't done yet. Regular blueprints are either bought, given out on alerts, or the rare ones are dropped by the hunter/g3/stalker. Prime BP are mission rewards for void missions.


I believe the flashing nodes are missions you haven't done yet. Regular blueprints are either bought, given out on alerts, or the rare ones are dropped by the hunter/g3/stalker. Prime BP are mission rewards for void missions.

Thanks, just one more thing about nodes, do you mean they will flash if I've unlocked them and not been there or because there is a quest there to do? Because when I highlight it, it doesn't say there is a quest there.
As they should be. A lot of guys in the clan have massive hours in this game and a nice break is welcome. I gave plat away to try to spur some interest maybe I will give away more but I really don't have a desire to push myself to play. I will run some tonight but I doubt it will be much. That Diablo pull is real.

will you be on after 9p central? i'll catch you then if so.

stuck at 36/48 atm.

diablo is ugh. lacks the charm warframe has. same with destiny

anyone willing to run BG tonight that's 35+?

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks, just one more thing about nodes, do you mean they will flash if I've unlocked them and not been there or because there is a quest there to do? Because when I highlight it, it doesn't say there is a quest there.
I'm pretty sure if it's just blue and flashing with no symbol on the node it just means you haven't done that node yet. If there's an alert there will be a symbol over the planet and the node it's on will flash yellow (might be a symbol on that node too). I think if there's a quest on the node it says in text under the name of the node. Like the node on earth for the kubrow quest says to look here. There are other symbols too for the various faction invasions or your distillers but I think that's it.
I'm pretty sure if it's just blue and flashing with no symbol on the node it just means you haven't done that node yet. If there's an alert there will be a symbol over the planet and the node it's on will flash yellow (might be a symbol on that node too). I think if there's a quest on the node it says in text under the name of the node. Like the node on earth for the kubrow quest says to look here. There are other symbols too for the various faction invasions or your distillers but I think that's it.

Did you ever find one yesterday? If not, try mantle. That's where I found both of mine. E Prime seems to be awful for it.


I haven't played warframe in a loooooong while. I've just downloaded update 14. I haven't gone through all of whats new in the update. I've noticed I can now do the prologue or skip it. If I choose to do the prologue I can now choose from three wareframes including Excalibur. I know this won't affect my progress in game thus far. My question is if I choose one of the two frames beside Excalibur, will I get to continue using Excalibur? Will I be stuck with one of the alternatives I chose? Will I get to use one of these alternatives alongside Excalibur going forward?

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Loki, mag and excaliber can all be found on other planets. I dunno about volt as he was clan based. So choose him if you're not in the clan.
I haven't played warframe in a while. I've just downloaded update 14. I haven't gone through all of whats new in the update. I've noticed I can now do the prologue or skip it. If I choose to do the prologue I can now choose from three wareframes including Excalibur. I know this won't affect my progress in game thus far. My question is if I choose one of the two frames beside Excalibur, will I get to continue using Excalibur? Will I be stuck with one of the alternatives I chose? Will I get to use one of these alternatives alongside Excalibur going forward?
I already had the frame I chose for the prologue mission (Mag), but I don't think I got to keep any of the weapons I got in it. And I was back to the frame I had been using before the patch the moment I finished that first mission and was on the ship. I was using purely the gear I already had for the rest of the opening quest.


Found an egg on second run of e. Prime.

By the time I'm on in a few hours the incubator power core should be done.

I'm stuck at 33 on BG.

If I go in with everyone at 48 9r higher will I automatically jump to 48? The scoring is wtf on this mission.

Edit: for the kubrow just use the wiki I was confused as hell about it and mirage.


How the hell do you start a quest? I want to get Mirage hut all the quests in the codex are just ???

Also I will be away for two weeks, fyi

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
For mirage do 5 vault runs to get cyphers, then build the thing you by from market, then do her part quests. Kubrow is kill jackal, then a bunch of stuff wiki is a good way. You also have to start them in the codex I think.
Trinity is still good if you build her right, plus blessing is still absurd.

I got a 50/48 on Breeding Grounds. Anyone else above 48, we need to get together and do it to raise our scores, then help the lower levels. Otherwise the clan isn't going anywhere in this.

Kubrow is good. The three pets thing sucks though. They die too fast at early levels.



Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
I jumped from 43 to 60 after one round somehow lol I'm outta town till wed though. Also goddamn ancient healers don't mess around anymore. Almost lost scheclura on round 11.

And what's the 3 pet thing? Stasis slots?
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