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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Anyone in the clan in the Perrin or New Loka syndicate? I'm looking to trade for their weapon mods. Can offer Meridian, Arbiters and Cephalon stuff in return.


The game is faster than most with lots of running and sliding. It can be off putting when you first start out with randoms, and the first few missions can be a bit tough solo, so it's a bit of a conundrum. It's really best to find somebody likeminded who's also just getting started or to find an exoerienced player to talk you through the nuances of getting around quickly.

There are also some decent YouTube videos on basic movement.

Is there a GAF clan? i'd love some of that action as i get to a level where i assume i can be useful :d


i always see you playing, w0wbagger :D Was going to ask you a few things last night but you logged out ^_^


yeh, same boat. I'm just looking for something to pass the time until that comes out :)

Will get you an invite when I get home if nobody beats me to it.

The nice thing with Warframe is that they don't do level cap increases, so you can always go off and play another game for a few weeks/months and pick right up where you left off.
Will get you an invite when I get home if nobody beats me to it.

The nice thing with Warframe is that they don't do level cap increases, so you can always go off and play another game for a few weeks/months and pick right up where you left off.

Dont forget to put your kubrow on hibernation before long plays because it can die.
Don't know why I waited so long to try this but I downloaded it this weekend and am loving it!

I have no idea what I'm doing on the ship so far, but man it's crazy fun combat! Gonna have to try to read some guides this week to get a sense of it all. The market and customization options were all a bit overwhelming.


Dont forget to put your kubrow on hibernation before long plays because it can die.

I really hope they change that mechanic. The thought of losing my potato'd and multi-forma'd kubrow is terrible. And it loses health so fast! I fear I'm going to forget to detox one of these days. :/

Special C

I've just spunked through the first 5 or so missions. Tried some coop but I ended up with guys 10 times faster then me so it wasnt much fun.

I've just learned to accept exterminate, sabaotage, spy, deception type missions as a race to complete them as fast as possible. Survival and Defense are really where you can feel like you are always participating.

Nowadays if I start an alert I actually hope I come in near the end so i can get my quick credit grab.


I refuse to use mine due to it.

This. It's a dumb mechanic.

At a minimum, you shouldn't be penalized for taking it out of stasis with a 3 hr (I think) recovery time.

Also, the Kubrows are cool, but as a practical matter, they are utterly outclassed by sentinels. The Kubrows need better mods to give them more functionality.p


frizby, please bring me back to warframe. I want to come back but I feel overwhelmed by all of the new content. I never even got my heavy caliber lol


I refuse to use mine due to it.

pretty much, if they really wanted to penalize a player, then they simply could have put the kubrow in forced stasis once it passed a certain threshold, but with the requirement of a consumable + increasing the wait time to 24h to fully bring it out of stasis. This is just flushing the players time and effort down the toilet.

But, this is just the tip of the iceberg of issues I have with introducing kubrows the way they are now. I don't like the fact that breeding results in 4 arbitrary categories of kubrow. I don't like how I cant train and breed for the things I want, instead of what RNG tells me what it decided I should have. I should be feeding it certain things, and directing it to do certain behaviors. These are animals, not machines like sentinels, and we should be "raising" them instead of having every aspect decided by RNG. They wanted players to get emotionally attached to these things, yet introduce no mechanics allowing us to do so. Pressing a button to pet your kubrow once a day just wont cut it for me. Just maintaining a kubrow requires a significant amount of effort on the player's part, and we're stuck with a dumb animal that walks into traps, wont take orders, blocks your view and your shots, and then punishes you because it does not know the concept of picking its battles. Its like they put in work and adjustments for 2 months on these things and then not a damn thing else since.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
That's DE's mo though. Add content at a consistent rate so the hard core don't leave then don't add to it or fix/balance things. I guess it works for them but I dunno how some ppl keep pace. Most don't going by trophies. Not to mention it's impossible now due to the absurd amount of time/credit/resources required. Time exclusive/prime access stuff posses me off too but I guess that comes with f2p.


Facism: Clan invite sent

DangerMan: Let me know if you'd like one as well

Turtle afficionados: Did I do OK? ;)

thanks bruv.

Been fucking about with some more coop. The ones where you have to capture points are doing my head in. 2 times i got squaded with kids who weren't capping the objectives lol :(

Tried to rank up earlier, somehow failed (i'm assuming there was a timer) and i find out i have to wait 24 hours to attempt it again lol. That's a bit trash.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
I find in public games ppl either are new and don't know what to do or assume someone else will do the work for you. And yeah mastery ranks tests are somewhat inconsistent. Some are easy some hard. Be sure you only use the right weapon if it's one if those weapons specific tests.
I find in public games ppl either are new and don't know what to do or assume someone else will do the work for you. And yeah mastery ranks tests are somewhat inconsistent. Some are easy some hard. Be sure you only use the right weapon if it's one if those weapons specific tests.

Wel beginners have lots of people who dont know what to do waiting for the overpowered player to carry them. I think you can see more experienced players after Earth

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah that's kinda what I was saying. I know when I was starting out it was weird trying to do the earth interception mission. I soloed every mission up to about halfway through mars before I joined the clan but that earth interception was too hard esp since no one knew how to do it. Well I mean it's easy to figure out but getting randoms to work together can be hard. I believe it was the only intercept mission too at the time when you could just solo or pub rush through everything else which added to it I'm sure.


i went through 3 of those infestation missions where life support modules get dropped into the level.

Sweaty fucking palms i can tell you. Shit was hectic.


Did I kick you or something?

All of the new content is awesome. All of it. Except for Limbo.

yeah, I stopped playing around mirage coming out but I dont think you did. Its just I need some motivation because I feel like I get lost in this new UI and there is so much from kubrows and the new mission types to play


yeah, I stopped playing around mirage coming out but I dont think you did. Its just I need some motivation because I feel like I get lost in this new UI and there is so much from kubrows and the new mission types to play

I was pulled into Destiny for a month or two myself, so I get it. I just wanted to make sure I hadn't kicked you from the clan...roastedham, right?

Post Mirage, there's really some interesting new content. Beyond the obvious stuff like new primes and Kubrows, the really interesting stuff is the new game types (interception and new sabotage) and especially the new enemy types. The negators, who have power disrupting shields and the Grineer guys who boomerang away one of your guns are my favorites, and some of the new infested enemies can be tough as well. I'm also a fan of the syndicate system and the void trader which extend the game, provide interesting gear and give you a use for all those duplicate prime parts. Finally, Archwings. I f'ing love Archwings. They are shockingly well executed.

Not sure about the UI. I'm very happy with how everything works now, but I'm probably just used to it.


hit a bit of a wall. Did the bomb mission in the Once Awake questline and that was it. Got a blueprint for a sword, no other quests opened up. Do i just carry on doing random missions?


hit a bit of a wall. Did the bomb mission in the Once Awake questline and that was it. Got a blueprint for a sword, no other quests opened up. Do i just carry on doing random missions?

So here's the thing...

This game has "lore", and it's pretty interesting lore, but it doesn't really have a story or endgame. It's really more about gear, loot, crafting, modding, customizing, etc. And I actually appreciate that it doesn't try to wrap the loot game in some half-assed story like some (ahem) other games.

So with that in mind, your next step is to get more better gear, and we can point you in the right directions. For weapons, just stick to the blueprints in the market for now along with the few weapons that you can buy outright for credits. For frames, most of the basic Warframes are tied to the bosses on specific planets/moons, so I'd suggest beating up the boss on Venus (node is called Fossa) until you get all three parts (helmet, systems, chassis) for Rhino. He's the one frame that I think you can take anywhere in the game without an Orokin Reactor installed, and I think he's incredibly fun to play as well.


So here's the thing...

This game has "lore", and it's pretty interesting lore, but it doesn't really have a story or endgame. It's really more about gear, loot, crafting, modding, customizing, etc. And I actually appreciate that it doesn't try to wrap the loot game in some half-assed story like some (ahem) other games.

So with that in mind, your next step is to get more better gear, and we can point you in the right directions. For weapons, just stick to the blueprints in the market for now along with the few weapons that you can buy outright for credits. For frames, most of the basic Warframes are tied to the bosses on specific planets/moons, so I'd suggest beating up the boss on Venus (node is called Fossa) until you get all three parts (helmet, systems, chassis) for Rhino. He's the one frame that I think you can take anywhere in the game without an Orokin Reactor installed, and I think he's incredibly fun to play as well.

Legendary. Cheers for the help


Is there a reason to keep normal Mag / Rhino once you get the Prime variants? I am running out of Warframe slots and Rhino Prime is almost finished building.....

I am building normal Mag after hitting 30 with Mag Prime, but mainly for mastery reasons.


None that I can think of. Primes are always better than the originals. One or two stats are better than the originals, usually have extra starting polarities, and they get +250 energy from death orbs in the void.


I was pulled into Destiny for a month or two myself, so I get it. I just wanted to make sure I hadn't kicked you from the clan...roastedham, right?

Post Mirage, there's really some interesting new content. Beyond the obvious stuff like new primes and Kubrows, the really interesting stuff is the new game types (interception and new sabotage) and especially the new enemy types. The negators, who have power disrupting shields and the Grineer guys who boomerang away one of your guns are my favorites, and some of the new infested enemies can be tough as well. I'm also a fan of the syndicate system and the void trader which extend the game, provide interesting gear and give you a use for all those duplicate prime parts. Finally, Archwings. I f'ing love Archwings. They are shockingly well executed.

Not sure about the UI. I'm very happy with how everything works now, but I'm probably just used to it.
yep that is me! I am sure I can breeze through most of those things since I have the boltor prime but that is quite a bit of new content. Granted it has been a while too

Is there a reason to keep normal Mag / Rhino once you get the Prime variants? I am running out of Warframe slots and Rhino Prime is almost finished building.....

I am building normal Mag after hitting 30 with Mag Prime, but mainly for mastery reasons.

not sure about nowadays but in the past people kept ember and ember prime because they had different polarities

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
That's a really good deal. Guy must of felt generous.

Stupid g3 showed up for only the 3rd time in 600hrs. Dropped nothing...again. 4 brakk bp. No parts >.> gah

Wonder if they increased the spawn rate lately cuz in the last month I've seen g3 twice, zanuka twice and stalker like 10 times. After going literally 6+ months without seeing g3/zanuka and almost 3 for stalker. At least zanuka drops shit though had a detron, have enough parts/bp to build 3 more >.> Well stalker too I guess. Got all his drops.


On PS4 they were usually at least 80 each unless the market has crashed severely in like two weeks.

No way you're getting 80 for Mag. I'd say around 30 for that and 40, maybe 50 for Rhino. Not sure about Ember.

60 for all three sets is a very good deal, though.


If it's crashed that low, and I believe you, then they need to add more items for Orokin ducats. I consider that cratering.

Especially odd when I can sell just a High Noon mod for more than a Prime set of warframe armor, but I dunno.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Sell prime parts/BP at the kiosks (terminal) in the relays. There's one on each side of the main entrance area. It also shows when he'll show up again.


If it's crashed that low, and I believe you, then they need to add more items for Orokin ducats. I consider that cratering.

You lost me; the ducat prices haven't changed.

Speaking of ducat prices: anyone with spare Nyx systems would be wise to trade those in before the next patch hits. The trade-in value is being lowered from 50 to 10, apparently.

Especially odd when I can sell just a High Noon mod for more than a Prime set of warframe armor, but I dunno.

It's not that odd when you take into account the time required to farm the items. I haven't tried to get High Noon yet myself, but I'm sure I could farm multiple Mag sets in the time it would take to get some of the other rare mods. Warframes that are harder to farm, like Nova, Nyx and Loki, are worth more.

I should note that I've only used the Euro chat for trading and have gotten the impression prices might be higher in the US.


You lost me; the ducat prices haven't changed.
I was referring to plat prices, I just phrased it poorly.

It's not that odd when you take into account the time required to farm the items. I haven't tried to get High Noon yet myself, but I'm sure I could farm multiple Mag sets in the time it would take to get some of the other rare mods. Warframes that are harder to farm, like Nova, Nyx and Loki, are worth more.

I should note that I've only used the Euro chat for trading and have gotten the impression prices might be higher in the US.

I got a Loki BP from the same guy for 5 plat. I think he was just using the wrong reference / pricing scheme for PS4. Probably looked it up or something.

Special C

What are some of the best Weapons for each faction. The only one I'm set on is Latron Wraith vs Grinner.

Right now I'm using

Grinner: Latron Wraith/Heat Dagger
Corpus Gorgon/Furax
Infested Drakgoon/Glaive

I want to be sure I have a good weapon before I start putting potatoes in stuff.
What are some of the best Weapons for each faction. The only one I'm set on is Latron Wraith vs Grinner.

Right now I'm using

Grinner: Latron Wraith/Heat Dagger
Corpus Gorgon/Furax
Infested Drakgoon/Glaive

I want to be sure I have a good weapon before I start putting potatoes in stuff.
My general faction loadouts:

Grineer: Latron (any flavor) or Soma, Dex Furies / Aklex secondary. Glaive/Orthos Prime(Basically a focus on penetration and corrosive). My melee choice is based upon keeping some distance as Grineer heavies tend to ground pound, so I don't want to use daggers.
My go-to Grineer Assassin warframe: Saryn.

Corpus: Gorgon, AkMagnus (simply the best) secondary, Bo/Orthos Prime (Focus on impact and magnetic to rip through shields)
My go-to Corpus Assassin warframe: Nyx. (Chaos will disrupt all shield Ospreys and cause Corpus to gun them down for you - that's a lot of bang for your buck.)

Infested: Soma or Ignis, AkVastos secondary, Orthos Prime (Focus on slash and a mix of gas and corrosive for regular enemies and ancients respectively, and melee choice based upon reach and fast recovery combos) Ignis is amazing for the little guys but many ancients shrug the heat/gas damage off.
My go-to Infested Assassin warframe: Ember. (Because she brings the hellfire)

If I'm in the void or just want to be prepared for anything I'll run with a corrosive+cold Soma or Latron or Dread, magnetic AkMagnus and corrosive+cold Orthos Prime.

Keep in mind that half the reason I use anything is because it looks or sounds cool. But these also pack in extra faction specific punch.


What are some of the best Weapons for each faction. The only one I'm set on is Latron Wraith vs Grinner.

Right now I'm using

Grinner: Latron Wraith/Heat Dagger
Corpus Gorgon/Furax
Infested Drakgoon/Glaive

I want to be sure I have a good weapon before I start putting potatoes in stuff.

I apologise in advance for a wall of text. I realized after typing this up that I could have answered your question in a couple sentences, but where is the fun in that? :cool:


Some weapons I can recommend:
Grineer: Latron Prime, Paris Prime, Hikou Prime
Corpus: Synoid Gammacor, Jat Kittag
Infested: Dread, Embolist, Vasto Prime, Dual Ichor, Kronen, Orthos Prime


Most weapons will serve you well enough outside of long running endless missions, like 35+ minutes long T4 survivals. Therefore, I tend to favour style and fun factor over effectiveness. For example, Ember Prime, my main frame for Grineer, wields Silva & Aegis -- it's a great looking combo, but neither the frame nor the weapon is top tier and certainly not the best choice to use against Grineer.

That said, I figured I'd just list the setups I'm currently using with some comments:

Grineer: Ember Prime with Latron Prime, Secura Dual Cestra and Silva & Aegis

You're already familiar with the Latron. I chose the Prime over the Wraith for reasons I can no longer remember. They're both solid. Secura Dual Cestra seems promising, but I haven't used it enough yet to feel comfortable recommending it unless putting on a lightshow is what you desire -- it's great fun for that! :) And, as I mentioned above, Silva & Aegis is all about style, though its fire damage does go well with Ember's Accelerant power.

Grineer #2: Frost Prime with Paris Prime, Hikou Prime and Dragon Nikana

Backup build for excavation and defense missions, including ones against Corpus and Corrupted. Paris Prime is great, though it can be hard to use a bow effectively in situations where you're getting swarmed by enemies. Gotta try and make the most of the innate punchthrough, which isn't always easy. Hikou Prime is fantastic... high rate of fire, very fast reload, high status chance. Can't really recommend Dragon Nikana. It's a very strong weapon, but I'm not a big fan of its moveset -- there's something about its range or hitboxes that annoy me. I'd replace it if I weren't going for a samurai look. :)

Corpus: Mag Prime with Vectis, Synoid Gammacor and Lecta

Not sure what to make of the Vectis yet. Still levelling it up after installing a catalyst and can't wait for Primed Fast Hands. Seemed like a good idea to go with a sniper to complement the short to medium range effectiveness of the Synoid Gammacor. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that the latter is one of the best sidearms in the game and its magnetic damage rules against Corpus. It's also great fun to use! The Lecta I use just cause whips are badass. It's got nice range and is thus at least great for destroying crates. :) I think it also has decent coptering ability, though I'm still trying to master that technique.

Corpus #2/Corrupted: Rhino Prime with Boltor Prime, Twin Gremlins and Jat Kittag

Kind of a mess of a build that I mostly use for void speedruns and archwing missions. Twin Gremlins was the first weapon I potatoed. Good all around, but wouldn't recommend it. The Jat Kittag is fantastic, though! Great damage and great utility with its jump attack that sends enemies flying.

Infested: Saryn with Paracyst, Embolist and Dual Ichor

Going for an organic themed build, hence the Paracyst, which I'm not sure what to think about yet. Kohm would probably be a better primary, or maybe Drakgoon. Don't have enough experience with either. Embolist and Dual Ichor are very good, though. Highly recommend those!

Infested #2: Nekros with Dread, Pyrana and Kronen

Pyrana seems good on paper, but haven't used it much yet. Dread is THE primary to use against Infested. Combined with a strong melee weapon, you're set, and Kronen fits that bill with high damage and an insane slide attack, though its range leaves a bit to be desired.

Infested #3/Corrupted: Oberon with Dread, Vasto Prime and Orthos Prime

My old build for Infested and the void. Very strong all around. Mostly use it for Infested defense missions now. Also great for nightmare missions due to Oberon's healing power. The weapons are all highly recommended, with Orthos Prime being my favourite melee weapon to use against Infested for its range and straightforward/spammable moveset.

Corrupted: Loki Prime with Boltor Prime, Lex Prime and Glaive Prime

My new void build. Have done a 50 minutes T4 survival solo with this, though that's more down to Loki's abilities than the weapons. The Glaive I only use to replenish my health with Life Strike (the ranged attack makes it easier to hit enemies that tend to run away after I go invisible if I'm playing with others).


Wowbagger are you sure about that Fast Hands on Vectis? o_O The thing has a less than 1 second reload speed and if you hit reload right after you pull the trigger it takes 1 second to reload it. Just sayin' because I think it's a waste of a slot.


Wowbagger are you sure about that Fast Hands on Vectis? o_O The thing has a less than 1 second reload speed and if you hit reload right after you pull the trigger it takes 1 second to reload it. Just sayin'

Wait, really? So Fast Hands does nothing for this weapon? The regular mod gives such a small boost that it's hard to notice a difference. Guess I just assumed it worked. :(

Edit: Ran some tests and... I dunno, it kinda feels slightly faster to me. Will be easier to tell once Primed Fast Hands is out. In any case, you're probably right; I should put another mod in that slot.
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