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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


The Sonicors nuts. I potato-ed it, and with 180% multi shot and Blast damage, I don't really need to aim. Just wave it in the general direction of the enemy and press right trigger and watch the rag-dolling and explosions.

Sonicor is a lot of fun, and I put some work into it. Unfortunately, it isn't really viable late game, except for crowd control purposes. It simply doesn't do enough damage.

A question about damage types (which I've only just read into). Wiki says one of the benefits of blast is knockdown. Given the Sonicor has innate rag-doll, is it better to go for a different damage type?I here corrosives the go, but looking at how everything works that may require some Forma. Hmmm....

Damage types are tricky. Recommend looking at the damage 2.0 page on the wiki.


It really comes down to which damage types are effective against the most (or the toughest) enemies, and I think most people have settled on Viral, Viral and Heat, or Viral and Radiation depending on how many mod slots you have to work with. That said, I've gotten some milage out of corrosive and blast as well.

I think it's important to think less about the proc effect than it is to think about how the raw damage of different elemental types works against different enemies, especially on a gun like the Sonicor, with its innate blast-like ability.


Thanks again Friz. Damage types are quite the rabbit-hole it turns out. I've mostly been using it in low level Dark Sectors and its OP as fuk. A couple of runs in higher levelled areas last night though, it did drop off a bit. I'm getting a decent haul of Forma so I'll likely chuck one or 2 into it soon.

Also, don't think anyones mentioned this


Apparently dropping on all platforms at the same time 25/11. Haven't seen anything official from DE, but its a gamespot add in the link so seems pretty legit.


I just started the wukong BP research need about 55 k in plastids and 50 nitain extracts. Haven't looked into where those can drop yet since its a brand new resource. Will take 72 hrs once all stuff is gathered.

Once that's done we'll need to complete the research on his parts as well which will also take about 72 hers each.


I just started the wukong BP research need about 55 k in plastids and 50 nitain extracts. Haven't looked into where those can drop yet since its a brand new resource. Will take 72 hrs once all stuff is gathered.

Once that's done we'll need to complete the research on his parts as well which will also take about 72 hers each.

Nitain extracts are obtained on daily alerts. They run 4 times a day, for one bit of Nitain. They basically have taken 4 otherwise useless credit alerts each day, and turned them into Nitain extracts. It may take a bit though. Even the most active players will be only be able to get 2 or 3 pieces a day.

There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth going on at the official forums about this. I'm indifferent. We'll get him soon enough.


Also on the Nitain thing looks like we'll need 110 all up.

- 50 for BP
- 10 for Chassis
- 30 for systems
- 20 for helmet.

Moons clans require 1100!!!

Farming mats, making in dojo, and then making for ourselves, I guess we're looking around 2 weeks, maybe a little more depending how the farm goes


Also on the Nitain thing looks like we'll need 110 all up.

- 50 for BP
- 10 for Chassis
- 30 for systems
- 20 for helmet.

Moons clans require 1100!!!

Farming mats, making in dojo, and then making for ourselves, I guess we're looking around 2 weeks, maybe a little more depending how the farm goes

Sounds about right. We're currently at 22 of 50 on the BP, so that will take at least another day, probably two with the holiday. Then we have three days of research on that, and we hopefully bank a few for the parts in the interim.

I'd say minimum 8 more days to finish research and another 4-7 to build. But I'm resigned to it. Just a matter of time and no real RNG at all, unless you consider the alerts to be RNG. I don't.

Edit: for those using alerts apps, recommend changing your settings so you get resource alerts until we get Wukong done.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I like the idea of them tying the Wukong research to Alerts, I know they mentioned it and I completely agree that credits only alerts are boring I even turned off notifications for those in Alert app for Android. I mean what's the point, you are short on credits? just grind Dark Sectors or do Capture Void missions for easy and quick money.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
There's plenty of other things they could add to alerts without adding another layer of time gated bs. Like more nightmare mods, stances, alt helms, treasury, those mini 30 min boosters etc Hell put regular ash parts up too.


I played for over 6 hours last night, one alert.

Hmmm. I had one yesterday at around 8pm my time, and according to Frizbys post above there was another at 12.30am that I must've just missed.

Seems about right. We were over halfway in basically a day on the BP, so folks are doing them and we're making decent progress


Didn't think to post last night, but the research is going on the BP. I put the last 3 in myself, as I have 2 other clan member's profiles on my PS4.

Keep stocking up for the next 6 days. We'll need 60 for the parts in 3 days, and you'll need a few for your own Wukong builds 3 days after that.
I started playing a few days ago (PSN: ErgoJames) Game seems really fun. Could use some people to play with. I'm at like warframe level 20 or something. I dunno. Game is really new to me, trying to figure stuff out. Just did my first assassination mission, was pretty fun (jackal.) Any advice would be cool on things to look out for.
I slept a little late for getting the alert, then the BP is already researched, time to saving the next one for the parts I guess. Maybe if at least half of the clan do the alert we could like get all the next parts done in one sit right?

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Keep running jackal for rhino parts. He'll let you solo or run public games till mars/Jupiter. Loot everything, take it easy, learn the controls more etc If you want ppl to play with join the clan. We can help with tips, taxis, maybe run some easy void stuff, get you some helpful mods or parts for a sentinel or something.


I started playing a few days ago (PSN: ErgoJames) Game seems really fun. Could use some people to play with. I'm at like warframe level 20 or something. I dunno. Game is really new to me, trying to figure stuff out. Just did my first assassination mission, was pretty fun (jackal.) Any advice would be cool on things to look out for.

I tried to invite you to the NeoGAF clan, but it shows you as already being in a clan. If you'd like to leave that one and join us, I can show you how, and we have lots of helpful Warframe experts who are happy to help in clan chat or even party chat if you like.

Otherwise, we're happy to answer any questions here in the thread.
Anyone got a guide for this? I'm more than a little exhausted from ff14 and was looking to jump back into this. However they've added so much I don't even know where to begin lol.

I haven't played since the UI update where they added the spaceship-I quit right before they added it. I see they have multiplayer as well now, and this new Warframe I'm looking at called Atlas. Also some kind of new movement system was added that I was made to do a tutorial for and I'm still not too good at it.

Edit: In fact there's quite a few new Warframes aren't there. I see Mesa? Limbo, Equinox. There's even a prime version of Ash now? Holy fuck lol

I wonder if Nova is still broken tier. I see they even made a prime version which is kind of weird for the lore isn't it? It was my understanding that that Nova was a Warframe made for the new age. At least what I remember of the lore seemed to suggest this anyway.


Since you quit before the liset upgrade there are tutorial missions that will take you through new systems like the liset and new parkour.

Quick rundown

New frames:
Volt prime
Nova prime
Ash prime
Trinity prime

Vaulted frames:
Ember prime
Mag prime

New Sentinel:
Carrier prime

New prime weapons:
Soma prime
Vectis prime
Bastos prime
Dual Kamas prime
Scindo prime

Vaulted prime weapons:
Boar prime
Dakra prime

New systems:
Parkour 2.0
Exilus warframe slots
Reworked Excalibur

That should be a good starting point lol
Probably gonna need a few hours on the wiki and a spreadsheet with prime parts and locations. That's what I did after a hiatus.


That list is missing a lot of stuff, including multiple frames, kubrows, primes, weapons...lots and lots and lots of new stuff since the liset was introduced.

Ask anything here Oreo, and let us know if you need a clan invite.

Nova is still amazing, but she has to be modded differently than you'd remember.
Haven't played in over a year, so much has changed with the PS4 version! Seems like it was rebuilt from the ground up. The new tutorial/introduction mission is neat. Only strange how my Tenno changed class after I arrived in my ship, maybe it had old save data loaded..

The character and world designs are so strange, I love it. Reminds me of ACE Team's work.

Is it me or did they use 'made up' alien languages when Warframe was new, and now everyone speaks English? I kind of loved how they handled languages in the earlier version, so it's a shame to see that change.

Is the PS4 version behind on the PC version?


Is the PS4 version behind on the PC version?

Ya. Big update (U18) set for PC today/tomorrow, depending where you are. No official word on when that hits console yet, but in the past its usually a month or 2.

Although I understand the last few major updates were only a matter of a few weeks behind. I think DE are trying to close the gap as much as possible.

I demand parity!!
Mostly to see the salt pour out from our master race
That list is missing a lot of stuff, including multiple frames, kubrows, primes, weapons...lots and lots and lots of new stuff since the liset was introduced.

Ask anything here Oreo, and let us know if you need a clan invite.

Nova is still amazing, but she has to be modded differently than you'd remember.

How deep are these Kubrows compared to the actual Sentinels? Do they require maintenance? I was a big fan of the gourd looking one that picks up stuff for you a long the way. They got a Kubrow for that?

I'm also guessing the reason I haven't been offered the quest for the Atlas frame is because I don't have the butt wing jet pack stuff yet. I just finished the mini quest for that and I got another 15 hours before its done.

How good are the new Warframes anyway? I see this Limbo thing has the power to make you invincible for a moment, and this Atlas thing has walls similar to Volt?

Also how much is Frost Prime going for on the selling channel these days? Apparently I have all the blue prints for one and I see they retired it for some strange reason lol

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
They retired stuff cuz they have too much stuff to fit in the void tiers. Or so they say. The could easily fit Em if they actually used the t1 levels more. T1 capture, exterminate, and md still only have 3-4 prime parts while the C (20 min) t3 survival has 7-8. So damn stupid. They were gonna blow up the void with u18, and add focus finally but that's all delayed....again. Still some good stuff coming but they really need to stop promising things they can't deliver on time.


Hmmm. I'm still pretty new, but I'll see if I can help. Argon crystals are only found in the void. Survival or defense are prob best for farming. Careful though they only last 2 days before they rot away. Make sure you have some stuff to spend them on

How deep are these Kubrows compared to the actual Sentinels? Do they require maintenance? I was a big fan of the gourd looking one that picks up stuff for you a long the way. They got a Kubrow for that?

Yeah a Kubrows going to cost you more then a sentinal. Weather its worth that is debatable, but you do get a virtual dog thing to look after so there's that. They lose 10% dna stability a day (this affects their max health) which can be brought back up with DNA stabilisers. Those can be purchased from the market for, I believe, 70k. That gives you a 6 pack of stabilisers each restoring 40%. So really if you use the stabilisers, only when they get to 60%, you should get 24 days out of your 70k. Not to bad cost wise. This can also be reduced by getting an addon for your incubator that basically halves the decay rate, along with a couple of other things

If they 'Die' in battle they also lose some of their affection to you (reduces damage they do) but that can be restored by giving them a pat, which is limited to 3 a day.As for picking stuff up,. not quite, but they can be modded to open locked lockers, so there is a utility component there.

Personally I've used mine since I got him, but mileage varies. The carrier/sweeper is still probably the preffered companion for most tho.

I'm also guessing the reason I haven't been offered the quest for the Atlas frame is because I don't have the butt wing jet pack stuff yet. I just finished the mini quest for that and I got another 15 hours before its done.

Yup sounds about right. You also need to have completed the Uranus boss, and have access to Eris

How good are the new Warframes anyway? I see this Limbo thing has the power to make you invincible for a moment, and this Atlas thing has walls similar to Volt?

Ha. I really like Limbo, but he's probably the most hated Frame in the game right now (if the official forums are anything to go by) He has a rift mechanic which transports him (or other players or enemies) to another dimensional plane. Basically he and the enemy need to be on the same plane for him to be damaged or do damage. Also while in the rift you cannot pick up anything, but you do get energy restore to offset not being able to pick up the blue orbs.

Given that other players can be targeted and sent to the rift, it can lead to a fair bit of trolling. Also he's not your typical 'press 4 to win' class and requires a bit more thought and use of all his powers. Can be REALLY effective in defense missions too.

Yet to use Atlas, but he certainly does have a wall to block pathing. I believe if you activate again it collapses for a damage component too

Also how much is Frost Prime going for on the selling channel these days? Apparently I have all the blue prints for one and I see they retired it for some strange reason lol

The price, I can't help you with (others here I'm sure can) but I can tell you they are re-opening access to Frost Prime, I believe when the next update drops. So whatever he was worth before, I would anticipate it probably won't be as much soon
Yeah a Kubrows going to cost you more then a sentinal. Weather its worth that is debatable, but you do get a virtual dog thing to look after so there's that. They lose 10% dna stability a day (this affects their max health) which can be brought back up with DNA stabilisers. Those can be purchased from the market for, I believe, 70k. That gives you a 6 pack of stabilisers each restoring 40%. So really if you use the stabilisers, only when they get to 60%, you should get 24 days out of your 70k. Not to bad cost wise. This can also be reduced by getting an addon for your incubator that basically halves the decay rate, along with a couple of other things
How hard is it to breed something good then? I'm assuming breeding effects stats in soe way.

Ha. I really like Limbo, but he's probably the most hated Frame in the game right now (if the official forums are anything to go by) He has a rift mechanic which transports him (or other players or enemies) to another dimensional plane. Basically he and the enemy need to be on the same plane for him to be damaged or do damage. Also while in the rift you cannot pick up anything, but you do get energy restore to offset not being able to pick up the blue orbs.

Given that other players can be targeted and sent to the rift, it can lead to a fair bit of trolling. Also he's not your typical 'press 4 to win' class and requires a bit more thought and use of all his powers. Can be REALLY effective in defense missions too.

That sounds really broken for defense missions. I'm assuming you can send the defense object to the rift as well.

The price, I can't help you with (others here I'm sure can) but I can tell you they are re-opening access to Frost Prime, I believe when the next update drops. So whatever he was worth before, I would anticipate it probably won't be as much soon

I got an offer last night for 600 plat before I lost my connection. I hope that's good lol


How hard is it to breed something good then? I'm assuming breeding effects stats in soe way.

That sounds really broken for defense missions. I'm assuming you can send the defense object to the rift as well.

I got an offer last night for 600 plat before I lost my connection. I hope that's good lol

To be honest I've only bred the one Kubrow, but from what I'm aware its a pretty random process. There are 5 different breeds, that all benefit different playstyles. Theres one that can stealth, one that can immobolise high priority targets etc. I believe its all just total RNG as to what you get, although I'm sure I've seen reports of the Chesa being a little rarer. You can try and influence the breeding process by throwing in an imprint or 2, but even that's not guaranteed.

There's a fair bit to them. This link will be your friend


Good question re Limbo. I've never really tried on just the capsule. I don't think it does though. Theres a few inconsistencies about what can be done and interacted with while in the rift (for instance hacking terminals. Some you can some you can't) .

I normally just put down his 4 (cataclysm) which puts everything in a massive area (though it shrinks with time) into the rift. From there, pop his 3 which multiplies damage dealt in the rift, go into rift walk, and then hang around just around the edge of your aoe and fire into it. That way mobs hanging around just outside your AOE cant hit you and when your ready you can banish them with his 1st power and deal with them. Or end rift walk and deal with them on the normal plane. He really is the most active Frame I've played so far.

My only real issue is his 1st power needs to hit in a small AOE (not too big just a few meters), so you can banish a group as opposed to one by one. I also think the rift itself needs something else to make it a real advantage. Right now it buffs Limbos damage only (his 3 power) and restores energy for everyone in there, but I'm not sure that's quite enough to offset not being able to pick things up, and the confusion of other players not being able to damage something that you banished and sort of forgot about. A debuff or some sort of DoT component when enemies enter would go along way to making it more 'acceptable'

The fact that he is so hated, and you hardly see him around sorta appeal to my hipster tendencies though , so there's that

Re Frost Prime, this site http://wftrading.net/prime-warframes/ has him going for around the 300 mark as an average. Do you remember the name of the person who made the offer lol

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Aww crap wukong needs argon crystals too? Shit I just spent 3 hrs farming a whole two for Atlas. Where is my argon freezer box add on for the liset already DE?
To be honest I've only bred the one Kubrow, but from what I'm aware its a pretty random process. There are 5 different breeds, that all benefit different playstyles. Theres one that can stealth, one that can immobolise high priority targets etc. I believe its all just total RNG as to what you get, although I'm sure I've seen reports of the Chesa being a little rarer. You can try and influence the breeding process by throwing in an imprint or 2, but even that's not guaranteed.

There's a fair bit to them. This link will be your friend


Good question re Limbo. I've never really tried on just the capsule. I don't think it does though. Theres a few inconsistencies about what can be done and interacted with while in the rift (for instance hacking terminals. Some you can some you can't) .

I normally just put down his 4 (cataclysm) which puts everything in a massive area (though it shrinks with time) into the rift. From there, pop his 3 which multiplies damage dealt in the rift, go into rift walk, and then hang around just around the edge of your aoe and fire into it. That way mobs hanging around just outside your AOE cant hit you and when your ready you can banish them with his 1st power and deal with them. Or end rift walk and deal with them on the normal plane. He really is the most active Frame I've played so far.

My only real issue is his 1st power needs to hit in a small AOE (not too big just a few meters), so you can banish a group as opposed to one by one. I also think the rift itself needs something else to make it a real advantage. Right now it buffs Limbos damage only (his 3 power) and restores energy for everyone in there, but I'm not sure that's quite enough to offset not being able to pick things up, and the confusion of other players not being able to damage something that you banished and sort of forgot about. A debuff or some sort of DoT component when enemies enter would go along way to making it more 'acceptable'

The fact that he is so hated, and you hardly see him around sorta appeal to my hipster tendencies though , so there's that

Re Frost Prime, this site http://wftrading.net/prime-warframes/ has him going for around the 300 mark as an average. Do you remember the name of the person who made the offer lol

Awesome man. Thanks again for the info.

I finished my Arc wing Odanta today, and I noticed that the Arcwing missions aren't to popular. The arcwing itself is also kind of slow to lvl and I have no mods for it, but I'm trying to farm other Arcwing components so it doesn't feel like a completely slog for me to level lol

I was basically carried through the J3 mission. I'm trying to level this wing thingy so I can actually farm it. I hears its easier to solo than party up for. Finally got my Kubrow factory done too so now I can start breeding.


They changed the archwing mission on earth to a mobile defense. Only level 10 enemies. Probably the best mission to level when your low level.


Aww crap wukong needs argon crystals too? Shit I just spent 3 hrs farming a whole two for Atlas. Where is my argon freezer box add on for the liset already DE?

For me the nitian is still the issue. On regular work weeks I can only get 1 for each of my 3 days off if one alert shows up and I'm home and I can jump in the ps4.
They changed the archwing mission on earth to a mobile defense. Only level 10 enemies. Probably the best mission to level when your low level.

I don't suppose you have a guide for what places I should be hitting to get my levels on my Arch Wing in the star map do you? The official forums just recommend leeching the interception on Uranus, but I usually feel bad for doing that.

I can't get wait to get some of these Syndicate weapons as well. I want the Hek Shotgun from the Steel Meridian even though I'm aligned Red Veil.
There must be something I'm missing here, cause it isn't allowing me to upgrade any of the Arch wing mods like energy Inversion.

Edit: very tempted to just buy atlas and limbo with plat outright. The more i dabble with archwings the more frustrated and annoyed i become.


aka andydumi
I really wish the components would be featured in the in game encyclopedia. And a star map so we can get an idea of what leads to what even if it's not unlocked yet.
I really wish the components would be featured in the in game encyclopedia. And a star map so we can get an idea of what leads to what even if it's not unlocked yet.
In my dream update players would be able to pin a resource, component, frame or weapon, etc. from the marketplace or foundry, and you'd be able to see a breakdown of the the missions necessary to acquire it, and then bring them up in the starmap, similar to the quest system.

Would make things a lot easier to manage.

Right now I've got about 15-20 meta-goals for Warframe just on my own, for primes and weapons and the like that I have maybe one or two parts to. Its too much to keep track of honestly. So whenever we group up to play we just nominate one person to pick something off of their list and we run it as a team. We're in absolutely no danger of running out of things to do anytime soon.


There must be something I'm missing here, cause it isn't allowing me to upgrade any of the Arch wing mods like energy Inversion.

Edit: very tempted to just buy atlas and limbo with plat outright. The more i dabble with archwings the more frustrated and annoyed i become.

Atlas quest is mostly non archwing I can solo the boss and would be glad to carry you to save you plat. Limbo is also probably doable. I was really frustrated with archwing too. There was a tipping point where it goes from frustrating to I can solo everything.

I don't why it won't let you upgrade the mods maybe you just need a restart of the game.


Haven't played in about a year or so cause I got sick of the grind, is it any better now? And have they added any more weapons/skills or whatever? I felt like I hit a ceiling pretty quick and I had to start doing rng boss events in order to start getting better stuff to move up.
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