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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Seems like the harder maps seem to be far less stingy with ivara parts. Got both helmet and chassis within 30 minutes, but took me 30+ runs to get the systems. Hope I can succeed in getting the blueprint within 2 hours of now.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
I dunno I did 50+ ceres runs to get the bp/helm. Only took 17 for the first 2 parts. RNG gonna RNG.

Tried excaliber for the first time in a while for the 2nd sortie today. Now I see why everyone runs around spamming EB lol
Tried excaliber for the first time in a while for the 2nd sortie today. Now I see why everyone runs around spamming it lol
They turned him from meh into a God of War. Total night and day conversion.

I've been loving all of the Warframe reworks. Instead of nerfs DE has been making everybody more useful and more powerful. And yeah, just more simple fun to wreck with.

Some reworks I'd still like to see:

* Buff Trinity's energy vampire and make the target invincible for the duration, or treat it the same way her Well of Life works (by shooting at the target). Whenever I use energy vampire either my teammates kill them or my own sentinel does. Needs the same love what was applied to Nyx's mind control.

* Limbo's third power should be something new, and those buffs a standard part of rift-walking.

* Redo Zephyr's dive bomb. Its way too situational and even when fully buffed and augmented it only stuns enemies. Thats way too small an effect for the work that goes into pulling it off.

* Rework Banshee entirely. Her ultimate has the same problem as Zephyr's dive bomb - lots of sound and fury but signifying not much. She's one of the cooler looking frames, and the idea of playing with sound and shockwaves is a good one.

And since this post i now a wish list, I'll end this with my biggest gripes for the game on the whole that I think need fixing:

* For the love of all that is holy fix the way weapon mods are treated between Warframes and their Sentinels. I can't slot the same mod into both a warframe weapon and the sentinel weapon in a loadout, but I also can't tell when looking at the mods which one is used and which isn't. This is one of those small annoyances that regularly pops up and you have to wonder how in the world its still there after all of this time.

* Get rid of Argon, seriously. I already play the unholy fuck out of this game, why does DE require me to do so in large bursts within 24 hour periods? Why do they care as long as I'm playing, grouping up and buying platinum on occasion? Just make it a rare resource in the void and get rid of its half-life crap. Its scummy, scammy, and for the life of me I don't know why the game needs it.

* Simplify Kubrows and replace the fixed upkeep costs. I know they want Kubrows to keep players coming back but there's got to be a better way of going about it then all the credit sinks and stasis crap. I made a Kubrow last year, and when I was asked to pony up 75K in credits for upkeep I immediately shot the fucker into space.

She's still out there I think.

Those are very small gripes in what I consider my game of the generation though. Its beyond silly how ambitious DE has been with improving and expanding upon every aspect of the game, and how much Warframe makes the competition look slow, content sparse, risk averse and stingy. To give an example, I don't know if I've ever seen an update to a game's core mechanics as wildly successful and fun and that changes up every aspect of the game as much as Parkour 2.0. To give another small example we also have a nice selection of free emotes, *cough*

And for a game I've enjoyed untold hundreds of hours of, I'm continually impressed at how often and how much it can still surprise. Seriously, I was left speechless just a few days ago ;p

So here's to DE and the Warframe community enjoying some well deserved rest and happy holidays :)

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Eh they nerf shit all the time. Javelin was nerfed, mesa, saryn etc. Plus the constant new grind/time walls, making enemies perfectly accurate, their horrible level scaling making solo play damn near impossible at high tier, killing any loopholes(except draco lol) when ppl find an efficient way to farm etc.

The god damn rng is killing the game and for no good reason. There's tons to do now they don't need to try to out grind destiny. I've spent months looking for 2 volt prime parts. Every tier 4 key I've done, the last 7 all gave me forma or 5 rare cores. Ammo stock, a useless mod for more shotty ammo, void exlcusive, I only got 3 days ago after 820+hrs. Fucking ridiculous. Stance mods are a fairy tale.

They need a token system asap. Add in an argon freezer box, make baro able to sell any part you need for ducats, add an ebay like system for trade etc

They also need to stop adding things so fast and actually fix the mountains of bugs they've ignored. I like the new story content but it's time for balance. They promised a year of quality and to not rush things out and reduced grind. Only 1 of those 3 happened. Fix the bugs, balance the game and work on the stuff they've been talking about but never came. Like the new star chart, the lizard cat pets, fix focus etc. Take your time DE and add more proper quests. Some interesting frames would be nice too. Ivara is cool but most of the other new ones look nothing like the year one frames and come off gimmicky.

Finally keep doing alt gear, skins etc but stop jacking up the price or making things bundle exclusive. One new syandana costs as much as 3 of the old ones. Also I would love a d2 necromancer skin for Nekros. And an augment mod that turns desecrate into corpse explosion.
Eh they nerf shit all the time. Javelin was nerfed, mesa, saryn etc. Plus the constant new grind/time walls, making enemies perfectly accurate, their horrible level scaling making solo play damn near impossible at high tier, killing any loopholes(except draco lol) when ppl find an efficient way to farm etc.
They nerf stuff at the absolute fringe. Like somebody figuring out to get Nyx's absorb to do a million points of damage. But the vast majority of the time they're buffing powers and making them more useful.

The accuracy buff for enemies went in with changes to make mobility better affect their accuracy, which goes hand in hand with the changes Parkour 2.0 brought to everything.

High tier is also supposed to be damn near impossible. I thought that was the point ;p

But I should mention that I don't play by way of forming the perfect four frame group and then farming the highest level endless modes. That playstyle would drive me insane with boredom, no matter the game.
Those who do play the very edge of difficulty against the very highest difficulty scenarios are going to find the exploits, and DE is going to patch the worst of them as any loot game dev would. The difference I think is that its not their laser focus - they're continually adding in all kinds of new stuff and making quality of life changes all the time. They get that making the core of your game more fun is the best way to keep people playing - though that experience diminishes when you're doing the very end of end-game related content where your viable gameplay choices narrow and the repetition sets in.


They turned him from meh into a God of War. Total night and day conversion.

I've been loving all of the Warframe reworks. Instead of nerfs DE has been making everybody more useful and more powerful. And yeah, just more simple fun to wreck with.

Some reworks I'd still like to see:

* Buff Trinity's energy vampire and make the target invincible for the duration, or treat it the same way her Well of Life works (by shooting at the target). Whenever I use energy vampire either my teammates kill them or my own sentinel does. Needs the same love what was applied to Nyx's mind control.

* Limbo's third power should be something new, and those buffs a standard part of rift-walking.

* Redo Zephyr's dive bomb. Its way too situational and even when fully buffed and augmented it only stuns enemies. Thats way too small an effect for the work that goes into pulling it off.

* Rework Banshee entirely. Her ultimate has the same problem as Zephyr's dive bomb - lots of sound and fury but signifying not much. She's one of the cooler looking frames, and the idea of playing with sound and shockwaves is a good one.

And since this post i now a wish list, I'll end this with my biggest gripes for the game on the whole that I think need fixing:

* For the love of all that is holy fix the way weapon mods are treated between Warframes and their Sentinels. I can't slot the same mod into both a warframe weapon and the sentinel weapon in a loadout, but I also can't tell when looking at the mods which one is used and which isn't. This is one of those small annoyances that regularly pops up and you have to wonder how in the world its still there after all of this time.

* Get rid of Argon, seriously. I already play the unholy fuck out of this game, why does DE require me to do so in large bursts within 24 hour periods? Why do they care as long as I'm playing, grouping up and buying platinum on occasion? Just make it a rare resource in the void and get rid of its half-life crap. Its scummy, scammy, and for the life of me I don't know why the game needs it.

* Simplify Kubrows and replace the fixed upkeep costs. I know they want Kubrows to keep players coming back but there's got to be a better way of going about it then all the credit sinks and stasis crap. I made a Kubrow last year, and when I was asked to pony up 75K in credits for upkeep I immediately shot the fucker into space.

She's still out there I think.

Those are very small gripes in what I consider my game of the generation though. Its beyond silly how ambitious DE has been with improving and expanding upon every aspect of the game, and how much Warframe makes the competition look slow, content sparse, risk averse and stingy. To give an example, I don't know if I've ever seen an update to a game's core mechanics as wildly successful and fun and that changes up every aspect of the game as much as Parkour 2.0. To give another small example we also have a nice selection of free emotes, *cough*

And for a game I've enjoyed untold hundreds of hours of, I'm continually impressed at how often and how much it can still surprise. Seriously, I was left speechless just a few days ago ;p

So here's to DE and the Warframe community enjoying some well deserved rest and happy holidays :)

FYI for energy vampire if you kill the target it releases all the energy you would have gotten while waiting for the pulses so you aren't losing anything there.

And yes the ever increasing costs of the cosmetics is irritating.
FYI for energy vampire if you kill the target it releases all the energy you would have gotten while waiting for the pulses so you aren't losing anything there.
I had no idea. Thanks!

I guess its still a problem if people kill them while outside of the radius of effect for those pulses, but that's better than how I thought it worked.


I dunno I did 50+ ceres runs to get the bp/helm. Only took 17 for the first 2 parts. RNG gonna RNG.

Tried excaliber for the first time in a while for the 2nd sortie today. Now I see why everyone runs around spamming EB lol

Yeah, Old Excalibur was Radial Blind or "GTFO". He used to have some neat synergy with mag in older builds. Mag casts bullet attractor on target, Excal uses radial javelin, All blades target the guy with bullet attractor on, and target gets turned into a pincushion.


They turned him from meh into a God of War. Total night and day conversion.

I've been loving all of the Warframe reworks. Instead of nerfs DE has been making everybody more useful and more powerful. And yeah, just more simple fun to wreck with.

Some reworks I'd still like to see:

* Buff Trinity's energy vampire and make the target invincible for the duration, or treat it the same way her Well of Life works (by shooting at the target). Whenever I use energy vampire either my teammates kill them or my own sentinel does. Needs the same love what was applied to Nyx's mind control.

* Limbo's third power should be something new, and those buffs a standard part of rift-walking.

* Redo Zephyr's dive bomb. Its way too situational and even when fully buffed and augmented it only stuns enemies. Thats way too small an effect for the work that goes into pulling it off.

* Rework Banshee entirely. Her ultimate has the same problem as Zephyr's dive bomb - lots of sound and fury but signifying not much. She's one of the cooler looking frames, and the idea of playing with sound and shockwaves is a good one.

And since this post i now a wish list, I'll end this with my biggest gripes for the game on the whole that I think need fixing:

* For the love of all that is holy fix the way weapon mods are treated between Warframes and their Sentinels. I can't slot the same mod into both a warframe weapon and the sentinel weapon in a loadout, but I also can't tell when looking at the mods which one is used and which isn't. This is one of those small annoyances that regularly pops up and you have to wonder how in the world its still there after all of this time.

* Get rid of Argon, seriously. I already play the unholy fuck out of this game, why does DE require me to do so in large bursts within 24 hour periods? Why do they care as long as I'm playing, grouping up and buying platinum on occasion? Just make it a rare resource in the void and get rid of its half-life crap. Its scummy, scammy, and for the life of me I don't know why the game needs it.

* Simplify Kubrows and replace the fixed upkeep costs. I know they want Kubrows to keep players coming back but there's got to be a better way of going about it then all the credit sinks and stasis crap. I made a Kubrow last year, and when I was asked to pony up 75K in credits for upkeep I immediately shot the fucker into space.

She's still out there I think.

Those are very small gripes in what I consider my game of the generation though. Its beyond silly how ambitious DE has been with improving and expanding upon every aspect of the game, and how much Warframe makes the competition look slow, content sparse, risk averse and stingy. To give an example, I don't know if I've ever seen an update to a game's core mechanics as wildly successful and fun and that changes up every aspect of the game as much as Parkour 2.0. To give another small example we also have a nice selection of free emotes, *cough*

And for a game I've enjoyed untold hundreds of hours of, I'm continually impressed at how often and how much it can still surprise. Seriously, I was left speechless just a few days ago ;p

So here's to DE and the Warframe community enjoying some well deserved rest and happy holidays :)

Argon exists in the game literally to slow down player progression. They don't want players to be able to stock pile stuff for future builds. Meanwhile, cryotic is completely useless in comparison to argon, and almost nothing requires it to build, yet we probably have amassed thousands of it farming for other things. Now we have nitain, a resource that is impossible to go after on your own time table, and along with Argon will slow down the progression of veterans to a crawl. Honestly felt DE hit the right balance with oxium. Its relatively rare, but can still be found in most tilesets, and you can amass it over time through casual play, but face a grind if you want a lot of it real fast.

Honestly, I think they shouldn't add any more new features for a good while and just fix, expand upon or refine the ones they already have. It just takes them too long to fix seemingly simple things. In one of the latest hotfixes, they finally let players destroy sapper osprey mines before they deploy and do damage. Sapper ospreys deployed along with Nullifiers in the same update and this has been a bug that was in the game so long that the community started to think it was intended by design. If they make the content as half as deep as it's wide, you'd never have a reason to stop playing.
Argon exists in the game literally to slow down player progression. They don't want players to be able to stock pile stuff for future builds.
They have a ton of solutions to slow progression but your point about Argon's inability to be stockpiled is very well taken. That does give it a quality other resources don't have, but it means taking the player's progress and making it disappear, which is the worst feeling.
The sortie today was great. I practically carried an entire sortie 1-3 with Exalted Blade lol

Excalibur, Atlas , Oberon and Loki are pretty much my three favorite frames now. That's a pretty big change from my Rhino, Nova, Valkyr, Nekros days.

They turned him from meh into a God of War. Total night and day conversion.

I've been loving all of the Warframe reworks. Instead of nerfs DE has been making everybody more useful and more powerful. And yeah, just more simple fun to wreck with.

Some reworks I'd still like to see:

* Buff Trinity's energy vampire and make the target invincible for the duration, or treat it the same way her Well of Life works (by shooting at the target). Whenever I use energy vampire either my teammates kill them or my own sentinel does. Needs the same love what was applied to Nyx's mind control.

* Limbo's third power should be something new, and those buffs a standard part of rift-walking.

* Redo Zephyr's dive bomb. Its way too situational and even when fully buffed and augmented it only stuns enemies. Thats way too small an effect for the work that goes into pulling it off.

* Rework Banshee entirely. Her ultimate has the same problem as Zephyr's dive bomb - lots of sound and fury but signifying not much. She's one of the cooler looking frames, and the idea of playing with sound and shockwaves is a good one.

And since this post i now a wish list, I'll end this with my biggest gripes for the game on the whole that I think need fixing:

* For the love of all that is holy fix the way weapon mods are treated between Warframes and their Sentinels. I can't slot the same mod into both a warframe weapon and the sentinel weapon in a loadout, but I also can't tell when looking at the mods which one is used and which isn't. This is one of those small annoyances that regularly pops up and you have to wonder how in the world its still there after all of this time.

* Get rid of Argon, seriously. I already play the unholy fuck out of this game, why does DE require me to do so in large bursts within 24 hour periods? Why do they care as long as I'm playing, grouping up and buying platinum on occasion? Just make it a rare resource in the void and get rid of its half-life crap. Its scummy, scammy, and for the life of me I don't know why the game needs it.

* Simplify Kubrows and replace the fixed upkeep costs. I know they want Kubrows to keep players coming back but there's got to be a better way of going about it then all the credit sinks and stasis crap. I made a Kubrow last year, and when I was asked to pony up 75K in credits for upkeep I immediately shot the fucker into space.

She's still out there I think.

Those are very small gripes in what I consider my game of the generation though. Its beyond silly how ambitious DE has been with improving and expanding upon every aspect of the game, and how much Warframe makes the competition look slow, content sparse, risk averse and stingy. To give an example, I don't know if I've ever seen an update to a game's core mechanics as wildly successful and fun and that changes up every aspect of the game as much as Parkour 2.0. To give another small example we also have a nice selection of free emotes, *cough*

And for a game I've enjoyed untold hundreds of hours of, I'm continually impressed at how often and how much it can still surprise. Seriously, I was left speechless just a few days ago ;p

So here's to DE and the Warframe community enjoying some well deserved rest and happy holidays :)

I would add to this, as a melee focused player, that they really need to take another pass at their melee system. Combos don't feel anywhere near rewarding enough and I usually just default to the combo thats easiest to spam with no pauses or holds. Pausing or holding during combos doesn't feel natural at all and a lot of the time don't feel rewarding either. I think they need to rethink this whole rhythm based melee system that they have going on.

The combos themselves most definitely need more reach and (not sure how I can even put this) "chase down" or "forward movement" like in other action games like DmC or musou style games. Often times when doing a combo you won't move at all or take a step forward during swings for a lot of stances. In other games with melee when you swing your sword it automatically makes you move closer to the enemy a little. It makes it hard to keep a bead on enemies when they run away from you faster than you can hit them sometimes

Another part of the problem that also contributes to melee woes is the crap AI and their mostly shitastic pathing. Its hard to chase down enemies with combos when they're always fleeing or running in circles. The AI needs to be more aggressive. That might be a bad idea since I've noticed that the AI is quite a bit more accurate than they used to be. They spend way too much time looking uselessly for cover even when your right in their face for no good reason.

This may be seen as blasphemy but think for a horde game like this they should really take some inspiration from Dynasty Warriors games. When you swap to your melee weapon it shouldn't completely change your button layout and then revert when you swap back to firearms. Doing this would allow more buttons to hit so they could stop with the sometimes awkward "pause", "hold", "->" nonsense-even more so now that they brought back charge attacks for weapons.

These ideas might be a bit too console focused for PC players, but I don't think they're terribly bad at all. I really hope they improve the melee system in this game because its a breath of fresh air when you get tired of shooting the same 4-5 forma'd guns over and over.


As far as frame fixes I'd love to see:

-Atlas Petrify eye needs to have more range and be a cone-like one shot move like Frosts Ice Wave. Subsequent reapplications would work just like landslide-the energy needed for reapplication would be lowered and slow enemies down further until they eventually became petrified. This way I could decide what level of CC is needed for a given situation like just slowing down enemies approaching an objective or outright petrifying them if I need to get a fellow Tenno up or just give the team a breather.

-Nekros Desecrate needs to be turned into a persistent move that's toggable. I mean how much fun is it when your doing survival missions and everyone is doing cool Space-Ninja shit around you while you sit there waving at dead corpses till they turn to space dust. That's not even remotely fun. Nekros is quite literally a 3 only frame now and brought mostly for farm runs. Drop tables are balanced around this one ability. That's just ridiculous. In the long run I'd love to see the ability outright removed and replaced along with increases to drop rates.

Replacing this with something like a move that restores allies health/energy or gives them a bonus to melee damage based on the number of shadows you have out would be a boon and make his kit far more cohesive.

-Nekros' kit in general needs a rework. None of it is synergistic and useful as it could or should be. Terrify is one of the worst CCs in the game that forces you to chase down enemies and their shit pathing. Not to mention the armor reduction isn't that serious. Soul Punch is a joke once mobs hit level 30-35+, and aside from the revive augment is pretty gimp as another CC ability. And finally Shadows of the Dead is so crap for what it does and is often more of an annoyance to teammates than anything else even with its augment mod. The things you summon back don't do enough damage and are hard to shoot through-not to mention once again they're effected by the same shit AI and bad pathing they had as enemies. Also they don't really move from the general area you summoned them.

I stopped using Nekros because of all of this even though I really want to. I like necromancy abilities in games :/

-Chroma Spectral Scream needs more range in my opinion. Also the party buff move could use more range as well. You literally needed to be hugging Chroma's ass to get the benefit from it. I'd love to see a reduction in the amount of energy Effigy takes as well

-Oberon in general could use a buff. Smite is just awful. I can't think of how this could be fixed, but it mostly has use in small hallways and that's about it augment mods be damned. Reckoning could also use a damage buff, and renewal I don't think has ever helped me save someone who's low on health. It simply doesn't work as fast as trinity. I'd rather see it turned into an Iron skin like buff. You could call it Aegis(fits with his Holy Knight theme), and it would: restore your shields instantly, increase your shield beyond your maximum amount, nullify any procs, and recover your health when your shields or health took damage. That ability sounds infinitely more useful (possibly broken, but hey this is Warframe balance be damned) than Renewal has ever been to me. I think Hallowed Ground is the only ability I don't draw issue with on Oberon.

-Armor ratings in general and the armor stat itself need a look. I don't think I've ever equipped Steel fiber on more than maybe Atlas, Valkyr, Chroma and briefly Excalibur. Its kind of a useless stat unless you have a lot of it already at base.

And as a whole I'd love to see more things that scratch my weeabo itch for Ninjas. Aside from Ash and a few of the weapons like Nikana and Kunai if they hadn't said anything about them being space ninjas I would never have known. More weapons, more story, more warframes I don't care, but this game really needs to flesh out the Ninja aspect more.

These are my random musings at 4AM on christmas, but these are changes I'd love to see.
I farm argon on Rank 4 on Cephalon Simaris simulator.

Anyway, I reached the point of ranking all weapon in the game, I didnt thougth I would reach that part of the game.


So I started playing WarFrame again yesterday. I had a couple questions.

Small Text - Is it just me or are the words really really small? I haven't checked yet but is there a way to make these larger? I'm on a 42 inch tv and I have to be almost 8 inches away to see the words smh.

Quests - I am so far behind. I'm starting myArchWing quest and I don't have one of those dog things. Any tips for anything?

Frames - Whats the best frame now? I was on Valkryie but I switched to Rhino seeing how I remembered that was the go to frame for newbies which is how I feel now smh.


Welcome back Cap! Text size hasn't changed AFAIK. My only tip for quests is to solo whatever you can and ask the clan for help with whatever you can't. Nerfs and buffs have pushed several frames in and out of the limelight. Nova and Loki are still amazing. Frost and Excal are significantly better than you remember. Rhino probably has gotten more stealth nerfs than any other frame. And there are tons of new mods that affect various frames in significant ways, with Transient Fortitude and Primed Continuity being probably the most consequential.

Folks may have noticed that we joined the V for Vendetta alliance. It may or may not last, and I'm open to feedback. They're an old school alliance with big aspirations, which may or may not turn into drama. I'll keep an eye on it and will act as a buffer, but in the meantime, we have another player pool without increasing resource costs. And I like their emblem.

Gotta admit some mild disappointment at the lack of interest in funding the antiserum injectors for the Jordas raid. Draknight and I funded them entirely, and I still have to farm 500 to build myself an injector. :(

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Where do we go to fund them? I ran around all the keyosks in the dojo yesterday but couldn't find any options besides the color one.

And what would we be donating.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Oh okay. Well I guess I'm playing fallout today. Spent the last 20 min trying to log on. So sick of this shit. Every day I get kicked to the main menu, lag out in menus, can't log in without problems etc. Update 18 just made everything worse. DE's servers suck, psn is crap, ps4 wifi sucks. I have 30 mbs not 6.
How are you only rank 15 if you have all weapons. I still need several. Or have you just not done the mastery tests?

Most are still in the foundry waiting for Plat to make more room, I dont want to delete my other weapons

Gotta admit some mild disappointment at the lack of interest in funding the antiserum injectors for the Jordas raid. Draknight and I funded them entirely, and I still have to farm 500 to build myself an injector. :(

To be honest I have no idea where to farm that resource, the games doesnt tell you where to look for it.


It's not a huge deal. Sorry to imply otherwise.

Basically, you have to do the first Archwing part of the raid and then farm the first room of the second part. The farming part is easy. It's getting a group together that's sufficiently coordinated to get through the Archwing portion that can be tricky. Really just needed one or two more to join Drak and me.

But it's built now, and you'll just have to farm your own and build to complete the new raid.


I actually just watched a video walk through of the raid last night. Didn't realize why people were asking to farm stuff in recruiting channel. Like LoR (which I've never done) this looks even worse, even with a coordinated team it just doesn't look fun.


Welcome back Cap! Text size hasn't changed AFAIK. My only tip for quests is to solo whatever you can and ask the clan for help with whatever you can't. Nerfs and buffs have pushed several frames in and out of the limelight. Nova and Loki are still amazing. Frost and Excal are significantly better than you remember. Rhino probably has gotten more stealth nerfs than any other frame. And there are tons of new mods that affect various frames in significant ways, with Transient Fortitude and Primed Continuity being probably the most consequential.

Folks may have noticed that we joined the V for Vendetta alliance. It may or may not last, and I'm open to feedback. They're an old school alliance with big aspirations, which may or may not turn into drama. I'll keep an eye on it and will act as a buffer, but in the meantime, we have another player pool without increasing resource costs. And I like their emblem.

Gotta admit some mild disappointment at the lack of interest in funding the antiserum injectors for the Jordas raid. Draknight and I funded them entirely, and I still have to farm 500 to build myself an injector. :(

Thanks Bro can I get a invite back into the Clan? I'm going to aim to play again but who knows. Nova was one of my Fav Frames and she got a buff huh? I guess now I have to collect all these new mods etc huh?


Thanks Bro can I get a invite back into the Clan? I'm going to aim to play again but who knows. Nova was one of my Fav Frames and she got a buff huh? I guess now I have to collect all these new mods etc huh?


Nova actually got a rework that you'd probably consider a nerf. You'll need to relook at her mods and give her lots of duration, but she is still epic IMO.

Excal, Frost and Saryn all got significant reworks as well.



Nova actually got a rework that you'd probably consider a nerf. You'll need to relook at her mods and give her lots of duration, but she is still epic IMO.

Excal, Frost and Saryn all got significant reworks as well.

Where can I see the notes? I have Frost Prime and Nova Prime. I got a nice amount of Frames frome before but atm I think I just don't have Mirage and up. How many new frames were added?


Where can I see the notes? I have Frost Prime and Nova Prime. I got a nice amount of Frames frome before but atm I think I just don't have Mirage and up. How many new frames were added?

Patch notes are on the wiki and on warframe.com.

Going off memory for frames since mirage(not in chronological order):

Volt Prime
Ash Prime
Trinity Prime


Was about to lose my shit at the MR 19 test but I totally remembered, glaives are in this game and pretty much killed most grinner on patrol without even leaving the start point. if I had the glaive prime, I would have been able to kill all of them without even leaving the spawn.
Was about to lose my shit at the MR 19 test but I totally remembered, glaives are in this game and pretty much killed most grinner on patrol without even leaving the start point. if I had the glaive prime, I would have been able to kill all of them without even leaving the spawn.
Thankfully you can practice mastery tests these days, though I'd prefer that capability to be attached to the Liset rather than at the Relays, as it'd be quicker and easier to change your loadout details and try again with fewer load screens.


aka andydumi
Where is the practice location?

And for some reason I can't go for test number 5. It won't show up.

And anyone know whether it's a bug that we can't drop collectors on earth since the last patch? It shows I completed 12/12 and i dropped them before, but since they added the bazaar, no more collector.


I would add to this, as a melee focused player, that they really need to take another pass at their melee system. Combos don't feel anywhere near rewarding enough and I usually just default to the combo thats easiest to spam with no pauses or holds. Pausing or holding during combos doesn't feel natural at all and a lot of the time don't feel rewarding either. I think they need to rethink this whole rhythm based melee system that they have going on.

The combos themselves most definitely need more reach and (not sure how I can even put this) "chase down" or "forward movement" like in other action games like DmC or musou style games. Often times when doing a combo you won't move at all or take a step forward during swings for a lot of stances. In other games with melee when you swing your sword it automatically makes you move closer to the enemy a little. It makes it hard to keep a bead on enemies when they run away from you faster than you can hit them sometimes

Another part of the problem that also contributes to melee woes is the crap AI and their mostly shitastic pathing. Its hard to chase down enemies with combos when they're always fleeing or running in circles. The AI needs to be more aggressive. That might be a bad idea since I've noticed that the AI is quite a bit more accurate than they used to be. They spend way too much time looking uselessly for cover even when your right in their face for no good reason.
1. Craft Kronen
2. Use sliding spin attack
3. ???
4. Profit!

That shit melt anything it touch like butter (especially infested). The timing and range calculation involved with spinning attack makes melee more fun since I don't have many stance mods yet aside from heavy sword, and machette.

And seriously though, with the game only have one button assigned for all melee attack, taking cues from DW combo system would be a vast improvement ;)


Where is the practice location?

And for some reason I can't go for test number 5. It won't show up.

And anyone know whether it's a bug that we can't drop collectors on earth since the last patch? It shows I completed 12/12 and i dropped them before, but since they added the bazaar, no more collector.

Go to any one of the relays and go to the sanctuary (cephalon simaris) then there should be a spiral stair case directly to the left with lots of mastery rank symbols. each of those represents a mastery rank test and you can practice all of them. If you were rank 18 for example, you could practice tests 1-18.


1. Craft Kronen
2. Use sliding spin attack
3. ???
4. Profit!

That shit melt anything it touch like butter (especially infested). The timing and range calculation involved with spinning attack makes melee more fun since I don't have many stance mods yet aside from heavy sword, and machette.

And seriously though, with the game only have one button assigned for all melee attack, taking cues from DW combo system would be a vast improvement ;)

It really limits the usefulness and potential of melee when everything has to be done around a single button. Mash button for basic combo. Hold button to switch to different combo branch, but not too long, because you might get an accidental charge attack. Pause instead of hold, for an completely indeterminate amount of time again, to get a different branch, or hold guard. Having buttons for light and hard attacks would simplify things greatly. With mods and some warframe powers, they can completely alter the timing and rhythm for said combos as well without warning.

Also, the combo system needs broken up a bit to be full of shorter, modular combos so players can piece them together in various ways, depending on the situation. Instead with this system, its kind of clunky.

Here's an example, say this stance you have has a great thrust attack (like stinger from DmC series) that allows you to cover distance to allow you to continue and maintain your combo chain. Well the way warframe works, you cant just do the thrust. You have to do a combo first, then branch off to that move. You've wasted alot of time just to get to the part of the combo you actually need, and the enemy you wanted to hit with that move may not even be in position to be hit by it anymore because of the 2 seconds you wasted flailing about. If the system allowed you to just do that move on its own, it would be much more useful in more situations. So now you can do short combo, kill one guy, thrust attack to nearby enemy, do another short combo, see shield osprey near by, immediately do aerial spin thingy move, three moas creep up from behind you, thrust attack or roll towards them do heavy, multi-hitting crowd control move to knock them all down. You can also give people the ability to use some of their energy pool to do move cancels with the channeling system, like the way it enhances guarding and attacking.


Think im going to have to submit a support ticket. I started building 5 frames + some weapons to have them ready to go by the new year so I can start pushing towards MR 20. Limbo, Valkyr, Banshee, Trinity, Zephyr. Limbo and Valkyr have literally disappeared from my foundry in mid build. I can rebuild Valkyr with parts i already own, Limbo is impossible to get again because he is a quest item.


It really limits the usefulness and potential of melee when everything has to be done around a single button. Mash button for basic combo. Hold button to switch to different combo branch, but not too long, because you might get an accidental charge attack. Pause instead of hold, for an completely indeterminate amount of time again, to get a different branch, or hold guard. Having buttons for light and hard attacks would simplify things greatly. With mods and some warframe powers, they can completely alter the timing and rhythm for said combos as well without warning.

Also, the combo system needs broken up a bit to be full of shorter, modular combos so players can piece them together in various ways, depending on the situation. Instead with this system, its kind of clunky.

Here's an example, say this stance you have has a great thrust attack (like stinger from DmC series) that allows you to cover distance to allow you to continue and maintain your combo chain. Well the way warframe works, you cant just do the thrust. You have to do a combo first, then branch off to that move. You've wasted alot of time just to get to the part of the combo you actually need, and the enemy you wanted to hit with that move may not even be in position to be hit by it anymore because of the 2 seconds you wasted flailing about. If the system allowed you to just do that move on its own, it would be much more useful in more situations. So now you can do short combo, kill one guy, thrust attack to nearby enemy, do another short combo, see shield osprey near by, immediately do aerial spin thingy move, three moas creep up from behind you, thrust attack or roll towards them do heavy, multi-hitting crowd control move to knock them all down. You can also give people the ability to use some of their energy pool to do move cancels with the channeling system, like the way it enhances guarding and attacking.
Since Warframe is PvE oriented (even more so now) I wonder why DE didn't go deep with their melee. If they afraid people would all go melee, it wouldn't happened because we have frames with low armor and low shield that relies more on their abilities. While variety in ranged weapon could be done on how they shoot, for melee it's not just enough to do it that way.

It's wishful thinking but I hope next major update they'll focused on melee while buffing some frames.
Since Warframe is PvE oriented (even more so now) I wonder why DE didn't go deep with their melee. If they afraid people would all go melee, it wouldn't happened because we have frames with low armor and low shield that relies more on their abilities. While variety in ranged weapon could be done on how they shoot, for melee it's not just enough to do it that way.

It's wishful thinking but I hope next major update they'll focused on melee while buffing some frames.

I get the feeling that its mostly just a budget/monetary thing when its all said and done. I'm sure animating melee combos is more expensive then just rehashing an old bow with "insert name here"-Cernos 1, 2 done. I mean for all that effort though to just have 1 button rhythm based combos and then lock them behind RNG just seems dumb to me, especially when the game is already chalk full of time sinks. I mean if the idea was to make doing combos this super special thing for master tenno they could've just as easily locked them behind mastery rank or even weapon level.

Melee could definitely use another pass though. Its only really viable with a few frames at late game (Sortie level missions). I always envisioned a situation where caster frames had an easier time doing channeling builds, but more sturdier brawler frames could take more advantage of their skills to go either way. You could even throw in melee only "musou" style missions. It would certainly be an interesting mix up to the mission modes they have now, which usually just involve going here and interacting with a thing before we unleash the fury of 5 exploding suns all over the face of one dead ass motherfucker with this 5 forma Vaykor Hek.

Regardless there's a huge DEF issue with meleeing right now on top of the awkward combo system/bad enemy AI pathing etc.


On a lighter note the of all the changes to happen to Rhino the Rhino charge changes don't really make sense to me. It doesn't do the damage of Slash Dash or Landslide, so there's really no point in recasting it over and over. Also casting it during Rhino Stomp doesn't make much sense to me either. They both occupy a similar roll of crowd control so there's really no point in using one after the other.

The other changes though are super sweet. I'm thinking I might get back into Rhino Prime now that I have full access to his augments from Steel Meridian.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Just started playing this tonight. Only a couple hours in but yeah, I can see how this could get really addictive. :lol I'll probably ask to join the GAF clan once I play a bit more to get my bearings and get some more of the early story stuff done. Barring the unforeseen I think I'll probably end up sticking with this for a good bit.


Neo Member
Just started playing this tonight. Only a couple hours in but yeah, I can see how this could get really addictive. :lol I'll probably ask to join the GAF clan once I play a bit more to get my bearings and get some more of the early story stuff done. Barring the unforeseen I think I'll probably end up sticking with this for a good bit.

Welcome to the game! Definitely hit us up for a clan invite when you're ready for one.


Neo Member
Omg these spy sortie missions. Without Cypher use solo is a must. I haven't found a PUG yet that could get all 3.

Believe it or not, I see it all the time. I do my sorties with randoms daily just because that by the time I log on, most of the clan regulars have already done them. Of course, I also see the ones that don't know how to do it, and mess it up for everyone as well.
Omg these spy sortie missions. Without Cypher use solo is a must. I haven't found a PUG yet that could get all 3.
I always run with 60+ cyphers just so I don't even think about using them if I have to. Still save them for emergencies though.

But the hacking mod that extends the hack timer is also a godsend with high level Corpus consoles. And Limbo's voidwalking is great for rushing to the console when the alarm has gone off, though to be honest he seems like the best spy frame overall considering he can walk through lasers.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Hey, where's a good early game place to get Morphics? I really want to upgrade to Dual Ethers but I'm one Morphic short. I've heard Mars has them, but I'm not quite sure if I'm ready for Mars yet. I mean I could try and just abandon if I fail, I guess. Any other reliable way to get them besides that, though?

Also, is there no way to repeat a mission once it's cleared? Like say if I wanted to go fight Vor again, this time with a party instead of solo, can I do that?

EDIT: Never mind, did a Mars Survival mission with a party and got everything I needed and more. Awesome.


If you can beat the boss on the planet that offers them it's the easiest way. Just ask for someone to run you through it if you aren't strong enough.

Yes you can play any mission as many times as you want.
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