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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


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From now until July 5 celebrate with a weekend filled with Double Resources, sales and more. Tenno United Weekend is here!

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Hey all, so I kind of got back into playing this game (not that far planet unlock wise). Is there by any chance a Gaf clan? Also is there any sort of LFG thing for Warframe? Not only would I like to finish some of the, I guess later planets (barely seem groups running missions) but also for the void.



Hey all, so I kind of got back into playing this game (not that far planet unlock wise). Is there by any chance a Gaf clan? Also is there any sort of LFG thing for Warframe? Not only would I like to finish some of the, I guess later planets (barely seem groups running missions) but also for the void.


There absolutely is a GAF clan. I'm not at home to invite until tomorrow night, but I'll bet somebody else will if you post your PSN.

LFG is built into Warframe. You'll have clan and alliance tabs in your in game chat menus, and even more importantly there is a recruiting tab.


Sorted out some supply issues over the weekend. A good run of the Pluto intercept was yielding 1000-1200ish (!!) Oxium per 4 waves. I also started the weekend without a single Neurode. A few earth survivals later I had over 100. One half hour run netted 56 or so
Those damn Eximus units wrecked a couple of goes though
There absolutely is a GAF clan. I'm not at home to invite until tomorrow night, but I'll bet somebody else will if you post your PSN.

LFG is built into Warframe. You'll have clan and alliance tabs in your in game chat menus, and even more importantly there is a recruiting tab.

Whoops sorry, was out yesterday. PSN is my Gaf name: sturgboski

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Blew some credits and kubrow mods I had extra of. Got some good, or at least new, stuff. Stalking fan, firewalker, rapid resilience, seismic wave, another high noon, and fever strike (it does exist).

Speaking of anyone have an overextended, crushing ruin, nikana p bp or vauban chassis for sale/trade?


I'll send it when I get on tonight.

Also void rework details are up:

Not sure how to feel about it. Seems like less rng but potentially more grind esp for solo players. Need to see how often luminous drops and if baro's prices drop to reflect lost parts from endless missions.

So now you'll get to choose from 4 rotation a parts lol and not get a rotation c part unless you have luminous.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
selectable rewards is nice, but how will that work on endless missions? unless there are no endless missions anymore for prime stuff.

honestly the only thing I got from that was selectable rewards, the explanation wasn't nearly in-depth to understand fully how this new system works.

edit: thinking more about it, I like it. it rewards coop (this is a coop game, I don't care what people say) and does away with having to do a survival mission for a minimum of 20 minutes just to get that prime part you want, honestly the void grind was completely horrible. this way a full party can get a max of 4 rewards and you can select from those. thing is, you needed the prime junk for ducats, so I wonder how they'll deal with that in this new system.

I'm going to start playing the pc version once my gaming pc arrives, wish this game was cross plat so i could play with you guys. I like this community, and the pc warframe gaf community doesn't seem as active as this one.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah there won't be endless missions the void tears are all a new type of mission. Luminous shouldn't be capped so low and solo players are screwed over yet again.

Also with void tears being alert style now you have a time gate and have to wait for not only the type but proper tier of projection. No mention of how many missions it'll take to charge them either.

This will kill their player numbers. Mewbies/casual players can't get a boost from clan mates and vets can't help or farm for ducats. Trade prices are going to go up even more.

So many questions. Need more details but expecting more empty promises from DE.


Yeah there won't be endless missions the void tears are all a new type of mission. Luminous shouldn't be capped so low and solo players are screwed over yet again.

Also with void tears being alert style now you have a time gate and have to wait for not only the type but proper tier of projection. No mention of how many missions it'll take to charge them either.

This will kill their player numbers. Mewbies/casual players can't get a boost from clan mates and vets can't help or farm for ducats. Trade prices are going to go up even more.

So many questions. Need more details but expecting more empty promises from DE.

All DE wants to talk about is Lunaro right now and the console release gives them an excuse to kick the can down the road for a few more days to avoid talking about the frankly, far more important stuff. This should have been demoed at least a week ago so people could understand fully how this and the new solar map works.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah isn't spectors coming out before tennocon? ie sat?

Meanwhile we get blitzball. barf. Oh well happy to wait this time as i suspect changes and/or the forums to burn.


But guy's, the Archwing stuff should be awesome right?



Hey! A tumbleweed....

But fo reals, I'm taking a wait and see approach with the new star chart. I'm pretty* sure DE aren't actually out to increase the grind. That's the sort of thing that'll give the game a bad rep and piss off long time players at the same time so it wouldn't make any sense. However the new system turns out, it may not be perfect out of the box, but after some tweaking and a round or two of community feedback at least, I'd suspect it'll be in a much better place.

Who knows, in a year or twos time, current players who are still around will be telling new folk 'In my time we had to key share, sometimes with randoms who would bail, to get the most out our void/moon runs', all the while the new guy is racking up Prime parts at a crazy rate.

Or maybe I'm wrong and DE are out to screw us all

Oh and I'm actually pretty excited for new Archwing stuff.
Not so much Lunaro

*By pretty I mean approximately 50% sure


Ok, I'm already looking at the Specters of the Rail patch notes as my PC downloads the update and I already see a huge and important change to the game. Important quests are now obtained at the junctions between planets. This will be a big help towards giving new players a sense of progression going foward. Shame I completed the star chart long before quests were even a thing in warframe. Also, no more archwing defense. I literally don't know what DE was smoking by designing an archwing defense map that cant be effectively soloed.

EDIT: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/668132-update-specters-of-the-rail/

For the full set of patchnotes

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Those nullifier changes lol rip frost.

Don't like how low the kavat signiture chance seems to be hope that gets buffed before we get it.

Curios about those fragments too.

And arching parts from syndicates. Hope that means they're tradable. Or the parts I need arent in ones that hate me.

Void energy cell drop rate also seems low for solo players.


I did one of these void fissures earlier today. The nullifier spam is out of control. You or a team member activates a rift, and suddenly dozens of high level void enemies spawn out of non-existence. Nullifiers spawn like normal units for some reason and all I could see is a sea of gold domes surrounding the fissure. Any buff based frames like chroma, trin, nezha, equinox are boned for simply existing. The nullifiers spawn in with FULL domes and they will spawn on top of you instantly, wiping your buffs screwing you over. Its not like you can retreat, you have to stay there in order to get the drops to seal the fissure, and you have about 2-3 minutes to do it. There's no way they didn't know it would be like this and should full well have held the release back until they figured out how to spawn enemies in for these encounters. Keep in mind, you have to deal with these on top of the normal mobs already on the stage.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah from reading the forums I'm amazed they released this update in this state esp with their con this weekend.

Junctions are broken, Kavat signitures are rare as fuck, the key-->relics conversions are apparently random/rng(except for XXX m1-4 which very few ppl got any of. Wat a coincidence only m keys contain vaulted prime gear. Prime vault access sales must be down.) and are not 1-1. New archwing modes are full of 1hko bs. Draco is dead. 2 hotfixes already.

The painfully ironic way they claimed the market confused newbs to not know you can craft gear with bps then they shove the plat price in your face and hide the bps in the top right corner.


Tried a lunaro match. It was fun but I'm not playing it agaim as muting doesn't work. I may hit up the forums later to check if anyone reported it.


Junctions are broken, Kavat signitures are rare as fuck, the key-->relics conversions are apparently random/rng(except for XXX m1-4 which very few ppl got any of. Wat a coincidence only m keys contain vaulted prime gear. Prime vault access sales must be down.) and are not 1-1. New archwing modes are full of 1hko bs. Draco is dead. 2 hotfixes already

Surely that's not a problem though


Surely that's not a problem though

It is but it isn't. Draco is a symptom of a larger problem, affinity gains are crap in this game. The only reason Draco worked as good as it did as an XP farm since it was an interception that could spawn an infinite number of enemies in a relatively small area that was initially designed only to be a defense map. There are other XP farms, but Draco didn't require specific frames and specific setups for frames to benefit from it like the others did. You didn't even have to prolong the interception rounds like you did with the other interceptions, if you did, you'd get an absurd amount of affinit.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I don't care about Draco. I care about it taking forever to level shit. I only used Draco once a while back during one of the double xp weekend. Went from mr 16 to 18. The default affinity rate should be double what it is. This along with scaling, damage, mod/parts drop rates (you know actual balance change) is what DE needs to working on not throwing half assed content out ASAP.

The starting mod pool change is nice but I still have to lvl my stuff to 30 again and with most weapons taking 3-6 forma it takes forever just playing. To the point I haven't bothered upgrading most of my frames/weapons and have 60+ forma made just sitting there. I want to get my shit leveled ASAP so I can get on with playing the game and doing things like search for those fragments, mods, try sorties again maybe try LOR finally etc.

It would help if theSe systems were balanced so you could just play through the planets and you can for the first few mr but when you're high level I think it's fine to have places to lvl fast. It's not like you'll stop ppl finding another place or make them play the 'right way' anyway.

Would also be nice if DE added more starting polarities on more weapons or made forma add affinity gain too or if mods had a relic like system to hunt for a specific one but like all these other changes its not about improving fun or game play it's about improving their bottom line by driving plat purchases.


So I haven't played Warframe in 2.5 years and holy shit has this game changed. I'm completely lost and apparently forgot everything I knew about the game. Also it looks like I'm not longer in the GAF clan, which is understandable really.


I guess we can thank PC users for the playtesting. Things look like they're in a bit of a schmoz over there

Re Draco, I guess I don't see the problem as much at the moment, because I'm leveling everything for the 1st time still, and I enjoy that process. I just hit MR12 and haven't been there once. I haven't gotten into polarizing and re-leveling (getting a nice haul of Forma built up though) but I guess I can sort of see the need for a way to power level quick when it comes to that stuff. But at the same time having ONE optimal map to do that on I don't think is healthy for the game.

Though I guess human nature is to find the path of least resistance, so I'm sure something else will pop up to replace it. People on the forums are finding other intercepts that are doing a pretty good job apparently. I think folks were saying one on Saturn was good at the moment (can't double check. My work firewall blocks most stuff but importantly not Gaf).

So I haven't played Warframe in 2.5 years and holy shit has this game changed. I'm completely lost and apparently forgot everything I knew about the game. Also it looks like I'm not longer in the GAF clan, which is understandable really.

If you need help you should leave your psn and join the clan. There's some helpful folk about
I'm not one of them ;)


Did you want an invite?

Yes sir. I'm assuming you mean on PS4, right? In which case : SilvardCT

Last time I played I got the prime access pack that had Ember Prime and some accessories. Is there any way to get what I missed or am I SOL? The completionist in me is crying out. Are the prime vault packs rotated once a month or less frequently? Is there any way for me to get a Latron Prime these days? Sorry for all the questions, I remember really wanting a Rhino Prime back in the day and this all feeds into that.

Also the prime accessories.

Is the way to increase Mastery Rank still maxing out a bunch of different stuff? I kinda didn't like that that much.
Yes sir. I'm assuming you mean on PS4, right? In which case : SilvardCT

Last time I played I got the prime access pack that had Ember Prime and some accessories. Is there any way to get what I missed or am I SOL? The completionist in me is crying out. Are the prime vault packs rotated once a month or less frequently? Is there any way for me to get a Latron Prime these days? Sorry for all the questions, I remember really wanting a Rhino Prime back in the day and this all feeds into that.

Also the prime accessories.

Is the way to increase Mastery Rank still maxing out a bunch of different stuff? I kinda didn't like that that much.

Some primes and prime weapons are vaulted, Mag prime and her prime weapons are unsealed so you can go and farm it before is sealed again.

You can buy prime stuff on the trade channel I dunno about the Latron Prime prices right now but rhino prime is kinda cheaps around 60 pl full set.

You still have to level up weapons, frames and companions to level your MR still


Some primes and prime weapons are vaulted, Mag prime and her prime weapons are unsealed so you can go and farm it before is sealed again.

You can buy prime stuff on the trade channel I dunno about the Latron Prime prices right now but rhino prime is kinda cheaps around 60 pl full set.

You still have to level up weapons, frames and companions to level your MR still

Looks like I only need orokin cells to craft Latron Prime since I have the blue print and the parts from way back when.

So technically nothing is really missable even if it's vaulted, because it can still be traded for? Does that include vaulted prime weapons?

Also if I have the mag prime chassis and stuff do I still need a blueprint for the Warframe itself? I apologize since I forgot most of this stuff.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
To craft a frame you need (built) helm, chassis, systems and a bp and resources(usually cells). Weapons you need a bp and all the parts (depends some need just parts some need cells/resources too).

As for prime stuff rhino, ember, loki and frost are currently vaulted. Weapons vaulted are latron, glaive, sicarus, bo, reaper, boltor & ankyros. The wyrm prime sentinel is also vaulted.

mag prime, dakra prime and boar prime are available till the end of the month.

They can all be traded for yes.
Looks like I only need orokin cells to craft Latron Prime since I have the blue print and the parts from way back when.

So technically nothing is really missable even if it's vaulted, because it can still be traded for? Does that include vaulted prime weapons?

Also if I have the mag prime chassis and stuff do I still need a blueprint for the Warframe itself? I apologize since I forgot most of this stuff.

Yep, except for the prime access cosmetics.

Yes, you still need to grind the prime BP.


I always have these moments when I think about coming back to playing this game but the amount of content I am behind in is so ridiculous that it feel that I will never catch up unless I dedicate all of my time to getting back in line


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I always have these moments when I think about coming back to playing this game but the amount of content I am behind in is so ridiculous that it feel that I will never catch up unless I dedicate all of my time to getting back in line

I never played it non-stop, I played for a bit each day and still made a decent amount of progress in the game. the ps4 gaf clan is super helpful and should help you catch up with most stuff.


I have been playing on PC for quite a bit this past couple of days and I've come to the conclusion that it is really far easier to get what you want. But only if everyone has the same relics to contribute to the rift. So basically you need a coordinated group to be anywhere near efficient at this. Bad news for solo farmers. Also cores, cells are no longer part of the tables anymore so you're getting a forma at the worst. If a team beings 4 fully refined relics to a tear, your chances of getting the rarest item are roughly 30-40%. It's different, and probably better for our sanity in the long run as we aren't forced to farm only in the void anymore.


Hopped on for a few games and idk what they did to the game, but every time I move or something is happening the screen gets blurry. I turned off everything in the display settings, but it's still there. It's like the resolution drops or something. Is it just me or the performance is shit again?

Hopped on for a few games and idk what they did to the game, but every time I move or something is happening the screen gets blurry. I turned off everything in the display settings, but it's still there. It's like the resolution drops or something. Is it just me or the performance is shit again?


Never had that problem before but sometimes the screens gets too bright or too dark forcing me to close and open the game to fix it.

Yeah Nitain is a pain but the daily alerts are generous like 4 to 5 nitains alerts per day. I didnt know you cant purchase Nitain


The thing with nitain is it punishes veteran players who are taking breaks. New people can get them along the way before the can even build stuff that requires it. Veteran daily players can keep there stock topped off by doing 1 or 2 alerts a day. Someone coming back that can build everything but has low resources has no way to "catch up".


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I put over 300 hours in the ps4 version and never got the 75% off plat purchase as a login gift. Logged in today for the 3rd time in the pc version and got the discount. Bought the 2k plat bundle.

Thank you, RNGod.


Finally got around to unlocking and building Hydroid. He's good fun with a hammer and his new passive....

Semi related question. Both Hydroid and Paris Prime were the last 2 things I broke out to get ranked up. For some reason both of those things started with 12 mod slots good to go. It was amusing on Hydroid, because with a potato and aura with matching polarity I had something like 38 spots at level 0. They seem to not be extra slots, its just giving me the first 12 levels worth straight away.

What am I missing? Is that going to happen with all my equipment from now on? Is it something that unlocks when you hit MR12? I only dinged that pretty recently so, that would make the most sense I suppose, but I don't remember ever seeing anything about it

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Your starting mod pool is now based on your mastery rank. So now when you get a new weapon/frame from the foundry instead of having 0/0 mod capacity at unranked it will have x/x (x = mastery rank). This is before potatoes or stances are equipped.

You wont unlock additional mod capacity until you pass that current level though. For ex) I'm mr21 so i start with 21/21 for new/unranked gear but wont get x/22 until the weapon/frame is lvl 22. It's still a nice starting boost to make low level gear more viable, though I wish they had gone through with the original idea about forma as well.
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