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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Can someone explain accelerant? I cast it but it has no real graphics. Since it has range and duration does the accelerant just stay in that one area for the duration? I'm trying to find out if it it's viable for anything.
It should have some FX. Try changing your energy color. Haven't really played Ember recently so they might have got rid of it, but the enemies should be highlighted when affected by it.


Can someone explain accelerant? I cast it but it has no real graphics. Since it has range and duration does the accelerant just stay in that one area for the duration? I'm trying to find out if it it's viable for anything.

Ember has been my most used frame for quite a while, so maybe I can help.

Accellerant is incredibly useful! It stays in one area, but I'm pretty sure it has more range than World on Fire. The way you build and play Ember is give her max range and as much duration and strength as possible. The duration (along with streamline) allows you to keep World on Fire on at all times, and you use Accellerant like it's your ultimate...drop it on crowds and heavies and watch World on Fire melt everybody. Using Energy Conversion and managing energy orbs will add significantly to your power strength.


- Stretch and Overextended for max range
- Intensify, Transient Fortitude and Energy Conversion for power strength
- Primed Continuity for duration
- Streamline for efficiency
- Firequake for CC (or a defensive mod if you find you're going down a lot)
- Either Power Drift (strength) or Cunning Drift (range)...I use Power Drift

If used correctly, you'll have the most damage and kills in pretty much every game you play. Occassionaly an Ash, Equinox or Mirage will pass you depending on the setting, but it's pretty rare, and they have to work hard for it.


Apologies, seeing as this is a PS4 OT, but is there a clan or something for XBO? Just started playing this and really enjoying it, but not sure if I can get any of my friends list to play.


I'm not aware of a GAF clan on XBO. There is one on PC with an OT, but it was pretty dead the last I heard. Sorry.

Maybe start one or pick up a PS4, I guess. Or finding a clan in recruiting in the game shouldn't be too hard. Be sure the clan has 100% research completed, has an alliance and maybe ask for a dojo tour. You can always switch clans if the first one doesn't work out.

Good luck!


Ember has been my most used frame for quite a while, so maybe I can help.

Accellerant is incredibly useful! It stays in one area, but I'm pretty sure it has more range than World on Fire. The way you build and play Ember is give her max range and as much duration and strength as possible. The duration (along with streamline) allows you to keep World on Fire on at all times, and you use Accellerant like it's your ultimate...drop it on crowds and heavies and watch World on Fire melt everybody. Using Energy Conversion and managing energy orbs will add significantly to your power strength.


- Stretch and Overextended for max range
- Intensify, Transient Fortitude and Energy Conversion for power strength
- Primed Continuity for duration
- Streamline for efficiency
- Firequake for CC (or a defensive mod if you find you're going down a lot)
- Either Power Drift (strength) or Cunning Drift (range)...I use Power Drift

If used correctly, you'll have the most damage and kills in pretty much every game you play. Occassionaly an Ash, Equinox or Mirage will pass you depending on the setting, but it's pretty rare, and they have to work hard for it.

Thanks a lot, I've been using ember a lot too lately. I'll try this build. I never heard of the energy conversion mod before now. Also using overextended never occurred to me due to loss of power strength. I'll have to check my current formas, using energy conversion and transient fortitude my require another V. I believe I have power and cunning drift, looks like I don't have power drift and I need 40k simaras rep to 100k


Thanks a lot, I've been using ember a lot too lately. I'll try this build. I never heard of the energy conversion mod before now. Also using overextended never occurred to me due to loss of power strength. I'll have to check my current formas, using energy conversion and transient fortitude my require another V. I believe I have power and cunning drift.

No problem. Range is super important, because killing a wide area is what keeps her alive and gets you a ton of kills.

Energy Conversion is a really interesting mod. For Ember, it increases the power of World on Fire by 50% for its entire duration and it stacks when you use Accellerant. It's also useful on a bunch of other frames, including perhaps most interestingly a variable speed Nova. And in many cases, it can replace a Transient Fortitude. You may have to do a few days of scanning to get the mod, but it's totally worth it.

I experimented with and without Firequake tonight, and I don't think it's necessary with all of the inherent fire procs from World on Fire. I felt like a defensive mod made her more usable at higher levels because she can still take random a shot from a bombard or whatever. And definitely Power Drift.

Let me know what you think when you get it built. It's silly how effective it is.


It doesn't say in the wiki but do you get the 35% power strength boost from a heat proc if WoF is being channeled? I know you don't get the energy increase.


It doesn't say in the wiki but do you get the 35% power strength boost from a heat proc if WoF is being channeled? I know you don't get the energy increase.

I think WoF's power is based on when you cast it, but honestly, it's not something that comes up often, and I've never thought to check.


I think WoF's power is based on when you cast it, but honestly, it's not something that comes up often, and I've never thought to check.

No problem, the only reason I even thought about it is because I was doing invasion missions and there is always fire on the ground in those.


need a quick clarification. specific aura mods are the rewards for specific alert missions, right? so the best thing to do is just continue to clear planets so that when it pops up i'll be able to do it asap?

also, i guess loki prime is no longer available normally now. any idea what he goes for?
need a quick clarification. specific aura mods are the rewards for specific alert missions, right? so the best thing to do is just continue to clear planets so that when it pops up i'll be able to do it asap?

Yes, or you can ask for a taxi on the clan or alliance tab but is better to unlock the nodes to do it yourself


This is what I run with Ember. Whether it was Draco (RIP on PC) or Hieracon (or pretty much anything that isn't a sortie), I tend to do top damage unless there's an Ash or a Mirage running around with a Tonkor, even with only 100% power strength (plus Energy Conversion, of course.) It's just what Ember does when built correctly.


It's my opinion that you don't really need much duration for Ember. Pure efficiency will take care of your WoF costs on both activation and over time, and also let you cast a lot more Accelerants. And my Accelerant even with a full Fleeting Expertise still lasts about 30 seconds, which is plenty of time. Even with a regular maxed out Continuinity you'll still get about 25 seconds of more damage, and a good bit of the utility from using it in the first place, at least at higher levels, is the little stun it gives on hit.

I've also found that Stretch gives WoF and Accelerant plenty of range. Cunning Drift is a good option, but I don't think the little bit of extra range is enough to offset how good Handspring can be. I think you don't really need a lot of range because WoF only ever hits five enemies at once anyway. You might want a ton of range if you want to stay out of the way of really tough sortie enemies - but really, I don't think Ember is much of a sortie frame. Not mixing Overextended and then Transient Fortitude to help fight the strength loss also lets me put on two defensive mods. Can't do damage if you're dead, right?

Firequake is amazing. You can't always count on fire proc stuns from WoF itself, and you don't want to be spamming Accelerant for the stun. It's a guaranteed knockdown on up to five enemies. It actually makes Ember a lot more useful at higher levels and more survivable in general.

No one mentioned an aura, but I use Corrosive Projection. It just makes the most sense for Ember, who will almost always have WoF activated and so will not be benefiting from Energy Siphon. I do like to keep Zenurik active though, so that in case I do run out of energy, I can get back to a reasonable level pretty quickly. It also gives the option of turning off WoF and spamming Accelerant, if a lot of stunning is required.

I am also not sure about how Ember's passive works with WoF. It's not something I want to rely on, but if I get to a tileset that's on fire, I will recast WoF after burning myself and picking up an energy orb. Why not?

So yeah, Ember is pretty great. Someday I'll max Redirection and Vitality. Maybe.


Haven't logged for a few weeks. Still no updated star chart etc yet I gather?
Not yet.

On a related note, if any of you need specific nightmare mods - in the new star chart, you won't be able to just pick a nightmare mission on the map. It has to be a nightmare alert, and it will only reward what the alert shows. So you won't be able to just repeat nightmare for random nightmare mods. Not sure if this is intended or not.

This could make certain mods a huge pain to get in the future (like one of my favorites, Animal Instinct). So if you're missing any of these mods, you might want to look into grinding them out while nightmare is still repeatable.

Also, Nyx Prime, Scindo Prime, and Hikou Prime are going away on the 23rd.


This is what I run with Ember. Whether it was Draco (RIP on PC) or Hieracon (or pretty much anything that isn't a sortie), I tend to do top damage unless there's an Ash or a Mirage running around with a Tonkor, even with only 100% power strength (plus Energy Conversion, of course.) It's just what Ember does when built correctly.

It's my opinion that you don't really need much duration for Ember. Pure efficiency will take care of your WoF costs on both activation and over time, and also let you cast a lot more Accelerants. And my Accelerant even with a full Fleeting Expertise still lasts about 30 seconds, which is plenty of time. Even with a regular maxed out Continuinity you'll still get about 25 seconds of more damage, and a good bit of the utility from using it in the first place, at least at higher levels, is the little stun it gives on hit.

I've also found that Stretch gives WoF and Accelerant plenty of range. Cunning Drift is a good option, but I don't think the little bit of extra range is enough to offset how good Handspring can be. I think you don't really need a lot of range because WoF only ever hits five enemies at once anyway. You might want a ton of range if you want to stay out of the way of really tough sortie enemies - but really, I don't think Ember is much of a sortie frame. Not mixing Overextended and then Transient Fortitude to help fight the strength loss also lets me put on two defensive mods. Can't do damage if you're dead, right?

Firequake is amazing. You can't always count on fire proc stuns from WoF itself, and you don't want to be spamming Accelerant for the stun. It's a guaranteed knockdown on up to five enemies. It actually makes Ember a lot more useful at higher levels and more survivable in general.

No one mentioned an aura, but I use Corrosive Projection. It just makes the most sense for Ember, who will almost always have WoF activated and so will not be benefiting from Energy Siphon. I do like to keep Zenurik active though, so that in case I do run out of energy, I can get back to a reasonable level pretty quickly. It also gives the option of turning off WoF and spamming Accelerant, if a lot of stunning is required.

I am also not sure about how Ember's passive works with WoF. It's not something I want to rely on, but if I get to a tileset that's on fire, I will recast WoF after burning myself and picking up an energy orb. Why not?

So yeah, Ember is pretty great. Someday I'll max Redirection and Vitality. Maybe.

I don't normally get into back and forths over builds, but I'm very confident mine will smoke this one in every setting because of 90% more range and 40% more power.

Handspring over Power Drift?

Both defensive mods instead of extra power and range? Range is a game changer and minimizes the need for defensive mods or Firequake because it kills and procs enemies so far away.

Streamline only giving you 15% seems like a waste of a slot. But I could see me running Fleeting instead of Streamline. May test the balance between them tonight and see how the energy bleed works out, so thanks for that. Edit: Difference in energy bleed is minimal, and yeah, you can spam Accellerant. Good call.

Agree on Corrosive. Figured it would be assumed.

I never get outdamaged on Draco, and with my range covering most of the map, I barely have to play. Will be glad when that level is gone on ps4.

I could have sworn you hated Ember with the passion of 1000 worlds on fire a while back?

2 things happened: Saryn got nerfed and ember got a rework to world on fire...basically making her the new Saryn. She's still not super high end because she doesn't scale all that well once her fire stops killing stuff, but she's really useful for cruising through most content and for confusing randoms when you're killing guys 3 rooms away. ;)


I don't normally get into back and forths over builds, but I'm very confident mine will smoke this one in every setting because of 90% more range and 40% more power.

Handspring over Power Drift?

Both defensive mods instead of extra power and range? Range is a game changer and minimizes the need for defensive mods or Firequake because it kills and procs enemies so far away.

Streamline only giving you 15% seems like a waste of a slot. But I could see me running Fleeting instead of Streamline. May test the balance between them tonight and see how the energy bleed works out, so thanks for that. Edit: Difference in energy bleed is minimal, and yeah, you can spam Accellerant. Good call.

Agree on Corrosive. Figured it would be assumed.

I never get outdamaged on Draco, and with my range covering most of the map, I barely have to play. Will be glad when that level is gone on ps4.
I like to melee and use a Vaykor Hek while I'm going Ember (among other frames), so I don't really notice the range. This is why I also use Handspring, and Firequake is pretty noticeable for me. It's true, your build is superior for just running through the map killing everything before you even see it, or for making sure you top damage on Draco. But as a general build, I prefer mine. Makes me be a bit more mobile and actually play the game, and it's already powerful enough for what I use it for.

I'm using a maxed Streamline and Fleeting just because I don't have an unmaxed Fleeting that still gives 75%, and I'll take the little bit of extra duration hit to max out efficiency. It's been a while since I've swapped out Streamline, actually. Maybe I'll give something else a shot.


I like to melee and use a Vaykor Hek while I'm going Ember (among other frames), so I don't really notice the range. This is why I also use Handspring, and Firequake is pretty noticeable for me. It's true, your build is superior for just running through the map killing everything before you even see it, or for making sure you top damage on Draco. But as a general build, I prefer mine. Makes me be a bit more mobile and actually play the game, and it's already powerful enough for what I use it for.

I'm using a maxed Streamline and Fleeting just because I don't have an unmaxed Fleeting that still gives 75%, and I'll take the little bit of extra duration hit to max out efficiency. It's been a while since I've swapped out Streamline, actually. Maybe I'll give something else a shot.

Gotcha. Different strokes. I don't melee all that much, and it is built as my frame for efficient level grinding. And I hate Draco. I'd definitely swap out streamline and one of the defensive mods for more power. And do try an alt build with max range. It's pretty amazing.

I was pretty pleased with the max Fleeting instead of Streamline, so thx for that. I thought it would have affected the energy bleed more but the difference wasn't really noticeable, and I was really able to drop accelerant like crazy. I tested it on a T4S and carried some randoms for 40. Had 1500 kills and 17 revives!

Wasn't trying to be argumentative or anything. :)


Gotcha. Different strokes. I don't melee all that much, and it is built as my frame for efficient level grinding. And I hate Draco. I'd definitely swap out streamline and one of the defensive mods for more power. And do try an alt build with max range. It's pretty amazing.

I was pretty pleased with the max Fleeting instead of Streamline, so thx for that. I thought it would have affected the energy bleed more but the difference wasn't really noticeable, and I was really able to drop accelerant like crazy. I tested it on a T4S and carried some randoms for 40. Had 1500 kills and 17 revives!

Wasn't trying to be argumentative or anything. :)
They took Draco out just when I was starting to hate it, so that worked out for me. It served its purpose. These days I just go to Heiracon to level stuff up. It's definitely not as fast, but you get cores, relics (keys), credits, and XP all at once, so that's pretty great.

Glad to hear of your success with Fleeting! Going that far in a T4S as Ember is pretty impressive. I remember having WoF damage fall off around 20 minutes, which is part of why I stopped going for power strength. Maybe I was doing it wrong.


They took Draco out just when I was starting to hate it, so that worked out for me. It served its purpose. These days I just go to Heiracon to level stuff up. It's definitely not as fast, but you get cores, relics (keys), credits, and XP all at once, so that's pretty great.

Glad to hear of your success with Fleeting! Going that far in a T4S as Ember is pretty impressive. I remember having WoF damage fall off around 20 minutes, which is part of why I stopped going for power strength. Maybe I was doing it wrong.

I take my build to 60 if I have a decent team, but those guys wanted to leave at 30. As long as I watch out for bombards, she continues to do the job. Try an alternate range/power build and let me know what you think. I do also run an Arcane Grace syandana and her Arcane Phoenix helmet FWIW.

My alternative to Draco was always either endless void stuff or Triton (good resources and keys).


Clan news: I'm working on getting us in a better alliance. V was a combination of dying and annoying, but the guys I'm talking to (Hunters of Hunhow) seem super solid. I unfortunately had an issue getting their invite because of a technical problem, and I submitted a trouble ticket. I should have us allianced up soon, and I think it will be much better.


I think i'll be able to play again as regularly as I used to soon, finally got most of the IRL stuff sorted and some free time to burn after work. We'll all have a bit of grinding to do to unlocking those nodes for SoTR coming around the corner.


So neither of you (frizby or vandal) run a flow or primed flow on ember? I have trouble keeping energy up and only having like 200 and something seems like I'd never have enough.


So neither of you (frizby or vandal) run a flow or primed flow on ember? I have trouble keeping energy up and only having like 200 and something seems like I'd never have enough.
Not me. I've almost always found pure efficiency to be better than having a bigger energy pool. It's nice to have the buffer if an energy drain eximus comes around, but other than that, it tends not to be an issue. Ember tends to kill enough things that she has enough energy orbs around to keep WoF up and use Accelerants. It can be a bit different while solo though, with the lower enemy spawn rate.

Having a Carrier around to suck up energy orbs also helps a lot.

There are exceptions where I'd use Flow. I like having Primed Flow and Quick Thinking on the really squishy casters that pack a lot of base energy, like Nyx, Nova, and even Volt Prime (though he isn't that squishy) just because he has a huge energy pool to begin with.
Clan news: I'm working on getting us in a better alliance. V was a combination of dying and annoying, but the guys I'm talking to (Hunters of Hunhow) seem super solid. I unfortunately had an issue getting their invite because of a technical problem, and I submitted a trouble ticket. I should have us allianced up soon, and I think it will be much better.

Eh, some guys of the alliance are fun, made raid groups and helpful first but others are creppy and totally out of control there


Completely indifferent to alliance stuff. I don't think I interacted with anyone there anyway.....

Not yet.

On a related note, if any of you need specific nightmare mods - in the new star chart, you won't be able to just pick a nightmare mission on the map. It has to be a nightmare alert, and it will only reward what the alert shows. So you won't be able to just repeat nightmare for random nightmare mods. Not sure if this is intended or not.

This could make certain mods a huge pain to get in the future (like one of my favorites, Animal Instinct). So if you're missing any of these mods, you might want to look into grinding them out while nightmare is still repeatable.

Also, Nyx Prime, Scindo Prime, and Hikou Prime are going away on the 23rd.


I don't run much nightmare stuff so not too worried there, but the headsup on the soon to be vaulted stuff is good to know. I've got none of them complete, but pretty sure i have some of the parts for all of those. Sounds like I may need to jump on and get my farm on before the 23rd


I was reading this conversation about Ember and thought I'd try this Energy Conversion mod on a few frames. Didn't even know that it existed. It's pretty cool that it works with channeled abilities. Included it in my Excal, Ember and Ash builds and came to the conclusion that I'll never use Blind Rage again. Ash has a lot of efficiency with this now. One week away from Primed Fury so that will make him even more deadly.


So neither of you (frizby or vandal) run a flow or primed flow on ember? I have trouble keeping energy up and only having like 200 and something seems like I'd never have enough.

Other than raid builds, I don't use Flow on anybody. I do use Ember's Arcane Phoenix helm though. I think it bumps her energy up to something like 275.


I'm talking about the 200th day login reward. Primed Pressure Point is in fact this weekend. Good thing we still have Draco so it didn't take too long to put all those formas in. :)

Oops! :)

Speaking of Primed Pressure Point: what a weird mod to add with a damage rework incoming. I thought the idea was to remove basic damage mods in favour of weapons doing more damage as they're levelled up. I guess that's not gonna happen now. Would have really liked to have had that slot freed up to make space for a utility mod on some guns.

Anyone but me max a second PPP just for Helios? :D


New update will drop on the 16th!

Welp time to got back a read the patch notes from PC.

OK someone tell me if I'm reading this right. After the update instead of running like T3surv a bunch of times to get nekros prime helmet, I have to have the relic that has a chance to provide the helmet and then run a mission that has a void fissure with other people with that same relic?
Welp time to got back a read the patch notes from PC.

OK someone tell me if I'm reading this right. After the update instead of running like T3surv a bunch of times to get nekros prime helmet, I have to have the relic that has a chance to provide the helmet and then run a mission that has a void fissure with other people with that same relic?

You lost me at the relic part


Welp time to got back a read the patch notes from PC.

OK someone tell me if I'm reading this right. After the update instead of running like T3surv a bunch of times to get nekros prime helmet, I have to have the relic that has a chance to provide the helmet and then run a mission that has a void fissure with other people with that same relic?
Sort of. As you probably know, all of your keys will be turning into relics. You will be able to farm relics the same way you farmed keys, with Derelict Survival becoming a better way to get them than it was before, rewarding them on pretty much every rotation (though I still tend to stick to excavation.)

Every person that brings a relic and opens it up by collecting reactant rolls a reward based on the relic they bring. If you bring a relic and open it, you get to choose any reward that anyone rolls at the end of the mission, even if it's not on your relic. If you want that Vauban Prime someone magically rolled at the end of the mission, and you didn't bring the Vauban Prime relic, you can still get it, and so can everyone else that opened a relic.

I used to solo void missions for prime parts if I wasn't playing with friends. Now you are encouraged to play with others at all times. Even if you play with randoms, who knows what relics others will bring? Maybe someone will get lucky with their roll, bringing a relic that you want stuff from, and you'll be able to get that thing you've been wanting forever. All while bringing a relic that has a bunch of garbage on it, relatively speaking.

That said, the first thing you'll probably be wanting to do when the patch comes out is going to Earth and finishing the Mars Junction so that you get your Void Segment. The Void Segment goes in your ship and will allow you to use the Traces you get from collecting 10 reactant on a void fissure mission to influence the rarities on a single relic.
If I'm understanding the new void system, the drop table for relics doesn't update like void keys did. So each time a new prime comes out everyone starts at square one and has to farm relics with the new prime part drop table. As someone with hundreds of keys I'm a little annoyed at this new system but I haven't experienced the relic drop rates so maybe it's better. The new system also seems bad for solo play.


If I'm understanding the new void system, the drop table for relics doesn't update like void keys did. So each time a new prime comes out everyone starts at square one and has to farm relics with the new prime part drop table. As someone with hundreds of keys I'm a little annoyed at this new system but I haven't experienced the relic drop rates so maybe it's better. The new system also seems bad for solo play.
Correct. The drop rates have been a lot better for me at least. The ability to aim for a specific part while also not having to do the void tileset constantly has led to me having almost everything you can farm at this point in the game. You don't have to go 20 minutes in a survival or 20 waves in a defense to maybe get the part you wanted. Just one mission and you find out what your relic was worth. And it's not really bad for solo play, but you are definitely encouraged to play with others. The only reason not to is if you just hate playing with others, can't play with others, or you constantly get grouped with assholes who don't wait for others to get all 10 of their reactant.


Reminder to build a gammacor and grind out your Simaris rep for the Heliocor, assuming it's in the update. It should be the weapon that puts me over MR22.


I'm noticing the game is running worse than usual with this new update. Like getting 30 fps in the starchart menus, lower overall framerates in places where they were consistently close to the 60fps mark.


so can you still farm void missions for mods even though they're just regular missions now?

Appears to be the case.

I'm so lost in this update

I'm still sorting it out too, but the more I understand the new farming system, the more I think I like it. I like that there will now be some variety in where you do the runs, and if the odds are increased, as it seems they would be, that's welcome as well. I also like that they automatically matchmake. The only real downside is that I can't freeload keys off recruiting anymore.

I haven't fully figured out the void traces, but I like the idea of getting four people with refined relics together for farming runs.

The grind for Kavat DNA is real. Had to farm 20, and it was pretty painful.

Everything is cooking in the dojo. Draknight started most of them, I think.


I haven't fully figured out the void traces, but I like the idea of getting four people with refined relics together for farming runs.

The grind for Kavat DNA is real. Had to farm 20, and it was pretty painful.
You get void traces from getting your 10 reactant, even if you didn't bring a relic to the mission. So you can just farm traces without using relics if you want. I've gotten anywhere between 6 and 30 traces per mission, and saved up to use 100 at a time, since the game will still laugh at you and pick a lower rarity item in your quest for the one at the bottom of the list anyway. Don't think there's anything else to know really.

If it helps, you can also use the Heliocor for getting your cat DNA. I like to use a speed Volt and just hammer everything in an OD exterminate. There are usually some cats staying invisible and out of the fights in a few rooms, so it's helpful to keep your scanner out and have a good melee to use. And if you guys got the bugged super Scorches we have on PC (their flames have infinite punchthrough and can reach across rooms and kill you if pointed in your general direction) you might actually want to bring a heat protection mod.

Also, on Ember, I tried ditching one of my defense mods and Firequake for Intensify and Transient Fortitude, and also since I was going almost full power, swapped Handspring for Power Drift. Surprised to find that the duration hit didn't kill WoF's efficiency. That's a lot of extra power I wasn't running with before. I've been liking it. Still not using Overextended, though I did give it another shot.


You get void traces from getting your 10 reactant, even if you didn't bring a relic to the mission. So you can just farm traces without using relics if you want. I've gotten anywhere between 6 and 30 traces per mission, and saved up to use 100 at a time, since the game will still laugh at you and pick a lower rarity item in your quest for the one at the bottom of the list anyway. Don't think there's anything else to know really.

Yeah, I've gotten that far. Just haven't played with the tools yet.

If it helps, you can also use the Heliocor for getting your cat DNA. I like to use a speed Volt and just hammer everything in an OD exterminate. There are usually some cats staying invisible and out of the fights in a few rooms, so it's helpful to keep your scanner out and have a good melee to use. And if you guys got the bugged super Scorches we have on PC (their flames have infinite punchthrough and can reach across rooms and kill you if pointed in your general direction) you might actually want to bring a heat protection mod.

No Heliocor on PS4 yet. I just built a range Rhino which aggros the invisible ones and holds them for scanning.

Also, on Ember, I tried ditching one of my defense mods and Firequake for Intensify and Transient Fortitude, and also since I was going almost full power, swapped Handspring for Power Drift. Surprised to find that the duration hit didn't kill WoF's efficiency. That's a lot of extra power I wasn't running with before. I've been liking it. Still not using Overextended, though I did give it another shot.

Awesome! For my purposes, overextended serves as a defensive mod and is also good for finding dudes in exterminates.


Archwing Rush on phobos is hair pullingly aggravating. They're asking you to go fast down the corpus archwing (already a bad idea), and then added camera rotation you cant control worth a damn.


2 quick questions as I only logged in for a minute this morning

1. Where is the segment to refine relics
2. Did that lower door on the liset always have infested stuff near it
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