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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


FYI, I'm working on a new, less oppressive alliance, even though I don't get the feeling anybody got much use out of the last one. And I'm not in a huge hurry. Want to find the right fit.

Apparently somebody sent the alliance leader screens of this thread, which is fine, because I'm all about transparency, but feathers were ruffled. It is a bit weird, childish and petty to use a clan's internal discussions against them, but it also seems kind of fitting for how that whole thing was going, and I'm happy to be free of it.

More to come when something new comes up. Open to feedback as always.
I don't give two shits about the alliance, but whoever did that and is reading this: you're a cunt for snitching. I just hate snitches so much, be it online or IRL...


FYI, I'm working on a new, less oppressive alliance, even though I don't get the feeling anybody got much use out of the last one. And I'm not in a huge hurry. Want to find the right fit.

Apparently somebody sent the alliance leader screens of this thread, which is fine, because I'm all about transparency, but feathers were ruffled. It is a bit weird, childish and petty to use a clan's internal discussions against them, but it also seems kind of fitting for how that whole thing was going, and I'm happy to be free of it.

More to come when something new comes up. Open to feedback as always.

Wow. That's really disappointing on all fronts. I've been busy with my Postgrad to concentrate on War frame, but yeah, that alliance doesn't seem like it's worth it if it's going to be like that.


I don't give two shits about the alliance, but whoever did that and is reading this: you're a cunt for snitching. I just hate snitches so much, be it online or IRL...

Yeah, WTF!

Firstly, that's some immature, grade school level shit. Secondly, I hardly see anything that's 'incriminating'. Frizby, who sounds like he was well within his rights in thinking they were a little high maintenance, asked for opinions and people gave them. If people weren't happy in the alliance for reasons x,y and z then I'm not sure why their feathers were ruffled.

Before reading this latest update, I was pretty indifferent to the whole thing, hence not offering any opinions. But now it seems like it's for the best if that's how they're gunna be. The fuckin dibber-dobber can stay with them as well. I wonder if it's a clan member or just someone who lurks? I'm tipping (and hoping) its the later

I hope i get in the snitches next screenshot now


I am without words , I can expect that on Word of Warcraft but Warframe.

Those clan leaders can rule their three PS4 channels, Event permissions plus the alliance channel and their own clan channels and USA elections and huh thats a lot of desire to keep everything in check which could be understandable on that strict enviroment but Gaf people sending screenshots to them its crazy and disappointing I know some of us are in the alliance but thats pretty low on you guys, seriously.

I don't give two shits about the alliance, but whoever did that and is reading this: you're a cunt for snitching. I just hate snitches so much, be it online or IRL...

Wow. That's really disappointing on all fronts. I've been busy with my Postgrad to concentrate on War frame, but yeah, that alliance doesn't seem like it's worth it if it's going to be like that.

Yeah, WTF!

Firstly, that's some immature, grade school level shit. Secondly, I hardly see anything that's 'incriminating'. Frizby, who sounds like he was well within his rights in thinking they were a little high maintenance, asked for opinions and people gave them. If people weren't happy in the alliance for reasons x,y and z then I'm not sure why their feathers were ruffled.

Before reading this latest update, I was pretty indifferent to the whole thing, hence not offering any opinions. But now it seems like it's for the best if that's how they're gunna be. The fuckin dibber-dobber can stay with them as well. I wonder if it's a clan member or just someone who lurks? I'm tipping (and hoping) its the later

I hope i get in the snitches next screenshot now

I'm 99% sure I know who it was, and to be clear, I don't think he's a member of GAF. It was a former clan member who I introduced to the game and who left us to do his own thing because I didn't want to grow the clan...which I respected and assumed we were still friendly. In hindsight, I guess I should have realized that him leaving without saying anything and then recruiting people out of the clan was a sign, but I don't really worry about that kind of stuff.

And I don't really consider it snitching in the sense that we don't have anything to hide. I was simply asking the clan how you felt about the alliance, because I wasn't sure I wanted to deal with the increasing micromanagement. And I had already told the alliance leader as much. The end result was the same either way, as I was leaning toward leaving them. But it's certainly some petty disrespectful stuff, so I'm disappointed in that sense.

Enough about that. I'll find an alliance that's a little more easygoing...or if anybody has suggestions. And otherwise, things are great. The clan is as active as ever, and I'm enjoying the people in it as much as ever.


Someone took screens of this thread, haha omg. I really don't have much to say, we had nothing to hide, it was a healthy clan conversation about pros and cons of the alliance.

Of course Cernos was first to get for me. It doesn't seem to slow with vile acceleration, I have even gotten around to format enough to put shred on also.


Update: We're back with V for Vendetta. They're making a push to reconstitute, and I feel like they're a better fit for us. I also know more of their players as old school guys.

I can already tell that chat is going to be more active, even if it's a smaller alliance, because they're several degrees less fascist (allow discounted and non-plat trading and you can curse again). You won't have any trouble putting together raids and such with V, either. Lots of helpful folks.

These guys go way back, know who we are and take our longevity into account, which is appreciated. Being an active successful clan for over three solid years should be worth more respect than we were getting in SoH IMO.

They also have a better logo by a couple orders of magnitude.


Edit...good lord...chat is soooooooooo much better in V. Couldn't be happier to be back.


I'm 99% sure I know who it was, and to be clear, I don't think he's a member of GAF. It was a former clan member who I introduced to the game and who left us to do his own thing because I didn't want to grow the clan..

I dunno nothin about nothin, and haven't been around here for as long as most, but based on what you say I've got a fair idea on who it is you're suspecting. Anyway, as you say, moving on...

How bout that Landslide Atlas huh. Anyone not using him is losing at the game. That equates to A LOT of people copping regular L's.
seriously he's my new favorite frame.
He's the best because in a world filled with all kinds of crazy tech, he wins by PUNCHING THINGS!


I dunno nothin about nothin, and haven't been around here for as long as most, but based on what you say I've got a fair idea on who it is you're suspecting. Anyway, as you say, moving on...

How bout that Landslide Atlas huh. Anyone not using him is losing at the game. That equates to A LOT of people copping regular L's.
seriously he's my new favorite frame.
He's the best because in a world filled with all kinds of crazy tech, he wins by PUNCHING THINGS!

Pretty much confirmed. Disappeared from my friends list without so much as a cross word. Definitely reading the thread. LOL...kids these days!



Yeah, I kind of dig Atlas in theory. He's the rare frame with four useful powers, but for whatever reason, I find him to be a bit more squishy than it seems like he should be considering how close you need to be to use Landslide. I feel like Nekros is everything I want him to be...more tanky with shadows being better than rumblers. And Nekros has better crowd control as well with Terrify. And he gets more mods and resources.

And if you really want to punch stuff, it seems like Valkr might be a better option.


The new alliance is not really that small at all, I can even say "booty" without even be banned.

You got kicked for saying booty? Seriously??

Played at launch, but this ran like crap, has it improved st all?

By leaps and bounds.

Other than host lag, I can't remember the last time I thought about performance in Warframe...which is kind of amazing considering the craziness that happens in a typical level.
You got kicked for saying booty? Seriously??

Yes, I was banned when I answered "taco" to a spanish guy too, I was joking with him.

Got warnings when I
offered a 50% coupon even after I got permission from another mod , when I say mag got some big boobs on her gylph and by saying "buy X warframe and Y warframe" because one mod (they have so many in that alliance, I identified like 6) thought I was selling them.


Pretty much confirmed. Disappeared from my friends list without so much as a cross word. Definitely reading the thread. LOL...kids these days!



Yeah, I kind of dig Atlas in theory. He's the rare frame with four useful powers, but for whatever reason, I find him to be a bit more squishy than it seems like he should be considering how close you need to be to use Landslide. I feel like Nekros is everything I want him to be...more tanky with shadows being better than rumblers. And Nekros has better crowd control as well with Terrify. And he gets more mods and resources.

And if you really want to punch stuff, it seems like Valkr might be a better option.

Well the thing with Atlas is I only really use landslide, and occasionally rumblers when I have an excess of energy. I find the wall pretty dumb, and petrify is more or less redundant when you use the path of statues augment. I think part of the awesomeness of landslide is the sounds it makes. Its so satisfying launching into a nice thick pack with the 3rd hit up, and sending everything flying with that accompanying sound.

I also like the fact he's somewhat neglected in the whole meta. I tend to lean towards the less used, underdog classes in these sort of games and he fits the bill well. I hardly see anyone else using him. I can usually hold my own damage wise too, unless I'm partnered with an Ember or someone else with ridiculous range that kills everything before i can even see them, let alone punch them. I also find him pretty tanky at 900 armor and 880 vita with rejuvanation aura. Granted I havent tried any higher level content than wave 20 of Akkad so.....

The funny thing is I wasn't really that excited to unlock him, and planned on just getting him to 30 and being done. Wasn't even gunna give him a potato. That was all before I used landslide for the first time...

I leveled Valkyr ages ago, and liked but didn't love her. Really dig her whole aesthetic, but not sure she was the most engaging frame to play. At least perma-hysteria wasn't. Also she kinda cheats with her punches with those claws. I'm yet to get to Necros, but the whole necro class in other games was never really that appealing to me, so I never prioritized getting him. When partnered with one, I find that shadows power kinda annoying too. I keep trying to attack the damn things. I think I have 2 of his prime parts so far, so I'll likely try him soon enough though. I haven't found a frame I outright haven't liked yet

Yes, I was banned when I answered "taco" to a spanish guy too, I was joking with him.

Got warnings when I
offered a 50% coupon even after I got permission from another mod , when I say mag got some big boobs on her gylph and by saying "buy X warframe and Y warframe" because one mod (they have so many in that alliance, I identified like 6) thought I was selling them.

Ummm- uhhhhh - errrrrrr.......

Nope. Got nothin. Speech/Funny meme/Gif -less


Yes, I was banned when I answered "taco" to a spanish guy too, I was joking with him.

Got warnings when I
offered a 50% coupon even after I got permission from another mod , when I say mag got some big boobs on her gylph and by saying "buy X warframe and Y warframe" because one mod (they have so many in that alliance, I identified like 6) thought I was selling them.

Jesus. I'm so sorry I subjected the clan to this kind of powermongering unhelpful humorless stupidity. Muh bad.

Ummm- uhhhhh - errrrrrr.......

Nope. Got nothin. Speech/Funny meme/Gif -less

This came to mind.



I dunno nothin about nothin, and haven't been around here for as long as most, but based on what you say I've got a fair idea on who it is you're suspecting. Anyway, as you say, moving on...

How bout that Landslide Atlas huh. Anyone not using him is losing at the game. That equates to A LOT of people copping regular L's.
seriously he's my new favorite frame.
He's the best because in a world filled with all kinds of crazy tech, he wins by PUNCHING THINGS!
Yeah Atlas is my favourite frame too. Lot of people think he's ugly but I love how he looks with the Edo Prime accessories. I like melee a lot and he's very good at that. And Landsliding around is a lot of fun. :) I thought I'm going to like the augment for it, but it was pretty underwhelming. I don't find him squishy at all either. You just have to be smart with Landslide at higher levels because it gives invulnerability.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
At the same time? Why? Drop pools are diluted enough already. Only need 3 parts out of all that vaulted stuff. I still don't have half the new valykr cernos etc relics and now they dumping more in? Great :/


Yeah Atlas is my favourite frame too. Lot of people think he's ugly but I love how he looks with the Edo Prime accessories. I like melee a lot and he's very good at that. And Landsliding around is a lot of fun. :) I thought I'm going to like the augment for it, but it was pretty underwhelming. I don't find him squishy at all either. You just have to be smart with Landslide at higher levels because it gives invulnerability.

Oh that too. I didn't like his standard look and color arrangement at first, but I slapped the scarf helm on him, changed to agile animation and mucked around with some colors and he's looking pretty baller now. I lack a lot of the extra cosmetic stuff though.

Last night in 15 waves of Akkad with an Ev Trinity in the group I busted out 320 odd landslides. 20+ per wave. I don't think I even used a regular melee attack the whole time. Was glorious


At the same time? Why? Drop pools are diluted enough already. Only need 3 parts out of all that vaulted stuff. I still don't have half the new valykr cernos etc relics and now they dumping more in? Great :/
Yep. Farming for a specific relic, especially Axi I assume, is gonna get a lot more ridiculous.


At the same time? Why? Drop pools are diluted enough already. Only need 3 parts out of all that vaulted stuff. I still don't have half the new valykr cernos etc relics and now they dumping more in? Great :/

I'd suggest that it only increases your odds of getting a relic you can use.
I fired this up after not having played in over a year. So much has changed haha. Seems like it runs way better on ps4 now. I'm on pro, but don't think they did any optimization just for it. That bullet-time jump looks really weird...like the shadow effect looks glitchy


I fired this up after not having played in over a year. So much has changed haha. Seems like it runs way better on ps4 now. I'm on pro, but don't think they did any optimization just for it. That bullet-time jump looks really weird...like the shadow effect looks glitchy

I don't really study the game in quite this way, because there's usually too much going on, but as mentioned earlier, the only performance issues I ever see these days are related to host lag. And I get a very rare blue screen. I think they have performance issues mostly sorted. When you bullet jump, most frames give off a glow in their energy color. Maybe that's what you're seeing?

Yeah, tons of changes. Some great new quests that you should definitely check out, much improved parkour and new content across the board. Let us know if you need a hand, and we have room in the GAF clan.


I fired this up after not having played in over a year. So much has changed haha. Seems like it runs way better on ps4 now. I'm on pro, but don't think they did any optimization just for it. That bullet-time jump looks really weird...like the shadow effect looks glitchy

As someone who is getting a pro later today, I can say those performance improvements are more because just purely of DE polishing things up. Performance improvement from switching to PBR, improving lighting while making it less costly on performance, revamped particle system, improved CPU multi-threading (literally made raids possible on console and and gave the biggest performance improvement), and volumetric lighting coming with the war within soon. Foilage is being prototyped right now. They haven't even taken the pro hardware into account yet though i suspect you're getting a small boost due to the higher clocked CPU and the game being so CPU intensive.
I don't really study the game in quite this way, because there's usually too much going on, but as mentioned earlier, the only performance issues I ever see these days are related to host lag. And I get a very rare blue screen. I think they have performance issues mostly sorted. When you bullet jump, most frames give off a glow in their energy color. Maybe that's what you're seeing?

Yeah, tons of changes. Some great new quests that you should definitely check out, much improved parkour and new content across the board. Let us know if you need a hand, and we have room in the GAF clan.

The bullet-time thing I was talking about is this kind of stretched out shadow effect(kind of goes vertically like this ---> V). Just looks really odd. I might look into the clan thing later. I'm mostly a lone wolf player heh

As someone who is getting a pro later today, I can say those performance improvements are more because just purely of DE polishing things up. Performance improvement from switching to PBR, improving lighting while making it less costly on performance, revamped particle system, improved CPU multi-threading (literally made raids possible on console and and gave the biggest performance improvement), and volumetric lighting coming with the war within soon. Foilage is being prototyped right now. They haven't even taken the pro hardware into account yet though i suspect you're getting a small boost due to the higher clocked CPU and the game being so CPU intensive.

Yeah, looks like they put a lot of work in. Runs way better than it used to for sure. Just wish it looked as sharp in the actual maps as it does on the ship(or maybe my eyes were playing tricks)


The bullet-time thing I was talking about is this kind of stretched out shadow effect(kind of goes vertically like this ---> V). Just looks really odd. I might look into the clan thing later. I'm mostly a lone wolf player heh.

Still can't picture it, but I'll look for it.

No worries on lone wolfing. Just bear in mind that there are 4 frames, 2 archwings, and probably 60 weapon blueprints that are only available as clan research.


I got lucky last night with valkyr, got all parts but system, and got the relic for that my last run before bed. I still need traces and then pray I get the part. I got the Cernos a while ago, but the venka, 2 gauntlets and 2 blades, I'm crying.
I got lucky last night with valkyr, got all parts but system, and got the relic for that my last run before bed. I still need traces and then pray I get the part. I got the Cernos a while ago, but the venka, 2 gauntlets and 2 blades, I'm crying.

Got systems first try, never got the pleasure of getting that relic again on my farming but got the rest of the weapons while farming for Val chassis


Didn't get it, also I love having to farm 100 traces and the relics. Started this with my max of 1600 traces wasn't enough, debating about buying a booster just for traces.


Hey folks. Sorry to intrude but I have a couple of Warframe codes that were originally given away in Playstation Official Magazine UK some months back.

I don't know if they're any good, but I figured the Warframe thread would be a good place to say "have at 'em".
They expire at the end of December and it says UK residents only in the terms and conditions but I don't know if that's enforced or not.

They're in email tags at the end of this message, so if you want one and you're eligible then feel free to help yourself. Alternatively, if they're garbage feel free to ignore them :)

Unlock a free double-barrelled Tigris Shotgun and a 3-Day Credit Booster to double the number of credits you receive in the PS4 shooter
How to redeem your code:
1. Visit http://warframe.com/promocode
2. Enter the Promo Code (you must be logged in to a Warframe PlayStation 4 Account)
3. Log in to Warframe and check out your free Tigris and 3-Day Credit Booster (limit of one per account)




Used the first code and it said "thanks for redeeming" I'll log in in an hour to check if it's in my account.

Edit: booster and shotgun are there.
Thanks a bunch!


Neo V4s are my white whale, I had no issue getting AXI'S and valkyr is almost done cooking but these damn Venka gauntlets!
Oh, second code already reedemed, shame, but thanks anyway

Neo V4s are my white whale, I had no issue getting AXI'S and valkyr is almost done cooking but these damn Venka gauntlets!

Eh, V4 is kinda rare but I found a lot on Hieracon

I been away for a year.. I wonder how far I have to go to catch back up?

Eh, just go to codex and finish the quests, no deal but getting used to the new layout is gotta take a while


I been away for a year.. I wonder how far I have to go to catch back up?

A year? Pretty far. Lots of great content.

Hey folks. Sorry to intrude but I have a couple of Warframe codes that were originally given away in Playstation Official Magazine UK some months back.

No intrusion at all. Thanks for looking out.

Wow, you stay off of the forums for a few weeks, and play at weird hours and miss alot of stuff! Welcome back V For Vendetta!

Nobody is happier about this than me. Believe it! ;)

Was glad to catch you on the other morning.


I think I may have Warframed myself out in the last month or two, and about due for another break. Its that time of the year where lots of other games catch my attention plus a few other long term games I play are not far away from some pretty big updates that I'll need to go back and check out too.

Am waiting for the War Within update though. I'll check that out when it drops, but likely won't be around too much for a while after that. Will def be back 'full time' at some point though. There's too much to like about this game, and the way it grows and evolves.

And this time I'll do my best to at least log once in while so I don't get booted from the clan :)


Ember deluxe skin looking good? Anyone with the update confirmed ash is horrible now, or is not so bad.

I wouldn't call it bad at all. You're just not going to mindlessly pop 4 and everything within a radius of you dies. Its much more tactical in use and it uses a bit less energy overall when combined with smoke bomb.
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