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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
This fucking game and its fucking bugs. JFC it's been 3 years why are these matchmaking bugs still around.

I've also put in damn near 50 hrs since the unvaulting and still not one axi E1 relic.


Wow. I have nine ember bps, so I'd guess I've gotten about three times that many E1s...mostly on Heiracon Pluto. They're rare to be sure, but I get at least one per day.

I haven't really been trying for ember and frost relics, do people still think they are going to trade high after they are re-vaulted?


Haven't played in 2years. May I please be added to the gaf community/clan. Razgreez_One, thanks

I just went out for New Year's, but any clan member can invite you. I'll get you tomorrow if nobody beats me to it.

I haven't really been trying for ember and frost relics, do people still think they are going to trade high after they are re-vaulted?

It might take six months, but they will.


Happy New Year! I just started playing this casually, but am still a bit overwhelmed with all the stuff.
Is there a level requirement for the gaf clan or could someone invite me kindly?
Quote for my PSN name. Thx in advance!
Wow, I leveled up all the standart weapons and still need like 3 or 4 to reach MR23, I guess I gotta farm ducats or something when Baro show up.

Also thanks Wowbaggr for the new year gift!!! =)


Happy New Year! I just started playing this casually, but am still a bit overwhelmed with all the stuff.
Is there a level requirement for the gaf clan or could someone invite me kindly?
Quote for my PSN name. Thx in advance!

Got you.

Good advice here:

Some newbie stuff:

Don't spend your platinum on weapons or warframes unless you absolutely know what you're getting into. Spend your starting platinum on weapon or warframe slots as you want them.

Learn how to mod your weapons. You always want your best "base damage" mod on your weapons. That means Serration for rifles/bows, Point Blank for shotguns, Hornet Strike for secondary weapons, and Pressure Point for your melee. Fusing these mods to be more powerful is a big part of how you "level up" in this game.

You'll start out with Damaged versions of those mods. It's up to you if you want to rank those up with fusion, but I'm sure if you get into the GAF guild and ask nicely, some nice players can hook you up with undamaged versions once you're able to trade stuff. It took me a really long time to get a Hornet Strike mod, but that's luck for you.

Modding for your warframes themselves is generally more flexible than modding weapons, but early on I would focus on Vitality (health) and Redirection (shields) for survivability. You'll also have Damaged versions of these mods, but you should quickly find undamaged ones yourself if you haven't already. Much later on, when you have means to heal yourself, Redirection falls off in value a lot, but Vitality is always great to have.

Rank all your stuff up to 30 before selling it, if you want to sell it, so that you get all of the mastery XP you can get from them. You need mastery XP to raise your Mastery Rank, which unlocks more stuff for you to use. For instance, if you started with a MK1 Braton, you'd want to rank it up to 30 before selling it and making a regular Braton.

Sorry if that's an incomprehensible mess. There's a lot to know with Warframe.

Edit to add: I'd suggest all Warframe slots with your starter platinum, because you'll likely have 10 frames before you have a "keeper" weapon. Almost all of the early weapons are disposable.


Got you.

Good advice here:

Edit to add: I'd suggest all Warframe slots with your starter platinum, because you'll likely have 10 frames before you have a "keeper" weapon. Almost all of the early weapons are disposable.

Thanks! Yeah, I'm only buying slots with platinum. So you don't actually keep most weapons for your collection?


Thanks! Yeah, I'm only buying slots with platinum. So you don't actually keep most weapons for your collection?
Your account gains XP of it own (also referred to as Mastery) from leveling weapons/pets/warframes, so yeah you tend to cycle a lot of equipment in the beginning. If you can, try to cook up a new weapon for every day, so you have something to level.

On the note of storage space : if you are crafting something in the foundry, and don't claim it after it is 100%, it wont take up any slots. Equipment from the foundry only takes up a slot after it is claimed. So it's a good idea to build as much as you can early on, and then claim stuff at your own pace.


Thanks! Yeah, I'm only buying slots with platinum. So you don't actually keep most weapons for your collection?
A lot of the early weapons either have better versions of themselves or are simply outclassed by weapons you can get later. This isn't always the case though. There are some hidden gems as early as MR2 that can last you even into the highest levels, like Sonicor and Atterax.
I'd suggest all Warframe slots with your starter platinum, because you'll likely have 10 frames before you have a "keeper" weapon. Almost all of the early weapons are disposable.
Yeah, I'd second this. You gain far more versatility by having more warframes than by having more weapons. There are a ton of good frames, but you only need a few good weapons to carry you through your missions.


I haven't played since Melee 2.0 was a month old or so. Is there a way to go through the tutorial again?

What's this ship I'm in?

How do I know what planets are beginner and which ones are expert? I know void and europa are hard but I can barely tell where I'm supposed to go on the map.

Why can I go to some planets but yet the 'gates' or whatever want me to do some vague checklist?

I have all of Venus completed, what the hell is a exemius it wants me to do to leave??

I remember their used to be special events, they used to be right there on my screen, does the game not do them anymore because it has enough base content now or something?

The tower was tons of fun because the environment looked great and killing waves of bad guys was great too. Where did it go? My friend said it's in the void but it'll take weeks of me playing the game to get all the way there from the star map...

I have the Karak right now, I remember the next step up was a weapon that had some round circle thing on it, what's it called?


I haven't played since Melee 2.0 was a month old or so. Is there a way to go through the tutorial again?

What's this ship I'm in?

How do I know what planets are beginner and which ones are expert? I know void and europa are hard but I can barely tell where I'm supposed to go on the map.

Why can I go to some planets but yet the 'gates' or whatever want me to do some vague checklist?

I have all of Venus completed, what the hell is a exemius it wants me to do to leave??

I remember their used to be special events, they used to be right there on my screen, does the game not do them anymore because it has enough base content now or something?

The tower was tons of fun because the environment looked great and killing waves of bad guys was great too. Where did it go? My friend said it's in the void but it'll take weeks of me playing the game to get all the way there from the star map...

I have the Karak right now, I remember the next step up was a weapon that had some round circle thing on it, what's it called?

No way I know of to go through the tutorial again. The ship you're in is yours, and it's where you do all your mod fusing, crafting, equipment setup, that kind of stuff. It's given to you after you do the introduction mission, and then you do more missions to unlock its various functions, most of which you probably already have since you played the game already.

Generally, the further you get away from the sun in relation to our actual solar system, the harder the planet. You can also go by the enemy level marked on the missions, but that's only somewhat helpful once you get a feel for what that number even means. What level of enemies you can handle depends almost entirely on how much you've upgraded your basic mods, and it's not really something we can easily tell you, "you should be here right now because you played this much."

Since you played the game before this latest map system, you still have access to planets you unlocked through completing the assassination missions in the previous map system. Junctions are the new way of unlocking more planets, but you can (and should) go back to complete junctions that would unlock planets you can already get to, just so you get the other rewards shown.

Eximus enemies are like champion enemies from Diablo, if you're familiar with that. They're more powerful, have a bit of a glow to them, and have special effects or auras such as throwing out rings of fire or slowing down the area around them and protecting themselves with a globe. They can just appear randomly in missions.

There are still special events. We just got done with one pretty much. They don't happen that often.

The towers are now just the void "planet" on the map now. I liked the void too, but pretty much everyone got tired of having to go there constantly to farm prime parts. So while not as many people may be going to the void now, it's still around, and it's still worth going to if you need its mods or argon crystals. It will take work to unlock all the void missions now, as there are three ways to get to the void, each of which offer three missions in the void.

Since you have the Karak, you're maybe referring to the Soma. That seems like the logical next step to me.


I got taxied to the tower and it was just as great as before. It sucks that it's gonna take a LOT of time to get there because all the planets I need to do are far from earth and venus, then I have to fill out this dumb checklist system just to use the junction.

Seems Vauban is still gated behind alerts that will probably happen once in a blue moon, while I'm working, never change Warframe...

Hydroid was new when I left, any cool warframes come out since then? I like Atlas but he has a very dumb looking head, I wish I could sell all this nyx oberon etc. stuff that the game shoved down my throat a few years back when all you did was assassination missions.

Surprised to see a Warframe straight named Wukong, I like Wukong but not in warframe, feels weird seeing that frame hold a gun...

This Eximus enemy thing is dumb too, people telling me to do defense missions or whatever, I went through the whole planet twice, still need 5 :/


You can sell your regular warframe blueprints for credits. They're in misc in your inventory. I would recommend survival instead for eximus kills. Once you go past 20 minutes, they're pretty much guaranteed to show up.


I got taxied to the tower and it was just as great as before. It sucks that it's gonna take a LOT of time to get there because all the planets I need to do are far from earth and venus, then I have to fill out this dumb checklist system just to use the junction.

Seems Vauban is still gated behind alerts that will probably happen once in a blue moon, while I'm working, never change Warframe...

Hydroid was new when I left, any cool warframes come out since then? I like Atlas but he has a very dumb looking head, I wish I could sell all this nyx oberon etc. stuff that the game shoved down my throat a few years back when all you did was assassination missions.

Surprised to see a Warframe straight named Wukong, I like Wukong but not in warframe, feels weird seeing that frame hold a gun...

This Eximus enemy thing is dumb too, people telling me to do defense missions or whatever, I went through the whole planet twice, still need 5 :/

Yeah, the gates along with the redesign of the solar map are intended for new players to give them a clear path to work torwards to the next planets while giving them the quests and some free blueprints at the same time. The last change was confusing as hell and DE got non stop complaints about how to progress through the game.

The nyx/oberon parts sell for 3k credits each, and are great when you need emergency cash.

Go for Inaros as soon as possible. Arguably more noob friendly than rhino. And certainly the toughest frame to kill in the entire game.

His #1 is Dale Gribble's pocket sand (desiccation). Has about as much range as frost's ice wave and can blind and stun groups of mobs. It regenerates your health during the DoT phase of the attack. Opens the enemy up to finishers to do unscaled damage and instantly heal you for like 1/5th of your health pool. His #2 devours an enemy and converts it into a sand specter that fights for you. #3 is a sandstorm which has an activation toggle which is excellent for cleaning off points. #4 uses about 2/3 of your health and converts it into scarab armor which makes you even harder to kill.You can then tap 4 and use 25% of the armor to CC a group and heal nearby players/ escort objective. Inaros has no shields, which is perfectly okay because use steel fiber and vitally will make you incredibly tough anyway since the average Inaros will have 4-5k health + armor anyway.


Yeah, the gates along with the redesign of the solar map are intended for new players to give them a clear path to work torwards to the next planets while giving them the quests and some free blueprints at the same time. The last change was confusing as hell and DE got non stop complaints about how to progress through the game.

The nyx/oberon parts sell for 3k credits each, and are great when you need emergency cash.

Go for Inaros as soon as possible. Arguably more noob friendly than rhino. And certainly the toughest frame to kill in the entire game.

Oh I never have problems dying unless I'm on a mission way higher than what my level is(which is...idk what) but I know anything above level 30 my weapons cannot kill, my sword melts everything though since I have crazy damage mods on that.

only 3k credits? Thats chump change, alerts give 3x that! Might as well keep them, it'd be harder to get them back anyway.

Yea the next assault rifle is the Soma, gonna see how I can get that without looking at the wiki, hated having to always alt tab just because the game tells you nothing but that new codex feature in the game is helpful.

Last question, did they make mod upgrades way way harder? I swear I remember I could combine my duplicates into one mod to make it better, since I see no one even asking for taxis to harder planets anymore I can't farm harder planets for mods. I need max serration but I'm only getting +5% and other piddly small numbers like that, the game only offers me small amounts of credits and something called Endo with all my excess mods.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Endo is what you use to level mods now. You can convert mods to end on the mod terminal in your ship (downstairs across from foundry).

Soma you
buy the bp from the market
Need to be rank 6(?) to use it though.

Man trying to get the last few things you need is frustrating in this game. I wish DE would put in a proper trade system. I have extra of most primes but trade chat is just a wall of noise.

The relic system sucks if your trying to get runs together for older or unpopular stuff.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah unfortunately a minority of sharks live in trade chat and control the market. They're way too vocal to give up their hold on it for the rest of us. And DE seems to listen to them cuz they wine the loudest, along with the nerf everything crowd.


Man trying to get the last few things you need is frustrating in this game. I wish DE would put in a proper trade system. I have extra of most primes but trade chat is just a wall of noise.

The relic system sucks if your trying to get runs together for older or unpopular stuff.

What do you need?

Citizen K

So, er, I seem to have been removed from the clan? Do you guys remove peeps if not active? Admittedly I haven't been on recently due to other games but I plan on returning to Warframe often so would like to remain in the clan.


So, er, I seem to have been removed from the clan? Do you guys remove peeps if not active? Admittedly I haven't been on recently due to other games but I plan on returning to Warframe often so would like to remain in the clan.

I probably removed you for extended inactivity. It's not a punishment or anything but rather is an effort to maintain an active player base for the clan. We've been near capacity lately, so people who have been offline for 45-60 days have been falling off to make room for more active players. But the good news is that whenever you're ready to play for a while, your fresh invite is a post away, and you're back in for the low cost of building a new dojo key.

In other news, it looks like we need 50K mutagen samples for research in the next update. That's quite a bit. I have about 10K.
In other news, it looks like we need 50K mutagen samples for research in the next update. That's quite a bit. I have about 10K.


Jeez, thats a lot of rare materials


Man, Ivara will break your heart trying to get her fucking blueprint. I've been trying for three days on Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, perfecting the spy missions trying to find it. Nothing. Anyone got any tips or am I shit outta luck?



Jeez, thats a lot of rare materials

Yeah, it is. Usually when new research pops up (provided there isn't a new material), myself or one of the other old school guys simply funds it, but this one might take a bit. After all of the ODD I ran back in the day, countless vault runs, etc., I'm sitting at just over 11K. I'm hoping some of the vets have even half that much and will log in to contribute.

Man, Ivara will break your heart trying to get her fucking blueprint. I've been trying for three days on Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, perfecting the spy missions trying to find it. Nothing. Anyone got any tips or am I shit outta luck?

It'll drop.


Yeah, it is. Usually when new research pops up (provided there isn't a new material), myself or one of the other old school guys simply funds it, but this one might take a bit. After all of the ODD I ran back in the day, countless vault runs, etc., I'm sitting at just over 11K. I'm hoping some of the vets have even half that much and will log in to contribute.

I'll check my stash tonight.


Yeah, it is. Usually when new research pops up (provided there isn't a new material), myself or one of the other old school guys simply funds it, but this one might take a bit. After all of the ODD I ran back in the day, countless vault runs, etc., I'm sitting at just over 11K. I'm hoping some of the vets have even half that much and will log in to contribute.

I'll contribute all I have, but that's only 2.9K. And I feel like I've run a ton of derelict missions. Would probably burn out grinding for this. Might just have to make it a long term goal. Not like any of us are getting to rank 24 any time soon anyway. :)

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
I've only got ~1050 but I'll drop em in when the update comes.

Looking for ppl to do radiant runs for axi V5, C1 and T1 or neo V4, S5. Got 2 each of the axi and 4 each of the neo ones.

Also have full rep for perrin and red veil, ~40k steel meridian and ~70k new loka if ppl need stuff. I need the suda and hexis melees and the cygnas parts from them too.


I'll contribute all I have, but that's only 2.9K. And I feel like I've run a ton of derelict missions. Would probably burn out grinding for this. Might just have to make it a long term goal. Not like any of us are getting to rank 24 any time soon anyway. :)

I have 6.7k I'll contribute all of them for sure.

I've only got ~1050 but I'll drop em in when the update comes.

Good stuff. Thanks fellas. With my 11K, that gets us almost half way there.

I jumped in an all Nekros, all slash melee ODS today, and in 20 minutes, we each got about 80 mutagen samples. Maybe we can put something similar together every now and then.


Good stuff. Thanks fellas. With my 11K, that gets us almost half way there.

I jumped in an all Nekros, all slash melee ODS today, and in 20 minutes, we each got about 80 mutagen samples. Maybe we can put something similar together every now and then.

Let me know if you want to run tomorrow, mefid and I did ODD Sunday for 50 waves and I got about 160 samples. Only got about 600 ish right now


So what's the big new changes since Trinity Prime and Equinox were released? Played again today and on the weekend and not sure what to do now.


Let me know if you want to run tomorrow, mefid and I did ODD Sunday for 50 waves and I got about 160 samples. Only got about 600 ish right now

Between that and the 120ish we got for 25 min of slash melee/desecrate ODS, do you have a preference?

So what's the big new changes since Trinity Prime and Equinox were released? Played again today and on the weekend and not sure what to do now.

Read up on Fissures and Relics...the new system for Prime stuff. Also lots of new gear and new primes since then, a new star chart progression system and a couple of quests.



Between that and the 120ish we got for 25 min of slash melee/desecrate ODS, do you have a preference?

Read up on Fissures and Relics...the new system for Prime stuff. Also lots of new gear and new primes since then, a new star chart progression system and a couple of quests.


I honestly really don't. I think the amount you get is roughly equal to doing ODD i only got about 30 more doing 50 waves of ODD because of the fact we went a bit longer. You might be able to do ODD a tad bit faster with a speed nova in the party though.


I honestly really don't. I think the amount you get is roughly equal to doing ODD i only got about 30 more doing 50 waves of ODD because of the fact we went a bit longer. You might be able to do ODD a tad bit faster with a speed nova in the party though.

Nova and Nekros don't really play nice together. :(

50 waves of ODD had to take at least an hour, probably more, right? We left that ODS at 25 minutes.

Ultimately, I agree with Wow...we'll make it a goal to work toward. Bet we can get more than halfway done right away though. I'm at 11.2K.


Nova and Nekros don't really play nice together. :(

50 waves of ODD had to take at least an hour, probably more, right? We left that ODS at 25 minutes.

Ultimately, I agree with Wow...we'll make it a goal to work toward. Bet we can get more than halfway done right away though. I'm at 11.2K.

Yeah, I wasn't thinking, totally forgot the bodies wont drop loot a few seconds after explosion. In other farming news, I'm going to try an atterax build since that seems to be the new melee damage king, well on the PC side of things since you can macro the spin attack. I'm not sure how long the 50 waves took, but it certainly didn't feel like an hour, but in the midst of playing the game, time might fly quickly.


Neo Member
Nova and Nekros don't really play nice together. :(

50 waves of ODD had to take at least an hour, probably more, right? We left that ODS at 25 minutes.

Ultimately, I agree with Wow...we'll make it a goal to work toward. Bet we can get more than halfway done right away though. I'm at 11.2K.

I'm always down for a good old ODD or an ODS. I think I have about 5K right now, and will happily donate; but hell, let's go get more!


I'll be on to grind out some more stuff in a few, just had to do some grocery shopping a bit earlier

Edit: Starting to seriously think atterax + naramon focus might be the perfect combination to farm this stuff, I just need primed reach to come out and I can perfect this build

also ODS is better overall, you at least can get higher tier relics from ODS.


I did 30 waves of ODD and got 60-70 and I was the only nekros amongst randoms and we just stood on the towers shooting. I'm not sure how much more effective 4 nekros and just slash melee would be versus time spent.

Edit: Primed Reach is out. It was either a Baro item or a login reward.


Thanks. Got 2k mutagen sample. Forgot to check when in party chat with you but checked on the app just now.


Thanks for the help in "Raid School" yesterday as well. Was good to get some of the newer clan members through it. It'd be nice if more of us ran them, because some of the arcanes are really really good.



Thanks for the help in "Raid School" yesterday as well. Was good to get some of the newer clan members through it. It'd be nice if more of us ran them, because some of the arcanes are really really good.

Still part of the core for the raid :p
Had no input lag from remote play but got a bit finicky on Vey Hek hence getting stuck in the roof and dying.
Is it worth buying Primed Pressure Point, Blood Rush and Body Count for my Galentine Prime and other melee weapons?
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