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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Should I be forgoing survivability mods for ability enhancements on Vauban? The first thing I noticed when starting him was how low his defenses seemed so I gave him some pumped up health/shield mods to try and make up for that. But that meant I didn't have the capacity to support buffing his skills. Ironically I only have issues with him in defenses because he has no way to clear the field like Ember and Frost who I play as most frequently. For grinding survivals though I can just run around slicing things like on any other frame while tossing in the occasional vortex when there's too many.

Also I don't really do raids yet, and don't even know what LoR means. I've only been playing for a month and most of it's been grinding for mastery ranks.

Ah, well then thats my fault for not asking how far you are into the game yet.

Well, I can at least tell you that I really don't put much into building survivability by directly modding for health, shields, and armor. His base armor stat is super low and most caster type frames don't get much out of buffing it. I essentially survive by not letting them attack at all so I buffed his power, power efficiency, power range, power strength, and power duration. Lets me keep as much stuff on the battlefield as long as possible and covers as much area as poosible and allows me to cast repeatedly thanks to my increased power pool and lower cast costs. Whatever mod space that was left went to a health mod (Vitality) since out of the 3 defensive stats, in vauban's case the vitality would get the most mileage out of it because of his miniscule armor value. Shields are unreliable as they are completely independant of the armor value and several types of damage can simply wipe them out or damage your health pool by ignoring the shields altogether.

I would also say if you havent already done so, complete all the quests up to the second dream and you can further increase your survivability with all frames that way too with that quest's reward.
Ah, well then thats my fault for not asking how far you are into the game yet.

Well, I can at least tell you that I really don't put much into building survivability by directly modding for health, shields, and armor. His base armor stat is super low and most caster type frames don't get much out of buffing it. I essentially survive by not letting them attack at all so I buffed his power, power efficiency, power range, power strength, and power duration. Lets me keep as much stuff on the battlefield as long as possible and allows me to cast thanks to my increased power pool. Whatever mod space that was left went to a health mod (Vitality) since out of the 3 defensive stats, in vauban's case the vitality would get the most mileage out of it because of his miniscule armor value. Shields are unreliable as they are completely independant of the armor value and several types of damage can simply wipe them out or damage your health pool by ignoring the shields altogether.

I didn't bother with with armor because I think it was 50 or something and wouldn't benefit from the mod. So I just did health and shield. Mostly shields because I couldn't find a reliable way to heal damage to his health). Maybe I will try reversing what I have and take off the capped health/shield mods to be replaced by Streamline and Intensify. I haven't found a Continuity yet. Then I can put on some lower health and/or shields after.

Guess I'm just too used to playing Ember or Frost (probably helps that they're the primed variant), and Vauban requires a completely different set of mods.


I would also say if you havent already done so, complete all the quests up to the second dream and you can further increase your survivability with all frames that way too with that quest's reward.

I just completed Second Dream this evening before work. What reward are you talking about though? The Focus unlock?
Yup, depending on the school you chose , focus can increase your melee, your revives or the energy you can get.

For vauban focus on health>duration>eficiency>augmentation mod


Yup, depending on the school you chose , focus can increase your melee, your revives or the energy you can get.

For vauban focus on health>duration>eficiency>augmentation mod

Hmm. For vauban, give him efficiency and range for Bastille...maybe some duration for defense. Don't worry about Vortex, because it doesn't do much damage and is much more expensive to use. Basically build a big Bastille, spam it, and dominate. It's important to understand that for most frames, especially CC frames, enhancing their abilities keeps them upright much more so than health or shield mods.

On a side note, we funded Hema research in one day. NeoGAF is a casual clan, but we got some pimps!!! Nice job guys.
Hmm. For vauban, give him efficiency and range for Bastille...maybe some duration for defense. Don't worry about Vortex, because it doesn't do much damage and is much more expensive to use. Basically build a big Bastille, spam it, and dominate. It's important to understand that for most frames, especially CC frames, enhancing their abilities keeps them upright much more so than health or shield mods.

On a side note, we funded Hema research in one day. NeoGAF is a casual clan, but we got some pimps!!! Nice job guys.

Oh thats right I forgot about range, I love vortex because it can group a decent amount of enemies for status weapons
I will have to double check when I get home but I think the only power range mod I have is a damaged stretch. So not anything super good.

Are you able to join more than one clan? My guess would be no. I started this game to play with a buddy so I joined their clan. Otherwise I'd have joined GAF's.


I will have to double check when I get home but I think the only power range mod I have is a damaged stretch. So not anything super good.

Are you able to join more than one clan? My guess would be no. I started this game to play with a buddy so I joined their clan. Otherwise I'd have joined GAF's.

You'll get a stretch in no time. It's super common, Or probably anyone here would give you one. You should also focus on Streamline (efficiency), Continuity (duration), and Intensify (strength). Those are your four core mods. Most frames will need all four, and I can't think of any that don't need at least three.

Nope, just one clan. But we do allow any clan member to invite, because our warlord is super cool (and lazy), so depending on how committed your friend is to their clan, you could always bring them in. We're happy to advise regardless.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Got rare ceres extraction, can't inv ppl. Try anyway, slip off edge. Game respawns me on extraction not ledge of to the left where I jumped from. Fucking salty. FUCK.


OK, played it for 2 hrs yesterday.

-Why is it so similar to Destiny? Did some devs go from one company to the other?
-I LOVE that my ship is a hub! Reminds me of Mass Effect - LOVE IT.
-The depth is a little bit intimidating - I feel like I can make a lot of wrong choices early on.
-Can´t get the controls to feel "good" on PC with a controller.
-Although I´m using a controller the on screen prompts are for mouse and keyboard :/
-This game seems gigantic compared to Destiny!
-I might switch over to PS4 - does my progress carry over and how solid is the port?
-The depth is a little bit intimidating - I feel like I can make a lot of wrong choices early on.
-I might switch over to PS4 - does my progress carry over and how solid is the port?

As far as I can tell after a month there aren't really any permanent choices that can screw you up. Other than maybe buying something with platinum by mistake. I did that once but was able to have it reversed because I didn't level the weapon at all. It's definitely intimidating though!

And I don't believe you can carry over any progress between platforms. If you do go PS4 though make sure to get the free booster pack if you have PS+.


As far as I can tell after a month there aren't really any permanent choices that can screw you up. Other than maybe buying something with platinum by mistake. I did that once but was able to have it reversed because I didn't level the weapon at all. It's definitely intimidating though!

And I don't believe you can carry over any progress between platforms. If you do go PS4 though make sure to get the free booster pack if you have PS+.

Thanks. So far I have not bought, modded or upgraded anything. Want to wait until I fully understand what´s going on.
I'm still new so others will give better advice but from what I can tell you start the game with 'DAMAGED' mods so you don't really want to upgrade those (though I think it might force you to upgrade one as part of a tutorial? I forget). Once you start to get other mods though I think it's pretty safe to upgrade the overall damage mods? Since they can be worn on as many weapons as you have of that type (ie rifle, shotgun, sniper, secondary, melee). Personally I also boosted a health and shield one early because I kept dying. In any case if you make a mistake here you just have to do a bit of grinding to get what you lost back.

Eventually you'll start to get elemental mods and those are also worth boosting. I've had the most success with heat and electricity because they create radiation. I'm still learning what things are strong/weak to but I have a decent status effect weapon and radiation procs confusion on enemies, so it's been pretty successful for me thus far.

Other than that you'll eventually get items that let you double a weapon's capacity, or add/change its mod affinities. Those items are the ones you'll want to save until you find a piece of gear that really works. Presumably the more powerful variants such as primes, prisma, etc. But I'm only now getting into that after a month so you don't have to worry about it quite yet!

Edit: Also when you get to joining syndicates make sure you pay attention to who they're friends/foes with. You can balance up to 3 of the 6 syndicates without risking losing reputation with any of them. Just make sure you don't pick two enemies because you'll be working against yourself.


OK, played it for 2 hrs yesterday.

-Why is it so similar to Destiny? Did some devs go from one company to the other?
-I LOVE that my ship is a hub! Reminds me of Mass Effect - LOVE IT.
-The depth is a little bit intimidating - I feel like I can make a lot of wrong choices early on.
-Can´t get the controls to feel "good" on PC with a controller.
-Although I´m using a controller the on screen prompts are for mouse and keyboard :/
-This game seems gigantic compared to Destiny!
-I might switch over to PS4 - does my progress carry over and how solid is the port?

- As mentioned previously, there really aren't any wrong choices other than wasting platinum or getting rid of gear you've either not leveled up, can't replace, or sometimes weapons are components in other weapons.
- On similarities to Destiny, I think it's important to note that Warframe was first by a few years. Over time, Warframe has, I think, borrowed a few ideas from Destiny, but the core game has been consistent throughout, and Warframe has always had better, more consistent leveling and progression imo. I can't emphasize enough how much I appreciate that Warframe has never had a level cap increase or a reason for me to farm stuff I already have.
- On PC vs PS4, you have the advantages inherent in each platform, and the porting is fine. PC gets content earlier, but it's not long, and often stuff is fixed before getting to PS4, and we have the advantage of them figuring out where/how to get stuff before we get it, so I like to think of our PC brethren as beta testers. PC also gets some user generated cosmetics that we don't. Consoles get consistent controls and prompts, and our biggest advantage is the community/clan. I'm basically always on party chat helping people and answering questions, and others are also willing to help.

Side tip for new players that I like to put out there from time to time: Turn most of the graphical effects off, not for performance reasons but rather because the game looks much better without them. Also pull your camera back (forget what that option is called)

Finally, somebody mentioned earlier about chat all showing up on every tab and thinking that was a glitch. That's an option (an awful one) that can be turned off in the chat options. Also hide Region Chat.


Edit: Also when you get to joining syndicates make sure you pay attention to who they're friends/foes with. You can balance up to 3 of the 6 syndicates without risking losing reputation with any of them. Just make sure you don't pick two enemies because you'll be working against yourself.

Note: you can actually do 4 of the 6. It's tough to explain, but Steel Meridian and Red Veil are the lynch pins. Basically do this;

1. Decide whether you like the 3 syndicates on the right side or the left.
2. If you like the left side, Steel Meridian is your primary. You will only wear their sigil and do their missions for now and will level them first while passively leveling Red Veil. If you want the right side, Red Veil is your primary, and you will passively level Steel Meridian.
3. Once you get your passive syndicate maxed and have some cushion, you can safely start your secondary pair of syndicates (Suda passively leveling Arbiters on the left or Loka passively leveling Perrin on the right)

Or more basically:

- If you're on the left, wear Steel most of the time and Suda some of the time while balancing Red Veil.
- If you're on the right, wear Red Veil most of the time and Loka some of the time while balancing Steel.
- Never, under any circumstances, wear or do missions for Perrin or Arbiters.
Note: you can actually do 4 of the 6. It's tough to explain, but Steel Meridian and Red Veil are the lynch pins. Basically do this;

Huh. Didn't know that. My friend is allied with the other three though so we just trade rewards from the other syndicates.

On another topic: Is there a bug with interception missions?

I just had the most frustrating half hour trying to do a syndicate mission and I'm just giving up on it. It constantly reports points I am trying to capture as being in conflict when there are absolutely no enemies around. My kavat's maxed out Animal Instinct sees absolutely nothing on the map too. This wasn't limited to one attempt, I almost consistently have this issue when soloing or duo interceptions and it makes them nigh impossible.
Haven't heard of or encountered anything like that. What planet/node was it in?

Uh, I can't remember now. It was a grineer interception in the same place that does a defense where the target goes up and down in the center. I had to keep leaving the defense points for a couple seconds and returning in order to get them to not say conflict.


Finally got off work and made it back home. Totally forgot today was devstream friday and there will probably be a catalyst or reactor alert soon.
Man if I had known syndicate missions were going to get so frustrating as you rank up I would have held onto all my medallions and waited until I was the top ranks to turn them in. I cannot solo a single syndicate mission now and PUGs are so frustrating because people don't work together or mark the medallions.


Man if I had known syndicate missions were going to get so frustrating as you rank up I would have held onto all my medallions and waited until I was the top ranks to turn them in. I cannot solo a single syndicate mission now and PUGs are so frustrating because people don't work together or mark the medallions.

Well if I'm on anytime you are (warframe name same as gaf) I'll be happy to run with you.
Man if I had known syndicate missions were going to get so frustrating as you rank up I would have held onto all my medallions and waited until I was the top ranks to turn them in. I cannot solo a single syndicate mission now and PUGs are so frustrating because people don't work together or mark the medallions.

Which syndicate are you doing? I am glad to help any New Loka master race missions.

OK, played it for 2 hrs yesterday.

-Why is it so similar to Destiny? Did some devs go from one company to the other?
-I LOVE that my ship is a hub! Reminds me of Mass Effect - LOVE IT.
-The depth is a little bit intimidating - I feel like I can make a lot of wrong choices early on.
-Can´t get the controls to feel "good" on PC with a controller.
-Although I´m using a controller the on screen prompts are for mouse and keyboard :/
-This game seems gigantic compared to Destiny!
-I might switch over to PS4 - does my progress carry over and how solid is the port?

-Well warframe released first, there are some good elements both games shares but just that , Warframe added ships and Xur like merchant after Destiny.
-The ships have even different abilities (crappy abilities but still) in combat depending of the one you are currently using.
-Eh, thats the learning curve you have to learn but never, ever spend plat in cosmetic until you learn how to get platinum with your wares
-The game is pretty big for newcomers, without counting the main campaign you will spend a good bunch of time unlock all the system and getting all the junction rewards to unlock story mode quests, you can even have pets here.
-Sadly , no
I'm Rank 5 in New Loka, Perrin Sequence, and Red Veil. Friend helped me with some mod loadouts and I was able to get through a few before work. Do you lose standings if you assist someone who is part of an enemy syndicate? Assuming it even lets you join that is (I haven't tried).

Also I should be getting to 125k in New Loka this weekend and was thinking about grabbing the Sancti Tigris. That a good choice or is something else more useful?


I'm Rank 5 in New Loka, Perrin Sequence, and Red Veil. Friend helped me with some mod loadouts and I was able to get through a few before work. Do you lose standings if you assist someone who is part of an enemy syndicate? Assuming it even lets you join that is (I haven't tried).

Also I should be getting to 125k in New Loka this weekend and was thinking about grabbing the Sancti Tigris. That a good choice or is something else more useful?
One of the top two primary weapons for me though I haven't played in two years. It should still be a top tier weapon.


I'm Rank 5 in New Loka, Perrin Sequence, and Red Veil. Friend helped me with some mod loadouts and I was able to get through a few before work. Do you lose standings if you assist someone who is part of an enemy syndicate? Assuming it even lets you join that is (I haven't tried).

Also I should be getting to 125k in New Loka this weekend and was thinking about grabbing the Sancti Tigris. That a good choice or is something else more useful?

One of the top two primary weapons for me though I haven't played in two years. It should still be a top tier weapon.

It's definitely up there and is a pretty comically powerful gun with the right mods.

A small tip about it for those who don't know: there are a couple of new Nightmare Mods, and one of them seems pretty much custom made for the Tigris (and maybe the Hek). Chilling Reload gives 60% cold damage and 40% reload speed, and it makes the Tigris a lot more fun to use. It cut my damage per trigger pull down from 120K to 110K, but It's worth it IMO.
It's definitely up there and is a pretty comically powerful gun with the right mods.

A small tip about it for those who don't know: there are a couple of new Nightmare Mods, and one of them seems pretty much custom made for the Tigris (and maybe the Hek). Chilling Reload gives 60% cold damage and 40% reload speed, and it makes the Tigris a lot more fun to use. It cut my damage per trigger pull down from 120K to 110K, but It's worth it IMO.

Cool. That's a rare mod do have. What other mods should I look into putting onto one?


It's definitely up there and is a pretty comically powerful gun with the right mods.

A small tip about it for those who don't know: there are a couple of new Nightmare Mods, and one of them seems pretty much custom made for the Tigris (and maybe the Hek). Chilling Reload gives 60% cold damage and 40% reload speed, and it makes the Tigris a lot more fun to use. It cut my damage per trigger pull down from 120K to 110K, but It's worth it IMO.

I'll have to look into grabbing chilling reload.


Cool. That's a rare mod do have. What other mods should I look into putting onto one?

- Like every gun, start with base damage: Point Blank (or Primed Point Blank), Vicious Spread and Blaze
- Then add multishot: Hell's Chamber
- Tigris likes slash damage: Sweeping Serration
- Add Chilling Reload (makes blast damage with Blaze)
- Finish off with either 2 elemental mods or 1 elemental (probably cold since Tigris comes with that polarity) and Seeking Fury (even more reload speed and punch through). I think I prefer the latter with punch through.

Every trigger pull will give you ~45k x 2 with punch through or ~55k x 2 without.


I would also say if you havent already done so, complete all the quests up to the second dream and you can further increase your survivability with all frames that way too with that quest's reward.
I beat the second dream, what reward? I see the poster mentioned school but...what? All I got was a dumb crest to put on my warframes chest

You get a human which has abilities you can use.
I think, I haven't gotten that far yet.

Well yea I know that but it doesn't do anything and it leaves my warframe open to attack...


I beat the second dream, what reward? I see the poster mentioned school but...what? All I got was a dumb crest to put on my warframes chest
You get a human which has abilities you can use.
I think, I haven't gotten that far yet.


Sometimes this game irritates the shit out of me, I finish glas gambit I get the blueprint and then nothing...zero talk from the lotus or glas about a new warframe and how to obtain it.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
The whole quest felt meh half finished. Oh here's some colony to save. Wait no grind index over and over. That new game mode? Never heard of it.

After the last dev stream I'm pretty sure most of DE are in a completely different world than the ppl actually playing their game. The whole sample bs, their shit justification, going back on their word about increasing drop rates, adding fucking archwing to sorties and nerfing secura lecta.

I'm baffled how a dev can be do out of touch and have absolutely no idea where they want to go with own product.


The whole quest felt meh half finished. Oh here's some colony to save. Wait no grind index over and over. That new game mode? Never heard of it.

After the last dev stream I'm pretty sure most of DE are in a completely different world than the ppl actually playing their game. The whole sample bs, their shit justification, going back on their word about increasing drop rates, adding fucking archwing to sorties and nerfing secura lecta.

I'm baffled how a dev can be do out of touch and have absolutely no idea where they want to go with own product.

Ya after the first mission with
doors and the colony.
I'm like cool. 5 index grinds later I'm like WTF.

I don't have secura lecta yet cause I'm not on that side of syndicates is it OP or something? I know it's special is extra credit drop.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Apparently it's bugged atm so it gives credits even if you don't kill things. I haven't seen this but fair enough fix that if true. DE's issue is simply that it's popular and ppl are really demanding when setting up credit farms, to the point they'll refuse you if you don't have one. They think its syndicate proc is negatively affecting the credit economy. Completely ignoring the fact that they've nerfed credit gains into the ground since SOTR and the only decent way to get them is to farm like hell or do sorties every day. This nerf is of course cheered on by the army of corporate cocksucking sycophants that infest the forums and forget that not everyone has credit boosters 24/7 and plays the game all day ever day like them.

I dunno I don't see the issue. The extra credits aren't a big deal unless you use specific teams with the lecta and boosters. Now a normal dev would never presume to balance the game around the hyper elite no lifers with all maxed gear and infinite cash/resources but this is DE who apparently think all of us had thousands of mutagen samples and that "they rain" in the derelict so *shrugs*
It's such a flaw that you can't restart missions. I'm just trying to practice for a rank up and keep messing up and having to waste nearly a minute because it has to load back into the relay then I have to run to the spot and prompt it again.

... That's not even getting into the network issues I get about 20% the time after a loading screen.

edit: don't feel like double posting so I will append this question to this post...

Is Furis with Winds of Purity good enough to consider installing an orokin catalyst into one? And is there any indicator of there being a better variant of the Furis added to the game?


Is there a good resource for returning players?

I played this game like crazy when I got my PS4 at launch. It was pretty much grinding planets for resources to get blueprints.

It looks freaking amazing now, but I am totally overwhelmed and have no idea what to do lol


edit: don't feel like double posting so I will append this question to this post...

Is Furis with Winds of Purity good enough to consider installing an orokin catalyst into one? And is there any indicator of there being a better variant of the Furis added to the game?
I don't think it's worth the effort. There are enough ways to heal that don't involve using up your secondary slot, like life strike on a melee, or a sentinel with medi-ray, or just throwing down health pizzas. Maybe if you never use your secondary it'd be worth it. I wouldn't want to give up the versatility though.


I don't think it's worth the effort. There are enough ways to heal that don't involve using up your secondary slot, like life strike on a melee, or a sentinel with medi-ray, or just throwing down health pizzas. Maybe if you never use your secondary it'd be worth it. I wouldn't want to give up the versatility though.

Agree. The only worthwhile syndicate weapon mods that come to mind for me are the Sobek and Hek mods. And if you want a secondary that gives you health, I'd say just wait for the Vaykor Marelok.

Also agree. I'd add that the early game is best if you have a veteran helping you prioritize and explaining some of the more complex systems in the game. Get a sherpa if you can. Several clan guys would probably be willing, including myself.
so I've been away for a rather long time (and got kicked out of the GAF clan already of course), and upon returning to the game about 3 weeks ago, found that a lot had changed. like how mod upgrades work and what not. I've been catching up and doing some leveling and trading. I'm somewhat caught up on gears but I'm way behind on quests. the Titania quest, War Within quest and of course the new Glast Gambit thing. I'm actually having some trouble with 2 things right now so I come to you for help, my fellow GAFrames.

So first, how do I best finish the Pluto/Sedna Juntion? I'm kinda stuck on the "Collect any 3 mods from the Orokin Principle challenge rooms on Lua" part. I've only ran a few Lua missions so far but had not encounter any of these challenge rooms (or maybe I just didn't notice). I looked into the wiki on the detail on these rooms and I'm still a little confused after reading on it.

second, I'm trying to rank up from 18 to 19 and keeps failing the test. I watched some YouTube video on it but I guess the PC version and the PS4 version have some differences and I just can't get it done. I had failed 5 times in a roll now and I can use any suggestions or tips.
The whole quest felt meh half finished. Oh here's some colony to save. Wait no grind index over and over. That new game mode? Never heard of it.

After the last dev stream I'm pretty sure most of DE are in a completely different world than the ppl actually playing their game. The whole sample bs, their shit justification, going back on their word about increasing drop rates, adding fucking archwing to sorties and nerfing secura lecta.

I'm baffled how a dev can be do out of touch and have absolutely no idea where they want to go with own product.

After finishing glast gambit there is zero indication where to go, at least titania have some cool dialogue with Loka and the Doctor but Glast gambit is all about people you dont care about and spam index without index mods drop, wth


So first, how do I best finish the Pluto/Sedna Juntion? I'm kinda stuck on the "Collect any 3 mods from the Orokin Principle challenge rooms on Lua" part. I've only ran a few Lua missions so far but had not encounter any of these challenge rooms (or maybe I just didn't notice). I looked into the wiki on the detail on these rooms and I'm still a little confused after reading on it.
The challenge rooms can appear in any Lua node except for defense. I would recommend sticking to the capture mission while you stay on the lookout for those special rooms. They don't always show up though. Just have to hope that they spawn in your mission. You should find them along the path to the capture target and on the same path to extraction, no need to go into side rooms.

If you still need Sentient kills for your junction checklist, do the Lua crossfire mission instead. Sentients always spawn in crossfire, so you'll get your kills pretty quickly while also being able to look for challenge rooms.

second, I'm trying to rank up from 18 to 19 and keeps failing the test. I watched some YouTube video on it but I guess the PC version and the PS4 version have some differences and I just can't get it done. I had failed 5 times in a roll now and I can use any suggestions or tips.
The main thing I think is to remember that you can practice any mastery test you're eligible for in the relay. Go to Simaris's room (you can fast travel there now when you're on a relay by choosing Navigation in the menu) and the tests are on the right as soon as you enter. If that's the stealth melee test, consider bringing a Redeemer so you can just kill everything at a distance. Glaives might also work out for you.
The challenge rooms can appear in any Lua node except for defense. I would recommend sticking to the capture mission while you stay on the lookout for those special rooms. They don't always show up though. Just have to hope that they spawn in your mission. You should find them along the path to the capture target and on the same path to extraction, no need to go into side rooms.

If you still need Sentient kills for your junction checklist, do the Lua crossfire mission instead. Sentients always spawn in crossfire, so you'll get your kills pretty quickly while also being able to look for challenge rooms.

The main thing I think is to remember that you can practice any mastery test you're eligible for in the relay. Go to Simaris's room (you can fast travel there now when you're on a relay by choosing Navigation in the menu) and the tests are on the right as soon as you enter. If that's the stealth melee test, consider bringing a Redeemer so you can just kill everything at a distance. Glaives might also work out for you.

hmmm, ok, guess I'll just keep running Lua till I get it. I already finished the Sentient kills, the challenge room mods is the only thing on the list right now

and OMG I had no idea you can practice the rank up tests! I always thought you can only do that after you rank up. and the Redeemer/Glaive idea is GREAT! I'll give it a try again for sure. thanks!


Is there a good resource for returning players?

I played this game like crazy when I got my PS4 at launch. It was pretty much grinding planets for resources to get blueprints.

It looks freaking amazing now, but I am totally overwhelmed and have no idea what to do lol

If you want a list of things that are new, try this post.
Well I had a mostly productive Sunday on the game with a friend...

Trinity Prime finished building and I got it to 30.
Got MR12.
Purchased the Sancti Tigris.
Spent time farming Orokin Vaults for some key mods.
Got an okay EV setup I think.
Modded my Sancti Tigris mostly per frizby's recommendation.

I like playing support so Trinity was the frame I really wanted to work on. I jumped the gun and didn't wait for responses and also end up building a Winds of Purity Furis, which isn't sounding like the most min-maxy use of time but I don't think it's a huge deal. Her loadout now is a Prisma Skana (with Bright Purity), Furis (with Winds of Purity), and the Sancti Tigris. Working alright it seems.

I just need to get Hell's Chamber to really complete my S.Tigris, and then hope for a Primed Point Blank, then somehow get the currency/endo required to level some mods higher.

By the way, the Mastery Rank tests are super unbalanced for some frames. Like I did the MR12 one by just bringing Ember with energy range mods and using her 4th ability to kill all the targets.


I like playing support so Trinity was the frame I really wanted to work on. I jumped the gun and didn't wait for responses and also end up building a Winds of Purity Furis, which isn't sounding like the most min-maxy use of time but I don't think it's a huge deal. Her loadout now is a Prisma Skana (with Bright Purity), Furis (with Winds of Purity), and the Sancti Tigris. Working alright it seems.

Furis with Winds of Purity is pretty good in my book. Pure utility, of course, but a pretty good way to get your health back. Life Strike isn't always a great option for a fragile frame that might want to keep its distance to tougher enemies, and neither Medi-Ray or health cakes can instantly restore your health the way the Furis can. You picked about the worst choice of frame to use it with, though, seeing as Trinity has healing powers. I love it on Nekros, for emergencies, when Despoil brings my health dangerously low.

Tip: put Eject Magazine on it, so you don't have to waste time reloading -- just pull it out, fire to restore health, then immediately switch back to your damage-dealing weaponry, knowing you'll have a full mag ready next time you need it.

By the way, the Mastery Rank tests are super unbalanced for some frames. Like I did the MR12 one by just bringing Ember with energy range mods and using her 4th ability to kill all the targets.

The game in general is super unbalanced, unfortunately. Not sure that will ever change at this point. Still a lot of fun, though.
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