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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


PS4-specific patch notes:



New Warframe: Valkyr
Female Berserker Class, Cosmetic Bastet Helmet & Cosmetic Restraints!

New Weapons:
“Tigris” Tenno Double-Barrel Shotgun (Primary)
“Cestra” Corpus Mini-gun (Secondary)
“Lecta” Corpus Whip (Melee)

New Prime Gear:
Ember, Glaive, and Sicarus!
Find it all in the Void Today or through Prime Access (coming soon)

Sprint is no longer needed to initiate a Wall-Run
New Customizations: Warframe Skins for the first 8 Warframes!
New Decorations for the Dojo (Including a Trading Kiosk!)
New Tile Set: Corpus Gas City
New Enemies: 3 Corpus enemy types to seek and destroy!
New Boss: Sargus Ruk (Grineer)
New Boss: Alad V & Zanuka (Corpus)
New System: Trading 1.0! Build the Trading Kiosk in your Dojo to begin!
New System: Codex and Scanner (Scan enemies to unlock entries & details in the Codex)
New Damage Model 2.0! More information here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/132366-information-on-damage-20/
New Mods for Slash (Health) Damage, Toxic (Poison) Damage, Impact (Shield) Damage, and Status (Proc Chance) Effects!
New Resource Drone: collects crafting materials from planetary systems!
Added option to opt-in to Nightmare nodes
Added new icon for Boss nodes on the star chart
Players can now copy other players' mission votes by clicking on the squad info panel.


-Removed the Railgun MOAs from the Mastery Rank 1 Challenge
-Players can now mark Waypoints in game with the DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller
-Players can turn Transmission Messages ON/OFF for the DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller in the Options Menu
-Full on-screen map: During gameplay to view the overall level map as you uncover it through exploration by pressing the touch pad button
-Improved Main Menu navigation to include the Codex and Inbox
-Players can now access the Arsenal when in a lobby
-Remote Play control bindings are now displayed in game
-Players can now toggle crouch/slide to hold
-Capture targets are now more dynamic and mobile: there are a range of tougher Corpus and Grineer targets with varying abilities and weapons will flee at the first sign of danger. Stop them from boarding a shuttle and escaping!
-Star Chart progress, Sentinel and Sentinel-Weapon rank now contribute to Mastery level
-Sentinels now come with a default amount of armor
-Removed co-op doors from survival missions
-Time between Defense waves has been reduced to 6 seconds
-Updated Dojo room art for the following rooms (visual update will be automatic, no rebuild necessary):
- Oracle
- Barracks (Moon, Mountain, Storm, Shadow)
- Research Labs (Bio, Energy, Chem)
-Star Chart: added effects & colorization to further distinguish available nodes from completed/locked nodes, and highlight boss nodes.
-Stun Chance mods (Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Melee) are now Status Effect mods in accordance with new damage system
-2D and 3D weapons duck ambience by 2 dB less and duck music by 1 dB less. 2D weapons duck 3D weapons by 2dB less
-Improved sound-ducking mixes
-Changed Europa planet description so that it wasn't the same as Eris
-Added new icons for Sentinel weapons
-Switched the Prova to use Machete animations and finishers
-New space skybox added to the Grineer Galleon tile set
-Improved the sound for the Heavy Impact mod
-Audio improvements to some stealth finishers
-Rebalanced some mod types for Conclave battles (Stun mods, Crit mods, and Corrupted mods)
-Tuned conclave values for Brakk, Machete Wraith, and Obex
-Added sound for Galleon air lifts in Conclave map
-Stalker has been improving his melee combo techniques
-NPCs will no longer target Rescue agents


-Fixes put in to address severe cases of texture popping
-Fixed the Shield Damage Indicator will no longer flicker in the opening tutorial
-Fixed Log-In Rewards not appearing
-Fixed selling multiple instances of an item not working
-Fixed the Clan Message of the Day not appearing until returning from a mission
-Fixed the AI occasionally shooting their weapon after death
-Experimental camera fixes – camera does not collide with enemies or players to avoid annoying jitter.
-Fixed issue where only host could invite players into a Dojo
-Fixed more instances of enemy AI spawning or falling into unreachable areas in Exterminate missions
-Fixed falling out of level in Mastery Challenge 7 costing a revive
-Fixed some navigation/design issues in new level connectors
-Fixed some issues related to Nyx’s Mind Control ability where brainwashed AI didn’t always attack enemies as intended
-Fixed various teleport issues that would result in “out of world” experiences
-Fixed Corpus Energy Rifle firing animation to match Clan Tech Tenno Energy Rifle (alternate between top and bottom barrels when firing)
-Fixed some missing materials identified in Corpus ship levels
-Fixed a case where you are unable to melee/block sometimes after being knocked down during melee swings
-Fixed a case where the player would stay in the melee charge anim sometimes if knocked down during melee attack
-Fixed missing respawn volume in Dojo obstacle course
-Fixed some reported issues of flickering textures
-Fixed missing jump actions required by enemies in certain levels
-Fixed Jackal robot missile seeking offset
-Fixed Security Camera sounds not playing for clients
-Fixed names of Gradivus Dilemma trophies
-Fixed Grineer Scorpion to have proper in-game description
-Fixed issue with Kestrel and Glaive animations for holstering
-Fixed all reported/known issues of players falling through elevators
-Fixed ledge-mantling mid wall-jump causing you to keep your push velocity
-Fixed Rhino’s Iron Skin ability that granted invulnerability during oxygen loss
-Fixed weapon attachments to now play the fire animation according to their respective fire rate (with any upgrade mods)
-Fixed broken weapon recoil behaviour; it now works as intended
-Fixed Roller idle animation jittering
-Fixed “power in use” issue after using Banshee’s Sonic Boom ability
-Fixed Acrid weapon not doing damage over time
-Fixed Saryn’s Miasma ability to apply damage over time
-Fixed issue where Ciphers were being consumed twice on a single hack
-Fixed Nekros Soul Punch ability to ragdoll target NPCs
-Fixed Trinity’s Energy Vampire in Conclave which caused enemies on the opposite team to regenerate energy as well
-Fixed issue that allowed spectators to fire the Ignis and Flux rifle while spectating in Conclave
-Fixed enemies not getting auto-killed if they ragdoll in the middle of a death animation
-Fixed multiple issues with Infested enemy types related to map navigation
-Fixed high level enemies spawning in low-level defense missions
-Fixed private session countdown not starting after friend joins/selects mission

PS4™ Launch Trailer - The Profit

What is the nature of the Zanuka Project? Has Alad V finally developed technology that can defeat a Tenno? If this technology gets out, who will stop him?

We are thrilled to share The Profit – our brand new Warframe PS4™ Launch Trailer!

Check it out:


Man I just went to the map and freaked the fuck out when the transmission came out of the gamepad. Don#t get startled like me guys!


Star Chart navigation still broken. -_-

Yep, still have to go through all the systems. At least I can finally sell the multiple blueprints I have.

Edit: They improved melee. Now you automatically turn towards the nearest enemy when you attack. Gotta try if they also improved the normal auto aim.


I only played a very brief amount of Update 11 thanks to the timing of the PS4 launch and wanting to wait for it to come to PS4, but what I used of Valkyr I really enjoyed. Anyone interested in a melee focused frame should take a look at her. She's got great capacity for closing distance fast with her first skill, and without any health or shield mods, can get pretty high numbers by level 30 according to the wiki.
I'm sorry.12 p.m. EST. If I'm correct, the idea is for each player to bring 1 of 4 keys so we can unlock the vault in the derelict ship, in which the lock is randomized. Figure if we're going to be farming for resources to contribute, might as well bring some keys along with us. Hopefully we can get a squad of 4.

Edit: Aaaaaand we're back. I'm jumping back on now.

Downloading that patch, I'll be in shortly for those derelicts!

That trailer was pretty cool, but uh, guess we can all go home now, since those Tenno in the trailer already took care of the new content on our behalf.
Star Chart navigation still broken. -_-

This was my most anticipated fix, even more than selling multiple items. Will they be able to do a hotfix? Or are we doomed for another couple months or whatever until update 12 eventually makes its way to the ps4 and passes the submission process?

Really takes the shine off this content drop...


Junior Member
They ported the game from pc in under 10 months and as you can see there is much room for improvement from a functionality standpoint... As well as optimizations. I would expect future updates to improve the overall game, much like it did on pc.
Obviously I am no developer, but I had thought porting a game to the PS4 should be as easy as pie? I hope they can get this game running at a fixed 60FPS. PC games are less optimised than console games, no? Warframe on the PC looks absolutely stunning, and it runs at an insanely high framerate to boot! (90-120FPS on my 6950, checked using the ingame FPS counter). Conversely, the PS4 version struggles to maintain 60FPS and doesn't really look as impressive.
Didn't see it listed but did they 'fix' the scope on the Vulkar? It is damn near impossible to see anything and I had to stop using it. Checking videos of the Pc game it does not look like this and according to a topic I read elsewhere it seems on Ps4 the game mistakenly applies a few different filters/scope overlays at once.


Obviously I am no developer, but I had thought porting a game to the PS4 should be as easy as pie? I hope they can get this game running at a fixed 60FPS. PC games are less optimised than console games, no? Warframe on the PC looks absolutely stunning, and it runs at an insanely high framerate to boot! (90-120FPS on my 6950, checked using the ingame FPS counter). Conversely, the PS4 version struggles to maintain 60FPS and doesn't really look as impressive.

It's easier but still takes effort.


Welcome to Update 11!

It's still being developed, it's just out in the wild so DE gets feedback like this so they can tweak it.

I just don't understand where they get off thinking that people want to switch their weapons and shit between every mission. Nobody wants to do that. The whole point of gear grind games is to seek out the "best" build you can get and roll with it until something better comes along. DE is trying to force us to have three of those builds at any given time. Nobody wants to get that in-depth with it! That's way too much mental work for a damn loot shooter. I was happy as shit with my Soma and Galatine... now it's back to the drawing board.

Meh. I might just shelve Warframe for a bit.

Honestly it's fucking ridiculous that not only was it broken at launch, that it still isn't fixed in this update either. Makes me concerned for things to come.

Agreed. It's pretty obvious that their programmers are super shitty. I was cracking up during the livestream when the PR lady couldn't connect to the community game because the guy had strict NAT. She was like, "You should have run the network diagnostic test! Strict NAT strikes again." I'm sitting here thinking... why is Warframe the only game in the modern universe that still has this issue? I've never had to forward a port in my life and I'm angry that I now know what "router DMZ" means. Why is every other online game on the planet is impervious to these NAT issues?


I just don't understand where they get off thinking that people want to switch their weapons and shit between every mission. Nobody wants to do that. The whole point of gear grind games is to seek out the "best" build you can get and roll with it until something better comes along. DE is trying to force us to have three of those builds at any given time. Nobody wants to get that in-depth with it! That's way too much mental work for a damn loot shooter. I was happy as shit with my Soma and Galatine... now it's back to the drawing board.

Could not disagree more as someone who also loves Monster Hunter. Part of the fun is having the right equipment for the job at hand. The problem this game has though is that unlike Monster Hunter it doesn't have equipment pre-sets. If I could create presets for my frames that I can quickly change before missions this would not be an issue.
Could not disagree more as someone who also loves Monster Hunter. Part of the fun is having the right equipment for the job at hand. The problem this game has though is that unlike Monster Hunter it doesn't have equipment pre-sets. If I could create presets for my frames that I can quickly change before missions this would not be an issue.

This was my first thought after my first damage 2 mission. Presets per weapon doesn't cut it, I need entire loadout presets, including warframes.


This was my first thought after my first damage 2 mission. Presets per weapon doesn't cut it, I need entire loadout presets, including warframes.

Yup, that would make things super easy. In MH I could basically create presets for my armor and weapons and then just save them. That way it was easy to just load up the right one depending on the monster I was going to hunt.If they put that in it would be easy.


Could not disagree more as someone who also loves Monster Hunter. Part of the fun is having the right equipment for the job at hand. The problem this game has though is that unlike Monster Hunter it doesn't have equipment pre-sets. If I could create presets for my frames that I can quickly change before missions this would not be an issue.

I like dual swords in Monster Hunter.

That's it. :)


I like dual swords in Monster Hunter.

That's it. :)

Great but there are still status effects that come from weapons. I am not going to hunt a water monster with a water weapon for example. Like I said if they give us loadout presets we can create this is isn't really an issue. Right now it will probably be a pain.


Great but there are still status effects that come from weapons. I am not going to hunt a water monster with a water weapon for example. Like I said if they give us loadout presets we can create this is isn't really an issue. Right now it will probably be a pain.

I guess. The only MH I played was MH3U so I just used Slime weapons for everything. I probably wouldn't have liked the game as much if I had to switch my weapons out all the time.

Also, I guess this is happening now:

I'm not thrilled with the notion of switching out my gear between damage sets each mission, but it would be much more palatable if there was a way to access the arsenal without leaving the mission selection and your squad.

Is there anyway to do this that I've missed (or in the new update)?


I'm not thrilled with the notion of switching out my gear between damage sets each mission, but it would be much more palatable if there was a way to access the arsenal without leaving the mission selection and your squad.

Is there anyway to do this that I've missed (or in the new update)?

Yeah, press R2 from the Star Map. You can now access the Arsenal without leaving your squad.


I'm not thrilled with the notion of switching out my gear between damage sets each mission, but it would be much more palatable if there was a way to access the arsenal without leaving the mission selection and your squad.

Is there anyway to do this that I've missed (or in the new update)?

That's why I suggest this pre-set feature. Create loadouts for your frames in the arsenal and then quickly load them up on the map screen.


I'm not thrilled with the notion of switching out my gear between damage sets each mission, but it would be much more palatable if there was a way to access the arsenal without leaving the mission selection and your squad.

Is there anyway to do this that I've missed (or in the new update)?

Press R2

Loving the new update myself.


Press R2

Loving the new update myself.

I also think this system is actually not bad. My current Primary just became way more effective against the Grineer. Have to figure something out against the infested though. I will probably have to use mods to offset the puncture damage malus.


Is there any way to do a new game? I wanted to use mag because eva helmet but used loki instead.

New PSN account is the only way. You unknowingly created a Warframe account when you first started the game and all of your progression data is stored on DE's servers. There's no way to start over without using a different account.
I just don't understand where they get off thinking that people want to switch their weapons and shit between every mission. Nobody wants to do that. The whole point of gear grind games is to seek out the "best" build you can get and roll with it until something better comes along. DE is trying to force us to have three of those builds at any given time. Nobody wants to get that in-depth with it! That's way too much mental work for a damn loot shooter. I was happy as shit with my Soma and Galatine... now it's back to the drawing board.

Meh. I might just shelve Warframe for a bit.

The idea is to have a gear against each faction. Underline : you need more slots and you can only get them against plats.

It also push players to try different weapons and different play style to not get bored.

As the ultimate goal is too level all weapons and keep the best/your favorite to use well I'm okay with that


I also think this system is actually not bad. My current Primary just became way more effective against the Grineer. Have to figure something out against the infested though. I will probably have to use mods to offset the puncture damage malus.

I welcome all the new possibilities that damage 2.0 brings. I think it's rather great. As someone who has played WoW for years, the mix matching different elements is exciting to me.


The idea is to have a gear against each faction. Underline : you need more slots and you can only get them against plats.

It also push players to try different weapons and different play style to not get bored.

As the ultimate goal is too level all weapons and keep the best/your favorite to use well I'm okay with that

What about the Void? Void mobs are "corrupted" and therefore separate from the normal 3 factions ("Smite Infested" doesn't work on them, for example). How is that handled?

It's just frustrating as someone who already spent many hours and a decent amount of money on the game. I finally put together a devastating weapon combo that I really enjoyed playing... and now I have to change it up completely and find two new combos as well. I'm kind of shocked that people like that, honestly. I guess I'm the weird one who just wants to find the best setup and roll with it 100% of the time.

Is the freezing during install fixed for this? I'm hesitant but want to try it out..

I've been playing since launch day and didn't even know this was a thing.


The idea is to have a gear against each faction. Underline : you need more slots and you can only get them against plats.

It also push players to try different weapons and different play style to not get bored.

As the ultimate goal is too level all weapons and keep the best/your favorite to use well I'm okay with that

I think there are more than enough weapon slots that you don't need to spend money on slots. Of course if all you have are puncture weapons then you are out of luck against the infested.

I'm kind of shocked that people like that, honestly. I guess I'm the weird one who just wants to find the best setup and roll with it 100% of the time.

Yep, that sounds boring.


y'all should be ashamed
All voice commands from that lady now come through the controller speaker instead of the game. Scared the crap out of me at first haha.
Is the freezing during install fixed for this? I'm hesitant but want to try it out..

It Froze for me at like 96% complete. Turns out it wasn't really frozen. I left it sit for 10 minutes and it completed. Said it couldn't install some files and I should restart. So I did, installed the app updated that got pushed to me when I first started the game, and when the game rebooted, it finished the download.
Is the freezing during install fixed for this? I'm hesitant but want to try it out..
I remember reading warnings at PS4 launch to avoid switching between Warframe and the OS or other apps while on Warframe's Update/Install screen. That doing so would lead to freezes.

Haven't heard anything new though and can't verify it either as I made sure not to task switch out of caution.
All voice commands from that lady now come through the controller speaker instead of the game. Scared the crap out of me at first haha.

Ugh. I hope it routes through system if the controller is muted.

I use optical out to my dolby headphone setup, so the controller speaker is never used by me.


I think there are more than enough weapon slots that you don't need to spend money on slots. Of course if all you have are puncture weapons then you are out of luck against the infested.

Yep, that sounds boring.

It's not boring because it takes so long to get to that point. Once you do, though, you want to be able to enjoy it. You can't really do that anymore. It's now much easier to create "pretty great" builds against certain factions, but that's it. There's no more opportunity to have the literal "best in slot" weapon provided you have the right mods. That... sucks.

Ugh. I hope it routes through system if the controller is muted.

I use optical out to my dolby headphone setup, so the controller speaker is never used by me.

You can toggle it off in options. You can also adjust the volume level for all Lotus transmissions... including turning her down all the way to silent. No more "Something's wrong, there's a heavy unit approaching" every 3 seconds. =)
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