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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

So did the new update give the PS4 version the particle effects from the PC version?

Also is someone wants to add me to invite me to a clan that'd be great. I've pretty much just started playing so I'm still trying to work out how everything works.


Game is a laggy mess for me right now ugh.

Also 2 bugs they didn't fix, logging in with your dragon key equipped and the aim glitch where when you move it pulls you out of L2.


Here's a nice detailed post I have shamelessly copy/pasted from the Warframe forums explaining the intricacies of the new damage system with Update 11 for people like me who had a hard time wrapping their heads around it:

Physical Damage
We have 3 physical damage types that (almost) all weapons have, in different amounts. Here they are:
Impact - Most effective on shields
Puncture - Most effective on armor
Slash - Most effective on health/flesh (non-robotic)
That seems simple enough, right? Well, those of you who have been enjoying Pokemon Snap in space, if you check the enemies in your Wardex (Codex), you may notice:
Corpus - Have health and shields, but NO armor
Grineer - Have health and armor, but NO shields
Infested - Have health, but NO armor OR shields
Using those 2 key pieces of knowledge about damage types and enemy types, you should now be able to look at your weapons properly. Let's take a few examples, starting with the loudest complaint: Soma

Using what you just learned about damage types, you SHOULD be able to see that this is probably never going to be a good weapon to use against high level Corpus. Why? Because Corpus rely on heavy shields which are weak to impact damage, of which Soma sadly has little to begin with. Soma is fairly even on puncture and slash however, with high crit. This means you should boost your puncture/slash damage, slap on some crit mods, and you'll be able to destroy Grineer and Infested. Soma is now most efficient and effective against Grineer and Infested, so stop taking it into missions against Corpus and expecting miracles.


So now looking at the Boar, out of the 3 physical damages, it has high impact and medium slash damage. Judging from that alone, your most beneficial build will be as an anti-Corpus weapon, because Corpus shields are weak against impact damage, and Crewmen's health is weak to Slash. Also, the extra slash damage Boar has is nice, because when elemental damages are calculated, they're based on the percentage of your total physical damage (Impact + Puncture + Slash). So it may be worthwhile to boost Boar's slash damage as well.


Despair has a large chunk of base puncture damage, which is most effective on armor. The proper build here would be focusing on boosting puncture, slapping on a max No Return mod for +60% puncture damage. Why not use a max Razor Shot mod too, so I can boost Slash damage by 60%? Well, look at the math:
Base puncture damage * 60% is equal to 44 * 1.6 = 70.4 damage
Base slash damage * 60% is equal to 8.2 * 1.6 = 13.12 damage... kinda feels like you wasted power points by using this mod for an extra ~5 damage, huh?

Here's a quick cheat sheet for determining builds at a glance (Updated for 11.0.7):

Elemental Damage
There are 10 possible elemental types, but that doesn't mean you should use all of them at once. Just like with the physical damage types, some elemental types are more useful on certain weapons than others. Here's a quick overview of what they are and how they combine:

Well, if you played with the old damage system, you know Corpus shields are weak against Cold, and they can be stunned by Electricity if they don't have shields up. Infested have resistance to electricity, but are particularly weak to Heat. Grineer are really tough, but Corrosive causes heavy damage to their thick armor, leaving their exposed flesh open to Heat, Viral, and Blast damage.

The number one rule with Damage 2.0 is:
Use the right tool for the job, and compliment your weapon's base stats.

Learn to think of your weapons as anti-Corpus, anti-Grineer, or anti-Infested. When you start viewing it like that, it becomes completely obvious that you need to use an elemental that Corpus are weak against on your anti-Corpus weapon. If you've got a high puncture weapon, you're going to want the Corrosive element as well, because that's what Grineer are weak against. A heavy impact weapon? That's great for Corpus, so add on some Magnetic element. Slash weapons are particularly useful for... you guessed it, Infested! Simply add some Heat and Blast damage and go eradicate some Infested areas of the galaxy.

The primary elementals are fairly straightforward, but I also like to divide the combined elementals into 2 categories:
Blast - Stun/knockdown
Gas - Poison AoE
Radiation - Confusion and slowed fire rate/reduced accuracy

Magnetic - Shield reduction
Viral - Health reduction
Corrosive - Armor reduction/removal

Utility is most useful as a secondary effect, on top of a primary effect you've given your weapon. For example, Embolist already defaults to Toxin damage (a primary), and it's really nice to have Blast (secondary from fire and ice) on top of that to keep things locked down.

Hopefully that explains most of what DE Scott intended, and it really is an elegant design for weapons and enemies, once the kinks are worked out and it's explained to players better in-game. Any more questions?

DE_Steve has suggested Radiation against Grineer, and testing it out with Synapse shows little penetration through Armor, but to non-armored Grineer health it's fairly effective. (Although in-game codex states no weakness)
Added FAQ below based on questions in this thread.
Updated information further based on testing and feedback (Thanks to: Phoenix86, Liacu, jrkong, NegimaSonic, MeduSalem)

FAQ Follow-up Questions

Q: Is it true that there are no more armor-ignoring damage types in Damage 2.0?
A: Boost your weapon's Puncture to gain better damage against armored enemies. You can also use the Corrosive element to reduce/remove armor, along with the Aura mod, Corrosive Projection.

Q: Do bullet type damage not work on Pure Elemental weapons (Ignis, Synpase, etc.) or was that a UI thing?
A: The unique elemental weapons (Ogris, Ignis, Synapse, etc.) use their elemental damage type as default, instead of physical damage. You can still increase this damage by using same element and generic damage mods like Serration. Example: Ogris is 300 Blast damage base, equipped with max Serration (+165%) gives it 300 * 2.65 = 795 Blast damage.

Q: Also how does status chance work? Does it allow for every damage type that the weapon has to hit special effects?
A: In patch 11.0.2, they added icons to damage numbers indicating when Statuses proc from your weapons. You'll notice the status chance is somewhat low for certain weapons, and higher for others. Unfortunately now, just because you're using Cold on your Kunai, it doesn't mean you'll be freezing enemies with every shot; the Frozen/Slowed status effect only has a small chance to proc, depending on the weapon's Status Chance. A further note, is that most of the time when a Physical status procs, it will be the status of type of damage that you have the most of on that weapon. So if you have high impact on a weapon, if a physical status procs, it will most likely be Impact's stun/knockback.

Q: What does armor/puncture damage amount do, exactly? Do enemies now have a set amount of armor (like shields and health) that you blast through before doing damage to health? Or does armor prevent X% of damage from reaching health, and when you deplete the armor you do 100% health damage?
A: Armor does not deplete like shields, but you can reduce/remove an enemy's armor using Corrosive status effects, the Corrosive Projection aura mod, and possibly other mods/abilities. Armor works like mitigation and prevents X % of damage from reaching health, so you'd probably want more puncture than the other two physical types.

Q: Is slash the only physical damage type that lowers health, essentially making the other physical damages useless on low level Infested?
A: No, all damage types are supposed to be able to damage health, but Slash is more effective at reducing non-robotic health fast. It's also cautioned that Impact and Puncture are up to 50% less effective against Infested, meaning you would be better using a weapon whose physical damage was mostly focused on Slash.

Q: So we're pretty much forced to go a one build kind of way with weapons?
A: Somewhat, but not really. For physical damage you're usually better off complimenting your weapon's base stats, but you can find a lot of versatility in the effects you put on it. Technically you could also fit up to 3 elemental effects on your weapon, utility and otherwise, but they may be competing for proc chance (we're not sure yet). It's really just up to your personal preference at the time, what you want to go for...

For example, Synapse is a beautifully versatile weapon. It defaults as electric damage, which can be:
Boosted purely as Electric, or
Combined with Cold to form Magnetic and drain Corpus shields fast, or
Combined with Heat to form Radiation to debilitate and confuse most enemies, or
Combined with Toxin to form Corrosive and melt Grineer armor, or
Combined with one of the above and Blast/Gas for even more crowd control possibilities...



So since PC version is on 11.3 and PS4 just got 11, does that mean the two still can't play together? Or does the game only need the main patch to be cross-platform compatible? Anyone been able to test this?


I hope no one else started a Trading Post, 'cause I just did.

Takes 24 hours, unless anyone has platinum melting holes in their pockets.
Obviously I am no developer, but I had thought porting a game to the PS4 should be as easy as pie? I hope they can get this game running at a fixed 60FPS. PC games are less optimised than console games, no? Warframe on the PC looks absolutely stunning, and it runs at an insanely high framerate to boot! (90-120FPS on my 6950, checked using the ingame FPS counter). Conversely, the PS4 version struggles to maintain 60FPS and doesn't really look as impressive.

The point I was trying to make, and one that clearly shows even after they released update 11 today, is that they rushed to get this out in time for launch. Doesn't matter how easy a platform is to develop on, all games require developement and QA time.

PS It runs great on my PC as well.

It also sounds like you're enjoying this on PC more, so maybe you should just stick with Warframe on PC.


aka andydumi
I for one appreciate that we get a variety in damage. Because it allows for more strategy and also more social cooperation to bring the right tools for the job. And I second the need for presets. But also, I think we need a better way to determine the types of monsters that will be present in a mission.


So since PC version is on 11.3 and PS4 just got 11, does that mean the two still can't play together? Or does the game only need the main patch to be cross-platform compatible? Anyone been able to test this?

Cross-platform is probably a long way off. We're still waiting for PC players to be able to initiate a one-time transfer to the PS4 version. Actual cross-platform play has been discussed as an eventual goal but don't expect to see it for a long while.

Also 11.3 sounds absolutely terrible. The Infested are completely removed from normal play? WTF...


GAF parliamentarian
Game is a laggy mess for me right now ugh.

Also 2 bugs they didn't fix, logging in with your dragon key equipped and the aim glitch where when you move it pulls you out of L2.
That's a glitch? Thank goodness. I was starting to think my controller was breaking.


Is it a glitch when you cut a guy in half but then you get auto targetted by a ton of bullets/laser weapon fire that seems to come from thin air, a d lasts until the body you just cut in half disapears? Is it a glitch? Or is ot like an ammo pack you've cut through that just so happens to lock onto you, and you alone. Frinds in co-op say they can hear the shots being fired, but cannot see or take damage. Cos if it is a glitch, then it's still there.
I didn't know how to contribute to the clan in research. Thank goodness I didn't decide to drop 100,000 on a new sentinel blueprint. I'll contribute tonight


Is it a glitch when you cut a guy in half but then you get auto targetted by a ton of bullets/laser weapon fire that seems to come from thin air, a d lasts until the body you just cut in half disapears? Is it a glitch? Or is ot like an ammo pack you've cut through that just so happens to lock onto you, and you alone. Frinds in co-op say they can hear the shots being fired, but cannot see or take damage. Cos if it is a glitch, then it's still there.

Yeah it's a glitch, said in the patch notes it was fixed but I guess not.


Got the same glitch with the shooting, only workaround is to hide till its over,but that was on update 10. Any news on the particles? I hope one day it will look like the pc version. This game is already the best launch title for me.
Game is a laggy mess for me right now ugh.

Also 2 bugs they didn't fix, logging in with your dragon key equipped and the aim glitch where when you move it pulls you out of L2.

Yeah the getting stuck behind an invisible door is present also, I had it earlier today, then when I was in with a few randoms it happened to another guy

Also was on one of the alerts, and the framerate dopped down to single figures for around 10 seconds.. to be fair I think it was one of the levels with the robots and crewmen... they had an elite and around 7 or 8 of those drone things..


Junior Member
The point I was trying to make, and one that clearly shows even after they released update 11 today, is that they rushed to get this out in time for launch. Doesn't matter how easy a platform is to develop on, all games require developement and QA time.

PS It runs great on my PC as well.

It also sounds like you're enjoying this on PC more, so maybe you should just stick with Warframe on PC.
No, I actually prefer the PS4 version (superior controller, more intuitive controls, friends). Just had hoped it would be on par visually/framerate wise.


GAF parliamentarian
Game definitely got a noticeable graphical upgrade this patch. Colour grading, better lighting and some particles.


I haven't seen any particles, but thank goodness they're not worried about that for the time being. DE needs to continue optimizing the frame-rate on the PS4 first. This update has definitely helped a bit, I'm no longer dropping into the single digits when hosting a Survival or Defense mission. Still seeing significant frame drops, but at least it's not a slideshow anymore.

I'd like to see consistent 60fps before they even consider adding the particle effects. Hell, I'd toggle a 900p resolution option if the game let me. Frame-rate is king.


Love love love the codex.

Great for checking out stats of weapons.

Game does hold up a little better when it starts to get demanding.


I haven't seen any particles, but thank goodness they're not worried about that for the time being. DE needs to continue optimizing the frame-rate on the PS4 first. This update has definitely helped a bit, I'm no longer dropping into the single digits when hosting a Survival or Defense mission. Still seeing significant frame drops, but at least it's not a slideshow anymore.

I'd like to see consistent 60fps before they even consider adding the particle effects. Hell, I'd toggle a 900p resolution option if the game let me. Frame-rate is king.

Even the lowest framerate in warframe is still higher than in bf4 on ps3 so for me, it is absolutly bearable. But i want those particle effects ... T_T
So, did anything get fixed?

+ I like the scanning and love the codex. Its one of those things I've always wanted to see in more games, so I'm glad its here.
+ The update to the solar system view is a lot clearer in terms of assassination missions, completed missions and ones yet to do.
+ OK, I LOVE that you can bind crouch to HOLD instead of TOGGLE. Feels so much better.
+ And no need for sprint to wall-climb makes ninja movement a lot more reliable. Still janky, but better.

? Damage 2.0 is going to take some getting used to. I was fighting what appeared to be lower level enemies than I'm used to, and fighting them with custom gear to target their weaknesses and it seemed to take forever to down some enemies, with status effects not firing off nearly as often - my Lato's fire effect was pretty dependable and now I don't think I've seen it proc even once in my missions today.

- Experienced a brand new bug fighting the Uranus boss. Basically froze my UI. No damage numbers would appear over enemies, no change to my shields or health numbers (even though I did still take damage), an objective marker stuck at 14 meters ahead of me no matter where I was or where I was looking, a frozen mini-map too and no more Lotus either in text or voice form. I was able to complete the mission though, luckily.
- Still no fix to the Mercury bug in the solar system map?
- Tried to buff my Lato's fire damage mod but was warned that would go beyond my Lato's power for configuration B. Config B doesn't have a fire mod at all, and configs A and C had plenty of available mod power, so I have no idea. I also have no other Latos for it to be confused with.

So far I like the content but not the stability.
Some nice improvements, but I really don't like the XP and credits nerf. Looks like they halved the enemy level range, but rewards are still given according to the level so a mission that used to be level 30 now gives level 15 rewards. Makes the grind even more painful, especially as I'm not on the level of routinely farming void keys yet.

And it looks like the invasion event keeps shifting to other missions as enough players complete the current one, so I'll most likely miss the potato rewards because I'm in EU and have to sleep. And there's the starmap bug. I'm feeling really grumpy right now.
Anyone know where to farm Valkyr?

The wiki says Themisto on Jupiter, but I tried that first thing and it's still the J3 Golem (dropped a Volt part). . .


Anyone know where to farm Valkyr?

The wiki says Themisto on Jupiter, but I tried that first thing and it's still the J3 Golem (dropped a Volt part). . .

You need to defeat
Alad V and Zanuka
. I don't know if they're doing a similar event on PS4 they did on PC to open that up though.


y'all should be ashamed
Does anyone remember how remote play was broken last time? I think they mismapped some buttons?

Seems to work fine now, except for aiming with left dpad...workable, but I would have preferred L1.
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