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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Gotta say I do miss seeing those elemental effects proccing all the time. Was just remarking on how much flavor that added before update 11 hit.

So what used to happen all the time now happens maybe 1% of the time unless you mod slot for status effect chance?

And one question about difficulty. Most missions I can solo and have fun doing so running either on more own or with some close friends, but what the hell is up with defense and survival missions? Their difficulty seems through the roof compared to the missions they're next to. And if anything damage 2.0 just made things much more difficult for the newer player since status effects are much rarer.

I doubt any of this is affecting high levels players who have more options open to them, but for a new casual player it can get rough.

Defense and Survival are for groups. That's really all there is to it.

As for elemental procs, each weapon has it's own "Status Chance" rating. Check it out in the Arsenal screen. Some weapons are better for it than others, and the ones with high values to begin with are the ones you want to mod even further.
Defense and Survival are for groups. That's really all there is to it.
I don't mind a grouping requirement in a co-op game, but it seems like they're for higher level groups too. When I go in our usual group of three we get rolled, but we're still starting out and have our original gear and starter frames. But you have to do these missions to progress on the system map (to get credits and resources for additional weapons and frames), so we either get steamrolled or go public and hope some high levels pull the weight. Doesn't seem right so far.
Finally got lucky joining near the end of two defense missions in a row leaving me with a nice Infested Extermination mission in the heart of Neptune. After the long voyage of cutting my way through to this point, the chance of acquiring a control module was now, finally within my grasp, and with it, the ability to craft my second warframe.

I solo'd the mission but was just waiting to get ambushed and swarmed and wiped out by ancients. Especially after two rooms in I found TWO control modules. Mission accomplished - all I needed was to put down the remaining hordes and see it through to extraction without getting wiped repeatedly or suffering from a mission-aborting glitch.

I haven't had a mission this tense since I first started playing :)

Was awesome, inching my way through the darkened and smokey facility, fighting off the shambling hordes and energy-depleting ancients with everything I had and then rummaging for supplies between bouts.

I saw it through, came out with those two command modules and now have my Volt systems in the oven, with the whole shebang ready for the foundry soon afterwords.

Its about time ;P
I'm jelly. I need some modules myself and I haven't even made it to Neptune yet... This game is like crack tho, I'll get there in due time.
PS4 and PC players can play together now, right? Ever snce the PS4 patch I don't think I've gotten matched up with a squad (except for one Alert run).

Also, does anyone else on the PS4 version have the bug that no matter what planet they choose, the cursor always goes to the second mission in Mercury? Really annoying and was incredibly disappointed when that wasn't fixed in the patch. Anyone know of a workaround?


PS4 and PC players can play together now, right? Ever snce the PS4 patch I don't think I've gotten matched up with a squad (except for one Alert run).

Also, does anyone else on the PS4 version have the bug that no matter what planet they choose, the cursor always goes to the second mission in Mercury? Really annoying and was incredibly disappointed when that wasn't fixed in the patch. Anyone know of a workaround?

Can't play with pc players (at least that I know of) and no fix for the map crap either. Lord knows it's annoying as hell.
Could not for the life of me get a Rhino Systems today. Tons of Bp's for the helmet & chassis. I'm too beat to try again, will try tomorrow after work.

Anyone notice that Jackel seems to have an instant kill glitch that you can't revive from, saw a few players including myself get hit by it during the runs.


I don't mind a grouping requirement in a co-op game, but it seems like they're for higher level groups too. When I go in our usual group of three we get rolled, but we're still starting out and have our original gear and starter frames. But you have to do these missions to progress on the system map (to get credits and resources for additional weapons and frames), so we either get steamrolled or go public and hope some high levels pull the weight. Doesn't seem right so far.

Well, you said that you haven't been grinding for mods or anything yet, right? That's why. This game is designed to make you farm. If you choose not to play it that way that's fine, but you'll just have to expect to run into the resistance you're seeing. I must have farmed the lowest level Defense missions for both Grineer and Corpus for about 100 rounds each (total across all games) before I started moving on in the star map.

You also have to keep in mind that not all Warframes are viable in every situation. A group made up of just the starter frames is not going to be very effective anywhere just on their own. You really need a Rhino! That Volt you're building is probably just going to disappoint you. Rhino is easy to get, you should move on that ASAP.
GGs y'all. Got more keys and more time tomorrow. Btw, should I have trashed my Excalibur the moment I got my rhino? I think yes..but I put in so much damn work..conflicted! Catch y'all later.


Had a pretty good Nightmare run today. Picked up several Nightmare Mods and my Volt is almost level 30. Time to shelve him and level up Ash.



Stuck at this shitty Christmas party with my wife's friends, all I want is to get home and play some Warframe. Gah, the addiction! This game has me by the balls.
Well, you said that you haven't been grinding for mods or anything yet, right? That's why. This game is designed to make you farm. If you choose not to play it that way that's fine, but you'll just have to expect to run into the resistance you're seeing. I must have farmed the lowest level Defense missions for both Grineer and Corpus for about 100 rounds each (total across all games) before I started moving on in the star map.

You also have to keep in mind that not all Warframes are viable in every situation. A group made up of just the starter frames is not going to be very effective anywhere just on their own. You really need a Rhino! That Volt you're building is probably just going to disappoint you. Rhino is easy to get, you should move on that ASAP.
Any Warframe requires command modules though, as well as orokin cells, which drop from farther out planets.

I actually enjoy the pace of moving planet to planet, and things would very organically get more difficult as you went. Its just that the defense and survival missions are a wholly different level of difficulty. That would also be OK, but those missions blockade the routes to planets that have resources you may want - like those command modules and orokin cells.

So whats the natural level of progression from the start supposed to be? Start at Mercury with a starter frame, do 100 rounds of defense and then what? How do you know to move on, and why? How is this supposed to go?

Because it seemed like a natural progression of planet to planet, but thats been shifted as more defense, survival and mobile defense have been placed in key spots on the map.


So whats the natural level of progression from the start supposed to be? Start at Mercury with a starter frame, do 100 rounds of defense and then what? How do you know to move on, and why? How is this supposed to go?

Because it seemed like a natural progression of planet to planet, but thats been shifted as more defense, survival and mobile defense have been placed in key spots on the map.

The game does a pretty shitty job of pointing you in the right direction. That's a legitimate criticism of it, and a major one. You really have to take to the wiki to make sure you're on the right path. What I did (and what I recommend) is to look up some weapon builds on the wiki and start seeking out the crucial mods you need for them. Every build has one or two "required" mods that make it really work, so go for those first. You'll probably be needing stuff like Flow, Streamline, Split Chamber, etc. Many of those mods can be acquired as rewards from the same Defense missions. Figure out which mission has the greatest potential to drop a few of them and then farm the shit out of it. Once you get one or two you'll be good for a while.

This is, of course, a lot more complicated now with Damage 2.0. I don't envy the players who are just now starting out, that's for sure. I agree with you 100% that Damage 2.0 is much easier to swallow for those of us who are already relatively well progressed and have a decent stockpile of mods. I can't even imagine what a nightmare it must be for new players.

Oh yeah, get a Rhino. I really can't stress that enough. That Warframe is basically your saving grace until you stockpile the right mods to make other frames viable. Everyone needs a Rhino! I firmly believe that it should be the first replacement Warframe for every single player. The game becomes much more survivable once you have one. Get it, potato it immediately and start laughing your way through all the missions that used to give you grief.


Still full. We do have about 7 that still hasn't accepted their clan invite though so those will be getting tossed in the coming days if nothing has changed
Oh yeah, get a Rhino. I really can't stress that enough. That Warframe is basically your saving grace until you stockpile the right mods to make other frames viable. Everyone needs a Rhino! I firmly believe that it should be the first replacement Warframe for every single player. The game becomes much more survivable once you have one. Get it, potato it immediately and start laughing your way through all the missions that used to give you grief.
I appreciate all the wisdom and tips. Will try and put it to good use.

And tell you what, I'll build a Rhino right after the Volt. The Volt's been a personal quest now and I'm going to see it through, and with our group of three that'll make us a mix of Volt, Rhino and Mag (in a couple of days anyway).

And as it turns out the operations in Jupiter have moved, which opened up Europa for exploration. Europa also drops Control Modules and seems far better suited to our current power level than Neptune, although we wouldn't know it without chipping our teeth.


And as it turns out the operations in Jupiter have moved, which opened up Europa for exploration. Europa also drops Control Modules and seems far better suited to our current power level than Neptune, although we wouldn't know it without chipping our teeth.

Control Modules also drop like crazy in the Void. Join any T1 Void mission you see advertised in chat and you'll probably get at least 3-4. I literally have hundreds of Control Modules now from running Voids. T1's are easy as pie too, you'll be perfectly fine in them.
Control Modules also drop like crazy in the Void. Join any T1 Void mission you see advertised in chat and you'll probably get at least 3-4. I literally have hundreds of Control Modules now from running Voids. T1's are easy as pie too, you'll be perfectly fine in them.
I've got a few keys myself, but my Tier 1 keys are all Survival or Defense and I'm still waiting for us to coalesce as a team better with new frames and mods under our belts. We tried a Tier 3 Elimination once and lasted a handful of seconds. So yeah, that happened.

Another reason I've been avoiding Survival and Defense missions is those seem to be the very worst offenders when it comes to framerate. The game just throws way, way too much out there at once and it becomes a glitch-fest or a slideshow or both. I'm talking about getting downed without knowing how, and just full missions that are slideshows. The last one I was in I go stuck in an infinite fall loop trying to wallrun at 1fps. Luckily the rest of the team got out but it was still crazy.

Our two-three man team missions may not be the most rewarding in terms of progression, but they perform much better, and we know how to work as a group. Its fun :)


Game is really lacking on explaining things. Apart from a five minute tutorial on the start they explained almost nothing else. How do you roll exactly? Also first thing i did was mute the chat dear lord :p


Game is really lacking on explaining things. Apart from a five minute tutorial on the start they explained almost nothing else. How do you roll exactly? Also first thing i did was mute the chat dear lord :p

L1 lets you roll and slide on the ground. You need to move in order to roll, obviously :p


Just requesting; I'm working from home for the next 8 1/2 hours (VPN, yay - the wonders of technology) about 4ft from by PS4 - if anyone happens to be farming and wouldn't mind carrying an AFK leecher for a bit, an invite would be appreciated.


Man Raptor is an awful boss. Not because it is difficult but because we ran out of ammo. Because the thing is flying you can't attack it with melee. well maybe if you had the glaive but non of us had that thing. Now I still need to do him at least two more times for the Nova blueprints. Ugh....

Also the coming Warframe has been posted in here but I don#t think the mock up of the new HUD which I very much like:

Anyone got any recommendations for a new primary?.. I've got maxed out Braton, but can't decide on a new primary.. i'm only rank 3 so I can't get the Soma..
So I'm trying to craft rhino but I'm missing two pieces which apparently can only be found on Jupiter and Neptune. What's the quickest way to unlock those. It looks like you should be able to unlock Jupiter from earth but no dice
So I'm trying to craft rhino but I'm missing two pieces which apparently can only be found on Jupiter and Neptune. What's the quickest way to unlock those. It looks like you should be able to unlock Jupiter from earth but no dice

Grind the bosses on the system you need the items from.... everything should drop after a few runs I've about 2 hours til my rhino finishes building.. been a long 4 day wait lol


I need to do some nightmares, tried doing some yesterday with complete randoms who think they chose normal mode. Got soo close on a few but it was pointless with the dead weight.


Still full. We do have about 7 that still hasn't accepted their clan invite though so those will be getting tossed in the coming days if nothing has changed
Ahh shucks! Any plan to have an overflow clan and swap out members as people stop logging in for extended periods of time?
Grind the bosses on the system you need the items from.... everything should drop after a few runs I've about 2 hours til my rhino finishes building.. been a long 4 day wait lol

I did this is to craft the rhino helm and rhino systems I need a control module and neural sensors which seemingly only come from Jupiter or Neptune
So I'm trying to craft rhino but I'm missing two pieces which apparently can only be found on Jupiter and Neptune. What's the quickest way to unlock those. It looks like you should be able to unlock Jupiter from earth but no dice

Yeah same situation. Be sure to do alert missions if they are up, they can sometimes net you extra items that are not available to you yet.

Currently working my way to Jupiter because Rhino and Ember are the only ones I want...
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