Gotta say I do miss seeing those elemental effects proccing all the time. Was just remarking on how much flavor that added before update 11 hit.
So what used to happen all the time now happens maybe 1% of the time unless you mod slot for status effect chance?
And one question about difficulty. Most missions I can solo and have fun doing so running either on more own or with some close friends, but what the hell is up with defense and survival missions? Their difficulty seems through the roof compared to the missions they're next to. And if anything damage 2.0 just made things much more difficult for the newer player since status effects are much rarer.
I doubt any of this is affecting high levels players who have more options open to them, but for a new casual player it can get rough.
Defense and Survival are for groups. That's really all there is to it.
As for elemental procs, each weapon has it's own "Status Chance" rating. Check it out in the Arsenal screen. Some weapons are better for it than others, and the ones with high values to begin with are the ones you want to mod even further.