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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


There are loadouts, as each item in your arsenal has an A, B, and C configuration. I use those slots to tune for Grineer, Corpus and Infested respectively.

Yes, in a way. But my Ignis is not what I want to bring into a Corpus fight, ever. Same with my high impact shotgun, and so on. I wouldn't bring my Lecta into a fight against the Infected.

Should be an overall loadout, with Warframe, Warframe mods, weapons, weapon mods, sentinel, sentinel mods. All switched at the push of a button.


Is there a good place/video/etc to do some newb learnin. I keep dabbling in this game and I really enjoy the gameplay but outside of the missions I have no idea what the currencies are, what mods are, etc. I have the money and stuff from PS+ but im terrified to use it on the wrong stuff.
Because of how god-awful the tutorial is for actually explaining anything, the wiki is the first port of call for any new player. As for what to spend Platinum on, save it for when you need Forma and "Potatoes" (Orokin Reactors/Catalysts, to power up Frames and Weapons). We have a GAF Clan too, but I have a sneaking suspicion we're currently full although members are constantly monitored and are kicked if inactive.


The only conflict I've found revolves around your sentinel. You can't equip the same weapon mods on both your sentinel weapon and your weapon. for example you can'y have your Multishot mod on your rifle and your sentinels rifle. You would need two of the same mod.

Yep, and the "auto-resolve" option that pops up in these situations actually works pretty well. The game will always just remove the mod from your sentinel and keep it on your personal weapon. If you only have one copy of the offending mod then your sentinel will now just have an empty slot for something else. What's cool is that if you happen to have more than one of the mod, the game will automatically give your personal weapon the highest-ranked version you have with your sentinel getting the next highest. It works perfectly.

Don't be afraid of auto-resolve! It'll always do exactly what you want it to.

Yes, in a way. But my Ignis is not what I want to bring into a Corpus fight, ever.

Not true. Throw on Stormbringer and Cryo Rounds and all of the sudden your Ignis is dealing extra Magnetic damage. Magnetic deals an extra 75% damage to shields (most Corpus units) and an extra 50% to robotics (...most Corpus units). The innate heat damage from the weapon also does an extra 50% to flesh units (...the rest of the Corpus units). Oh, you also have Serration, Split Chamber and Heavy Caliber? Fucking forget about it. The Ignis absolutely wrecks Corpus when modded appropriately. I've Forma'd my Ignis five times now and use it as my primary weapon against all three factions (dedicated loadout for each faction, obviously) with utterly devastating results.

This right here is a perfect example of why everyone needs to become extremely familiar with both the Wiki and Damage 2.0 in general!


Yep, and the "auto-resolve" option that pops up in these situations actually works pretty well. The game will always just remove it from your sentinel and keep it on your personal weapon. If you only have one copy of the offending mod then your sentinel will now just have an empty slot for something else. What's cool is that if you happen to have more than one of the mod, the game will automatically give your personal weapon the highest-ranked version you have with your sentinel getting the next highest. It works perfectly.

Don't be afraid of auto-resolve! It'll always do exactly what you want it to.
Wow that's.... actually well thought-out. Who knew, coming from DE :)


Wow that's.... actually well thought-out. Who knew, coming from DE :)

Both the mod on your personal weapon and the one on your sentinel will be marked with the blue icon in your Arsenal screen too. If you see two copies of a mod with the icon, that's why. The icon is displayed on mods that happen to be equipped on both your currently active Warframe and sentinel. For the longest time I thought that I was seeing the icon because the mod was on a different Warframe or sentinel. Nope! Only your current gear.

This makes it extremely easy to ensure that you can upgrade both copies of the mod as you see fit and it lets you know which of your duplicate mods can be freely used for Fusion.

I agree, shockingly thoughtful and functional feature from DE. Too bad I had to discover it after dozens of hours of trial-and-error rather than from a simple in-game prompt when the situation first presented itself. =P


Both the mod on your personal weapon and the one on your sentinel will be marked with the blue icon in your Arsenal screen too. If you see two copies of a mod with the icon, that's why. The icon is displayed on mods that are currently equipped on your currently active Warframe and sentinel. For the longest time I thought that I was seeing the icon because the mod was on a different Warframe. Nope! Only your current gear . This makes it extremely easy to ensure that you can upgrade both copies of the mod as you see fit and it lets you know which of your duplicate mods can be freely used for Fusion.
I have noticed that, because I spend so much time in the menus fusing mods :)

Also, t'was good running that T3 Mob Def with you and Helscream last night. Easy run was easy :)
Thanks for all the tips/links guys. It's starting to make a bit of sense... and get my crack-addiction sensibility tingling.

If a spot opens up in the clan I'd love to join... but I'm also going to be gone for almost a month from mid jan to mid feb.
Should be an overall loadout, with Warframe, Warframe mods, weapons, weapon mods, sentinel, sentinel mods. All switched at the push of a button.
Ah I see what you mean, and yeah I'd definitely use this. Especially if you could name the loadouts and see the named loadout you're using easily enough.


Right now I think I have a great set of mods but man am I fusion core starved. Every fusion core that drops is like a joyful tear straight from god. If it's a rare FC? Good god, happy dance in my living room.


GAF parliamentarian
Just submit a support ticket and get your Catalyst back. I literally just submitted a ticket for accidentally crafting a second Nekros Chassis. DE responded to the ticket, canceled the crafting process and returned my components within ten minutes. Ten fucking minutes. DE might be kinda ass-backwards in their approach to many things in this game but their customer support is absolutely top tier.

As for there being no way that you are going to grind out two of every shotgun mod... heh. Get back to me in a few dozen hours. ;-)
Neat! So I can get my catalyst back on the PS4 version? That's good. I mean, it's only 20 platinum but I'd rather use it on something else at this point.

How do I contact them?

As I sidenote, I think I'll enjoy the heck out of this Grakata once I get the crit mod for it. I'm fine with rifles for now.


Right now I think I have a great set of mods but man am I fusion core starved. Every fusion core that drops is like a joyful tear straight from god. If it's a rare FC? Good god, happy dance in my living room.
My friend, it sounds like you need to be doing more Survivals :)


GAF parliamentarian


Ah I see what you mean, and yeah I'd definitely use this. Especially if you could name the loadouts and see the named loadout you're using easily enough.

Well, you really need to have each faction's particular elemental weakness on your weapon whenever you face them. Once you possess the mods needed to facilitate that then just about any weapon can be viable against all three factions. All things considered, I find the current A/B/C loadout system for weapons to be largely sufficient. Certainly if you're just leveling a weapon for Mastery points.

It's true that some weapons deal little to no damage from one or more of the three physical damage types, so those are the ones you might assign to be your "Corpus weapons" or "Grineer weapons." I suppose that a more, um, "meta" loadout system would be useful for those... but eh, you're probably better off just using a weapon like that against its intended faction until rank 30 and then dumping it for something else. What you really want is something that at least does decent damage using all three physical types, even in one is significantly more powerful than the other two.

The key wisdom to remember here is that in this post-Damage 2.0 world, elemental weaknesses reign supreme. That's where the lion's share of your damage output will come from. I don't care what the Impact rating is on your rifle -- if you're bringing it to a Corpus mission without Magnetic damage applied then you sir are fucking. up. Even if your rifle has shit output for Impact it can still work for you against Corpus as long as you're rocking Magnetic. For leveling at least, that means that the current A/B/C loadout system for weapons is mostly adequate.

Of course, that also means that everyone now needs to farm for some new mods since +Toxin mods (and a few others) did not exist in the game pre-U11.

...and that currently kinda sucks for us PS4 peasants since Pathogen Rounds wasn't added to the PC version until 11.1. The mod currently cannot be acquired in our build of the game, meaning we have absolutely no way of adding extra Corrosive damage to our pistols. We'll just have to slum it with high-Puncture pistols when facing Grineer for the time being. ~_~

Neat! So I can get my catalyst back on the PS4 version?


That's good.

It sure is!

I mean, it's only 20 platinum but I'd rather use it on something else at this point.

Of course you would!

How do I contact them?

( ! )
Thats pretty cool more ways to play WarFrame :-D Now all I need is some type of compainon mini game type app for my phone lol

I'd love a companion app! I would like one that would let me access the foundry, clan chat, and allow me to transmute and mod fusions from my phone or tablet. Any word on anything like this, or am I dreaming?


I really don't get this; there are 3 mod-slots -- "A, B & C". Why are there 3 of them and where should I put them? Does it matter at all?


How do I know if I am able to connect to a co-op game? No one is joining my crappy low level map.

Not sure about PS4 version but on the PC you have a player counter when you go to planets.

I really don't get this; there are 3 mod-slots -- "A, B & C". Why are there 3 of them and where should I put them? Does it matter at all?

The 3 sets are for different builds. Think of it as for the 3 sets of enemies.

The slots sometimes have symbols on them. Match your card to that symbol and it drops the requirements by 50%. Means you can level them up and still only use 50% of the slot space they need.


Not sure about PS4 version but on the PC you have a player counter when you go to planets.

The 3 sets are for different builds. Think of it as for the 3 sets of enemies.

The slots sometimes have symbols on them. Match your card to that symbol and it drops the requirements by 50%. Means you can level them up and still only use 50% of the slot space they need.

Thanks. So how do I choose which build I want active?


Thanks. So how do I choose which build I want active?

You put the card in and then click the A, B or C to make that one active. That's about it. :D You have those sets for all of your gear that you can put cards in, so you can work on making sets that work well for you.

One you progress a bit and get some cards, you can start to focus around what works better against the 3 races. Makes it easier than swapping loads of cards around before you jump in.


You put the card in and then click the A, B or C to make that one active. That's about it. :D You have those sets for all of your gear that you can put cards in, so you can work on making sets that work well for you.

One you progress a bit and get some cards, you can start to focus around what works better against the 3 races. Makes it easier than swapping loads of cards around before you jump in.

Thanks again. =) It's difficult in the start, im level 11 now and trying to get me a rhino. I realize though it's going to take some time to gather all the material + leveling up.


Well, DE responded to my support ticket about the clan emblem:


There goes my theory that the inclusion of an in-game updater meant that DE had at least some level of autonomy from Sony regarding patches and hotfixes. Bummer.

At least we now have confirmation that our clan emblem will be included in the next update. That's something, I guess.

I'd love a companion app! I would like one that would let me access the foundry, clan chat, and allow me to transmute and mod fusions from my phone or tablet. Any word on anything like this, or am I dreaming?

DE has said in the past that they'd eventually like to put out apps for both iOS and Android that do just about everything you mentioned. Unfortunately it doesn't sound like anything is actively in the works, though they do have a rudimentary Android app that pushes Alert notifications. iOS users currently have to make due with push notifications from the official Twitter app.

I really don't get this; there are 3 mod-slots -- "A, B & C". Why are there 3 of them and where should I put them? Does it matter at all?

The A/B/C tabs are just to give you separate loadouts. You'll eventually need to have a dedicated loadout for each faction. You might want to check out some of the recent conversations right here on this very page!


Not sure about PS4 version but on the PC you have a player counter when you go to planets.

The 3 sets are for different builds. Think of it as for the 3 sets of enemies.

The slots sometimes have symbols on them. Match your card to that symbol and it drops the requirements by 50%. Means you can level them up and still only use 50% of the slot space they need.

Do you enter the mission node, or the planet?


Thanks again. =) It's difficult in the start, im level 11 now and trying to get me a rhino. I realize though it's going to take some time to gather all the material + leveling up.

As you progress, work out some of the Survival/Defence Maps. You can grind these pretty well for most of the early mats. As long as you don't mind playing only, try and get into a team that will go past the first 5-10 waves.

The game is a little grindy but if you plan where you're going to spend your resources, it will make it easier.

What frame did you start with?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
It may seem obvious but it wasn't to me so I'll just throw this out there for new people.

If you have different frames/weapons you can equip the same mod on different frames/weapons. So say you have a kick ass Vitality mod you leveled up. You can equip it on you Rhino frame and your Nova Frame at the same time (assuming you have the power point).

The only conflict I've found revolves around your sentinel. You can't equip the same weapon mods on both your sentinel weapon and your weapon. for example you can'y have your Multishot mod on your rifle and your sentinels rifle. You would need two of the same mod.

Which remembers me I need two friggin' rifle multishots and I don't even have one.



The A/B/C tabs are just to give you separate loadouts. You'll eventually need to have a dedicated loadout for each faction. You might want to check out some of the recent conversations right here on this very page!

Great, but how do I actually choose either A, B or C. Do I just back out while being on one of them?

As you progress, work out some of the Survival/Defence Maps. You can grind these pretty well for most of the early mats. As long as you don't mind playing only, try and get into a team that will go past the first 5-10 waves.

The game is a little grindy but if you plan where you're going to spend your resources, it will make it easier.

What frame did you start with?

Thanks, I'll try that. The gameplay is so much fun I don't mind grinding -- it's just that I still feel like a noob several hours in.

I started with MAG, but all im doing is reading this thread and trying to take in/copy as much from you guys as I can. :)


So say I run survivals, does the map level affect the frequency and rarity or just rarity of the drops?

There are three "tiers" of Survival and Defense missions. A mission's tier is determined by the starting level of its enemies. Since the enemy levels recently went through a massive shift I don't know what the current breakdown is, but when in doubt, check the Wiki entry for "Survival" and look at the mission list. I'm fairly certain that "Elara" on Jupiter is a tier 3 mission.

Survival gives you an award for every 5 minutes you are able to persist. The loot tables are tied to the mission's tier. Additionally, there are three reward tiers within each of the three overall mission tiers. At 5 minutes you'll get something from the first reward tier, at 10 minutes from the first tier again, at 15 from the second tier and at 20 from the third tier. After that is cycles back through first/second/third tiers every five minutes, with the higher tiers becoming more common the longer you last.

Again, those reward tiers exist within each of three overall mission tiers. Kinda confusing, I know. The Wiki probably explains it better if you're having trouble wrapping your head around it.

Great, but how do I actually choose either A, B or C. Do I just back out while being on one of them?

Press triangle when viewing the loadout you want (always be sure to check for the contextual button prompts somewhere on the screen). If you try to back out of a different loadout than the one you're using then the game will prompt you with a warning that mod changes won't be saved unless you press triangle.


Great, but how do I actually choose either A, B or C. Do I just back out while being on one of them?

Thanks, I'll try that. The gameplay is so much fun I don't mind grinding -- it's just that I still feel like a noob several hours in.

I started with MAG, but all im doing is reading this thread and trying to take in/copy as much from you guys as I can. :)

Pretty Much. Select A, B or C and then you can play.

Each of the frames is different. You can grind a bit and get access to Rhino and Nyx early on if you grind a bit on the bosses. Rhino is a firm favourite for most players but I am enjoying Loki atm for the stealth aspect.


Press triangle when viewing the loadout you want (always be sure to check for the contextual button prompts somewhere on the screen). If you try to back out of a different loadout than the one you're using then the game will prompt you with a warning that mod changes won't be saved unless you press triangle.

Awesome, thanks! I think I understand now. :)

Pretty Much. Select A, B or C and then you can play.

Each of the frames is different. You can grind a bit and get access to Rhino and Nyx early on if you grind a bit on the bosses. Rhino is a firm favourite for most players but I am enjoying Loki atm for the stealth aspect.

Im going to keep grinding Jackal. I got the 'Rhino System' today after my second run, so I hope luck is going to keep striking.

And again, thanks for answering. I probably would have never invested this much time if it weren't for you guys answering all my questions!


So say I run survivals, does the map level affect the frequency and rarity or just rarity of the drops?
There are three "tiers" of Survival and Defense missions. A mission's tier is determined by the starting level of its enemies. Since the enemy levels recently went through a massive shift I don't know what the current breakdown is, but when in doubt, check the Wiki entry for "Survival" and look at the mission list. I'm fairly certain that "Elara" on Jupiter is a tier 3 mission.

Survival gives you an award for every 5 minutes you are able to persist. The loot tables are tied to the mission's tier. Additionally, there are three reward tiers within each of the three overall mission tiers. At 5 minutes you'll get something from the first reward tier, at 10 minutes from the first tier again, at 15 from the second tier and at 20 from the third tier. After that is cycles back through first/second/third tiers every five minutes, with the higher tiers becoming more common the longer you last.

Again, those reward tiers exist within each of three overall mission tiers. Kinda confusing, I know. The Wiki probably explains it better if you're having trouble wrapping your head around it.
And on top of that, a Survival mission guarantees an endless supply of enemies therefore increasing the chances of Fusion Cores to drop from killing fools.
After dropping off this thread and coming back, looks like there's lots of gems being dropped! I just dl'd the wikia app. Now, is it worth it to continue carrying a level 10 aklato and lvl 20 mk1 braton (lol) or should I try to move on to some new weapons?


. Rhino is a firm favorite .

Firm favorite, I like that. You certainly can't go wrong with a Rhino. Invulnerability (not on a timer), stomp of death, a team damage boost shout AND a charge. great mix of abilities for sure. It's my "i don't want to die" frame.

I'm trying to like Nekros. he look awesome but I can't seem to get over the fact that his special ability, where he summons an army. Whatever they kill you only get half the exp. That just bugs me. That and his ability to get more drops out of corpses gets annoying because the corpses disappear so damn fast.

Trying out the Volt, as everyone raves about it. Seems solid. Shit sure as hell dies.


By the way, anyone been attacked by the stalker since the patch?

Haven't seen him in a while.
Yeah got ransacked by him with a group earlier this week, on a T2 mission. I'd never seen him before so it came out of the blue and he killed 2 people, so we ended up losing the mission.


After dropping off this thread and coming back, looks like there's lots of gems being dropped! I just dl'd the wikia app. Now, is it worth it to continue carrying a level 10 aklato and lvl 20 mk1 braton (lol) or should I try to move on to some new weapons?

Get a normal Braton and level that stuff up. You want the mastery points.


GAF parliamentarian
So yeah, that catalyst refund was painless and took less than half an hour after putting in the request.

Dangit, DE, you're nice people. I'll buy another platinum pack.
Alright GAF, I'm finally feeling like I need a real team. Pubs just aren't doing it for me. Watching my team chase it's own tail with Alad V and Zanuka over and over until Zanuka finally got stuck on a lower ledge and found itself unable to revive Alad V was the only way we got through my last run.

I know clans are limited membership, but if a slot ever opens up in the GAF clan, I'd love to be a part of it. Will definitely contribute however I can once I'm in!
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