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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


I'd like a clan invite if a slot opens up, or perhaps when a second clan is started. Are there enough of us to start up another clan?


I'd like a clan invite if a slot opens up, or perhaps when a second clan is started. Are there enough of us to start up another clan?

We're going to upgrade to the 300 member cap as soon as all the research is done. It should be smooth sailing from then on out as far as invites go. It won't be a bad deal for the people waiting to get in either since all of the clan weapons will be fully researched from day one. Hang in there! It should only be another week or so.

Don't buy him he's so easy a level what 5 could acquire him

I dunno about level 5, but Rhino is definitely strategically placed in a position that is reachable by new players. He should be the first Warframe you build on your own. If you're gonna buy a Warframe get something like Vauban, Nekros, Nyx, etc... those are gated behind either blind luck or later-game bosses. You can get Rhino on your own! Jackal is not that bad at all.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Yeah got ransacked by him with a group earlier this week, on a T2 mission. I'd never seen him before so it came out of the blue and he killed 2 people, so we ended up losing the mission.

Hmmm... gotta figure out a system to bait and kill him, I really want his throwing knives.


Oh yeah, and spots open up in the clan somewhat regularly... but you guys aren't making it easy to invite you by not posting your PSN/Warframe ID. ;-)


We're going to upgrade to the 300 member cap as soon as all the research is done. It should be smooth sailing from then on out as far as invites go. It won't be a bad deal for the people waiting to get in either since all of the clan weapons will be fully researched from day one. Hang in there! It should only be another week or so.
That sounds great, I had no idea the member cap was upgradable. I will eagerly anticipate the raising of the cap.


That sounds great, I had no idea the member cap was upgradable. I will eagerly anticipate the raising of the cap.
The cap can be increased, but it in turn increases the cost of researching new products in the Research Labs. Which is why we're trying to complete all research and unlock all items before the Clan size is boosted.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
The cap can be increased, but it in turn increases the cost of researching new products in the Research Labs. Which is why we're trying to complete all research and unlock all items before the Clan size is boosted.

Right now we're stuck on a very rare resource.
Do before I understood what blueprints for the frames meant, I bought the blueprint for nyx.

What are the chances i'm ever going to be able to build that thing?


Do before I understood what blueprints for the frames meant, I bought the blueprint for nyx.

What are the chances i'm ever going to be able to build that thing?

Looks like the system, helm and body drop off Phorid (Naelgar, Eris)

Chances are if pretty good, get to the area ad run the boss mission a few times. :)
Id be willing to help if ya like sometime.

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Nyx_(Warframe) mats dont seem that bad to collect either


I'm sorry..I laughed pretty hard.

Exactly as Mr says. Don't buy him. Took easy to farm. I'm willing to help, if needed.

Ok, thanks for the advice guys. I'm new to the game and I really have no idea how long it takes to farm the credits. I saw the sale on plat so I went ahead and pulled the trigger on the 370.
Oh yeah, and spots open up in the clan somewhat regularly... but you guys aren't making it easy to invite you by not posting your PSN/Warframe ID. ;-)

You make an excellent point. I blame all the cough medicine I'm currently on.


Looking forward to joining the community! Thanks!


I had this installed on my PS4 since the 15th of November and I had yet to play it till a few hours ago. Went with Excalibur and upgraded his equipment to Dual Ether, Barton/Barston/whatever, and some dual pistols I spent 25k credits. Game is very good and addicting. Already bought the plans for Ash. Still haven't unlocked Rhino. I would definitely love to join the GAF clan when spots are open.

Psn/Warframe ID is namikaze1.
Don't buy rhino!!! 4-5 runs through the boss will net you the parts you need.

Took me like 12 to get the damn systems lol!

I certainly agree though, don't buy him.

My Rhino will be done construction when i get home tonight, after the pub.

Quick question though, do i have to be at the correct mastery level to build something of that level?


Do before I understood what blueprints for the frames meant, I bought the blueprint for nyx.

What are the chances i'm ever going to be able to build that thing?
Oh bugger...

"This (Eris) is the only planet to not have a boss mission, as Phorid was relocated to inhabit Invasion missions, and only when they reach the planet's boss level. This makes Nyx currently unavailable to farm except times when the Infested have taken over a boss node."


Don't buy rhino!!! 4-5 runs through the boss will net you the parts you need.

Yeah, I picked up Rhino almost immediately after unlocking the boss. I've gotten Ash and Valkyr after 4-5 runs.

Vauban is who I really want but it looks like I'll never get him. :(


Do before I understood what blueprints for the frames meant, I bought the blueprint for nyx.

What are the chances i'm ever going to be able to build that thing?

Slim to none, at least for the foreseeable future. In either the current or next patch, Phorid (boss that drops Nyx parts) is being removed from the game as a normal boss node and will only show up during random infestation events. Even if that wasn't the case, he is currently the highest level boss in the game and not one that you are likely to see for a good while. You really couldn't have bought a worse blueprint as a new player. lol

Fill out a quick support ticket and DE will refund your credits, no questions asked.

So, I just found out there is a twitter page specifically dedicated to PS4 Warframe Alerts.

That explains a lot...

Uh, yeah! I set the account to do push notifications to my iPhone using the official Twitter app.

This is serious shit, after all.


Volt? I picked him up earlier in the week, and I don't remember him being especially difficult to get...

J3-Golem is no longer in the game. In case you hadn't noticed, his boss node is now occupied by Alad V! After the next patch Volt parts will be awarded as random Defense/Survival rewards, kinda like Banshee.


J3-Golem is no longer in the game. In case you hadn't noticed, his boss node is now occupied by Alad V! After the next patch Volt parts will be awarded as random Defense/Survival rewards, kinda like Banshee.
Aha, I just couldn't remember *where* I'd gotten all the parts from. Good timing for me, I guess :)


Grimløck;94082869 said:
I think the recent PC updates made it so his parts only drop after certain Survival missions.

...and until that patch is pushed to PS4, there is no possible way to acquire Volt besides buying him with platinum. Oh yeah, and the patch isn't coming until after the New Year.

Don't fret though, Volt is fucking terrible anyway. =)


...and until that patch is pushed to PS4, there is no possible way to acquire Volt besides buying him with platinum. Oh yeah, and the patch isn't coming until after the New Year.

Don't fret though, Volt is fucking terrible anyway. =)


He was built for Corpus slaughtering.


GAF parliamentarian
Volt is a great frame. Shield and Speed are fantastic abilities.

Shock and Overload lose their punch later on, like most damage abilities.


Shield is his only good ability. Speed is a decent novelty but I'd rather have Wormhole. Overload is almost decent early on, except that he's not invulnerable and usually dies during the cast if you have decent power duration. I'd rather have near-instant cast Molecular Prime. Especially since it has an incredible 200% damage debuff that the entire party benefits from. Shock is a piece of shit at any level. I'd rather have... a different polarity slot.

If you want a glass cannon then Nova is better in every single way. Volt is basically pointless.

Shield is kinda cool though, I guess.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Shield is his only good ability. Speed is a decent novelty but I'd rather have Wormhole. Overload is almost decent early on, except that he's not invulnerable and usually dies during the cast if you have decent power duration. I'd rather have near-instant cast Molecular Prime. Especially since it has an incredible 200% damage debuff that the entire party benefits from. Shock is a piece of shit at any level. I'd rather have... a different polarity slot.

If you want a glass cannon then Nova is better in every single way. Volt is basically pointless.

Shield is kinda cool though, I guess.

I would say that for repeatedly farming a boss and getting through the level quick, Volt is better than Nova. Which is a legitimate reason to keep one around, lol.

Other than that, shrug.
Volt's Shield is freaking boss. Especially if you have an energy weapon because it converts shots to hitscan.

Check this out.

Also, Synapse + Shield = red crits, which is like double crits

The only thing I don't like about his shield is that it can be hard as crap to see through it sometimes. Good thing I can turn off the motion blur/DoF on PC to get rid of the blurriness though ;)


Neo Member
J3-Golem is no longer in the game. In case you hadn't noticed, his boss node is now occupied by Alad V! After the next patch Volt parts will be awarded as random Defense/Survival rewards, kinda like Banshee.
I jumped on this before update 11 to make him my fourth frame. Mage types aren't normally my thing (Got Rhino for samurai archetype and Ash for ninja), but Volt just looked too damn cool.
After getting him to 30, I can definitely say I enjoyed the ride: the AOE is godly, speed boost makes your entire team into Flashes, shield is... dunno, I'm all offense usually. Which makes his vanilla lightning bolt so sweet - chain shot to a group of enemies is pretty much the ultimate skill at quarter the power.
Volt is still too Mage-y for me to potato atm, but he's no pushover.
Well the wife is at the pub and i've got the place to myself, moving my Nova through the start Saturn if anyone around that level would like to join me. PSN: jacob_armitage
Argh, I really need the PC and PS4 versions to get in sync! I just can't go back to Mag and the basic weapons after putting 45 hours into the PC version. And they just released *another* PC update a few hours ago with the new Oberon (paladin) skin, more new weapons, a crazy earth-based event, new forest tileset, etc etc etc.

Oberon looks pretty sweet, nice mix of offensive and defensive powers.
Grimløck;94098292 said:
the game just crashed on me in the middle of it. had 2 more waves.

i just crashed trying to launch the mission, first time thats happened.

also i've just got to say, stray dog strut is a really great alias. cowboy bebop reference?
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