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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


I don't use Twitter, which is why I want a dedicated app :)

I don't really use it either, and on the rare chance that I do it's from Tweetbot. The official Twitter app is just a Warframe machine that I keep stashed in a folder. I'd rather have an official app too, but this at least works for the time being. Just enable push notifications for the @WFAlertsPS4 account and you'll never need to open the app -- alerts will just pop up on your phone like text messages.
Grimløck;95793958 said:
I got lucky. I joined a random game at wave 14 and we decided to keep going.

I just did a level 13-18 survival and we got to 25 minutes. Ended up finding a few mods I'd never heard of.

We failed it because I was the only one grabbing oxygen, and I kid you not, they were literally stood outside the exit room and kept shooting dudes instead of standing on the exit pad. We died.

I was so fucking pissed.


Save it until you need it for weapon/frame slots or if you want to be lazy and buy potatoes.

Sentinels can be made via blueprints from the market place using credits and mats.

You got my messages on PSN? You seems haven't been online?

Anyone feel like doing some tower 1 void missions tonight, probably around 10pm aest, may be a bit later.

I love to but I'm not sure about my timing. Though add me. My PSN same as heres.


I can share my latron prime builds if you're interested. it's fuckin beastly, frequent one shot kills all around for most mobs sub level 20. favorite weapon in the game for me.

I did forma it once and plan to do one more on it to add a V polarity on an open slot.

I'd be interested.

I have a Latron Prime in the oven now...


Finally got my Serration one point from the top. Don't know if I can max it.

We failed it because I was the only one grabbing oxygen, and I kid you not, they were literally stood outside the exit room and kept shooting dudes instead of standing on the exit pad. We died.

I was so fucking pissed.
Only one of you has to make it to the exit in time. Isn't that how survival works?

Or does it have to be a majority of players?


Only one of you has to make it to the exit in time. Isn't that how survival works?

Or does it have to be a majority of players?

Depends on how many people in game. If there are 4 players then 2 need to get there to trigger the countdown (1 can make it if everyone is already dead, of course). If 2 players then only 1 needs to get there, etc.


Got Serration on a defense alert mission, but my team was a dud and I died on the last wave. Such a cruel world to live in. If only I had my maxed out Mag instead of budding Nova.

Nova is such a glass cannon, worse than Mag in terms of survivability. Her health is bigger than her shields for pete's sakes.

Got my Nuerodes so the Hind is being built, although the Burston is starting to do me just fine after some leveling.
Only one of you has to make it to the exit in time. Isn't that how survival works?

Or does it have to be a majority of players?

Half of the players, then it starts a one minute countdown. I was the only one and I was just stood there watching as our health started depleting.

Edit: beaten, I should learn to read.


Any suggestions on where to farm Orokin Cells at a decent rate? I've been farming Mimas and such on Saturn, but it's been pretty slow.


I've been playing this game for the past week or so, getting the hang of the game and its systems. I still have a long way to go, but I'd love to join the GAF clan if there's room. Also, if anyone wants to add me so we can play through some missions (especially Void missions), feel free to add me!

PSN - oldyella.


Any suggestions on where to farm Orokin Cells at a decent rate? I've been farming Mimas and such on Saturn, but it's been pretty slow.

I'm farming them for the next few hours if you want to join. PSN frizby. Tyl Regor is probably the most reliable place. He's reasonably easy to solo (edit: but anecdotally, he drops more reliably when you are in a group) in a 10 minute run and drops a cell more than half the time. The heavy gunners in his level also drop them occasionally. I quit out if he doesn't drop it, so misses only take a few minutes.

I contributed the last 3500 circuits to get the reactor started. There are some seriously random decorations in the lobby though.

Also got my last parts for Ember Prime, Glaive Prime and Braton Prime yesterday, so I think I'm done with the void for a bit.

Cheated my way through mastery rank 8 with Nova. I'd say that I feel dirty for doing it, but that test was BS.


Any suggestions on where to farm Orokin Cells at a decent rate? I've been farming Mimas and such on Saturn, but it's been pretty slow.

Orokin Derelict Assassinations has a pretty good chance of dropping Orokin cells (sometimes 2-3 from one assassination even), problem is that you'd need Golem Nav Coordinates to craft the key for ODAs, which can only be found in Orokin Derelict storage containers. Not really sure of any other reliable method besides doing Saturn runs as well.


Gold Member
Maybe a stupid question, but I noticed in the clan chat space that we had "member", "junior member". is that related to neogaf, or is that some type of ranking system within WarFrame?

PSN: Mefid


I contributed the last 3500 circuits to get the reactor started. There are some seriously random decorations in the lobby though.

Read the MOTD! Those decorations are just there to collect extra resources for Dojo expansions, they'll be destroyed once finished. Destroyed rooms/decorations return all collected resources to the Clan Vault which can then be used to build any other Dojo expansion. Since there's currently no way to donate directly to the Vault I figured this was a decent workaround.

So fret not! Those statues aren't long for this world. Neither is that peasant clan hall, for that matter. ;-)

Maybe a stupid question, but I noticed in the clan chat space that we had "member", "junior member". is that related to neogaf, or is that some type of ranking system within WarFrame?

PSN: Mefid

It's just the clan ranks in Warframe, I thought it would be witty to mirror them to the titles we have on the forum. I figured it might be confusing though. I'll change them back to more standard can titles today.


Read the MOTD! Those decorations are just there to collect extra resources for Dojo expansions, they'll be destroyed once finished. Destroyed rooms/decorations return all collected resources to the Clan Vault which can then be used to build any other Dojo expansion. Since there's currently no way to donate directly to the Vault I figured this was a decent workaround.

So fret not! Those statues aren't long for this world. Neither is that peasant clan hall, for that matter. ;-)

Ah, I misunderstood the MOTD. I just contributed to the first place I found to contribute, the reactor.

Glad you're looking to spruce the place up a bit. We have an amazing number of hallways and connectors compared to other dojos I've seen. I like the ones with one big hall and all of the rooms off of the sides...more of an open floor plan.

Edit: I funded everything else for the Oracle.

It's just the clan ranks in Warframe, I thought it would be witty to mirror them to the titles we have on the forum. I figured it might be confusing though. I'll change them back to more standard can titles today.

Excellent. At rank 8 and with almost every prime, I was about to ask who I had to suck off to break out of "initiate" status. ;)


Orokin Derelict Assassinations has a pretty good chance of dropping Orokin cells (sometimes 2-3 from one assassination even), problem is that you'd need Golem Nav Coordinates to craft the key for ODAs, which can only be found in Orokin Derelict storage containers. Not really sure of any other reliable method besides doing Saturn runs as well.

Well really the best way to go about it is to have a Nekros to tag along to use Desecrate. It is not guaranteed, but being able to reroll the loot tables on enemies can double the potential and possibly double the amount of orokin cells you can get. I plan on attempting to farm Ceres with Nekros to see if there is a higher potential for cells considering the enemies are higher in level you would think you would have a higher chance to get rare resources, but I still need to test it thoroughly.


Glad you're looking to spruce the place up a bit. We have an amazing number of hallways and connectors compared to other dojos I've seen. I like the ones with one big hall and all of the rooms off of the sides...more of an open floor plan.

Edit: I funded everything else for the Oracle.

That's where we're heading. The current layout is just a band-aid while I get the real layout going. Basically, everything that's currently north of the clan hall is part of the permanent plan. Everything to the south will be demolished/rebuilt in the next few days. That's not to say that you shouldn't contribute if you see something being built there. Since all resources (including platinum) are returned to the Clan Vault upon destruction, it's never a waste to contribute.

When it's all said and done, our Dojo will have 3 floors. The top and bottom floors will be "all business," meaning just to handle stuff like reactors, barracks, the Oracle and the requisite extra clan halls to increase or Dojo capacity. Once everything is built there will be no reason for anyone to ever go to those floors. Players will spawn on the second floor inside the "Grandest Hall" (no bullshit, that's the in-game name). That hall is huge and has 6 doors. One of them will lead straight to the research labs, one will lead to the Obstacle Course, and the other four will lead to dueling arenas. If need be I can do some cross-connector wizardry and add a second Obstacle Course, but I feel like one will be sufficient for now.

It's gonna be rad. Today I'll be putting together a rough map to help explain it better.

EDIT: Thanks for helping with the Oracle. I'll now be able to nuke the old one in 24 hours. ;-)


Been playing this for almost 2 weeks and absolutely love it. This thread and the wiki have been a godsend in helping me understand this game, it seemed so daunting when I started off but I think I'm getting to grips with it. Rhino finished baking early this morning and have got both Valkyr and Nova currently in the oven to go along with my Mag that I started off with.

If there is any room left in the clan please can a join PSN is Ty_84 also feel free to add me. Going to be doing some void runs and could do with some help if anyone fancies it.


If there is any room left in the clan please can a join PSN is Ty_84 also feel free to add me. Going to be doing some void runs and could do with some help if anyone fancies it.

Membership is locked at the moment, but you've been added to the Google Doc.


Mol, does your master plan include gardens?

They can be used as stylish connectors instead of the boring hallways.

Yep, Hellscream's Zen garden is being re-created as the connector for the research labs. That's really the only connector that players will ever see once everything is finished. All the other stuff will be accessible directly from the main Clan Hall.

The point of the design I'm using is to make all the stuff you actually use as close to where you spawn in as possible. Those tiles will all be prettied up. The administrative junk on the first and third floors will have the standard hallway connectors since they require less energy to maintain, but again, you'll never be going to those floors once everything is done. All the stuff you actually want will be right there where you spawn in.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Yep, Hellscream's Zen garden is being re-created as the connector for the research labs. That's really the only connector that players will ever see once everything is finished. All the other stuff will be accessible directly from the main Clan Hall.

The point of the design I'm using is to make all the stuff you actually use as close to where you spawn in as possible. Those tiles will all be prettied up. The administrative junk on the first and third floors will have the standard hallway connectors since they require less energy to maintain, but again, you'll never be going to those floors once everything is done. All the stuff you actually want will be right there where you spawn in.


How about room decorations, do you have any idea which way you want to go?

There's tons of those items.


Man Molecular prime and Snow Globe are so op in defence missions. Just did a Derelict defence where I was by far the weakest, but just spammed prime while another guy spammed snow globe. We made it to 20 waves, by the end I was getting killed in two attacks, but stilled managed to "deal" half the damage for the mission.



How about room decorations, do you have any idea which way you want to go?

There's tons of those items.

Yep, I'm gonna max out the decoration capacity of all "used" rooms and really try to make them look classy. The problem is that most rooms have an extremely low decoration capacity. For example, our current "Great Hall" only has a decoration capacity of 18 slots. The trading post eats up 3 of those, so we really only have 15. Each of the banners (which will all be sporting our NeoGAF clan emblem after the patch) is another -1, so if I were to place one on each pillar we'd be at 9. Just about every other decoaration would be another -3. That really doesn't leave us much breathing room to really spruce the place up.

That's why I'm going about this the way I am. There are 4 clan halls you can build in the game, each one larger, more impressive and with a higher decoration capacity than the last. The problem is that like the different barracks upgrades, the clan halls must be built in a specific order. The best clan hall is the "Grandest Hall." At 120, its decoration capacity is a full 80 slots higher than the second-best hall. That's what the fuck I'm talking about!

The only issue is that I want our main hall to be conveniently connected to the relevant stuff that people actually want to use, so the order in which things are built is extremely important. Of course, the whole time we have to worry about managing the energy capacity (increased by Reactors) and building capacity (increased by clan halls) as we build. The situation is further complicated by my desire to avoid having any of the research labs go down so that clan members can continue purchasing their desired blueprints as they see fit.

No worries though, I've crunched the numbers and we should be just fine. The worst case scenario is that each research lab will be unavailable for about two hours, but in all likelihood I'll be able to have a replacement lab completed before even starting the demolition countdown on the old ones. I just need you guys to bear with me for a few days while things continue building. =)


So what are we needing to spruce the place up and I'll add some stuff in :D

Just contribute resources to any rooms you see building. There will be almost constant renovations over the next few days. At any given time you can count on there being a new room and/or hallway collecting resources!


I'm trying to put together a Rhino and I have a couple blueprints for the helmet. Anyone have any of the other blueprints and want to trade?

Also, is there a GAF clan?


Just finished farming the boss of the Saturn planet for Ember parts... I now have blueprints for Trinity, Ember and Rhino (plus partial blueprints for Banshee and Frost Prime). Just need to farm Neurodes and enough cash to craft the parts and finish the Warframes.

Is there anyone who's gonna be on later tonight who's gonna be doing Void missions? If so, send me a friend request/invite me to a game.


bugs, crashes, and connection issues are really getting on my nerves this weekend. hope they fix some of this shit in the next update.
Trying to trade a mod for 40 plat and keep getting a "failed to trade" error..WHY??? Just my luck..

I'm trying to put together a Rhino and I have a couple blueprints for the helmet. Anyone have any of the other blueprints and want to trade?

Also, is there a GAF clan?
Can't trade blueprints. Yes, there is indeed a clan.
I tried using and upgrading the shotgun, but it was a no go for me. Even though the Strun is powerful and takes down enemies in 1 or 2 shots, I usually have to reload every second. The reload on it is pretty long as well, so I spent a lot of time behind corners trying not to get in the way while reloading.

I might try it out again if I ever come across an extended mag sort of upgrade (if there even is one). Until then, I'll have to stick with my Braton.

Also I'm getting closer and closer to getting all the parts for Rhino. I just have to make it to Neptune to get a control module.

Grimløck;95879512 said:
Had to play through this crap on survival:


I just got done with my first survival match, the FPS was all over the place. It's really hard to shoot when the enemies are teleporting. The mode is still fun even if the FPS is wacky. It's a good thing that survival matches are pretty rare.


I'd be interested.

I have a Latron Prime in the oven now...

Here are my current Latron Prime (Rank 30) builds for each faction. Keep in mind, I forma'd once already and have V, V, and – polarities currently. I also have an Orokin Catalyst installed. For even more damage add The Rifle Amp Aura mod maxed out, especially if you have its polarity on your frame.

These builds have a good chance to one-shot kill all 3 factions lower than level 20. These are only using the mods I've found in the game thus far so the potential is even greater once I forma once or twice more and pick up some of the rarer mods that add dual stats. Oh, and I still need to max out a few of the mods. And always aim for the head. :)

Infested (Config A)
Split Chamber (5/5)
Hellfire (3/5)
Serration (6/10)
Vital Sense (5/5)
Point Strike (5/5)
Fast Hands (5/5)
Speed Trigger (5/5)
Bane of Infested (4/5)

60/60 mod points used up.

Grineer (Config B)
Split Chamber (5/5)
Fast Hands (5/5)
Serration (6/10)
Point Strike (5/5)
Vital Sense (5/5)
Strombringer (3/5)
Infected Clip (3/5)
Piercing Hit (0/5)

57/60 Mod points used up.

Corpus (Config C)
Split Chamber (5/5)
Fast Hands (5/5)
Serration (6/10)
Point Strike (5/5)
Stormbringer (3/5)
Vital Sense (5/5)
Infected Clip (3/5)
Cryo Rounds (3/5)

60/60 Mod points used up.

Config C is great for farming Raptor, it drops him real quick.

I really hope DE adds one more Config tab so I can have an all-purpose build that I can use for Void and OD missions.
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