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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


wtf is this shit, lol.


I had that the other day too. It appears to be related to the Conclave PvP system but I don't have any confirmation of that.


Got Frost Prime Blueprint and its helmet. Have been playing extermination since then to get its chasis and system blueprint but couldn't get it. Although got 2 frost prime and helmet prints.
wtf is this shit, lol.

That's a thing they're working on where you can vote on peoples' behaviors. Something about using it for matchmaking and stuff... It's been a while since they've talked about it, so it's a bit fuzzy to me. Guess it glitched through for ya :p


That's a thing they're working on where you can vote on peoples' behaviors. Something about using it for matchmaking and stuff... It's been a while since they've talked about it, so it's a bit fuzzy to me. Guess it glitched through for ya :p

right on, figured that much seeing the word reputation. that will actually be nice to have to report some of the aholes online. they really should focus on fixing bugs before adding these new features though.
Thanks guys for the awesome Tower 1 runs. Walked away with six control mods, Mag prime helmit and blueprint, and some misc prime weapon prints. Gained a few levels too.

Oh, and a Forma from that last survival run.

Started the second part of trinity cooking, just need a bit misc resources and some cash to get the final parts of rhino and trinity cooking.


I'll open up all these nodes eventually. I get sad when I fire up the game after seeing an alert and finding out I haven't unlocked it yet.

Also fix this fucking star map. It's still hard to see and harder to navigate


I'll open up all these nodes eventually. I get sad when I fire up the game after seeing an alert and finding out I haven't unlocked it yet.

Also fix this fucking star map. It's still hard to see and harder to navigate

If there is a alert you need and you dont have the node unlocked I can fix that for you. Im not sure about the rest of the clan, but I have the entire solar system cleared. Hit me up when I am online.


Did they get rid of the "do 5/5 achievements" with update 11? I remember seeing those during missions before, but haven't seen a single one since U11.
Appreciate it, Helscream.

I never did complete the kill 5 guys while sliding. Fuck that

I love killing people when sliding / wall running! Especially with despair/Kunai/Hikou! Feels like a real ninja!

Yeah I've not seen any of those weapon achieves either, you used to get some extra XP for completing them for that weapon.


Since I know that most of you are probably wondering WTF is going on with the Dojo, I went ahead and made a rough blueprint to give you an idea. This is the final design, give or take a few hallway extensions that may or may not be necessary.

EDIT: I did make an error with the Basement positioning. The Greater Hall and the Grand Hall will have to have their positions swapped since the clan halls must be built in order. Other than that, this is it! The main floor should begin coming together within the next 24-36 hours.


Since I know that most of you are probably wondering WTF is going on with the Dojo, I went ahead and made a rough blueprint to give you an idea. This is the final design, give or take a few hallway extensions that may or may not be necessary.

EDIT: I did make an error with the Basement positioning. The Greater Hall and the Grand Hall will have to have their positions swapped since the clan halls must be built in order. Other than that, this is it! The main floor should begin coming together within the next 24-36 hours.

Looks good!


I so need to sit down and read up about this game.. tried this weekend, first I had NAT 2 issues, took forever to get a match, then I don't really get what to do.. :D


Only two Primes left! Orthos and Sicarus.

Rank 9 test tonight.

Any Soma aficionados out there? I'm curious about your build, and why you went that way. Mine is pure critical damage with no elementals or faction perks, but I feel like I'm missing something. I did forma it yesterday with its fourth V.


Since I know that most of you are probably wondering WTF is going on with the Dojo, I went ahead and made a rough blueprint to give you an idea. This is the final design, give or take a few hallway extensions that may or may not be necessary.

EDIT: I did make an error with the Basement positioning. The Greater Hall and the Grand Hall will have to have their positions swapped since the clan halls must be built in order. Other than that, this is it! The main floor should begin coming together within the next 24-36 hours.

Wheres my Zen Garden damnit?!


Here is my EPIC/funny Puzzle room moment. Last night it was Bitmapfrog,Teasing_Pink, Paritybit, and myself last night doing a few void missions. Well when we came to this one puzzle room with abunch of lasers I ended up getting right to the end and as I was sliding under the door it slam shut on me pushing me through the geometry of the map. Followed by me saying "fuck" rather loudly, but the recording did not pick up party chat. If you want to be humored a bit watch the last 2 minutes of the video to see the puzzle room fun.

At the 13:20 mark I somehow get a crit with the Vectis for 65k.

The 13:40 mark is where the puzzle room starts. The end is kinda funny if you ask me.



Gold Member
Only two Primes left! Orthos and Sicarus.

Rank 9 test tonight.

Any Soma aficionados out there? I'm curious about your build, and why you went that way. Mine is pure critical damage with no elementals or faction perks, but I feel like I'm missing something. I did forma it yesterday with its fourth V.

I love it with serration and Shred, maxing if you can. Going either elemental or critical damage will rip enemies aparts regardless
Can someone clear up whether running depletes the oxygen faster in survival runs, once and for all?

Different gaffers seem to be claiming difference things on the matter,


Wheres my Zen Garden damnit?!

It'll be the connector for the research labs (and another one for the Barracks), the tiles I found online just didn't have them since all the gardens are pretty recent additions to the game. ;-)

Can someone clear up whether running depletes the oxygen faster in survival runs, once and for all?

Different gaffers seem to be claiming difference things on the matter,

Urban legend, it seems. Maybe we can get a PC gaffer to clarify?


Any Soma aficionados out there? I'm curious about your build, and why you went that way. Mine is pure critical damage with no elementals or faction perks, but I feel like I'm missing something. I did forma it yesterday with its fourth V.

No elemental? That's like removing the majority of your damage from the weapon. Actually no, it's not like that, it is that!

Say you have a weapon that 25 Impact damage, 25 Puncture damage and 25 Slash damage. That's 75 overall physical damage per bullet (or per second, still not entirely clear on that one). Elemental mods take that base 75 and use it to give you additional damage for that element. Say you have a +90% Stormbringer and put it on that weapon. 90% of 75 is 67.5, so this weapon would now be doing 75 physical damage and an additional 67.5 Electric damage. If you were add a +90% Cry Rounds as well then you'd now be at +180% Magnetic. So on top of that 75 base damage the weapon would be dealing 135 additional Magnetic damage. Which just so happens to be the main weakness of the Corpus.

You always need elemental, especially now after Damage 2.0!


Neo Member
Just clearing up 1 thing, elemental damage is always applied every hit - IE: it's weapon damage + Heat damage, and there's a chance that the status effect can proc - IE: enemy gets set on fire from heat mod?


Just clearing up 1 thing, elemental damage is always applied every hit - IE: it's weapon damage + Heat damage, and there's a chance that the status effect can proc - IE: enemy gets set on fire from heat mod?

Yeah, the status/proc shit is separate from the base damage. Those are based off the Status Chance stat on the weapon. The base elemental damage is applied to every single hit. For 99% of weapons the Status Chance stuff is completely useless and should be ignored altogether. It's cool when it happens but a weapon would need a very high base Status Chance for decent build to be made around it. Even then, to mod it for increase Status Chance you'd need to give up something else and on most weapons I don't have any slots to give.

For nearly every weapon in the game, it's much more useful to simply stack the Elemental weakness of the enemy type and completely ignore the random proc shit. That way you know that you will always be dealing damage that the enemy is weak to. That's what I do, at least. Seems to be working out pretty damn well for me.


Neo Member
Thanks! That's exactly what I thought. The information about damage (or...anything) in this game is rather obscure at times.


Yeah, the status/proc shit is separate from the base damage. Those are based off the Status Chance stat on the weapon. The base elemental damage is applied to every single hit. For 99% of weapons the Status Chance stuff is completely useless and should be ignored altogether. It's cool when it happens but a weapon would need a very high base Status Chance for decent build to be made around it. Even then, to mod it for increase Status Chance you'd need to give up something else and on most weapons I don't have any slots to give.

For nearly every weapon in the game, it's much more useful to simply stack the Elemental weakness of the enemy type and completely ignore the random proc shit. That way you know that you will always be dealing damage that the enemy is weak to. That's what I do, at least. Seems to be working out pretty damn well for me.

Corrosive is probably the best proc especially for stuff like grineer bosses.


Yeah, the status/proc shit is separate from the base damage. Those are based off the Status Chance stat on the weapon. The base elemental damage is applied to every single hit. For 99% of weapons the Status Chance stuff is completely useless and should be ignored altogether. It's cool when it happens but a weapon would need a very high base Status Chance for decent build to be made around it. Even then, to mod it for increase Status Chance you'd need to give up something else and on most weapons I don't have any slots to give.

For nearly every weapon in the game, it's much more useful to simply stack the Elemental weakness of the enemy type and completely ignore the random proc shit. That way you know that you will always be dealing damage that the enemy is weak to. That's what I do, at least. Seems to be working out pretty damn well for me.

Hrm. Lots to learn. *removes his status change mods from his stuff*


Hi guys... do any of you have a level 1 Serration Mod for sale/trade/giveaway/etc?? I have put ~20 hours into the game, but still have not come across this mod. I am getting higher in levels and I feel like I am doing shit damage with my weapons... this thing is critical for me to be useful to my team. Thanks in advance for your help.

PS. I have some void keys and would love to have a few gaffers join me on some runs. How can I invite people from the clan into the mission?


Neo Member
Hi guys... do any of you have a level 1 Serration Mod for sale/trade/giveaway/etc?? I have put ~20 hours into the game, but still have not come across this mod. I am getting higher in levels and I feel like I am doing shit damage with my weapons... this thing is critical for me to be useful to my team. Thanks in advance for your help.

PS. I have some void keys and would love to have a few gaffers join me on some runs. How can I invite people from the clan into the mission?

I have a spare serration. Am also up for void missions if you're in the EuroZone. PSN - Arassuil


anyone come across orthos prime parts yet? been running OD capture missions and yet to get one.


No elemental? That's like removing the majority of your damage from the weapon. Actually no, it's not like that, it is that!

Say you have a weapon that 25 Impact damage, 25 Puncture damage and 25 Slash damage. That's 75 overall physical damage per bullet. Elemental mods take that base 75 and use it to give you additional damage for that element. Say you have a +90% Stormbringer and put it on that weapon. 90% of 75 is 67.5, so this weapon would now be doing 75 physical damage and an additional 67.5 Electric damage. If you were add a +90% Cry Rounds as well then you'd now be at +180% Magnetic. So on top of that 75 base damage the weapon would be dealing 135 additional Magnetic damage. Which just so happens to be the main weakness of the Corpus.

You always need elemental, especially now after Damage 2.0!

Learned something today. I had no idea that was raw/immediate damage. Thanks!


Is it possible to change warframes? I picked the girl one and I don't like her power

You start with that frame. From there you can either venture into the game and collect frame parts from the various bosses in the game. Each boss drops a separate piece of a single frame. For example Captian Vor is the the first boss you'll encounter. He drops the Trinity frame parts. You would essentially rid him until you get all the parts. then you dump each into your foundry along with a heap of credits, wait 3 days and bam! you have two frames now.

Alternatively you can always buy them with Plat which is purchased with real money. Some frames are more expensive that others. For example the Loki is only 75 play whereas the Nekros is 375. $20 bucks gets you 370 Plat.

There are no frames that can't be found in game. You can buy or grind every frame as you see fit. I personally recommend Buying the Rhino and then hunt for other parts. Many will disagree.


Is it possible to change warframes? I picked the girl one and I don't like her power
You can't change the Frame you start with until you either buy a complete one with Platinum (DON'T!) or progress through the map and unlock boss fights. Bosses in each sector hold the components for new frames (the Helmet, the Chassis and the Systems) and then you buy the Frame blueprint from the marketplace with in-game credits.

Just out of curiosity, which Frame did you start with? Because if it's Mag then you're clearing not using her right - her powers are fantastic.
You start with that frame. From there you can either venture into the game and collect frame parts from the various bosses in the game. Each boss drops a separate piece of a single frame. For example Captian Vor is the the first boss you'll encounter. He drops the Trinity frame parts. You would essentially rid him until you get all the parts. then you dump each into your foundry along with a heap of credits, wait 3 days and bam! you have two frames now.

Alternatively you can always buy them with Plat which is purchased with real money. Some frames are more expensive that others. For example the Loki is only 75 play whereas the Nekros is 375. $20 bucks gets you 370 Plat.

There are no frames that can't be found in game. You can buy or grind every frame as you see fit. I personally recommend Buying the Rhino and then hunt for other parts. Many will disagree.

Just a few corrections...
Captain Vor on Mercury does not drop Trinity parts. Instead parts for the weapons Cronus/Seer are dropped instead. As of the moment, you can still get Trinity parts from the third boss (earth). The earliest chance you can get parts for a frame is for the second boss Jackal on Venus, which drops the highly useful rhino parts.

Now, even when you get the parts, it's not exactly just drop some credits in and done. You'll still need the materials to have the parts crafted. And one of the hardest things for new players to do is to gather up enough plasmids. If you can get some high level to help you on farming those mats, it would be great. If you don't have the patience, you can also go the route of spending 30 plats for 300 plasmids (it's about 600 plasmids required for each frame.) That's 60 plats per frame + some time collecting easy materials. Still better than spending money in the shop.

Don't be tempted into buying the 75 plat frames right now.
Volt isn't good.
Loki is amazing, but you need to have good gears + some familiarity with the game to really enjoy him.

Also - every frame can be boring/bland until you learn how to use them. MAG may seem boring, but her Shield polarize (50 energy, down swipe on touch pad) is fantastic against shielded enemies.


Only two Primes left! Orthos and Sicarus.

Rank 9 test tonight.

Any Soma aficionados out there? I'm curious about your build, and why you went that way. Mine is pure critical damage with no elementals or faction perks, but I feel like I'm missing something. I did forma it yesterday with its fourth V.
Mine is only twice formad.

Serration 9/10
Split Chamber 5/5
Point Strike 5/5
Vital Sense 5/5
Speed Trigger 5/5
Infected Clip 5/5
Stormbringer 5/5
Bane 5/5

The last three are variable and faction-dependent. I'll make Magnetic if I'm facing Corpus and Blast or Radiation if I'm facing the Infested, and switch out the Bane mod for the appropriate enemy. I might take out the Bane mod if and when I get a Hammer Shot/Heavy Caliber.
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