Unconfirmed Member

Haven't played in a year but this belongs here. Yes.
I'm having so much trouble landing the last pieces for Loki Prime and Nova Prime.
Loki Prime Chassis
Nova Prime Chassis
Does anyone have these? Can ya help me out? Been using Nyx Prime for eternity, and I gotta say it's incredibly boring at this point. Need a new Frame.
You seem like gonna take a battle!The Eidolons are good fun IMHO, the problem is finding a team that can do 3x3 otherwise it's sooooo sloooow.
Jesus the Catchmoon nerf is brutal.
Checks profile
Used 0.3%
Kills 2
Assists 3
Yeah, I'll be fine
I was helping a newer player yesterday, unlocking some of the star chart for him, give some beginner tips like toggle running and turning up FOV and activating syndicate.
Also helped him out with the The Sergeant. Taxi'd him (the boss is needed for the Ceres junction) but I let him do it solo. He was all hyped up about it. Then he saw the boss and he was all confused and I was just laughing through Discord voice chat.
The laughing didn't stop. Because the boss wasn't instant KO'd, I got to see him live longer than 1 second. That boss is so funny. He says a lot of lines. Insulted me. Insulted my clan. It's so hilarious. I feel like this boss was created for this exact moment and I got a rare treat, because most people have probably rushed this and never went back. I loved it
Also helped him farm Frost parts when I asked him which frames he liked (and he still had to make his first and didn't want to make a Rhino). Frost happened to be one of them. Then we discovered control module is a rare material for beginners and building Frost requires... 1. I was so confused. I stared at my 1.6k control modules and had to wiki where this stuff normally drops. Ended up getting 3 in the void. Are they really that rare and did I really do that many void missions :|?
Si vauban prime requires 9000 cryptic. That's 90 extractors. Holy fuck.
Not sure I'm loving the whole Lich grind tbh. Good idea, questionable execution. And I haven't even done away with my 1st one yet...
Heiracon on Pluto is your friend. Also good for axi relics and endo. I've done 40+ excavtes there in pubs a few times before. Most groups will do around 20 from my experience. So long as its going smoothly of course
Finally finished MR28. Might grind the remaining items just on pure principle and it should put me halfway'ish to MR29.
There's still things left to grind, like intriniscs for railjack and the Vazarin focus school. Not done with the game just yet.
Changed main weapon to Dark Split-sword after I found a godlike riven that I forgot about. That thing one-shots everything, but it's going to absolutely fucking disgusting if they release a Prime version of the weapon.
Haven't played on PS4 in a out a year, worth jumping back in?
Ok, I have no idea what that means. But sounds fun. I was about mr17 I think when I left. Right when the open world stuff dropped.In that time the big content packs have been the lich system and railjack.
Liches have been mostly fixed. They're now less aggravating to farm and deal with, but they're just a farm.
Railjack appears to be mostly debugged now and while the content in there is bare, there's two new events, one in march and one in april centered around the railjack.
I'd say it's a good moment to come back, get your feet wet in the Railjack pool and get ready for event season. Farm a few liches while you're around too
Also, Baro sold prime chamber for a metrick fuckton of ducats. People bought multiple copies so you can find them on the trade channel if you want or you can wait until Baro offers it again.
Ok, I have no idea what that means. But sounds fun. I was about mr17 I think when I left. Right when the open world stuff dropped.
Any good frames to start with now days? Used to rock Mesa but heard it was needed to hell. I think I had nearly every frame at the time I left, except stupid Nova prime!
Any tips?
I'll download it tonight.
Ok, I have no idea what that means. But sounds fun. I was about mr17 I think when I left. Right when the open world stuff dropped.
Any good frames to start with now days? Used to rock Mesa but heard it was needed to hell. I think I had nearly every frame at the time I left, except stupid Nova prime!
Any tips?
I'll download it tonight.
Not going to lie, I'm a bit overwhelmed with the game right now.Had to take a break from vidyagame forums for a while. Should be around a bit more going forward
Frogs touched on the major stuff added (Liches, Railjack). There's also been a number of frames added since the last open world. Baruuk, Wisp, Hildryn, Gauss and Grendel. Mostly all pretty good (except maybe Grendel). Wisp especially will find a home in most groups with her team wide health and attack speed buffs. I like Baruuk and Hildryn though they're probably not the most popular. Both can be super strong built right though. And Gauss is great when you gotta go fast, and seems pretty popular since he released.
Also, can't remember any Mesa nerfs. She's as strong as ever
Regarding Lichs, they're essentially DE's take on Shadow of Mordors nemesis system. Except no where near as good. They're basically a wacky name generator with a roulette wheel of weapons attached. Some of those weapons happen to pretty damn good so they're sort of worth it for those. Once you get in a rhythm you can down one in a few hours of play too.
Railjack? Yeesh. Dunno where to start. I havent played it since release and it was a buggy mess. Apparently most of that (and the broken ass economy) have been fixed, but I don't really feel inclined to go back to it just yet. Its probably one of the few things in game where you kind of need an organised group to do well. It can be soloed but that will be rough as hell until you upgrade yourboatship. Which takes a while.
So until then, if you don't have 3 other people you know and trust, you're stuck with pubs. Which inevitably, you'll get into groups where at least 1 or 2 people don't know what to do properly or are just undergeared to be effective. And that can be super fun(?)
Also, theres a big update due next week on console which is going to change up quite a few things and shift a few metas. It seems to have been pretty well received so far on pc for the most part. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1172454-warframe-revised-update-2720/
They're basically a wacky name generator with a roulette wheel of weapons attached
Not going to lie, I'm a bit overwhelmed with the game right now.
I did the one with the repos a couple days ago. Was fun but I don't know what to do now. I think I have a bunch of quests to look into. I need to finish some old ones too.
I don't have these new quests open. I did beat the war within so that seems to be a large hurdle done but I have no idea what good it is or how to use my duder out of his suit, let alone the skills that are there...
Yup, I'm lost!
I was a member of the clan but got booted for being off for so long. It was the right decision of course.You beautiful bastard.
Alright, that's it. I gotta talk to Frizby and get him to come back and check this thread from time to time.
We had a gaf clan, that is now the reset clan, but they take people outside the forum so they can invite you. The clan leans towards veteran self-sufficient players but Frizby might be coaxed to help a newer player so I think it's worth a try.
I was a member of the clan but got booted for being off for so long. It was the right decision of course.
ThanksTalked to him, said he's gonna have a look![]()
I was a member of the clan but got booted for being off for so long. It was the right decision of course.
You beautiful bastard.
No. This is a beautiful bastard
Trogdor1123 Yeah it might be easier if you rejoin the clan. Theres few helpful people there who can help get you pointed in the right direction again
holy fuck that lich combo - buy the lottery lox!
Finished all the focus schools a couple of days ago, that's another grind off the list and I mostly get on to do the sorties now.
Really need find the motivation to burn a couple of 1000s of relics, they just add shiny new hamster wheels all the time so the relic pile just keeps growing.
Railjack is pretty safe to try now with the changes they made. Before the major buffs, I was getting destroyed on the first node. But now it's very fun, especially if you have friends joining you. It's it's own island, which is both good and bad. Bad as in you have do pretty much start from scratch there, but good in that it doesn't really have requirements. So my lower ranked clan members were able to join me and have a good time without worrying they "weren't good enough" or anything.I keep downloading Warframe. Loading up my ship. Looking at the grinds ahead and then logging off. I love the idea of Railjack but I’m also incredibly scared of trying it out cold. How many more currencies and resources did they add in the last year? I really want a massive reset switch on the whole thing and be told there are like ten currencies now.
I'm on Switch so I can't farm for Protea yet, but she looks awesome from what I see in videos. The resource dispenser looks OP. Any frame that can generate health orbs can use Health Conversion to get 1350 armor. Combined with her shield restoration which works with Arcane Aegis really well, she's basically free tank (requiring almost nothing in the build to make it work) and can dump everything else in making the rest of the abilities awesome. Turret is basically free DPS. What could also be interesting is making a negative duration build that match it exactly with a limited magazine weapon like the Kuva Ogris for example and rewind it back at the perfect time.
The Deadlock Protocol quest hits all the right notes. I won't spoil it but it's really cool.
Also, I'm not fan of the outrage community. People literally spreading misinformation like the Steel Path test cluster changes, changing an enemy from 9M EHP to 14 EHP. People who can't do maths and people who use those bad maths to fuel their rage. What a hateful part of the community. From 300% HP to 350% HP (which is a 16.6% increase) will never ever result in a 55% increase, especially not because the 16.6% increase is reduced by lesser armor and lesser shields. I hate how these people are the loudest part of the community and I hope DE sees how stupid they are.
Not yet and it will be later on consoles. If DE's plan is to create Devil May Cry style melee combat, it needs to be Steel Path enemies with enough HP, so I'm looking forward to more health on enemies. However, I fear the rage of the community is gonna prevent this and we're forever gonna be stuck with squishy enemies.Is the steel path live yet?
What's your take.
Haven't really checked out the new update yet. I've been on once or twice since it dropped but that was mostly to do some decorating and knock off a few things for Nora. I'm soooo behind on that.
I left the Reeee clan as well, and just made my own solo clan. Really didn't want that name attached to me in game with the reputation they're giving themselves, and plus I wanted to play around with making my own dojo, as well as have something to dump my millions upon millions of nanospaores etc into. Turned the main hall into a footy stadium with grandstands, scoreboards, jumbotrons, grass field, the works. Still a bit of work to do but I'm kinda proud of it tbh. Oh, and I already hated the decor UI before doing that, and after a week of trying to line chairs and other shit up straight, my hatred for it now knows no bounds