Makes me sad how utterly shite vanilla Tacs are in this entry. Fucking heretical to the highest degree.
I don't get how Relic, of all companies, could do this.
Makes me sad how utterly shite vanilla Tacs are in this entry. Fucking heretical to the highest degree.
I don't get how Relic, of all companies, could do this.
Ok. Here's what cheeses my onions.
Space Marines would never use these cannons in the MP mode. It's heresy cannons. They probably wouldn't even defend the power core because they'd rather blow it the fuck up and die than let the enemy take it.
Orks. Why and how the hell do they have eldar technology. They'd just scrap that shit a build a huge motherfucking power mech.
They could at least make models depending on race, even if the idea that you have shield generator before the cannons 🤔
Alright carry on.
Playing as Eldar I can pretty much beat everything from space marines or Mirror matches vs Eldar.
But I can't beat Orks, even if they are not very good players. Nobz and their taunt counter Eldar SO hard during early game that the Ork always gets a huge economy advantage and steamrolls me. I sometimes have 2-3 times units killed than the ork and can defend vs huge armies with right positioning, but once I leave my base they crush me with an infinite flood of units....
Nobz aren't early game though, they cost 200 power and need some Waaaagh towers.
If anyone is up for teaming up and playing a match of multiplayer, I'm in discord hanging out at the moment.
This community makes me sadSeems dead already.
If anyone is up for teaming up and playing a match of multiplayer, I'm in discord hanging out at the moment.
This community makes me sadSeems dead already.
Never go full DeoWait 2 weeks. Then I'll have finished my master and can go full Deo
On Monday, we'll get the ball rolling with our first patch. This will address some of the bugs and issues you've flagged with us (so long, invisible Bonesinger!) but will also include the addition of a Surrender option in Multiplayer. We give special props to those players who chase a comeback to the bitter end, but we certainly want to give you the option to concede. If you surrender, you'll receive Skulls and experience as if you lost the match. Check back on Monday for the full patch notes!
Later this month, we're rolling out our first balance patch. It's too early to give specifics but right now we're looking carefully at units that players are skipping over (looking at you, Tactical Marines...), abilities that seem harder to counter (ahem... Zapnoggin's teleport), and the factors that affect whether you can come back from a loss in an early match skirmish (how escalation phases are working).
wait until the nba playoffs get spaced out a bit, then i can get in on some mp![]()
Complete campaign on casual, normal and hard + warp spider elite level 10 still won't trigger for me. Only 4 achievements I'm missing![]()
No, fuck thatHave you replayed the missions?
I checked the bug report forums and apparently achievements not proccing is a known problem and will probably get fixed on Monday's patch.Complete campaign on casual, normal and hard + warp spider elite level 10 still won't trigger for me. Only 4 achievements I'm missing![]()
I won my first game last night since the beta so I am by no means good at, at all. It was an hour-long gruel, but I followed your early strategy, but didn't touch vehicles until late game, that way I could focus my resources on infantry upgrades. Up until near the last 20 minutes of the hour long match I was mixing devastators, assault marines, and the laser canon marines (can't remember names). I built less-and-less assault marines, and just utilized my paladin elite to keep them safe from close combat. I pushed in hard on one side and lost it all, but I tore through a ton of the enemy. After, I shifted focus to 100% vehicles building 1-to-1 ratio of the Predators good against armor and infantry. Once I had about 10 altogether, and my paladin was back, I pushed in one more time. They were rushing our mid in a panic, but I gobbled through the rest of them and we won. Those predator mixes are mean.So some questions on playing space marines. Right now I build barracks, get out assaults, build armory, get powersword, then go for teir 2 and vehicles. Should I be investing more in soldiers before going for vehicles, like heavy bolters, upgrades, etc? Also when capturing points how fast should I pour money into developing the resources on a point. I am having trouble knowing how to balance everything. Love the game, but this is why I was better at dow2 lol
Flamers are so damn good for the annoying ork mobs.TMs may be bad but I still rekt some kid with flamers. Feels so satisfying.
I won my first game last night since the beta so I am by no means good at, at all. It was an hour-long gruel, but I followed your early strategy, but didn't touch vehicles until late game, that way I could focus my resources on infantry upgrades. Up until near the last 20 minutes of the hour long match I was mixing devastators, assault marines, and the laser canon marines (can't remember names). I built less-and-less assault marines, and just utilized my paladin elite to keep them safe from close combat. I pushed in hard on one side and lost it all, but I tore through a ton of the enemy. After, I shifted focus to 100% vehicles building 1-to-1 ratio of the Predators good against armor and infantry. Once I had about 10 altogether, and my paladin was back, I pushed in one more time. They were rushing our mid in a panic, but I gobbled through the rest of them and we won. Those predator mixes are mean.
Flamers are so damn good for the annoying ork mobs.
I really hate super powers. A lot. They take so much strategy out of RTS games. Sat lasers, storms, etc.
This might be extreme, but I feel like a good fix would be that you only get to use it once in a fight. Maybe even make them MORE strong if that makes people happy with that limit. But a team that is ahead has such a huge advantage in this, especially when they are so comfortably ahead they can hold onto them for their final push into a base. I mean...what do you do against this? It's a real shame because we were slowly collapsing, but we actually had a really good last stand as our base started falling down. Without these sats raining lasers down, we actually would have been able to clear out most of their army pushing in.I agree, it's one of the only things I don't like about the game. If they stay then they just need to be a bit weaker... more like a nuke from Starcraft.
This might be extreme, but I feel like a good fix would be that you only get to use it once in a fight.
Yeah. Once a game. I'd also be happy with it costing more as well. In the end, we would have lost the game above if they didn't have their powers. But it is much more fun to go down swinging with units fighting instead of having hell rained down from above.Assuming you mean once a game?
They could also just make it cost a shit load of elite points to deter people from using it unless it's the ultra ultra late game.
Ok Campaign beaten. Story really played it safe, but man was in a fun ride.
Hoping to see some expansions down the road.
Ive only played 3 missions but i've been finding it so damn boring. I went back to previous relic games over this weekend, specifically DOW2 Chaos Rising and Ardennes Assault and those are so much fun compared to this and i'm more interested in playing through them than go back to 3
I really, really hope we see a really good campaign expansion or two
Actually i preferred this campaign to those. Started off slow but it picked up a lot around the middle.
Ok Campaign beaten. Story really played it safe, but man was in a fun ride.
Hoping to see some expansions down the road.
Posts: 595
You can now surrender in multiplayer matches
Ronahn's Long Shot now shows a line on the minimap when aiming
Improved presentation in Player Profile screen
Bug Fixes
Fixed assorted rare crashes
Fixed issue where a chat command (/leave) could cause a crash
Fixed broken link to modding wiki in Steam Workshop page
Fixed flow issues with quick-matching versus AI when in a party
Fixed potential progression blocker in Mission 17
Fixed issue with knockback in water
Fixed additional instances of ability usage visible through the fog of war
Fixed extra scrap being generated by drop pods after their wrecks were looted
Fixed text display issues in Steam Workshop
Fixed issue with Gorkanaut Rokkit Fist if you issued a move order immediately after using it
Disabled incorrectly active buttons during quick match countdown
Fixed issue with melee tie up of ranged units placed in melee stance
Jain Zar now has visual FX for her scream passive
Fixed issue where Bonesinger could become invisible if its Warp ability was canceled
Fixed occasional animation issues with Land Speeder crew
Eldritch Storm conduit can no longer capture heavy cover
Fixed shared cooldown on Bomb Squig and Rokkit Barrage abilities on Tankbustas
Fixed missing decor upgrades on Space Marine Stronghold building when player tiers up
Fixed missing visual FX on Jonah Orion's Fury of the Ancients when inside the Stonewall created by Plant the Standard
Fixed issue where Elites could get trapped behind the colossus gate in Mission 13
Fixed issue where certain doctrines had no effect on units deployed via drop pod
Fixed issue where ”Hide In-World UI" option applied to some campaign objects, causing progression blockers in Mission 7 and difficulty elsewhere
Fixed issue with certain missions reporting 0 XP earned
Fixed issue in which Shield Generator shields could be repaired by builder units
Fixed issue where Kill Team Ironmaw's respawn time was not properly increasing when killed in multiplayer games
Fixed missing tooltips for Elites on post-match screen
Removed non-functional play button in Steam Workshop
Fixed issue where Macha's mastery skin would permanently leave elements in the world after she was killed
Fixed issue where Campaign Map button on rewards screen had to be pressed twice to access that screen
Fixed issue where connected Webway Gates would not display FX
Fixed assorted camera stutters when skipping NISes
Fixed non-functional secondary highlight in Doctrine Selector in Elites screen
Fixed issue where Venerable Dreadnought Toss ability was not stunning infantry
700 mb update!