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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


Ok I put my Eldar beginnings on hold because I found a pretty ok deal on a Space Wolf starter lot on Ebay so the pack will hunt.
My only issue with Space Wolves is the "official" color. I hate Space Wolves grey because it's too blue-ish and "clean".

I have a squad or two of Space Wolves around somewhere, but I painted them in a dark grey which looks much better IMO!

I always liked the theme of the army though. Blood Claws, Grey Hunters, Long Fangs, ect. are all a fun take on the more well known and rigid sqaud structures.
Yeah, Space Wolf Grey is actually an atrocious powder blue. I (in the ridiculously rare times I paint) use Shadow Grey instead. Much daker color, used as the basis for the 'Eavy Metal 13th Company Space Wolves back in the Black Crusade campaign.
Alright got the chance to upload some photos of my latest work (still in progress). Burna Boyz

Yes, Bad moon army. Not done with basing, but it will be some kind of polluted planet of sorts.


ooh ooh ooh, what are you getting?

Space Wolves represent!

"Selling a fully playable Space Wolves army.
Logan Grimnar
Arjac Rockfist
6 Wolf Guard Terminators
(Heavy Flamer + chainfist, Assault Cannon + chainfist, 2 storm bolter + wolf claws, 2 thunder hammer + storm shields)
4 Long Fangs
(2 Rocket launchers, Lascannon, Multi-melta)
2 Rune Priests
21 Grey Hunters (some can be blood claws)
Drop Pod

I bought the battleforce, codex and terminators about a year and a half ago. Added the long fangs and characters later. I then decided that marines weren't my thing and that Necrons were more appealing so my disinterest is your gain.
The drop pod is not put together well and some of the grey hunters are painted.
I'm including the sprues from the battleforce and the terminator box."

All and all for the price I got it all for it is not bad.
It is the battleforce, the codex and a couple of the names and some more for pretty much the price of the battleforce.
I will be busy at some painting for quite some time.
I also picked up the Dark Vengeance box over the weekend and my gf chose the Chaos Marines so I am going to see what I can do with the Dark Angels.
I was hoping to be able to mix them in with my wolves but they are the easier to assemble bits so I do not know if I will have the options.
Also picked up the GF a lot of ebay of Chaos Daemons with :
-Daemon Prince of Nurgle Primed
- Daemon Prince w/ Wings Primed
- New 40k Chaos Daemons Codex
- NIB Blood Thirster
-NIB Screamers of Tzeentch
- NIB Bloodletters Of Khornehe 6th Codex


I can feel myself... Changing.

This was death, but 40K-GAF welcomed the chance to die in Community. A fragment of the last lives they remembered returned to them, words said in a million different tongues throughout the ages of the world, but unchanged in meaning since the first user logged in to the first BBS.

‘We care not from whence the posts flow,’ roared 40K-GAF as they charged the decaying cliques with tactile input devices raised high. ‘Only that they flow!’


Geez Hex, you're jumping in with both feet.

I tip my hat!

I am loving the reading I have been doing.
My local gaming store is doing another demo this saturday and wants to start doing events every week or every other week sort of like "Friday night magic" for those familiar" but it will be essentially $5 buy in and 600 pt skirmishes with winner taking the pot and if enough are in it will split between 1st/2nd or 1/2/3.
Then maybe a bigger point event once a month.
Will be a while before I think I do anything like those but still will be cool to see people getting active.

He wants to get some life in it and there are alot who come into the store asking about if anyone plays, so it may be cool.
Hopefully it can stay laid back and cool.
At the first demo I went to after we were done and kind of bs'ing off to the side this one tweeky guy came over just wanting to challenge everyone saying he can beat anyone at any points.
Real abrasive asshat but luckily out of three tables going that day he was the minority.


Time to start planning a Black Crusade.

Pop-GAF has been doing that for some time (even down to the failing terribly part), we need a different--better--CSM bag. I would suggest Red Corsairs, but I already said we were in the Eye of Terror instead of the Maelstrom. :-/


Pop-GAF has been doing that for some time (even down to the failing terribly part), we need a different--better--CSM bag. I would suggest Red Corsairs, but I already said we were in the Eye of Terror instead of the Maelstrom. :-/

We can always tell ourselves that the main thrust is a diversion, like a certain 'warmaster'


the god mod of neogaf banished us :(

guess this is the part where we give our self over to Chaos right?
I'm going with Khorne, always liked the world eaters and their love for axes
the god mod of neogaf banished us :(

guess this is the part where we give our self over to Chaos right?
I'm going with Khorne, always liked the world eaters and their love for axes

Heresy era World Eaters are the best, the white armor is perfect contrast with all the potential blood splatter on them


I don't know, at least in the Horus Heresy the traitor legions chose to fall to Chaos. We've been banished from the Holy OT by Empra Evilore for growing too powerful.

I guess we're the Thousand Sons then?
Anyone who doesn't go Slaanesh the way of the Emperor's Children is a sucker.

Endless BJs and body mutilations for life, yo. What not to like?

Everything. God, everything. Slaanesh is awful
Couple of new Forge World Games Day previews -

Word Bearers Legion Ashen Circle:

Emperor's Children Legion Kakophoni:


That's the species! Thank you, brother. Fulgrim was a tough listen, and I really don't remember as much of it as I should.

The instruments at the
could have been approximations of Laeran instruments instead of actual Laeran ones, which would explain why the weapons used by the Astartes
based on them
appear rather human.
I expect that nid and Slaanesh players will be happy with the new Dark Elf releases. I can see the Gorgon being used in a lot of armies especially.


The Laer or something? Haven't finished Fulgrim but I think that explains the origin of concussive sound weapons.

Ugh, one of the battles with them had horrible writing. I can't remember the characters name, but he "realized that the shield could only be pierced by sound" and then manifested a scream that pierced it.


Dark Elf releases, eh? ;)

Could the mod that doomed this thread have the decency of changing the topic to "In the Grim Darkness of Community There Is Only War"? It would fit so well.


So, Flight of the Eisenstein done. It begins as parallel to Galaxy in Flames from the point of view of the Death Guard legion, and then continues as their captain NAthaniel Garro decide he must make a run for it to warn The Emperor of Mankind was has happened with Horus and on Isstvan III.

While it was longer, since the previous ones have been abridged versions, it felt on the one hand more epic, but in many scenes the boreness came through quite apparent. Garro as a character was great, in fact all the characters in the book were very well made, but it felt like this one should have been a short story in an anthology and not dragged out to a full novel.

I dont know if I should skip the next book, "Fulgrim" as I have no interest in him or his legion, so I'm gonna jump to "Descent of Angels" instead to read about the Dark Angels legion.


So, Flight of the Eisenstein done. It begins as parallel to Galaxy in Flames from the point of view of the Death Guard legion, and then continues as their captain NAthaniel Garro decide he must make a run for it to warn The Emperor of Mankind was has happened with Horus and on Isstvan III.

While it was longer, since the previous ones have been abridged versions, it felt on the one hand more epic, but in many scenes the boreness came through quite apparent. Garro as a character was great, in fact all the characters in the book were very well made, but it felt like this one should have been a short story in an anthology and not dragged out to a full novel.

I dont know if I should skip the next book, "Fulgrim" as I have no interest in him or his legion, so I'm gonna jump to "Descent of Angels" instead to read about the Dark Angels legion.

If you like Garro, they continue his story after he gets back in audio dramas, there is a really big character reveal in one of them that you would probably enjoy.


So, Flight of the Eisenstein done. It begins as parallel to Galaxy in Flames from the point of view of the Death Guard legion, and then continues as their captain NAthaniel Garro decide he must make a run for it to warn The Emperor of Mankind was has happened with Horus and on Isstvan III.

While it was longer, since the previous ones have been abridged versions, it felt on the one hand more epic, but in many scenes the boreness came through quite apparent. Garro as a character was great, in fact all the characters in the book were very well made, but it felt like this one should have been a short story in an anthology and not dragged out to a full novel.

I dont know if I should skip the next book, "Fulgrim" as I have no interest in him or his legion, so I'm gonna jump to "Descent of Angels" instead to read about the Dark Angels legion.

If Fulgrim is the one I think it is, you should definitely read it. The painter side plot is awesome.


So, Flight of the Eisenstein done. It begins as parallel to Galaxy in Flames from the point of view of the Death Guard legion, and then continues as their captain NAthaniel Garro decide he must make a run for it to warn The Emperor of Mankind was has happened with Horus and on Isstvan III.

While it was longer, since the previous ones have been abridged versions, it felt on the one hand more epic, but in many scenes the boreness came through quite apparent. Garro as a character was great, in fact all the characters in the book were very well made, but it felt like this one should have been a short story in an anthology and not dragged out to a full novel.

I dont know if I should skip the next book, "Fulgrim" as I have no interest in him or his legion, so I'm gonna jump to "Descent of Angels" instead to read about the Dark Angels legion.

I would not recommend skipping Fulgrim, good book and important in other stories later.


That Fire Raptor looks like it has a lot of, dare I say it, Dakka. Nice. Love the color scheme too.

Also, thanks for the new thread title. Now we're rolling in style.
So my wife just got me this totally unbidden gift for our anniversary:

Heldrake! This is definitely the push I needed to get into painting. I still have my little squad of Dark Angels lying around so I think I'll practice on them first. Would you guys recommend assembling this kit before painting or the other way around?
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