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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War

It would be better if the Imperium learned not to be such Xenophobic morons! There's nothing wrong with making friends with the Eldar and Tau.

Goddamn fucking Emperor and his infinite hatred of non-humans.

The eternal question: is the Imperium's xenophobia and Luddism leading them to their downfall, or is it the only reason they're still around?

The Eldar can't really afford to let down their guard around anyone and the Tau only seem interested in being friends if you share their worldview.


The eternal question: is the Imperium's xenophobia and Luddism leading them to their downfall, or is it the only reason they're still around?

The Emprah's preoccupation with xenocide coupled with his concealment of Chaos was a (perhaps the) contributing factor to the Horus Heresy, doesn't seem like an eternal question to me.

The technological situation is more complicated, in the sea of unsubtle dystopian construction and fantastical technology it's easy to forget that the Imperium is a post-apocalyptic society.


Basically due to the nature of the Emperor, whilst he led humanity to great feats, he also fucked them. His inability to cope with non-human existence is ridiculous.

The Universe is a big place, you can't just kill everything because it is not human.


Basically due to the nature of the Emperor, whilst he led humanity to great feats, he also fucked them. His inability to cope with non-human existence is ridiculous.

The Universe is a big place, you can't just kill everything because it is not human.

The Imperium has no place for such sentiment, Xenos-lover.


The Universe is a big place, you can't just kill everything because it is not human.
you sure as hell can try!
Nothing should ever be
referred to the Inquisition
. Their only response to anything is to kill/destroy/nuke it.
eh the inquisitor in question seemed to have more of a "lets figure this shit out so everyone is happy" tone in his voice not "OMG LET'S MURDER EVERYONE" besides he is a SM captain of a rather influential chapter, they aren't going to murder him for shit and giggles

I still think leandros (that's his name isn't it?) did the right thing,
a) Titus did have a unatural warp resistance, couldn't have been the pariah thing that would make him immune to shit not just resistant iirc
b)every time he was with nemeroth and leandros was present he was taunting him about joining Chaos

overall long exposure to Chaos like this, plus the exposure to the basically pure warp energies of that device should be investigated, the threat of Chaos corruption is very real and Titus sure as hell won't tell if he got corrupted


Do you know what happened to Eisenhorn when he tried to "figure shit out"?

He got a lot of shit for it. Best to just label something heresy and end the shit out of it.


at the end of Space Marine obtained Titus'
by threatening to
pass judgment on all the Astartes under his command and the entirety of the Guard survivors on the planet
. That's like First War of Armageddon ruthlessness, Enosh.


at the end of Space Marine obtained Titus'
by threatening to
pass judgment on all the Astartes under his command and the entirety of the Guard survivors on the planet
. That's like First War of Armageddon ruthlessness, Enosh.
Mira was about to initiate a conflict and Titus was reluctant to go, threats are to be expected and they didn't go through with it

again, this isn't the real world inquisition where people claiming their neighbor was a witch were full of shit, this is a universe where witches and evil magic powers are very real, on top of that half of all space marine legions got corrupted by chaos and chaos keeps corrupting more chapters all the time
looking into this, especially when it comes to people as exposed to the warp as Titus was isn't a bad thing, hell it should be mandatory, well it probably is


Tbh I'm surprised that the Inquisitor didn't execute her on the spot for heresy. She was trying to get a space marine go rogue after all.


Mira was about to initiate a conflict and Titus was reluctant to go, threats are to be expected and they didn't go through with it

again, this isn't the real world inquisition where people claiming their neighbor was a witch were full of shit, this is a universe where witches and evil magic powers are very real, on top of that half of all space marine legions got corrupted by chaos and chaos keeps corrupting more chapters all the time
looking into this, especially when it comes to people as exposed to the warp as Titus was isn't a bad thing, hell it should be mandatory, well it probably is

makes his threats
. :p

I don't have an opinion on the necessity of taking
into custody, unlike the existence of Xenos being heresy, Chaos is far less defined, and far more capable of exploiting the tolerant mores of us who exist outside the fictional universe. I was disputing your characterization of the
behavior alone, really.

Besides, not to get too fourth wall, but Relic is more than willing to find a gray area in the lore and exploit it for their purposes. (See: the loyalist remnant of a traitor legion surviving the Horus Heresy and remaining a Chapter in goodish standing ca. M41.) Working in the confines of existing lore, he could very well have been a Khornate berserker, but they could have had something else in mind entirely.


You guys are making me want to play through the SM campaign again!

I really hope we get another game from Relic one of these days, I really thought it was pretty great, even the multiplayer (barring terrible unlock mechanisms and awful playlist management).


I honestly don't know what
expects. If
is found heretic than so will he. Maybe he really was that selfless.

Leandros doesn't strike me as being the sharpest chainsword in the Munitorum, but I think he's just that devoted to the letter of the rules. He was a spectacularly flat character, even by Astartes standards.

You guys are making me want to play through the SM campaign again!

ikr, we should try doing a multiplayer weekend sometime. We'd probably account for 98% of the server population (on PC).
I've always enjoyed the Warhammer Universe but my caveman ability to paint means my enjoyment was curtailed. I really do like the models and lore though. I was a big Space Wolves fan.


So are there any good starting guides (hell maybe even just some tips) in regards to painting for someone new to miniatures? I realize that my first several attempts aren't exactly going to be lookers, but I kind of want to at least try and avoid my pieces looking like a grammar school art project.


So are there any good starting guides (hell maybe even just some tips) in regards to painting for someone new to miniatures? I realize that my first several attempts aren't exactly going to be lookers, but I kind of want to at least try and avoid my pieces looking like a grammar school art project.

Quite a few online honestly.
Mainly just google "painting 40k" and try and look up something from at least 2013.
Toss in beginner or the model that you are painting for good results too.
So are there any good starting guides (hell maybe even just some tips) in regards to painting for someone new to miniatures? I realize that my first several attempts aren't exactly going to be lookers, but I kind of want to at least try and avoid my pieces looking like a grammar school art project.

I just watched a couple tutorials on Youtube of the particular model I was painting. Gives you a good handle on the techniques and colors needed. As others have said, just append "beginner" or "tutorial" to your search and you should find something decent.


makes an appearance in Know No Fear. This is peak Abnett fanservice: the book.

I thought Ollanius Pius had been de-canonized? (As in not part of the 40K mythos, not as in no longer being a SAINT OF THE IMPERIUM.)
makes an appearance in Know No Fear. This is peak Abnett fanservice: the book.

I thought Ollanius Pius had been de-canonized? (As in not part of the 40K mythos, not as in no longer being a SAINT OF THE IMPERIUM.)

No he is still there. And also
a Perputual

Anyway has anyone seen the new Sisters codex? What do you think?

Also what would have happened to Titus if Space Marine had gotten a sequel is revealed http://www.penny-arcade.com/report/article/this-is-what-would-have-happened-in-space-marine-2-and-3. Honestly it seems like we dogged a bullet here. Way to cliche out side of universe and too far gone inside universe.


Finally ended my reading of The Grey Knights Omnibus. Loved the 3 books: Grey Knights, Dark adeptus and Hammer of Daemons, probably have Grey Knights as my favourite with Hammer of Daemons as a close second.

The final of Hammer of Daemons was really unexpected. Warhammer is truly a universe of chaos. There's no hope and even the victories are more defeats than anything.

Next I'll probably read The Eisenhorn Omnibus and see what's all the fuss about Dan Abnett.


Also what would have happened to Titus if Space Marine had gotten a sequel is revealed http://www.penny-arcade.com/report/article/this-is-what-would-have-happened-in-space-marine-2-and-3. Honestly it seems like we dogged a bullet here. Way to cliche out side of universe and too far gone inside universe.

Having just finished Space Marine last week, this would have been a horrible way for the sequels to pan out. Holy crap.

Also, the multiplayer is so awesome.


“I had some big plans for Titus,” van Lierop said. “The second part of his story was to focus on a ‘Titus Unleashed’ plot—basically there were forces arrayed against him that would see his loyalty to the Adeptus Astartes pushed to its limit, and his reaction would be to kind of ‘go rogue,’ and we'd see a different Titus, not quite as in control as we saw him in Space Marine. He would be kicked out as a consequence—exiled, which would basically be a death sentence for him.”

The first game showed us what it looked like when a Space Marine was fighting in a disciplined manner, and the second game would have opened the door for a slightly wilder version of the character. That’s not the end, though.

“He would survive, and come back even stronger in the third game, where other Space Marines still loyal to him would rally around him and he'd return to ‘clean house,’ but as the head of a brand new Chapter that we would build around him,” van Lierop continued.



They should just have had the Inquisition torture him until he falls to CHAOS and fulfills his destiny as a Khornate Berserker.


Also what would have happened to Titus if Space Marine had gotten a sequel is revealed http://www.penny-arcade.com/report/article/this-is-what-would-have-happened-in-space-marine-2-and-3. Honestly it seems like we dogged a bullet here. Way to cliche out side of universe and too far gone inside universe.

“The second part of his story was to focus on a ‘Titus Unleashed’ plot—basically there were forces arrayed against him that would see his loyalty to the Adeptus Astartes pushed to its limit, and his reaction would be to kind of ‘go rogue,’ and we'd see a different Titus, not quite as in control as we saw him in Space Marine.

I read Dan Abnett's Malleus too.

e: lmao @ a Smurf cleaning house and starting a new chapter.


I need to do my part to be a part of this community, since I absorb pretty much all that is Grimdarkness.

So after investing a lifetime into WH40K video games, books, 1d4Chan, general conversation, I took the last step and got into painting.

I just started 2 weeks ago. I think I have invested close to $200-$300 so far (considering I bought a kickass daylight desk lamp). I purchased the Dark Angels starter kit, a bunch of Citadel/Vallejo paints and a few good brushes.

First attempt:

- He came out ok. I used the primer from the pot that came with the kit and it wasn't put on well enough by my unsteady hand. The paint job is not the best and the wash in the end made him look pretty shiny. But I learned alot.


- For the 2nd mahreen, I did a spray primer instead of from the pot. This really made a huge difference. I followed a tutorial online that used 2 different washes to create the depth of the dark angel's green armor. I went with gold to do more of the armor and used the Leadbelcher pot to dry brush around the body.

I am going to go in a totally different directly for the third Angel. We'll see how that turns out. The forth one will be practice with highlighting. Fifth will be to practice feathering, wet brushing and more.

I'll say I'm having a total blast with this so far. I will try to base these two tomorrow if I can. First time for that.



So after investing a lifetime into WH40K video games, books, 1d4Chan, general conversation, I took the last step and got into painting.


Been thinking of doing exactly that, even though I don't know anyone to play the board games. I was thinking in doing it more as hobby.
Been thinking of doing exactly that, even though I don't know anyone to play the board games. I was thinking in doing it more as hobby.

I've spent more time painting than playing. It's been a great way to unwind at the end of the day, just sort of zen out in the hobby room. I'll have to get some pictures next time I'm at home, been working on orks and ultramarines.


Unconfirmed Member
No he is still there. And also
a Perputual

Anyway has anyone seen the new Sisters codex? What do you think?

Also what would have happened to Titus if Space Marine had gotten a sequel is revealed http://www.penny-arcade.com/report/article/this-is-what-would-have-happened-in-space-marine-2-and-3. Honestly it seems like we dogged a bullet here. Way to cliche out side of universe and too far gone inside universe.

Rules wise it is pretty interesting and a lot better than the White Dwarf codex. The general quality of the book is very poor though, especially coming off the back of the Marine codex.
Been thinking of doing exactly that, even though I don't know anyone to play the board games. I was thinking in doing it more as hobby.

I don't play, I just paint. I like painting and modeling because I can watch movies at the same time. My other passion is video games, but you generally have to devote 100% of your attention to that while you are playing. You only have so much free time in any given week, and other hobbies will get pushed to the side as others rise to the top. When I play a lot of video games, I don't do a whole lot of anything else. My movie backlog is about 12 deep right now!

My idea of a relaxing day is setting aside 1-2 miniatures and 4-5 movies that I can watch as I paint them. I'm considering doing a horror movie marathon while painting some of the monsters from Mansions of Madness. I really need to pick a project and stick with it to completion though. Dreadfleet is my top priority right now so I should really concentrate that instead.
Yeah most people I know are really into the painting aspect of the hobby. But that's the great thing about this is that there really is something for everybody.


Unconfirmed Member
Nobody expects the Imperial inquisition.

This came out of no where. I can now use my Inquisitors and their retinues again. Hopefully it is much better quality than the SoB codex.


Abnett dug up a loyalist Iron Warrior warsmith (lol) from a HH short story and stuck him in the Unremembered Empire.

BL pls promote this guy upstairs so he can channel his knack for fanservice without actually writing. I'm sure he'd enjoy having financial security and being freed from having to write Dr. Who EU books.


Finally ended my reading of The Grey Knights Omnibus. Loved the 3 books: Grey Knights, Dark adeptus and Hammer of Daemons, probably have Grey Knights as my favourite with Hammer of Daemons as a close second.

The final of Hammer of Daemons was really unexpected. Warhammer is truly a universe of chaos. There's no hope and even the victories are more defeats than anything.

Next I'll probably read The Eisenhorn Omnibus and see what's all the fuss about Dan Abnett.

Eisenhorn omnibus is god(emperor)-tier
Finally ended my reading of The Grey Knights Omnibus. Loved the 3 books: Grey Knights, Dark adeptus and Hammer of Daemons, probably have Grey Knights as my favourite with Hammer of Daemons as a close second.

The final of Hammer of Daemons was really unexpected. Warhammer is truly a universe of chaos. There's no hope and even the victories are more defeats than anything.

Next I'll probably read The Eisenhorn Omnibus and see what's all the fuss about Dan Abnett.
Is there any way to buy this for less than $40?


Is there any way to buy this for less than $40?

I think I told you before, but root around Barnes & Nobles 40K sections, that's where I found mine.

Or I could just give you mine, it's a little worn (especially on the spine) but I'm never going to read it again and I don't want to be a profiteering fuck who sells it for a ridiculous amount of money.
I think I told you before, but root around Barnes & Nobles 40K sections, that's where I found mine.

Or I could just give you mine, it's a little worn (especially on the spine) but I'm never going to read it again and I don't want to be a profiteering fuck who sells it for a ridiculous amount of money.

That would be extremely cool of you, if you're really sure you're done with it. I've scoured several 40k sections and can't seem to find it anywhere. You don't need to give it away either if you don't want. If you PM me we can talk about it more.
I stayed up until 6am to get in a preorder for the Visions of Heresy collector's edition from Black Library. These were made available after a glitch during the mad rush to order them on the 1st. I then spent an hour of panic trying to get one of my creditors to accept the charge from a British company while stared worriedly at my cart. It's fun when a cc company lets you sit in phone queue for 10 minutes before a recording telling you they're closed comes on and then it hangs up on you. Anyway I'm super hyped about this one.


Unconfirmed Member
So, as far as the story in the game Space Marine goes:
Wouldn't the soldiers of the cadian regiment be put to death, and the Space Marines have their mind whipped, because they came in contact with chaos?


So, as far as the story in the game Space Marine goes:
Wouldn't the soldiers of the cadian regiment be put to death, and the Space Marines have their mind whipped, because they came in contact with chaos?

If the first invasion of Armageddon was any indication
, yes.

Then again, these are Cadians, and they're right at the forefront of Chaos and Daemonic incursions by way of the Eye of Terror.


Chaos isn't a state secret to Astartes.

e: The Grey Knights are, which is why the Wolves at Armageddon were supposed to have been mind wiped. I can't really say about the surviving IG forces since we don't really know how numerous they were and how involved the Ordos were, I think Armageddon-like procedures require a conclave. (I don't know much about exceptions made for Cadians, but this is also a good point.) Plus it's a Mechanicum-controlled world. How the fuck does anything get done in the Imperium that shit is a fucking mess of privileges and autonomies.


I'm more surprised that the leftenant didn't get shot in the spot for trying to go against the direct words of an inquisitor standing right next to her!
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