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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


Unconfirmed Member
Think I get it.
So say Sammael gets a wound. He has 3+ SV. However If he just turbo boosted (+4) and has the dark shroud (stealth, which adds 1 point more to cover) so that would be +3. So I would statistically better off using cover save.

However If I didn't have the Shroud (which would make it +4). I would be better taking my invulnerable save?.

Remember that Sammael's jink save is 4+ when moving and 3+ when going flat out because he has the skilled rider USR.


Remember that Sammael's jink save is 4+ when moving and 3+ when going flat out because he has the skilled rider USR.

Glad you pointed that out. I put the rule down on my army list but I can guarantee I would have forgotten to add it together come my next match.
So uh rumours that Imperial Knights are about to be released are going around. Is this a lead in to more Mechanicus stuff?

FW seems to be handling Mechanicus. Already quite a few things for them out there. Also, if that pic of the knight that's doing the rounds is real, they look amazing.
FW seems to be handling Mechanicus. Already quite a few things for them out there. Also, if that pic of the knight that's doing the rounds is real, they look amazing.

Gw seems to be folding FW more and more into teh game if anything like the big kits ala Riptide and Wraith and Esscalation are a sign of things to come. And FW has been doing a lot of mechanicus figures lately that are really good. The Imperial robots and Thanix look amazing in particular. Mechanicus have long bee one of the most requested entries and maybe this is their response.
Gw seems to be folding FW more and more into teh game if anything like the big kits ala Riptide and Wraith and Esscalation are a sign of things to come. And FW has been doing a lot of mechanicus figures lately that are really good. The Imperial robots and Thanix look amazing in particular. Mechanicus have long bee one of the most requested entries and maybe this is their response.
They've actually moved away from bringing forge world models into the core rules.

Edit: by that I don't mean Apocalypse and such, I mean releasing things like the Valkyrie or Piranha as GW kits. They don't step on FW's toes any more.
I do believe I'll paint a little tonight.

So weird how much I enjoy the modeling portion of the hobby yet have almost zero interest in the game.
I do believe I'll paint a little tonight.

So weird how much I enjoy the modeling portion of the hobby yet have almost zero interest in the game.

It's not weird at all, I've been wanting to do the same thing. Model painting is a pretty popular among hobbyists.

I just don't know where I'd put the models after I'm finished.


I do believe I'll paint a little tonight.

So weird how much I enjoy the modeling portion of the hobby yet have almost zero interest in the game.

Not weird at all. I routinely buy models that look cool which will never see the battlefield all because I think they'll be fun to paint.

It's not weird at all, I've been wanting to do the same thing. Model painting is a pretty popular among hobbyists.

I just don't know where I'd put the models after I'm finished.

I've got a really cool display case that a friend got for me that's got compartments for displaying individual models. I'll post it later if not tomorrow.
Just finished Dark Disciple, the first novel in the World Bearers omnibus. It was a pretty good read. There was some interesting perspectives from characters that you normally don't see.

One particular view point that was really interesting was from that of local Imperial enforcer taken into slavery by chaos marines after they invade his world. Unwillingly he is branded by chaos and slowly changes, becoming at odds with himself. Later in the book he
runs into an Imperial jump trooper trying to liberate the planet, he asks for help but the guardsman sees him as an agent of chaos because he so malformed by chaos.

I also liked that it didn't just stick to the perspective of the chaos marines as well. In typical 40k fashion the viewpoint if often changed from chaos, to the servants of the emperor trying to stop them.


Looking to pick up an Inquisition based Grey Knights army as my third army mainly just because I like the style of some of the models.
Anyone looking to lighten their collection?
Already heavy into Space Wolves and Eldar so do not want to start from scratch or go overboard.


Unconfirmed Member
There are pictures of the new Imperial Gaurd... Err Astra Militarum relesse. I think the Taurox would look much better with wheels. The new stormtroopers... I mean Tempestus Militarum look good. The have there own codex as well.

I will wait for better pictures of the Taurox but at the moment I will only be getting the codex.
There are pictures of the new Imperial Gaurd... Err Astra Militarum relesse. I think the Taurox would look much better with wheels. The new stormtroopers... I mean Tempestus Militarum look good. The have there own codex as well.

I will wait for better pictures of the Taurox but at the moment I will only be getting the codex.

The meat and potato troops of the IG have needed a revamp for quite awhile IMO. Although the Cadians were pretty damn good, the Catachan have always looked less than ideal. I hope it's more then just a single troop getting revamped. I liked hte old days when there was a much wider variety of IG troops to choose from. That vehicle is pretty meh too. Luckily, the older IG vehicles have always been completely solid in the looks department since their original release dates.
I'm digging the throwback troops and the idea of what they tried to do with the car. It looks like an attempt at aping the between the war armored cars. However, it doesn't fit the athestic and would seem mroe suited to an arbite or even a Knight Household release.
So I thought I'd write up some quick thoughts on some of omnibuses I've finished over the past few months. Luckily I found a copy of Eisenhorn in great condition for $5 at half price books. Currently I'm trying to catch up on the Horus Heresy with Battle for the Abyss. I also have Prospero Burns, The First Heretic and Know no Fear to read as well. Anyways some quick thoughts of what I've read from the Space Wolf Omnibus.

Space Wolf the Omnibus: B

The first two books are the strongest of the trilogy. The first book (Space Wolf) is mostly about the main character Ragnar as an aspirant and the trials he goes through to become an Astartes. There's a decent portion about his normal human life before becoming an aspirant as well. There's some fun twists and turns but don't expect a ton of Space Marine action.

The second book is about Ragnar after he becomes an astartes, his squad is selected to go on a mission under the request of an inquisitor. The action sticks to mainly small skirmishes. It has one my favorite segments in the omnibus involving drunken Orks and a drag race.

The third book is a much larger scale conflict but it drags itself down due to inconsistent depictions from whats told between the novel and events told in the Horus Heresy. I've read A Thousand Sons, but I haven't read Prospero Burns yet. So maybe I'm wrong.


30k continues to be the single greatest thing about 40k (except for the prices, though GW is doing a good job of making FW look like a good deal).



I don't really care for most of the older armor designs, but the legion unique units and the Primarchs are some of the best work ForgeWorld has ever done.


I don't really care for most of the older armor designs, but the legion unique units and the Primarchs are some of the best work ForgeWorld has ever done.

Mk II armor.
Just started Prosper Burns, is the whole book filled with this nordic space wolf mumbo jumbo? I can barely understand wtf is going on half the time.

Shit is almost as bad as A Thousand Suns.


Just started Prosper Burns, is the whole book filled with this nordic space wolf mumbo jumbo? I can barely understand wtf is going on half the time.

Shit is almost as bad as A Thousand Suns.

Wait until you get to the fanservice revelation at the end that was only possible because the Skald was speaking a word in Gothic the entire time even though the pages are full of jargon and references to Abnettverse non sequiturs.


Finished Fire Caste, if you ever feel like you're in a rut reading the same 40K stuff you should give it a look. It's... something else... wholly unsatisfying while being utterly satisfying at the same time... but if you're worried about something too out there, the core bit of the story is still
humans falling to Chaos
, which I have to admit I wasn't expecting given the initial premise of the story. It does get beaten over your head at some points, though. (e.g. A fervent adherent to the Imperial Creed shouting
.) Small warning, it's not that much of a Tau story.

The literary references were pretty bad though. In a book that pretty nakedly riffs on Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now I didn't need to read the phrase "heart of darkness" in the text twice and even by 40K standards the Lovecraftian stuff was staid. (There are humans in the book indigenous to the planet it's set on straight out of Shadow Over Innsmouth and one of them is named Mr. Fish by the gang. -_-)
Wait until you get to the fanservice revelation at the end that was only possible because the Skald was speaking a word in Gothic the entire time even though the pages are full of jargon and references to Abnettverse non sequiturs.

I recognize my failing and will be sure to correct it.

I was hoping the book would dig deeper into Enuncia, I was surprised it was there to begin with. So the Horus thing at the end of the book was just Tzeentch right?

edit: I did like the Memento/Groundhog Day style that Abnett did on Prospero Burns, I have to admit it was pretty different. He's been experimenting more since Ravenor Rogue.
So I finished Prospero Burns and read through The First Heretic and Age of Darkness. Holy shit that Iron Warriors story was so damn good.

Currently I'm on Know No Fear about halfway through and holy shit is it getting awesome.
The Perpetual stuff really threw me off O_O


Currently I'm on Know No Fear about halfway through and holy shit is it getting awesome.
The Perpetual stuff really threw me off O_O

If you're going to go balls deep on the Abnett Horus Heresy stuff you should probably read Legion. I skimmed it after listening to The Unremembered Empire and was not happy with that order of consumption.
If you're going to go balls deep on the Abnett Horus Heresy stuff you should probably read Legion. I skimmed it after listening to The Unremembered Empire and was not happy with that order of consumption.

Well I've already read Prospero Burns, does Legion connect the Perpetual stuff to Know No Fear?

I would read Legion first but it's damn hard to find. Might have to get the ebook version :/
Is the black library gonna do a TPB print run anytime soon? I know they just a TPB run of the first 3 books.


Legion is about the ersatz war between the Imperium and the Cabal but perpetuals work for both sides and
John Grammaticus
is around causing trouble in the book. The Oll Persson stuff in Know no Fear is just making a fan favorite more than a myth.

If you want something more perpetual focused I'd recommend Vulkan Lives, the characters in it don't really grasp the extent of the trait so it's helpful as an introduction in that regard. (Not really a casual Horus Heresy book though as it builds off of Promethean Son which is kinda disregarded and is just a brutal story all around without any fun turn-it-to-11 40K stuff.) Plus it sets you up for The Unremembered Empire.


I tried to stress the Halo fans in the Captain America vs Master Chief thread by asking them how many Spartans would it take to kill a single Space Marine.



Unconfirmed Member
The new limited edition Void Shield generator model just sold out in five minutes. At least the craters look good.
I really need that Istvaan Campaign collector's edition that Forge World is putting out. Like, I'll have an irrational emotional breakdown if I don't get it.

If anyone on GAF is by chance going to the Forgeworld Open Day...I WILL commit a murder for you. Or pay you, whatever you prefer.
Legion is about the ersatz war between the Imperium and the Cabal but perpetuals work for both sides and
John Grammaticus
is around causing trouble in the book. The Oll Persson stuff in Know no Fear is just making a fan favorite more than a myth.

If you want something more perpetual focused I'd recommend Vulkan Lives, the characters in it don't really grasp the extent of the trait so it's helpful as an introduction in that regard. (Not really a casual Horus Heresy book though as it builds off of Promethean Son which is kinda disregarded and is just a brutal story all around without any fun turn-it-to-11 40K stuff.) Plus it sets you up for The Unremembered Empire.

Ya I'm currently reading Deliverance Lost which is difficult at times since it deals with a lot of elements of the Cabal and Alpha legion which was introduced in Legion.

Is Vulkan Lives really that bad though? Not that I take amazon reviews(Hell I liked The Outcast Dead and that had poor reviews) that seriously but most of the reviews on it were pretty negative.


Is Vulkan Lives really that bad though? Not that I take amazon reviews(Hell I liked The Outcast Dead and that had poor reviews) that seriously but most of the reviews on it were pretty negative.

I liked it, when I said it was brutal I meant that it was a story that made me uncomfortable for significant portions of time, it's long-form tortureporn involving an--by 40K standards mind--OK bloke (Vulkan).

As for why it gets bad reviews, I would say that's because:

1. (imo) you need to have read / listened to Promethean Sun first and that's not a popular story.
2. It's very narrow in focus.
3. It doesn't SEEM to advance the larger story for most of it.
4. It's more of a psychological tale than an action story.
5. Curze is a major character but not much is added to his larger characterization (imo).


I got the collector's a while back which iis a very heavy bugger.


I've only flipped through briefly so far, but I quite like the various HH covers in a larger print since I never bothered with posters and the like.

hm... I did the impression at least for the early sections that the text hasn't changed much compared to the original Collected Visions, but I suppose I didn't reaaally get this for the text. :p


Thought I mite make an update....

Finally finished my Sammael. Took me soooo long


Also finished my Darkshroud


Had an excellent game a while ago. My work mate got a new job so we celebrated with a match...


Four hours later and I got slaughtered..

Was a dame good game though. We were up to around two in the morning and are brains were fried by the last turn
Hello Warhammer GAF.

Just looking for some new books to read nd Warhammer always caught my eye at the book store, just wondering a good place to start. Thanks in advance.
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