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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


Hey Karakand so I'm reading Angel Exterminatus which I've been enjoying but I have a small issue with it, I'm about 100 pages in.

So I'm at the part where Fulgrim gets sniped at the ampitheater. So later he checks out to be fine and that the needle simply grazed his skull, but didn't he get shot in the eye socket?

I'm not a doctor but isn't your eye socket part of your skull?

I wish I could be of more help but I listened to it on audio and that scene is both fuzzy (because I found it needlessly drawn out, Fulgrim stylee) and difficult for me to go back and listen to again.


So I found this Image on Lexicanum:

It is suppose to be the battle between Horus and Emprah. I found it to be pretty epic.

Also, why did they changed the name of the Imperial Guard to Astra Militarum? It sounds stupid.
Also, why did they changed the name of the Imperial Guard to Astra Militarum? It sounds stupid.

Easier to trademark/copyright (whatever the correct term is) I suppose?

GW is looking a bit panicky to me these days, the release schedule has gone mental in what appears to be an attempt to increase sales figures again by spamming out new releases. They seem so focussed on the short term and squeezing all they can out of the die-hard fans.

There's no way I can keep up with it all, but I still love the setting, the game and I enjoy seeing the new stuff, and yeah that image is pretty awesome :D


If they cut the price tag on their models, I think that they would make a bigger profit in the long run. They are so damn expansive now.


Finished painting up all my lovely little nurglites.


Overall, I'm fairly satisfied. Will probably redo the heads on a few of the guys that don't have helmets since the flesh is too purple and not pallid enough.




So I found this Image on Lexicanum:

It is suppose to be the battle between Horus and Emprah. I found it to be pretty epic.

Also, why did they changed the name of the Imperial Guard to Astra Militarum? It sounds stupid.
I lol'd at the stargate in the background :p
but otherwise cool image

wasn't the "astra militarum" their "official" in universe name this whole time anyway?
but if they are going with that high gothic thing for everyone (Adepta Sororitas, and now Astra Militarum they should also name the new SM codex adeptus astartes, just for consistency sake


I'm almost certain that this has been discussed to death somewhere, but is the Emperor an actual god in the 40k universe?
Some of the stuff that happens in the Horus Heresy-novels is pretty miraculous, or is that just the Emperor psychic abilities manifesting. And if that is true how come he didn't know about the heresy?


He was probably as close to a god as you can get without being a Chaos god or one of the Eldar gods. But he was so against the idea that he would not have accepted the title or the worship. That's why he came down on the Word Bearers so hard at first.
I'm almost certain that this has been discussed to death somewhere, but is the Emperor an actual god in the 40k universe?
Some of the stuff that happens in the Horus Heresy-novels is pretty miraculous, or is that just the Emperor psychic abilities manifesting. And if that is true how come he didn't know about the heresy?

It doesn't really get into it if he knew about the Heresy before it happened with his pre cognitive abilities. There's some sections in the visions of heresy that mention that he was losing his ability of foresight, but that typically refers after Magnus tried to warn him and screwed everything up on Terra.


I'm almost certain that this has been discussed to death somewhere, but is the Emperor an actual god in the 40k universe?
Some of the stuff that happens in the Horus Heresy-novels is pretty miraculous, or is that just the Emperor psychic abilities manifesting. And if that is true how come he didn't know about the heresy?

The biggest hole in the Emprah's story is how oblivious he was to the machinations of chaos and the rampant corruption among his own legions despite being so intelligent/powerful. But I think it can be chalked up to a tragic character flaw of complete, bordering on arrogant, confidence in his plans. Keeping the secrets of the warp from his sons is a part of that. I mean Fulgrim had no idea what the hell was going on and that was more due to being ignorant than anything else. If Magnus had known of the Golden Throne then he wouldn't have messed it up either.


But what is then helping/"speaking to" Euphrati Keeler in The Horus Heresy? Is the Emperors psychic abilities so great that he, unbeknownst to himself, can aid his followers from across the galaxy?
Keeler was a
latent psyker, Malcador points this out in Flight of the Eisentstein. I believe the Silent Sisterhood wanted her at first as well because she's a psyker when she reached Terra with Garro.

edit: She simply became nascent during that time period.


The biggest hole in the Emprah's story is how oblivious he was to the machinations of chaos and the rampant corruption among his own legions despite being so intelligent/powerful. But I think it can be chalked up to a tragic character flaw of complete, bordering on arrogant, confidence in his plans. Keeping the secrets of the warp from his sons is a part of that. I mean Fulgrim had no idea what the hell was going on and that was more due to being ignorant than anything else. If Magnus had known of the Golden Throne then he wouldn't have messed it up either.

For all his wisdom and knowledge, the Emprah is a goddamn idiot for his stances on how to handle the warp problem. Oh and being a horrible father and a gigantic dick didn't help either with the heresy.


Keeler was a
latent psyker, Malcador points this out in Flight of the Eisentstein. I believe the Silent Sisterhood wanted her at first as well because she's a psyker when she reached Terra with Garro.

edit: She simply became nascent during that time period.

So she's actually doing all the "magic" stuff herself? Channeling her psyker powers through her faith.
Would it then be an apt comparison that the Emperor is a god like the gods people worship in our reality, as in just a symbol of worship with which we use to overcome adversity and find solace in?

Of course the Emperor maintains the warp, but that is the only active role he has in 40k after the heresy.
Well he was trying to solve the warp problem with the human
webway system but then magnus screwed it up with his warning which destroyed all the psychic shielding keeping the daemons out. He basically had to sit on the golden throne to keep daemons from spilling out into the material world. Not to mention he lost a shit ton of custodes and silent sisters keeping the daemons at bay.


So she's actually doing all the "magic" stuff herself? Channeling her psyker powers through her faith.
Would it then be an apt comparison that the Emperor is a god like the gods people worship in our reality, as in just a symbol of worship with which we use to overcome adversity and find solace in?

Of course the Emperor maintains the warp, but that is the only active role he has in 40k after the heresy.

40k canon is weird since they can retcon anything at a moments notice by blaming the previous being told by unreliable narrators.

But basically, Emperor was not a god, but could become a god when he dies according to a theory. Unless he's a perpetual like some books claim and he would just pop up after a while, dust himself off and ask what the fuck has happened to his Imperium.

Now, if he were to become a god after dying, he'd either a) rip up a new galactic asshole with the middle of it being Terra and plunging a shitload of systems around it to the warp. The same thing with Slaanesh did, but on a larger scale(?)
b) he'd become a benevolent god in the warp, watching over the humans and slapping the current pantheon to submission due to the fact that he's got a billion worlds already worshiping him as a god.

Or c - the Emprah can't die because the Orks believe he can't die.
So she's actually doing all the "magic" stuff herself? Channeling her psyker powers through her faith.
Would it then be an apt comparison that the Emperor is a god like the gods people worship in our reality, as in just a symbol of worship with which we use to overcome adversity and find solace in?

Of course the Emperor maintains the warp, but that is the only active role he has in 40k after the heresy.

It was basically just her
psyker abilities.
There is a story though in Mark of Calth of a psyker who thinks he's doing the will of the
emperor and thinks the emperor is speaking to him but it turns out its just a daemon manipulating him.
40k canon is weird since they can retcon anything at a moments notice by blaming the previous being told by unreliable narrators.

But basically, Emperor was not a god, but could become a god when he dies according to a theory. Unless he's a perpetual like some books claim and he would just pop up after a while, dust himself off and ask what the fuck has happened to his Imperium.

Now, if he were to become a god after dying, he'd either a) rip up a new galactic asshole with the middle of it being Terra and plunging a shitload of systems around it to the warp. The same thing with Slaanesh did, but on a larger scale(?)
b) he'd become a benevolent god in the warp, watching over the humans and slapping the current pantheon to submission due to the fact that he's got a billion worlds already worshiping him as a god.

Or c - the Emprah can't die because the Orks believe he can't die.

Thus, leaving a diverse number of opinions within the lore, as well as for the people that read this stuff. It's one of the many things that make the lore so unique and oddly involved in 40k. People can read the various material out there and come to entirely seperate opinions on a lot of the core issues within the lore. Strangely, they would all be able to prove their points and they would all be right in their own way. Heros can be villians and villians can be heros based on perspective if who's telling the story.

Good stuff. There's nothing out there quite like it. The nebulous nature of 40k fiction is one of it's strongest points.


For the moment, I'm reading the Nightlord Omnibus. Pretty good so far. It is good to be back to WH40k after a long rest.

omg this finally got an omnibus??? HYPE

Too bad it doesn't have the space hulk short story from Fear the Alien or the script from the radio drama in it. :(


Just got done with it yesterday. It was a good read and it had a happy ending (!) for some of the characters that are actually nice person.
If they cut the price tag on their models, I think that they would make a bigger profit in the long run. They are so damn expansive now.

They don't have to cut prices, they simply need to be more open to the gaming community like every other gaming company. Let people sell online without issue, let any gaming store buy your products, don't force your nonsense on stores.

They limit their own sales by reducing who can sell the products and no sales competition. Hundreds of smaller retailers can't afford to buy into GW products since they have to purchase what GW tells them to in package deals.

No other gaming company out there is as strict as GW on how they sell their products. They also have completely closed themselves away from the world in almost every avenue. They closed up most of their big Warhammer events that used to be going on all around the world, the tourny scene shrunk by a huge amount due to them cutting support. Most big cons, you don't see a hint of GW anymore, at places like Gencon, they have a tiny little booth compared to what some indy companies are doing now. They dont have an official internet social media element to connect and talk to fans, not even facebook page? No official forums?

GW lives in a bubble that keeps shrinking.


I might grab that. Not something I'd wear unless I'm beating on people with a Khorne army, though. Pure Nurgle seems to be the army of choice in 40k, though, as far as daemon armies go.


This trailer really makes me wish I lived in a world where Warhammer 40k videogames are a thing.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.jpg

I really love the look for the servitors.

I feel you battlebrother. I feel you. I want to live in a world, where Space Marine 2 is a reality.


I feel you battlebrother. I feel you. I want to live in a world, where Space Marine 2 is a reality.

Surprisingly I got into a game of Space Marine very quickly when I booted it up last night.

Seems there are still people playing on 360!

Also, that trailer is awesome.
So it looks like there's some good news for anyone that wants to get some of the more rare/out of print books in the Horus Heresy saga. It looks like black library is having a full re print of a bunch of the older titles which will come out in August. This isn't a trade paperback re print though like they did for the first three titles.

Now I can finally get Mechanicum and Legion without having to pay ridiculous second hand prices. Books that will get re prints.

On a side note, while it's kind of off topic did you guys hear that Abnett wrote the story for the new Alien: Isolation game coming out later this year.
Just picked up SPACE HULK from the Steam sale. I've heard that it isn't that brilliant... but for 2 euros, whatever.

Did you get the ultimate package with the Space Wolves dlc and stuff? I was about to get that but decided on Shadow Warrior and Nidhogg instead -_-


Well, finished it after 8 hours according to Steam. Subtract maybe one hour due to the Defend mission being buggy as shit (the genestealer AI shuts down every few turns). Other than the buggy mission, it was pretty allright. Low quality animations and sound effects aside, I can't find too much fault with it.

... well maybe other than the fact that a terminator sergeant with a thunder hammer and storm shield gets wrecked so easily, but w/e, those are the rules for it.

oh and my assault cannon termie blowing himself up in the last 3 turns to victory to spite me for making everyone survive until that point
fuck that guy


Get done with A thousand Sons some times ago and Emperors Gift and holy shit was A thousand Sons amazing! I feelt so sorry for Magnus and his legion. They were so loyal and you saw the regret that Magnus had when he manged to fuck up the golden thrones. So who the fuck does the big E sends to bring him to Terra? The fucking Space Wolves of course! Poor Magnus. He was a good son :(
Emperors Gift was also pretty good, as it shown inhumanity the I is prepare to go through (The first war of Armageddon is happening in this book) and I got so fucking mad over the part the Grey Knight play in it (even the MC is not happy with killing so many innocent) and the ending is awesome. The Space Wolves are awesome in this book.
Now I'm reading Prosperous burns and I have no idea what the fuck is going on 100 pages into it.


Why have they never made a proper 40k RPG?

You have a whole universe full of potential stories.
It doesn't have to be all combat, all the time. The 40k setting works well for mystery and intrigue.

I'd love to see Telltale or someone like them take a shot.


Why have they never made a proper 40k RPG?

You have a whole universe full of potential stories.
It doesn't have to be all combat, all the time. The 40k setting works well for mystery and intrigue.

I'd love to see Telltale or someone like them take a shot.

Fantasy Flight Games have done Dark Heresy (Inquisitor bands), Rogue Trader (space warfare), Deathwatch (Marines) and Only War (Imperial Guard). Fluff-wise the books are awesome. I haven't purchased any of the adventures / campaigns though, as by all accounts they are guidelines as to how to run then (rather than the step-by-step that was in WFBR or D&D).
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