Don't listen to this man.Are Ultralames ever good in anything?
Then you will have your answer.
Are Ultralames ever good in anything?
Then you will have your answer.
My wife wants to get into the novels and would like to know what the best Chaos-oriented books are. Are Iron Warriors and Word Bearers worthwhile?
Any good Sisters of Battle novels?
That looks completely awesome! I hope mine arrives this week. They should have thrown in a free ebook version though, I'm always afraid to damage such a book just by reading it :/This wonderful thing turned up today
It is bloody gorgeous
That looks completely awesome! I hope mine arrives this week. They should have thrown in a free ebook version though, I'm always afraid to damage such a book just by reading it :/
They have also already announced the next First Edition: Rebirth by Nick Kyme, a new Salamanders series. Meh...
Good on ya, mate. Would love to hear your impressions. 10th company gets shit done, as they say,Currently reading NIGHT LORDS, as you guys helpfully recommended.
So I found the Word Bearers Omnibus for $35 on ebay, "very good" condition. Pretty good deal? Most used copies I've seen on Amazon are going for $60.
After receiving The Talon of Horus last week I caved in and ordered Rebirth as well. You're right, compared to their usual prices for LE novellas, this is actually a good price for a full book.I'll be getting that 1 aswell, wasnt to sure whether to get it or not, but The Talon of Horus is just gorgeous, plus if you think about it, you get the HH Limited edition Novellas for £30, and those are 3000/4000 copies, for £40 you get a much more limited book, and a book thats 2 or 3 times as long for an extra £10
So SPACE HULK is coming back.
Anyone who didn't get the previous release can have a second chance now. I am and will place an order with my FLGS. How limited is the 2009(?) release anyway?
I really hope they go for a new scenario but i have a feeling it is just going to be the same old Blood Angels vs genestealers campaign.
Same miniatures. A couple new tiles and 3 new missions. So yeah, BA vs genestealers again!
Data slates for other factions, Ultra Marines, Dark Angels, and most importantly Space Wolves.
So easy for people to be negative without finding out facts.
This is just helping you see how lame Dark Angels are. What's badass about a bunch marines that don't even know they're being made to commit heresy (and they ARE committing heresy, all the time)?Listening to Descent of Angels atm.
Like I understand that there needs to be new material in the Horus Heresy series outside the legends we've read in codex after codex over the years but making the Watchers in the Darkis fucking bullshit. Totally shits on the "are they Chaos or are they not?" mystique of the Dark Angels.agents of the Cabal
This is just helping you see how lame Dark Angels are. What's badass about a bunch marines that don't even know they're being made to commit heresy (and they ARE committing heresy, all the time)?
They've got stupid cliq-y bullshit in their chapters that determines how many secrets you know. It ends up that the people who know the most about what they're doing are the ones least likely to risk their lives for it. Advancement in the ranks of the chapter isn't based on talent or achievement, but how much of a disobedient and curious prick you are.
They are a Chapter of puppets controlled by heretics and should be destroyed. Oh and their combination of gothic and Native American aesthetics is lame, doesn't make sense in the timeline of Terra, and was an accident anyway resulting from two different designers not communicating. Oh and their unique vehicle are lame too.
Overall they are outright ignoring their mandate to defend humanity to spend thousands of years trying to cover up something they did.
Alpha Legion are the cool bros that, at least in older fluff, were truly mysterious as to their allegiance. They also know how to keep secrets in a way that makes the Dark Angels look like George Washington and the cherry tree, and all of their chapter is in on it.
Also like the knights of Caliban wore ghetto power armor that is discussed as being similar to whatever mark of power armor the Dark Angels landed on the planet with (II maybe?) which implies there was a power armor pre-Age of Strife that all power armor is descended from? That seems like retcon to me but admittedly I'm not an expert on power armor.
That was fucking stupid. They have ghetto power armor and bolters, but had jack shit for tech otherwise and they didn't have the "developing new tech is heresy" going on then.
Is a white/red color scheme for Tau as commonplace as it sounds?
Depends on which one is your main color. White with red cloth is on the cover of the old Cityfight book and was a scheme I fiddled around with for a while. Squad markings and gun color can go a long way in making your army standout more.
Reread the Night Lords series (via the omnibus) this weekend.
Still pretty much the GOAT 40K series, even with the cop out ending.umad Eisenhorn stans.)
Just a shame that you can't really introduce people to 40K with it (imo). You can't really appreciate the feelings and opinions of the characters (especially the nostalgia) without a firm grasp of what loyalist chapters and traitor legions / warbands are like in M41 and all the change that's come to pass in the supposedly stagnant time since the Horus Heresy.
You also can't appreciate what a breath of fresh air it is as a spehs mehrine book without having suffered through dozens of duty and honor blah blah page turners.
I just finished the Vengeful Spirit.
And you know what. The Emperor deserved that whooping Horus gave him. I thought thattheory was just the Pantheon fucking with the mortals, but noooope.warp infused primarchs
Really enjoying as well. I'm a bit into the second book, and that scene wherewas one of those most charged I've read in a 40K novel. Uzas is a really interesting character. Still not sure where they're gonna take him. He has a certain vulnerability and self-awareness that puts him above your typical "blood for the blood god" traitor astartes.Uzas threatens a wounded Talos and the latter just spends the whole conversations condescending to the former knowing he could very well be seconds from death
Wait, what? (Don't worry about spoiling me.)
Shock greeted the Warmasters pronouncement. Disbelief and confusion. Aximand felt the ground beneath him turn to shifting sand at the truth of the Warmasters words.
Dont you feel it, my sons? continued Horus. Dont you feel how special Molech is? How singular among all the worlds we have won it is?
Aximand found himself nodding, and saw he wasnt the only one.
Lupercal walked in a circle, jabbing a fist into his palm with every sentence.
At the dawn of the great diaspora, the Emperor travelled here in humble guise and found the gateway to a realm of immortal gods. He offered them things only a god-in-waiting could offer, and they trusted Him. They gave Him a measure of their power, and with that power He wrought the science to unlock the mysteries of creation.
Horus was radiant as he spoke, as though he had already ascended to a divine plane of reality.
But the Emperor had no intention of honouring His debt to the gods. He turned on them, taking their gifts and blending them with His genecraft to give birth to demigods. The Emperor condemns the warp as unnatural, but only so no other dares wield it. The blood of the immaterial realm flows in my veins. It flows in all our veins, for as I am the Emperors son, you are the Sons of Horus, and the secret of our genesis was unlocked upon Molech. The gateway to that power is in Lupercalia, far beneath the mountain rock. Sealed away from the light by a jealous god who knew that someday one of His sons would seek to surpass His deeds.
And finally Aximand understood why they had come here, why they had expended such resources and defied all military logic to follow in the footsteps of a god.
This would be the moment they rose to challenge the Emperor with the very weapons He had kept for Himself.
This was to be the apotheosis of them all.
The last time Alivia had climbed these particular steps, her legs were like rubber and fear sweat coated her back like a layer of frost. Shed helped him come back to the world; her arm around his waist, his across her shoulder. Shed tried to keep his thoughts normally so impenetrable from reaching into her, but he was too powerful, too raw and too damaged from what lay beyond the gate to keep everything inside.
Shed seen things she wished she hadnt. Futures shed seen in her nightmares ever since or inked in the pages of a forgotten storybook. Abominable things that were now intruding on the waking world, invited in by those who hadnt the faintest clue of what a terrible mistake they were making.
Ive travelled realms like this before, said Horus, though there was no one to hear. No one obvious, at least.
Each of the four cardinal paths ended at a mountaintop fortress to rival that of the Emperors palace. Their walls were brass and gold, bone and earth. They glimmered in the ruddy light of the firestorm. Screams issued from each of them and booming laughter of mad gods rolled down from the peaks
Aximand rushed forward to help them as the Warmaster held himself upright on all fours. His back heaved with breath, like a man trapped in a vacuum suddenly returned to atmosphere.
Sir, said Abaddon. Sir, are you all right?
Even through his gauntlets, Aximand felt the glacial ice of the Warmasters flesh.
Youre still here? said Horus without looking up, his voice little better than a parched whisper. You waited for me... after all this time...
Of course we waited, said Aximand. Youve only been gone moments.
Moments...? said Horus, with a fragile, almost frantic edge to his words. Then everything... everythings still to be done.
Aximand looked over at Abaddon, seeing the same lingering doubt in the face of the First Captain. None of them had the faintest clue as to what might happen beyond the gate or what the consequences of venturing into such an alien environment might be.
They had let their lord and master walk into the unknown and not one of them had known what to expect.
That lack of forethought now horrified Aximand.
Brother, said Mortarion, cutting through Aximands self-recrimination. Did you find what you were looking for?
Horus stood to his full height and Aximands eyes widened at the sight of him.
The Warmaster had aged.
Cthonia had shaped him, moulded him into a warrior of flint-hard lines and cruel beauty. Two centuries of war had left no mark upon him, but moments beyond the gate had done what the passage of time could not.
Silver streaked the stubble upon his scalp, and the grooves at the corners of his eyes were deeper and more pronounced.
The face Aximand had devoted his life to serving was now that of an ancient warrior who had fought for longer than he could ever have imagined, who had seen too much horror and whose campaigning days had bled him dry.
Yet the fire and purpose in his eyes was brighter than ever.
Nor was that fire simply confined to his eyes.
What Aximand had taken to be cold flesh was the power of the empyrean distilled and honed within the body of an immortal being. Horus stood taller, fuller and more powerfully than before. Lupercal had always found Warmaster to be an awkward fit, a term never fully bedded in or taken as read.
Now he owned the title, as though it had been his long before there was any such office to take. He was now, naturally, and without equivocation, the Warmaster.
Aximand, Abaddon and Kibre backed away from Horus, each of them dropping to their knees in wonder as the power filling the primarch bloomed in the material world.
Even Mortarion, that most truculent of primarchs, bent the knee to Horus in a way he had never done for the Emperor.
Horus grinned and all trace of the war-weary ancient was banished in the blink of an eye. In his place was a mortal god, brighter and more dangerous than ever. Filled with a power that only one other being in all existence had wielded before.
Yes, said Horus. I found exactly what I was looking for
Well the obvious caveat here is trusting the word of the Ruinous Powers, but... interesting.
Is theanperpetual? I would apply the same caveat if that were the case--they are not a reliable source of information.agent of the Cabal
Could it have been related to the original purpose of the Golden Throne?
I really was putting off listening to Vengeful Spirit because I've just plowed through 2 HH audio books but you're making me reconsider.
Let's talk about those Data Slates that you seem to think is a bonus.
It goes without saying that they are putting out data slates for 3 factions for no other reason than to get people to buy Terminator models, and lots of them. The kicker is that they're $16 each x 3. GW fuckery again ensures rules for new weapons are split up among each faction's data slate. Not to mention they are digital only and limited to IOS only. It's a double helping of fuck yous! Chances of these campaigns including the two exclusive tiles to 4th edition? 100%! How about missions containing at least 2 groups of 5 terminators to get people to buy more than a single $50 squad? 100%! What do these data slates even include? How many missions are in each campaign? Why are you excited over something so expensive that you know next to nothing about that GW used to give away in issues of White Dwarf in the past back when it was a hobby supplement and not a Sears catalog?
Any good Tau books from BL?
Despite some heavy handed literary references, Peter Fehervari's Fire Caste.
Xenos scum doesn't deserve books.