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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


idk how you can say that after the ork campaign in Retribution. Shit was so funny it hurt.

On a related note there's an ork audio drama... I'm morbidly curious if one can sustain talkin' like da boyz for close to an hour and have it remain entertaining.

Da orks are the exception for the amount of fun, I admit. Rest of the xenos scum can burn.


I just replayed Dawn of War 2 & Chaos Rising because I've been waiting for the GfWL removal before starting again, started Retribution as the Space Marines and am bored halfway through because I've played the campaign so much (the missions are the same for every faction but the story isn't). If I was the Orks I wouldn't care.


He has been getting a p. bad rep as the HH series has gone on.

Though I suppose it was always there, we just didn't really dwell on the specifics of the Great Crusade where entire civilizations and races are exterminated in what are more or less filler passages / chapters.


Horus is a failure and the false Emperor is an even bigger failure.

/OOC, yeah, the Emp keeps coming off worse the more material they release. So much for being the best and brightest of mankind. The Sigillite would've been a better person to put on the throne.


But they did put him on the throne. ;)

Srsly doe he is one of the few consistently trubro characters as the series has gone along. Shockingly he is doomed to die nobly.

I'm still waiting for how they're going to make Robot Gorillaman less... sparkling. His Second Empire shit is kinda shady, but so far nothing too out of line given the circumstances. Even Lorgar doesn't really hate him and purged his legion of people who did. Meanwhile Vulkan has gone off the deep end and been less than ideal, to be delicate.

Speaking of the events contained in Betrayer, if you liked the philosophical discussions in ADB's Night Lords series, Betrayer is definitely its spiritual sequel. I about drove off the road last night when I was listening to Argel "I'm a fucking demon" Tal and KHARN THE BETRAYER waxing poetic about their natures, war and society. (Kharn being a consistent voice of reason is perhaps the funniest thing in HH I've encountered.)
I think Angron is hated by his own legion almost as much as Perturabo. I loved Betrayer though, easily one of my favorites in the HH. There's a fun subplot that takes an unexpected turn that I don't want to ruin for ya.

Girlyman gets owned by everyone. The Lion and Sanguinus are the only loyalist primarchs worth a damn. Even then Sanguinus has made some pretty dumb choices. The Lion is just about the only loyalist primarch left that actually has a fleet.
Help me decide on a paintjob:

Help me decide on a paintjob

Paint schemes are so difficult for me because I mentally assume I will one day own or want to paint every army in 40k. This means I don't want any of them to be too similar in appearance. So, out of your colors I would choose the white simply because the green is too close to what I envision IG and the red looks too much like Blood Angels/World Eaters. However! I think white might be a little too "on the nose" for Tau since they kind of come off like the Star Trek faction of 40k. Also, I think they're way too smart to march around in pure white armor, but it is a bold look too. If I were doing Tau, I would want something to contrast sharply with their blue-gray skin, so blue is out. All 3 of your colors would work well in that regard.

See? I'm not any help at all.
lol, I'm the same way, I overthink this shit and then start doubting myself. If I've painted one mini one color I'm going to want to paint the next another color and scrub the rest. I suck.

The contrast with their skin was a consideration though, so we agree on that count. I personally like the red best for that purpose - and it doesn't hurt that I already have a mini painted in that scheme.

A second consideration is how they're going to complement/be complemented by their Kroot auxiliaries.

This is the wrong hobby for someone who's partially color-blind.


Girlyman gets owned by everyone. The Lion and Sanguinus are the only loyalist primarchs worth a damn. Even then Sanguinus has made some pretty dumb choices. The Lion is just about the only loyalist primarch left that actually has a fleet.

You mean The Lion going full stupid on essentially ostracising his first brothers and thus leading to civil war amongst the ranks was bright?

El' Jonson came off as a bit of a dick head to me in the books; only read till the escapades of a World Eater, Ultramarine and Space Wolf traipsing around a Word Bearer ship.

Jesus Chri.......In the Emperor's name there are so many books to read. Going to be fun.
You mean The Lion going full stupid on essentially ostracising his first brothers and thus leading to civil war amongst the ranks was bright?

El' Jonson came off as a bit of a dick head to me in the books; only read till the escapades of a World Eater, Ultramarine and Space Wolf traipsing around a Word Bearer ship.

Jesus Chri.......In the Emperor's name there are so many books to read. Going to be fun.

I was referring to the loyalist legions military strength since the Dark and Blood Angels seem to be significantly better off than the other loyalist legions. Everyone else is basically at half strength or worse.


Hot damn I really like the newest one you posted. I'd love to see some models in that scheme. Seems real simple to pull off with colors straight out of the pot/bottle with no mixing required, except maybe the turquoise.

On second thought, a black wash over the turquoise should darken it enough.





ADB is really fukken bad at loyalist books doe. I had to quit Helsreach because it was so Zzz.
Does this work as well as I feel like it does right now?


Inspired by Embryon colors from Digital Devil Saga.[/QUOTE]
GW has a color called Stegadon Scale Green that looks like a decent match to the cloth.



ADB is really fukken bad at loyalist books doe. I had to quit Helsreach because it was so Zzz.

Not really a spoiler but have you reached the part where
their little dust up with the space wolves is told? You should really like that part.
I thought ADB wrote some really good action sequences for Betrayer.
And I think
Angron shoved it out of the way
That book really upped the ante for the traitor primarchs.

Ya, in some ways it kind of mirrors Angel Exterminatus with the Lorgar/Angron and Perturabo/Fulgrim relationships.

edit: I think the story on Angron and Perturabo's
home planets raise the most questions about the Empruh as well. Was it ever explained about what happened with Olympia in Angel Exterminatus? I forgot. I wonder why the Empruh didn't help Angron at all though with his home planet.
Tacitus did you ever read The Outcast Dead?

There's a whole subplot about
One of the last Lightning Warriors from the Terran unification wars. There's some real some interesting stuff in there when he starts talking about how the Empruh culled them all after the war to pave the way for the astartes.


Not really a spoiler but have you reached the part where
their little dust up with the space wolves is told? You should really like that part.
I thought ADB wrote some really good action sequences for Betrayer.

Yeah I listened to that part yesterday while eating my lunch / driving to a client. The Emprah's "weakest" son educating perhaps his strongest in what it means to fight. So good brehs. So good.

Also I would say it's more a follow up to the audio drama Butcher's Nails than The First Heretic given its focus on the madness of the titular torture device and Lorgar and Angron's relationship.

edit: I think the story on Angron and Perturabo's
home planets raise the most questions about the Empruh as well. Was it ever explained about what happened with Olympia in Angel Exterminatus? I forgot. I wonder why the Empruh didn't help Angron at all though with his home planet.

I'm not sure if it was explained there, but the people of the planet rebelled against the Imperium during the latter stages of the Great Crusade when
had become particularly fragile (in the mental sense) and he returned home and
butchered and enslaved the entire populace
without thinking of the consequences. He had his Michael Douglas Falling Down moment.

After the deed was done he realized that he was irredeemable and cast his lot with Horus shortly thereafter. In a way he's a mirror of both
given the way the latter dealt with his homeworld's fall from grace, though
did not share his brother's nihilism.


Perturabo is a tragic figure. He only wanted to build nice, functional stuff for the betterment of the Imperium and then all he got do was grueling siege work that slowly grinded his mind.

Tacitus did you ever read The Outcast Dead?

There's a whole subplot about
One of the last Lightning Warriors from the Terran unification wars. There's some real some interesting stuff in there when he starts talking about how the Empruh culled them all after the war to pave the way for the astartes.

Yeah, I've been devouring 40k fluff for the past year or so. I think I've read all the HH stuff, excluding the audio only stuff.

With one sole exception, the short story of him with Horus, the Emprah comes off a dick of galactic proportions.


Perturabo is a tragic figure. He only wanted to build nice, functional stuff for the betterment of the Imperium and then all he got do was grueling siege work that slowly grinded his mind.

Didn't the Emprah read The Fountainhead. :(

Assuming that the abuse of Perturabo was his fault and not part of a deliberate plan by Horus as has often been whispered.


Well that wasn't the ending I was expecting to Betrayer.

I'd say, "Fuck you," to
but I already know betting on
is stupid unless your only desire is to
see the blood flow
. :D

Let history mark my words well, for I care nothing about who sits proud on the Throne of Terra when the last day dawns. Horus is a fine commander, but that’s the limit of my admiration for that arrogant, preening bastard. I joined his rebellion because I can tolerate him easier than I can endure the abomination that names himself Master of Mankind. You want the truth of my life and death? I am Angron, the Eater of Worlds, and I am already dead. I died over a hundred years ago, in the mountains north of the city that enslaved me. I died after Desh’elika.

The people of your world named you Great One. The people of mine called me Slave. Which one of us landed on a paradise of civilization to be raised by a foster father, Roboute? Which one of us was given armies to lead after training in the halls of the Macraggian high-riders? Which one of us inherited a strong, cultured kingdom? And which one of us had to rise up against a kingdom with nothing but a horde of starving slaves? Which one of us was a child enslaved on a world of monsters, with his brain cut up by carving knives? Listen to your blue-clad wretches yelling of courage and honour, courage and honour, courage and honour. Do you even know the meaning of those words? Courage is fighting the kingdom which enslaves you, no matter that their armies outnumber yours by ten-thousand to one. You know nothing of courage. Honour is resisting a tyrant when all others suckle and grow fat on the hypocrisy he feeds them. You know nothing of honour.

ADB's Angron is practically an ether factory.


edit: I think the story on Angron and Perturabo's
home planets raise the most questions about the Empruh as well. Was it ever explained about what happened with Olympia in Angel Exterminatus? I forgot. I wonder why the Empruh didn't help Angron at all though with his home planet.

I think with the Emprah it basically boils down to him being a shit father. Some of the primarchs he treated well so they turned fine and stayed loyal. Others he complexly fucked with, ignored and then acted surprised when they turned traitor.


Angron is a whiny bitch tho. Plenty of the primarchs were dropped into horrendous situations and he's the only one who kept bitching about it. Though Emps dickery did ruin his rebellion and his brain got screwed up by the implants so there's that.

That said, he's right taking Girlyman down a notch.


Kara what did you think about the
blessed lady turning into a perpetual in

I don't really understand why they couldn't just have them be
raised from the dead
instead, but I don't really understand the
thing in general other than that it facilitates a DC Comicsesque reboot at the end of M41.
I don't really understand why they couldn't just have them be
raised from the dead
instead, but I don't really understand the
thing in general other than that it facilitates a DC Comicsesque reboot at the end of M41.

Well I thought the whole reason
the cabal wants her is because only certain individuals can be resurrected successfully. You can resurrect anyone but it's pulling their soul back from the immaterium that's the hard part, and even if you got the soul the person would probably be insane anyways.


Nothing is canon in 40K, so I'm not going to spend too much time trying to piece together something as fucked up as that.
Be a devotee to the lore of a fictional universe with no canon brehs. U MAD WOOKIEPEDIANS?


Does Scars get good? It might just be the bad fake Mongolian accents, but what I've listened to so far has not impressed me. (Aren't we a little late in the HH game to be having "my journey to becoming an Astartes" stories?)


Does Scars get good? It might just be the bad fake Mongolian accents, but what I've listened to so far has not impressed me. (Aren't we a little late in the HH game to be having "my journey to becoming an Astartes" stories?)

I loved it by the end but I was reading it instead of listening to the dodgy accents.


Having just gone through the Eisenhorn Omnibus and the first Ravenor book... why are these fools in Ordo Xenos. So far everything has been in the purview of Ordo Hereticus.
Having just gone through the Eisenhorn Omnibus and the first Ravenor book... why are these fools in Ordo Xenos. So far everything has been in the purview of Ordo Hereticus.

lol, my wife and I had this same thought. Wasn't Eisenhorn a fluff character described as being in Xenos before the books even came out? Maybe Abnett thought that fighting Chaos was sexier than fighting Eldar, since he's basically an agent of Ordo Xenos in name only. Pretty sure the Sarethi(sp?) was the only hostile alien race he ever encountered, and even they weren't his primary focus. Everything was chaos, chaos, chaos. Still loved it though.

Edit: Oh, and the DE Wych cult at the beginning of book 2, but they had all of like one Homunculus.


lol, my wife and I had this same thought. Wasn't Eisenhorn a fluff character described as being in Xenos before the books even came out? Maybe Abnett thought that fighting Chaos was sexier than fighting Eldar, since he's basically an agent of Ordo Xenos in name only. Pretty sure the Sarethi(sp?) was the only hostile alien race he ever encountered, and even they weren't his primary focus. Everything was chaos, chaos, chaos. Still loved it though.

Edit: Oh, and the DE Wych cult at the beginning of book 2, but they had all of like one Homunculus.

Abnett makes the 3 ordos seem more like political parties than actual designations, I don't think Eisenhorn is ever a committed alien hunter. Seems like being Ordo Xenos/Hereticus/Malleus boils down to who trained you and where.


Abnett makes the 3 ordos seem more like political parties than actual designations, I don't think Eisenhorn is ever a committed alien hunter. Seems like being Ordo Xenos/Hereticus/Malleus boils down to who trained you and where.

One of Eisenhorns fellow inquisitors changes ordos so there's that. I think I'll just put it down to early installment weirdness. Like how there's man portable autocannons and storm bolters, hivers running around with chain fists etc.


Not that Abnett has any respect for canon in constructing his universe within a universe, but the Ordo Xenos has a rather broad mandate IIRC. (Not that any part of the Inquisition has narrow powers, mind.)

Besides the Saruthi and Beldane, he also investigated the pylons on Cadia which are almost assuredly xenos in origin and the planet at the end of Hereticus was IIRC a xenos world originally... plus the
show up to help there.

In one of the audio dramas he has to go to some backwater and basically be a judge. There's a lot of overlap.


Not that Abnett has any respect for canon in constructing his universe within a universe, but the Ordo Xenos has a rather broad mandate IIRC. (Not that any part of the Inquisition has narrow powers, mind.)

Besides the Saruthi and Beldane, he also investigated the pylons on Cadia which are almost assuredly xenos in origin and the planet at the end of Hereticus was IIRC a xenos world originally... plus the
show up to help there.

In one of the audio dramas he has to go to some backwater and basically be a judge. There's a lot of overlap.

Accepting help from the
as an Ordo Xenos is damn hilarious though. And AFAIK, the planet was also somehow colonized by daemons who escaped to realspace somehow....

Early installment weirdness I tell you.


But the Ordo Xenos only hunt xenos threats the Imperium and the
haven't been that in millennia. Kappa

I also realized that the whole series takes place in Segmentum Obscurus... hard to really think anyone escapes Chaos duty operating out of there... even the tiny ordos that have stupid jobs like monitoring the Adeptus Astartes.

e: The audio drama where he's a judge on a backwater is a murder mystery where the murderer is a
. It's so hilarious, but also very Ordo Xenos.

e2: Argue about the bureaucracy of a fictional universe brehs. :(


If Scars is supposed to be about the White Scars, why da fugg am I dealing with so much
Space Wolves

Also, who thought they'd be fucking cute and name the flagship of one of the most suspiciously religious legions "Hrafnkel"?

I hate that I know these things.


OK, having the White Scars be the actual first legion to
know about the existence of Chaos
and this being the reason why
the Emprah
and Jaghatai Khan are estranged (the Khan does not believe you can build
an empire on a lie like the Imperial Truth
) is probably the first retcon in HH I've thoroughly enjoyed. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I enjoy it.

Does every loyalist HH book have to have a cadre of
Salamanders, Iron Hands and Raven Guard
, BTW? :jnc

e: "Loyalty is the only difference between a warrior and a butcher," is a good line, I'll have to use it someday.


Hey guys! I couldnt find a general tabletop gaming thread so I thought: why not post my question here.

Is there a market for selling used figures (both painted as well as unpainted/unbased etc)?.

I recently found my collection of WH40K and LoTR miniatures and am not sure if I should just throw them away or try to sell them. I also dont want to go through a huge hassle just to sell them for a few bucks. Is this realistic?

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