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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


You can always list them on Ebay or something similar. Well painted minis get a nice price there. Unpainted sell for less than retail unless they're OOP, but that's still a nice sum of money.
Pawning them off here could work as well.


Finished Scars, if you can suffer through the beginning it gets gud. Thanks for telling me to stick with it, Showaddy.

If you liked Flight of the Eisenstein, Scars is more or less the mirror image of that story and it doesn't feel trite for being that way either. I guess the Death Guard being present wasn't happenstance after all. ;)

It also backs up the HH series reveal that the primarchs are
borne of the warp
(or something to that effect).

Now Imma gonna try and plow through Deliverance Lost. The last time I tried listening to it I stopped for whatever reason. (Might have been due to one of the multiple collapses my personal life has suffered this year.)
I still need to go through Scars, didn't it start out as a short story anthology?

I didn't really care for Deliverance Lost, it's one of the weaker HH novels imo. It kind of drags on for too long and Corvus is such a bitch :/


It was one of those old timey serialized novels, IIRC.

I put up with Curze in Vulkan Lives (read aloud no less), I think I can handle Corax in dis. He already had a flashback to ripping off an overseer's head as a little kid. :eek:
I actually liked the flashback parts, it's his moping about that got on my nerves. That and I didn't really dig the main plot of
lol shake and bake infinite space marines.


Unconfirmed Member

Holy Terra! Hopefully they make a 40k dataslate for it.


Deliverance Lost was alright. Some of the plot lines dragged on longer than I would have liked, but it's a 40K book by someone outside the A-list and that means there's going to be filler.

Big ups for the Dawn of War references. (
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment." "METAL BOXES")

Having listened to Legion recently it was cool to have a story where the Alpha Legion infiltrated an actual legion and also fucked up at infiltrating. Abnett made those loyal traitors too good at their schtick in Legion.

I have Helsreach to listen to now but man I really did not like what I listened to. ADB cannot write interesting loyalists to save his life. Maybe I'll fire up Vengeful Spirit or something instead.


Just finished SPACE HULK novel, which was adequate enough for excitement. Started the first book for THE LAST CHANCERS, which so far is superb. For the most part, the Imperial Guard cast books are the best, like Gaunt's Ghosts and Ciaphas Cain. Also Inquisition goes here too :)


We used to have something like four Games Workshops here in Houston this time last year. The two closest to me closed down recently so I went to another one yesterday that is a reasonable, but still a touch too far of a drive from me. I tell them that this was my next best choice and they inform me that this is their last week there and they're closing Sunday, despite the fact that they are still a profitable location. Looks like I'm completely out of choices now, since every other shop and the last GW is on the other side of town. Guess I'd better get to work on that collapsible table so I can try and play in my apartment. :(


And I think
Angron shoved it out of the way
That book really upped the ante for the traitor primarchs.

Does this mean Vulkan could pick one up and move it around?

Just finished Mechanicum the other day which was actually surprisingly fun read considering it was just a bunch of techs. Dem Titans going HAM doe!

Started Fallen Angels, and surprisingly not too bad so far. Probably due to the fact that El Jonson's exposure is kept to a minimum.

Just finished SPACE HULK novel, which was adequate enough for excitement. Started the first book for THE LAST CHANCERS, which so far is superb. For the most part, the Imperial Guard cast books are the best, like Gaunt's Ghosts and Ciaphas Cain. Also Inquisition goes here too :)

Oh man, read Last Chancers so many years ago. Only the first 2 books though because that was all that existed at the time, were great reads.

Yea, it seems so far that the IG books are much better as a whole than the rest. It probably helps that they are the most basic of all in the universe and so seeing how everything compares from a perspective similar to ours makes everything seem so atrociously scary to experience compared to some SM going.....hmmm, let me just punch my fist through that whilst eyeing up a daemon.
So do non 40k table top games go in this thread, or is there another thread somewhere for those?

On 40k discussion, if the rumored Blood Angels vs Tyranids box set is true, I might try to pick one up. I don't play Blood Angels, but I would love to get my hand on some plastic lictors (even if lictors are sort of terrible :( ).


I might hold out to see what the Blood Angels look like. I've got the beginnings of an army, so it could go a ways in fleshing that out for me.


So do non 40k table top games go in this thread, or is there another thread somewhere for those?

There's a wargaming thread, I'm not sure how active it is since we lead the Great Crusade and liberated 40K-GAF from the xenos taint doe.

Unrelated: Is Tacitus exterminatus'd or just on a penitent crusade?


Fear to Tread makes Sanguinius a total Mary Sue despite all the not Mary Sue shit about him. Book kinda sucks, shoulda listened to Vengeful Spirit instead. :/


There's a wargaming thread, I'm not sure how active it is since we lead the Great Crusade and liberated 40K-GAF from the xenos taint doe.

Unrelated: Is Tacitus exterminatus'd or just on a penitent crusade?

I was cast into the warp for a while due to spreading the gift of Nurgle.


Anyone know of any good tutorials for basing models?

I fucked up and glued a couple models to plain bases without really planning. I don't want to do the standard sand/gravel/flock and I'm looking for ideas.


Anyone know of any good tutorials for basing models?

I fucked up and glued a couple models to plain bases without really planning. I don't want to do the standard sand/gravel/flock and I'm looking for ideas.

If I remember correctly, check out Element Games; they should have a number of painting guides / blogs which should have something for you.


Anyone know of any good tutorials for basing models?

I fucked up and glued a couple models to plain bases without really planning. I don't want to do the standard sand/gravel/flock and I'm looking for ideas.

What kind of basing ideas do you want? I've done a few different kinds myself and I could give you some very basic tips depending on what you need help with.


What kind of basing ideas do you want? I've done a few different kinds myself and I could give you some very basic tips depending on what you need help with.

I'm painting a squad of Wolf Guard Terminators at the moment and thinking of something rocky/snowy/mountainous but not sure how to work around the feet already being glued down without it seeming flat/bland


I'm painting a squad of Wolf Guard Terminators at the moment and thinking of something rocky/snowy/mountainous but not sure how to work around the feet already being glued down without it seeming flat/bland

There are two approaches I would take:

1. Keep the feet glued on the bases and "sculpt" your snow mixture around them. They'll look like they're sinking into the snow as opposed to floating gingerly on top.

2. Use an x-acto knife and gently pry/shave them off of the base. Depending on how much glue you used they might come off fairly easily.

I use two different methods for basing now. I will mass produce the bases I need and then I just glue the model on top with super glue. If they do come off over time, it's generally a clean break and will go right back on with no problems. You can also use small chips of plasticard or even sprue plastic to make a step that allows your model to be offset from the base, allowing you to base around the feet and avoid the sunken look.

I've done a few snow bases before. My snow is generally just a paste of PVA glue and snow flock sculpted in place with the wood end of the brush. I still use gravel basing and let it show through in patches. Usually painted in dark gray or grayish blues. If you use chunks of slate, you can either paint them to match your rock or use light blue and white paint to make them into chunks of ice. Semi-flat gloss helps here, too. Dead grass flock also makes a nice accent on snowy bases.


There are two approaches I would take:

1. Keep the feet glued on the bases and "sculpt" your snow mixture around them. They'll look like they're sinking into the snow as opposed to floating gingerly on top.

2. Use an x-acto knife and gently pry/shave them off of the base. Depending on how much glue you used they might come off fairly easily.

I use two different methods for basing now. I will mass produce the bases I need and then I just glue the model on top with super glue. If they do come off over time, it's generally a clean break and will go right back on with no problems. You can also use small chips of plasticard or even sprue plastic to make a step that allows your model to be offset from the base, allowing you to base around the feet and avoid the sunken look.

I've done a few snow bases before. My snow is generally just a paste of PVA glue and snow flock sculpted in place with the wood end of the brush. I still use gravel basing and let it show through in patches. Usually painted in dark gray or grayish blues. If you use chunks of slate, you can either paint them to match your rock or use light blue and white paint to make them into chunks of ice. Semi-flat gloss helps here, too. Dead grass flock also makes a nice accent on snowy bases.

I'm going to try to de-base the model first but if not I'll try to add some elevation to the base in other ways, maybe something like this:


I've heard baking soda and PVA can create a good snow effect, have you tried that? Is it any good?


Very common solution and I've seen great results come of it. Never tried it myself but I can't imagine it's hard to get a good texture from it. Definitely give that a shot.


Turns out two people I'm going to play Dark Heresy 2nd Ed with are Psykers.

Should I start buying lube now, or will I not live long enough to apply it?


Unconfirmed Member

I am sure I saw this guy in an anime. The alt build is so bland.

Turns out two people I'm going to play Dark Heresy 2nd Ed with are Psykers.

Should I start buying lube now, or will I not live long enough to apply it?

It really depends on the GM. If it is like 1st Ed having two psykers in a party can go very wrong,


I was cast into the warp for a while due to spreading the gift of Nurgle.

Welcome back, brother-captain.

Unrelated: Malcador is kind of a huge asshole in Garro: Shield of Lies. Also, I was really not expecting the direction that story took--well played Black Library synopses.


Unconfirmed Member

So they removed it from the codex only to bring it back in White Dwarf? Some of GWs policies make no sense in the slightest.

The_Poet said:
I'm going to try to de-base the model first but if not I'll try to add some elevation to the base in other ways, maybe something like this:

Talking of debasing terminators I still need to swap my old 2nd edition Termies from 25 ml to 40 ml. I don't look forward to working with metal minis again.
That was because of that dumbass Chapterhouse lawsuit. For the past several months GW has been removing entries that did not have models because of that. Now that it's finished they will probabely start adding htem back in. I'm glad to see them giving that they look to be great new models that solve the nids problems of having to run big slow creatures into you. The sporcyst also gives an area denial, objective taker, and anti air unit as well which is also pretty cool. Given the new thrope unit also looks to be a return to Doom and the hints a revamping of SiTW coming soon I wonder just how different the army will be. Which is great for given that my brother plays nids. The fact that also appear to have put finecast behind them in favor of plastics is also good. I'm not expecting a dual Lictor/Deathleaper kit and Pyro/Biovore kit and a Broodlord clampack and the whole line will be in plastic (excluding FW). Hopefully a sign of things to come.


Unconfirmed Member
That was because of that dumbass Chapterhouse lawsuit. For the past several months GW has been removing entries that did not have models because of that. Now that it's finished they will probabely start adding htem back in. I'm glad to see them giving that they look to be great new models that solve the nids problems of having to run big slow creatures into you. The sporcyst also gives an area denial, objective taker, and anti air unit as well which is also pretty cool. Given the new thrope unit also looks to be a return to Doom and the hints a revamping of SiTW coming soon I wonder just how different the army will be. Which is great for given that my brother plays nids. The fact that also appear to have put finecast behind them in favor of plastics is also good. I'm not expecting a dual Lictor/Deathleaper kit and Pyro/Biovore kit and a Broodlord clampack and the whole line will be in plastic (excluding FW). Hopefully a sign of things to come.

I think finecast was always just a stopgap as they moved over to a fully plastic product range. Hopefully it is gone soon.


About halfway through The First Heretic right now. It's hard not to have sympathy for Lorgar when you know how things play out. Then again, you can't fault him or anyone for worshipping The Emperor the way he and his legion did when you consider that he is a presence that's as close to God like as one can get if you aren't aware of the existence of the Chaos pantheon.


About halfway through The First Heretic right now. It's hard not to have sympathy for Lorgar when you know how things play out. Then again, you can't fault him or anyone for worshipping The Emperor the way he and his legion did when you consider that he is a presence that's as close to God like as one can get if you aren't aware of the existence of the Chaos pantheon.

"All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth."



Colchis was a bad planet for him to have fallen on. A psyker without guidance growing up on a planet that worships the Pantheon? Angron and Curze are probably the only 2 worse landing spots I can think of, and Angron's is only because the eldar are fucking morons.


Colchis was a bad planet for him to have fallen on. A psyker without guidance growing up on a planet that worships the Pantheon? Angron and Curze are probably the only 2 worse landing spots I can think of, and Angron's is only because the eldar are fucking morons.

Eh, if the Emprah had let his sons know the reality of Chaos then Lorgar would have been one of the most committed in resisting it. Righteous Holy Types love to have an enemy to Righteously War with and that would have kept Lorgar busy while the Emprah finished the human webway. He was a crap father.


Eh, if the Emprah had let his sons know the reality of Chaos then Lorgar would have been one of the most committed in resisting it. Righteous Holy Types love to have an enemy to Righteously War with and that would have kept Lorgar busy while the Emprah finished the human webway. He was a crap father.
Did he just not trust Magnus about the webway? Silly secrets. "Don't skype me over the interwarp, it'll screw up all my plans"


Did he just not trust Magnus about the webway? Silly secrets. "Don't skype me over the interwarp, it'll screw up all my plans"

He didn't tell any of the primarchs before the Heresy. Just went "k boys, you mop up while I go back to Terra to work on things". Cue daddy issues from Horus and betrayl-ton.
Did he just not trust Magnus about the webway? Silly secrets. "Don't skype me over the interwarp, it'll screw up all my plans"

Well to be fair the empruh had to stay on the throne to keep daemons from pouring out into Terra after Magnus made a long distance phone call.

It's not exactly like the webway was perfectly safe before that either.


Eh, if the Emprah had let his sons know the reality of Chaos then Lorgar would have been one of the most committed in resisting it. Righteous Holy Types love to have an enemy to Righteously War with and that would have kept Lorgar busy while the Emprah finished the human webway. He was a crap father.

Russ and Vulkan (ottomh) grew up on religious worlds and didn't need to be told the truth to stay loyal.

Imagine that convo. "Lorgie. Son. Those gods you prosecuted a war against the worship of on your world? FYI they exist. Also, I'm trying to fight them. And I (Vengeful Spirit spoiler)
made a deal with them
to create you and the gang, so even if I'm a god I'm one subordinate to them. Please understand." #dead

It's implied that Emps knew the Nails would kill Angron before the Great Crusade ended. I feel like he was in a Catch-22 sitch with Lorgar too, hence the poor parenting of this specific nature.



I thought I'd give this a try. After taking inventory of what I've got, turns out I have about 40-50 Chaos Marines with various weapons all assembled and primed. I figure I can take 30 of them and start a small Word Bearers force. On top of that, I thought I'd see how well I can paint an army primarily through dry-brushing. The only thing I really need to paint on here is the silver trim and the one highlight with pure red. I tried this out with a junk mini I won't be using in my main force and I think it came out alright. Next time out, I think I'm going to try and apply heavier red and dark red. I may end up using only one metallic as well, to keep the trim nice and dark and give them a very grim feel. The last step is to take a bunch of scrolls, parchment, and purity seals from my other loyalist Marine kits and add them to these models.

Hopefully by early next week I'll have a few of these guys completed the way I pictured them.
^ Nice painting so far Leunam, the gold trim looks nice and I love the dirt and grime detail around the boots. Gonna have to show us once it's done.


Thanks. I'm currently adding bits and bobs to these Marines. Its kind of fun taking traditionally loyalist symbols and corrupting them for Chaos. Purity seals in particular. Rather than the traditional red wax and tan parchment I'm thinking dark grey wax and light grey parchment. Really excited to get cracking on these guys.


He didn't tell any of the primarchs before the Heresy. Just went "k boys, you mop up while I go back to Terra to work on things". Cue daddy issues from Horus and betrayl-ton.
Right, I was thinking more that he could have explained why it was important not to disturb him given that Magnus is so connected to the warp, instead of just saying, "be careful, don't get too caught up with the super powers you have, something something something Nikaea - do as I say". :p Oh well.

I thought I recall him and magnus discussing a way to get around the warp travel issue, but it's been a while since I read Thousand Sons... Could be misremembering though.

Ooooh well. :p If it all went ok, the universe would be pretty dull. :D


Brehs, you're the only ones I can tell this to who might understand. :(

I recently advanced in my professional field and part of that advancement means being subject to ethics and behavioral regulations. Well when I was going over the specifics of those, the regs were constantly talking about sanctioning and censuring as punishments and all I could do was chuckle and think of moments from the Horus Heresy because there's a whole lot of censure and sanctioning in there. :( (There's even an audio drama titled "Censure.")

Stupid approximation of High Gothic by using a register of English that's very formal. :(


"I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done," I say as I break my boss's computer.


Anyone get Space Hulk: Ascension yet? I didn't play the straight board game adaptation that came out last year so I don't really have a point of comparison but I enjoyed the 2 hours or so I put into it.

I was too cowardly to pick the Space Wolves as my Chapter because specializing in melee in a Space Hulk game seems like a recipe for lolarious disaster. :(

(Plus on a dev diary they said the Blood Angels had the best Librarians.)
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