Mobile link to the wargaming thread:
And I thinkThat book really upped the ante for the traitor primarchs.Angron shoved it out of the way
Just finished SPACE HULK novel, which was adequate enough for excitement. Started the first book for THE LAST CHANCERS, which so far is superb. For the most part, the Imperial Guard cast books are the best, like Gaunt's Ghosts and Ciaphas Cain. Also Inquisition goes here too![]()
So do non 40k table top games go in this thread, or is there another thread somewhere for those?
There's a wargaming thread, I'm not sure how active it is since we lead the Great Crusade and liberated 40K-GAF from the xenos taint doe.
Unrelated: Is Tacitus exterminatus'd or just on a penitent crusade?
Anyone know of any good tutorials for basing models?
I fucked up and glued a couple models to plain bases without really planning. I don't want to do the standard sand/gravel/flock and I'm looking for ideas.
Anyone know of any good tutorials for basing models?
I fucked up and glued a couple models to plain bases without really planning. I don't want to do the standard sand/gravel/flock and I'm looking for ideas.
What kind of basing ideas do you want? I've done a few different kinds myself and I could give you some very basic tips depending on what you need help with.
I'm painting a squad of Wolf Guard Terminators at the moment and thinking of something rocky/snowy/mountainous but not sure how to work around the feet already being glued down without it seeming flat/bland
There are two approaches I would take:
1. Keep the feet glued on the bases and "sculpt" your snow mixture around them. They'll look like they're sinking into the snow as opposed to floating gingerly on top.
2. Use an x-acto knife and gently pry/shave them off of the base. Depending on how much glue you used they might come off fairly easily.
I use two different methods for basing now. I will mass produce the bases I need and then I just glue the model on top with super glue. If they do come off over time, it's generally a clean break and will go right back on with no problems. You can also use small chips of plasticard or even sprue plastic to make a step that allows your model to be offset from the base, allowing you to base around the feet and avoid the sunken look.
I've done a few snow bases before. My snow is generally just a paste of PVA glue and snow flock sculpted in place with the wood end of the brush. I still use gravel basing and let it show through in patches. Usually painted in dark gray or grayish blues. If you use chunks of slate, you can either paint them to match your rock or use light blue and white paint to make them into chunks of ice. Semi-flat gloss helps here, too. Dead grass flock also makes a nice accent on snowy bases.
Turns out two people I'm going to play Dark Heresy 2nd Ed with are Psykers.
Should I start buying lube now, or will I not live long enough to apply it?
I was cast into the warp for a while due to spreading the gift of Nurgle.
The_Poet said:I'm going to try to de-base the model first but if not I'll try to add some elevation to the base in other ways, maybe something like this:
That was because of that dumbass Chapterhouse lawsuit. For the past several months GW has been removing entries that did not have models because of that. Now that it's finished they will probabely start adding htem back in. I'm glad to see them giving that they look to be great new models that solve the nids problems of having to run big slow creatures into you. The sporcyst also gives an area denial, objective taker, and anti air unit as well which is also pretty cool. Given the new thrope unit also looks to be a return to Doom and the hints a revamping of SiTW coming soon I wonder just how different the army will be. Which is great for given that my brother plays nids. The fact that also appear to have put finecast behind them in favor of plastics is also good. I'm not expecting a dual Lictor/Deathleaper kit and Pyro/Biovore kit and a Broodlord clampack and the whole line will be in plastic (excluding FW). Hopefully a sign of things to come.
About halfway through The First Heretic right now. It's hard not to have sympathy for Lorgar when you know how things play out. Then again, you can't fault him or anyone for worshipping The Emperor the way he and his legion did when you consider that he is a presence that's as close to God like as one can get if you aren't aware of the existence of the Chaos pantheon.
Colchis was a bad planet for him to have fallen on. A psyker without guidance growing up on a planet that worships the Pantheon? Angron and Curze are probably the only 2 worse landing spots I can think of, and Angron's is only because the eldar are fucking morons.
Did he just not trust Magnus about the webway? Silly secrets. "Don't skype me over the interwarp, it'll screw up all my plans"Eh, if the Emprah had let his sons know the reality of Chaos then Lorgar would have been one of the most committed in resisting it. Righteous Holy Types love to have an enemy to Righteously War with and that would have kept Lorgar busy while the Emprah finished the human webway. He was a crap father.
Did he just not trust Magnus about the webway? Silly secrets. "Don't skype me over the interwarp, it'll screw up all my plans"
Did he just not trust Magnus about the webway? Silly secrets. "Don't skype me over the interwarp, it'll screw up all my plans"
Eh, if the Emprah had let his sons know the reality of Chaos then Lorgar would have been one of the most committed in resisting it. Righteous Holy Types love to have an enemy to Righteously War with and that would have kept Lorgar busy while the Emprah finished the human webway. He was a crap father.
Right, I was thinking more that he could have explained why it was important not to disturb him given that Magnus is so connected to the warp, instead of just saying, "be careful, don't get too caught up with the super powers you have, something something something Nikaea - do as I say".He didn't tell any of the primarchs before the Heresy. Just went "k boys, you mop up while I go back to Terra to work on things". Cue daddy issues from Horus and betrayl-ton.