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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


Welcome. First off I would definitely suggest priming with a spray paint can of primer if you can. You will burn out trying to hand prime everything. I do believe that the Champions of Fenris has seen release. It looks like it might only be digital though.
Thanks. If Champions of Fenris is digital-only, that will be mighty disappointing. I have to assume it is though. So I guess the only way to get a physical copy of it is from the version of the LE codex that say 500 copies printed. Probably not that easy to do that though since people would probably want to sell it as a set of the full LE contents and I don't see any of those for sale anywhere.

Up until yesterday we had all been applying primer on by brush due to no other options. Being out of the country at a remote location means no way to get around those pesky aerosol shipping rules and get some spray primer flown up here. I told the guy who was showing me painting techniques on Sunday "Hey, I was reading online and it seems like a lot of people use spray primer." He told me good luck with that because no one will ship it here and the supply store on base doesn't carry it. Another guy told me that this arctic air is too cold to use it anyway. But yesterday morning after posting this I got my hands on some. I had asked a guy who has an "in" with a lot of the Greenlandic and Danish workers on base if he could track some down. He got back to me yesterday with a can of gray (no black or white I guess) and said they wanted $6 for it. So I do have a can now. Not sure what I should look for in a primer though or if all primer is just primer; the writing on the can is completely in Danish. But I have some now and as soon as I can find a place inside the dorms that is ventilated enough to use it, I can start mass-priming everything I have.


If the temperature you're applying primer in is below 50F or too humid, it might not apply correctly.
It hasn't been above 0F here in months and won't be for another couple months. Almost no humidity though, the paints up here dry quick. So spraying in-doors is my best bet I guess.
Same thing happened to me first time I read it. I think it's one of those stories that gets better if you go back to read it again, knowing all that happens. You know what to look for, hints etc.

Anything in particular you're not sure aboot?

Its just taking me some time getting used to the vernacular the imperial guard unit use in Legion which is different than whats used in other units. Also is Abnett done writing for HH? Unremembered Empire was a while ago and it doesn't look like he has anything else coming out.


Its just taking me some time getting used to the vernacular the imperial guard unit use in Legion which is different than whats used in other units. Also is Abnett done writing for HH? Unremembered Empire was a while ago and it doesn't look like he has anything else coming out.

He's had so many delays that a bunch of his stuff is late. I'd guess he will return to HH after them.


Wife finished her first recolored Sanguinary Guard - what do you think? Her hand's a lot steadier than mine.
That's an, uh, interesting color choice.

That's the point!

Oh yeah, Nobz are finished.

Believe it or not this is actually the first time I've completed a box of something before getting distracted. Stuck with my red/black/gunmetal/hazard stripes theme and I think they look sufficiently chaotic while still looking like they belong together when grouped. I actually feel I got significantly better at painting between the first Nob and the last. Made bases out of sculpey using a diamond pattern mold. If you can't tell...


I'd still like to give them some sort of protective coat but I'm nervous - last time I tried to apply a matte varnish I ruined my paintjob. I'll have to look into it a bit more. I might bore some holes for the gun barrels, too. Actually I don't sound very done, do I? I'm mostly done.

I think I'm going to keep painting Orks and growing my horde. I need to keep my momentum. Suggestions on how I can improve?

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Really like your Sanguinary colour scheme. There's a guy on one of the forums who has an Ice Angels chapter that uses that scheme for the entire army. Looks sensational.

The Nobz look very neatly executed. Not a fan of the bases, but that is personal preference. I'd look to have a play around with some of the Citadel Technicals to get some rust/oxide/blood effects on the models. Could really push them up to the next level without much technical skill required.
Really like your Sanguinary colour scheme. There's a guy on one of the forums who has an Ice Angels chapter that uses that scheme for the entire army. Looks sensational.

The Nobz look very neatly executed. Not a fan of the bases, but that is personal preference. I'd look to have a play around with some of the Citadel Technicals to get some rust/oxide/blood effects on the models. Could really push them up to the next level without much technical skill required.

Honestly I'm not sure about them either. When I ordered the sculpey mold I thought the texture would be a lot finer and closer to scale, but you can barely tell what it's supposed to be since the actual diamond pattern is huge.

I want to make something like "industrial rubble" but I'm not sure how to approach it. Can any of you think of any gritty Ork bases you've liked?


For Industrial rubble I use:

-Straws for simple piping
-Bendy straws for elbow joints
-Gears salvaged from old electronics like VCRs
-Chopped up sprues for rubble
-Old headphone cables for electrical lines
-Plastic blister boxes for glass
-Patterned plasticard (diamond plate, horizontal shutters, etc.)
-Sheet of mesh from a screen door
-Extruded plasticard structural shapes (beams, channel, square tube, angle)
-Plasticard valve handles
-Plasticard round and square rod
-Sandpaper to simulate asphalt

Then just combine these as you see fit. I have some simple bases I made at home using some of these components. I'll see if I can get some pictures.


I just scooped my basing material out of a sandbox in a playground nearby >_>
You could try buying basing/scenery bits and use those - I got a scenery kit which had a bunch of tank traps and had my Maulerfiend be climbing over one.


Tried my hand at free handing (excuse the pun), turned out better than I expected. I fixed up the width of the lines after this photo so it looks a bit better - the left lower leg isn't as wide and the upper right doesn't clip into the gold trim.


Great job on the symbol, Tacitus. I'm a free-handing coward - straight edges are as far as I'm willing to go for now.

Also, my next mission:

Well it took me quite a bit of time before I trusted myself to try this. Shit's hard when that symbol is maybe half of a centimeter per side.
Ugh, are we ever going to get to know what happened with the II and XI legions in the Horus Heresy? I swear they've been hinting at this crap for nearly a decade and nothing.


Ugh, are we ever going to get to know what happened with the II and XI legions in the Horus Heresy? I swear they've been hinting at this crap for nearly a decade and nothing.

Nearly a decade?

It was a deliberate mystery set in the 2nd Ed 40k rulebook that came out in 1993.

(And the original intent was to never answer it.)

There are some leaked Ad Mech models floating around. Troops look nice, not sure about the walker thing, it doesn't look quite batshit crazy enough because the top is modelled after an IG Sentinel. Still, that's a relatively easy fix.


Ugh, are we ever going to get to know what happened with the II and XI legions in the Horus Heresy? I swear they've been hinting at this crap for nearly a decade and nothing.

I doubt it.
We know that the Emprah got rid of them for some fault, as Sanguinius frets the same will happen to him and Russ implies that he did the deed. Other than that, the primarchs have taken a vow of silence on it and it happened before the Heresy anyway so the books probably won't touch it.
^True, I've meant that they've hinted about it in the Heresy books a lot but never get deep into it.

Speaking of which I just finished Legion. So now the only HH books I haven't read are.

Descent of Angels, Fallen Angels, Tales of Heresy, Mechanicum, Nemesis, Primarchs,
Scars, Vengeful Spirit and Damnation of Pythos. Which ones should I read first out of those? I would have gone in order but some of the older books were really difficult to find before there was the big reprint they just recently did.


Damnation of Pythos was kinda meh, other than the schadenfreude you get from reading how the marines flounder about with an obvious chaos cult. IIRC the DA books are also kinda meh, but I've only read the first one of those where Emp showed up to uplift them.
I loved Mechanicum, but I'm biased since I love the cogboys. Vengeful Spirit is great, but you should leave it to last since it's furthest in the storyline. Scars and Nemesis were pretty solid from what I remember.
There are some leaked Ad Mech models floating around. Troops look nice, not sure about the walker thing, it doesn't look quite batshit crazy enough because the top is modelled after an IG Sentinel. Still, that's a relatively easy fix.

Oh man some more Admech stuff leaked and it looks great. The striders in particular look great, very John Blanche-esque. Do you think it would be okay to post pics?


I saw those Ad Mech walkers last night and I am digging them. They remind me of a couple of the US walkers in Dust Tactics.

I was asking about the Champions of Fenris book recently in here. I finally found a copy on eBay. There's two days left and it is already at almost $60 not including shipping though. Fuck, I really don't want to spend that much on a codex supplement.... I mean, I haven't even been able to bring myself to buy a Rulebook for the damn game yet and I am going to have to try to keep myself from spending more than the rules cost just for the supplement. I did find a site in the UK that might have it in stock for like 25 Euros or something but I can't even try to add it to my cart due to my current Greendlandic IP. Looks like the GW UK site has it in stock too but for $80.

I've picked up a couple things recently online that will hopefully get here this week. Nabbed a primed drop pod that I should be able to get painted pretty quickly. Also got an Aegis Defense Line for no real reason. I'm currently trying to figure out how many Fenrisian Wolves I want to run but the Cyberwolves that I want to include with each wolf pack seem to be OOS everywhere so I have yet to buy any plain wolves.

I need to start painting my Wolf guys but I just ordered a ton of Retribution of Scyrah stuff and might be gifted a Legion of Everblight army for WarmaHordes so that might divide my attention (or completely consume it).

Oh, and I was advised to use Spray Primer rather than priming by brush? I gave it a try and it isn't so cold as to have ruined the cans. I figured that the can had probably been sitting in a Cadillac bin somewhere on base but I took it into a supply warehouse that is somewhat warm, shook it for 2 mins, sprayed it upside down a bit to clear any globs out, and it sprayed fine. I tested it on a chunk of sprue that I clipped off and I sprayed from a decent distance away. It wound up caked onto the sprue and obscured alot of a numerical code that has embossed on the sprue, probably because I moved my hand too slowly. Another guy used the can on a CSM Land Raider and got a decently thin coat from holding the can very close but moving it from side-to-side a lot quicker than I did. So the stuff works, which is nice.


When I use any kind of spray, I spray side to side or up and down, starting and finishing the spray past the model and not on it in quick bursts.


. I tested it on a chunk of sprue that I clipped off and I sprayed from a decent distance away. It wound up caked onto the sprue and obscured alot of a numerical code that has embossed on the sprue, probably because I moved my hand too slowly.

That's a shitton of too much paint. You don't need to drown the thing in primer.


I had tried to read up on using spray primer beforehand so I had the "spray off to the side of what you want to paint and sweep over it, extending off to the other side and then go back again" motion down. I was going way too slow though. The distance might have had something to do with it also: I was targeting a tiny piece of sprue but had the nozzle about two feet away. When my coworker did it, he had the can maybe six inches from the land raider and I thought "Psh, well that's too close." He had very quick movement though so it wasn't saturating the plastic with paint. The end result definitely looked like he achieved sufficient coverage on the model while avoiding any texture problems or obscuring any detail.
I didn't really have any experience with aerosol paint prior to spraying that sprue but the technique looked easy enough to replicate when I watched my coworker do it. Might take in some Killa Kans tonight and hit them up.


Six inches is about how far I prime from. Also, it helps to allow one layer of spray to dry before starting another one if you didn't get enough coverage. Otherwise the paint can run and pool unevenly on the model.
Slow progress, but I've been working on my Harlequin troupe a bit today.

I'm enjoying it, but finding them quite hard going for some reason. I have to paint for 20-30 minutes and then give it a long break. So at about half an hour a night I might have these guys finished by the weekend, maybe.
Right, I'm going to take the plunge today and get back into 40k after just shy of two decades away. I'm pretty sure I want to play Orks and/or Space Wolves but have no idea where to start. I'm starting absolutely from scratch - no dice, no templates, no rule books, nothing, and the last time I played was 3rd edition/start of 4th. Does anyone have any advice on where to start? The current starter set looks ok but if I'm going to drop £60-70 on something like that I'd like it to at least contain some miniatures I'll end up using in a Wolves/Ork army.
Buy the Dark Vengeance starter set is the obvious choice - you'll get a small army of Dark Angels VS Chaos Space Marines in there, plus dice and rulebook and templates. You can find it for about £45-55 if you shop around. Unfortunately the marines are moulded quite specifically as Dark Angels.

Sadly you just missed out a few months ago on the limited edition Stormclaw box set, which included the rulebook and a force of both Space Wolves and Orks!


Maaaybe you can find one on eBay though? It was a great value set, £70 for easily £100+ worth of models.
On the advice of an old friend who works for GW I ended up going for the Deathstorm set, then also picked up the Warriors of the Fang set, a box of Wolf Guard Terminators, the Space Wolves Codex, dice and templates. God damn there's a lot more pieces than there used to be, can't wait to get stuck into assembling them tonight.

Pretty gutted I missed that Space Wolves and Orks set, but oh well, I'll get to learn a new army this way.
The kits are almost unrecognisable compared to what we had in the 90s. I left the hobby for ten years or so back in the late 90s, before the Tau and Necrons were armies in the game.

I was stunned by the quality of the plastic kits and how posable/customisable they became. And they just keep on getting better, somehow.

A lot of people have GW's prices and business strategy, but there's no denying the sheer awesomeness of the kits. They're doing things in plastic that would have been unthinkable even ten years ago. And the metal/resin stuff is pretty much gone amongst the more recently updated armies.


I'd better finish up my Tau, Necrons, Ultramarines, and Word Bearers before I have a crack at Ad Mech.

Who am I kidding, I'll never be done. :/


Priming minis: Is black generally the way to go? My Space Wolves that have primer on them so far have whatever colors my coworkers had laying around (white, forest green, and crimson). The gray spray primer that I got my hands on is all gone, a coworker used it all up on a big Necron box he bought. So we went to get more from Base Supply and they had black available. It seems like I've seen a lot of people using black for primer. I figure that my Orks, Space Wolves, and the Malifaux guys I just got should all be good with black and then my Retribution of Scyrah Warmachine dudes should probably use gray or white (since those warjacks will be painted overwhelmingly white)?
I use black by default, but if your models will have an overwhelmingly large area of a single colour, it's often worth investing in a spray of that colour to save time and keep the colour consistent.

I do my Tau battlesuits and vehicles with GW Mephiston Red spray. It gives a much cleaner finish on large areas like vehicles than brush painting does.
something i always wanted to know

1. How much more powerful is a Primarch compared to a regular space marine?

2. would a space marine listen and obey orders to another primarch that isn't his legion's primarch

for example would space wolves listen to Sanguinius if Russ wasn't around?


Primarchs are way more powerful than your standard Marine. Strength, martial prowess, tactics and strategy, even some latent psyker abilities.

I suppose if it came down to it then one legion could follow another Primarch if only briefly as the mission requires it. Otherwise, they're fiercely loyal to their own Primarch above others. Even above The Emperor.
Primarchs are way more powerful than your standard Marine. Strength, martial prowess, tactics and strategy, even some latent psyker abilities.

I suppose if it came down to it then one legion could follow another Primarch if only briefly as the mission requires it. Otherwise, they're fiercely loyal to their own Primarch above others. Even above The Emperor.

is there any primarch that could match big empy

wasn't Magnus psyker abilities rival the Emp's abilities

and Horus went toe to toe against him..
although these are probably the only two
I've had an unpainted, but assembled Land Speeder donated to me, without a base. What size base does it use, a 50mm clear base? It's my first one. Gonna do it for my Dark Angels army, so it'll be my first Ravenwing speeder :D


is there any primarch that could match big empy

wasn't Magnus psyker abilities rival the Emp's abilities

and Horus went toe to toe against him..
although these are probably the only two

Magnus has been cited as the 2nd best psyker in the Imperium, so no. And Horus got pumped up full of Chaos juice and the Emprah mindblasted him out of existence after he saw that Horus was truly gone.
Magnus has been cited as the 2nd best psyker in the Imperium, so no. And Horus got pumped up full of Chaos juice and the Emprah mindblasted him out of existence after he saw that Horus was truly gone.

so its pretty much confirmed that the Emperor is the most powerful psyker of all time in imperium history

wait so the Emperor was holding back against Horus in their fight in the beginning?


wait so the Emperor was holding back against Horus in their fight in the beginning?

I think there was a retcon somewhere in there. The story that I remember had The Emperor and juiced up Hours going blow for blow, with The Emperor losing. He found a tiny weak spot in Horus' armor that was caused by his fight with Sanguinus earlier that he used to deliver a killing blow.

The new story has The Emperor holding back, trying to talk sense into Horus. When a lone guardsman entered the room where they were fighting, Horus destroyed him with a single glance, at which point The Emperor knew his son was lost and he had no hope of bringing him back. One massive psychic blast later and Horus, having lost all power granted by the Chaos Pantheon and subsequently gaining a brief moment of clarity to see what he has caused, was finally put down by the now drained Emperor of Mankind.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
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