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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War

I continue to be mystified how these shovelware games keep getting made considering how protective GW is of the IP. Some of them like Mordheim came out of nowhere and surprised me, but others like Storm of Vengeance just have me scratching my head.

GW's profits have been on the decline for a while and it doesn't look like that trend's going to stop. They've been flinging the IPs to anyone that'll use them to shore those profits up. It also works as a nice bit of promotion although it could have an adverse effect if a large number of the games are shit.



Samus is all around you. Samus is the man beside you. Samus will gnaw on your bones. Look out! Samus is here."

such a piss poor K/D rate for a daemon prince :lol
How do you think gunmetal and rusty red scheme would work? With yellow and black hazard stripes instead of checkers?

It all depends on your green skin tone. You can do so much with ork skin, so as long as your primary colors compliment it I think anything would look good. Red and Green compliment each other well even though they are on opposite sides of the color wheel. Small amounts of green on Blood Angels can actually enhance the red appearance. I was pretty surprised when GW switched to a bluish color in their studio armies as a complimentary color to BAs. That looks great too, but the green was straight out of basic color theory and made more sense in that regard.

I tend to want to paint orks in skin tones that reflect the culture of their Warhammer cousins. Rank and file would be rather cartoony and vibrant, but the larger and more powerful would be much darker in skin tone to help set them apart and also give some variation when painting hordes of miniatures. To me, the brightness signifies a younger, more energetic ork, while the darker tones show age and kind of a stoic presence. Skaven use a similar system, with various browns/tans being for common rat folk, black being for stronger/elites, and grey/white being for the leaders and the upper class of their caste like system.

Show us a test model when you get one painted up!


How do you think gunmetal and rusty red scheme would work? With yellow and black hazard stripes instead of checkers?

I think it would work well. Like Eskimo said, it's going to really come down to the skin tone. I think a dark shade of green or a muted green would work best.
Also keep in mind the ork mentality of colors:

red = faster
blue = lucky
yellow = shootiness and wealth/power

I would try to work all that into the army in various ways and scales. Even subtle additions of the colors on specific models can work wonders and add a whole lot of back story to a model or even an entire army at a glance. Perhaps that Warlord got where he is thanks to his lucky blue squig! That Nob over there has the biggest, shiniest, must expensive gun that also happens to be the brightest yellow anyone has ever seen. And of course every fast attack vehicle is splattered in red.

I always liked the Death Skull orks because I think when the blue warpaint is applied right it adds a ton of personality to the miniatures.


Seems like most people tie in warpaint to Death Skulls, which makes sense since I'm pretty sure that's how the 'Eavy Metal team does it.

I'd argue that warpaint is something that should be common to all Orks, given they are tribe like by nature.
Man, the new Harlequin squads are such a downgrade from the last ones. Those weren't around very long, that's for sure.

Nearly 9 years isn't too bad.

There's something off about the masks on the new ones and the slight size discrepancy with the old models is annoying, but otherwise I like them. Definitely not a fan of the masks on the vehicles though. It's like a designer was bemoaning the fact they couldn't cover them in skulls because they're eldar but then realised they could run the mask theme into the ground instead.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Nearly 9 years isn't too bad.

There's something off about the masks on the new ones and the slight size discrepancy with the old models is annoying, but otherwise I like them. Definitely not a fan of the masks on the vehicles though. It's like a designer was bemoaning the fact they couldn't cover them in skulls because they're eldar but then realised they could run the mask theme into the ground instead.

Ummm... http://www.beastsofwar.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Old-Harlequin-Jetbike.jpg

(though I do prefer this is a weird way)

I think that works because it's the whole canopy. The new vehicles look normal and then they stuck a mask on an empty spot in case we forget it belongs to the harlequins. Makes it look like they've got spare masks just in case they feel like they need a change halfway through the battle. I'm surprised they didn't bring back the harlequin Land Raider. Just think how many masks they could have stuck on that thing!

Edit: Eh, I'm being unfair. Not everyone's up to painting those crazy harlequin colour schemes so the masks make it so they don't have to do something fancy with all that open space on the hoods.


Question about the Horus novels. Is there anything that lists everything in order for reading INCLUDING the audio drama's? I got to about book 4 and then randomly found out there are audio dramas I was not aware of.

The major wiki just does the novels from what I can see.

EDIT sorry peeps I found a good readout on GW's purchase page versus their listing page. Good enough for government work. Time to dig in.
Still working on my Orks and being fussy about their color scheme.

So I might, might be gearing up to assemble a working army and play an actual game. Advice for relative newcomers? I have the rules and my chosen codex - digesting those is the easy part. Anything I should know about playing the game or the people I might play with that isn't abundantly clear? Anyone play their first game against a complete stranger?


Bookmark points of interest in the rulebook so you can access it quickly, especially stuff that's very relevant to your army.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, especially if it's something 'special' regarding army special rules.

The sides of the tables are 48". Half of that is 24". Use that as a reference for eyeballing distance without measuring.

Watch out for funky dive throwing, measuring, or placement. One thing people used to do was accidentally drop a model at the end of its movement so it fell over, pick it up, then gain am inch or two standing it upright.

I know most of these are kind of assuming you might be playing scumbags, but it's better to learn these sooner rather than later. I'd give more strategy advice, but not without knowing the current rules in and out.
I've personally put those sticky bookmark post-it note things in my rulebooks at key parts - Special Rules, and less common stuff too. You know the little coloured tab things? They're so useful. They're in my codex books too.

These things
Alright, got a mostly finished Nob. You can tell where I tried to edge highlight a couple times with this model, but it just didn't suit the "gone through hell with just the scrap iron on their backs" aesthetic I was going for. I could probably tone down the wear and tear look on the next Nob, not sure how I feel about it. Tried to make the weapons look "rusty" but I could probably stand to dry brush some brown on there. Overall I'm quite pleased with this model. He's a mess but he's supposed to be, so...success! Orks shouldn't be shiny and uniform anyway. This was my first time free handing a pattern like the hazard stripes on his shoulder pad, which will replace the checkers in this theme. Kind of finnicky. I feel there must be an easier way of doing it.

How do you guys handle highlighting on "grungy" models?


That looks really good.

For me, highlighting grungy models usually overlaps with paint chipping wear and tear. On metal armor, the paint is going to wear first on edges, so exposed metal on say, red armor, will serve as my highlight.
I think your ork looks great, Defied Data. Suitibly rough with just the right amount of color. You chose a nice shade of green to pop against everything else. A whole army painted to that standard would look great on the table.

What army is your wife/GF painting and fielding? She should post her test model here too.


How do you guys handle highlighting on "grungy" models?

I suppose Plague Marines are grungy enough? I just did a base layer, a rough highlighting and plenty of brown wash. The wash settles in blotches so you get an uneven finish that looks like it's gone through hell warp.
That looks really good.

For me, highlighting grungy models usually overlaps with paint chipping wear and tear. On metal armor, the paint is going to wear first on edges, so exposed metal on say, red armor, will serve as my highlight.

Which was pretty much what I was attempting, but I'll make an effort to keep most of the metallic wear at the edges for the desired effect. Thanks!

I think your ork looks great, Defied Data. Suitibly rough with just the right amount of color. You chose a nice shade of green to pop against everything else. A whole army painted to that standard would look great on the table.

What army is your wife/GF painting and fielding? She should post her test model here too.

lol, at the pace that one took me a whole army's going to take a while, but 'ere we go.

Wife has mostly been experimenting with alternative color schemes for Blood Angels, and most of her results have put mine utterly to shame. I'll try and convince her to take some nice pics.

I suppose Plague Marines are grungy enough? I just did a base layer, a rough highlighting and plenty of brown wash. The wash settles in blotches so you get an uneven finish that looks like it's gone through hell warp.

I used Biel-Tan Green on the skin, a Valejo red wash on the weapons, and Nuln Oil on everything else.

Thanks for the advice guys, needless to say I'll post new pics as new models are painted.
You get a lot faster as you go along, especially when painting in groups. That's why that original test model is so vital.

Man, you're going to be painting orks for an eternity, lol.
I'm starting to think about how I want to base my orks and I stumbled across something on YouTube I really liked - molds that you roll into sculpey that create landscape textures. In this instance I'm interested in a diamond pattern metal texture. The video linked to a site (hobbyhottips) that sells them but either the link didn't work or the store is no longer in business. Surely this store isn't the only one selling them though? Does anyone know where else to find something like this? More of a hobby question than a 40K question but the mini gaming thread seems to be dead.


Are you looking for the mold or the actual pattern on a plasticard sheet?

I think coolminiornot.com might sell the mold. Maybe Antenocinis workshop.

For the actual plasticard sheet, I get all my stuff from plastruct.com. Materials and tools. The website and catalog is dated, but I haven't found a better variety for good prices anywhere else.
What the hell is Regicide and why am I just now learning about it? All these 40K games coming out of the woodwork, worried most are shovelware.

Edit: I'm the king of double-posting, it seems.


I'm just now getting into 40K, just got my Space Wolf and Ork codices, and I was wondering: Has the "Champions of Fenris: A Codex Supplement" seen a wide physical release yet? I was reading last night that it was available with one of the Limited Edition versions of the Space Wolf codex. I see a lot of the supplements for various factions/races available in physical book form on the GW site, some out-of-stock, but I only see digital versions of the Space Wolf supplement.
If anyone knows: Has it not seen a release outside of the LE yet? Did it come out and already sell out? Or is it something that will probably never come out?
I would really like to have a copy of it and the Companies of Fenris paint guide to go with my codex and it will bum me out a bit if I can't get one.

Anyway, I'm new to 40K. A coworker bought a Stormclaw LE box and only wanted to play orks so he gave me all of the Space Wolves. I ordered the Space Wolf codex and just recieved that in the mail last night. I've been slowly ordering brushes and have some primer but haven't ordered any paints yet (I can't really get to any sites with paint guides at work except DakkaX2 and there is a TON of information on there that I have been sorting through). I'm looking at ordering some Fenrisian Wolves and a Cyberwolf or two.
In addition to that, the same coworker decided that he didn't want his orks. He discovered Flabius Bile and decided that he liked him, so he wanted to switch to Chaos Space Marines. He had already purchased multiple deffkoptas, a trukk, some older metal minis, and a ton of ork boyz. So this morning he sold me the other half of the Stormclaw box (minus the rulebook), the dozens of other minis he had bought, the new codex and an older one, and 50 custom ork dice (in an ork dice bag) for $100. I wasn't looking to pick up another army, especially when I haven't even painted primer onto half of my Space Wolves yet, but it seemed like a good deal. Especially since he had given me the Space Wolves for free.
I've got a lot to paint and haven't ever painted minis before, but this guy and another coworker have a ton of experience with it and are willing to teach me. I've just been priming some by hand while at work. Can't wait to finish some up so I can play though. One coworker just got a Realm of Battle board in and expect to have that painted in a couple weeks after more of his Blood Angels are done, so I need to get some stuff done so I can play him on it.
Welcome. First off I would definitely suggest priming with a spray paint can of primer if you can. You will burn out trying to hand prime everything. I do believe that the Champions of Fenris has seen release. It looks like it might only be digital though.
Finally tracked down a copy of Legion. It just got a reprint not to long ago, Abnett definitely went a little overboard on this one. I have no idea what anything means :/


Finally tracked down a copy of Legion. It just got a reprint not to long ago, Abnett definitely went a little overboard on this one. I have no idea what anything means :/

Same thing happened to me first time I read it. I think it's one of those stories that gets better if you go back to read it again, knowing all that happens. You know what to look for, hints etc.

Anything in particular you're not sure aboot?
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