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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


The first Space Wolf book is fantastic, minus the fluff conflict with which Rune Priest found Ragnar. The first book though is great in the way it depicts the transformation into an Astartes. The rest of William King's Space Wolf books are also great and then the quality nosedives when he left and Lee Lightner took over, but you are correct when it comes to that first omnibus is great at showing the origins of a Space Marine: showing the transformation into a Marine, being a young impulsive newbie Marine, and then finally having some command and being a veteran.


I guess I was too engaged to notice the change in authors... I've read the sextology twice (lmao), but I still enjoyed them all, even to the end. Guess I should pay attention to the authors there... whoops.

Oddly - I've just picked up Willliam King's Illidan Stormrage, and it's... well.... lacking. Guess it's the material he gets saddled with, eh? The writing isn't bad, but the material just retreads stuff most people knew. :(

Btw - still hoping for a finale for the Soul Drinkers. >_>


So. Dawn of War III huh guys?
I am very happy that a new Dawn of War game is coming out and am thrilled for the fans of the series but I don't game on a PC so I won't be experiencing it. I was hoping for a console port, what with an RTS like Halo Wars 2 being greenlit (a Dawn of War compilation would be great, so I could experience the first two games), but didn't actually expect one to happen. It's good that the Blood Ravens story will continue and the addition of Knights sounded and looked cool.
Thanks again! Really looking forward to diving into the universe, and maybe even one day actually play a game.

I was like you for such a long time. That fantasy books are actually pretty good as well.

For you interests it sounds like you should read in this order (and I am absolutely MASSIVE Black Library fanboy, I've read most of the books and I'm starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel when it comes to what I've got left to read. Although that's not true because I've saved some of the most popular stuff for now).

Titanicus - read this first, it's one of the very best novels.
The Horus Heresy is a must read, honestly even though some of the books aren't great the whole series is my favorite fiction thing out of everything, games, movies, TV everything it's just so full of depth and such an incredible tale.
Priests of Mars series is the next one after that, a really well captured sense of grandeur and what the 40k verse is all about.

I can give you a huge list of books that I would recommend reading but there is enough books to last you a year in that little bit there. Be warned, the horus heresy is highly addictive!
The Horus Heresy is worth getting into, but my biggest issue with it has been the poor pace of output of main entry titles which has been going on for well over a year.

It's pretty bad even by black library standards, all they've been releasing is anthology/short story collections with very few mainline entries in between. The way it used to be run was they would release 3/4 main line novels and then a anthology book. Now it's the other way around.

Graham McNeil and Dan Abnett were the two biggest workhorse writers of the series and both have been MIA for over a year. Abnett has health issues and I have no idea what McNeil is working on. Aaron Dembski Bowden is the series hot new writer and he has Master of Mankind coming but we have no idea when.

It's clear though that they need to do something with the series because it's been floundering as of lately without McNeil and Abnett churning out novels on an annual basis.


It's good that the Blood Ravens story will continue and the addition of Knights sounded and looked cool.

Time to resurrect (me checks book shelf) C S Goto for another novel (trilogy >_>).

I only read the DoW omnibus once, so I can't remember all except for something black library and something about red armour & thousand sons etc. Because colour is all that's totally evident. Psych!

Also, if I want to jump into some regular old Space Marine books(since they seem to be the central players in 40k), is Horus Heresy (Horus Rising I think is the first book) the place to start? That's the one I always hear about, at least.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Horus_Heresy_(novels) (as a reference for book #s)

In my experience (hopefully little spoilerage):

Books 1-3: Sets up the pre-heresy and fall of Horus.
Eisenstein: Death Guard story - not bad.
Fulgrim: I really loved this, but it's a long setup or whatever it was. I thought it was worth every hour. ahem. Long novel is long.
Descent of Angels: if you want to know the backstory of Dark Angels
Legion: maybe learn about Alpha Legion stuff that might be convoluted. Maybe.
Battle for the Abyss could be skippable IIRC a.k.a. it wasn't memorable.
Mechanicum was so-so. A look at the mechanicus fall to heresy.
Tales of Heresy - Anthology - short stories can be nice.
Fallen Angels - felt like a waste of time. continuation of Descent of Angels
Thousand Sons - Just Do It.
Nemesis - I skipped it.
First Heretic - A must.
Prospero Burns - couldn't be arsed to finish it.
Age of Darkness - another anthology *shrug*
Outcast Dead - skipped.
Deliverance Lost - only if you want to know about the Raven Guard.
Know No Fear - probably important (Ultramarines)
The Primarchs - decent compilation of short stories (needs good memory for all the shit that's been happening)
Fear to Tread - finally Blood Angels stuff. Good to know I guess
Shadows of Treachery - another compilation
Angel Exterminatus - I'd say it'd be a decent read for follow-up on Fulgrim as Primarch.
Betrayer - A must for World Eaters.
Mark of Calth - follows up on Ultramarines activities, I guess. another compilation.
Vulkan Lives - Probably important regarding Salamanders.
The Unremembered Empire - yeah, probably useful.
Scars - I thought it was garbage for a legion "intro" & insight.
Vengeful Spirit - Just Do It.
Damnation of Pythos - skipped
Legacies of Betrayal - another compilation, so good luck if you remember everthing in the past 30 books.

everything else after - I have no idea because I'm waiting for mass market paperback. Thanks Balk Liberry.
I was like you for such a long time. That fantasy books are actually pretty good as well.

For you interests it sounds like you should read in this order (and I am absolutely MASSIVE Black Library fanboy, I've read most of the books and I'm starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel when it comes to what I've got left to read. Although that's not true because I've saved some of the most popular stuff for now).

Titanicus - read this first, it's one of the very best novels.
The Horus Heresy is a must read, honestly even though some of the books aren't great the whole series is my favorite fiction thing out of everything, games, movies, TV everything it's just so full of depth and such an incredible tale.
Priests of Mars series is the next one after that, a really well captured sense of grandeur and what the 40k verse is all about.

I can give you a huge list of books that I would recommend reading but there is enough books to last you a year in that little bit there. Be warned, the horus heresy is highly addictive!

I would throw the Beast Arises series in there.


The Horus Heresy is worth getting into, but my biggest issue with it has been the poor pace of output of main entry titles which has been going on for well over a year.

It's pretty bad even by black library standards, all they've been releasing is anthology/short story collections with very few mainline entries in between. The way it used to be run was they would release 3/4 main line novels and then a anthology book. Now it's the other way around.

Graham McNeil and Dan Abnett were the two biggest workhorse writers of the series and both have been MIA for over a year. Abnett has health issues and I have no idea what McNeil is working on. Aaron Dembski Bowden is the series hot new writer and he has Master of Mankind coming but we have no idea when.

It's clear though that they need to do something with the series because it's been floundering as of lately without McNeil and Abnett churning out novels on an annual basis.
I remember reading somewhere that they want to consolidate all of the smaller stories hence the large number of collections, so instead of having to buy 30 short stories and audio dramas and novellas you just need to buy 3 main line books

McNeill is iirc working as the lore guy for LoL now (does LoL even have lore anyone gives a fuck about?), but he is also working on a Thousand Sons book too

I know why people say they have gone completely crazy with it and yeah a large part is probably due to simply greed, but fuck it there are some great books in there and the sheer scale of the thing is amazing to me, it feels like a big galaxy spanning conflict involving 18 legions of super human killing machines along with billions of human and ad-mech on each side (even through they had to go and retcon the numbers from the first few books because they were absurdly small :p), it kinda feels like a big fantasy epic like lotr or asoiaf, just without the need to wait half a decade for a new book .P


Finally got around to listening to Pharos.

After the audio drama prequel I was afraid that it would be "teenagers save the world" tripe, but thankfully the initiate storyline was something akin to the mandatory "a Raven Guard, a Salamander, and an Iron Hand walk into a bar... ouch!" plotline every HH book has to have.

Some good stuff, but by the Pantheon the writing is absolutely awful at times with its J.K. Rowling like use of adverbs to tell emotion instead of conveying it with well written dialog.

The good: Curze and Sanguinius spit balling about
whether or not the event that took them from Terra as infants
was actually a setback for Big E. After Vengeful Spirit's reveal there's a lot of doubt about things.

The bad: In a series that's run longer than the conflict that it's about, this is yet another "going nowhere fast" HH book. At least it has given us an excuse to abandon the Unremembered Empire at last.

The ugly: The Night Lords all have Russian accents. I know it's hard to do voice acting with a novel but lol Black Library pls.

The gold: "Ave Imperator."
I remember reading Horus Rising years ago. I don't even know what number book they're on now.

I'm just waiting for the Battle of Terra. Hoping Dan Abnett writes it.


Soulforge might be a more boring Horus Heresy book than The Damnation of Pythos, I'm actually impressed since the former has a primarch as a main character. Who thought a story about Raven Guard survivors fighting Word Bearer survivors of Calth in a backwater forgeworld would be a good idea to write about?


I remember reading Horus Rising years ago. I don't even know what number book they're on now.

I'm just waiting for the Battle of Terra. Hoping Dan Abnett writes it.

I got up to book 9 before losing interest. I like the side stories and they play a part in the big picture but I found the main narrative timeline novels to be the best. The first three books were really good and I liked how they progressed the story but then they just started doing book after book on side stories and I couldn't keep track of them all lol. For anyone that has read them all or most of them has the story progressed past Isstvan III?


Also, a lot of those side stories filled in the gaps in the commonly known legend / story and are worth it imo.

I'm sure Graham McNeil or Aaron Dembski-Bowden are going to write a kick ass Battle of Terra book to finish the main narrative (suck it Abnett devotees), but I already know what happens in that story. I didn't know why the White Scars were there or why the Ultramarines weren't or how Vulkan survived the Drop Site Massacre.

The early preoccupation on Istvaan III is definitely a slog, along with some of the other filler books like Outcast Dead, but around Legion the plodding narrative becomes more satisfying.
Also, a lot of those side stories filled in the gaps in the commonly known legend / story and are worth it imo.

I'm sure Graham McNeil or Aaron Dembski-Bowden are going to write a kick ass Battle of Terra book to finish the main narrative (suck it Abnett devotees), but I already know what happens in that story. I didn't know why the White Scars were there or why the Ultramarines weren't or how Vulkan survived the Drop Site Massacre.

The early preoccupation on Istvaan III is definitely a slog, along with some of the other filler books like Outcast Dead, but around Legion the plodding narrative becomes more satisfying.

That's because the Ultramarines were too busy fiddling
with that beacon that summons Tyranids to the Milky Way.


That was a fun little bit of fanservice in Pharos. 👍 (Also hella grimdark.)

And it looks like John French is writing a book about the initial incursion of the forces of Horus into Segmentum Solar due out in 2017, dang we really are at the end.
That was a fun little bit of fanservice in Pharos. 👍 (Also hella grimdark.)

And it looks like John French is writing a book about the initial incursion of the forces of Horus into Segmentum Solar due out in 2017, dang we really are at the end.

I will be pissed though if they drop that subplot that Outcast Dead introduced with the
surviving lightning warrior from the unification wars. Why did the emperor have them all culled after the war? What is this last survivors plans?

It really pisses me off they introduce interesting subplots that go MIA forever,
like the Blessed Lady becoming a perpetual.

Or how we don't know what the hell has been going on with Mars since Mechanicum..... How many times can Sigismund fail.........seriously.


I imagine there will be something substantial wrt the cogboys now that we're going to Segmentum Solar. It was the staging site for the Battle of Terra, after all.

There was a bit of a look at the loyalist side in Shield of Lies. (They operate in petty fiefs now, which is understandable.) The Imperium is quite frankly a mess of competing ambitions atm and I have NO clue how Horus is going to cock it up because they're idling fountain asking to ff.

As for unresolved stories, yeah those two haven't advanced (and truthfully I think the Outcast Dead is one of those "everything is canon, not everything is true" stories you won't get a resolution to) but stuff shows up where you least expect it. I'm listening to Seventh Serpent rn and it's a sequel to Angel Exterminatus (the loyalist subplot... missed you Nykona "I don't use the floor" Sharrowkyn).


Just finished Path of Heaven. The Khan finally gets to Terra and there's a cocktease about Malcadore wanting to see/save the Thousand Sons legionnare.
The Imperium is quite frankly a mess of competing ambitions atm and I have NO clue how Horus is going to cock it up because they're idling fountain asking to ff.

Well, Horus has that problem of his side not following orders that well. Angron, Fulgrim, Alpharius do whatever they want. Lorgar follows the gods more than Horus. Magnus is indisposed currently. Curze is insane. Perturabo and Mortarion can be counted on to follow orders but both are nervous wrecks and Typhus is doing his thing somewhere and Morty is pissed. Probably getting some Nurgle juice in him soon-ish.


jesus, how many main characters are there in Know No Fear? there are like 3 or 4 marines, the primarch, one army dude, Olly, a magos, thought that one girl would also matter but she got murdered like a third into the book and every now and then they throw in some Word Bearers or cultist pov, although seeing a Ultramarines attack from the pov of a cultist was pretty cool

the guy being censured is probably the best character so far, get stuck in the waiting room and decided he is in big shit anyway might as well play around with the bosses toys, can't imagine any other marine having the balls to do this

and then the revelation of why he is to be punished, because he theorized about how to fight other marines, heh, guess he is up for promotion if he survives ^^


quick question, somewhat unrelated to 40k but I can't find a better thread for it currently

do we have an active thread about wargaming in general here? I want to find out more about how other wargames handle dice-based combat, to-hit rolls, damage armor and so on. I'm only really familar with Warhammer in this regard


Unconfirmed Member
quick question, somewhat unrelated to 40k but I can't find a better thread for it currently

do we have an active thread about wargaming in general here? I want to find out more about how other wargames handle dice-based combat, to-hit rolls, damage armor and so on. I'm only really familar with Warhammer in this regard

Minature Gaming Thread

This might be what you are looking for.


Finally got around to listening to Pharos.

After the audio drama prequel I was afraid that it would be "teenagers save the world" tripe, but thankfully the initiate storyline was something akin to the mandatory "a Raven Guard, a Salamander, and an Iron Hand walk into a bar... ouch!" plotline every HH book has to have.

Some good stuff, but by the Pantheon the writing is absolutely awful at times with its J.K. Rowling like use of adverbs to tell emotion instead of conveying it with well written dialog.

The good: Curze and Sanguinius spit balling about
whether or not the event that took them from Terra as infants
was actually a setback for Big E. After Vengeful Spirit's reveal there's a lot of doubt about things.

The bad: In a series that's run longer than the conflict that it's about, this is yet another "going nowhere fast" HH book. At least it has given us an excuse to abandon the Unremembered Empire at last.

The ugly: The Night Lords all have Russian accents. I know it's hard to do voice acting with a novel but lol Black Library pls.

The gold: "Ave Imperator."
This is rather illuminating. I have yet to jump into Pharos so I'll temper my expectations.

Really looking forward to Master of Mankind.


Well, Horus has that problem of his side not following orders that well. Angron, Fulgrim, Alpharius do whatever they want. Lorgar follows the gods more than Horus. Magnus is indisposed currently. Curze is insane. Perturabo and Mortarion can be counted on to follow orders but both are nervous wrecks and Typhus is doing his thing somewhere and Morty is pissed. Probably getting some Nurgle juice in him soon-ish.

Sorry, I meant from the perspective of where we are at present in the series. Like in Vengeful Spirit Horus is able to orchestrate a rather commanding victory with Daemon Prince Fulgrim and Mortarion under his commqnd when you'd think Mort would make more of a stink about fighting with a fucking demon. Elements of his forces know that the Shadow Crusade is keeping the Ultramarines, Blood Angels, and Dark Angels out of the fight because they think Terra has fallen. Curze (who admitted to abandoning his Legion) is intrigued by his legion's resilience and might jump back into the fray. Even Angron seems better off as a Daemon Prince. (Though imo this was bad writing on ADB's part.)

This is rather illuminating. I have yet to jump into Pharos so I'll temper my expectations.

Really looking forward to Master of Mankind.

It's a frustrating book, but I burned through it quickly nonetheless.

Master of Mankind probably can't live up to the hype, but it's going to be awesome to have a Webway Wars story of length.


Finished The Seventh Serpent... damn, what a ride (made possible by Iron Hands being numb skulls, natch). Can anyone kill the crew of The Sisyphean???? They've survived fights with
two primarchs
Or did they?

It's a shame that the Alpha Legion is always so shrouded in mystery, but it allows for stories like this, so I guess that makes it less frustrating. If you want an update on them check it out.

Fair warning there's a Horus Heresy Mystery introduced in this story. Black Library pls. ;_;


listened to Butcher's nails

I'm starting to think the Eldar would be better off if they just shot all of their farseers

really liked the double voice effect they did for Argel Tal, wish stuff like this was in the full audiobooks

it's also kinda hilarious how many female admirals there are in the HH :p but I guess since you have legions that are only men it's the easiest way to add some gender diversity
My God, Path of Heaven is staggeringly good. I can't wait for them to mop up the series and then move to the "purge" part of the story.

I also can't wait for all the Primarch books. The more the better I say, keep em coming BL :D

P.S Guys, if anyone can give me some Audiobook recemmends that have stories that are smiliar but perhaps not the same to Warhammer 40k... I don't care if they're blatent rips or not I need more of this stuff because I listen while I'm painting and I'm currently having trouble finding anything that i like.

I've scoured most of the "reading recommendation" threads on NeoGaf and have gone through most of the recommends made there. Feels like I'm starting to have to look deeper and deeper to find the stuff I like. I don't mind larger than life characters who do no wrong and always in win (in fact I love those kinds of books as well). I've been through most of the HH books in Audio for my second time through. SO exy but so worth it for me IMO. Wondering if there's any you would recommend or consider for a second time. I'm sort of saving Beast Arises until they're all released so I can binge it down all at one.


I really like reading the Beast Arises as they come out. You get a book each month and it's a continuous story,

Have you read Dune? 40K is heavily indebted to it, and as the saga goes on it makes an interesting divergence from 40K.

Yeah, we've got a God Emperor, melee being important in the future, army of religious fanatics, robots being religiously banned, a feudalist system, mutant navigators... and probably something I'm forgetting.

Not that grimdark though.


I just read the synopsis for the latest entry in The Beast Arises. We gone eat, battle-brehs.

Also small lore question (since I haven't started the series yet), but it was always my understanding that despite Terra being the homeworld for the Imperial Fists they chose not to maintain a presence there out of respect for the sensitivity of Terrans to seeing Astartes on Terra after the Heresy. Is that mentioned in this series? Because from synopses it sounds like they're literally stationed on Terra in total 1,500 years after the Heresy.


I just read the synopsis for the latest entry in The Beast Arises. We gone eat, battle-brehs.
Echoes of the Long War? It was preeetty good.
Also small lore question (since I haven't started the series yet), but it was always my understanding that despite Terra being the homeworld for the Imperial Fists they chose not to maintain a presence there out of respect for the sensitivity of Terrans to seeing Astartes on Terra after the Heresy. Is that mentioned in this series? Because from synopses it sounds like they're literally stationed on Terra in total 1,500 years after the Heresy.

It hasn't really been talked about that much. They seemed to have been kept to the palace mostly, even naming their Companies after bits of it. Some of them even got the "honor" of being permanently stationed on guard there.


No, no, the one coming out this month with

Thanks for answering my question. I guess that "truth" in the mythos was really a lie repeated so much it became a truth. Maybe the whole
seizure of power
in this series by an Imperial Fist will lead to that outcome.

Unrelated: I'm picking through The Path of Heaven atm and it definitely answers my criticism of the traitors not being fractured enough to lose soon. A third of the Emperor's Children aren't even under Fulgrim's direct command anymore.


No, no, the one coming out this month with

Thanks for answering my question. I guess that "truth" in the mythos was really a lie repeated so much it became a truth. Maybe the whole
seizure of power
in this series by an Imperial Fist will lead to that outcome.

Unrelated: I'm picking through The Path of Heaven atm and it definitely answers my criticism of the traitors not being fractured enough to lose soon. A third of the Emperor's Children aren't even under Fulgrim's direct command anymore.

Mmmmm, can't wait for that to come out.

And really, Fulgrim has no direct command over anyone at that point. Eidolon says even he has no idea where he's buggered off to. Iron Warriors are mostly intact, but even there someone has their own agenda.


So... Hunt for Vulkan. Hnnnng.

Vulkan tackles a Battlewagon at full speed to a halt and soloes at least one Stompa.

Now actually spoilery stuff:
Vulkan hints and primarchs returning for the last war:
‘I am doubtful. There will come a time when I must return.’ His voice was hollow. ‘There will come a war. This is not that time, or that war.’
and Dorn.. lives?:
Vulkan looked at Koorland. ‘Fight well, son of Dorn,’ he said. ‘Your actions honour his name, and I will tell him so.’ He stepped out of the door before Koorland could ask him what he meant.

The Cogboys are somewhat less treasonous after a small skirmish on Mars with the Fists Exemplar. The Fabricator General even felt a little bit of shame for what he did. They also managed to to interface with the Orks grav-tech and retrofitted a battle-barge with a Nova Cannon.

The Astartes that are buddying it up with the Iron Warriors are so going to turn traitor:
‘I believe you have a better understanding of us now, then.’
‘What do you mean?’
Kalkator’s smile turned bitter. ‘You should come aboard the Palimodes. Peruse our librarium. Enlighten yourself. Learn the history of the Fourth Legion. It is a chronicle of impossible choices and thankless wars. While the other Legions reaped the glory and the murals, we struggled in the mud. Again and again and again, the hard decisions and sacrifice. Always sacrifice. And for what? Tell me honestly. You just struck an important blow for the Imperium. Do you expect gratitude?’
The answer came easily. ‘No.’
‘Condemnation, perhaps?’
Again, no hesitation. ‘Yes.’ He had ordered the killing of loyal forces.
‘And were you wrong?’
‘No.’ To his shock, even this answer was easy. No, he was not wrong. There had not truly been a choice at all. He had done what the war had made necessary. His doubts became anger at the injustice of being condemned for preserving the Imperium.

And this bit... I hope Vulkan gets to see the Throneroom

Over the centuries, Vulkan had not been unaware of the currents at work in the Imperium. The divisions, the corruption, the Emperor’s dream turning black with ash. Vulkan’s disgust vied for pre-eminence with his grief. When Terra called for help, it was hard for him to hear his Father’s voice. He heard the cries of politicians, of petty connivers and their toxic power games.
Father, don’t you see what is happening? Why do you do nothing?


Russ comes off the same way in Parting of the Ways. And the Khan is already disgusted with the Imperium by the Path of Heaven.

I know there are lots of theories about why each loyal primarch abandoned his post, but I think it really just comes down to knowing that the Imperium no longer belongs to them.


Finished listening to The Path of Heaven.

Was really weird to get a White Scars production from Black Library / Heavy Entertainment without a preponderance of badly acted Mongolian accents. Maybe we can get some Salamanders stuff someday that doesn't have ambiguously African accents either.
Admittedly I'm not really consistent on this though, I loved Fafnir Rann's bad German accent in Templar.

The good: If you've been following the little universe Chris Wraight has been carving out for himself in the Horus Heresy series it comes to a satisfying conclusion here. While I feel that we could have probably stood to have another 2 or 3 books in the saga of the Warhawk to really flesh it all out, Games Workshop seems hellbent on finishing the Horus Heresy ASAP and tbh the White Scars aren't ever going to be beloved enough to get a lot of books even though they were at the bloody Battle of Terra. (Fuck off Ultramarines.) We even get an update on something that happened in The Sigilite, which as a longtime sufferer / fan of Black Library audio I was pleasantly surprised by.

The bad: There are some real heavy hitters in the traitor dramatis personae that aren't utilized particularly well. Even Mortarion feels like an afterthought a lot of the time, which is definitely a downgrade from his depiction at the end of Scars. Only
felt like he really wanted to be in this story, and he's barely in it. That said, I quite liked the depiction of the Emperor's Children and their decline into decadence, though that's in spite of the various subplots involving them.

The ugly: It might just be an audio thing--I find that in general battle scenes don't translate very well to audio outside ones penned a few authors--but for a story with some really important battles most of the ones depicted in this book left me wanting. In particular, the last ride of the
Sagyar Mazan
, which started off really awesome and emotionally fulfilling and then more or less ended with a
off camera.

The gold: A new piece of the story of the Imperium's fall was added in this book that, to my knowledge, had not been present in the mythos before its publication. It isn't ridiculous (the Cabal) or fanservice-y (Lorgar's trip to
) either, but a logical revision of the story using the many internal contradictions that wracked the Great Crusade era Imperium of Man. If you want to know what I'm talking about:
The Navis Nobilite not only knows about the Emperor's aspiration to tap into the Webway, but are actively trying to stop him.


(Fuck off Ultramarines.)
their legion is utterly shattered, they lost more marines than the raven guard, salamanders or iron hands (like over 100k at calth plus god knows how many during the shadow crusade and that's just the dead, over 40k are just stuck on calth) along with like 4/5th of their fleet, they are incapable of any power projection past the borders of ultramar and that's not counting the warp storms

ultramarines got fucked pretty hard in the heresy


their legion is utterly shattered, they lost more marines than the raven guard, salamanders or iron hands (like over 100k at calth plus god knows how many during the shadow crusade and that's just the dead, over 40k are just stuck on calth) along with like 4/5th of their fleet, they are incapable of any power projection past the borders of ultramar and that's not counting the warp storms

ultramarines got fucked pretty hard in the heresy

My point was that we've had way too many Ultramarines stories for a legion that was basically sidelined for most of the important bits of the Heresy.


As someone who recently got into the 40K universe and hasn't cared to read much super-early lore yet, I am absolutely pleased with the Index Astartes Aprocrypha book. I bought a copy at a local store and then went back to get one for a friend who is overseas and missed out on the online orders. It is full of such interesting stuff. I'm so glad I got a copy to sit next to the other Index Astartes books that I have.


My point was that we've had way too many Ultramarines stories for a legion that was basically sidelined for most of the important bits of the Heresy.
they have like one book that's just them, then the IS thing where they share it with DA and BA, pharos I guess but a IW and IF are also important there, the calth stuff but over half that book is from WB pov and some short stories here and there, plus they kinda seem to loose more battles than they win

DA also didn't show up at terra but have like 3 books just for them self and a whole bunch of novellas and short stories

edit: also did people see the SM trailer for battlefleet gothic?
"even the fallen can be redeemed" *pans to a dark angels symbol on a battle barge* ^^
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