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Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War 2 |OT| FOR THE EMPEROR!!


I keep meaning to get into multiplayer again, but I get flashbacks of the last time I tried to come back after time off... losing game after game gets frustrating after a while. I'll probably hold out until the exp and focus on some good anti-Chaos strats, because I'm sure they'll be a bunch of them running around :lol .


Won said:
Makes the decision of not buying the expansion pretty easy.
or you could buy the expansion in order to support relics decisions to give you new maps, a new game mode and expansion units FOR FREE unlike 99% of other devs out there who charge you 5€ for skins than in previous games moders with 5 min of free time could do (yes I am looking at you CA)

oh and making the librarian black is kinda strange from a lore perspective, given that SMs don't actualy have a single skin color, it changes depending on the environment the SMs are in, but o.k. it might be a gene mutation (althrough stuff like this is usualy purged from the ranks), but whatever
I just downloaded this game from steam a couple days ago. Really enjoy it, although MP is kind of unforgiving when you're a noob! Wanted to play this game ever since i started researching it back in January 2009! But had a crappy pc at the time so I decided to save up and build a sweet gaming rig.


2 Orks with boomtime + 'have a taste' + 1 Space Marine with revive = hahahahhahahhahhahahhghahahhhahahahahahahahah

We were basically wiping out enemy waves extremely fast, until wave 16. We rapidly gunned down one of the Orks to near-death, until our Dreadnought went for the kill, then in the death animation threw the dead Ork back to us, which triggered its Boomtime. I don't remember what happened, but within seconds we were wiped out. <3 Dread


Knowledge is power, guard it well
fizzelopeguss said:
So, this expansion, is it gonna make (massive) improvements to the campaign? DoWII And ToV totally turned me off relic but i still love 40k.
Yes, massively is a good word. They promise to get rid of the "fight from point A -> B, fight Big Bad boss X'. Instead each of the 15 missions will have a set piece goal.


fizzelopeguss said:
So, this expansion, is it gonna make (massive) improvements to the campaign? DoWII And ToV totally turned me off relic but i still love 40k.
a lot more scripting aperently, only 15 missions each with it's own objective, still some side missions

golem said:
Do you guys think the DOW2 price will drop further on Steam before the expansion comes out? Or a bundle possibly?
if you are from the UK DoW2 is for 5 pound (today only I think):

some more Free for all info:
Hey guys,

I know a lot of you are dying for some info on FFA and we haven't detailed it fully yet. We've shown it to the press so now I'm going to lay it out for you in as much detail as I possibly can.

Obviously Dawn of War 2 isn't really built as an annihilate game so creating a FFA mode for it was a little bit tricky. We decided to go with a VP FFA mode that works a little like multiple-hill king of the hill in shooters. FFA requires custom maps with more than 3 victory points. Right now it is shipping with two maps:

FFA Calderis Refinery and
FFA Judgement of Carrion (Space Hulk tileset)

Each of these maps has unique spawn points for each player and 7 VPs each. The goal of FFA is to control as many victory points as possible, which will increase your score instead of decrease your opponent's. Each VP you own increases the rate of your ticket increase. The default score for solo FFA is 1000 points and for team 1500.

Team FFA works exactly like solo except there are 3 teams of 2.

On top of this we have introduced a new gameplay mechanic that revolves around VPs. Each victory point on the map has a power supply next to it. These keep the victory points active and capturable. If you or your opponent attacks this structure and brings it down to 0 hit points it will deactivate the nearest VP, making it neutral and uncapturable. If a player wishes to recapture this VP they must select the destroyed power supply and activate a repair ability for a resource cost. The repair will heal the power supply to 100% and reactivate the VP which can then be recaptured.

FFA and Team FFA will be custom game modes only and not have a leaderboard. There are options to add AI, adjusted the VP point levels and the normal quick start option.

If you guys have any more questions just ask in this thread and I'll try to pop back in to answer.

in related news IGN told that the 40k series sold some 5 million games so far (mostly being the DoW series probably), some year ago they said it (the dow series) is at 4 million, so DoW2 most probably sold somewhere around 500k to 1 million, unless either fire warrior :)lol ) or DoW1 had a BIG sales spike for no reason
On the PC alone, the Warhammer 40K series has sold over five million units

and here:


gregor7777 said:
Actually, people in the US can get in on that DoWII deal from the UK THQ store. I got it today for $7.

How does this work exactly? I understand that the game requires Steam to be playable online so... does that site just give you a code you can put directly into Steam? I've got a friend interested in the game but he wants to know exactly how things work.
I bought the game a moment ago.

After you've purchased the game you'll receive and email from the store with the cd key. You can then use this key to activate the game through Steam.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Can anyone else confirm that the UK key will work in the US on Steam? Been eyeing this game for a while and for that cheap it's a no-brainer.


I bought it earlier this evening as well, and it was very painless (I'm in San Diego). Cut and paste the game key into Steam, and a few moments later it was downloading.
I'm going to buy this off of steam to get a introductory into this universe.

I liked what I saw from the work they are doing on Warhammer: Space marines for the consoles.


just bought the game for my friend
Dawn of war need more love :(

also , i just finished the first dawn of war , going to play the first expansion later :D


Holy shit, that's insane. Got it for 3.75 GBP with the promo code above. Thanks a lot, guys.

If one GAF member really wants it but doesn't have money, I will help.


some more Chaos Rising info by people who were at that game event thingy in london and were able to play it:

Single Player
First up, its instantly familar to most people who played the original, and has new abilities. By mission 3, the corruption mechanic comes into play. Mission 4 onwards was barred to us, because there are secrets that are yet to be revealed (as was always the Relic/THQ way).
- New abilities include crazy stuff like Sternguard on Tarkus, Vanguard on Thaddeus, and some sweet synergy style skills on the FC, Tarkus and Avitus, which combine for bigger bonuses.
- Jonah is awesome. When you unlock new ranks, gear will plops into your inventory to grant him the skills. Basically, hes nothing like the others - he levels, and gets new customisable skills based on the traits he has (which may or may not grant bonuses) and then you equip the gear gained to give him the skill he unlocked. Spotted a purple spell, to create a vortex at higher levels.
- Stances are in, and work nicely with the new weapons and murder at your disposal
- Cyrus gets a grenade launcher! (and so do those traitorous guardsmen!)
- Guardsmen appear in the very first mission, and have had a huge overhaul (stormtroopers with both melta, plasma and CC weapons all charge at you)
- We got our look at the very first piece of wargear that is "upgradable". Basically, if you donate it, it levels up into a very powerful corruption object. It's the armour of blight. At it's highest level, it turns into a Purple piece with bonus to armour and THREE to ALL disiplines! Corruption for the win.
- Mission structure is linear. Go here, take this, fight to here. Just when you think its over, you have to do it all over again. Primarch is once again, a pain in the arse for one mission.
- That said, the narrative covering it is supreme. You'll want to do these objectives - their tactical and make sense. Mission two is to assault an eldar headquarters. I mean, shit, that was fun. And a challenge.
- I still hate bloody warlock melee and ranged squads.

MP remains the same effectively.
- Chaos is like space marines, with a very versatile melee unit instead of scouts. Worship rocks, SHRINES ARE TIER 2 BUILDABLE OBJECTS.
- Chaos Lord is pimp, hes just a tank that keeps on healing. Dark Halo and tier 1 energy regen armour (Harness of Rage) are indeed powerful, plus his leeching HP base skill. He moves slowly, and is unsurpressable. Lightning Claws are his tier 2 AV weapon. Globals I didn't try out much.
- Plague Champion is.... interesting. I can see him being effective used well, but hes slow and has two melee weapons which I didn't see much use out of. Played him in my single FFA game.
- Sorcerer is also very good. He is indeed voiced by the same VA as "Sindri Myr", and has some amazing new lines. HE WAS TRAPPED IN THE WARP FOR A THOUSAND YEARS you know right? (and yes, its a brilliant line). Works like the Xfire video showed off.
- Chaos the army - very resource hungry. Like said, imagine space marines with a few different weaknesses and tricks. CSM are 450req, with the "Enternal War" coming in at 75/20. Dreads are 450/140, and kick much ass.
- SPESS MAHRINES are nice now. The techmarine FINALLY has a very good antivehicle weapon in the melta gun, which stacks on top of all his other gear. Reflector/Signum/Melta is a good combo, or throw in bionics for lulz.
- Regular Tacticals get Kraken bolts, super effective against heavy infantry.
- Librarian is fucking sweet. He is definately like a mini hero. I didn't use anything other than veil of time and quickening. Veil is brilliant for moving units around the map rapidly, since they run at breakneck speed. Likely good use for micro, by escaping melee squads like shees on tacticals who'd rather not be in melee.
- Dreadnought does indeed get multimelta, and it rocks with the stance change. It has no secondary skill, and is powerful. It shoots blue (not to be confused with lascannon).
- Apologies, didn't see the SM lascannons in action - was a very tight team FFA game against the computer, who puts up a fair fight.
- Team FFA is beautiful, like a proper evolution of 2v2, into something more like 3v3. The count up system works very well, and makes for good battles.
- Regular FFA is terrifying. Big Maps, lots of death.

Last Stand
Only glimpsed at this, over Tim's (Sword-Monkey) back.
- Sorcerer can do lots of powerful spellcasting attacks (far more than farseer can, whom is a support caster) make dopplegangers (on wave 16, can also be used against you).
- Hive tyrant can summon 3 dudes, no buffs, summon 2 dudes with buffs to them, or 1 dude with buffs to them and one buff to himself.
- You need Chaos Rising to use these guys.

Day 1 patch will add all the content. Its obviously going to be big, but enables backwards compatibility, and be sweet.

Last Stand

We were given access to a dodgy version of Last Stand, by dodgy I only mean that we had to log on with test accounts and play offline, so the game would only let us play for a while in offline mode, and the slightest twitch in GFWL made it sign you out, meaning I never got past level 5 before having to restart.


What the dev version did have was several custom modes, including 2 player mode and single player mode. It placed AI allies in the game with you, they acted much like the AIs you fight against in Last Stand, like level 16 and so did a fairly good job of staying alive. I was completely in awe of them, however Thunder said they weren't all that good really. So even though that is amazingly cool DO NOT hold your breath for AI allies in Chaos Rising upon release, it was simply there to aid development, and we were told this.

What we also had was the ability to level our characters up to 20. Naturally I did this and looked at all the wargear for the two new heroes.

The Hive Tyrant

The HT is the main summoner, more so than the Sorceror. We know already that his top gun, the high velocity venom cannon (?) heals nearby minions upon a kill. To be precise it is AOE and heals for 5% of max health.

As well as this he has another gun and a few close combat weapons. All of his armour appears to make him fearless and unshakeable. One armour is fairly weak but improves his speed. Another (which I used) gives a poison cloud ability that hurts enemy units over 20 seconds for half the HT's health, which is about 175 with another item. It can also be spammed quite easily making him good for taking on melee units who try to harass him, though it won't touch enemy heroes much at all.

His key abilities are based around his summons, so you can have Tyrant Guard, Genestealers, Warriors and Raveners. You have three slots so you could have three summons, or less. The aim appears to be reaching a balance of minion buffs and minions. I used the warrior summon, which spawns one Warrior and then had my other two slots with buffs to give my units durability through healing.

As you can tell from my vagueness (which I am sorry for) I didn't concentrate too much on the HT. He is very cool though, standing around tanking it up and either shooting from afar or tying up a unit in melee whilst his summons run around causing chaos is cool. Note that summons are not controllable, they go where you go but don't always attack the unit you do.

The Chaos Sorceror

I immediately fell in love with this awesome caster. The combinations of abilities are diverse, I'll try to detail them as much as I can.

Weapons wise he gets a basic pistol and a choice of about two swords, as well as three maybe four staffs which are two handed, removing the pistol. When he sues the staff he still retains a ranged attack though, where chaos bolts leap from his offhand.

The armour is great, the two key abilities I saw were Narcissistic and Deathless. The first is all about the Sorceror being a spell powerhouse, making him a standalone hero. Deathless allows you to immediately resurrect with full health and a boost, from death, with a reset time of 30 seconds, which is beyond good, quite possibly overpowered.

His other items for his main slots were a selection of minion boosts to aid one item's power to copy an enemy non hero unit and turn it into a daemonic minion for you(daemonic doppelganger). Other powers include letting you make an area of life steal, healing 50% of damage your allies deal whilst within it. Another power (Let the galaxy Burn)to set an area on fire and deal ongoing damage. Two items improve your powers generally, adding more doombolts bolts (the Sorceror's basic power) or making LTGB hit in two waves. It boosts other powers too but I didn't use them. There was also a power for teleporting, which resets fast and costs 7 energy. another item let you explode upon death, I wanted to use it, but had the deathless armour on and doubted it worked with it, though it may do.

The commander items were also fairly good. One boosts allied damage nearby. Another creates a shifting chaotic shield around you and will hurt units attacking you sporadically. The last I can remember offers a choice of buffs, either it can give you 125 extra hp (to 225) if you have the narcissistic armour, or to change your daemonic doppelganger ability into one that will affect even non hero units.

Sadly I did not manage to test this on wave 4's force commander, because it kept signing me out, nor did I think to try and copy myself or an ally.

My account may contain inaccuracies as I seem to remember it was not possible to have the narc armour and the greater summoning ability at the same time, so the daemonic doppelganger may have come from armour.



Won said:
Makes the decision of not buying the expansion pretty easy.

Duders the campaign is the best part about Dawn of War 2. Especially in co op.

There are a lot of cool games hitting in March. FF13, MLB, BC2, GoW3....this one is at the top of my list!



I played this game on my old PC, but I would like to use my characters for the expansion. Any way to copy them over? Bought it off Steam, if that matters.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Truant said:

I played this game on my old PC, but I would like to use my characters for the expansion. Any way to copy them over? Bought it off Steam, if that matters.

Documents -> My Games -> Dawn Of War 2 -> copy the Saved Games folder


Anyone having trouble getting there bonus code to work from the UK sale? I get an invalid data error when I try to download from GFWL Market place. Also the steam keeps telling my multiplayer code when need to be entered at some point n time, but when does that time come?


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Yeah I got invalid too. I think it has to do with us not downloading it from the GFWL client or something. Not sure.

Is the multiplayer in this game more like a traditional RTS?
Relic is awesome for giving the new units for free. I don't see the point in buying the expansion now unless you absolutely have to play chaos.


GAF parliamentarian
Fourman said:
Relic is awesome for giving the new units for free. I don't see the point in buying the expansion now unless you absolutely have to play chaos.
Or... play some of the best Co-op on PC.


Unconfirmed Member
God, I can't wait for the console brawler. I've been reading up on the Warhammer 40K+ universe. I just love the lore.


GAF parliamentarian
Vilix said:
God, I can't wait for the console brawler. I've been reading up on the Warhammer 40K+ universe. I just love the lore.
Read this!

I just finished the first of the books. It was great! Gives you a good flavour of humanity in the 41st millennium.
I'm getting some odd performance with this game.

Using the benchmark tool in the settings menu I get the same result if I run the game at medium, high or ultra with no AA (around 30 with a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 75). Is there something up with this time demo or are my results just strange?


GAF parliamentarian
toasty_T said:
I'm getting some odd performance with this game.

Using the benchmark tool in the settings menu I get the same result if I run the game at medium, high or ultra with no AA (around 30 with a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 75). Is there something up with this time demo or are my results just strange?
Are you pressing accept and letting the game restart itself before running the benchmark?


How is the expansion handled? I have lost my savegame (everyone maxed out, awesome gear, I hate me!) - are we able to "start" Level 20 characters?


Been playing DOW 2 recently and it's a great game. Any clues on how to Beat the Angel Forge Mission. I've played it several times and I can't get the gate closed.
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