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Warhammer Online, The Official Thread of Destruction vs Order


gamerecks said:
Is there any trial codes out there? I want to try this but cant find any trial period stuff.

There probably won't be for a while. The game is riding fine off it's launch success and throwing free players into the mix would only strain them more.


rhfb said:
Also, what would you guys consider the best pure healer for order?

Rune Priest I'd say, personally. They can heal quickly, efficiently and don't require doing anything else to boost their healing. Their damage blows too, so that's a good sign that they're a pure healer:p

I'm enjoying my archmage though, he's a pretty good mix of damage/utility/healing. Gotta get him into the GAF guild already so I can find groups more.



Another awesome Phoenix Gate match. 5 solo kills.

If they fix the pet issues, I swear it'd be even better for me.
Orin GA said:
I have a complaint about the heals. They are too powerful. I see a healer, and a tank coming at me. Of course Im going to go after the healer, but whats the point? By the time you get them down to a fraction of health they pull out a heal and there back to near full energy. All the while the orc is raping me from behind with his axe. They need to give Sword Masters a move that can disrupt a magical attack to balance it out. Im sure its the same for Runepriests too.

And what is with that invisibilty shit that destruction has on there side. You think you are guarding the flag pretty well, and all of a sudden miss invisibilty has the flag in their hand.

Speaking of technical problems, so far ive run into:

- Huge Black square in the radar section
- Grass becomes a bright Green Texture
- Sometimes (especially in the Liar of the Dead PQ) there are enemies that you have trouble targeting. Instead of getting the red circle under them, you get the white circle and you have a hell of a time before the ga,e allows you to hit them.

Other than that, great game :)

Wow you are complaining abotu what Order has as well.. Stealth is on Witch Hunters and is annoying as heck..

And I can't stand Rune Priests and Warrior Priests because healing sucks when I'm trying to kill them :p

M.J. Doja

rhfb said:
Also, what would you guys consider the best pure healer for order?

dwarven rune priest is the only logical choice.

oh also killing the keep lord completed a public quest in which a yellow loot bag as well as around 8 other bags dropped. too bad there were 20 something people in the warband.. 3rd contribution.. LAST Place roll. :D its all good cuz it was really fun.

i had a yellow loot bag drop for me around chapter 5 in the dwarf area


Black Canada Mafia
M.J. Doja said:
dwarven rune priest is the only logical choice.

oh also killing the keep lord completed a public quest in which a yellow loot bag as well as around 8 other bags dropped. too bad there were 20 something people in the warband.. 3rd contribution.. LAST Place roll. :D its all good cuz it was really fun.

i had a yellow loot bag drop for me around chapter 5 in the dwarf area

Aw man, as of yet i've seen drops of ONLY greens about 10 times and blues 2 times. I wanna see a yellow/purple =/.
So, as someone who finds WoW somewhat boring and mundane but likes the idea of MMOs, should I give Warhammer a shot? I wanted to try it in beta, but could never get the download finished. Also, it is newb friendly? ( I am not a huge MMO player, the farthest I have gotten in WoW is level 20)


Kinitari said:
Aw man, as of yet i've seen drops of ONLY greens about 10 times and blues 2 times. I wanna see a yellow/purple =/.

I've got...five purple items on my level 10 Bright Wizard!

Curios from scavenging :(


darkressurection said:
So, as someone who finds WoW somewhat boring and mundane but likes the idea of MMOs, should I give Warhammer a shot? I wanted to try it in beta, but could never get the download finished. Also, it is newb friendly? ( I am not a huge MMO player, the farthest I have gotten in WoW is level 20)

I would say that WAR is unique the fact that I am not really compelled to play as much as I possibly can to level as fast as I can. I'll explain why that's good.

WoW suffers (this is all in my opinion) largely from the fact that the content from 1-69 is meaningless after you hit 70. They're almost two seperate games entirely (granted, I enjoyed the leveling experience - lots of cool zones, lots of cool things to do). Moreover, the "endgame" is what I was really interested in seeing as this great level divide largely made the lower levels feel more like a chore or some henious right of passage to get to the actual game.

WAR is unique in the idea that all the tiers of content carry weight towards accomplishing the goals of "endgame." Taking those tier 2 keeps isn't just something to keep you occupied while you level up, it's a requirement for the city raids to happen - the "endgame." Because of this I feel that I am not required to level through zones as quickly as possible (fun as they may be) to participate in "endgame," as you are perpetually participating in endgame from level 1.

That fact aside, the best way to differentiate between the two in laymen's terms is that WOW is PVE with some PVP and WAR is PVP with some PVE. If you like to PVP then this is the MMO for you. PVP is the pivotal aspect of the game, and it does it damn well. If you're not a PVP kind of guy I would caution you to wait for free trials to come out. The PVE is there, but the game really revolves around PVP and RVR.
JoeMartin said:
I would say that WAR is unique the fact that I am not really compelled to play as much as I possibly can to level as fast as I can. I'll explain why that's good.

WoW suffers (this is all in my opinion) largely from the fact that the content from 1-69 is meaningless after you hit 70. They're almost two seperate games entirely (granted, I enjoyed the leveling experience - lots of cool zones, lots of cool things to do). Moreover, the "endgame" is what I was really interested in seeing as this great level divide largely made the lower levels feel more like a chore or some henious right of passage to get to the actual game.

WAR is unique in the idea that all the tiers of content carry weight towards accomplishing the goals of "endgame." Taking those tier 2 keeps isn't just something to keep you occupied while you level up, it's a requirement for the city raids to happen - the "endgame." Because of this I feel that I am not required to level through zones as quickly as possible (fun as they may be) to participate in "endgame," as you are perpetually participating in endgame from level 1.

That fact aside, the best way to differentiate between the two in laymen's terms is that WOW is PVE with some PVP and WAR is PVP with some PVE. If you like to PVP then this is the MMO for you. PVP is the pivotal aspect of the game, and it does it damn well. If you're not a PVP kind of guy I would caution you to wait for free trials to come out. The PVE is there, but the game really revolves around PVP and RVR.
What you mention about the WoW leveling is exactly how I feel. It feels like a chore for me to get through lvl 1-70 just so I can play with friends. I am a fan of PvP so I will have to give this a shot for sure.


You can happily just PvP the entire game if you want. It's definitely a change of pace from "pull-kill-loot" I didn't even like PvP in any other game but I love it in WAR.


BobLoblaw said:
Anyone know where I can buy a mount for a Destruction character?

Directly west of the spot that you land at in the Inevitable City. On your map it will look like an island that hangs off the main part of the city to the west of the flight master.


I love just joining a random war band, taking over a keep and then going to the different zones and taking all other keeps. Especially fun when there is resistance from the destruction.
For anyone who got to kill a boss in an instance, doe's the loot drop works the same as with pq's and keep lords?
Got my mount tonight..

I love this game!

I love my Squig Herder.. My Ballistic skill is at about 500 right now at lvl 20..

My dmg on squishies is actually pretty good.. I enjoy killing squishies :D


So I was browsing the AH to see what some items sold for similar to what I found and I found a "curious" bug or hack. I took a screenshot for your enjoyment or dismay.


Anythoughts, has anyone else noticed something like this?

Im on the gaf order server.


Obviously you must renoun grind up to 58 to equip it. Such bad-ass stats. Even able to be used by classes not even in the game yet!
For the person who asked earlier, Instance loot works like loot from any other MMO, need/greed/master loot, whatever.

I went to Mount Gunbad today. One of the larger (well not really large, but a very "fast" progressing guild) guilds on the GAF server had a full warband going through the whole deal and doing the PQs through it, so me and a guildmate just sort of followed them through it (All the encounters are designed around 6 man parties, so they burnt down the first PQ boss really fast) and I just have to say: The open world/pseudo-instance dungeon idea is just so so cool. Mount Gunbad isn't an instanced dungeon, but it does have its own zone that you teleport into and it's completely public and shared with any other player in the world. There's PQs and all the influence rewards in Mount Gunbad are blue items for EVERY tier, however, it requires something like 68000 influence to get to the elite rewards. I noticed I got A LOT more influence from the PQ stages (and I only did one) so I'd imagine it only takes a couple of "full" runs to get full influence. Super cool shit.
Well, there's going to be a point when the PvE is just going to end. AFAIK, all of the encounters are designed around 6 players and gear's not really all that important to your success, and I don't think any of the encounters are on like week long reset timers or anything, so it's not like the PvE will have the longevity of WoW's endgame. The only part of the endgame that would match that is probably the King capturing, but that requires you to successfully siege and defeat the opposite realm's city which may or may not take weeks, months or more.

I don't think you'll be seeing (m)any "High End PvE" guilds.

So far, though, the dungeon design, like just the pure aesthetics is sorta bleh. Sewers is a VERY BASIC layout in a VERY BASIC setting and Mount Gunbad is like...a cave in a Mountain. Not very breathtaking stuff. At least compared to the super cool RvR zones like Praag, which has an RvR lake that is just one biiiig city about 50% or more larger than Altdorf.


Tekno, I was asking specifically about the dungeon boss drop, I thought it would be the same as when you take over a keep and kill the keep lord, the loot works like in the pq's with the contribution points and the roll.
Thanks for the answer mate.
I was going to ask about the instances design but you just wrote about that, doesn't really bother me as I'm not into the PvE anyway. I do hope that the endgame PvE when you take over the capital city and go to kill the king will have some nice designs as that seems to be a big part of the game.


chapel said:
So I was browsing the AH to see what some items sold for similar to what I found and I found a "curious" bug or hack. I took a screenshot for your enjoyment or dismay.
I saw one of those for a 1s50b, so I thought, what the hell, and bought it.

The delivery man switched it for a trash gray item. O:

It's just some kind of weird bug.

Speaking of AH: Wish I could find some damn fragments to level talisman making. It's still at 1, while my scavenging is at like 102. Crafting is STILL ass. Hell, for all I know, there could be fragments on the AH, but since the AH search function sucks ass, too...



So since they want to clone my server tomorrow I have to ask: How did that turn out on the US servers?
I skimmed through the WHA server forums and it sounds like one big failure. Queues still on the old servers and the new servers are underpopulated. Sounds like a lose:lose situation.


So I am definitely getting into this game, but I really feel like my understanding of the mechanics and correct uses of my warrior priests abilities aren't fully developed. As such, I was browsing the wardb.com page at the ol office this morning and came across this bad ass hammer:


Anyone ever see this thing, or know where it's dropping?


Ok, I bought this game two days ago. I've played a little bit; I'm rank 5 right now. But, I still have noooooo understanding of what's going on. I don't know how to do a PQ, I don't know where all the world PvP stuff is at, I don't know ANYTHING. It's just weird because I came from WoW where I knew EVERYTHING.


Just got the game last night...basically played that beginner scenario over and over with a few quests in between. Surprisingly had a lot of fun...gaining 6 levels of rank and renown...newer thought that I'd say that lowbie leveling in a MMO was/is fun.


Nitsuj23 said:
Ok, I bought this game two days ago. I've played a little bit; I'm rank 5 right now. But, I still have noooooo understanding of what's going on. I don't know how to do a PQ, I don't know where all the world PvP stuff is at, I don't know ANYTHING. It's just weird because I came from WoW where I knew EVERYTHING.

Huh I thought it was really easy to get into the game.


Just joined Averheim.

Nickname: Everdred
Class: IronBreaker

EDIT: Just added every single person on the list to my friends. How do I get a guild invite?


Nitsuj23 said:
Ok, I bought this game two days ago. I've played a little bit; I'm rank 5 right now. But, I still have noooooo understanding of what's going on. I don't know how to do a PQ, I don't know where all the world PvP stuff is at, I don't know ANYTHING. It's just weird because I came from WoW where I knew EVERYTHING.

This is happening for a lot of people ! And you are not the problem. The problem is WoW, or more specifically your long abuse of WoW.

I was at a total loss because I was trying too hard to grasp the finer detail of this game instantly. We are soo much used to be a WoW bible, our mind just won't accept to be challenged with learning new MMO concepts right up front. Its when we realize and accept that we won't know how everything works instantly that our mind start to relax and we begings to take every new concepts of the game faster. We try new things and start to learn again from trials/errors.

I enjoyed the game much more when I changed my mindset and started to think out of the box. Not an easy thing when your brain is just used to repeating the obvious.


strange_booj said:
Just joined Averheim.

Nickname: Everdred
Class: IronBreaker

EDIT: Just added every single person on the list to my friends. How do I get a guild invite?

Ask any one of those players you just added to your list.

With the exception of Teknopathetic. We don't talk to him.


Mareg said:
This is happening for a lot of people ! And you are not the problem. The problem is WoW, or more specifically your long abuse of WoW.

I was at a total loss because I was trying too hard to grasp the finer detail of this game instantly. We are soo much used to be a WoW bible, our mind just won't accept to be challenged with learning new MMO concepts right up front. Its when we realize and accept that we won't know how everything works instantly that our mind start to relax and we begings to take every new concepts of the game faster. We try new things and start to learn again from trials/errors.

I enjoyed the game much more when I changed my mindset and started to think out of the box. Not an easy thing when your brain is just used to repeating the obvious.

Yeah that's exactly it. I need to be a noob lol, it's just so hard! I actually logged on WoW last night just because I was getting frustrated with WAR haha
"With the exception of Teknopathetic. We don't talk to him."

AeroGod does.

Also, for people interested in the Tome of Knowledge stuff, realize that this game is fucking *sneaky*. The tome has soooo much hidden shit in the world that you have to actively pay attention to in order to get your tome unlock (and maybe a title, pocket item, or pretty cloak). Case in point: I got my ass handed to me by a few mobs and respawned at the Chapter camp. I talked to the healer to get rid of my death penalties and was about to go on my merry way when I glanced at my chat log for a VERY brief second and noticed the Healer said something and I almost disregarded it until I noticed it said that he was asking me to find a specific item that drops off mobs that NONE of the quests send you to. I decide to go check it out and after killing a few it finally drops, I talk to the guy again (note: besides the little notification in the chatlog, there's NO indication that he wants his item, he mentions it once and ONLY once even if you talk to him some more, and when you get the item, there's no indication that he wants it) and get a tome unlock and a pocket item.

There's so much other stuff like that in the game. Interactive items that have no real discernible markings that would make you think you could interact with them, random named mobs way off hidden in the zone, etc. etc. It's pretty ridiculous when you start to realize how many tome unlocks there are and how obscure they can be.

"Anyone come across any good mods in the past week?"

Warhammer SCT, the official Warhammer Scrolling Combat Text mod. BuffThrottle could potentially be AMAZING, but I haven't been in a situation to test it yet. Basically, something with the Warhammer UI causes buff icons to be updated really fast causing some MASSIVE (like under 1 FPS) framerate drops when something has lots of buffs/debuffs on it (I.E. Keep lords), this mod supposedly throttles that to keep performance in check. I'll keep it on and see how it does the next time I'm in a keep siege or anything like that.


Unlimited Capacity
Nitsuj23 said:
Ok, I bought this game two days ago. I've played a little bit; I'm rank 5 right now. But, I still have noooooo understanding of what's going on. I don't know how to do a PQ, I don't know where all the world PvP stuff is at, I don't know ANYTHING. It's just weird because I came from WoW where I knew EVERYTHING.

Ya, im sure a lot of people feel that way. Some people ive encountered are even angry about it. Some are demanding to know everything about the game as soon as they sign on, as if they are making an alt character on their WoW account or something. A guy i met actually said the game sucked because there wasnt a wowhead to look up all the best gear he could get at his level.

You just have to sit back and take in a new game, and a new way of playing. A lot of people are trying to rush through levels as fast as possible, in that same WoW thought process as "the game starts at 60/70". In WAR, the moment you log into your level 1 character you can make adifference in the grand scheme. I was invovled in many T2 keep battles last night, and honestly i could'nt have cared less about leveling the entire night. The only reason i even want to get to 20 is so i can stay in T2 and help Order gain some ground back on the Bretonnia server.


Knockback - Most fun aspect of the game.

Seriously I get this perverse glee in launching people over cliffs, flag carriers into the middle of my group, or denying someone a kill on a healer.

Since both my chars (ironbreaker, squig herder) have one, it's good times. Unfortunately ironbreaker has one every 15 seconds..... squig every morale :(


Black Canada Mafia
Ugh Ugh Ugh, leveling Apothecary to 50 so I can freaking... use all my 50+ apothecary crafting items is the biggest chore ever =/.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
_tetsuo_ said:
Ya, im sure a lot of people feel that way. Some people ive encountered are even angry about it. Some are demanding to know everything about the game as soon as they sign on, as if they are making an alt character on their WoW account or something. A guy i met actually said the game sucked because there wasnt a wowhead to look up all the best gear he could get at his level.

You just have to sit back and take in a new game, and a new way of playing. A lot of people are trying to rush through levels as fast as possible, in that same WoW thought process as "the game starts at 60/70". In WAR, the moment you log into your level 1 character you can make adifference in the grand scheme. I was invovled in many T2 keep battles last night, and honestly i could'nt have cared less about leveling the entire night. The only reason i even want to get to 20 is so i can stay in T2 and help Order gain some ground back on the Bretonnia server.

I actually like that warhammer has no wowhead equivalent... so far, too tempting to cheat, but i love the feeling of knowing nothing, something for me that goes back to EQ days.


Yah, I will say that I would be a LOT more frustrated with no Wowhead equivalent if it didn't tell you where your quests are supposed to go to.



But yes, I am staying far far far away from it. I don't want to know every piece of gear, quest, etc. I am also staying far far far away from the WHA forums. Those two things aided in killing WOW for me. I'll figure it out as I play this time. Being a walking encyclopedia on a game saps some of the fun.


JoeMartin said:

But yes, I am staying far far far away from it. I don't want to know every piece of gear, quest, etc. I am also staying far far far away from the WHA forums. Those two things aided in killing WOW for me. I'll figure it out as I play this time. Being a walking encyclopedia on a game saps some of the fun.
Heh. Yeah, I've looked at it maybe once because I was retarded and didn't realize how to start the CE-exclusive quests.

(They do kind of need to emphasize that some of the quest items are clickable for certain things! (Shut up I know I'm an idiot!))


JoeMartin said:

But yes, I am staying far far far away from it. I don't want to know every piece of gear, quest, etc. I am also staying far far far away from the WHA forums. Those two things aided in killing WOW for me. I'll figure it out as I play this time. Being a walking encyclopedia on a game saps some of the fun.

Even that's not that helpful really, it's more of a data-mining, it doesn't have the extensive comments that wowdb uses. I just follow the forums there, that's all:p


_tetsuo_ said:
Ya, im sure a lot of people feel that way. Some people ive encountered are even angry about it. Some are demanding to know everything about the game as soon as they sign on, as if they are making an alt character on their WoW account or something. A guy i met actually said the game sucked because there wasnt a wowhead to look up all the best gear he could get at his level.

You just have to sit back and take in a new game, and a new way of playing. A lot of people are trying to rush through levels as fast as possible, in that same WoW thought process as "the game starts at 60/70". In WAR, the moment you log into your level 1 character you can make adifference in the grand scheme. I was invovled in many T2 keep battles last night, and honestly i could'nt have cared less about leveling the entire night. The only reason i even want to get to 20 is so i can stay in T2 and help Order gain some ground back on the Bretonnia server.

What is the tier 1, tier 2, etc things people are talking about. The only BG (scenario) I've been in is the EotS-esque one


Black Canada Mafia
Nitsuj23 said:
What is the tier 1, tier 2, etc things people are talking about. The only BG (scenario) I've been in is the EotS-esque one

Well the quick explanation is that ea zone has a tier associated with it, the first two starting zones are tier 1, then the next two are tier 2 - and so on and so forth until tier 4. If you open up the map and 'zoom' out a bit you'll see a very simple representation. Ea tier has a different 'battleground' associated with it. The first two tier BG's are like EotS, first one is capturing keeps, second one is capturing flags. Each tier also has a level range that generally goes with it - meaning if you are too high and go into a battleground, it'll cap you, and if you are too low, it'll buff you. Also for the world PvP if you are too high it just wont let you in (or rather, you get a severe debuff that makes you instantly killable).
Ferrio said:
Knockback - Most fun aspect of the game.

Seriously I get this perverse glee in launching people over cliffs, flag carriers into the middle of my group, or denying someone a kill on a healer.

Since both my chars (ironbreaker, squig herder) have one, it's good times. Unfortunately ironbreaker has one every 15 seconds..... squig every morale :(

Still don't know why warrior priests don't get knockback until 40. Guess they felt there was too much in tier 2-3.
MrPing1000 said:
Still don't know why warrior priests don't get knockback until 40. Guess they felt there was too much in tier 2-3.

Yet they didn't feel there were too many roots. I swear to god the amount of roots on order side is downright criminal. Thank god I just got my root immunity skill.
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