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Warhammer Online, The Official Thread of Destruction vs Order


Teknopathetic said:

State of the game. Gives some insight into the upcoming first major patch (ITEM LINKING! Gear re-itemization, RvR influence) as well as a big surprise. I'll let you read the first 2 paragraphs to find it.

Mythic has blown me away with how fast their changes come, Im so used to wow where we have to wait months for changes, very impressed.

EDIT: For those that do not like reading.

  • 1. The first major patch (1.1) will drop later this fall.
  • 2. The Blackguard and the Knight of the Blazing Sun will be joining the WAR roster in December. These two tanks weren’t included at launch because they just couldn’t get them right.
  • 3. There is still no word on the final two missing careers, the Hammerer and Choppa (if they will even be called that).
  • 4. Expect many client changes to increase performance on lower-end machines.
  • 5. They are working to substantially improve the mail system which seems to be suffering from scalability issues.
  • 6. In 1.1 and beyond, RvR in general and open-RvR specifically will receive a boost in gear and overall itemization. Improvements include gear drops, increasing drop rates, and implementation of an RvR influence system similar to the PvE influence system.
  • 7. Major additions to the chat system, including item linking (hoorah!).
  • 8. Free limited server transfers to address balance (from high or low pop to select medium pop servers).
  • 9. More content, including 14 new quest chains, 2 new lairs, and many more ToK unlocks.
  • 10. Most careers will be seeing some love, while very few careers will receive nerfs or anything seen as a reduction to their abilities.
Not to troll or anything. But these patches are often things that wouldn't have been a problem if the game had of been released later. Of course with Lich King on the horizon Mythic or EA probably wanted to get it out in a state that was playable.

Having said that. Oh I hope Grace and Wrath Warrior Priests get some love. No bloody surviability. Grace is just poo, although I hear the Destro DoK mirror spec is shit as well. A LOT less healing than salvation (which is pretty good actually) and a LOT less damage than wraith). Needs bumping on both sides.

Oh and I'll be laughing when Witch Elves get smacked with the bat.


Cheeto said:
I hope they buff all the classes and leave bright wizard alone.
It saddens me that even though I think this type of approach is a good idea, I can already see the thread titles:

Lack of buff is same as nerf
I'm quitting because my class of choice isn't getting any attention

And woah they really fucked up healing renown gains.

All they had to do was make it so you get less outside a group in scenarios instead of more. Instead you only get renown from healing someone who has killed something recently. So healing during fights becoems redundant and healing tanks a foolish thing to do. Woo.


MrPing1000 said:
And woah they really fucked up healing renown gains.

All they had to do was make it so you get less outside a group in scenarios instead of more. Instead you only get renown from healing someone who has killed something recently. So healing during fights becoems redundant and healing tanks a foolish thing to do. Woo.
I'm not complaining, I'm still getting more renown than anyone else.
I dunno if it has to do with the recent renown changes or because my renown rank is relatively high but I'm getting *shitty* renown in scenarios now. Dominant wins with me topping damage, kills, etc. and I'll get less than the losing team. Like 600 renown, as opposed to 2-3k renown 5-6 days ago.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
my server was empty last night. Kislev was freaking dead. WTF!?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
So, tell me GAF, is this worth getting? How much is the monthly fee?

Is there endless grinding to level up? Does it go beyond the WoW style MMORPG?

mr stroke

reilo said:
So, tell me GAF, is this worth getting? How much is the monthly fee?

Is there endless grinding to level up? Does it go beyond the WoW style MMORPG?

I just started playing last week, and really enjoying it so far, and this coming from someone who disliked WOW and Conan. I guess it would depend on what you in enjoy in an mmo(PVE or PVP?)
I got really tired of killing alligators over and over in Conan, so I switched to WAR, which I am loving because the huge amount of PVP. Leveling is really fast in PVP, to me it almost feels like a Battlefield MMO. Only complaint is the lack of communication, but I would hope that would be solved when playing in guilds or friends in Vent...


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
reilo said:
So, tell me GAF, is this worth getting? How much is the monthly fee?

Is there endless grinding to level up? Does it go beyond the WoW style MMORPG?

there's almost no grinding from lvl1 to 18. Dunno about the rest since that's where I'm at. game is great when in well populated servers so avoid the ones they advertise.


So how many people here didn't renew?

The number of people I see on lately, even the past couple weeks, has started to dwindle.


nataku said:
So how many people here didn't renew?

The number of people I see on lately, even the past couple weeks, has started to dwindle.

I renewed, had to take a bit of a break on my runepriest though grinding solo to 40 was starting to slow down. Have to wait till queues get faster and stop being 100% serpents passage. Its interesting to see what numbers will be for month #2.


nataku said:
So how many people here didn't renew?

The number of people I see on lately, even the past couple weeks, has started to dwindle.

Ya the WoW patch scheduled at the same time as free month... it's taken away players.

I really hope WoW isn't the death of MMOs
reilo said:
So, tell me GAF, is this worth getting? How much is the monthly fee?

Is there endless grinding to level up? Does it go beyond the WoW style MMORPG?

Leveling 25-40 is a pretty big spirit breaker, not that its too fast, or too slow, it just isn't very fun / entertaining, at least for me, quests are meh, scenarios are okay, but it all depends on the team, i'm in a smaller guild so not premades 24/7, when you level you do not always get things you will use, so it's not very filling :(

If you're a fan of WoW PVP / BG's / World PVP, then you should like WAR, when they make people want to pvp

I love what WAR can be, they have a lot of work to do though :p

Chris R

Did my first keep raid, and while it was fun, being mostly a pug thing, it was not that great of a success. Best thing though was how after we had rammed both the first and second doors down, the destruction forces showed up and in force :D


nataku said:
So how many people here didn't renew?

The number of people I see on lately, even the past couple weeks, has started to dwindle.

My free month lasts till the November 8 for some reason, which is a date that screams "Don't renew!". WoW addon only a couple days away and Left 4 Dead on the horizon.....there is just no time for it for now.

Queues on my server also went from >200 during prime time to mostly 0, even before the WoW patch hit.

But in the end they really timed the WAR release in the worst way possible, or they made it very easy for Blizzard to counteract, whatever you want to believe. (a bit of both probably)


nataku said:
So how many people here didn't renew?

The number of people I see on lately, even the past couple weeks, has started to dwindle.

I'm on the fence right now. Fallout 3 tells me I'll have no real desire to play this anymore.


This game is turning into another Age of Conan for me.

And shut up, I don't want to hear about how shitty AoC is. I really fucking enjoyed it.

But all my friends stopped playing, and I lost the will to play. Same thing seems to be happening to WAR. Which I also really fucking enjoy.

Now, I liked WoW. But goddamnit I want to try something different for more than a month or two. \:


I could never get WoW to grip me, but WAR has me hooked. I very much prefer WAR's approach to leveling as opposed to WoW's. I hooked up with the highest ranked Destro guild on Ungrim and they are turning into some new friends, so I don't have to worry about friends leaving. However, I just played 30 minutes of Dead Space last night...and with Fallout3 and Fable2 coming soon...I might have to take a break for a little bit. Dead Space is insanely awesome.


TheOneGuy said:
This game is turning into another Age of Conan for me.

And shut up, I don't want to hear about how shitty AoC is. I really fucking enjoyed it.

But all my friends stopped playing, and I lost the will to play. Same thing seems to be happening to WAR. Which I also really fucking enjoy.

Now, I liked WoW. But goddamnit I want to try something different for more than a month or two. \:

Yea man, I hear ya. Join a guild asap, might take a bit but you might make some good friends who play alot.


Jube3 said:
Yea man, I hear ya. Join a guild asap, might take a bit but you might make some good friends who play alot.
I'm in a guild! With all my... friends! ):

Every time I've experimented with joining random guilds, it's been nothing but a terrible experience for me.

At this rate, I think I'm just going to have to give up on all MMOs. Except maybe EVE. 'Cos EVE is awesome.

(I'm just being melodramatic.)

I'm going to give it another month before I quit for good, though, so it's cool.


TheOneGuy said:
I'm in a guild! With all my... friends! ):

Every time I've experimented with joining random guilds, it's been nothing but a terrible experience for me.

At this rate, I think I'm just going to have to give up on all MMOs. Except maybe EVE. 'Cos EVE is awesome.

(I'm just being melodramatic.)

I'm going to give it another month before I quit for good, though, so it's cool.

Don't forget about having the option of a free server transfer. If you're friends aren't playing anymore and your server just plain blows, go to a different server and see what you can come up with. There's some sort of hope with that idea. As for me, my guild has a good 11 or so Rank 40's. We've just started farming Bastion Stair, Bloodwrought Enclave and Bilerot. It's been real fun. And the best way now to get good renown exp is open RvR. Good times!

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Its getting to the point where I crash whenevver I change zones, so I will uninstall and reinstall the game. I cant find the uninstall program in the folders tho and going to add/remove program doesnt do it. How the hell do I uninstall? Or do I just erase the entire folder?


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
the wow patch drained my server. I love the game and I will renew. but if things don't pick up I will not renew next month.

mr stroke

nataku said:
So how many people here didn't renew?

The number of people I see on lately, even the past couple weeks, has started to dwindle.

I have another 3 weeks left, so who knows if I will make it. Really enjoying it so far(more than any other MMO ever)
but as said above this game was released at the WORST time imaginable-Red Alert 3 coming out next week and my game renews on the day Gears 2 comes out. So I dunno if I will make it another month. This would have been the Perfect early summer release game :(


I'm not sure if i will renew, i still have a couple of weeks left of my free 30 days though.

I don't have any problem with the game, i just dont have the time to play an MMO at the minute. I barely have any time to play any game to be honest :(
Its funny because everyone was freaking out about joining a server like "Skull Throne" because the name was so popular that it would pull in too many people early on.

For the first 2 weeks I suffered through some horrible queues.. but now I'm so glad I made that decision. It still takes me 15-30 seconds to get into any scenario no matter what tier. I love it :)
TurtleSnatcher said:
Its funny because everyone was freaking out about joining a server like "Skull Throne" because the name was so popular that it would pull in too many people early on.

For the first 2 weeks I suffered through some horrible queues.. but now I'm so glad I made that decision. It still takes me 15-30 seconds to get into any scenario no matter what tier. I love it :)

sweet. even all the t4 scenarios? sort of sick of serpents' passage!:lol

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
I earsed the patched for retail beta, and downloaded the retail version from D2D and my god what a difference. I havent crashed yet, the load times are quicker, and I can finnally use the High Quality settings without bringing my PC to a grind.
Went through the 2 instanced bosses in Bastion Stair again (and got my second piece of the set, set bonus is decent enough to stomach the rest of the mediocre stats). Right wing boss is pretty tricky, I think we wiped on him in record time. At this point we can do the left wing boss (Thar'lgnan?) pretty much blindfolded and the right wing boss maybe might take a try or two. Next up is to try and take a shot at the center wing.


I love the game but the stuttering is just terrible for me. Every few seconds I get a game breaking freeze where it goes from 30+ FPS to 0 for a second or more and then back up. What is odd compared to most that have the issue, it happens more in the world with a lot of NPC's versus scenarios with a lot of people.

Other than those performance issues, I would love to keep playing but I think for at least now Im going to hold off on renewing. There are too many games coming out and I really don't have enough time for all of them. I do plan on coming back, maybe when 1.1 patch comes out. We will see though, I might change my mind in the interim.


Aah crap, I installed WoW 3.0 yesterday, played around a bit and now I just can't unsee all the problems WAR has. :(

Wanted to get at least one character to T4 before my free month ends, but now I don't see this happening. :(


Won said:
Aah crap, I installed WoW 3.0 yesterday, played around a bit and now I just can't unsee all the problems WAR has. :(
Just think about all the problems WoW has!

Like shitty PvP! And overemphasis on the hardcore playerbase! And... that's all I can think of!

Stupid Blizzard being too good at making games. ):


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I haven't played lately because of school, but I logged in today for a couple minutes. It could be the time, but it seems to me the game is dying. :(

I will just keep renewing until the end of times. AoC deserved to die, not this game.

mr stroke

godhandiscen said:
I haven't played lately because of school, but I logged in today for a couple minutes. It could be the time, but it seems to me the game is dying. :(

I will just keep renewing until the end of times. AoC deserved to die, not this game.

I hope it doesn't die as I am having a ton of fun just doing RVR, and I dunno if its a sign of being dead or its just my server(Averheim) but almost every PQ is deserted, I have tried different times of the day and night but I am lucky to see one person in a PQ :(
not many people wandering the cities either....WTF is going on? is it just my LVL(11) and everyones higher? where are the 750k subscribers?
maybe I should jump to a different server...
are you gonna join the guild mr stroke? i got a r13 char i'd group with you and maybe we can find some folks to do PQs, or anything else.

i don't think the game is dying. there are definitely a lot of things they need to work out though.

mr stroke

whiterabbit said:
are you gonna join the guild mr stroke? i got a r13 char i'd group with you and maybe we can find some folks to do PQs, or anything else.

i don't think the game is dying. there are definitely a lot of things they need to work out though.

Sure send me a tell :)
... I am assuming most GAFers are still on Averheim?

Are you running into deserted PQ's, and zones too?
PQs have always been hit or miss unless you go with or join a group. BTW are you destruction? The guild is sort of slim these days, but it's order so if youre order let me know your name.

mr stroke

whiterabbit said:
PQs have always been hit or miss unless you go with or join a group. BTW are you destruction? The guild is sort of slim these days, but it's order so if youre order let me know your name.



mr stroke said:
I hope it doesn't die as I am having a ton of fun just doing RVR, and I dunno if its a sign of being dead or its just my server(Averheim) but almost every PQ is deserted, I have tried different times of the day and night but I am lucky to see one person in a PQ :(
not many people wandering the cities either....WTF is going on? is it just my LVL(11) and everyones higher? where are the 750k subscribers?
maybe I should jump to a different server...

Its not your server.
Last night, at prime time, there weren't any server pop higher then Medium. And there weren't many that were event at that. Most were at low.
Now I logged on my server wich was at Med and there were "echoes when I talked".
I searched for the biggest guild on the destruction size and there were hardly more then 10 folks online per guild.
I also checked the forts on Tier2/Tier3. No keep lords were attacked, nothing was happening in open RvR.
I stayed queued for scenarios for the whole 2 hours I was online, nothing popped. NOTHING.

Now its a damn shame because this game is absolutly stellar and after experiencing its greatness, I had absolutly no intention to go back to any other MMO. This would be my definitive MMO.

Now however, after a couple of nights of loosing the majority of the community, there is no way I'll play an RPG in an MMO shell.

I will probably not renew my subscription until they merge all servers into only one expensive cohesive world. An MMO is nothing without a world filled with people.

Again, its a damn shame this game has tremendous potential. I seriously don't understand why people are quiting on it. I'm loosing fate in people altogether. I might as well ditch the MMO experience. Damn, someone give me a knife I'm going all EMO.


I canceled my subscription before the month was up. I've gone back to WoW to focus on my warrior. While fun at first, something about WAR just made it feel hollow and pointless.
Just cancelled myself, the game is fun and I really want to play but there is hardly any destruction on my server on t4, I mean it says high pop destruction but scenario queues can take up to 45 minutes.. dont feel like rerolling another class when I can play one of the many great games being released at the moment (Dead Space!)

Hopefully come december when 1.1 is released there will be plenty of action in t4.


Dracos said:
I canceled my subscription before the month was up. I've gone back to WoW to focus on my warrior. While fun at first, something about WAR just made it feel hollow and pointless.

I'm getting the same feeling the past few days... though I think it's because the GAF guild is pretty much dead. Over 60 people in the guild and all of a sudden people just stop logging in. I've only counted 10 or so people that have renewed in the guild.

Playing for two hours earlier today and only seeing one other person in PvE doesn't help, either. I pretty much just grind Stage 1 of PQs and farming exp/renown in scenarios with random groups it throws me in.

But I'll stick around for the remainder of the month though. If things don't improve by the 1.1 patch I might end up leaving too.

WotLK isn't even out yet and people are leaving... Nov 13th is going to be pretty ugly.
"I'm getting the same feeling the past few days... though I think it's because the GAF guild is pretty much dead."

#1 reason why I didn't join/start the GAF guild. Exact same thing happened with the WoW guild ~4 years ago.

On Averheim things are pretty bustling in T3, where the majority of players are. If you're in T4 and upset about the lack of activity, well congrats, you leveled yourself out of where most of the action is. That said last night there was a huge battle in T4 with ~100 order vs 100 destro.


Im in the GAF guild, but I think im gonna try to get into a bigger one. I hope some GAFers come with me! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!



Teknopathetic said:
"I'm getting the same feeling the past few days... though I think it's because the GAF guild is pretty much dead."

#1 reason why I didn't join/start the GAF guild. Exact same thing happened with the WoW guild ~4 years ago.

On Averheim things are pretty bustling in T3, where the majority of players are. If you're in T4 and upset about the lack of activity, well congrats, you leveled yourself out of where most of the action is. That said last night there was a huge battle in T4 with ~100 order vs 100 destro.

Yea man, I hit t4 really early so i took a break from my RP and started making alts. T4 last night was a great reminder of how crazy open rvr was in beta. I cant wait for pragg to fill out with like 300 people.


The GAF guild was fun for awhile but we didnt really have THAT many members, alot of them were alts or people just trying out for the free trial.. We only have maybe a handful of hardcore dedicated MMO addicts. Hah!:D

I havnt really been able to log on much recently and i havnt renewed yet and i may not untill the game fills out maybe a bit more. I made the mistake of trying the new wow patch and Blizzard just got it right, and i have huge expectations for WotLK now. I hope WAR can fill out and WotLK doesnt hurt it too much or else i think Blizzard may have killed the MMO genre.:lol I dunno. I knew i couldnt really leave WoW, fucking BLizzard and their damn good games.

Wellll see what happens to WAR, i like it but as someone else said, something about it just feels hollow.

mr stroke

Mareg said:
Its not your server.
Last night, at prime time, there weren't any server pop higher then Medium. And there weren't many that were event at that. Most were at low.
Now I logged on my server wich was at Med and there were "echoes when I talked".
I searched for the biggest guild on the destruction size and there were hardly more then 10 folks online per guild.
I also checked the forts on Tier2/Tier3. No keep lords were attacked, nothing was happening in open RvR.
I stayed queued for scenarios for the whole 2 hours I was online, nothing popped. NOTHING.

Now its a damn shame because this game is absolutly stellar and after experiencing its greatness, I had absolutly no intention to go back to any other MMO. This would be my definitive MMO.

Now however, after a couple of nights of loosing the majority of the community, there is no way I'll play an RPG in an MMO shell.

I will probably not renew my subscription until they merge all servers into only one expensive cohesive world. An MMO is nothing without a world filled with people.

Again, its a damn shame this game has tremendous potential. I seriously don't understand why people are quiting on it. I'm loosing fate in people altogether. I might as well ditch the MMO experience. Damn, someone give me a knife I'm going all EMO.

Merging some of the servers together would be a great idea(but it does seem weird considering when I selected Averhiem as my server it told me it was high on population? so maybe it was just the first week of release?)..I doubt they would do a merger of servers this early, but what they should do is just merge all the scenarios into one, this would probably almost eliminate any waiting and keep from having only one of the maps be active in each tier(like everyone selecting Nordenwatch in tier 1)
where the hell are all the 750k people damn it!!!!!


mr stroke said:
but what they should do is just merge all the scenarios into one
Please no.

When they did that in WoW, BGs lost all appeal to me. No longer was I fighting against and recognizing people on my server. It was a bunch of other people, too. People I don't care about.

AND, people don't need more goddamn reasons to avoid doing world RvR.
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