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Warhammer Online, The Official Thread of Destruction vs Order


Teknopathetic said:

Patch notes are up and Yeah, nataku was right, this'll be on the Test Server first.

I like just about everything EXCEPT what they did to Ironbreaker grudge. That will really be unplayable. You can't even think about using any grudge spending abilities now. And Grumble an' Mutter absolutely cannot work worth that system. If they want to do this, they're definitely going to have to rework all of the grudge-reliant ablities.

Yea, Im bummed what they did to Rune Priests. Nerfed two of our heals and then....buffed our damage abilities. Which is nice for soloing but damn.


Jube3 said:
Yea, Im bummed what they did to Rune Priests. Nerfed two of our heals and then....buffed our damage abilities. Which is nice for soloing but damn.

Almost all HoTs were nerfed in this patch. My WP had her only two nerfed. The increase to 24s duration from 15s happened to pretty much every 15s HoT from what I can tell. I'm really disappointed in the HoT nerfs, because I think healing in T4 was really underpowered on my WP. I felt completely useless in large scale RvR. Running up and doing melee was out of the question because I'd get destroyed in seconds by FF. Not being able to melee takes away half of my heals, and pretty much the only way to save someone not in my group from FF.

We did get an increase in damage of our melee 10ft AoE heals, which is great, because I didn't think they were healing for enough.

DoTs were also changed for pretty much everyone. Even the single DoT my WP gets saw an increase in damage. Some skills saw an increase in damage, some saw a decrease. A lot of people in that IGN thread skipped right over the following and went straight to the BW section and freaked out.

Damage over Time abilities: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of these abilities has been made consistent across the board. This generally resulted in an increase in damage, but some abilities have also been brought down. Individual abilities are noted under each career’s section.

For those who don't want to read through the massive IGN thread, Mark Jacobs did say that these are no where near final and they're really looking for good feedback when the PTS goes live, so if you really hate some changes goes test it out when the server goes live and give them feeback on it.


What a coincidence. The last day on my free month, hitting T4 this week and the fortress in Reikland under siege.

Perfect, since I couldn't decide to put money down for the subscription or not. And well....after that there is no chance that Mythic gets more money from me for this game. Wasn't even able to mount up in the warcamp, let alone travel to the fortress. Everything had a huge delay.
Decided to fly back to the zone I was questing in and got a disconnect, unable to reconnect with my char. :(

Too bad....Mythic seems very passionate. They put a lot of effort into patching and supporting this game, but at the moment I don't see a light at the end of this very dark tunnel. The game concept imo doesn't really work and despite all the effort, it doesn't seem to get anywhere at the moment.


Anyone here cancel their sub to go back to WOW this week, or know anyone who will be? I'm curious how WAR will hold up against Lich King.


nataku said:
Anyone here cancel their sub to go back to WOW this week, or know anyone who will be? I'm curious how WAR will hold up against Lich King.
I've canceled, but I will not be going back to WoW.

I've fallen for WoW's tricks too many times. NEVER AGAIN, BLIZZARD. Never again.


nataku said:
Anyone here cancel their sub to go back to WOW this week, or know anyone who will be? I'm curious how WAR will hold up against Lich King.

Most people I know quit for other reasons. Others just kept playing WoW next WAR and probably won't quit because of Lich King. I will probably be busy with L4D and other stuff and skip Lich King for now.

So I have to answer with a no, but that is not really a good no.


nataku said:
Anyone here cancel their sub to go back to WOW this week, or know anyone who will be? I'm curious how WAR will hold up against Lich King.

I'm oh so tempted to get WOTLK. I supposed I can experience vicariously through my roommate.

New EVE content patch (Quantum Rise) coming out tuesday that's gonna completely change small gang warfare (mixed reactions so far), so I'll be looking forward to that too.


Im not cancelling because even If I dont get into end game I really enjoy the 1-20 game a TON. So if I get bored I lhave fun on my alts. My RP is almost 40 but having a hard time enjoying him atm. Especially with the patchnotes so far. Im almost level 20 on my BW which was what I played in beta and had a blast.


To promote population balance among the various scenarios, we have added a feature that reduces the number of times a specific scenario can launch in a short period of time. This will give scenarios which are launched less frequently an opportunity to catch up in the queue population and launch more often.

Finally, I can start playing T4 scenarios. SP all day, every day was... ugh. I never want to go back to that scenario again.


I may not stick around in the game much longer. I am pretty upset with T4 so far. Order is RETARDED. We had 4 WBs last night in Praag, we held both keeps and most BFOs. Finally Destro start attacking stuff, and for some retarded reason we leave both keeps undefended.

After destro takes everything but the north keep, the warband leaders decide to attack destro in front of the keep.... WTF I went inside the keep along with like 5 others unopposed. The whole 4 WBs get wiped, meanwhile the destro steamroll us 5 at the keep.

How are we supposed to win if we don't even defend a keep. You dont see destro doing retarded tactics, like attacking away from the safety of the keep.

Anyway, im totally disenchanted with T4. We can only take undefended keeps, and warband leaders for order are to retarded to defend the keeps we do take.


nataku said:
Finally, I can start playing T4 scenarios. SP all day, every day was... ugh. I never want to go back to that scenario again.

Or so I thought. Still haven't seen anything but SP, and from what I've read on on Warhammer Alliance, neither has anyone else.

Doing nothing but questing when I play is getting old, quick. RvR lakes are dead, scenarios don't pop, PQs are dead... :(


nataku said:
Or so I thought. Still haven't seen anything but SP, and from what I've read on on Warhammer Alliance, neither has anyone else.

Doing nothing but questing when I play is getting old, quick. RvR lakes are dead, scenarios don't pop, PQs are dead... :(

I quit to go back to WoW. I vowed I wouldn't, but after leveling a White Lion to 30 and Bright Wizard to 33. I'm fucking bored with the game already. The boring mindless scenario grind is boring. The open RvR is very unsatisfying same with keep sieges (lag / zerg fests).

I was in the top Order guild on my Open RvR server ... and there just really wasn't any point to anything. PQ's are awesome in concept, but no one is ever friggen doing them. So you're stuck grinding Stage 1 incessantly to get your gear.

So ... why not go back to WoW. Been playing it since Launch in 04 with some breaks here and there, but at least I know what I'm getting with it.
nataku said:
Or so I thought. Still haven't seen anything but SP, and from what I've read on on Warhammer Alliance, neither has anyone else.

Doing nothing but questing when I play is getting old, quick. RvR lakes are dead, scenarios don't pop, PQs are dead... :(

Yeah, their supposed scenario time launch fix isn't working. Serpents Passage is still getting sandwiched together with more Serpents Passage.

The three-gold-bags in keeps is nice though, and I only need one more piece to complete the Annihilator set. The unfortunate thing is - then what? It's kind of hard to find a group to go to the instances like Bastion Stair with the lockout. The fortress/city raids are never gonna happen with the way VP is tallied up and the consistent force on it. I mean, we locked Praag the other day, but we were up late to do it and then the server reset.

I'm sort of interested in playing WoW again since I could play a Death Knight right away and try to experience end-game-ish (original end-game and expansion) raids on my Pally, but I'm afraid it would be boring since the only ways to level are questing and instances/grinding. Also, I saw a girl in a class playing, and it looked empty, I didnt even see her run into any mobs.


phinious said:
How are we supposed to win if we don't even defend a keep.

The game doesn't provide any incentive to do anything other than attack and capture the keep. Defending it is basically worthless, which is a stupid design decision.


I canceled my account. It was alot of fun playing with you guys, but I just kept getting pissed. I keep waiting for the RvR fun to kick in, and it never does.

You run for like 10 minutes to get to some action. Say a keep defense. I get there as a shadow warrior, imagining how fun it will be firing down arrows at the attacking destruction.

The reality of it is that you get LAG like crazy, and killed within 15 seconds of getting on the keep walls. I can handle the lag, but the warbands tell ranged people not to even stand at the walls. Healers dont heal you, other ranged people dont attack, if you die a healer can be right next to you and you wont get a rez unless you ask like 5 people to do it. Oh and if you release, its another 10 minute ride to the keep where you will likely get lagzerged to death before making it halfway to the postern door.

I finally came to the realization that I keep wanting the game to be fun, but it never is. Maybe if they fix the lag, and the people stop being lame and start actually defending keeps from walls I will come back. As of now its just boring.

So good luck to you people still playing. My xbox live gamertag is Sir Baby Shaker, so you can join me there if you wanna game together.

Canceled as well, a lot of little things and a couple big things annoy the hell out of me, and hence haven't logged in for more than 5 mins in the last few weeks. Not going back to WoW though, waiting on Jumpgate I guess. The fantasy setting is a growing tiresome.

though all I really want to play is D3


so Im not sure how the game is going to change between level 32 and 40. Seems like all i do is capture keeps and objectives. If none are up I log off. I feel like I've already experienced and grown tired of the end game and Im not even at the level cap yet
Trevor360 said:
so Im not sure how the game is going to change between level 32 and 40. Seems like all i do is capture keeps and objectives. If none are up I log off. I feel like I've already experienced and grown tired of the end game and Im not even at the level cap yet

I can identify with this, and obviously so can a lot of the people who left. I did see Teknopathetic tearing it up in game yesterday though.

Anyway, your character is far from done at 32. However, since you no longer can level, at 40 there's even less to do. The t4 PQs were fun though. You probably already know this, but there are also several end-game instances, along with the progression of the end-game sets of gear from said instances and also keeps/forts.


whiterabbit said:
I can identify with this, and obviously so can a lot of the people who left. I did see Teknopathetic tearing it up in game yesterday though.

Anyway, your character is far from done at 32. However, since you no longer can level, at 40 there's even less to do. The t4 PQs were fun though. You probably already know this, but there are also several end-game instances, along with the progression of the end-game sets of gear from said instances and also keeps/forts.
Actually, I havent found a single active PQ in T4 yet. And im already taking keeps/forts.

Just something wrong about pve being the only thing that changes at the level cap in a game about pvp.
Really? I haven't had the chance to take a fort yet. :( I figure I'll give it some time, but the end-game pvp content does seem hard to access since you've gotta lock a whole fricken zone down.

I do agree though; there should be some 40-only specific scenarios different from the others, and maybe level 40 6-mans to keep us busy ;D.

(btw try surfing around your region/alliance chats for the PQs.)


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I cancelled because I will be away from my PC for a couple weeks. They keep your characters for a while right? I want to go back around december after finals. During Christmas break I know I will be hooked again.
My friends are busier in school than I am so I'm looking for any Gafers on Volkmar - Order side that play T4 Scenarios a lot. I have a 36 Bright Wizard named Downs and a mid 10's White Lion named Pockets, PM me or send me a mail in-game.

mr stroke

godhandiscen said:
I cancelled because I will be away from my PC for a couple weeks. They keep your characters for a while right? I want to go back around december after finals. During Christmas break I know I will be hooked again.

I believe so.
I am canceling now too because of the mass amount of games I need to play but will be joining back in around Jan/Feb when new releases slow down. Hopefully the majority of the community sticks around.



When we launched our Public Test Server last week our goal was to create a place where we could test and iterate on ideas/initiatives/fixes with our subscribers in a non-LIVE environment. Our plan was that no patch would make it through the PTS until we were sure that it was tested thoroughly and properly. Patch 1.0.5 (Combat and Careers) is a perfect example of how this system is supposed to work. Thanks to the data and feedback we’ve gathered over the last week we are going to make some major changes to 1.0.5. First, the Combat and Careers portion of the patch is being moved to 1.0.6. We have made enough changes that we have decided to let them stay on PTS a while longer for additional testing. As I’ve said before, we will not rush these changes on to the LIVE servers until we are sure that they have been thoroughly tested and that the changes are working the way that the designers planned. It was evident throughout the testing process that some of the changes needed to be reconsidered and some changed outright. Thus and secondly, we are making the following changes to certain careers:

1) For our Ironbreakers, this means more time to assess the impact at our proposed changes to the Grudge mechanic to IBs in RvR. When patch 1.0.6 goes up on Deathsword, we will have an updated version of the grudge mechanic. As of now, this will result in IBs having decay beginning at 15 seconds as well a much slower loss of grudge per second than originally planned. Over the course of 1.0.6 on the PTS, we will continue to look at this mechanic and see if we have to add some additional time to the beginning of grudge decay.

2) For our healers, we are going to keep the decrease in cast time for the “big heals” but we are reverting the changes to the HOTs back to their current LIVE status. Given the changes and general increases to most careers’ DOTs, keeping healers’ HOTs where they are currently is the more prudent path. As we continue testing with 1.0.6, this may change but for now we want to spend some more time running the numbers before we make any additional changes to our healers.

3) Sorcs/BWs will not have any buffs to their DOTs until we can gather more data on the long-term impact of these DOTs.

4) We are looking at several interface changes geared to make target selection, spell-casting, etc. easier and more reliable especially in RvR.

Those are some of the biggest changes to the “Combat and Careers” portion of 1.0.5. Additionally, 1.0.5 will now focus on the “Heavy Metal” event that paves the way for the introduction of the Blackguard and the Knight of the Blazing Sun as well as a few other changes including fixes/improvements to our Realm War system. We expect to deploy 1.0.5 tomorrow to our LIVE servers. Once that is done, version 1.0.6 will be deployed to our PTS with all the current C&C changes. Additionally, 1.0.6 will also provide an opportunity for testers to get a sneak peek at those two new careers. So, please, keep signing on to our PTS and help us gather the data we need to ensure that the changes we are making are what we intend them to be, a series of necessary and balanced steps to improve balance among the careers. As always, I thank you for your patronage and support of WAR.



So 1.05 is pretty much just the Heavy Metal event now, plus a few other minor bug fixes. The Combat and Careers patch was moved back to 1.06... so it'll be another couple weeks before we see that massive patch.

I'm kind of disappointed, because I was looking forward to a lot of the changes and bug fixes, but hated some of the other ones. I wish we could have at least got the bug fixes, but oh well.

I haven't logged in to play seriously for more than a week, and since this patch was pushed back, probably won't until 1.06. I'll log in to do the Heavy Metal event, or at least try it out. If I hate it I can just mess around with the new classes on the PTS.


Gold Member
Over the past few weeks, I have only gotten a chance to play 3 or 4 times but each time I sink like 4 hours into it. The Witch Hunters really need that damn patch, though I finally kicked some ass in a scenario (Phoenix Gate) when I played after hitting Rank 18. I really like the game, I just wish I had more time to play... maybe its for the best. I haven't played WoW in 3 years and when I did I didn't even hit 60 (or 50 for that matter), so it's this or nothing in MMO land.
nataku said:
Anyone here cancel their sub to go back to WOW this week, or know anyone who will be? I'm curious how WAR will hold up against Lich King.

I just restarted my WoW sub and let my WAR free month expire.

Combat sucks too much in this game. The basic mechanics are bad.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Fuck WoW. Averheim is death. Do you guys have any recommendations for a server transfer?
Hey man. I x-fered to Ungrim to stick with the guild I joined. However, I can't endorse a recommendation for the server since it's low pop and not much destro.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
whiterabbit said:
Hey man. I x-fered to Ungrim to stick with the guild I joined. However, I can't endorse a recommendation for the server since it's low pop and not much destro.
I am Order. I cant complete the heavy metal event because there is never enough people to launch the scenario. This is sad.
godhandiscen said:
I am Order. I cant complete the heavy metal event because there is never enough people to launch the scenario. This is sad.

I know, :( hopefully this next week it'll launch enough to complete it. Did you transfer?


Gold Member
I cancelled. I left the game for a few weeks at around level 15 because of RL concerns, came back and T2 was a ghost town. Totally empty and boring. T3 was not much better. I took part in a raid of a keep, but the framerate was about 2fps and the destruction guys just ended up overpowering us. Lots of fun, but that was the only one I saw on my server for weeks. Scenarios are fun, but eh I have Call of Duty and TF2.

The game needs server merges in the worst, worst way, but if Mythic did that they'd be basically admitting the game is a failure. If they manned up and did it, I'd probably return.
you guys are making me feel bad for quitting to go back to WoW :(

I have to say in my time spent playing I really enjoyed it, and it does some things much, much better than WoW. I really wasnt feeling my WP though. I'm thinking of returning and rolling the new Order tank class. Is Averheim really that deserted?

this is geddoe from the GAF guild if anyone remembers me : ]
It was essentially mandatory to leave Averheim since it was set to depopulate, and transfers were open to several other servers.

Of course I remember you. If you start up again, you'd be welcome to join Legends on Ungrim.


Im wondering if I should resubscribe and try it again. I am hoping the T4 stuff is more fun now that servers are combining. Anyone have any insight on this?
phinious said:
Im wondering if I should resubscribe and try it again. I am hoping the T4 stuff is more fun now that servers are combining. Anyone have any insight on this?

I dont know what to tell you, I wrote a paragraph of crap you probably dont care about, so I deleted it. Serpent's Passage is still one of the only t4 scenarios to pop Open world rvr is more of the same, however on the new server there have been some good open fights within really short distance from the warcamps, which was a lot of fun. Anyway, of course I want you to come back! I dont have anybody I'm sending my scavenging stuff to for potions :p Otherwise, you could wait for the next patch, which implements a rvr influence system which should bring people into the rvr lakes. Oh, and SW got buffed.


Wow this thread is quiet. Game really feels like it's dying.

I enjoyed the game to a point then it all seemed to turn to shit. Mainly because of scenario age/dead world/pointless oRvR.


Hah, maybe Ill come back and see if I like it. I have had so much free time lately I even started to pick up my guitar again!

Having a real life is lame. Maybe Ill log in this weekend.


So I know i'm getting this game for christmas but is it worth even installing at this point do to how dead everything sounds (from this thread) and servers combining? I already play WoW and I thought I'll take some time off that game and try this one out, but is it even worth it at this point?
Heh, i wen't back to the game after a month off (felt similar to you guys), with the rested xp i was able to blast through 34 to 40 easily. I'm shocked at how much more lively the game is than it was at launch. RVR is going on everynight, Fair amount of pitched battles. guild is trying to get more people warded so we have more pve choices also. Burlok is probably the best community i've seen in a game, very few retards and i've yet to meet someone i haven't liked.


All I want to know is if the hitching/performance issues are solved or at least lessened? As of the last time I played, a month after release, it was just too hard to play with any amount of players on screen that I just lost interest because i couldn't enjoy the game. People with worse systems are able to play fine, so I don't know what the issue is.


chapel said:
All I want to know is if the hitching/performance issues are solved or at least lessened? As of the last time I played, a month after release, it was just too hard to play with any amount of players on screen that I just lost interest because i couldn't enjoy the game. People with worse systems are able to play fine, so I don't know what the issue is.
One issue was the game defaulting to 16x AF on higher end systems. This caused a lot of problems, but if you over-rid the setting in your video driver control panel it cleared it up.


Quick question GAF: My brother bought the game... Gave me the discs i installed it on my machine... do i still have to BUY ANOTHER COPY Of the game!?!!? in order to play on separate accounts?
phinious said:
What server is everyone on? Specifically GAF order guildies... Leery, Asterisk, everyone else.

Ungrim, man. I don't think Leery's actually registered here and sadly, nor is there a GAF guild anymore :(
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