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Warhawk - The Official Thread


well holy shit..just had the craziest ending ever. CTF, Archiplago, big game, 24-32..don't remember exactly, anyway!

i go up to their flag from the underground ladder, take the flag jump back down there, take a jeep...flipped it over on the jump down to the next level :[ . so I jump out and take another jeep that just happens to be there :] at this point their whole team is chasing me on foot and warhawks. there just happens to be a vehicle health thing right in front of me so I survive..at the same time this is happening the other team takes our flag and jumps in a jeep too. so im at full speed in the middle area where there are 2 slopes and the node. i hit the upwards slope, i fly OVER a fucking teamate tank and smash right into the jeep with our flag. the tank shoots as we collide and it's a big ass explosion, everyone dies.

we had the middle spawn so spawned there, picked up our flag and had back to the base in another jeep. my team returns hour flag and right as im about to walk into the base and cap this guy on a warhawk fly's to our base and chucks a grenade and it gete me :[ he takes our flag and starts to run. i spawn at the base, pick up their flag, outpistol the guy with our flag sit there the whole 20 sec by myself, return it, and win.



CSSer said:
No one has had their stats recorded for the past couple of days. Who knows what incognito is doing about it.
I am extremely confident that the Incognito team is aware of the issues and plugging away at them to the best of their ability.
Supaman223 said:
Dear god warhawk!

Its caused my system to freeze like 4 times today! I am fearing a Ps3 RROD happening!
But warhawk is soo addicting that i just keep given her!

Believe me... this is nothing compared to the amount of freezing we had during beta :/

Beta was like... every 5 minute :/
shagg_187 said:
Believe me... this is nothing compared to the amount of freezing we had during beta :/

Beta was like... every 5 minute :/
This is true, but it's pretty inexcusable when it's the final release.


WasabiKing said:
This is true, but it's pretty inexcusable when it's the final release.

I think out of the 40+hours I've put into it, it has only froze on me once. Game is still very fun though, only problem is the "Game if full" message and the network timeouts. GAH!!!!


icechai said:
parachuting would change the game dynamics a LOT. People would just load up on flame throwers/rocket launchers, get parachuted into a base to take out turrets quickly while the Warhawk hovers next to them firing other things. The way things are now is great, you can add a guy in your warhawk transport to cap and navigate, that's it.

Two people can enter a Warhawk? I thought that was a glitch that kept happening to me. :lol


trying clearing your browsers cache and cookies, then sign in to psn then warhawk. If you still time out, quit game sign out of psn, then back in...

if that doesn't work, turn off your console and flip the power switch off for a few seconds then try again.


Steroyd said:
Two people can enter a Warhawk? I thought that was a glitch that kept happening to me. :lol

I found that out in a weird way.

There was a guy with our flag on our bridge and so I was taking him out with rockets from a distance. One guy came swooping down on a WH and so I thought it was his teammate picking up the flag, so I shoot. I still see movement and I shoot again, all the while approaching the flag. I found out it was a team-mate. :p So he gets pissed off and starts shooting at me. So I strafe to avoid the shots but don't shoot back because i'm more interested in returning our flag. But then I'm getting hammered so I run away. He stops shooting so I come back, and then he kills me.

So I respawn right near that bridge, and see him standing on his WH right by the flag to return it. So I thought I'd be an asshole and get into the WH, fly straight up and then have him fall to his death. I get in, and realize he's in with me. So then I flew to a remote part of the map hovering above the water and stayed there with him in the WH with me, prepared to stay there until the round ended. :p But we were found within 30 seconds and shot down. So if I wasn't being an asshole, I would never have found out about this feature!

The Take Out Bandit said:
I like the Warhawk method. I'm here to play a game. Not dick around.

There's nothing more in the world I enjoy more than wasting 5-10 minutes in a SOCOM lobby while morons talk shit, or generally waste time. Typically in those periods I just take my headset off and walk away to do chores.

I think it's a whole lot better than not being able to get into any server for a good 20-30 minutes. :p
shagg_187 said:
Believe me... this is nothing compared to the amount of freezing we had during beta :/

Beta was like... every 5 minute :/

Yeah.. I had stopped playing the beta after it crashed on me 5 times too many. The Halo 3 beta maybe crashed on me once throughout its whole run.


Defuser said:
Wow,basically Mines and bino are my best weapons to rack up ribbons and badges :lol

How the heck do you use the Bino's I know exactly where they are on two maps but when I aim using them nothing happens. :/

Not even local match on my own gives me a clue.


Steroyd said:
How the heck do you use the Bino's I know exactly where they are on two maps but when I aim using them nothing happens. :/

Not even local match on my own gives me a clue.

Zoom in with R3 stick, and hold R1 until it says 100%. An airstrike will shortly ensue.


Yixian I must applaud you for being daring and awesome for managing to infiltrate our base and stole our flag twice :lol


He was the only one that actually was able to get in. I was trying to defend the base with my life, then all of a sudden half the team starts defending I'm like WTF...go get the flag!


Miguel said:
He was the only one that actually was able to get in. I was trying to defend the base with my life, then all of a sudden half the team starts defending I'm like WTF...go get the flag!
He's smart to know where to get TOW missiles :lol


You guys stopped me from getting the second one back to base though, that was some nice hawk accuracy, usually people aren't accurate enough to get you before you've gotten a power up or switched jeeps :D


CSSer said:
Zoom in with R3 stick, and hold R1 until it says 100%. An airstrike will shortly ensue.

Wait does the number 100% have to pop up or a timer on the binocular icon go all the way round, because if it's a percentage i'll be pissed because i've been waiting for the Icon to go full circle all this time only for nothing to happen.


Is there a good site with all the info like how to use binoculars correctly and just tips/tricks to do? Tried to google but none of them were as detailed as I would like. Just got it yesterday, played around (after signing in and out of PSN to actually get it working, but no stats updating) and flew around and got pwnd (even moreso on foot).


Steroyd said:
Wait does the number 100% have to pop up or a timer on the binocular icon go all the way round, because if it's a percentage i'll be pissed because i've been waiting for the Icon to go full circle all this time only for nothing to happen.

it's just a green bar, don't panic. aim, hold fire, watch.
Those were good games on GAF east server last night. Not sure which Gaffers were on my team during that nutty zones match (I think I saw Sea Mankey and somebody else), but damn that was awesome. Click had the medium Island Outpost map set up for 32 players so those two bridges became these ridiculous choke points where everybody was trying to hold and cross at the same time. Tanks and jeeps going head to head, Warhawks doing strafing and bombing runs, TOWs falling out of the sky. It was crazy. We eventually had every zone in the park, it was nothing but Eucadian blue. :D Kinda felt bad for the other team afterawhile, hehe.


I can't seem to find these Gaf servers...

And yeah, sucks that stats aren't updating, but what "online game experience" doesn't "change during online play". I remember all the screws up in WoW and its my #1 game.


Steroyd said:
Two people can enter a Warhawk? I thought that was a glitch that kept happening to me. :lol

not a glitch, have the second person bring up the mini map, advanced radar, he can see more enemy units than normal ;)


BlackGoku03 said:
Anybody else having a network error when trying to go online? Mine worked before the 1.92 update... now... nothing.

Try recalibrating your Network Settings. I had the same problem after downloading 1.92, and this fixed it for me. No issues now...

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I'm having a tough go with this as far as controls. Ground, jeep and hover controls like a fps, ie, right stick to control the camera. Aerial flight has its own method. I'm so conditioned to using the right stick to control a camera in games but I can't seem to find anything like that in the controller options


Agent Icebeezy said:
I'm having a tough go with this as far as controls. Ground, jeep and hover controls like a fps, ie, right stick to control the camera. Aerial flight has its own method. I'm so conditioned to using the right stick to control a camera in games but I can't seem to find anything like that in the controller options

On pro-mode it's better, and for some reason (I think) it disables the right-stick look in vehicles. Possibly.

But yeah, the aerial flight controls just seem off to me, I can't get into them and I've been playing for a week now. Having said that, when you see the likes of Click flying through mountain gaps and stuff you realise you just need practice...

User 406

hukasmokincaterpillar said:
Those were good games on GAF east server last night. Not sure which Gaffers were on my team during that nutty zones match (I think I saw Sea Mankey and somebody else), but damn that was awesome. Click had the medium Island Outpost map set up for 32 players so those two bridges became these ridiculous choke points where everybody was trying to hold and cross at the same time. Tanks and jeeps going head to head, Warhawks doing strafing and bombing runs, TOWs falling out of the sky. It was crazy. We eventually had every zone in the park, it was nothing but Eucadian blue. :D Kinda felt bad for the other team afterawhile, hehe.

Yeah, I was in that game, and when it started, I was the one saying, "Oh, this is going to be tough." 32 people on that map? I was expecting that each team would get a bridge and we'd be at a bloody stalemate until time ran out. First thing I did was jump in a warhawk and boost dive to take the south bridge. When I had it about halfway through level 2, I noticed that none of the red guys had even headed towards the north bridge, and once I had the south bridge at 3, I rushed north. By then they had a couple guys there, but they didn't grow it much, and from there our entire team stormed the north bridge and managed to take and hold it for almost the entire game. I respawned on that bridge I don't now how many times, longest extended firefight I've been in yet. And we won on points, not by running out the timer. Awesome game. :D

nofi said:
But yeah, the aerial flight controls just seem off to me, I can't get into them and I've been playing for a week now. Having said that, when you see the likes of Click flying through mountain gaps and stuff you realise you just need practice...

As a big fan of flight games, the pro controls threw me a bit at first too. The left stick has pitch and banked turn, and the right stick has pitch even harder and roll. So you can do the pitch and roll thing, then get used to using the right stick as a way to pitch harder for tight turns. Now it's easy for me, I just fly the Warhawk like a plane, and when I want to pitch around hard, push up or down on the right stick.


Had a blast playing with GAFe last night.
Had one team kill that was the result of trying to save a flag.....
But part of me wonders if I like the smaller groups. 32 people is INSANE.

In a good way.
But it seems there is a bit more slow strategy in an 8-person game.


_RT_ said:
Had a blast playing with GAFe last night.
Had one team kill that was the result of trying to save a flag.....
But part of me wonders if I like the smaller groups. 32 people is INSANE.

In a good way.
But it seems there is a bit more slow strategy in an 8-person game.

that holds true in all fps games. That's why in competitions its usually teams of 5-8 versus each other, while the huge servers are mainly just for fun.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I haven't really been seeking out the GAF servers yet. Are they still being password protected? If so, can someone pm me the password for GAFe server? Thanks.

Ran into theBishop in a Zone game on the Eucadia map last night. Took one look at the slightly smaller map configuration and realized the central bridge was the choke point so I hopped in a jeep, honked the horn at theBishop and we took off. Somehow, we made it there first - one of these days people will learn priorities. Luckily theBishop also had some mines with him so took the zone there and held it the rest of the game, cutting off any major growth for the other team.
Sea Manky said:
first thing I did was jump in a warhawk and boost dive to take the south bridge. When I had it about halfway through level 2, I noticed that none of the red guys had even headed towards the north bridge, and once I had the south bridge at 3, I rushed north.

Yeah I headed north with a tank after I saw the south bridge was capped in full. They must've been late deciding which bridge to go for or something. I ended up with the best tank run I've had yet though. Red was trying to race across the bridge and I racked up something like 13 straight kills. It was like Duck Hunt but with jeeps.

kaching said:
I haven't really been seeking out the GAF servers yet. Are they still being password protected? If so, can someone pm me the password for GAFe server? Thanks.

Last couple ones have been ranked I think so no p/w. I honestly wouldn't mind no rank though, there were some pretty annoying brats on the GAF server last night. :lol Thankfully they left after a few games.
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