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Warhawk - The Official Thread

User 406

Phantast2k said:
I don't have any of them because I'm a cheap bastard :p
I'm going to buy them eventually though.
I just logged in with my fake us account and dipped into a rank limited CTF game. At the end I've had something like 45 kills and more than 250 points. The recruits were in awe :eek:

Btw. Sea Manky, don't you want to know who's in the home beta? Since game launching is such a nice thing and all ^^

Okay, I've sent a new clan invite to you and minty now that I've got your booster info. For Home, I'm willing to wait until everyone has it. :p

And stop pounding newbies! We need those to keep the Warhawk population up!


I have been playing the demo for a long time , I'm gonna buy the game and all booster packs but I want to know if there are a lot of people in the servers ... How many servers are there and how many of them are full of players ?.. In demo , usually there are 2 or 3 servers full :/ ...


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
EnthusiasTech said:
I have been playing the demo for a long time , I'm gonna buy the game and all booster packs but I want to know if there are a lot of people in the servers ... How many servers are there and how many of them are full of players ?.. In demo , usually there are 2 or 3 servers full :/ ...

You'll never be unable to find a game. If you have all the packs, there are usually like 50+ around. The community is going strong.


EnthusiasTech said:
I have been playing the demo for a long time , I'm gonna buy the game and all booster packs but I want to know if there are a lot of people in the servers ... How many servers are there and how many of them are full of players ?.. In demo , usually there are 2 or 3 servers full :/ ...

for me i usually always see 4 ranked Sony servers with 28-32 people in it with good ping, and a long list of medium sized servers, and lots of player servers that I don't really pay attention to as much
Sea Manky said:
Okay, I've sent a new clan invite to you and minty now that I've got your booster info. For Home, I'm willing to wait until everyone has it. :p

And stop pounding newbies! We need those to keep the Warhawk population up!

Home is additionally retarded if you have pre-saved server set-ups in Warhawk. You cannot load and launch your customized pre-sets. :|

User 406

EnthusiasTech said:
I have been playing the demo for a long time , I'm gonna buy the game and all booster packs but I want to know if there are a lot of people in the servers ... How many servers are there and how many of them are full of players ?.. In demo , usually there are 2 or 3 servers full :/ ...

Well, here's my situation. I'm at the highest rank, so I can't get into any rank limited servers at all. I really hate playing with friendly fire turned off, so pretty much the only official servers suitable for me are the expert servers. I also don't normally play in the many unranked servers because I like stat tracking. In addition to this, for player ranked servers I stick to the ones that have team balancing and randomization both turned on, to avoid team stacking and the same teams every round.

Even with all these restrictions on how I like to pick servers, I never have trouble finding a good game, at almost any time of day.

Warhawk's awesome like that.


EnthusiasTech said:
I have been playing the demo for a long time , I'm gonna buy the game and all booster packs but I want to know if there are a lot of people in the servers ... How many servers are there and how many of them are full of players ?.. In demo , usually there are 2 or 3 servers full :/ ...
Right now, at this very second there are currently 413 active rooms. Of those, 135 have at least 8 people in them. 69 rooms have at least 16 people in them.

List of official servers with more than 8 people in them...
JP-CTF-Lg1          32 / 32
(ALL)CTF-Lg1        32 / 32
(OD)CTF-Lg1         32 / 32
IT-CTF-LG1          32 / 32
DE-(ALL)ZNS-Lg1     32 / 32
CTF-LG3             31 / 32
CTF-LG1(Expert)     31 / 32
DE-ZNS-Lg1          31 / 32
FCTF-Lg1            30 / 32
FCTF-Lg1(Expert)    30 / 32
(OD)ZNS-LG2         30 / 32
UK-ZNS-Lg1          30 / 32
(FS)ZNS-Lg2         28 / 32
UK-CTF-Lg1          28 / 32
DE-CTF-Lg1          28 / 32
ZNS-Lg2             27 / 32
CTF-Lg2             27 / 32
FR-(ALL)CTF-Lg1     25 / 32
FR-MIX-Lg1          25 / 32
DE-TDM-Lg1          23 / 32
JP-(DS)MIX-Lg1      22 / 32
FR-TDM-Lg1          22 / 32
TDM-Md1             19 / 20
(ALL)FCTF-Lg1       19 / 32
ES-(ALL)MIX-Lg1     19 / 32
UK-CTF-Md1          19 / 20
UK-FCTF-Lg1         18 / 32
UK-(OD)CTF-Lg1      18 / 32
FR-COL-Lg1          16 / 32
CTF-Md3             13 / 20
UK-DM-Sm1(Expert)   10 / 12
(And that's discluding all of the official rookie servers. I couldn't be bothered typing out another 13 room names.)

Conclusion: Trust me, there's plenty.


Whoa , very nice ... I am gonna buy Warhawk as soon as possible , and if PSN lets me [ credit card issue ] I'll buy all add-ons too ... Thanks for infos guys ...

Here's one more question ; whats the purpose of planes being 2 seated ?.. Do I have to sit and wait for my death if I accidentally get on to a plane as 2nd player ?..


EnthusiasTech said:
Here's one more question ; whats the purpose of planes being 2 seated ?.. Do I have to sit and wait for my death if I accidentally get on to a plane as 2nd player ?..
Some map layouts have a limited amount of planes at the home base (eg, Eucadia has 3). In modes like Zones where you want to spread as quickly as possible, it's courtesy to hover on the ground and wait for a passenger to jump in. Then you can boost off to the nearest base and drop them off.

User 406

Unfortunately, you can sometimes end up a prisoner in a warhawk flown by someone with no clue. You do have the option of suiciding from the menu though.

One neat benefit of being a passenger in a warhawk is that all enemies will show up on the map for you. It's the AWACS seat. :)


Mining everywhere I can , especially enemy's base ...

Mine wasting noobs ...

I recently notice a green line which appears before a rocket hits ... If someone dies , it shows with a binoculars icon ... It is not from a plane , is it ?..

And I rock! :D


EnthusiasTech said:
Mining everywhere I can , especially enemy's base ...
I used to do that a fair bit on the rookie servers.

On the Island Output map, I used to keep mining the entrances to the mine building and then hiding behind the thing of logs. Even if some people get through, they usually don't notice you behind the logs. I used to wait for them to leave, then pop out and re-mine the damn thing.

I still occasionally do the mine thing on Badlands. You can make it fairly difficult for the enemy to get into the part with the mines in their homebase. Helps out when your team is launching a constant barrage of attacks on the flag. As an added bonus, if someone gets the flag they can run through the mine alley and anyone chasing them will get picked off.


Tried Binoculars on a flag carrier , success :D ..

I love mining the zone on the bridge which close to enemy base , very effective ... One mine each time is enough ... They always passing by a jeep and boom :lol ... They dont care to check if there are mines even if it is enemy's zone ...

By the way , I suck at sniping :( ...

User 406


God DAMN it's tough to get used to playing Warhawk in HD. There's so much more detail it's almost overwhelming. Wish I'd gotten an HDTV sooner. :X
Sea Manky said:

God DAMN it's tough to get used to playing Warhawk in HD. There's so much more detail it's almost overwhelming. Wish I'd gotten an HDTV sooner. :X

Yeah, HDTV really makes...wait, what? The Grand Old Man of Warhawk just got an HDTV?

I started playing on the Chief Sergeant servers. Damn, I can't last 2 seconds in a Warhawk. The others are too good.
Sea Manky said:

God DAMN it's tough to get used to playing Warhawk in HD. There's so much more detail it's almost overwhelming. Wish I'd gotten an HDTV sooner. :X

How did you like my Flame Spewing Tinkerbell act? :D


Click said:
I shed a tear of happiness when I see how well Warhawk is still doing and how big this thread is...

I wonder what could have been if I stuck with this game from launch, lol:


Those were some good times. =)

although most servers of higher rank are a lot more boring since the outcome is pretty obvious when one team is stacked with good flyers and the other team is majority people who can't match up. Its just too easy to dominate if you have good warhawk flyers on your team (and a bit frustrating for me since I'm trying to get medals for 4x4 :p)

Just had super intense mega match!

Expert CTF. My team was down bases, and the other team was camping out base, stealing our tanks, and raping us in teh butt.

And I'm characteristically incensed by this ass pounding. Spawning, dealing what damage I can, dying, respawning.

Things look bleak. We have no bases. We keep losing bases and we're getting base camped. Meanwhile I keep at it. Kill, respawn, and every so often capture a further base.

Then the infestation gets worse and I focus on defending the flag. Oh! So glorious!

My most awesome moment was taking out three attackers at the flag base while in a tank, one with the tank - meanwhile some tool is whacking on my tank with a wrench. My tank bursts into flames and I hop out with a rocket launcher - BOOM BITCH~! I didn't need that tank anymore haha! The third guy grabs the flag and makes a run for it. Fails to vault our wall, I gain on him, he leaps again - I leap. There's a flash of the blade. The flag remains on the ledge and his corpse lands along side me, and promptly gets a deep teabagging while I wipe the Chernovan stink off of our flag. :lol

I ended up coming in second place with no flag captures, only cold blooded murder and mayhem. I think my testicles demoralized the opposing team. They thought they were sneaky and cute, but in the end they all partook of my teabag! :D

ignore shitty visuals with awesome song


Haha, that sounds awesome. In those situations I always catch myself thinking "where the hell is the rest of my team??"

Do you think a clan match between GAF and your new buddies (VGsomething something?) could happen? Or are they a uber-professional bunch?


You know, I kind of got distracted from Warhawk due to all these games coming out but I'm back and playing again. I honestly feel this is the best multiplayer game ever. I love it so much.


Sea Manky said:

God DAMN it's tough to get used to playing Warhawk in HD. There's so much more detail it's almost overwhelming. Wish I'd gotten an HDTV sooner. :X

That's funny, last week I also swapped my old 28'' CRT for a 46" Bravia and now I finally understand all those people shouting "need help at 3 !" or "we just lost 4 !" :D
slider said:
Haha, that sounds awesome. In those situations I always catch myself thinking "where the hell is the rest of my team??"

Do you think a clan match between GAF and your new buddies (VGsomething something?) could happen? Or are they a uber-professional bunch?

They might be open for it, but they're casual players who play once a week on unranked servers. I don't know if it will be much of a challenge for GAF. :|

The only reason I joined their clan is unlike GAF who wastes oh so much time hemming and hawing over when to set up games (or ignoring Warhawk in the favor of the flavor of the week game), they host games regularly every week and I need that kind of regularity to get my fix but not succumb to my addiction.

If I had fat Internet pipes I'd host; but I don't so I go where the games are.


Cool. I may have to check it out myself - if it's not too tough being invited. Haven't had a regular GAF get together in a while (I can only host an 8 player game).

The only regular clan player I see online these days is Tntnnbltn.


slider said:
The only regular clan player I see online these days is Tntnnbltn.
Speaking of...

I even played a bit of Warhawk the day I got Resistance 2. I kept switching back and forth because I couldn't decide which I wanted to play more.

Edit: Although I love this game, god I hate the bugs. Like the stupid "Unable to join room" shit I get all the time on the official servers.
Tntnnbltn said:
Speaking of...

I even played a bit of Warhawk the day I got Resistance 2. I kept switching back and forth because I couldn't decide which I wanted to play more.

Edit: Although I love this game, god I hate the bugs. Like the stupid "Unable to join room" shit I get all the time on the official servers.

You sure that's "a bug" and not you joining a nearly full room and missing the mark? :/

The only interface thing that still annoys me is server stats and your friends list doesn't update properly.


The Take Out Bandit said:
You sure that's "a bug" and not you joining a nearly full room and missing the mark? :/
No. It seems to happen when I leave a room (either by leaving the match, network error, or quitting the game completely) and then try to join it again later. It goes "Connecting......." for ages then finally says "Unable to Join". Yet if I go an join some other server it works fine.

Was happening today with a French CTF server. They were the only official server playing BM CTF, and it refused to let me join. The room had 17/30 people in it. Tried for a good 5 minutes before I gave up and played regular CTF.
The Take Out Bandit said:

Just had super intense mega match!

Expert CTF. My team was down bases, and the other team was camping out base, stealing our tanks, and raping us in teh butt.

And I'm characteristically incensed by this ass pounding. Spawning, dealing what damage I can, dying, respawning.

Things look bleak. We have no bases. We keep losing bases and we're getting base camped. Meanwhile I keep at it. Kill, respawn, and every so often capture a further base.

Then the infestation gets worse and I focus on defending the flag. Oh! So glorious!

My most awesome moment was taking out three attackers at the flag base while in a tank, one with the tank - meanwhile some tool is whacking on my tank with a wrench. My tank bursts into flames and I hop out with a rocket launcher - BOOM BITCH~! I didn't need that tank anymore haha! The third guy grabs the flag and makes a run for it. Fails to vault our wall, I gain on him, he leaps again - I leap. There's a flash of the blade. The flag remains on the ledge and his corpse lands along side me, and promptly gets a deep teabagging while I wipe the Chernovan stink off of our flag. :lol

I ended up coming in second place with no flag captures, only cold blooded murder and mayhem. I think my testicles demoralized the opposing team. They thought they were sneaky and cute, but in the end they all partook of my teabag! :D

ignore shitty visuals with awesome song
This needs a commercial or YouTube vid.

User 406

Haha, just checked myhawk.org and did a double take, apparently GAF was the top clan on the daily scoreboards the other day. Checked the members, and it looks like carlos, icechai, and I all played, and since at least three active members are needed to get this, our combined score divided by three was over 1700 points. :X


i hope this doesnt result in me getting banned but......

i posted this question in the other warhawk thread, and i tried to delete it because i figured itd be better to post it here instead but

would it be okay if i were added to the gaf warhawk clan? or what are the requirements or w/e?

my psn is elohel

User 406

elohel said:
i hope this doesnt result in me getting banned but......

i posted this question in the other warhawk thread, and i tried to delete it because i figured itd be better to post it here instead but

would it be okay if i were added to the gaf warhawk clan? or what are the requirements or w/e?

my psn is elohel


Nah, there's no real requirements, just gaffers who want to play. :p

Check your PMs, I've sent you the info I need to send you an invite.


Sea Manky said:
Haha, just checked myhawk.org and did a double take, apparently GAF was the top clan on the daily scoreboards the other day. Checked the members, and it looks like carlos, icechai, and I all played, and since at least three active members are needed to get this, our combined score divided by three was over 1700 points. :X

lol, holy crap, I guess playing for 13 hours straight counts for something X)


Sea Manky said:
Haha, just checked myhawk.org and did a double take, apparently GAF was the top clan on the daily scoreboards the other day. Checked the members, and it looks like carlos, icechai, and I all played, and since at least three active members are needed to get this, our combined score divided by three was over 1700 points. :X

lol, actually i just started playing on player servers and now it seems like a new game cuz of all the layouts i've never played :p


Hi guys - I'm a newb to this thread but I hope to become a little more regular. Just made Chief Sargeant on Thursday and I've been thrust into the big boys world all of a sudden. No more destroying people on CTF for me :lol

One fo the first things I noticed on the official blue servers was a game of CTF with a score limit of 10. I was manning a turret and noticed flag icons flying about all over the screen. On further inspection, I'm assuming the FCTF servers allow you to fly with the flag? If so, I'll never be touching that as it defeats the fun for me. Nothing more exciting that bombing it across a stage in a jeep with an army on your tail!!

I'm starting to feel like I'm finding my feet now - picking up the different balances of the weapons, suitable counters etc. Any chance I can get a clan invite at some point so I can have my confidence shot into the ground? :D PSN ID is the same as my gaf username.

Also, do we still have the spare clan, specifically for the warlord trophy?

User 406

icechai said:
lol, actually i just started playing on player servers and now it seems like a new game cuz of all the layouts i've never played :p

Incognito may have made the best game ever, but their official server rotations suuuuuuuuuuck. Player servers have it all. :D

chunk3rvd, check your PMs. AranhaHunter, I've updated the roster info and sent you a clan invite.

Edit: chunk3rvd and elohel, I've added you guys to the roster too and sent you clan invites.


Arrrggghh. Damn network issues. It's my ISP I'm sure... unless anybody else is having issues? Was having fun in MrPips server.

I was playing in silence (it's late in the UK), and now my gf has come down to play LBP. Cruel fate.
chunk3rvd said:
One fo the first things I noticed on the official blue servers was a game of CTF with a score limit of 10. I was manning a turret and noticed flag icons flying about all over the screen. On further inspection, I'm assuming the FCTF servers allow you to fly with the flag?

What do think the "F" stands for in FCTF? I'll give you one guess. :p

Also, do we still have the spare clan, specifically for the warlord trophy?

We did, though I'm not sure if the temp clan is around anymore.
Until I have the money for the full version, I'm stuck with the demo, but it is one of the most insanely fun games I've ever played.

The demo is only one level and CTF, but it is so much fun!


RadioHeadAche said:
Until I have the money for the full version, I'm stuck with the demo, but it is one of the most insanely fun games I've ever played.

The demo is only one level and CTF, but it is so much fun!

Good luck saving up dude. I swear this game still feels fresh. And not just cos of the new maps. As long as people keep playing this game will stay awesome.


I haven't played in a couple of months but I feel the need to play again. Warhawk is such an incredible game. Is the clan still going? I may have been kicked due to inactivity, when are you guys playing at the mo?


Sea_Manky is the clan leader; send him a PM but he has a list of questions you should be prepared to answer. Here's the original post but the questions may well have evolved since then. We haven't had a proper get together in months unfortunately. I think hosting is probably the key issue. :(


slider said:
Sea_Manky is the clan leader; send him a PM but he has a list of questions you should be prepared to answer. Here's the original post but the questions may well have evolved since then. We haven't had a proper get together in months unfortunately. I think hosting is probably the key issue. :(

Thanks man, yeah I have played with Gaf guys before, I think I gave him all my details etc, I put in a silly amount of hours on this game, I'll have to check whether Manky booted me for not playing recently, there has just been so much stuff to play I have been neglecting Wowhawk
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